
Adult dirty fantasies - Free erotic and sex stories

On Further Examination

Robert Ames was growing concerned. Angelica Lopez had disappeared behind the inner office door of the clinic over an hour ago. With perfect hindsight he realized they could have left some notes back at the offices of Post outlining the story they were f...

Wife fuckers threesome sex

Connie and I were fooling around a little after we got in bed one night like we often do when she surprised me. She asked me to put my cock in her ass. We'd never done such a thing through six years of marriage. I can't say it hadn't crossed my mind,...

Stepmom Tender Loving Care

"My goodness, Davey, what are you doing home on Friday evening watching TV instead of out on a date? This is the second weekend in a row you've stayed home." Alice Renfrow, Davey's mother, stood in front of her son seated on the couch, and smiling dow...

Steve with monster cock

It began as a note that arrived on Monday. Steve was coming for a few days. He was accepting the open invitation my husband offered him last time we saw him. My husband, David, and I liked Steve but he tended to drink a bit much for our liking. David ...

A woman has a very surprising birthday party from her colleague

She sips her tepid coffee and reads the newspaper, trying to decide what to do after the bills are paid and some sort of dinner is prepared. The house echoes heavily with memories of past birthdays, some bright, some dark, all sharing the presence of ...

Getting used by BBC

It was a normal Friday morning at work, not a lot going on, so I and a friend took off, we went for coffee, and talked, the chat turned to sex, I told her that I had not had any in a few weeks, we laughed and giggled like school girls, the decided to go s...

StepMom wants needs filled

I froze in my tracks as my sister's face burned red, mortified to learn our mother had caught us having sex. Mom looked up at me with a look that was beyond comprehension: not angry, not happy... amused perhaps. She walked away from Kristen and said, as ...

Fucked my ex-wife an her friend in theass while they where drunk

It happended about 3 years ago. At the time I was already divorced from my wife and I was a broke bum simple as that. My ex-wife had called me to babysit my daughter so she could go to a work Christmas party so I came over for free food free cble and beer...

Ginger learn her lesson

Ginger Collins had been going around teasing all the older single men in the apartment complex. This smart assed little fifteen year old girl had been watching all kinds of internet porn, and she figured she knew how far she could push it without getting...

My Place In Things

I never did find my niche, but it found me on a lonely road in rural Massachusetts one hot August afternoon. My father thought forcing me into teaching would be just the thing to straighten me out, so I guess the joke is on him. He forced me to take a t...

Office orgy

While we were busy spewing fuck into the cute little blonde, Pauline was busy becoming quite the center of attraction in the bar. She looked the part of a whore, especially with her dress unbuttoned so far. Her large breasts were exposed to...

An Asian teenager has an interesting experience on tha train home from work

I get the train every day to my work and back at the end of the day. I sit in silence, only ever speaking to the person next to me to ask them to move when I arrive at my stop and occasionally to buy a ticket for my journey. I people watch and watch peopl...

They hired me to fix there house, I fixed there marriage

I pulled into the small driveway. I looked around. The Royals lived in a nice neighborhood. I got a call from them last night before I went to bed. Mrs. Royal best friend - Mrs. Diane Smallwood. Gave her my number. I just got done remodeling the Smallwood...

Candy the cock lover whore

Hello all, this is Candy. Well, quite a lot has happened since I have last uploaded a "real" text file so lets see..........where to begin. Well, my roomies and I have still been "getting together" for some fun. This summer, unlike the last one, they a...

Me and my younger mother-in-law at home during daytime

Whenever I had any minor aches and pains, it was my mother-in-law, Mae, to whom I, and the whole family, turned to: she was an ex-nurse after all. We all lived in the one house (the one I had bought as part of my wedding payment): me, my wife, Mae and you...

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Sharing My Room With Sister

I woke up to a large rumble of thunder just in time to hear a gentle knocking on the door. I looked over at the clock. It was still the middle of the night, and there was a heavy storm outside. As I pulled myself awake, I saw my sister Abby come into ..continue reading

Cum on me, Daddy !

I remember distinctly when things changed between me and my daddy. It didn't happen slowly over time. It came to me in a rush. I didn't realize at first exactly what was happening to me. I guess since I had never experienced sexual feelings before, I ..continue reading

Jim's new mom

In his pioneer work Psychopathia Sexualis, the German psychiatrist Richard von Krafft-Ebing remarked on the subject of incest, "The preservation of the moral purity of family life is a product of civilization; and feelings of intense displeasure aris ..continue reading

Betsy, the horny bitch

"I can not endure another night alone!" echoes across the world as desperate cries of pain, originating from within the sterile white walls of small apartments everywhere. There is no greater curse that can befall a person, than a life lived in a st ..continue reading

My Place In Things

I never did find my niche, but it found me on a lonely road in rural Massachusetts one hot August afternoon. My father thought forcing me into teaching would be just the thing to straighten me out, so I guess the joke is on him. He forced me to tak ..continue reading

Mom teaching teens

Sex between adults and children is a long-standing taboo which has abhorred decent people while secretly fascinating many of them. Certainly, the thought of an adult forcing himself or herself on an infant of very tender years is an abhorrent one. B ..continue reading