
lesbain sex stories

Enema and kinky sex

There's a girl. She's standing in the corner. The first thing you notice is that her finger is in her ass. She's dressed in a schoolgirl uniform, her skirt is tucked into her belt at the back and her knickers are around her ankles. It's then that ..continue reading

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Horny sisters

The seething passions that lurk within many individuals are often hidden beneath a veneer of normalcy, exposed only under extremely tempting conditions. The woman who, after a few drinks at a party, takes on all corners, male and female alike. The m ..continue reading

Big beauty

Kara looked in the mirror and sighed. In her hand she held a magazine filled with skinny supermodels, women six feet tall barely weighing a hundred pounds. Kara looked at the pictures then back at her reflection. She knew she didn't look like any of ..continue reading

Milf porn stories : Banging Ms. Darlene

So there I was, nervously waiting in the parking lot for my job interview at UPS. I was applying for jobs all summer that year. Application after application, and not one single response. It sucked big time. Lucky for me I found an ad that UPS had po ..continue reading

Straight, BDSM

Emily woke slowly, her eyelids heavy. She was cold, and the room was brighter than usual. She was uncomfortable,the surface beneath her hard and unyielding... had she fallen out of bed? Still drowsy, she blinked a few times and tried to lift a hand t ..continue reading

Sharon and the Hurricane

The hurricane was fast approaching. There was little to do but wait. The Southern Baptist Church had 7 of its members set up a temporary home for 34 evacuees. There was enough room but it was somewhat crowded. The volunteers had gathered enough ..continue reading

A husband is bound to the same bed that his wife is being fucked

I was tied up and she was tied down. What a predicament, what a terribly erotic predicament. My wife had helped the fellow restrain me, to my and her specifications. I was thrilled. I was tied standing up on the end of the bed, my hands tied to ..continue reading