
Mother Knows Best - sex story

Mother Knows Best

Lynn checked her watch for the thirtieth time in an hour. One o'clock.
The incense must have burned out by now. It had only been one stick,
and a small one at that.

Softly turning the knob of Justin's bedroom, she was greeted with the
powerful perfume of the Dreamrood incense that she'd lit before her
son had gone to bed.

"It'll help you sleep," she told his doubtful face, a couple of hours
earlier. "My friend Marcy swears by them. Just try it. For me?"

Now, Lynn stood by his door, anxiously waiting for the last few wisps
of soporific smoke to waft out of the room. There was no sense in
entering into a trance herself, was there?

"Justin, honey? Are you asleep?" She called quietly from the doorway,
her heart pounding with excitement. Recieving no response, she slid
open the knot in her dressing gown, revealing the still-trim body of a
fit woman in her forties, one that never failed to turn heads. Just
not the head she wanted.

Shedding the gown, she padded over the soft carpet towards the
recumbent figure of her son. Pulling the covers away, Lynn gazed
hungrily at his slim, muscular form, clad only in a pair of boxer
briefs. As a final test to see how truly deep he was under, she
quickly pinched his sensitive upper thigh. Justin's leg twitched
reflexively, but his face remained a peaceful blank.

The bedsprings protested slightly as Lynn sat down next

to her son, her fingers running down his chest, relishing the smooth
young skin, the downy, kinky treasure trail that led her hand to the
fat slug of flesh stuffed in the left leg of his underwear. Slipping
her hand inside the slit in the front of the briefs, she fondled his
his hairy balls for a moment, savouring their size, and dreaming about
the creamy load inside them. Then she began to caress his cock,
feeling the flesh quickly fill with blood. Soon, it was a tall,
throbbing staff of boy-meat. A groan escaped Justin's lips while Lynn
played with his dick.

"Justin, honey?" She said softly, bending close to his ear. "I know
you're asleep, soooo deep asleep, but I want you to answer me as if
you were awake. Do you understand?"

"Yes," slipped past his lips. Lynn giggled with glee. Finally, after
all her planning, research, and so many horny, lonely nights,
everything was coming together!

"Sweetheart? Do you know who's talking to you right now?" She began to
stroke him slowly, taking her time, relishing the size and power of
his cock.

"Mom," he mumbled.

"Good boy," she squeezed the head of his dick lightly, as a reward.
"That's for being a good boy. Every time you give me a right answer,
you'll feel like this." She teased his cockhead again, and he moaned.
"Now, do you think mommy's pretty?"

"Yes." *Squeeze.* "You're beautiful, mom." *Squeeze squeeze.*
"Absolutely gorgeousssaaaaaahh..." Three hard pumps of his teenaged
staff drew a cry of pleasure from his lips.

"What about sexy? Do you think mommy's sexy?" It was a long shot, but
it had to be tried. A correct answer would mean a shortcut through
everything that would have to be otherwise done to wear down his

He seemed to consider this. "No," Justin replied, after a moment's
deliberation. When no rewarding touch came, his body sagged with

"Honey? Do you know the saying, 'Mother knows best?'"

"Yes." *squeeze*

"Good. Now, anytime I ask you to do something, or tell you something
that seems wrong to you, I want you to remember that saying, because
it's the truest thing you've ever heard. Understand?"

"Yes." *Squeeze squeeze*

"So, who knows best?"

"You doooo..." Lynn palmed his glans, her hand slick with precum.

"Who's the sexiest woman you can think of? Who gets your big young
cock the hardest?"

"A-adriana Lima," he stammered. The name meant nothing to Lynn, but
judging by the speed at which certain parts of her mail disappeared,
she guessed that it was one of those lithe young sluts in the
Victoria's Secret Catalog.

"Yeah? Do you masturbate to her a lot?"

"Yes! YES!"

"Just once a day, or more than that?"

"T-two, three times a day. Once it was si- oh jeeeez! Oh god, oh six,
six times!" Lynn's pussy quivered at the thought of six times in one
day. Such a young stallion had to be bridled before someone else got
her claws into him.

"That's excellent, honey. What I want you to do is to keep spanking to
young Miss Lima, every chance you get. Every time you're alone in your
room, I want you stroking that pole to her. But when you're on the
verge of spilling your hot cream for her, it's my face you'll see, not
hers. My body, not hers. Do you understand?"

"Yes! I under-oooh, I understaaahnd!"

"Whose face will you see?"

"Yours! Yours!"

"Whose body?"

"Yours, mom...yours!"

"That's right, and when you do, you'll feel as hot, and hard, and
horny as you are right now...hornier than you've ever felt before, and
you won't be able to stop yourself from cumming, from spewing all that
wonderful cum as hard as you can. Now repeat that back to me"

"I won't be ahhhble to st-stop myself from cum-cum-cumming, when I see
your face, your boooody!"

"Not hers?"

"No, not-not HERS!" Lynn had slipped her mouth over his cock, her
plush lips stretching to the limit to accomodate the mammoth pole. Her
tongue swept the underside, relishing the fresh taste of her son's
virgin dick. Idly, she considered simply mounting him right then and
there, fucking his wee little brains out. But as much as she needed
this young spear plowing her soaking pussy, Lynn knew she had to wait.
This had to proceed slowly, or else the conditioning might break, or
his mind might break. And while she harboured the most unholy lust for
the boy, he was still her son.

With a sigh, she pulled her head off his dick.

"Excellent. Now, you're going to forget we had this conversation, but
you'll remember what I told you to do, won't you?"

"Yessss," he hissed through clenched teeth while she played with his

"Good boy. You'll sleep soundly tonight, and in the morning you'll
awake refreshed, and as horny as you are right now. You'll ask me if I
can give you more Dreamrood tomorrow night. Understand?"

"Oh, god YES!" His hips pumped as he strove to fuck her clenching

"Sweet dreams, darling. And I'll see you in the morning." Giving his
cock one last pump, Lynn rose, and kissed him once on the forehead, a
motherly gesture made obscene by the massive dick that quivered with
lust by her design.

Standing, she scooped her robe from the floor and returned to her own
room, a hot date with her vibrator in the offing. Lynn smiled as she
closed her son's door, knowing that soon "Mr. Happy" would be as
obsolete as rotary phones.

To be continued?

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