Bukkake Club part 1.
Club Glitter was famous for its bumping electro house and booming bass, but the split level club was perhaps even more famous for its bomb bitches. Here the illuminated dance floors with the fast, pulsing music weren't just a place to dance, it was an arena, a battleground for dominant futanari to show off their moves, as well as put their latest boytoys on display as part of the never ending battle of one-upmanship and material dominance.
Erica was standing in front of the railing on the crowded second level of the club as she looked across the dance floor, surveying the small world that was hers for the taking. She was one of the most popular girls at the club and it was easy to see why - standing at 6'2" without heels, she was a gorgeous amazon goddess with long, flowing blonde hair and a tight, hourglass stomach that gave way to her broad hips, big ass and thick, powerful thighs.
The thick 23-year-old's green eyes narrowed as stared at the dance floor. While most girls were still riding the booty shorts & knit leggings with a fuzzy jacket trend that was popular during the winter months, Erica was already one step ahead of everyone else and setting the next trend.
It was summer now, it was all about barely-there dresses, Erica was wearing a light blue spandex dress that consisted of a short skirt and no back, in fact the back was cut slow low that it showed off the curves of the top of her round ass, giving her a place to display the black t-back thong she was wearing. The fabric in the front was stretched tightly over her huge breasts, her hard puffy nipples clearly outlined where they bulged against the fabric, the whole thing was held up where it tied behind her neck like a halter top.
It was a gorgeous dress, and others would follow her lead and flood into the club copying the trend that she had started. She was the Queen of this goddamn club, she set the trends, she picked the hottest new DJs and drinks, she had the best of everything this scene had to offer. So she was baffled, wondering just why in the fuck the hottest boy the club that evening was dancing with some shot-out cougar in a black pencil skirt.
"Who does this bitch think she is?" Erica asked sharply, pushing her tongue into the corner of her mouth as she stared down at the dance floor, utterly irritated.
"What, which one?" Her friend Mary asked, she was a short brunette, pretty in her own right, but not pretty or smart enough to be a threat to Erica.
"Look at that bitch down there grinding against the blonde." Erica jabbed an angry finger out towards the couple.
Mary squinted, as did their friend Jessie, a thick girl with short, teased peroxide-blonde hair and much too much eye shadow. She was an excellent minion, both a yes-man and like Mary, too stupid to be a threat. Stupid and not very pretty made an excellent foot soldier to the beautiful elite on this battlefield.
At least they were smart enough to follow Erica's finger towards where she was pointing, seeing a short woman with long black hair and a tan wearing a simple black pencil skirt and some kind of white blouse, she was dancing with a slim blonde guy, he had a small build and bright, teased blonde hair. He was shirtless, his chest glinting with glitter that had rubbed off from the women who occasionally sauntered over to grind against him. His chest and arms were toned, giving him some muscle on his otherwise slender frame.
"Oh my God, that guy is fucking gorgeous!" Mary gasped.
"Look at that, he's totally into that bitch he's dancing with, see how he just ignores anyone who tries to grind him?" Jessie asked, smacking her gum a she talked.
Erica narrowed her eyes as she stared down at the couple, glaring hatefully at her competition as she fully took the woman in. She was short, maybe 5'10" and she had long, straight black hair which glowed with a healthy shine. Despite her conservative outfit, it was clear she had a big, thick ass and thighs, and they way she threw her ass in a circle against the hot young guy made Erica's blood boil.
"She's not so great." Erica said, reaching up with one hand to toss back her mane of luxurious blonde hair. "I'm gonna to go to the little girls room and check my hair and when I'm done, I am going to put that bitch in her place. If you think I am going to let some tasteless, fashion-blind grandma come in here and grind the hottest piece of ass I've seen this week you are sadly mistaken."
With that, Erica stalked off towards the bathroom with her minions in tow as a girl who had been standing nearby with a drink in her hand smirked and pulled out her phone, quickly sending out a group text relaying what Erica had just said.
The bathroom of the club certainly stood out, the lady's side had a floor and walls both tiled a dark blue color, a massive saltwater fish tank wrapped around the walls of bathroom, the sole sources of light were the massive aquarium and soft light bulbs that completely framed each mirror in the bathroom.
Erica was adjusting her hair in front of one of the mirrors when she heard the loud snap-click of heels on the tilted floor off to her left. She glanced up and seen the dark haired woman in the white blouse who gingerly sauntered over to the sink beside Erica and began checking herself in the mirror.
The blonde glared at the woman as she took her in up close for the first time. She was a good twenty years older than Erica and had rich brown skin and gorgeous, smokey eyes that seemed to smolder. She leaned forward and looked into the mirror before reaching into her clutch for some lip gloss. "I'm Amira." The woman said, leaning forward as she gently swiped the brush over her full, brown lips, making them glisten.
Erica rolled her eyes hard as she continued to fidget with her hair. "K. Good for you."
"And bad for you, you pretentious little bitch." Amira said smacking her lips before she was satisfied. She was an older woman and very pretty, her makeup was subtle, used to enhance the beauty that was already there, rather than attempting to create a look from scratch.
"Excuse me?" Erica snapped, glancing over at the short, mature woman.
The cocky blonde hadn't noticed but Amira had walked right into the bathroom, her own entourage in tow, now the small group of women stood around in the bathroom, blocking the doors as their two leaders squared off.
Erica looked the milf up and down, surveying her up close for the first time. The conservative clothing pissed her off, who the fuck wears a white silk blouse to a nightclub? The blouse had the first three buttons open, showing off a wealth of freckled brown cleavage, especially as she leaned over the sink. Her tits were smaller than Erica's, just adding to the blonde's disdain.
"You talk really big for a short bitch dressed like a grandma going to church. Who the fuck wears a pencil skirt to a dance club anyways?" Erica asked, her minions jeering in the corner.
Amira smiled as she turned to face the girl, keeping her tone civil as she spoke, bristling with confidence. "The girl who's gonna fuck the hottest piece of ass you've seen this week, that's who."
"Awfully sure of yourself there you fuckin' hag. I'll wrap your little boy-toy around my finger so tightly he won't know where he ends and I begin, then I'll throw him away and get another one, just because I can." With that Erica tried to storm off, bumping her shoulder into Amira's as she passed the exotic milf but Amira's hand darted out, snatching Erica hard by the bicep.
"Get your hands off me you dirty skank!" Erica barked, yanking away her arm.
"Don't run away like a scared little bitch." Amira said warmly. "My man doesn't want some limp-dick little girl who probably takes it on her back with her legs spread like a dead-fuck. He likes to be fucked hard by a REAL woman. Something a little girl like you just can't give him." She said matter-of-factly.
"Oh it's on bitch, the only way I leave here tonight is with you in tears and your boytoy on my arm." Erica said, her left hand falling to her hip, her right hand balling into an angry fist at her side.
"How about I make it easy for you?" Amira asked, a small crowd of girls forming as they were lining up at the restroom, trying to get in but finding it blocked by the mix of Amira and Erica's friends.
"What the fuck are you talking about?" Erica replied.
"That boy is wrapped around MY little finger and not yours, because I am the best. But if you think you can step up to the big girl leagues then I'll make you a deal. Bend over this sink and let me fuck you, if I can't make you cum or I give up, you can take him home with you. Fuck, I'll even give you the pin numbers for his ATM cards."
Erica smirked. "Oh, and if I lose, what do I get?"
"Oh we don't have to make an agreement for that, I'm going to take you down a peg, after tonight you'll never show your face around this club again, I'll make sure of it." Amira smiled.
That drew the collected jeering and Ooooing! of Amira's side, Erica hated not getting her way, and even more, she hated being mocked, her blood boiling, she whirled, glaring at the gathered women before she shifted her focus entirely back to Amira. "Mary, give me the Gun Oil! I'm going to give this old bitch the ride of her life!" She declared to a chorus of cheers from both sides.
Erica hiked up her barely-there party dress, making a point to turn to face the girls as she held out her hand for the bottle of lube. This gave her the chance to show of her considerably thick 9-inch cock which was riddled with thick, power veins, the cock seemed monstrous and angry, despite still being limp between her legs.
After grabbing the lube she bent over the sink, an annoyed expression set on her features, she was beaming with all the confidence of someone who was so sure that they would win, that she was just going through the motions. Very soon she would prove to this brown bitch who the Queen was, and no one would question her dominance over the club again
The blonde idly smeared the lube over her ass, dipping two fingers rhythmically in and out of her tight, pink hole as she watched Amira fidget with the zipper on her black skirt.
"By the way skank, it doesn't count if you have to pop a viagra." The blonde snorted as she resumed fingering lube into her ass until she could comfortably jam two fingers in and out of herself with relative ease, after that, she tossed the bottle back to her friend Mary and waited, bent over the sink with her fat ass sticking out.
She watched Amira through the mirror as the woman turned with her back to the gathering, dropping her skirt which exposed her thick, solid ass and bare thighs as she stooped to pick up the skirt. "Can't have this getting all messy now." The milf said to herself as she smoothed the skirt out and hung it over one of the stall doors.
Erica's eyes went wide at the exact moment her friends collectively gasped, seeing Erica turn around to show off a luscious, thick brown cock that was easily 15-inches long, the massive member hanging down to the short arab woman's knees. Suddenly the long pencil skirt made sense to Erica, the short woman almost needed a tarp to hide something that huge.
"Mary was it?" Amira said to Erica's gaping friend, who along with the rest of Erica's entourage was transfixed by the huge cock. "Can I borrow a bit of that gun oil, hun? I wouldn't want to rip your friend open." She grinned and Mary lowered her hand back into her bag, tossing the bottle of lube silently to Amira who caught it and smiled. "Thanks hun."
"Whatever, let's just get this over with!" Erica growled, inwardly she was trembling, she had never even seen a cock that huge, much less taken anything remotely that size, but she wasn't about to lose, not now.
Slowly, the blonde wiggled her hips from side to side, her thick white cheeks jiggling slightly as she tried to entice Amira, the sooner she could make the milf cum, the sooner she could claim her prize.
Amira groaned as she rubbed the sticky lube over her cock, her horse-like appendage glistening with the lubricant as her member gradually stiffened, the full length of her cock hardening with a gravity-defying stiffness that made her cock stick out directly in front of her, on full display for the audience.
The gorgeous brown milf grinned like a hungry wolf as she walked over behind Erica, the woman flinching slightly as Amira slapped her cock against the blonde's thick, toned thighs. The milf took her time, gripping the huge head of her cock and giving the bright, fleshy pink tip a firm squeeze before she slowly stroked it, looking at Erica's big, sweet ass all lubed up and ready for the taking.
"Try not to clinch honey, I don't want to wreck you." The thick milf said as she loudly slapped the fat head of her cock against Erica's sticky, lubed up hole. The blonde didn't even have time to retort as the curvy milf suddenly shoved her cock hard up Erica's ass, the huge, brown fuck stick pulling a surprised gasp from Erica's glossy lips as her eyes went wide with shock. Amira didn't have to see the shocked expression to know that Erica had bit off more than she could chew, but then again, the milf knew that before she challenged the dancing Queen.
Erica was hissing deep breaths as her hands gripped the sides of the sink she was bent over, holding on for dear life as Amira began pounding her hips forward, the blonde's pink hole stretching wide open around the milf's thick, brown cock as Erica's friends looked on in shocked horror.
"Is this the first time you've had a real dick before? You can't seem to stop clenching." Amira said mockingly, giving the blonde's thick ass a hard slap before she reached up, grabbing the girl by the hips as she drove her cock faster back and forth. Erica was stretched out like she had never been before and she struggled to keep her composure, but it was difficult to keep up a cool mask while your flesh pinky insides were being pulled out by a massive milf cock.
"Sh-shut up you fuckin' hag!" Erica replied and much to her horror, she found herself roughly pushing her thick, white ass back against the huge cock, taking it deeper. Erica knew she was in trouble, but withdrawing from the wager would bring more shame than losing, so she pushed her ass back, hoping that she could hurry up and make the cougar cum. The stacked, arab milf of course, had other plans.
"You're pushing back, you want me to go faster?" Amira asked pleasantly, delighting in mocking the haughty blonde. But before the woman could answer Amira suddenly sped up her thrusts, pulling a loud moan from Erica's lips followed by a gasp.
"Jesus Christ!" The blonde cried as the thick, 15-inch cock pushed deep into her stomach, from below you could even see the slight bulge in the blonde's tight tummy each time Amira drove into the girl, filling up her stomach, and the milf wasn't even going balls deep... yet.
Mary and Jessie watched, still gaping in shock as their leader was roughly fucked against the bathroom sink and it was Jessie that started to squirm first, feeling her cock stiffening and straining against her skimpy skirt as she looked on, it didn't take long before the girl was breathing hard, biting her lip as she idly brushed her fingers up and down the outline of her cock.
"Come on... you can do it!" Jessie gasped, though who the cheer was for wasn't exactly clear.
Amira suddenly sped up again, her flesh slapping loudly into Erica's as she roughly topped the thick amazon, the blonde's ass jiggling and rippling with each impact. The milf glanced over at the pair who were trying to root for their friend and gave a slight, almost imperceptible nod to her own companions who moved in behind behind Mary and Jessie, the two groups pushing together as the four girls accompanying Amira went to work.
"It's making my dick hard too." One of the women, a short redhead whispered into Jessie's ear.
Jessie blushed, she was embarrassed, but she couldn't stop moving her fingers, her cock was stiffer than she could ever remember it being as it strained against her tight dress.
"If we move closer you can get a better view of your friend's asshole getting destroyed." The redhead grinned, nipping Jessie's earlobe which pulled a moan from her pursed lips.
"Ok..." Was Jessie's soft reply and the group moved in close, enveloping the pair as they gathered in for a closer look.
"Hey!" Erica hissed, her anger growing harder to contain by the thrust. "This isn't some fucking peepshow, fuck off!"
"It is now, honey." Amira said, slapping the blonde hard on the ass. "It's actually a good thing, Mary honey, your girlfriend's asshole still feels too tight, why don't you be a dear and spit on on my dick?"
Mary's eyes went wide and Erica growled. "Don't you even think about it!"
"Come on." Amira said gently. "It'll help me cum faster."
Erica again began to protest, but Mary tuned the girl out as she leaned over without hesitating and spit right onto the top of Amira's cock, marveling as the slippery, white string of silva was roughly drilled into her friend's ass.
"Fuck!" Amira gasped, the milf's eyes were half-closed and she moaned almost constantly as she roughly used the almost painfully tight hole. There was a warm, tickling sensation in the pit of Amira's stomach, the same sensation she got whenever she broke in a new asshole, knowing that no matter what, the person she was fucking would never have a cock as good as hers, ever again.
"Ah!" Erica was moaning loudly now, unable to contain herself as she stared wide-eyed down into the pristine sink, her little brain and her little asshole both unable to fully comprehend just how hard she was being fucked. It felt incredible, it hurt, but the feeling of so much huge meat filling her like she had never felt before... just incredible.
Amira slid forward, pressing her fat, warm breasts against the blonde's back as she reached down, her hands moving to the sides of the sink as she braced herself. She pushed her cock all the way inside, eliciting a lustful shriek of surprise from Erica as the milf rested there, leaving her huge balls pressed against Erica's as she leaned down and whispered into the girl's ear.
"If you submit right now I will make it easy on you, but if you keep going I am going to destroy you." She whispered sweetly.
"Fuck you!" The blonde growled.
"There's no shame, just submit and I will make you my pet. I'll use your dirty fucking hole with my morning wood every day, all you have to do is bite the pillow and take it like a good bitch." Amira said, punctuating the statement with a bite to the earlobe.
"You're nothing a dried up old bitch, if you could actually make me cum you would have done it already, but instead you talk shit like the poser you are!" Erica surprised herself when she spat the words.
Amira grinned. "Just remember 10 minutes from now that I gave you a chance for mercy. Now there will be done."
"Jesus!" Erica squealed as Amira gripped the sink tightly and began to brutally drive her hips forward, pushing not nine or ten inches into her gut, but the entire fifteen inches with each thrust.
"I'm your God now, bitch." Amira hissed, pinning Erica between the sink and her soft, mature body, her cock swelling significantly inside Erica's ass. Her ass was so completely filled with the thick dick that she could feel every bulging vein and contour of the huge cock against her slick pink walls which clenched around the magnificent cock as if she were choking on it. She could feel the steady beat of the other woman's heart through the beating of her giant cock, it was an odd sensation that Erica had never felt before, and her own cock was dribbling a steady stream of precum out, thanks to the intense pressure on her g-spot.
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