
Claire, and the scout - sex story

Claire, and the scout

At first the young girl pretended the noise she heard was nothing but the wind rushing through the tall pines outside the cabin. At the age of fourteen, she considered herself too old to be frightened by a few stray sounds in the dark. But she couldn't keep herself from ducking her head under the cover and burrowing her turned-up nose under the pillow. She pressed her adolescent breasts into the smooth sheet and hugged one arm across her trim midriff for comfort. The light scuffling sound came again, closer this time, and she drew the lengths of her slim thighs up under the covers until her rounded knees were tight against the hardened tips of her small brown nipples. She lay in a ball in the middle of the unfamiliar bed and felt her heart trip faster and faster. She had to admit now that the noise wasn't coming from outside the cabin at all.

Suddenly she heard a girl's voice whisper to her from out of the darkness. "Claire! Claire, are you awake? Don't be scared, it's just me. I slipped down to your cubicle barefoot so no one would hear me. Be real quiet and I'll slip under the covers with you," said the mysterious intruder.

Claire froze when she recognized who it was. It had to be Dana, the cute blonde two years her senior, the girl who had shared Claire's bus seat with her on the long ride through the forests to the campgrounds. She lay stiff as a poker, hoping the older girl would think she was asleep and go away.

"Claire," persisted Dana, "come on, wake up. Did you think I was kidding when I told you I'd sneak to your bed tonight? If it's Miss Kressler you're worried about, forget it! She turned out the lights in her cabin over two hours ago. I would have come to see you a long time ago if it hadn't been for Sally and Lynda. I thought they'd never shut up and go to sleep so I could sneak down the hall past their cubicles without them hearing me."

Claire kept her mouth tightly closed. The thought of Sally or Lynda or any of the members of Campfire Girls, Troop 73, catching Dana in her bed, was simply awful. She'd had no idea Dana was serious earlier that day. Somewhere, Claire had once heard, there were supposed to be girls who did things with other girls. She could hardly believe it, but Dana must be one of them.

But the bold sixteen-year-old took Claire's silence in a way the inexperienced young girl never intended. Instead of leaving, she sat down on the edge of her bed. It was clear she wasn't about to go away. Claire felt the covers raise along her side and realized she was about to have a bed partner whether she wanted one or not. She was glad her back was turned to Dana because her face was red as a beet from embarrassment. At home her folks always made her wear a nightgown or pajamas to bed, but she had celebrated the freedom of her first night at camp by taking off everything except the panties she had been wearing under her dark green Campfire Girls' uniform.

"Oh, a heavy sleeper, huh?" she heard Dana whisper to herself. "Then you're about to wake up in a very groovy way."

Claire knew it was too late to do anything except continue her act. If she jumped up or started talking to her, one of the other girls was bound to wake up and hear them. How would she explain Dana being in her cubicle? And if Miss Kressler ever found out, she was certain she would be in big trouble.

She felt the sudden warmth of Dana's body against her back and felt a bead of sweat on her upper lip at the thought of what seemed about to happen to her. Pretending to be asleep had backfired on her. If Dana found out she was awake, she'd simply think that Claire had wanted her in bed but had been too shy to answer.

Dana rubbed her hand up and down Claire's back a few times and Claire hoped it might not go any further. Then she felt the older girl's hand cross her ribs and begin softly caressing her flat stomach. Slowly, carefully, Dana traced her fingertips around and around her navel, then reached upward. Claire was very aware of the fact that she'd left her brassiere off because she soon sensed Dana's warm fingers at the very base of her naked breast. First she kept her own arm folded stiffly across her nipples, but then relaxed it and allowed Dana to touch her there too. She was afraid she'd let her know she wasn't really asleep if she kept it in place.

"Come on, love, wake up," Dana purred into her ear. "I love the feel of your titties, but don't you want to feel me up too, like I'm doing you?"

Claire felt the blood rush to her face at the thought of putting her hands on Dana's breasts. She certainly had a pair, that was for sure. She remembered how well the older girl had filled out the sweater she'd been wearing in the bus and how she could tell they were naked underneath because of the way her two nipples poked out against the fabric. Her own weren't nearly as big as Dana's, she knew, but they were still growing and she knew they were plenty big for her age from the way the boys all looked down her blouse whenever they got half a chance.

She rolled onto her back and emitted what she hoped would sound like grumbling sleep noises to Dana. The movement pushed Dana away a few inches and made her fall off Claire's exposed breasts for an instant. She meant to make her think she was fast asleep and was being disturbed, but it didn't work.

Dana giggled to herself and whispered, "Beginning to feel good, isn't it? I bet you've let yourself get so hot you need a little action somewhere else, huh? You like the way I'm milking that titty of yours and it's getting your twat all hot for some finger fucking, right? I bet you're having a wet dream... if you're asleep, that is."

Claire flinched at the words "finger fucking" because she wasn't used to hearing such language. But what really got to her was Dana's hint that she was awake. Was it possible shed known the truth all along? Claire's mind was in a whirl. Dana was doing things to her she thought were terrible, yet a new feeling was beginning to flow through her young frame -- a sensation of lazy torpor that frightened her. Her muscles were no longer taut, she was relaxed in spite of herself, and Dana's bold caresses were starting to affect her in a funny way. She had to admit it. She was liking the forbidden contact of the older girl's hands on her naked breasts and stomach.

Gosh, she thought, could it be... could it be that I'm queer? I know I shouldn't be letting her do stuff like this to me, but -- but it feel's as good as when a boy does it.

Claire was a virgin and her petting experience was limited to the two or three times she'd let a boy achieve a fleeting touch of her maturing young breasts. But she had certainly entertained thoughts of what it would be like to have a boy massage her there for a long time, or maybe even slip his hand between her legs and touch her there. And a girl, not a boy, was actually performing the acts.

Dana rose above Claire and looked at her half-naked form in the moonlight that came through a high window. The younger girl's eyes were tightly closed -- a little too tightly, perhaps -- but her sensual lips were parted. The twin peaks of her small breasts rose white and snowy on her chest and a thick mantle of black, curly hair covered, the pillow and reached down over her softly rounded shoulders.

"Okay, love," she whispered, "I don't care if you're asleep or not as long as you lie there and let me work on you. I'd love to have you feel me up like I'm doing to you, but you don't have to. You're so cute. I'm going to give you lots of love whether I get any back or not."

Claire was only slightly relieved. She was still very nervous about the way Dana was making her feel and hoped no one would ever find out about them. She promised herself that just this once she'd lie still and let Dana do what she wanted. She squinted one eye open ever so slightly and was able to see the blonde teenager above her. She was propped up on one elbow and smiling. Her hair hung straight down and was long enough to almost reach her nipples. Claire saw that Dana was still wearing a loose robe that opened all the way down the front. As she ran her hand slowly down Claire's naked stomach toward the waistband of her panties, she saw that only the skimpy robe covered her. She could easily see the girl's round, fully packed mammaries. And between her thighs, sprouted an abundant mass of brownish-blonde curls. Claire had never seen the naked crotch of any girl except those of her own age or younger, and the fullness of Dana's pubic growth fascinated her completely.

Then she saw Dana shrug off her loose-fitting robe and let her full breasts jut out in all their glory. At the same time she saw her slip a hand under the top of her panties and lower her blonde head downward toward her. She closed her eyes quickly to keep from being discovered. Her heart beat faster as the older girl lowered herself. Claire thought she was about to be kissed on the lips, but instead she felt Dana's hair brush her exposed breasts and seconds later the girl's mouth was firmly kissing her upturned little mounds.

Claire almost swooned from the surprise of having another person's mouth on her breasts. She gasped out loud and knew there was no use pretending to be asleep anymore. She had given herself away. Dana placed her wet, open lips first on one nipple and then on the other as Claire squirmed beneath her from the pleasure of it. She felt the girl's hand slip on into her panties and then fingers playing in the curly black muff of her loins. Dana's blonde hair swung back and forth and her lips made a delicate sucking noise as she mouthed the tips of the younger girl's firm, milk-smooth little mounds.

"I thought you were awake!" whispered Dana. "You're just like I was before I ever did anything with a girl, I bet. You love the way it feels but you think it's nasty. Don't worry, I won't tell if you won't. And I promise you you're gonna..." she interrupted herself for a deep breath between mouthings of Claire's breasts, "... you're gonna get your jollies from it, too! Know what I mean?"

Claire had masturbated plenty of times before but she had never let anyone else do it to her. From her own efforts she had been able to reach climax ever since she was about twelve and she now was being offered the secret delight by someone else.

"Ummmm... sure," she answered. It was the first time she had spoken to Dana. "Sure I know what you mean. Gee... I-I've never done anything like this before but it feels so good I ummmm... I know you can make me do it!"

Dana was so hot she was dying to have her own body touched. She lowered herself against Claire's nakedness and let the younger girl's thick black hair cover her face as she rubbed cheeks. She took Claire's hand and placed it on the damp swelling of one of her large breasts. At first Claire just left it still, but then Dana pushed her fingers through the black pubic hair all the way to her virginal red lips, and Claire was moved to grasp the proffered breast with joy. She felt the older girl's fingers busily toying with the pouting secret lips at the center of her thighs.

"Oh, wow... you're really... ummmm, you're making my pussy feel terrific!" she whispered to Dana. If she had been less aroused it would have shocked her to hear the word "pussy", much less to say it herself to another girl. But Dana's soft, feminine fingers were making her so excited she didn't know what to do.

"You sure are wet," Dana told her. "I bet your cunt was getting wet from the time I sneaked into your bed, wasn't, it? Boy, wait 'til I get you nice and slick down there and then spread your legs and get ready to have a nice sweet come!"

Claire didn't answer her question. Her mind was on something else. She was squeezing and releasing Dana's fat breast and rubbing her fingertips gingerly across the girl's taut nipple.

"You sure do have a nice pair," she ventured shyly, complimenting Dana. "They're so groovy. I'd never wear a bra if mine were that nice. Hope mine are this swell when I'm your age."

She was amazing herself with her own comments. She knew she was saying things she wouldn't dream of saying normally. As Dana worked away between her legs, she grew more and more excited. She knew very well what was loosening her mouth to say dirty words and she wanted more of it from the older girl. She put both of her hands on Dana's breasts and milked them slowly toward the nipples.

"Oh... go ahead, Dana, do anything you want to. Put your finger in and ream my pussy out good if you want to. I've never been fucked by a boy so I'm still tight there, but I'll spread my legs and let you in as far as I can. Oh... oh, never mind, just keep doing what you're doing now. Wow, it's great when you finger me and make me all wet like that."

Dana wrapped her legs around slender thighs and calves that were covered with sweat from the new thrill she was giving the younger girl. She plastered the damp, blondish junction of her thighs against the side of Claire's jutting hipbone and began masturbating herself by hunching against it while she kept up the manual stimulation of Claire's wet organs.

"Ungh... ungh," she moaned in Claire's ear, "that's the way, let me dry fuck you like this and I can get my jollies while I give you the business with my fingers."

But Claire wasn't the only girl who heard Dana's words. The two teenagers were still whispering all right, but in their excitement it was more of a stage whisper. The cubicle adjacent to Claire's was occupied by a dark-eyed, twelve-year-old girl of Mexican extraction named Rosa. At the height of her passion, Dana made little squealing noises that awakened Rosa. She misunderstood what was going on, so Dana was able to make it back to her own cubicle without being discovered. But the next morning at the long wooden breakfast table where all the girls ate together, Rosa made a remark about being awakened in the middle of the night by "some girls fighting".

Claire and Dana exchanged a quick glance and then averted their eyes. No one else had heard them, so they were safe... for this time. But the matter was carefully noted by the troop leader, as well as the girls.

Afterward, Claire was scared. "Do you think Miss Kressler suspected anything from what Rosa said?" she asked Dana.

"No, don't worry. I don't think she even paid any attention to what she said. Even if she did, she probably just thought a couple of us were having a pillow fight or something," answered Dana.

But she was very wrong. As soon as Vera Kressler assigned her young charges to their morning chores, she returned alone to her cabin. She made sure the door was locked before stripping off her clothes and stepping under a hot shower. Rosa's comment was still very much on her mind -- but for a reason that would have shocked every one of the Campfire Girls under her guidance. When Vera had applied for the summer job as troop leader for the Campfire Girls, there was a very important fact about her personal life that she took great pains to keep secret. The administrators who hired Vera would have been outraged if they had known the truth about her -- that for all of her healthy good looks and winning personality, Vera Kressler was a bi-sexual. She engaged in sex with members of either gender, and had done so ever since her youth.

At twenty-six, Vera was still young, of course. But since the girls in Troop 73 ranged in age from sixteen down to nine, they all thought of her as being much older.

She stepped from the shower and admired her body in the steamy mirror. She smiled at herself, pleased with the reflection of her own nakedness. Her long blonde hair appeared much darker than it really was because of the water. Rivulets of moisture ran down her sides and over the swelling curves of her lush breasts and buttocks. She was a beautifully proportioned woman, with long slender legs and blue eyes. Back when girls had worn brassieres, her size had been 38C, so she wasn't skinny by anyone's standards -- yet her waist was so small people always turned to look at her as she passed by. The combination gave her a very sexy walk which just came naturally. And, equally natural for Vera was her attractiveness to men -- not to mention other girls, from time to time.

She was quite sure that young Rosa had overheard something other than a fight the night before. And for the first time it dawned on her that perhaps some of her girls just might have homosexual tendencies. Vera had honestly taken the job as Campfire Girl troop leader to earn extra money during the summer, and for no other reason. If it was sex she was after, she told herself, there was plenty waiting for her back in the city. Even though she enjoyed making love to other girls, kids only nine to sixteen years of age were too young to interest her, she had always believed. But kids seemed to grow up awfully fast these days. She'd noticed that Dana, the sixteen-year-old, sported a well-developed figure as shapely as plenty of women in their twenties. And as far as firmness went, the girl had undoubtedly had them beat.

For the first three days things went on smoothly. But then something happened that Vera hadn't counted on. She had a wet dream one night and woke up with her hand between her legs. The dark blonde bush of hair between her legs was damp as a sponge. Her pubes were still quaking from the after-effects.

This is ridiculous, she thought to herself, I haven't come off in a dream like that since I was too young to get regular fucking. It's a lot harder than I thought it would be. Then on even though no one was around to see. The details of the dream assailed her and recalled that naked young girls no older than those in her troop played a very prominent role in it. Their identities had been hazy. But the sensual picture of one youngster lying half naked in her arms was quite memorable. Before Vera was able to rise that morning, she treated herself to a long, slow bout of masturbation that ended in a blessed rush of warm relief for her excited organs. It had been months and months since she'd had the need to accommodate herself with her own hands, but the dream she'd had seemed to make it absolutely vital that she do so.

She showered slowly, ending up with a brace of cold water to further quell any leftover physical desire, then joined the girls. Being from a large city, Troop 73 was made up of girls of every description -- tall, short, slim, chubby, quiet, extroverted -- and there were even a few young black girls and one Oriental.

It was Lynda, a fifteen-year-old black girl, who presented Vera with her next problem. It should have been quite simple, but in the back of Vera's mind now was the dream she'd had, the dream in which she had actually been sexually involved with one of her teenage charges. Lynda had cut her leg on a sharp rock as she jumped across a small creek and it was Vera's duty, of course, to treat the wound. Although it was not deep, it was bad enough to require a light dressing.

Cold water quickly washed off her shin, but then Vera realized a bit of blood was still coming from underneath Lynda's Campfire Girls' skirt. She knelt on the floor in front of the girl and dabbed at the thin trickle that ran down from somewhere underneath the skirt.

"Can you get to it, Miss Kressler? Need me to raise my skirt some so you can see better?" asked Lynda.

Vera had already noticed that being close to the girl's naked legs was having an effect on her. "Seeing better" up the attractive teenager's lithe black leg was exactly what she didn't need -- but she had to attend to the injury. "Uh -- yes, Lynda. You better raise the hem of your skirt a bit so I can get to it," she answered finally.

This is strictly in the line of duty, she told herself, as the young girl revealed several inches of her smooth, chocolate-colored thigh. This is a medical necessity and it's my job to handle it. There's... nothing personal about...

Lynda interrupted her thoughts. "Ooooo, that stuff sure does sting a lot," she exclaimed. "Hope it don't hurt like that when you get up higher."

Vera saw that although the shallow laceration was confined to her shin and thigh, had scratch marks went still higher. She switched an oil-base antiseptic for the alcohol she'd been using and soon Lynda said, "Oh, that's a lot better. Thanks. Here, let me get all the way out of my skirt."

Vera immediately wished the girl hadn't been so ready to reveal what was underneath her clothes but it was too late now. She automatically turned her head away as Lynda stood up from the bed and unbuttoned the waistband. When the garment slid off the girl's slender long legs and left her standing with it in rumpled pile at her shoe tops, Vera had to steel herself. The girl was certainly no child, that was for sure. Her cheap white cotton panties were distended in front by a gracefully contoured hillock. Vera found herself thinking of what a soft, abundant growth of pubic coils must responsible for the bulge. In addition, Lynda's buttocks jutted prominently outward in the saucy angle that seems exclusive to the Negro race. Her dark green shirt covered her torso, but it was obvious to Vera that the fifteen-year-old already possessed enough honest filling for her brassiere to qualify as an adult.

"I think you'd better lie down, Lynda," began Vera, with a trace of nervousness in her voice. She massaged the antiseptic into the silken skin of Lynda's upper thighs and when she reached the topmost scratches she kept right on going. There was no response from the girl to dissuade her. When her fingers were barely an inch from the crotch of her underpants, Lynda half raised herself and said, "Wow! Did I go and scratch myself all the way up by my snatch?"

No sooner were the words out of her mouth than Lynda clapped a hand over her mouth and began apologizing for using such language. Vera was quick and firm with her answer.

"Don't be embarrassed, I can see you're quite old enough to use words like that. After all, it's not as though you'd said it in front of a boy. I know all about what's underneath your panties, Lynda. Why shouldn't I -- I'm a girl too, I have the same equipment you do."

Lynda seemed dumbfounded at the unexpected camaraderie, but she was also delighted by it. "Yeah, if I said something like that in front of a boy, it'd probably get him all hot."

Even as she finished the sentence, Vera was already boldly pressing her fingers all around the crotch of the girl's underwear. She no longer made a pretense of applying antiseptic. She knew very well that the girt was beginning to enjoy her manipulations but didn't want to give evidence of the feeling. She thrust her thumb and forefinger under the skin-tight leg-band of the thin panties and at last touched the wonderful muff of springy coils.

"And if a boy got hot around you, I bet he'd just love to do this to you, wouldn't he?" posed Vera.

Lynda raised her head from the bed and her eyes were large. At first Vera was fearful she'd jump up from the bed but she soon saw that her authority and confidence was putting Lynda at ease.

"Ye-yes, ma'am, I... I guess he would love to feel me up some like that," the girl replied. Then she giggled and said she sure hoped what Vera was doing to her was okay. A warm smile from the woman convinced her to relax and enjoy it. Vera was now down on her knees beside the edge of the bed and Lynda's long legs were stretched shamelessly apart right in front of her.

The girl giggled again and said, "Any boy that got to see what you're seeing would want to do more, too. A lot more!"

"Boys aren't the only ones that can make a girl come off, you know," said Vera. Her face was flushed now, and the funny way she was looking at her made Lynda want to be closer still to the blonde woman. "Girls can make other girls come off, too, you know. If the girl has a sweet, fat cunt between her legs like the one you've got there. Swear to me you won't breathe a word of this to any of the other girls and I'll show you what I mean," Vera continued.

"Gosh," wheezed the young girl, as she felt her panties being tugged off her pelvis, "you got me feeling so groovy I'm all flustered. 'Course I won't tell anybody. Think I'm stupid? She-e-e-it, Miss Kressler, you've got my snatch so hot I sure don't want you to stop now!"

Vera drew the white cotton panties off over Lynda's trim black ankles and stared hungrily at the wet, curly junction of her lithe thighs. One part of her mind was shamed at the idea of her taking advantage of one of the girls in her charge -- willing or not. But in another area of her excited brain, the woman couldn't wait to receive the girl's nakedness against her own and to have at last some relief from the hot desire that cried out deep inside.

She shot a hand up underneath the girl's top and felt the fabric cup of her brassiere bursting with the fullness of her young breasts. She unbuttoned the top all the way down and exposed to view the teenager's entire torso. The wonderful contrast of the clean white brassiere against Lynda's smooth black skin sent a pang of desire through Vera's loins and she could hardly wait to get the girl completely naked.

"Why are you wearing a bra, hon?" she asked, as she felt underneath her back for the catch.

"Don't you remember? They make all us girls big enough to have anything on our chest wear the darned old things as part of our uniform." Lynda petulantly answered. "I sure don't wear one at school or on the street."

"You're definitely big enough to need one, honey," said Vera, "but for the moment I think we'll just have to suspend the rule in your case!"

She became frustrated with the catch and yanked the intimate article off her torso with a quick jerk. The young girl's incredibly firm breasts sprang into the open with a burst of dark loveliness that spurred Vera to respond in kind. She snatched her own blouse off and rose from the floor to the bed.

"Jesus, but you've got a sweet pair there, honey!" she exclaimed. "Tits like yours deserve some company and I'm going to give you plenty. Here, let me put my tits against yours and hug you... aaah, that's the way."

"Lordy," squealed Lynda. "I never had another set of knockers up against mine like that. She-e-eit, that feels good. You're really nice built under your shirt, Miss Kressler."

Vera was highly stimulated by the way the girl was staring down at the rich bounty of her breasts. It occurred to her that maybe Lynda had never seen rosy, pink-tipped nipples of a Caucasian girl before. Whatever the reason for her interest, it was greatly appreciated.

"Forget the 'Miss Kressler' bit for now, sugar," she chided, "any chick as pretty and hot for it as you are can call me by my first name."

Lynda looked aside through half-closed eyelids at Vera's fair-skinned, naked torso. She squirmed on the bed to allow Vera better access to the newly damp hollow between her thighs, all the while taking covert glances at the woman's exposed breasts and stomach. Vera greedily accepted the girl's obviously growing interest in her by offering still more for her to see.

"Don't be bashful, hon," she said, "look all you want to. I guess maybe you've never seen a naked white girl this close up, huh? Don't we make a pretty sight with your cute little black nipples socked up against my tits like this? Here, I want you to get a good look at my cunt, too. Skin my panties off like yours are and I'll show you what a crotchful of blonde cunt hair looks like."

Lynda grinned widely and put her hand below. She stripped the garment off and hesitatingly placed her fingertips on Vera's flat stomach just above the border of her pubic hair. Vera hugged her close and kissed her on the neck to egg the girl on. She nodded her head downward toward Lynda's organs, where her hand was busily manipulating the soft, dark-skinned flesh. Droplets of sweat had already sprung up on the girl's forehead but when she saw that Vera wanted her to reciprocate, a rash of moisture broke out all across her shoulders and on the smooth surfaces of her lovely breasts. Then she plunged her fingers into the luxuriant blonde curls and saw Vera's lips part as she gasped from the pleasure of it.

"Oh God, honey, go ahead and frig me. I'm so horny from going without it, I was going crazy. I didn't know a chick as young as you could turn me on but I'm finding out fast!" exclaimed Vera.

She was delighted with the way the girl had taken to the example of her perverted love. Lynda started rocking her pelvis back and forth in slow, sensuous movements against the bed. She put an arm around Vera and bugged tight. Their damp breasts slid past each other and Vera felt the thrill of Lynda's taut nipples pushing into her soft flesh.

The girl had at first just been exploring in the cleft of Vera's hairy groin, but now she found the flushed red lips at the center and slipped her fingers inside. Vera shuddered at the touch and dropped her lips from the girl's neck and shoulders down to her pert ebony breasts.

"Whew!" Lynda gasped. "Your snatch is wet as mine, isn't it? I never had my hand in no other girl's before."

Vera grazed her full lips across Lynda's soft skin and came to light on a hard little nipple. She ran her tongue around the delectable point of flesh a few times and felt the girl shiver and hug her tighter, against it. She pushed her fingers all the way into her vagina 'til she reached a thin membrane there, then stopped abruptly. She raised her lips from Lynda's breasts long enough to speak.

"You're still a virgin, aren't you? I thought some boy would have managed to fuck you by now," she said.

"No, indeed," replied Lynda, "I don't want to get pregnant. I've let some fool around a little but I've never let one dick me yet. Fifteen's old enough to fuck but I haven't done it?"

A new thrill ran through Vera's body. The teenager's virginity excited her. It wouldn't be enough to just have her fingers on the chocolate lips of Lynda's warm, moist genitals. Vera had always had an enthusiasm for oral love and somehow the girl's physical virginity made her especially keen for it now. She knew she could have gotten her more aroused in slow stages by working her lips from her breasts gradually down the region of her desire, but she couldn't wait. It had been so long since Vera had enjoyed sex that her body cried out for the most obscene acts. She darted her face to Lynda's and kissed her firmly on the mouth, then hugged her tightly and put her lips to the girl's ear.

"Honey, maybe you've never had a cock inside you yet," she whispered, "but you're sure going to have a tongue in there. Right now, too. Spread wide, I'm going to eat your sweet snatch out good and proper for you!"

"You what? You gonna put your mouth on me?" interjected Lynda. "Wait now -- wait a sec."

But it was too late. Vera's thick blonde hair was already spread out all over the girl's lap and she could feel her hot breath at the entrance of her virginal canal. She'd heard of the act and she naturally had qualms about it. Her reticence didn't last long. As soon as she felt the woman's lips on the naked surfaces of her outer genitals, a hot wave engulfed her pelvis and flowed through her entire young body. Almost automatically, it seemed, her slender thighs swung widely apart and she flopped flat on her back.

"Ungh... ungh... oooh," she moaned. She started to speak, but the pleasure was too great for her to be coherent. "Whatsa... oh, Lordy... I'm ooh... your tongue..."

Vera put her hands on the damp inner surfaces of the girl's slim, dusky thighs and pressed her open mouth over the wet, springy black curls at the junction. She darted her tongue inside the fresh, tender flesh underneath, then brought it out and worried her mouth around all over the thick mat of hair. Her lips made little smacking noises as she opened and closed them. A hair lodged between her teeth and she spat it out. The humid whoosh of her breath sent a hot thrill through Lynda's genitals and caused her to hunch forward, her buttocks moving and straining against Vera's face.

From time to time Vera raised her head just high enough to witness the girl's passionate facial expressions, then dropped down again to her wet organs and rubbed her face there with complete abandon. She gently chewed her silky, moist outer lips and the wet aroma of Lynda's excited organs filled her nose. She got to her knees and kept her head low between the girl's legs. She poked her nose into the fleshy hollow and continued nibbling on her vaginal lips as the stimulating scent of the teenager's juices wafted into her nose.

Lynda was delirious. She worked her buttocks up and down on the bed slowly to the rhythm of Vera's oral manipulations and flailed her arms in the air. One of her hands came in contact with Vera's head and she ran her fingers through the thick blondness, on past her face, and down to her swollen breast. She gripped the tip tightly and Vera felt the girl's fingers dig into her soft flesh and her turgid nipple pop into the palm.

I'm dying to have her mouth on me, Vera thought to herself, but I'm so fucking hot, I can come off anyway. She took one hand away from Lynda's thigh and pressed it between her own legs. When Lynda had touched her there a few minutes before, the sensation had been beautiful. But she loved mouth action so much that now she'd rather keep her lips on the girl's sex and masturbate herself, rather than change positions at such a crucial time. She fingered the folds of her own vulva, and continued pushing her nose and lips into Lynda's at the same time. Finally she worked her fingers along the walls of her organs 'til she came to the turgid bump at the top, then gave it all her attention. She had to be careful because she was so excited that an orgasm was imminent. She wanted to stave it off and draw the last ounce of pleasure from the feeling before allowing it to flower to its peak.

Vera ran her wet tongue around and around the swollen walls of the young black girl's organs and masturbated herself below at the same time. She had been thrusting her nose and tongue rather deeply inside Lynda's sex, but now she concentrated on the outer lips. When Lynda began rolling from side to side and squeezing her slim thighs around Vera's head, she at last moved her tongue along the moist rim of her genitals to the small bud of the girl's clitoris. The tiny organ gleamed slick and wet from between her tender, flushed lips and when her tongue touched it, she felt Lynda begin to move her hips faster.

The girl was moaning now and Vera was sure she was about to reach climax. She speeded up her hand in her own organs and kept touching Lynda's clitoris with the end of her tongue. First she only used the tip of it on the delicate, sensitive spot, but then she applied more of it. Finally she was licking the tiny organ with the fleshy, red surface of her entire tongue. Lynda hunched her pelvis for ward faster and faster.

"Go on, honey," whispered Vera, "get your sweets now!" Her words were barely intelligible since her mouth was plastered tightly between Lynda's legs, but there was no doubt she got the idea.

Lynda tossed herself back and forth on the bed and her full young breasts jiggled heavily on her chest. The sweat was pouring down her stomach and she was opening and closing her mouth in ecstasy. She felt heat flood her excited organs with a new swell of passion. Vera couldn't take any more and the girl's erotic movements stimulated her to a quick, flashing orgasm. Lynda felt the vibration of Vera's groans against her tender orifice, then she knew her own climax was almost at hand. She grunted and surrendered herself to the delicious sensation. Her clitoris was on fire and it seemed like everything between her legs was melting in a wonderful wet beat. When the peak of her orgasm came, she cried out and fell back onto the bed in a satisfied heap.

She lay next to Vera and both girls breathed hard and fast until a feeling of gentle lassitude settled over them. After a few minutes of quiet rest, Vera was surprised to feel the young girl's hand on her breast. She kneaded its firm flesh, then moved toward the blonde curls between her legs.

But Vera knew they had been alone too long inside the cabin. She didn't want to arouse any suspicion among the other girls. She slapped Lynda playfully on the buttocks and told her to put her clothes on. Miraculously, the bandage on her leg still endured. After swearing her to secrecy again, Vera sent her back to the girl's dormitory cabin and took a refreshing shower.

When Lynda entered the cabin, Dana called her. "Hey, it sure took you long enough over there. We thought your leg must be broke or something."

Lynda was a little nervous but managed to keep it from showing. She gave an indifferent answer and went into her cubicle. Dana followed her inside and spoke to her in a low voice.

"Hey, guess what I got? Some pictures. I been waiting for you to come back so I could show you. Want to see?" she said.

She spread out several black and white photos on Lynda's bed but before Lynda could see what they were, Dana said, "You gotta promise not to tell I brought these with me. I could get in big trouble for having these at camp."

Lynda promised she would. Both girls gave a start when someone suddenly entered, but Dana breathed a sigh of relief when she saw who it was.

"It's okay, Lynda," she said. "Claire knows about them. She can stay, but nobody else. We're the oldest girls here, remember. I think these pictures are too hot for the younger girls. Besides, they'd probably get scared and tattle to Miss Kressler."

Claire said, "Wait'll you see, Lynda. They show all kinds of people doing things naked together."

But none of the girls knew that two pictures had been dropped and that young Rosa had found them. She couldn't believe her eyes when she saw what they were. She scooped them up and dashed straight to Vera Kressler's cabin with them. But just before she knocked, she saw through the window that her troop leader was not alone. There was a man with her, and she'd thought no one but girls were allowed at the camp. She stood on tip toes and looked inside. What she saw made her take another look at the pictures she carried.

"Gosh," she gasped excitedly, "what's he doing to Miss Kressler? They... they look like the man and woman in this picture."

But Vera had heard her feet on the porch. Before she could leave, the door opened and Rosa looked up to see her troop leader standing there with a housecoat hastily thrown around her shoulders. Her hair was mussed up.

"What are you doing here at this time of the night, Rosa?" she said crossly. "And what's that in your hand?"

Rosa, who was thinking about what she had just seen through the window, stood trembling before her with no idea what she should do. Then the man appeared at the door behind Vera. "What's going on?" he asked. "Let the kid in if she needs to see you, Vera. I'm decent."

"You may be," said Vera, "but these pictures sure aren't! Look at what this kid's got in her hand." Vera snatched them away from her, then yanked Rosa inside and shut the door. "Where did you get these filthy things, Rosa?" she demanded.

But when the man saw the pictures, he had a different reaction. Before Rosa could open her mouth, he looked down at the twelve-year-old and said, "Hell, Vera, what difference does it make where she got them? Any young chick with a fistful of pictures like these is welcome anytime."

Vera looked at the man incredulously. "Frank," she hissed, "Rosa's just a kid. Stay out of this."

But he continued to stare down at the girl. She became embarrassed when she saw that the man was gazing directly at the tiny mounds that pushed out from her chest. Embarrassed and a little afraid.


Vera's eyes burned with anger as she saw an expression of shameless lust flush through Frank's face. It was suddenly clear to her that he saw the youngster not simply as an innocent twelve year old, but as a sex object. The way his gaze was fastened on Rosa's small, barely pubescent breasts left no doubt about his interest. And, worse still, Vera realized that his staring was beginning to make the girl very uncomfortable. She couldn't have Rosa running back to the other girls with stories. She quickly stepped between them and sought to break the spell. She shoved the pictures in front of Rosa's face and shook her forefinger at the top one.

"Don't pay any attention to this lout, honey," she told Rosa, "he's just a dirty old man. What I want to know is where you got hold of these filthy pictures!"

But when Rosa didn't answer, she saw that her attention was still riveted on Frank's greasy smile.

"Don't mind him," she repeated, "he's just the man who delivers the provisions. He's going to be gone soon as he unloads the things be brought up from town and we won't have to see his ugly face around here."

"Oh, yeah," chortled Frank. "You didn't think my face was so ugly when I was going to work on those tits of yours a few minutes ago."

Vera jabbed him in the ribs and scowled. She looked back to Rosa and demanded, "Come on now, where'd you get these awful photographs?"

"Th-they're not mine," Rosa exclaimed. "I... I saw Diane drop them. She doesn't know I found them. She was showing some to Claire last night and when Lynda came in a few minutes ago, they both started showing them to her. When... when I saw what kind of pictures they were, I ran over here with them."

It was bad enough that Rosa had come just when Vera was starting to let Frank have the run of her body. Now she was reminded of Lynda, and how the girl's black nakedness had been pressed against her just a short time ago.

"Diane and Claire, hmmm?" she mused. "And they were showing more like this to Lynda? Well, I'll just have to have a long talk with those little ladies. You shouldn't have seen these, Rosa. You shouldn't have seen them at all. But you did right by bringing them to me. These are... are awful things for a young girl to see."

Frank was craning his head over Vera's shoulder. "Hell, Vera, the one on top just shows a guy going down on a girl. What's wrong with that? This kid maybe hasn't done it yet, but I'll bet my ass she's thought about what it'd be like. Haven't you, sweetheart?"

Rosa flushed red all the way from her forehead down into her brief night clothes, but her naturally olive complexion almost completely obscured the reaction. She thought about the quick glance she'd taken through the window before Miss Kressler opened the door. She hadn't quite seen everything but she'd certainly seen enough to know something awfully funny was going on between her troop leader and the brash, lecherous delivery truck man. She was glad the woman stood between them. The way he was looking at her was nasty, she thought, more the way a man would look at a woman his own age. Before she was forced to answer his question, Vera interceded once more in Rosa's behalf.

"Frank! Will you please shut your damned foul mouth for one second before I..." she began. But Frank stopped her.

"Before you what, baby?" he hissed into her ear as he clutched her arm and drew her close. "I may look dumb, but I know what the score is. Anybody ever finds out about you letting me into your cabin and putting the make on you, you'll get fired from this job so fast it'll make your head swim. You were so hot you were about to beg me to sock the meat to you before this kid came along. Now that she's here, I aim to let her in on some of the action. You know fucking well she'll never tell -- now cool it and let me handle things."

It pained Vera to go along with him, but she knew he was right. Her job was far more important than a few dirty pictures some precocious Campfire Girl had obviously smuggled into the place. She felt that her earlier sex bout with Lynda should have been enough to satisfy her. But she was bisexual, not simply homosexual. So when Frank had unexpectedly presented himself at her cabin, she had been downright greedy about wanting more sex. Now she was sorry had let herself be swayed so much -- because of it, Frank was able to use her excess of desire against her by blackmailing her.

He directed his attentions again on young Rosa, this time with Vera's reluctant cooperation. He sat on the couch and pulled the Mexican adolescent to his side. Her eyes were as big as saucers. He made her show him all the pictures one at a time. Vera told her it was all right, that Frank was a friend of hers and that she shouldn't allow the misunderstanding to matter. He put his arm around Rosa's shoulders and pulled Vera down by his other side.

She loved the feel of his thick arm around her shoulders but when she saw that he was fingering the collar of the youngster's clothes, she got a little worried.

"Your troop leader here can take care of the girl who brought these shots to camp," he said to Rosa. "Right now, let's just took at them, huh? Wow, look how this chick is giving head to that stud. Looks like she's about to swallow him alive, doesn't it?"

Rosa squirmed. She knew he wanted an answer from her but she was too upset to talk. And Miss Kressler wasn't doing a thing to keep the nasty man from pushing his attentions on her. His fingers weighed on her thin flighty collar like a brick and she could tell by the way he was moving them around that he wanted to do a lot more. Every time she caught Miss Kressler's eye, all she received was a guarded look of approval. Rosa wondered if she'd made a mistake by coming to her with the pictures at all.

Frank wasn't wasting any time. He went on through the pictures until he came to one that show two women with one man. "Look at that one," he pointed with relish, "those two chicks are really getting loved up. One's got her mouth full of his prick and he's eating out the other one's snatch. Bet you didn't know three people could do things together, did you, kid?"

She licked her lips and he could see the sweat on her face. "I... never have seen anything like this. It's awfully nasty, if you ask me. Maybe some of the older girls know about things like that but I'm too young," she meekly answered.

"We'll fix that damn quick, won't we, Vera?" he said. "You're plenty old enough to know about stuff like this, kid. Them two little knockers trying to push through there proves that. Vera and I will show you all about it. When we get through getting those clothes off you, you'll find put it isn't a bit nasty like you think. Here, let me show you what I mean."

With no warning whatsoever, he gripped the collar of her skimpy nighty and pulled it off her body. She wore no bra at all. After all, she had been ready for bed when she left the girls' dorm cabin. But she was wearing panties. It was only seconds before he had his hands on her waist and then she looked down to see them being drawn off her legs and onto the floor.

Rosa twisted her olive-skinned nakedness this way and that in attempt to cover her bared secrets. She'd never had a man see so much of her young body before and she was extremely embarrassed about her appearance under Frank's intense gaze. She looked to Vera for support but was surprised to find the woman didn't respond.

"Vera, will you tell her to cool it? She's acting like I was trying to rape her or something. Hell, all I'm going to do is just fool around with her some and show her how to have fun like in these pictures," Frank said.

Then he turned back to Rosa. "Come on, sugar," he leered, "don't try to make us think this is the first time you ever showed that naked little cunt of yours to anybody. Maybe no one my age has seen it, but I bet plenty of the boys in your class at school have. Shit, you ought to be proud of it -- that's quite a little muff you got there for a chick only twelve years old."

Vera was still a little nervous about what she was allowing the man to do to her young charge, but spoke up in Frank's support anyway.

"Don't be scared, Rosa," she said slowly, beginning to gain control of herself. "You're... you're old enough now to learn a few new things about life. What Frank wants to show you won't hurt at all. In fact, it'll feel really great."

Frank nodded his head eagerly. He pinched Vera on the butt to indicate his pleasure at her help.

"Here's what she's talking about, Rosa," he said. He dropped his hand from her shoulder and the youngster felt his huge hand fall over her small breast. She felt his warm palm grow sweaty as it touched the tip of her virginal nipple. To her surprise and embarrassment, she felt the sensitive nipple harden like she'd seen it do on cold mornings. But she knew this was different, far from having anything to do with the weather. In spite of her discomfort at being naked in front of a stranger for the first time in her life, she realized that the touch of his palm on her bare nipple felt very good.

Being a female, Vera could tell how Rosa was feeling. She knew she'd been very seared at first but was now beginning to accept the situation. If the girl had panicked, she didn't know what she would have done. "That's the way, honey. See what I mean? Feels good to have someone touch you there, doesn't it?" she encouraged Rosa.

It made the youngster nervous to have Frank keep talking about what he thought she'd done with boys, but he kept it up. Not a bit of it was true, Rosa knew, but she had to admit to herself that she had thought some about what such things would be like when she got old enough. The way Miss Kressler and this man were acting with her, she was old enough to do some of the nasty things she'd heard about.

"Ha!" exclaimed Frank, with a low laugh. "Don't worry, Vera, she's liking it all right. You... ought to feel how hard this little nip got when I put my hand on it."

Then he added, "Oh, beg your pardon. Didn't mean to make out like you were queer. Guess it wouldn't do much good for you to feel how hard her nipple is, would it?"

Since Frank had just met Vera, he had no idea that she was aroused by other females -- even though one only twelve years old was too young to have any effect on her. Or was it? Vera found herself looking long and thoroughly over the Mexican girl's nakedness. Being up here at this damned camp with no loving has already got me so horny that I was hot for a fifteen year old earlier tonight, she thought to herself as she pictured black young Lynda. I'll be dammed if I sink low enough to get a wet cunt over a little, twelve year old.

But Frank wasn't troubled by any pangs of conscience over Rosa's youthful age. He turned her around toward him on the couch, keeping one hand firmly on her barely pubescent breast and feeling all over her stomach and ribs with the other. She dropped her head so she wouldn't have to meet his gaze while he toyed with her. The things he was doing had begun to make her a little warm and fluttery, and she couldn't stand to have him know it. He was getting flushed in the face and his eyes were looking a little crazy. Once he started putting his hands on her stomach and ribs, it wasn't long before he continued lower. She tried desperately to cross her legs so he wouldn't be able to touch the nakedness of her thighs and groin but it was almost impossible to do.

"Shit, honey, don't try to cover that thing up," he admonished. "If you think it felt good to have me feel up your tit -- and I know it did, you little minx -- just wait 'til I get busy on this cute little honey pot between your legs!"

Vera was now sitting almost behind. Frank, since he'd turned toward Rosa on the couch and made her face him. She felt left out. After all, they had been just about ready to make love when Rosa knocked at the door with the pictures. She craned her head around his shoulder and found just what she expected. A big hard lump was sticking up underneath the front of his pants. It further irritated her to know that Rosa, and not her, was causing it. She felt herself get damp and itchy between her legs at the thought of getting the clothes off that lump so she could see the stiff rod of flesh that caused it. She leaned forward and put her chin on his shoulder from behind, then boldly reached around his waist and put her hand on his fly.

He was so busy with Rosa he didn't yet feel her hand in his lap at all. All he knew was that she was leaning on him, looking over his shoulder. He made little pinching, tickling motions all around Rosa's groin, and finally touched the sparse but coal-black curls between her legs.

"Look at that, Vera," he said, "she's just barely got enough fleece down there to keep her warm. She don't have to worry about keeping that little pussy warm, though. I'm going to have her spunk flowing like she never dreamed?"

Vera pretended at first that her total excitement resulted from Frank, but as she watched him manipulate the young girl's organs she soon was forced to admit the truth. Twelve years old or not, the kid was definitely affecting her. The sight of the tender, scantily haired mound being fingered right in front of her face was too much. She was getting too hot to stay out of action.

"Frank," she whispered huskily into his ear, "there's another cunt here that needs some attention, you know. You big lout -- have you entirely forgotten what we were about to do when the kid came to the door? How can you keep fooling with the virgin pussy of a twelve year old when there's a woman's cunt hungry for loving? She's too young to know what to do with a man's prick anyway."

Then Vera flagrantly unzipped his fly. His big red organ flopped out of his pants and scared Rosa half to death. She jumped back and looked down at the throbbing thing as though it were a wild animal about to bite her.

"Cool' it, kid," Frank soothed. "Your pussy's way too small to take me on. I just want to give you a good going over with my fingers and stuff like that. It's Vera here that's going to get fucked. And you're going to get to watch, sweety. Who knows -- if you're good, I might be tempted to give you a nice mouth job."

Vera grinned lasciviously. Her confidence was back now that she knew she'd get what she needed. She grabbed his hardened organ and ran her fingers up and down the strong shaft.

"You're getting more than you bargained for, aren't you Rosa? You came to show me those dirty pictures and now you're about to get an eyeful of the real thing. As long as you keep your mouth shut -- don't you ever tell a soul about this -- I'll let you watch us. I never would have even thought of letting any of you girls see anything like this, but to tell you the truth you came at a perfect time. Now that you're here, you can just stay -- I need a man between my legs so bad I can't stand to be this close without getting the whole shot."

For the first time in a long while, the young girl spoke.

"I won't tell," she said quickly.

Vera could see the girl wasn't merely going along with things. Now she was obviously interested. She had begun by shyly opening her thighs wider so Frank could play with her better. Finally she had acquired an expression on her face that left no doubt about how much she liked the feel of his fingers on her genitals.

"I thought you were beginning to dig it, honey," Vera said to her. "Don't be bashful. Look as much as you want to... I know just how you feel. Remember, I was your age once -- and I can remember just dying to have a boy's hands up my dress. If I could have spied on anybody getting fucked, I would have jumped at the chance. And we're going to show you. We're going to let you watch every thing."

"Gosh," Rosa gushed, "I know it's nasty to do things like this. I never have before. But I just love... I just love..."

Frank saw she was too bashful to spit out the words, so he interrupted her.

"You mean you love having your little twat fingered? That what you mean?" he pressed. "You like this? And this?" As he spoke, he twiddled his fingertips on the soft freshness of her exposed organs and then changed to pushing his forefinger all the way into the tight slit and drawing it slowly out.

"Y-y-yes," she blurted, "yes, yes!"

Vera was still running her hand up and down his penis. As she watched him manipulate Rosa's sex, she scooted as close to him as she could get, and began rubbing herself against the swell of his muscular hip bone.

"Come on, Vera," said Frank. "Quit teasing yourself like that and go ahead and strip off your panties. I know damned well you're craving to have your big cunt out in the open where you can get some nice hot loving."

She was already coming out of her gown when he spoke. "Whadaya mean my 'big' cunt? It's plenty hot, all right, but I don't know that it's so damn big!" she exclaimed.

"Compared to the pint-sized pussy on this kid, it is," Frank said to her. "But don't get in an uproar over it. I like 'em big. How do you think I could fill you full of lead if you weren't big enough for me? My cock isn't all that giant, but I still couldn't begin to stuff it into Rosa's tight little pussy. Hell, it would split her wide open for me to even try."

Such an idea would have frightened the poor girl to death several minutes earlier. Now her reaction was along an entirely different direction.

"Will you still keep playing with it like you're doing, though," she asked Frank, "even if you can't... even if you can't get your thing in me?"

"Hah!" Frank erupted, turning to Vera. "How do you like that? The little cock-sucker's digging it so much she's afraid I might slack off some. Shit, I should have known she was going for it. That little pussy of hers has been squirting hot juice on my fingers ever since I first slipped them into her."

"I knew she was grooving on it too," said Vera. "I could tell by the way she's breathing and having her eyes glaze over."

Frank answered Rosa's question. "Don't worry, sweety. I'm going to keep your pussy well attended to even while, I'm socking the meat to Vera. All we have to do is slide down on the rug here where we'll all have more room to move around. Here, like this," he directed.

Soon he had the arrangement he wanted. Vera had his pants down to his knees in short order. Rosa could now see his pendulous, hairy balls swinging freely between his thighs. But her mind was preoccupied by Frank's earlier comment.

"What's a cock-sucker?" she innocently asked Vera. "He called me that. What does it mean? Is it bad?" She lay down as Frank directed as she spoke, with her back flat on the floor and her naked, slender thighs opened widely apart and her knees in the air. Her black hair spilled in a mass around her reclining head and was almost thick enough to make a pillow.

"He just said that," explained Vera. "He didn't mean you really were one; it's just a slang word. All it means is just a person who puts his mouth on a man's cock and sucks it for him. It may sound like something nasty, but I can assure you the way to suck a guy's cock is groovy I ought to know... I've eaten a few guys in my life."

"Come on, girls," urged Frank, "this ain't no sex education class. This is the real thing. And I'm horny as hell to feel you both up and get you going."

"You don't have to ask me twice," responded Vera. "I already told you how I need it," said Vera...

"Gee," marveled Rosa, "my... tiny thing is..."

"Your pussy, damn it," yelled Frank. "That little 'thing' is your fucking pussy!"

"My... my pussy," continued Rosa, blushing a little, "is all drippy and... ummmmm... all itchy and ticklish."

Frank had Vera on the floor beside him and was massaging her ample breasts with one hand while his other hand continued to toy with Rosa's damp flesh.

"Damn right you're drippy, sweetheart," he said. "Your spunk is getting all hot and worked up in there because you need it, that's why. You need fucking, something in there to fill up your empty twat and make you come. But I'll give you the next best thing. Plenty of finger work."

Vera raised a shapely leg and brought it down over his, scissoring his groin between her firm thighs. No clothing obtruded between her pelvis and his and she loved the feel of his curly pubic hair against the satiny skin of her inner thighs. She could feel the angry red head of the organ itself pressing eagerly against her damp skin just a few inches short of the entryway to her warm orifice.

"Finger work? You've already given her plenty of that. Why don't you give her a real thrill and let her feel what it's like to have a man's mouth plastered against the lips of her sweet little pussy," suggested Vera as she rubbed herself against him. As soon as the words were out of her mouth, she knew she'd accidentally referred to Rosa's organs with uncharacteristic affection. She hoped Frank wouldn't notice. No use letting him -- or Rosa, for that matter -- discover that she was bi-sexual. Fortunately, he was too occupied with the two naked female bodies to notice.

"Just keep watching, baby," he said.

It was obvious to Vera then that it had already entered his mind to put his mouth on the youngster's organs. She squeezed her legs tighter around his and started rubbing the naked, damp flesh of her warm vaginal lips against his hairy leg. From where she was lying beside him, she had a perfect view into the young teenager's pubic area. The girl lay in front of their heads with her lovely legs open all the way, so that all Vera had to do to see was to raise her face away from Frank's and look above her. She loved the way he was hunching against her down below and caressing her breasts with his fingers, but almost equally exciting was the sight of his other hand at work on Rosa's naked pubes only a few inches away. She'd thought that Lynda was too young at first just as she'd thought that Rosa was too young to attract her. My God, she thought to herself, I must be getting to be a real pervert. Rosa's just twelve. How young can my tastes for other girls go, anyway?

But she soon ejected such thoughts from her mind. Frank had dropped his hand from her breasts and was touching her vulva. She was through being teased. She wanted the firm, hard feel of his penis deep, inside her and she wanted to experience the pleasure of having it slide unerringly toward the heated haven of her interior.

"Aaah, there. There Frank," she crooned. "Let me have it inside. Slip in the head, at least I'm dying for it."

Rosa heard her and looked down between her raised knees at them. She could clearly see his swollen penis poised above the thick muff of Vera's brownish-blonde pubic hair. She was delighted to finally be able to watch a man do it to a woman. She had an awfully good idea what it entailed, from listening to older girls at school, but it was going to be especially exciting to watch close up. Frank had been looking down at Vera's fully packed, jouncing breasts until he noticed Rosa's new interest in the proceedings. Then he looked up at the young girl from between her gracefully raised legs and caught her eye with his.

"Gets you hot seeing the old hard cock, don't it, sweety?" he chided. "Keep your eyes on it and you're going to see it disappear into Vera's hairy cunt. Then watch what happens. She's going to be so wild about having the meat poked to her she'll probably come before I even shoot off into her. You're going to see her ass start moving like a fucking woodpecker's head then."

Vera's breath was deep and labored. Her tongue licked her lips feverishly as she wriggled against him.

"For Christ's sake, Frank," she wheezed, "what do you think this is -- a sporting event? Quit giving the kid a blow-by-blow description and sink some of that beautiful cock into me!"

He reached at once into the thick curls and parted her nether lips with his thumb and forefinger, then slid the fat knob of his organ pest the glistening portals and pushed it steadily but slowly into her.

Rosa watched in utter fascination as Vera grimaced with pleasure and gasped. Her eyes closed and she made a funny noise deep in her throat that reminded Rosa of a sound she'd once heard a dog make. But Rosa was destined for much more excitement than merely watching. The second his penis was all the way inside Vera's vagina, he shot a glance up at Rosa and grinned sickly at the youngster. His eyes seemed to be unfocused.

"Sweety, you got the prettiest little pussy on you I've seen for a long time. You're so young and cute I could lick your whole body from your toes to your asshole. I can tell by looking at it, you're wanting more than just my fingers on your cunt lips. Look, see how red and wet they are? See how fat they are and how loose and relaxed they are? You need more than fingers there and I'm going to give you more. Keep your legs spread... that's the way. I'm going to suck your little oyster like a motherfucker."

The blood rushed to her face as she looked down between her legs at him and listened to him talk. The sweat popped out in droplets on her tender breasts as she watched him raise his face closer and closer to her unprotected, naked pubes. Then he made a move and she felt a hot thrill such as she'd never before enjoyed.

"Mmmmmfff!" he exclaimed, pressing his open mouth against the youngster's most tender parts. She felt a blast of hot air gust through her sparse curls and then shuddered as his wide, wettened tongue came in contact with the slippery, heated skin of her sof

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