
Dealing in Dallas - sex story

Dealing in Dallas

David knew he was going to be late again, it seemed like every
time he was going to meet his fiance, Allison, for a drink after work,
something happened at his law office to delay him. David was a junior
partner in a very well known, prestigious law office in Dallas and as
one of the newest junior partner he caught a lot of that kind of work..
Last minute fix it stuff. Keep the clients happy, no matter what it took,
was the boss' motto.

That was all fine with David, he was just glad to be a part of such
a firm. He liked everything about the firm, the kind of work they did,
international law, and especially the large salary. He also liked his boss,
the head of the firm. A hell of a guy in his late forties who allegedly
worked hard and played very hard. The stories about Bob Berger's
sexual activities around the world were legendary among the office
tale-tellers. How true they were he wasn't sure but he liked to think
they were true. He idolized his boss, wanted to be just like him.

His boss had met his fiance, Allison a time or two with David and
had effusively complimented Dave on his lady. Truth is he had sort of
eaten her up with his eyes. David had to admit that he liked the way
Berger had looked at his fiance. It pleased him that someone like Bob
Berger would so obviously admire his lady.

Dave was just the kind of young lawyer the firm liked, sharp
looking, hard working, driving, open minded about a lot of things with a
great mind that ate through the business law they handled. At 30 Dave
was approaching his peak at about everything it seemed. Berger had
seen that special characteristic in David that he demanded. And, he
had hopefully seen something special in Allison too.

The downtown law offices where he worked were contained in the
top five stories of a well known building which won't be mentioned. The
office suite was plush, extremely plush and David hadn't even seen
most of it.

David called their favorite bar and left word he was going to be late
with Tony, their friendly bar keep and owner of the PUB. Fortunately it
was in the same building as his office so at least it wouldn't take him
long to get there once he got this problem solved. Allison would
understand, she had made similar calls herself from her law practice,
just across the street. No problem.


A few moments after David's call, Allison Danato walked into Tony's
bar and grill and looked around for Dave. There were a number of
more-or-less regulars there already on this week night and they all took
a moment to look Allison over with undisguised admiration.

Not seeing him she sighed and headed for the bar as she
unbuttoned her suit coat. Time to relax. Allison was a dream walking,
absolutely beautiful, her dark hair, dark brown eyes and olive
complexion were breathtaking and her body was even better. Trim and
compact except on top. She always caused a stir among men. Now as
her coat fell open her large firm breasts showed themselves through the
thin lace bra and silk blouse. She always wore suits to work that hid her
voluptuous figure as much as possible for business reasons. But now
her full beauties, that Dave loved to hide in, sprang out as if glad for
their semi-freedom.

Allison walked quickly to the bar and perched on a stool across from
Tony, revealing a lot of long trim leg as she said, "Hi good looking,
any word from my boy friend?"

"Yep, gonna be late again," dropping his eyes to her full breasts
Tony stared obviously shaking his head and said, "If those were mine, I
sure wouldn't keep them waiting."

Allison blew him a kiss and pulled her shoulders back. Her full
breasts were so nice to look at and now her growing nipples showed
delightfully as she forced them tight against her blouse, teasing Tony.
Allison was justifiably proud of her charms and loved the way men
stared. Tony moaned and said,

"Damn Alli, it's not nice to tease a poor deprived, fellow Italian, boy"

"Yeah, deprived, I've seen some of the waitresses you hire to
play with you letch."

"Oh Alli you wound me, you know I would never touch any of
my employees."

Alli rolled her eyes exaggeratedly at that. The truth was Tony
touched them all before and after he hired them. His normal recruiting
technique was a weekend in his cabin at a nearby lake. But he paid
very well and the tips were excellent so a lot of great looking ladies were
eager to work there, even after they knew the requirements. Tony was
fun and a great looking guy. All the regulars at the bar knew the score
and teased Tony every time he hired a new girl. He even wrote the
cabin off as a business expense for recruitment.

As Tony placed her drink in front of her now, Allison took a big
sip and glanced down at the newspaper laying on the Bar. The
headlines read



Suspected Link To Porn Industry

Allison looked at the headline and then said to Tony in an angry
voice, "Look at that, the elementary schools yet. I hope they fry
those bastards when they catch them." Then she looked at Tony and
he just nodded his agreement. She hated the idea of kids being used
like that. What adults did was their own business, but not kids. Then
she tried to put it out of her head and said

"How late did David say?"

"He said about half an hour, that means three quarters of an
hour at least. We have time darlin if you wanted to join me in my office."

"Ahhh Tony you know I would love to but this isn't my week for

They laughed as their normal banter resumed. Still she wished she
could do something to help bust those Drug bastards. Tony had his
mind on other things closer as he shook his head, ogling Allison and
wondered how he could possibly make it with this gorgeous lady.

They were interrupted then and Tony had to go back to work
behind the bar.

Three new guys in business suits had just come in. Seeing Allison
they all called her name and headed to surround her bar stool as Tony
set up their regular drinks quickly. Tony prided himself in knowing what
all of his regulars preferred. Dick Wilson, broker, 6'2, 200 lbs, good
looking single guy as were most of the patrons of Tony's place, always
drank scotch neat. Barry Marion, also a broker, 5'10, 180 lbs, good
looking and single, liked martini's

And Hank Danato, law clerk in the same firm as Dave, waiting to
take the bar exam, also happened to be Allison's younger brother,
5'8 and 160 lbs, really good looking and reputed to be quite the ladies
man, drank beer.

Two of the men eased into the stools on either side of Allison and
the third, Hank, stood leaning into her stool behind her, his arms
wrapped around her from behind sort of lay on the arm rests of the

Allison drew men like bees to flowers., yeah and they all wanted
to pollinate her. Allison glowed with life as she smiled lovingly at her
"little" brother. Hank leaned forward to meet her lips lightly with his as
she twisted to meet him. After the brief kiss the other two guys piped
up, "My turn Alli" and "Lay one on me too babe". Alli just smiled and
patted her brother's cheek saying, "You guys, can't a girl be
affectionate with her little brother"? Her eyes met Hanks as they both
smiled warmly, obviously comfortable with each other. The banter
continued good naturedly with the guys all hitting on Allison. Truth was
Allison loved the attention and flirted back with all of them. Indeed,
the sexual innuendo made her very hot.

Then finally David arrived and he just stood there for a moment a
few feet from the love of his life and listened to the "b.s." floating back
and forth. He found it thrilled him knowing how much other men wanted
her. After a few minutes of listening to the guys trying to "talk Allison
into bed", he spoke up, "If you guys are through harassing my girl
friend, I'll save her from you horny bastards."

Alli turned and smiled at David and responded, "Maybe I don't want
to be saved from the horny bastards." Everyone laughed and told
David to take a hike. Allison knew it all was only half in jest as she
slowly moved to join her fiance.

As he waited for Alli to free herself he put his arm around Hank's
shoulder and greeted him warmly. He really liked Hank and liked the
closeness that was obviously there between Hank and Allison. Hank felt
the same way about David.

As a teen David had always been particularly close to his little sister
Patty also and was glad Allison and Hank were close.

Allison slid off the stool showing a lot more of her great legs and
moved toward Dave with a big smile. As she passed Hank she paused
and whispered something in his ear and kissed his cheek. Then she
turned to Dave and slid her arms around his neck and kissed him
passionately, driving her tongue deeply into his mouth. David knew
she was even more turned on than usual.

The guys were making their typical comments and Allison broke the
kiss and let David lead her to a nearby booth. The guys enjoyed
watching Allison's cute ass dance in her tight skirt as she walked away.
As soon as she sat down they turned to see if there were other prey in
the bar, and as there always was, they headed for new challenges.

In the booth David slid his arm around Allison and kissed
her again, then saying, "God you taste good".

She placed her hand on his thigh and kissed him back hard, then
she said, "Can we go to my place soon and you can really taste me.
I'm so damn horny. I have thought of your cock all day."

"You really get turned on by all the guys flirting with you don't you?"

"God I guess I do honey, does that bother you?"

"Not as long as I go home with you."

"Oh honey, you always can come home with me. Soon it will be
your home too."

"Oh didn't I tell you, I thought I would keep sharing my apartment
with Brad after we get married, in case I need a place to play around."

His eyes twinkled as he teased.

Allison laughed and pinched the inside of his thigh hard. As he
winced she said, "OK with me... if you have anything left after you take
care of me, but don't forget, two can play that game honey."

As they sipped on their drinks David's eyes kept dropping to her firm
breasts. After a moment she chuckled and thrust them out, "You love
those don't you?"

Dave looked up meeting her eyes and nodded as one of his fingers
touched a swollen nipples lightly, Allison sucked in her breath as
Dave toyed, and then he pinched her nipple gently.

"Oh shit Dave, I like that but everyone is going to see."

"So let them!"

Allison closed her eyes as he cupped her full beauty in his hand
and rolled her swollen nipple between his thumb and fore finger. They
both loved semi public action like this but she felt she had to object, at
least a little. David noticed her begin to squirm in her seat and
involuntarily hunch her ass up and back. Damn she was hot.... He knew
she was close to cumming as he saw the flush in her cheeks and on her
neck and he shifted to the other breast and pinched it's erect nipple
hard. She stiffened and gurgled as she tried to be quiet as she came.
In a moment she relaxed and opened her eyes again, looking at Dave
with love,

"I can't believe you just got me off here, in the bar."

David's eyes twinkled, he loved giving her pleasure, anywhere.

Allison downed the rest of her drink saying, "My place, God I
need you." and they left calling their farewells to their friends.

They walked the two blocks, arms around each other, to the
downtown apartment building they and her brother Hank all lived in.
Allison had a three bedroom with study apartment on the 25th floor that
was large and elegantly furnished. This was going to be their new home
after the wedding, now just six months away. David still shared a two
bedroom place on the fifth floor with a coworker and old buddy, Brad
Thomas. He and Brad went way back to when they were roommates in
college with all the stories that could possibly entail. For some reason
Allison had not been receptive to the idea of Dave moving in before the
wedding although they spent a lot of time together in her big bed. David
didn't worry about it, for his own reasons.

In the elevator Allison slid her arms around David's neck and met
his lips and body with a kiss that curled his toes and made him hard
instantly. Damn she is hot he thought for the millionth time. Their
bodies pressed into each others and now started to move in slow mutual
body caresses. He felt her warm pussy pressing against his hard cock
thru their clothes as she hunched against it in short slow little strokes.
David dropped his hands to her trim firm perfect little ass and as he
cupped those twin cheeks he pulled her hard into his cock. Allison
moaned and slid her tongue even deeper into his open mouth, then
sucked his tongue back into hers, reminding Dave how fantastically this
lady gave head and he groaned with anticipation.

They heard the elevator ding as it stopped at her floor. Slowly
pulling apart they walked to her door and Allison laughed as she
enjoyed the way his cock stood out so obviously and she said out loud,
"Hmmm I think he likes me." and she ran her finger down it's full length.
Fortunately the hall was empty.

She slowly fumbled getting the door open as David pressed his
hard cock against her cute ass and his hands cupped her full breasts
through the silk blouse. She groaned, "Oh shit David, wait a minute
while I get this fucking door opened."

They tumbled through the door and fell together on the carpeted
floor. David just kicked the door closed behind them and attacked her
as they struggled to strip each other while kissing and playing. Finally
both nude, Allison spread her long sexy legs and without slowing,
David to her center guiding his stiff cock directly to where she wanted it.
David plunged deep immediately the way she loved it. They were both
so hot, and going at it so hard, it didn't last long as they drove each
other over the edge into their first mutual climax.

Laying there, temporarily sated, they just kissed and whispered
"I love you's" and rested for the next go. After a while Allison sighed
and propped herself up on one elbow, pushing her large bare breast
closer to David's lips, "I adore you David... I hope you will always love
me this much." David kissed the proffered nipple and grinned happily.

David looked at her with pride and a question, wondering why she
seemed to worry about his always loving her, but she slowly looked
away and struggled to her feet.

In the shower a bit later they began to wake up once more and as
David played with her fantastic soapy breasts, she stroked his long hard
cock. She kissed him and said, "Did you know I love your big cock
sweetheart? God it gives me such pleasure. Truth is I just love to

David smiled and enjoyed her hand on his 8" cock. he kissed her
saying, "I love the way you enjoy sex Miss hot pants, .in fact I love
everything about you but especially this body, every guy in the world
wants to be where I am right now. I feel sorry for them not knowing you
like I do. How does it feel to know most men want to fuck you?"

Allison smiled and said, "I like it, guess that isn't too nice but I
like it a lot. Sometimes it makes me so wet."

Allison's mood seemed to change and she broke away and turned
the shower off and stepped out handing Dave a towel. Later as they sat
over the remains of dinner Allison's mood had lifted again and now she
stood up and dropped her terry robe. She posed for David shaking her
big tits in his face and said, "Can you think of a dessert you might like."

Grinning she walked to her bedroom with Dave right behind. They
both had dessert, first Dave licked his way all around her body and then
buried his face in her wet pussy and ate her to one orgasm after the
other. That was followed by Allison returning the favor, loving his cock
with her eager mouth until he spent there, even later they enjoyed
a long slow leisurely fuck.

Glancing at her bedside clock much later, Allison saw it was almost
eleven and she said, "Honey... I have a tough day tomorrow so kiss me
and get your sweet butt out of here."

Dave was totally satisfied as he rolled over and kissed his lady,
"Alli I love you so much it hurts me sometimes, And you are one great
piece of ass." and he meant every word.

Alli kissed him tenderly and replied, "I know how you feel my love.
You are such a perfect mate for me. I hope you don't ever stop loving
me cause I don't think I could do without you. Please don't ever leave

Dave frowned... Allison frequently said strange things like that.
Sometimes he wondered what her life before him had been like to make
her seem so insecure and say those things. But they had agreed that
what had happened before they met was history and was not ever to
come between them so they had never discussed it. All Dave knew was
her college days, like his, had been pretty wild. She had told him she
would tell him anything he wanted to know but would prefer to keep all
that in the past, so Dave had left it there.

At first David thought that was her way of saying that she knew
he had been pretty damn wild and she didn't care. Now he wondered...
how wild was my love? He never asked. But every time he thought
about it he got hard.

He dressed as he thought that over. Then as he kissed her good
night prior to letting himself out he said, "Someday when we are old
and gray we will have to swap stories."

Allison looked up at him, spread out beautifully nude on her back in
bed, such a delectable package and she said, "Someday, maybe,
maybe sooner, guess it is something we need to do before the

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