"Don't be scared, Donna. I'll stay here with you all night. The storm'll be over soon and they'll be back in the morning. Come on, kid, there's nothing to be worried about."
Donna Judge shifted her position on the bed, self-conscious of the way her swelling, fifteen-year-old breasts had been pressed disturbingly against her brother's side. They were alone in her bed, both parents gone for the night and a raging storm threatening to tear the house down around them. She was scared of the weather, but something else also bothered the sultry young blonde, a new kind of feeling that was beyond her comprehension.
Gerald had come in five minutes earlier, after a particularly terrifying flash of lightning had struck within a hundred yards of the wooden farmhouse. It was good that Gerald was taking a protective interest in her, but they had been so distant the last few years that it was hard for Donna to trust him.
Only two years separated brother and sister chronologically. Once they had been close, an intimacy born of lonely summers spent on the nearly isolated family farmstead. Very close, Donna thought, feeling her brother moving closer again. But once they had started high school, Gerald had dropped her like a hot potato, preferring the company of his new friends, male and especially female.
"Hey, you're stiff with fear," Gerald commented, wrapping a long muscular arm around Donna's dimpled, freckled shoulder. "If you don't stop trembling I'll squeeze your ugly little body, just like I used to do when we were kids."
"Don't you dare," Donna squealed as she half-heartedly tried to escape Gerald's powerful grip. "I'm not a child anymore, even if Mom and Dad don't know it. I'll bet your friends don't look at me that way. Come on, tell me what they say about me."
Gerald felt his face turned hard. It was an ill-timed question Donna had asked. Two days earlier he had been in a fistfight over his sister's honor. Boys were beginning to talk about the way she had matured, just as Donna suspected. Gerald could still not understand why he had been so infuriated by their remarks.
"Forget those assholes," he insisted in a voice whose tightness was camouflaged by the sounds of angry nature. "I'm not going to let you get fucked over by any of those creeps."
So saying, Gerald turned his sister's head with surprising gentleness and kissed Donna openly on the lips, his lips tasting the moist flesh before quickly withdrawing to his own narrow mouth. Donna again squirmed under the blanket but felt herself moving closer to her brother. Her body was tense and relaxed simultaneously, suffused with an unfamiliar hypnotizing warmth.
There was no longer any doubt in Donna's mind that her brother was using every excuse to get physical with her. It was as if he had planned the whole thing in advance, including the storm and their parents' absence, that he somehow wanted to fool around with her. But nothing had happened yet and Donna knew that any complaint would be met with a salvo of Gerald's biting sarcasm.
"Yeah, they talk about you, but they can't have you," Gerald muttered half to himself. "You're my sister, and I don't give a fuck how gorgeous they say you are."
Before Donna could digest that tantalizing hint she was surprised to feel her brother's hand moving down from her shoulders and then resting against her left tit. Gerald left his hand in that position, pretending that nothing had happened, that there was nothing unusual about their physical intimacy.
Donna could not help but be stimulated by her brother's touch. Gerald had become progressively more handsome over the past two years, had blossomed into a muscular, masculine, attractive young man. His grip was strong and soft at the same time, causing yet another shudder to pass through Donna's virginal body.
Soon the girl's pink nipple had turned hard and puckered from the feel of Gerald's exploring fingers. Only one other man had been that free with her body and that was an incident that Donna was more than willing to repress. Sensuality, particularly her own, was hard for the young girl to cope with, but it was somehow a lot less disturbing with her brother, the only man in the world she had always been able to trust.
"Does that feel good?" Gerald asked solicitously. "You seem a little more relaxed now. Come on, give me a little kiss, just to show you trust your brother. And stop sliding away from me before you fall on your ass on the floor."
Donna turned her head, glad that she couldn't see Gerald's face too clearly in the clouded moonlight. She wanted to kiss her handsome brother, no doubt about that. In less than ten minutes he had evoked all the frustration and excitement inherent in the mind and sensual body of a curious, adolescent virgin.
Gerald pressed his advantage immediately, placing his parted lips against his sister's mouth. This time he allowed himself to protrude his tongue between her thick, sensual lips, wanting desperately to resolve their painful situation. It was hard to formulate matters consciously, but Gerald knew that something important was going to happen that night, something that was likely to change their lives inexorably.
To his surprise, Donna made no attempt to resist Gerald's somewhat clumsy advances. It was hard for the lad to believe his good fortune. So many nights he had prowled outside her bedroom, unable to understand his feelings towards Donna, wondering how he could be aroused by his own sister, a girl he had never even thought of as a woman, even after the obvious flowering of her puberty.
Quickly he plunged his tongue deeper into Donna's yielding mouth, inhaling the sweet fragrance of her breath. Now Donna was meeting his tongue with her own, gasping slightly and pretty much giving up on getting away from him. Her body was pressed against Gerald's muscular torso and there was no place for the girl to escape to, nobody to guide or help her.
Gerald then renewed his assault on Donna's hard, firm young boobs, pushing aside the coarse fabric of her homemade nightgown. Her tits seemed to have a life of their own, as if they wanted to caress and inflame his sensitive fingers. The nipples were larger than he remembered, even though he had caught a glimpse of his sister's naked body less than two weeks earlier.
Again and again Gerald shifted from one luscious tit to the other. All the while he continued to probe Donna's mouth with his long red tongue, sometimes brushing it against the girl's perfect, uncaried teeth, sometimes twining it with Donna's tongue. She was his for the asking, Gerald knew. He could have what he wanted from her and nothing on earth could stop him.
But Gerald wasted little time analyzing his thoughts and desires. For her part, Donna had suspended all disbelief. Her body was aflame with unslaked desire, confused and titillated by sensations she had previously been able only to guess about. A thin trickle of pussy juice cooled on her naked thigh, confusing the girl further but also weakening her resistance all the more.
Then Donna felt her brother moving again, draping his strong torso very gently across her own. Her tits were crushed to his powerful chest and there was something hard and threatening pressed undeniably against her burning pussy. Donna knew just enough about sex to realize that she was pleasing Gerald, that he would take care of the rest without making any real demands on her.
For a brief moment, just before Gerald lowered his head to suck at her lovely young tits, Donna had a flash of awareness. What they were doing was wrong on two levels, completely contrary to what she had learned of morality. Other girls talked of their brothers in vaguely sexual terms but Donna felt quite certain that none had had the experience that Gerald was putting her through. This was something that would have to be kept secret from friends and relatives alike, a thought that stimulated her all the more.
It was a revelation for Donna to feel her brother's tongue gliding across the globe of her right tit, and then dancing over the nipple, drawing the succulent flesh between his lips. A charge of electricity seemed to surge through every integument of her rigid body. Her nipples were getting harder and harder, as if they were going to burst and crack open under Gerald's relentless assault.
"That feels so good," she moaned timidly. "No, don't stop, you can kiss me again later. Please, just keep doing that."
Gerald needed no such encouragement. Things were happening too rapidly for him to repress his thoughts any longer. He was going to go as far as possible with his gorgeous sister, fuck her if she gave him the chance. He had wanted it for over a year and there was no point hiding from the truth now that they were together.
As his tongue continued its slow agonizing movements, Gerald moved his hands up and down Donna's curvaceous torso, getting closer and closer to his goal. He had to feel her snatch closing around his probing fingers. The girl was ready for it, was making no attempt to resist him. She was a hot little piece, all right, her desires as strong and irresistible as his own.
Donna had indeed abandoned herself completely by that point, feeling her arms wrapping themselves around her brother's hot, sweaty back. Thought was out of the question. Instinct predominated. Fifteen years was long enough to wait. Donna was old enough to have sex. She wanted it badly, knew that somehow her brother would unlock the secret of sex for her. She was frustrated, but Gerald would show her the way sooner or later.
The storm seemed to have moved from the external world into the fruitful field of her virgin body. Each time Gerald's hand approximated her dripping cunt Donna could feel herself getting hotter and more aroused. Sex seemed hard and uncomfortable to Donna but she would not have traded it for anything in the world. At last her loving brother was turning her into a real woman.
Finally the deed was done. Donna felt strong fingers closing around her pubic bush, rearranging the incredibly soft, blonde pubic tresses. Her labia closed momentarily, an unconscious defense against the violation that she knew was coming, but that too turned Donna on all the more. She didn't know what she wanted from her brother but Gerald knew and it was impossible to do anything but place herself in his confident care.
The fifteen-year-old virgin gasped aloud as she felt Gerald's forefinger part her labia and enter into the citadel of her twat. His finger seemed too large and rigid, almost as stiff and threatening as the prick that was starting to emerge from Gerald's pajamas. This, too, was a mystery to Donna.
"Just take it easy, take it easy," Gerald intoned. "Relax and let yourself feel it. You have such a fucking beautiful cunt. I want to cum all over you, feel my prick explode inside you. You want it, too, don't you Donna?"
There was no need for Donna to frame an answer to her brother's rhetorical questions. Her cunt had begun to relax of its own accord, embarrassingly wet now, quivering palpably around the finger that was stimulating it so well. All sensation had been localized in that mysterious cavity. It was as if her whole body had been drawn into the hungry maw of her virgin fuck hole.
"Touch me," Gerald insisted. "Go on, you know just what I want you to do. Take it in your hand and make me feel good." Gerald shifted his weight again, practically forcing his stiff cock into his sister's inexperienced hand. He felt like he could cum on the spot as he had done so many times with other girls. Only this time it was different. There was nothing frightening about Donna. She was his sister, flesh of his flesh, a woman who understood him and whom he could trust completely.
Still, a pang of uncontrollable lust passed through the lad's body as he felt his sister's fingers making first contact with his throbbing meat. Her nails scratched the swollen head of his rod but added to Gerald's lust. There was little she could have done to turn him off at that late stage of the game.
Donna felt a brief moment of shame as she weighed her brother's cock in her soft hands. The thing seemed to be a good seven inches long and three or four inches thick, lined with hard veins and thicker at the base and head than in the middle. It was strange to feel the heavy burden palpitating in her hands, but Gerald liked what she was doing. For once in her life Donna didn't have to feel inferior to other women.
It took only a few minutes for Donna to learn how to please her lover. She coiled her soft fingers around the center of the thick shaft and then began to pull the loose skin back and forth over the swollen crown. Each stroke increased the rate and intensity of Gerald's breathing, to the point where Donna was able to ignore for a moment the storm of passion that was continuing to wreak havoc in her own luscious young body.
"It's so big and hard, I'm scared of it," Donna murmured a few seconds later, as much to herself as to Gerald. "You wouldn't do anything to hurt me, would you?"
Gerald ignored his sister's frightened question, just as she had done to him a few minutes before. He had the girl just where he wanted her, and there was no need for discussion. His finger had now penetrated her wet pussy to the last knuckle and it was a lot easier to see her now that his eyes were used to the night light.
His sister was incredibly beautiful, her tits jutting out provocatively from her slender birdlike torso, her soft ass grinding into the mattress beneath her. Everything about the girl was soft and young and innocent. Everything but her face which had transformed into a mask of naked lust. Yes, Gerald was going to get just what he wanted from the hotpants little sexpot.
Reluctantly, Gerald pulled his prick away from his sister's clenching hand. It was time to explore her pussy more closely, to get his tongue into that redolent fuck box. His mouth watered at the thought but Gerald was experienced enough to take his time and avoid scaring his innocent little sister.
Soon Gerald was lying with his head between Donna's thighs. The smell of her cunt was enough to drive him wild with sexual need. Her twat writhed open before Gerald's staring eyes, the freshest and most pungent thing he had ever experienced. His tongue protruded from his mouth, and then Gerald was ready to take the all-important next step. Using one hand to part the girl's soft pink labia, Gerald soon was able to work his tongue into the lovely little crevice. First he brushed his lingual organ against Donna's clitoris, more by accident than by design. It was surprising to feel the girl writhe and quiver before he was inside her, a fact that Gerald knew to file for future reference.
But soon the enterprising lad had worked his tongue all the way into his sister's twat. Her taste was unbelievable, pure, clean and intolerably stimulating. Gerald left his tongue in the fissure for a few seconds more and then started to rotate it slowly, knowing that it was too late for Donna to resist.
He reached up again and began to fondle the girl's tits, not bothering to be gentle this time around. Her nipples were red in the semi-darkness, outlined clearly against the snowy whiteness of her boobs. Donna's eyes were closed and it was impossible to know what the girl was thinking and feeling as he continued to work her pussy over with his greedy, insatiable tongue.
By that point Donna had given up trying to control or even understand the things that were happening between herself and her handsome brother. She had dreamed of moments like this but had never been able to visualize that actual details of sex. The reality of her passion was far better than anything the young temptress had ever dared to imagine.
"Yes, keep doing that with your tongue," she shouted aloud, shocked by her own boldness. "I can't tell you what it's doing to me. I never knew it could be like this. Stick it in further. Come on, Gerald, do it just like you were before. Aaahhh, Goddddd!"
Gerald felt a surge of power after hearing his sister's impassioned request. He forced his tongue deeper into Donna's dripping quim and then stopped short, feeling her healthy young vaginal muscles contracting around him. She was hot to trot, all right, ready to be brought to the first orgasm of her young life.
Gerald removed his tongue for the briefest interval, having noticed that the girl's clitty had become hard and protuberant from the friction of his unshaved cheeks. The tiny organ had filled with blood, turning dark purple and swelling to twice its normal size. It seemed as sensitive as his own prick, which at that point continued to throb against her shapely legs.
He experimented with Donna's clitoris, knowing that the girl was past the point of protest. The little flap of flesh grew larger under his careful ministrations. Soon Gerald was working it over fearlessly, occasionally allowing himself to bite into the incredibly sweet flesh. Instinctively he knew that the better he pleased Donna, the better she would eventually put out for him.
Donna reached down and held her brother's head in place with surprisingly strong hands. Every muscle in her magnificent, pubescent body was taut and on edge as she felt herself being carried to the verge of ecstasy. If only Gerald could fill her cunt and stimulate her clitty simultaneously, it would be sheer, unalloyed paradise.
Gerald soon decided that he had done as much as possible to stimulate his sister's erect pink clitoris. He lowered his head and stuck his tongue into Donna's pussy again, surprised by the copious flow of her vaginal fluids. The girl's cunt seemed to draw his tongue in with a strength completely out of proportion to the slender delicacy of her young body.
He found that it was easy to massage Donna's clitty with his right forefinger as his tongue continued its slow progress into the deepest recesses of her pussy. His own lust was almost forgotten for the moment as Gerald sensed the nearness of Donna's orgasm. He didn't understand women completely, but with his sister inexperience hardly seemed to matter.
Donna's eyes opened slightly but saw nothing. She was floating on a cloud and walking on a bed of nails simultaneously. Each stroke of her brother's tongue amazed her, opening new vistas of pleasure and lust. Was it possible for him to know her every secret, to control her body completely as he seemed to be doing? It was terrifying for Donna to lose control of herself but that too only seemed to increase the girl's needs and desires.
Donna wrapped her fingers in her brother's reddish blond hair, focusing her eyes on his deltoid and back muscles. The boy's head was bobbing up and down over her cunt. He was experimenting again, trying out all sorts of different strokes. Donna was tempted to tell him that it didn't matter, that every single thing he did was moving her closer and closer to her ultimate release.
Donna threw her head back onto the pillow, her cheeks tickled by the strands of her long blonde hair. Her eyes were glossed over with pleasure, every cell in her body tingled with anticipation of her climax. Donna felt herself turning into a woman as her brother slaved beneath her, totally devoted to her pleasure. It was her due. She was young, beautiful and passionate, like a girl from a movie magazine. Only Gerald had been perceptive enough to appreciate her merits.
To all intents and purposes, Donna's analysis was not incorrect. Her beauty was undeniable, her sensuality was being proved with every passing moment. And Gerald was more than happy to serve her pleasure. Of course to a purpose. Later, when the girl was fully satiated it would be his turn. Then the real fun would begin for Gerald Judge.
Gerald flicked his tongue around the entrance of his sister's moist, dewy quire. He alternated between fast and slow strokes, smiling inwardly when a particularly devastating motion would cause his sister to moan piteously and cross her ankles frantically around his incessantly bobbing head.
But now it was time to bring things to a conclusion. He worked his tongue in as deep as it would go, feeling the juices flow generously over his cheeks and nose. Gerald cupped his hands under his sister's firm buttocks, momentarily shocked into desire by the sweet smoothness of the lithe, taut globes. Ignoring his lust, Gerald worked double time, letting his index finger enter half an inch into Donna's pulsating asshole.
A few more strokes of his probing tongue brought Gerald's little sister to the first climax of her life. Donna felt her entire body start to heave and contract. Then all movement was localized in her cunt as her limbs stiffened in unbearable suspense. Her vaginal sphincter clamped down powerfully, making it impossible for Gerald to withdraw his tongue.
Donna hung agonized in limbo for another second and then experienced an explosion that seemed to dissolve every cell in her madly writhing body. Pussy juice seemed to cascade out of her palpitating fuck hole. One contraction followed another, each more powerful and moving than its predecessor. "Aaaaahhh, God, oooohhh," she wailed. Seconds later it was over, all but the lingering heat that seemed to irritate every square inch of Donna's flushed skin. She released her brother's head, her fingers stiff from the effort of grasping him. Then she let out a deep sigh and subsided gracefully into the mattress, as if ready to drop off into the sleep of the just.
Gerald Judge watched his sister sleeping for a few minutes, trying to understand his feelings towards the girl. Gerald wasn't a completely inexperienced young man where sex was concerned. His good looks and lithe physique had stood him in good stead over the past two years. Even now, when his thoughts should have been fixated on Donna, he could not help thinking about other women.
There was Judy, for example. Judy Jeffers, the first girl he had ever fucked. He had met Judy outside the local high school, had struck up a conversation with the girl and then asked her for a date. Their first evening together had been frustrating, but the second time Judy had shown him that she was more than willing to complete the handsome lad's sexual education.
It was so easy to sink onto the bed beside Donna and remember that happy afternoon when he had lost his virginity. He had borrowed the family car for the day and had met Judy in town, suggesting a drive into the country, Judy had been hesitant at first but it was all a game. An hour after meeting, they had parked the car and started walking into the forest, looking for a convenient locale for the consummation of their relationship.
"We might as well stop here," Gerald had suggested, finding a grassy copse. "I don't think anyone will bother us here."
The two youngsters sat down together under the shade of an elm tree, not having much to talk about. Both were after the same thing, and Gerald knew that he had only to play his cards right. Judy sat quietly beside him, evidently waiting for the lad to make his move. They were of the same mind towards one another.
But Gerald had waited a few minutes, admiring Judy's beauty, savoring the moments of anticipation. Judy looked especially good that day, dressed in a short skirt, tight sweater and sandals, her brunette hair pinned back from her oval face. She was wearing no bra and her tits moved provocatively as he watched her.
Finally Gerald took matters into his hands, wrapping his arm around the girl's shoulder and drawing her to him. He kissed Judy on the lips, delighted at the way the girl opened her mouth to receive him. Unlike the other girls he knew, Judy was not going to be coy or coquettish. She wanted him and he wanted her and things were going to be very easy.
But Gerald could not help being nervous about his lack of sexual experience. He had fooled around with enough girls but felt sure that Judy had gone all the way already. She was a year older than himself and simply too good looking and sexy to still be a virgin. That was out of the question.
Soon he had overcome his fears, reaching down to fondle the girl's tantalizing tits. The flesh was firm and smooth under her blouse. Judy was warm and soft and it was a pleasure to hear her breath coming short and fast. Obviously she was ready for anything, was going to let him do whatever he wanted.
It took only a few minutes to slip the girl's blouse over her head, leaving Judy naked above the waist. In the bright summer sunlight she seemed more beautiful than ever, the naked skin of her torso glowing irresistibly. Quickly Gerald lowered his head to her tits, placing his lips against her nipple and sucking the delicious pink pad into his hungry mouth.
Judy sighed with delight, knowing that she was in for a good time. She lay back on the grass, feeling it tickle her sensitive skin, keeping her eyes closed for the moment. Gerald was practically on top of her at that point, his prick already stiff beneath the thick fabric of his tight jeans.
Judy wrapped her arms around her lover's back, loving the way he would work on her nipples by turn until the soft rosy stars had reddened and hardened with desire. It was hard to tell how much Gerald knew about sex, but so far he was doing just fine, giving her not a thing in the world to complain about.
Soon Gerald grew more bold, undoing the girl's pants and slipping his hand under the waistband. To his surprise, Judy wasn't wearing panties. He could feel her soft dark pubic hair, which excited the boy's lust all the more. He had to get her naked, get into the girl as quickly as possible.
Judy did most of the work for him, shifting position so that she could wiggle out of the remnants of her clothing. And then she stood naked before her lover, her hips full and voluptuous, her waist long and slender, her legs parted so that Gerald could get a good look at her lovely brown snatch.
But Gerald knew better than to waste much time admiring Judy's body. The girl was his for the asking and he had to get naked as fast as he could. Clumsily, he struggled out of his clothing, feeling embarrassed as his cock refused to cooperate, making it difficult for him to pull his pants down over his ankles.
Soon he, too, was in a state of nature. Judy looked at the boy and could hardly keep from smiling. He looked like he was ready to cum on the spot, his huge prick bobbing up and down rhythmically, his balls tightened against his groin. She figured that she might as well make things even more pleasant for him.
Judy dropped quickly to her knees before her lover, reaching up to take his prick in hand. The shaft was hot and hard, palpitating ferociously in her cool fingers. She played with the rigid meat for a few seconds and then decided to let out all stops, show the boy how well she knew how to take care of her men.
Gerald was wobbly on his feet as he watched Judy's head moving closer and closer to his prick. He had never been blown before but knew from talking to his friends just what to expect. Before he could digest the novel experience, Judy had closed her lips around his swollen rod, brushing her tongue ever so gently against the supersensitive flesh of his purple knob.
And then her head began to bob up and down, taking in more of the succulent flesh with every stroke. Already she could taste a drop of cum pearling at the tip of her lover's cock but she knew that Gerald wasn't yet ready to part with his load. That wasn't going to happen until he had got into her twat.
In the meantime, Judy was more than content to suck her lover's cock. She had been fucking for four years and there was little about sex that she hadn't already experienced. She slid her tongue along Gerald's prick and then closed her lips around the thick bole, loving the way he would quiver with every good stroke.
The game went on for a few minutes until Judy decided that it was time for her to have some fun. She withdrew her head from the spit-covered cock and then lay down again on the grass, parting her legs slightly and letting her lover know just what she wanted. However, Gerald had no intention of returning the favor. Eating pussy was still out of his league.
Instead, he lay down beside the girl and quickly placed his hand between her smooth tanned thighs, seeking out Judy's twat with supple fingers. Gerald was surprised at the wetness of Judy's cunt, but didn't let it slow him down. He knew he could fuck the girl, and that was the only thing that mattered to him.
"That feels nice," Judy complimented her partner. "Go slow, though. I ain't going anywhere. Just relax, and you'll make it good for both of us."
But Gerald wasn't to be denied. He worked his finger deep into the girl's luscious quim and then began to rotate the digit, wanting to explore every inch of her vaginal canal. Judy's flesh was tight and responsive, closing down strongly around his probing finger, showing him she really needed it.
Gerald could feel his prick rubbing at the girl's thighs, turned on intensely by the smoothness of her resilient flesh. He began to finger-fuck the girl vigorously, sliding in and out, finding Judy would get wetter and more passionate with every stroke.
Judy reached down and took the boy's cock in her hand, delighted that it had lost none of its thickness and rigidity. She squirmed to remove Gerald's finger from her snatch, knowing how much better it would be to feel his seven thick inches of luscious cock pounding relentlessly inside her hungry cunt.
Now Gerald was lying on top of the girl, his chest bearing down hard on her resilient tits. His prick was at the gate of her love channel, throbbing palpably, dying for satisfaction. Judy parted her labia effortlessly and then slowly introduced the head of Gerald's prick into the luscious channel.
By that time, Gerald was no longer uptight about his lack of sexual experience. Judy was making him feel like a real man, was obviously completely satisfied with his erotic technique. Her face was flushed and her body covered with sweet-smelling perspiration. And it was the greatest feeling of his life to have his cock sinking slowly inside her magnificent body.
"Go slow," Judy cautioned him again. "I want us to cum together. It's so much better that way."
Little as he understood Judy's words, Gerald did all in his power to obey his mistress. He wanted to fuck Judy hard and fast, but it would have been foolish to contradict the girl. She knew more about sex than he did, and Gerald felt pretty certain he would have a good time no matter how they went about it.
"You can go in deeper now," Judy conceded. "Shit, you're so big I don't know how I'm going to handle you! Yes, it feels so fucking fine. I swear, I'm going to cum all over you. Aaahhhh..."
Gerald's prick had vanished, buried inside Judy's twat. He could feel his pubic hair mingling with her soft brunette tresses, could feel their bodies becoming one. Slowly, he withdrew his prick a few inches, only to force it back into the waiting orifice, more comfortable and unafraid than he could have expected.
Gerald lowered his head and kissed the girl's tits again, trying to ignore the storm that was raging in his genitals. He didn't want to shoot his wad too early, but it was impossible to keep his lust in check. The girl wasn't doing a thing yet, but already she had him on the verge of orgasm.
Judy sighed as she felt the boy's lips caressing her swollen tits. She wiggled her hips slightly, digging her ass into the soft green grass beneath her. Yes, Gerald seemed virile enough to satisfy any woman. She had done well in choosing him and this was the mere beginning of their lovemaking.
It became apparent to Judy that Gerald would be able to control his passion at least for a while. She began to meet the boy stroke for stroke, no longer asking him to go slowly. Her hips churned with great violence, her cunt contracting around his throbbing cock as if she wanted to rip it off Gerald's body.
Nor did it take Gerald long to get into the rhythm of sex. He leaned back and then slammed his prick into her waiting, hot twat, feeling a new kind of pleasure. It was as if they had been made for each other, perfectly fitted for erotic delectation. The girl's cunt was tight but not too tight for his huge organ. Everything she did contributed to his growing pleasure.
As he became more and more comfortable with his new mistress, Gerald began to experiment with sex, becoming more free in his movements. He would leave his prick buried in the girl's twat, loving the way her vaginal sphincter would contract around the thick shaft. Then he would fuck her violently for a few minutes, feeling the sweat mingling from their two aroused bodies.
Gerald raised himself up onto his outstretched, arms so that his splayed hands took most of the burden of his weight. Only his prick and balls were touching the girl now and her cunt seemed tighter than ever. Also, he could look down at her and gauge Judy's reactions. Her eyes were closed and Gerald loved to see how her passion was growing with each passing minute.
He wanted to fuck Judy in every possible position, make up for the years he had been lusting after women. Life had been lonely on the farm and worse at school. It was bad enough to see his sister walking around half naked all day, but then at school there were a hundred girls, each a potential sex object.
Now he had one of the best-looking girls in Delford in his power, lying beneath him, welcoming his sexual assault. It was hard to believe that Judy really wanted him but she was reacting perfectly, making him feel like a true virile stud.
Gerald lowered his body again, knowing that his prick had got as hard as it possibly could. It was easier to get inside the girl now, possible for him to withdraw so that only the head of his cock remained buried in her twat. Judy seemed to like that, even though he himself preferred deeper penetration.
Gerald began to run his hands along the girl's magnificent torso, starting with her tits and then working his way down to Judy's writhing hips. The girl raised her body a little, making it possible for him to cup his hands under her buttocks, bringing their bodies that much closer together.
It was an incredible feeling to squeeze his strong hands around Judy's firm smooth buttocks. Gerald continued to plow the girl as he explored her body, wondering if the copious flow of her pussy juices would ever abate. It was nice to fuck her when she was so wet but in a way it had been better when she was a little drier, when there was more friction.
But the lad knew that he had nothing to complain about. Judy was moving a lot more by that point, clenching her legs around his narrow waist and increasing the motions of her active vaginal muscles. She knew that she was close to orgasm but it was fun to delay the inevitable, keep the fun going as long as possible.
Gerald slipped his finger into the girl's asshole, hardly aware of what he was doing. It felt good to be penetrating the girl in two of her lovely orifices, and for a minute he wondered what it would be like to fuck the tighter channel. Still, that would have to wait until he had finished his first fuck.
Gerald freed one of his hands so that he could wipe some of the sweat from his flushed brow. It was getting hot as hell under the blazing afternoon sun, but he didn't mind that at all. He and Judy were like a single organism, heaving and moving with ever greater violence, their passion in perfect harmony.
Gerald removed his finger from Judy's asshole, wanting to be able to move more freely. Once again he removed his cock almost all the way out of her cunt, only to slam it in with greater force and passion. At that point, the girl began to moan as if he was hurting her, something that puzzled Gerald completely.
"I'm going to cum now," Judy announced, breathing heavily. "I just can't wait for you any more. You can fuck me as hard as you want. Come on, tear me to pieces with that big things of yours."
Gerald had little idea of the dynamics of a woman's orgasm. Still, he knew that he had been fucking the girl right. She was evidently pleased with him and her orgasm, frightening as it was, was bound to work on his behalf sooner or later. He continued fucking Judy in the same fashion, feeling her cunt clamping down harder on his motionless throbbing cock.
It was impossible to withdraw the organ an inch while Judy was churning her hips beneath him. Her tits were rubbing against Gerald's chest and every inch of her body seemed tense and poised. Quiet moans of passion emanated from between the girl's parted lips, a sure sign that she was almost ready to fly.
"NOW! It's happening to me NOW!" Judy shouted with shocking passion. "Don't move, don't do anything! I just want to FEEL you inside me. Come on, it's going to happen NOW!"
Gerald felt the girl's cunt contracting once more, just as her climax began. Her eyes were closed and swollen now, her body finally beginning to relax. Then he could feel a steam of pussy juice coating his body with its salty warmth.
Judy's orgasm lasted almost a minute. One spasm followed another and each time she came Gerald could feel her cunt drawing his prick further and further into her luscious young body. His own lust was forgotten for the moment, but Gerald found that he didn't care as long as he could keep his mistress so happy.
At last Judy's passion subsided. The girl opened her eyes and looked up at her lover, totally satisfied. Her cunt was wetter than ever, still churning around the thick cock that was filling it so delightfully. She stopped moving her hips for a minute, letting Gerald get his bearings again.
It was a sign for Gerald to serve his own passion, to fuck the girl as hard and fast as he desired. He raised his weight slightly and then began to move his prick back into her twat. It was obvious to both that he would shoot his load in a matter of minutes.
"That's it, you're so fucking strong," Judy sighed. "I was worried about you, but you're dynamite! Fuck me, fuck me HARDER!"
Gerald needed no further encouragement. He began to fuck the girl as if she were nothing but an object, a hole for his desperately horny rod. Judy was strong and fit, able to take whatever he chose to give her. She was still meeting his every movement, her cunt as tireless as the rest of her beautiful body.
Gerald could feel his passion mounting by degrees. His prick seemed harder and thicker than ever and his balls felt like they were going to explode from the long pent load of cum that had been plaguing him all afternoon. Just a few more strong strokes and he would be ready to fill the girl with cum.
Gerald soon found himself at the point of no return. He was alternating between short, choppy strokes and powerful thrustings of his thick cock. Looking down, he could see his veins standing out prominently from his cock, just as it did when he masturbated. No doubt about it, he would be getting his rocks off good and proper within a few more seconds.
A few more strokes brought him over the hill. Gerald found himself losing all consciousness, thinking of nothing but his irresistible passion. He rammed his cock in for the last time and then felt an incredible explosion inside his body. He attempted to slow down, but it was too late, too late to do anything but give free rein to his lust and passion.
Gerald could feel the cum leaving his prick, rocketing with cannon force into the waiting orifice of this young girl. He shot one load and then another, feeling his balls drained with an incredible sense of relief. It was as if there were no end to his passion. He felt like he could go on cumming forever.
But all good things must come to an end, even sexual passion. Gerald felt his prick wilting and then sliding from the girl's still clinging twat. He rolled off the girl and then looked Judy straight in the eye, wondering what was going through the girl's mind. She seemed as tired and confused as he did.
"That was nice, really beautiful," Judy finally panted. "I never thought you could be such a good fuck."
"You weren't bad yourself," Gerald answered self-consciously. "You're the best thing I've ever had."
Haft an hour later, the two youngsters were dressed and heading back for the car. Gerald had to be home early that afternoon to work on the farm. It would have been nice to stay with the girl, to try out some of the things he was now imagining. But that would have to wait until the next time they were alone together.
But things didn't go so well between Gerald and his girlfriend. They saw each other once more and then Judy seemed to lose interest. It took Gerald a few days to find out that she had been seeing another man, a man older and more sexually experienced than himself. It was a blow to his ego that had bothered Gerald ever since, coloring his sex life in a purely negative manner.
For six months after being rejected by Judy he had seen no girls at all. Then he had gone to a prostitute, having decided that sex was all right as long as it entailed no personal or emotional commitment. It was impossible for a good-looking lad like Gerald to stay completely away from women, but he swore that he would never let a girl fuck him over again.
All the while he had grown more aware of his sister's sex appeal. It wasn't just the way the boys at school talked about her. No, the girl was waiting for him, he knew it instinctively. She was young and passive and he could trust her completely. That was important to Gerald after having been hurt by another woman. It seemed so much safer to stay close to home.
But this was a fact that Gerald had refused to acknowledge. For two years he had lusted after his sister, occasionally finding solace in the arms of other girls. But, virile as he was, other women never seemed satisfied with Gerald Judge. Somehow, they seemed to know that he was holding back, that he would never be free with any woman other than his sister.
And now Gerald could no longer deny the truth of that statement. Donna lie sleeping on the bed beside him, naked and gloriously beautiful. He had eaten the girl's pussy with a sense of abandon that had seemed impossible after his failure with Judy. For that alone he would be eternally grateful.
On the other hand, Donna had shown that she would not be content to remain completely passive. She had been every bit as good in the sack as Judy, perhaps even more passionate and responsive. His cock was throbbing with desire as Gerald examined his sister's face and body. Soon she would wake up and then the real fun would begin, the complete consummation of their incestuous union.
Gerald Judge was not about to let his sister go on sleeping at a time like that. He did not have to look down at his prick to know that the thick rod was as rigid as it had been twenty minutes earlier. He had controlled himself for an unprecedented period of time but enough was enough. Thinking about his painful experiences with Judy Jeffers had made him desire his sister all the more.
Gerald knew he didn't really have to worry much about Donna. She was young and selfish most of the time, but he had changed her world in a way that could only work in his behalf. The girl had discovered her sexuality and Donna wasn't the type to be passive about it. She was young, healthy and remarkably free of guilt, considering the nature of her first sexual experience.
"Did you ever do that to anybody else?" Donna asked as she felt herself being woken, her voice deeper and more mature than usual.
"What do you think, that I've never fooled around before?" Gerald answered a little too defensively. "I didn't ride into town on a truck of watermelons, you know. Shit, there isn't a chick in this town I couldn't get into."
Donna giggled at her brother's bragging, but it did put a few doubts into her mind. Gerald was damned good-looking and even if he had refused to tell her about his sex life, she had been able to find out a few things about his dealings with Judy Jeffers. Besides, it stood to reason that most girls' were like herself, which meant that they had a similar capacity for sexual enjoyment. And most of them must have found Gerald pretty attractive.
Donna sat up suddenly, staring her brother directly in the eye. Her big tits jiggled enticingly as a byproduct of her nervousness, but Gerald met her gaze unflinchingly, an uncharacteristically peaceful and affectionate expression on his face. Suddenly Donna knew that there was something special between them, something he could never have with another girl.
Gerald's facial expression was enough to allay Donna's fears. Her brother had chosen her over all the older and better developed girls at the town high school. There was indeed something special between them, something she would eventually understand. Would he want other women also? Donna knew she had to find out more about sex and her brother, as soon as possible.
Thus, their interests coincided perfectly. Alone in the empty farmhouse, the two children could let themselves go without inhibition. Gerald reclined on the lumpy mattress and pulled Donna beside him. He would comfort her for a few seconds and let her get over her case of nerves. Once she was no longer so spaced out he would teach her how to put that gorgeous little body to proper use.
Donna snuggled comfortably into her brother's body. Gerald was sweaty but smelled nice and masculine. His muscles flexed gently around her, each like a live organism. He was very handsome indeed. His teeth were perfect, his eyes round and amber-colored, his nose short and straight. Donna didn't look too closely at her brother's physique. His muscles were nice but she was afraid to see the heavy cudgel that she had manipulated fifteen minutes earlier.
Actually, Gerald's cock had subsided to a more manageable size. Ordinarily that would have upset him but it was clear that it wouldn't take much from his sister to arouse him again. Gerald moved away from Donna, ready again, trying to decide what line to give her, how to talk her into doing his bidding.
But it was so much easier just to be active. Gerald took his sister into his strong arms and kissed her with passion, his tongue sliding all the way into her welcoming mouth. Donna met the onslaught gladly. It was more fun to fool around with Gerald than to think about it, immeasurably better.
Gerald explored his sister's tits again, hoping that Donna would take the hint and do a little feeling around on his own horny body. Sure enough, he could soon feel her arms encircling his back, the long cool fingers massaging his muscles gently. Soon she would move around to the front of his torso and let her hands touch his heavy throbbing prick.
Eventually Donna found that she was less frightened of her brother's sexual desires. His prick had hardened and filled with blood. His face was flushed as well, a similar blood-engorged color. Timidly, Donna reached out and touched the heavy wand, weighing it in her soft hands, shocked once again by the thickness and rigidity of the thing. This time she was going to please Gerald to the best of her abilities. Ignorant as she was of sex, Donna began to feel her self-confidence rising with every minute that passed.
Her long, delicately formed fingers surrounded the thick shaft, pulling the skin back and forth, occasionally venturing to touch the hypersensitive purple crown. The storm had abated and moonlight was streaming through the open window. It was easy for Donna to see just what she was doing.
The girl began to experiment, using her fingernails on the head of her brother's cock, tickling and teasing the incredibly sensitive appendage. It gave her a sense of power to drive her brother wild with desire, although Donna had little idea of the eventual outcome of his passion.
Donna let go of the huge machine temporarily, wanting to explore her brother's pendulous balls. The heavy globes seemed soft and vulnerable, not as sensitive as his prick, but nice in their own unique way. Donna squeezed the scrotum gently for a few moments, wondering if Gerald was ever going to say anything to her.
"That feels good, real good," Gerald finally announced. "I didn't think you knew how to jerk a man off right, but your hands feel fucking great. You've never done this before, have you?"
"No, not exactly," Donna temporized. "Don't ask any more questions. Just let me make you feel good, darling."
"You really want to make me feel good?"
"Oh yes, I'd do anything for you, anything at all," Donna insisted. "It's just that I don't really know what to do."
"Well, you could blow me," Gerald decided, trying to sound calm and reasonable. "I'll tell you exactly how to do it."
"I don't know if I could do that... take it into my mouth, I mean," Donna answered timidly. "Joanie told me about that once. It sounded so awful and dirty."
It took but a moment for Gerald to change his sister's mind. The thought of her thick, sensual lips surrounding his cock was sufficient to give the boy new powers of eloquence. He assured Donna that she would be doing nothing unnatural, that sucking cock was something every girl had to learn sooner or later.
Then Gerald sat up on the bed, bolstering his strong back against the oak headboard. His prick stood up straight from his groin, lined with thick, angry looking veins, bobbing gently but insistently as he watched his sister's changing reactions.
"Come on, all you have to do is take it into your mouth and kiss it and suck it a little. Just like a big candy cane."
Donna giggled, glad that her brother was making things easy for her. She was slightly nauseated by the thought of sucking the huge prick but she would do it anyway. The big organ was not to be denied. Besides, her brother had fired Donna's curiosity and there was only one way to satisfy it.
Donna squatted between her brother's parted thighs, slowly lowering her head toward the inviting target of his turgid rod. She placed a tender kiss on the purple crown, feeling her firm young tits pressing against the inside of his thighs. He had been right, Donna decided, there was nothing wrong or disgusting about using her mouth to satisfy her brother's lust.
Finally, Donna parted her bright white teeth, allowing the first three inches of her brother's meat to penetrate her moistly inviting little mouth. The thing seemed too large to handle at first, stretching Donna's lips and threatening to dislocate the girl's lovely chiseled jaw.
Donna was able to get used to the unfamiliar penetration. She found that her mouth was producing a great deal of saliva, the heavy flow making it much easier to handle the still motionless pecker. Little by little, she attempted to service the full seven inches of the fearsome cudgel.
Gerald folded his hands behind his head and tried to relax. He had what he wanted now, had talked his sister into sucking his tumid cock. Donna had no idea that she would soon be swallowing a veritable ocean of cum, but there was no need to tell her about it until the moment of truth had finally arrived.
In the meantime, she was doing a damned good job of turning him on, considering that she was a completely inexperienced little virgin. Her tongue was wrapped around his prick now, each stroke driving the handsome lad half crazy with desire. Yes, it wasn't going to take long for him to fire his wad.
Then Gerald allowed himself to move, rocking back and forth on his pelvis and shoving his prick deeper into Donna's unresisting mouth. In seconds he had reached the back of Donna's throat and was able to feel the girl gagging and struggling from the effort of handling his huge throbbing meat.
"That's right, baby," Gerald encouraged. "Just keep sucking and licking it. You're doing it just perfect."
By that point, Donna had overcome all feelings of guilt and shame. It wasn't as good as having her cunt and clitty licked but she definitely felt stimulated by the control she was exerting over Gerald's lust. It felt good to think of herself as a real woman, doing new and dangerous things with a man.
"Let it go out of your mouth and lick it a little," Gerald commanded his sister, more sure than ever that he could talk her into anything. "Just run your tongue up and down it, all the way. Especially the tip, that's where it feels best."
Donna gripped the thick member by its base, immediately protruding a pink wet tongue from her luscious lips. She ran her tongue along the shaft from base to crown, letting it linger around the collar before attacking the head. She could feel Gerald's whole body trembling. It was hard to tell if she was hurting her brother or giving him pleasure.
Her tongue was moving like a snake, coating every inch of the thick rod with a fine patina of sweet warm saliva. She could feel the blood throbbing through Gerald's prick, could feel his passion rising higher and higher. Still the boy seemed in control of his lust, at least for the moment.
"Do it to my balls," Gerald gasped, no longer trying to control his voice. "Lick them, just like my cock."
Donna obeyed her brother without hesitation, not realizing that the experience was as new to him as to herself. She held the soft globes in her right hand and then licked them gently, her tongue getting tickled by the wiry black pubic hairs. Sex was turning out to be a lot less complicated than she had expected. To her surprise she was actually enjoying it.
She began to act of her own volition, shocking Gerald by opening her mouth wide and taking both balls into that inviting cavity. Donna licked and sucked and dandled the heavy, soft spheres for a few moments, feeling her brother's prick brushing against her smooth pink cheeks and coating half her lovely face with a bath of her own warm saliva.
But Donna tired of that game, knowing that her real work consisted in servicing Gerald's still throbbing prick. Reluctantly, she relinquished his balls, holding her hand around the crown of Gerald's prick. Two seconds later the big organ was back in her mouth, harder and thicker than ever.
"Go ahead," Gerald insisted. "Suck it good, make your head move up and down on it. I know you can do it, Donna."
Now it was a matter of pride with the young girl. Donna had always felt young and callow compared to her brother, just an inexperienced, clumsy little girl. She was now proving that she had talents of her own, that it was child's play for her to work over the heavy cock filling her mouth so fascinatingly.
Gerald reached down and fondled his sister's tits as she continued to suck him off. Her knockers were absolutely fantastic, full and firm, pink and white, totally captivating. Occasionally when she would move the right way he could feel her cunt brushing against his legs. That turned Gerald on all the more, until it was a real problem to keep his passion leashed.
Donna surrounded his thick, aching-to-cum cock with her clinging pink lips, pulling hard. She could feel her cheeks getting hollow from the effort but her jaw was no longer tired or sore. It would have been nice to continue sucking his cock for hours, unlikely as that prospect seemed.
Then Donna began to experiment in earnest, trying to understand her brother's sensuality. Everything she did seemed to increase Gerald's passion, but some things were obviously better for him than others. At that point Donna brushed her long blonde hair out of her eyes, sensing somehow that Gerald would dig watching his cock slide in and out of her parted lips.
"Take more of it into your mouth," Gerald commanded. "Not the whole thing if you can't, but as much as you can handle."
Donna inclined her head further, wanting to please her brother at any cost. The first four inches of his prick slid into her hungry mouth easily enough. Soon the thick head was pressed against the back of her throat and Donna could not see how she could service another inch of the huge monstrosity. But the brave girl persevered, knowing that a lot was expected of her.
Her gag reflex turned out easy enough to control. Donna closed her bright blue eyes and then slammed her head down onto her brother's turgid rod, feeling it penetrate into the base of her throat. It was hard to believe, but she had done it, actually succeeded in taking in the full seven thick inches. Her lips were pressed against the boy's wiry pubic hair while her teeth rested firmly and gently against the thick base of his prick.
It felt good to have Gerald manipulating her tits as she kept his cock ensconced in the bottom of her straining throat. Donna could feel herself getting turned on all over again, though it seemed unlikely that she would have another orgasm this time. First she had to bring Gerald's desire to some sort of consummation.
A few moments later Donna let the thick weapon slide halfway out of her mouth. She had had trouble breathing before but now it was quite easy. Her hair was out of her eyes, her tits were pressed against Gerald's balls and her mouth seemed to need no further instructions as she drove the horny young lad closer and closer to the point of passionate explosion.
"Rub it between your tits," Gerald ordered the girl. "Go ahead, I want to feel it between those big knobs of yours."
Donna couldn't help being stimulated and flattered by her brother's command. She had been quite proud of her breasts since the luscious orbs had developed two years ago. Gerald loved her body, seemed to worship its beauty and desirability. The very least she could do was obey her lover's requests.
Donna pressed the hot throbbing organ against her chest, using her other hand to press her big tits together. Now her boobs were forming a channel for Gerald's cock, which slid up and down the soft skin in a hypnotic ceaseless rhythm. Every now and then his prick would protrude all the way to her mouth, allowing Donna to make further use of her talented lips and tongue.
"Take it into your mouth again," Gerald said a few seconds later. "I'm almost ready to cum now. Don't be scared. I'm going to shoot juice in your mouth, just like you did to me."
Donna felt apprehensive about the onset of her brother's orgasm, a feeling she could still not understand. She didn't like the idea of something being emptied into her virgin mouth, but it was far too late to protest. She would have to go through with it and hope that he had not been lying. After all, everything else they had done together had been more than pleasant.
Now the big prick was fucking her mouth fearlessly and with uncontrollable passion. Donna felt herself gagging again, but soon it was easy for her to regulate her breathing, timing it to the quickening strokes of her brother's rod. Her tongue danced over the taut skin and she could feel the blood rushing its way to the tip. Something had to happen soon.
But Gerald held his passion in check for as long as he could, not wanting to truncate the incredibly passionate experience. Donna was driving him crazy with her lips, teeth and tongue, using every possible combination of pressure, smoothness and friction. She seemed far more experienced than he had thought, the hottest and most passionate little tramp he had ever known.
"Oh, yeah, I'm going to shoot real soon," Gerald gasped. "I can feel it now. Any second I'm going to fill you with spunk."
Donna redoubled her efforts, dying of suspense, wondering what was finally going to happen to her. She felt a fresh drop of something warm and salty in the back of her mouth but ignored it for the moment. Gerald's face was red as a beet and his body was so taut that it seemed about to fly into pieces.
Finally Gerald could stand it no longer. He felt the cum welling up in the tip of his prick, forming a temporary reservoir. A few more strokes of his sister's talented lips and the lad was ready to fly. He forced himself to keep his eyes open, not wanting to miss the girl's reaction to her first mouthful of cum.
His prick began to move with ever greater speed, penetrating deep into Donna's passive welcoming throat. A few more short strokes brought Gerald completely over the verge. He held his breath and then allowed his prick to release its long pent-up fluids. Gerald felt two strong spasms of delight, each losing an incredibly copious stream of hot jism between the young girl's waiting lips.
"Aaahhh, shit!" he groaned. "Cumming, GAAAH, MY SISTER'S MOUTH!!!"
Donna gagged at her first taste of semen. It was too much for her, too hot and salty. The stuff rocketed into the back of her throat and then flowed forward, spilling out onto her chin and trickling down her slender neck to form a sticky puddle between her heaving tits. Still, her brother's jism continued to come, until the girl was sure she would drown in scum.
The huge prick bucked once more and then released its final stream of cum. The hot juices squirted all over Donna's lovely face, some of it getting into her eyes. She was blinded and soaked with sperm, felt that it had seeped into her very marrow. And then, just as she was about to be terrified by her brother's passion, it subsided as quickly as it had begun.
Donna got up from bed immediately, groping for a towel. She mopped the sperm out of her eyes and then tried to clean it from the rest of her pretty face, embarrassed at letting Gerald witness her lack of composure. Donna felt certain that an older, more experienced woman would have handled the situation a lot better.
But Donna was soon reassured by her brother. Gerald waited until the girl had finished her ablutions. Then he wrapped his arm around Donna's naked shoulders and kissed her full on the lips, immediately tasting the last of spermy discharge. Donna was trembling prettily, her body amazingly soft and receptive, more womanly and appealing than ever.
"I guess we have to cut it out now," Gerald conceded after they had reclined together for five minutes, caressing each other tenderly. "It's almost morning and we can't let Mom and Dad see what we've been doing together, can we?"
"Do we have to keep everything a secret?" Donna asked candidly. "I mean, it was so damned good for both of us. You said that there wasn't anything to be afraid or ashamed of."
"I know," Gerald answered impatiently. "It's just that they wouldn't understand. They're old. They don't know what's going down. Anyway, most people wouldn't dig what we did together. You know what assholes they are around here."
Donna wanted to question her brother at greater length but soon thought better of it. It was good enough to keep things the way they were. It was their little secret and nobody else would ever know about it. In the back of Donna's mind there was a growing awareness of the power that could be derived from sex, especially when it was between brother and sister.
"Do you think Frank and what'shername, Gloria, will be with them?" Donna asked. "How long is it since we saw Frank? It seems like he's been away at school since we were little kids."
"It's not that long," Gerald insisted. "Four years, I guess. Shit, they'll be on the morning train, otherwise Mom and Pop were wasting their time."
Donna reclined on the bed as her brother groped for his pajamas. It was almost dawn and their parents would be back within the hour, having no idea what had happened in their absence. Next week Frank and Gloria would be married, certainly the most exciting thing that had happened to the family in years, with the exception of her recent initiation into sex.
Gerald kissed his sister before leaving, knowing that the girl would be asleep almost before he had closed the door to her room. He could trust Donna. She was young and not the brightest girl in the world, but she would know enough to keep her mouth shut, at least until after he had managed to take her cherry.
Donna Judge woke up at ten o'clock, struggling to remember a particularly disturbing dream. As she rubbed sleep from her bleary blue eyes, the girl could remember dreaming of her brother and of another man, older and stronger and more virile. But she could remember no more about the dream, other than that she had experienced a great deal of sexual stimulation.
Donna dressed herself quickly, knowing that her parents would be home, along with her older brother and his fiance. She couldn't help feeling apprehensive about keeping secrets from her family, but Gerald had been right about that. It seemed highly unlikely that they would be sympathetic toward her plight.
Five minutes later, Donna had dressed and washed, finding that there was still a strange taste of semen in her mouth, a taste that brushing her teeth could not extirpate. She stepped timidly out of her bedroom and listened to the sounds of morning, wondering if her parents had gone to bed after arriving home.
Donna passed by Gerald's bedroom and noticed that the door was open. Looking inside, she could see that the bed was unmade and the room unoccupied. Gerald had evidently got up already and taken care of the morning chores. That meant that she would be alone until the others finally awakened.
Donna then tiptoed down the long corridor of the farmhouse's second floor until she had reached Frank's old room, unoccupied since the boy had left for college. The door was closed, however, and Do
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