It's all about breasts, lots of big and small breasts
"What a neat little doll, Ashley!" Corrina exclaimed.
"Where'd you pick it up?" Corrina turned the odd little
doll around into the light to get a better look at it.
Ruffling a page in her magazine, Ashley snuffled. "Oh,
*that* old thing? I picked it up in Rhodes, on vacation
with my folks. It's older than dinosaur it, I've been
"Lemme see it," requested Zenobia, reaching out her
hand for the little statuette. Corrina passed it to
her. "It does look kinda old," she commented.
Ashley's little statuette was an odd one. It was
clearly a woman, although her face wasn't clearly seen.
Her head was bent over, and her hands were cupping, a
pair of extremely large, full breasts, which jutted out
through an opening in the front of the woman's gown.
The atmosphere of female sensuality was completed by
the statuette's narrow waist and broad hips. The head
was covered by a diadem of six stars, each one on its
own spur. The effect was one of brooding royalty.
"It looks like Jessica Snively!" remarked Zenobia, and
all three girls laughed nervously. Jessica was the
best-developed girl in their eighth grade class at
Monroe Junior High, and any mention of large tits was
followed by a reference to Jessica's over-ripe, and
still developing, bust-line.
Zenobia passed the statuette back to Ashley, who put it
on the lamp-stand.
"Jessica's tits aren't that big," remarked Zenobia.
"They're big enough to make Scott Brandon crazy for
her," taunted Ashley, who knew Zenobia had a crush on
the ninth grade star center.
An uninterested outside observer would never have
picked Ashley Monroe, Corrina Paglatelli, and Zenobia
Farad as close friends. They were very different.
Ashley Monroe's family owned most of the small Ohio
town they lived in.
Even though Ashley's father was a younger son of a
younger son, there was plenty of money in the family.
Ashley had inherited the Monroe face and coloring;
soft, straight blonde hair that fell to her waist, blue
eyes, thin lips, a somewhat long, narrow nose.
Like most of the women in her family, she was flat-
chested, having sprouted two little bumps on her chest
in the sixth grade, but there did been no further
development in that arena. Despite her flat chest,
Ashley had wide hips and chunky thighs, which she
attempted to hide with full skirts and long shirt-
vests. At five-ten, Ashley also towered over the other
girls, and her conceit was that she was only a few leg-
lifts away from a modeling career.
Although Corrina and Zenobia privately thought Ashley
stuck-up, they would have defended her to the death to
an outsider. Neither of them came from a background
half as privileged as Ashley's, and their friendship
with her gave them a glimpse of the 'good life' they
both aspired to.
Corrina Paglatelli was a red-haired, round-faced
Italian girl from a large, boisterous family. Due to
her mother's excellent cooking, she tended to a bit of
heaviness, especially in the hips. She was shorter than
Ashley, about five-five, but prettier, with mischievous
grey eyes, a generous mouth, and a merry disposition.
Rare for an Italian girl, she was also flat-chested,
and had a large collection of padded bras she claimed
to need to "balance" out her figure flaws.
Aside from her almost total lack of chest development,
Corrina didn't have any "figure flaws." She had a
narrow waist that flared out provocatively into her
generous ass, muscular haunches, well-sculpted thighs
and calves, slender ankles and dainty feet.
Much shorter than the others at five-foot nothing,
Zenobia Farad was also the prettiest. The daughter of
an Iranian immigrant family, Zenobia was beautiful in a
dark, Middle-Eastern way, with huge black, sparkling,
almond-shaped eyes, an even olive complexion unmarred
by blotch or body hair, except for the merest hint of a
mustache at the corners of her lips. Her thick masses
of midnight-black hair fell past her waist to the
bottom of her pleasantly-rounded little ass.
Obsessed with everything American, Zenobia had fallen
hard for the All-American Scott Brandon, as blonde and
as typically Mid-western as Zenobia was dark and
exotic. She tried every strategy in her limited
repertory to attract Scott's attention; short, tight
skirts, scrupulous attention to fashion, swinging from
grunge to hip-hop to black-lace-on-black-Gothic.
There was even an ill-advised hair coloring episode
that, instead of turning Zenobia into a striking
blonde, left her with hair the color and texture of
Bozo the Clown's.
None of this produced any result whatsoever. Scott
Brandon judged women by one pure and un-hypocritical
standard; breast size, and true to this guiding
principle he had selected Jessica Snively.
Jessica Snively was thirteen, overdeveloped and under-
controlled. She came from a poor family. Her father
drank a lot and her mother had to wash floors to keep
her six kids minimally clothed. All through grade
school, the other girls made fun of her faded clothes,
her clunky shoes, her pale, pasty complexion, her
stringy blonde hair.
However, in the sixth grade, the tit-fairy waved her
magic wand and singled Jessica Snively out for special
treatment. By the end of the grade school, Jessica had
grown from nothing into a 34-C. The relentless growth
of her breasts during her first year in junior high
propelled Jessica from her resented status as the butt
of everyone's jokes into the social stratosphere. By
the time she had attracted the attention of the highly-
prized Scott Brandon, Jessica was sporting an
incredible 34-DD.
As the girlfriend of the most popular boy in school,
the busty Jessica was firmly on top of the early
adolescent pecking-order. Needless to say, she engaged
in a lot of pay-back, and relished the power she
exercised over girls like Ashley Monroe who, despite
the wealth and influence of their families, couldn't
get a boyfriend to save their lives.
Zenobia snorted in disgust. "That cow! Just 'cause
she's got the biggest boobs in school, she thinks..."
"She **can** have any guy she wants, stupid!" Corrina
finished Zenobia's unfinished thought. "Just 'cause
she's got the one you want doesn't make her bad or
"I wish I had big tits," Zenobia said aloud. As soon as
the words left her mouth, the stars on the statuette's
crown flickered briefly, then died.
"Did you see that?" screamed Corrina, grabbing the
"See what?" asked Ashley, peering over her magazine.
"Watch," demanded Corrina. She closed her eyes and
repeated, "I wish I had great big tits!" Once again,
the tiny jewels in the statuette's crown flared,
flickered, and died.
"Jeez, maybe the thing's got batteries!" shouted
Ashley. She grabbed the statuette from Corrina and
checked it thoroughly. Finding nothing that could
explain the flickering lights in the statue's crown,
she shrugged her shoulders.
"Go ahead, Ashley, say it!" Zenobia giggled.
"Say what?," snorted Ashley, looking around at the two
eager faces staring back at her.
"Say what we said!" Corrina encouraged her. "Let's see
if it'll light up again!"
Ashley took the doll and looked at it. Nothing special,
she thought. Just ancient wiring going off somewhere
inside. "I wish I had **huge** tits," she sneered. The
doll flickered, and the jewels in its crown ignited
into a steady white light. The little statue's crown
glowed for about a second, then faded.
"Well, dip me in dog-shit!" exclaimed Ashley. The
jewels flickered briefly again.
"Oh oh," said Zenobia, "I don't think you oughta have
said that!"
Life in the eighth grade can be pretty monotonous,
especially if you are in that delicate social stratum
between the most desired, most popular girls, and the
absolute dweebs and grendles. Ashley, Zenobia, and
Corrina stuck together as much from self-preservation
as from any genuine affection.
The three of them were standing at Corrina's locker
when Jessica Snively came sauntering up, wearing a low-
cut, pink sweater hat revealed more than an eyeful of
her precocious assets.
"Oh, hi there, Corrina, Zenobia, Ashley!" she warbled,
moving her prodigious chest from side to side as if
marking out her territory. "Are the three of you going
to the dance on Friday? Scott's taking me, of course.
I'll see you there, maybe!" and she disappeared in a
flash of hair, cleavage, and cheap perfume.
"God, what a **bitch**!" snarled Zenobia, her dark eyes
lashing with rage.
"She's just stupid," Corrina consoled her friend,
"Don't pay any attention to her!"
Ashley stared down at her own 32AA poking inadequately
out from her chest. "Betsy Grundy's stupid," she
remarked, "but I don't mind her. That little slut
Jessica gets on my nerves, though."
As if to remind them of their subservient status,
Jessica passed them by once more, this time with her
arms wrapped around Scott, the basketball center. She
was rubbing her substantial breasts all over his arms,
and Scott was smiling a perfectly contented smile. She
turned and smiled at Ashley, Corrina, and Zenobia, as
if to say, see what you can have if you got what I got.
Zenobia was in science class when she felt something
tugging at her back. She turned around to see if Jimmy
Talbot was doing anything nasty to her, but Jimmy was
buried in his textbook.
She felt the tug again, as well as a sort of a
tightness about her chest.
She attempted to adjust her bra under her shirt, and
was surprised to find that her bra, which was not
really a necessity, but more of a fashion had ridden up
on her chest. When she tried to pull it back down, she
could no longer pull her bra back over what felt like
two large and growing lumps on her chest. She put her
hands over what had been until then a non-existent
bust-line, and felt two soft, rubbery little mounds.
Where had these breasts come from? She pulled her
textbook over her other hand, so that no one could see
her feel herself up. She could feel her heartbeat, and
each time her heart thumped, she felt her breast push
against her hand as it grew and swelled.
Zenobia pulled her book to her chest and feigned
interest in the lecture. slowly, she felt her breasts
expand until they began to press against the book. Her
bra was beginning to feel uncomfortable underneath her
cotton shirt. She could feel it stretch slowly under
the pressure from her growing boobs.
Reaching behind her book, Zenobia grabbed her left
breast. She was an ample handful now, and she could
feel the outward expansion continue.
Her straps were beginning to dig into her shoulders
now, and the pressure from her inadequate bra was
becoming painful.
No one seemed to be watching her, so Zenobia snuck a
peek behind her book. what she saw thrilled her. Her
breasts had expanded to about a C-cup. Her 34-A bra was
stretched across her growing tits like a piece of
string tied across a couple of baseballs. Her shirt had
filled out, and now had formed a considerable shelf
instead of plunging straight from her shoulder-blades
to her waist. Zenobia wondered how long she could
continue to hide behind her book.
Her burgeoning breasts had just about filled all the
available space, and the gaps were starting to show
between the buttons on her shirt. The pain from her
too-small bra was quite acute now, and she began to
shift in her seat. What the hell, Zenobia thought as
she dropped her book to her desk, they are bound to
find out sooner or later.
Jeremy Cage, the boy sitting in the seat next to
Zenobia, gasped when he saw his classmate's new
grapefruit-sized tits. "Wow, Zennie!" he shouted, "dope
I could get used to this, Zenobia thought as she leaned
back in her seat. All eyes were on her now, as her
shirt continued to pull away from her chest. Through
the growing gaps between the buttons of her shirt,
Zenobia could see her new breasts, punching out from
underneath, and from above, her bra, which was now a
narrow band vainly trying to hold back a growing mass
of adolescent tit-flesh. With a rending sound, the
snaps in the front gave way, and her newly enlarged
breasts bobbled as they sprang out from behind their
restraint to fill the space inside Zenobia's shirt.
Now that her bra no longer covered them, Zenobia's dark
nipples were visible through the flimsy fabric of the
blouse. Zenobia cupped her hands under her breasts. She
was more than a handful now!
R-r-r-rip! The first of the buttons on her shirt pulled
away and went clattering away across the classroom
floor. Zenobia was really blowing up! Even the teacher
had given up trying to lecture, as he stood slack-jawed
in disbelief as Zenobia got larger and larger. He had
to duck as Zenobia's swelling tits fired another button
in his direction.
Only the top and bottom buttons remained intact on
Zenobia's blouse, and new breast-tissue was straining
into the great gap left by the two missing buttons.
Zenobia stood up, causing her now-volleyball-sized tits
to jiggle wildly under her shirt.
"Holy shit!" one boy exclaimed, "watch out Jessica
You've got competition now, for sure." Zenobia wiggled
and jiggled her way to the front of the class, her top
button giving up the uneven struggle as she walked out
the door.
A couple of days later, Corrina and Ashley were
standing by their lockers as the new, enlarged Zenobia
breezed by. She had Scott Brandon by the arm, and
Jessica Snively in adoring attendance behind her.
Zenobia saw her old friends standing in the hall. She
waved to them and passed on by. "I wonder what gives
with her?," asked Ashley.
Corrina snorted. "I guess she's outgrown us!"
Later that afternoon, Corrina found herself in a Monroe
Jr. High cheerleader uniform, trying out for the squad.
In the middle of basketball season, Cindy Bouwer had
come down with mononucleosis and had left her spot on
the squad vacant. About twelve girls were trying out
for the spot, and Corrina took her place on the bench
between Tamika Wilson and Jan Van Dam.
Jan Van Dam leaned over to Corrina. "Hey, Corrina," she
asked, "you stuffing? If you are, its not gonna do you
any good."
"What do you mean, stuffing?," replied Corrina
indignantly. "I ain't even wearing a bra today!"
Corrina wondered what Jan had meant by that remark. She
looked down at the front of her borrowed cheerleader's
sweater and saw what looked like two little knobs
poking their way out against the heavy fabric of the
sweater. The uniform sweater was a blue V-neck with a
white 'M' on the chest, and a white V-collar and cuffs.
The girls wore white skirts and socks with them, and
carried blue and white pom-poms.
Corrina reached her hand up to her chest to brush off a
stray piece of pom-pom that had lodged there, and
found, to her delight and surprise, that she had grown
a substantial amount of chest tissue. She looked over
at the other girls. None of them was particularly
large, but they weren't as flat-chested as Corrina was,
or had been until just then.
She didn't know where the extra tit had come from, but
she was thankful for it anyway, especially at this
crucial moment.
'Blue and white! fight! fight! Blue and white! Fight!
Fight!' The candidates were starting their routines now
under the watchful eye of Mrs. Prince, the cheerleading
advisor. Corrina watched the first two girls go through
the movements, until she felt something tugging at her
Her sweater had worked its way up, and was now riding
above Corrina's waist. When she tried to pull it back
into place, she noticed with horror that her breasts,
which had been practically non-existent that morning,
were now two orange-sized mounds jiggling and bouncing
away merrily under her borrowed sweater. Their growth
had bunched the sweater up in front, pulling the bottom
of it up over the top of her skirt.
Corrina pulled her pom-poms over her oddly-expanding
chest as the third girl got up to cheer. While she was
performing, Corrina did a little investigating. She was
definitely growing. She could feel her breasts push
against the sweater as they grew. She began to sweat.
There were only four girls ahead of her now.
Lowering her pom-poms, she snuck a peak. Yup, she was
bigger, all right. Between a B- and a C-cup from the
looks of things. The sweater had not been made for a
full-chested girl, and it was being pulled all out of
shape by Corrina's exuberantly expanding boobs.
The third girl sat down and the fourth girl got up to
start her routine. Corrina sat in the stands with her
pom-poms pressed tightly against her chest, repeating
the phrase 'Stop growing! Stop growing!' to herself
like a mantra.
Corrina's tits weren't listening to her. By the time
the fourth girl sat they had ballooned to the size of
large grapefruit, and Corrina's sweater had ridden up
past her navel, exposing most of her midriff. She tried
to pull the fringe of the sweater back down, but this
had the effect of pushing her big new tits up through
the V-neck, exposing an imposing amount of newly
sprouted cleavage.
The girl next to Jan Van Dam got up to cheer, and
Corrina wished she could find a hole she could crawl
into. She had real knockers by now, and pretty soon,
the pom-poms wouldn't be able to hide them. She could
feel the back of the sweater pull tight against her
back as her growing, swelling tits pushed against the
front, pudging out through the V-neck on the top. By
the time Jan got up to cheer, Corrina's sweater was
little better than a halter top across her furiously
expanding boobs.
The sleeves had worked their way up to her elbows, and
she had about six inches of cleavage poking through the
top of the sweater. The 'M' on the front of the sweater
was practically un-readable, as it had been stretched
across the vast expanse of Corrina's expanding breasts.
Jan Van Dam sat down. "Your turn," she said to Corrina.
There was a collective gasp as Corrina stood up to
start her routine. Her breasts had exploded to the size
of twin basketballs, and the bottoms were showing
beneath the tormented sweater. Corrina was jiggling
like a bowl of Jello as she began her routine. "Blue
and white! Fight! Fight!" she yelled, jumping and
raising the pom-poms over her head.
Her now-enormous breasts heaved skyward as well, only
marginally restrained by the over-stuffed sweater.
"Blue and White! Fight! Fight!" As she landed, it took
her tits an extra second to stop their downward motion
and return to their original position.
"Who fights?" Corrina thrust the pom-poms to the left,
and was nearly knocked off balance as her big tits
swung with her, continuing in the same arc well after
she had stopped turning.
"We fight." She repeated the same performance on the
right, almost losing her footing as the unfamiliar mass
of her newly-grown boobs pulled her too far into the
Corrina thrust the pom-poms over her head and gave on
more leap. "Blue and White! Fight! FIGHT!" There was a
tremendous ripping sound, and the armpits of the
sweater gave way. Corrina's immense breasts exploded
out of their restraint and into the faces of the
astounded girls.
"Ohmigod," shrieked Corrina, and she tried to grab
them. They were too big now for her small hands to do
anything but agitate them further. She ran screaming
for the shower room.
Watching the performance of Corrina's breasts, clearly
visible from behind, Jan Van Dam turned to Tamika
Wilson. "We might as well go home now. I think
Corrina's made the squad, if only she can support her
The shower room was full of squealing, naked eighth-
grade girls, all with one idea in mind, that of hiding
their an adequacies. The cause of this mass complex was
evident. Three extremely well-endowed young girls stood
like royalty in the center of the shower room. They
were laughing and joking, completely oblivious to the
psychological devastation they were causing around
One girl, as equally unspectacular as her mates,
showered calmly. She was more resentful than envious.
Ashley stared at Corrina, Zenobia, and Jessica in the
center of the shower room. Jessica was the smallest.
Her breasts were about the size of cantaloupes, but
they were capped with the most delicate pink little
nipples, about the size of Pez lozenges. She had almost
no areolae whatever.
Zenobia had a great volleyball-sized pair of dusky
breasts. She was lathering them up now, and the suds
dripped off her plump, brown D-battery-sized nipples
onto the floor of the shower room, and down the drain.
The largest of them all was her old friend Corrina,
whose massive basketball-sized knockers with their
saucer-sized areolae and shot glass-sized nipples had
won her a prized spot on the cheerleading squad.
Attendance at the games, it was rumored, had doubled
since she was installed.
Ashley was close enough to hear their conversation. Of
course, they were talking about boys. Jessica had Scott
Brandon back, as Zenobia was now going out with the
quarterback from the senior high football team. Corrina
had been linked with the son of the owner of the local
mattress factory, but she was saying that she had met a
young professor from the local community college, and
was ready to give up on schoolboys for good.
Glumly, she walked back to her locker to dry off. Time
was when she would have had a great time laughing and
joking with Corrina and Zenobia, but they moved in
wider circles now, propelled by the astounding growth
in their tits. Gently Ashley patted her own 32-AA's
dry, but was surprised in that they seemed, well,
fuller than before.
Her breasts were growing. Visibly. She watched as they
grew from two little bumps under her nipples to golf
ball sized spheres, then, like two little water
balloons attached to a water faucet, they swelled and
grew until they were the size of baseballs, then
softballs. She was growing, and much faster than had
either Corrina or Zenobia.
"Hey! Lookit this!" shouted one girl, "Ashley's
boobs're growing!" Soon there was a small circle of
girls crowded into the narrow space between the rows of
lockers, staring at Ashley's tits as they continued to
grow. "Make way, make way," shouted Corrina as she and
her two companions pushed their way through the
seething crowd to get to Ashley. Ashley was as large as
Jessica now, and her boobs kept growing until they
reached the bottom of her rib cage.
"Hey, Ashley!" shouted Zenobia, "this's great. Now
you're gonna have big tits too! We can all be friends
together again!"
Ashley bent over to dry her feet. Her expanding tits
slapped against the locker door. When she stood back
up, the girls saw that they reached to her navel, and
stuck out a good foot from her chest. "Why?," she
asked, "We were friends before you all got so big and
mighty. Why should the size of our tits matter?"
Zenobia shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know," she
replied, "but it does!"
Turning too quickly, Ashley tit-slapped a thin girl who
had moved in too close. "Oops, sorry," she said. She
pulled her bra out of the locker and held it up to her
amazing tits. The cups could barely contain Ashley's
nipples now, as her growing mams now reached to her
waist, and stood out about twenty inches from her
The girls stood back, giving the rapidly-growing Ashley
some room. She draped the miniscule bra over her now-
titanic left tit. "This isn't going to help much," she
said, shaking her head.
"Corrina!" Jessica shouted. "Get one of your
cheerleading bras. You're the only one big enough now
to help her!" Corrina disappeared and returned with one
of her cavernous brassieres. Ashley bent over. Her
massive new tits reached almost to her knees, and their
amazing bulk overwhelmed even the capacious cups of
Corrina's custom-made 34-R bra. "I'm getting too big!"
shouted Ashley.
She attempted to stand upright again, and got her huge
breasts wedged between another girl and the lockers.
"Help! You're crushing me! I can't breathe!" gasped the
other girl. The crowd of girls pulled on her arms and
legs, and managed to get her free from the prison of
Ashley's growing, chair-sized tits.
Ashley managed to work her slowly towards the open
space at the end of the row of lockers. She had to drag
her tits along the ground as they grew. The other girls
grabbed hold of her waist, pulling her down the
corridor as her tits grew and it got harder to pull.
Finally, with a great crash, one of the rows of lockers
toppled to the ground, and Ashley's mammoth tits popped
out of the narrow corridor.
Attempting to drag her bean-bag sized breasts along the
concrete floor, Ashley moved slowly towards the door of
the shower room. If she could only get to the open
gymnasium, she thought, she wouldn't have to worry
about being stuck again. Grasping her purpose, the
girls all pitched in and helped. There was only the
double doors now standing between Ashley's now-couch-
sized breasts and freedom.
Struggling and straining, ten or twelve girls to a
breast, they managed to get Ashley to the doorway. They
found it impossible to get Ashley through the door in
one push, so they pulled one Aerostar-sized breast
through first, then all of them hopped through the
rapidly closing opening, and pushed Ashley's other
mammoth breast through the door.
The girls dressed rapidly, eager to see how much bigger
Ashley was going to get. Ashley had finally stopped
growing, but she lay flat on her back, with her truck-
sized tits on either side of her. Zenobia put her hand
on her old friend's nipple. It was larger than a rolled
up sleeping bag, about three feet long and two feet
Corrina's bra had been trapped under the growing girth
of Jenny's breasts, and had been dragged from the
shower room out onto the gym floor by the girls'
efforts. Corrina picked it up. It looked like a Barbie
doll bra next to Ashley's mammoth mams.
Suddenly, Ashley shot straight up into the air, as if
she had been lifted by an invisible hand. Her
Peterbilt-sized tits dragged across the floor, even
though she was twenty feet in the air. The girls
watched in disbelief as she rose higher and higher,
crashing through the gymnasium wall on the south side,
leaving a room-sized hole.
The girls filed out of the gymnasium just in time to
see Ashley and her huge tits land in a strange brown
mound which had magically appeared in the center of the
Monroe Jr. High football field.
"Phew!" exclaimed one girl, "I can smell it form here!"
"Where did all that dog-shit come from?," remarked
another. "They must have had every dog in the city
shitting for a month to make that mound!"
Ashley was removed from the mound of dog-shit by a
crane from the city electrical utility, and taken to a
hospital warehouse on a double wide flat bed truck. She
disappeared from the hospital mysteriously, and rumor
was that she had been kidnapped by a rich Greek
shipping magnate, who kept her hidden on his Astrodome-
sized estate on an island in the Caribbean.
It was heard that she regained partial mobility using a
special motorized dolly he had built for her. By the
ninth grade, Jessica had filled out a little more, but
she never came close to rivaling Zenobia or Corrina.
The three of them were cheerleaders, of course, and
homecoming court members all the way through junior
high and high school.
Corrina, true to her word, had stopped dating anyone
under twenty-five by the time she was in the ninth
grade. One day, though, she broke her rule and went out
with a very confident-acting boy from her sophomore
geometry class. She let him talk her into the back
seat, and as she basked in the attention he paid to her
generous breasts, she noticed the odd little carving he
had mounted on his dashboard.
It was a little old man, wearing a six-pronged crown
with a little jewel at each the end of each horn. His
face was hidden, as he was bent over, supporting an
enormous dick with both hands. Corrina sighed happily
and opened her shirt...
Keys: big tits huge boobs small tits
Interracial fucking
The HMMVW rolled to a stop before a farmhouse north of
Kandahar. PFC Chu raised his IR goggles and surveyed
the scene. The heat sources bloomed and receded as he
adjusted the image, until three sources stood clear.
"Sergeant!" he called clearly t
..continue reading The Girl Who Bummed a Smoke
I look at my hands in the kitchen sink. Yes those are my
hands scrubbing that pot, not the hands of my wife or a
maid, but the hands of a forty year old businessman. The
same hands that did the shopping earlier, the same hands
that cooked the mea
..continue reading The wife next door
Experts argue over whether or not a man is naturally monogamous. If we accept that he is, we must allow for the undeniable fact that many marriage partners are not satisfied with the favors of one mate.
When we say "man", we must of course include "
..continue reading Catfight
I hate myself, thought Francie as she looked in the
mirror. I'm just a big tub of lard. Any cute guy who
sees me is going to run in the opposite direction as
fast as he can. If I had an ounce of self-respect, I
wouldn't let myself go like this.
..continue reading Training with EnZo
Knocking on the rusted metal door of the run down brick building, the petite blonde coed had an uneasy foreboding that this was a mistake. The numbers on the battered steel awning matched the address she was given, but this didn’t have the look of
..continue reading Barbara the slut
The ride to Cheryl's apartment seemed to take much longer than normal.
The usual 45 minute trip had seemed, to Barbara, to take days. She and John
had not really discussed the events of their last evening with Cheryl and
Barbara still felt knots in
..continue reading