Kidnapped Teen, fiction!
"Take your clothes off," he said.
I was crying real hard now.
"Johnny, don't do this. You don't need to do it..."
"I said, take your clothes off, honey."
"Don't fucking give me any shit!"
I said no more. Instead, I unbuttoned my blouse, I unsnapped my jeans, I pulled the zipper down.
I wiggled out of them, and cried, harder, and harder.
The tips of his fingers buried themselves deeply in the soft mounds of my tits, and the pain filled them at once, sending sharp bursts of agonized sensation all through my body.
He moved backwards, pulling on my tits as he stepped away from me. My body was forced to follow, swinging from the ropes as he pulled me by my tits...
Suddenly she said to me, "Don't come yet, Daddy."
I mean, she's running her mouth over me like she could suck the brass off a bed-post and I'm halfway from here to Mars already and she says, "Don't come yet, Daddy!"
I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Johnny was bad enough... but... Hank, and Bill, and T-Bird... all four of them... corning closer and closer.
I cried out... I begged them to reconsider what they were doing.
But it did no good.
They kept coming closer, stopping only to tip the bottle of cheap tequila up to their mouths.
And then, their hands were on me...
How many times have we heard of one media report or another telling us that sexual activity starts younger in our children these days.
Our mothers wondered what shoes to wear with what dress when they prepared themselves for a date. Our daughters are faced with a similar question, whether to wear the leather panties, the crotchless or the edibles.
Ah love... ah life. Most of the experts (if anyone really has faith in THAT designation anymore) agree that this trend is a healthy one. It's a meaner world that faces our children than the one our parents knew. It should, therefore, be prepared for earlier, and the rituals of love and sex should naturally be an integral part of that preparation.
So say the experts.
But one can't help wonder are young minds and young personalities ready to cope with the wild extremes of emotion that accompany serious sexual activity?
Rejection is difficult enough at any age, but when one has scarcely scratched the surface of the question, "Who am I?" can he reasonably be expected to handle a painful rejection? Is there, perhaps, an increased danger that extremes of emotion, ill prepared for, could produce extreme reactions?
The following story would indicate that this is the case. Read for yourself, and decide.
I was talking to my friend, Mary Beth Rogers.
Or, rather, she was talking to me.
"Junella Simpson, you are really too, TOO much! You deserve better."
"Mary Beth, you just don't understand him. There's a soft side to him... really. Johnny's... I don't know... he's afraid that people are going to brush him off..."
"I know. So he pounds them into the dirt before hand, just to keep things in gear."
"Well... I'll admit, he does have a temper."
"Oh, give me a break, Junella. That's like saying Anne Boleyn had a headache!"
"No... you give him a break!"
"Like he gave Harry Robbins?"
I was afraid she'd mention that.
Johnny and Harry had both been thrown out of school for a week because they were fighting. Harry, however, in addition to the failing grades, was also going to have a big hospital bill. Johnny had broken his arm and his nose.
"And another thing," she went on, knowing when she had me at a disadvantage and pressing it to the fullest extent possible, "the morons that he hangs out with are even worse."
She was referring to Hank Smoot, Bill Scogg, and Ernie, a.k.a. T-Bird, only one of whom, T-Bird, was still in school, and he was walking a thin line himself.
"I know," I finally had to admit. I didn't like hearing what she was telling me, but it was hard to argue with her.
"You know it's the truth," she pressed.
"I mean... you can't have opinions about truth. It's just..."
"Mary Beth! You do NOT have to rub my FACE in the MUD! All RIGHT?"
"Easy girl... don't be so sensitive."
But I knew she was right. I just didn't like hearing it.
"What do you see in him, anyway?"
I took a moment before answering. I could have said the same crap about seeing a different side to him than he showed to everyone else... a soft side... a sensitive side...
I could have said that I knew there was potential there, that he could develop into a first-rate human being...
I could have said that he needed me... that without someone like me to care for him, he'd just go down the tubes...
I could have said any or all of those, but I didn't, because it would have all been bullshit!
I knew it, and Mary Beth knew it.
If there is such a thing as redeeming social value, Johnny Waddell was NOT the person the term had been coined to describe.
The sonfabitch was worthless, and I knew it.
Miserable human being.
He lied.
He stole... from his mother, his sister, from my mother and from me...
He beat up on anyone who got in his way or who wouldn't give him what he wanted...
Me included.
In fact, the first time he took me out, he raped me.
That's right.
Just up and raped the shit out of me.
"This isn't the way to Center City, is it?" I'd asked him when I saw that there were less and less houses.
"I told you," he mumbled in that quaintly inarticulate way of his, "it's a short-cut."
"Yeah... well, usually when my daddy takes a short-cut, we get lost."
He smirked, and then he casually looked my way. "Well, some short-cuts are shorter than others."
"Listen," I said, "I think I want to go back now."
"You do, huh?"
"Yeah... I do. Can you turn the car around?"
"In a minute."
"Why? Why not now?"
"Because we aren't where we're going to be, when we get there, that is."
"Where's that?" I asked, getting more and more scared.
"Where we're going."
Then, looking levelly at me, he said, "You ask one fuck of a lot of questions. Ain't anyone ever told you that women should keep their fucking mouths shut?"
"NO! No one ever told me that. And furthermore..."
"You're wrong. You just been told."
I was going to say something, but then he started to slow the car down. "Where are we going? Where are you taking me?"
He smiled. "You'll see. You're gonna like it."
"No I won't. Let me go! Let me out."
"Hang on, would you?" he asked, acting like I was getting all worked up over nothing and wouldn't I feel silly once I realized that I'd just been over-reacting...
Well, I wasn't over-reacting. I was being taken down a tiny dirt road, a real backwoods washboard road, and then, suddenly, he stopped the car, and the thing had been making so much noise before, rattling and shaking over the bumpy road, that the sudden silence was jarring. Frightening... almost as frightening as the look on Johnny's face reflecting the moonlight.
"Where are we?" I asked. I cursed inwardly at the way my voice was shaking.
"Where do you think?"
"I... I don't know."
"We're at the playground."
I looked around. I couldn't see anything but trees.
"What are you talking about?"
"I'm talking about the fact that now you and me... we play."
"You stay right where you are," I said as he slid across the seat anyway.
"Don't be that way, Junella," he said. "Don't. It's real unfriendly."
"You get back. I never let a boy kiss me on the first date."
"Suits fuck out of me," he said. "I'll forego that and get straight to the good shit."
"You leave me alone!" I shouted.
"Ain't no point in you shouting at me," he said, "or shouting at all, for that matter. No one's ever going to hear you out here."
"Johnny... please..."
"There's an old saying. 'Put out, or get out.' You ever hear of that saying?"
My hands and my voice were both shaking terribly by now, and I didn't have the faintest idea what I was going to do next.
"What's it going to be?" he asked. "You going to put out, or are you going to get out?"
"I... I..."
Then, I realized. The bastard... he was bluffing.
"You aren't ever going to lay a hand on me, that's for sure."
He opened the door to his side, got out, walked around the big car and opened my door.
"Don't you think I'm polite? Opening the door for my date? Come on... get your ass out."
"JOHNNY! You can't be serious! Stop kidding."
He didn't say anything for a moment. Then he said, "Look, could you hurry it up? I don't have all night."
I realized he wasn't kidding. At all.
I started to cry.
"Oh shit..." he said, annoyed. "You're going to stain my new seat covers. Damn! I just put the fuckers in... look, would you get the fuck out of my car? I'm getting tired of this."
He reached into the car and grabbed me by the wrist. "You're going to have to learn that when I say something, you stupid slimy cunt, you'd best do it, and the first time I say it, too!"
He pulled.
I started to pull back.
He pulled harder.
I pulled back harder.
"Oh, I see. You don't want to get out huh? That leaves you with one option."
And with that, he jumped in on top of me.
"Johnny," I screamed, but it was already too late.
His hand was starting to creep up my thighs, and I felt his fingers pressing against my panties.
"Lord, now don't that feel nice," he said, "all wet, and juicy... you must have known I was coming and got ready, huh?"
He stuck his fingers underneath my panties then, pulling the crotch piece off my cunt lips.
"Look at that, would you? I've never felt a pussy that was, hotter or wetter. Say, are you a virgin? Or what?"
I couldn't believe it was happening to me.
There was a sharp burst of fear plowing through my body, like the blade of a sword, and it felt like it was cutting my guts out.
I couldn't move.
I couldn't think... and I couldn't react.
All I could do was feel... feel his fingers scraping over my cunt... feel my clit throbbing and aching...
I felt a pressure inside my body, and although I wasn't thinking well, I was worried.
I paid it no attention though.
I figured that if it was in my cunt, and I was afraid, well, naturally I was afraid of rape.
Well, his fingers started to spread my pussy lips, and soon, they were snaking right up into my cunt hole.
I felt the muscle around the rim closing in real tight, but there wasn't anything I could do to keep his fingers from entering me... he was much much stronger than I was.
Back in the days before he started doing drugs, Johnny had played football for the team, and now, even though his coordination wasn't worth the effort for him to even go out for the team, his muscles were still well-developed... and like I said, he got in a lot of extra practice beating people into the dirt and all.
Well, he wasn't going to have to beat me into the dirt.
I felt that big meaty arm of his clamp around my neck and start to squeeze, and decided right then and there that the scars from rape would heal a lot faster than the scars from death, so I went all limp, letting my muscles sag and relax, and he just moved right in, piling his fingers up into my cunt.
I groaned from the pain, but I stopped fighting him.
I knew that I wanted to live, and at that moment, I didn't trust him to let me, if I fought him, that is.
He pulled my dress up, and then, gripping the waistband of my panties, he pulled real hard on it, just yanked as hard as he possibly could, and I felt the material tear.
I felt another burst of fear... at least I thought it was fear, but the truth is, I was too worked up and hyper-charged with adrenalin to know what I was feeling, to know what I was thinking, to know what was happening to me.
I just felt my nerves alt starting to explode, all through my body, and I felt my muscles starting to twitch, and to jerk, and I just knew that I was going to be in for one rough time.
I didn't know how rough... but I figured that he was going to beat me, and make me bleed, and I suddenly had weird thoughts about a trial, and I saw me staggering into a police station, and I saw the local cops sitting around, laughing at me, saying things like, "You're sure now, little lady, that you didn't give him the tiniest bit of encouragement...?"
And then, I felt Johnny's hands on my thighs, lifting them up off the car seat.
I was crying.
"Please... just be gentle... don't hurt me... please... don't hurt me."
He reached his hand down to my mouth, started to squeeze with his fingers, and he said, "You don't worry about a thing, Baby. I'll take care of you. Old Johnny and his cock'll take real good care of you."
He laughed then, a sharp, harsh, nasty laugh, and stuck his fingers into my cunt again.
"I think you done had your cherry popped, didn't you?"
I didn't say anything, but any fool could have figured that out.
"I guess old Clyde got a chance to dip his wick after all, didn't he?"
Johnny was talking about Clyde Potter, my very first boyfriend, and I thought for a while that he'd be the only man I'd ever love.
But then he went away to college, and so to getting even, I stopped loving him.
I guess I showed him.
But now, I was wishing that it could be Clyde's fingers up my cunt instead of Johnny's.
Clyde was gentle, and he really knew how to take care of me.
He could make me come almost every time, and he never hardly shot off too quick.
That's what I was thinking at the time, anyway.
But Johnny, he was being just as rough with me as he knew how.
Two fingers... three... stuffing them up into my hole and then spreading them apart as far as he could possibly stretch my hole.
I felt tissues that I'd never even known about sending out sharp signals of pain.
I started to cry.
Real hard.
"Damn," muttered Johnny, "all over the seat covers again."
"Well to hell with your fucking seat covers," I yelled at him.
That seemed to take him by surprise for just a second but then I heard him laugh in the darkness.
"Yeah... that's what I like. A woman with a little fight in her. Come on, Darling! Yell at me again."
I said nothing. In the pale glow of the moonlight, I could see him grinning like a cat... or a skull.
I didn't know which, but neither one was anything I wanted to be around.
He suddenly slapped me on the side of my thigh.
"Come on, Darling," he said again. "I want to hear you get pissed off. Yell at me a little. Let's see a little spunk!"
He slapped me again.
"You piece of shit," I said, but I said it softly, not yelling.
"There you go," Johnny cried, enthusiastically. He forced me over on my side and gave me a hard slap on my naked ass.
"You stupid asshole," I yelled.
"HEY HEY!!! That's what I want to hear."
He slapped me again.
It was starting to hurt.
He stuck a couple of fingers back in my cunt again, and slapped me two or three more times on the ass, each time hitting me harder and harder.
"Stop it. STOP IT!!!" I yelled.
"No... you stupid cunt. I'm not going to stop it. Not until I'm good and ready."
There was something in his voice that I heard then, something that I hadn't heard before.
It turned my blood to ice and made all my muscles go rigid from fear.
He sounded like one of the most dangerous people I'd ever been in contact with.
I realized then that he was crazy, and that I was in danger.
I didn't want to die.
But I knew that I was hopelessly defenseless against him.
He slapped me four or five more times, each one solidly applied to my ass cheeks, each one stinging like flames, and each one hurting me bad, so bad the tears were spurting from my eyes.
"Stop, Johnny," I said again, and again... I don't know how many times I said it, begging him. He completely ignored me. He was a sadistic beast.
And then, I heard the final sound, the one that I'd been dreading the most.
I heard his zipper coming down.
He pulled his cock out.
Even in the dim light, I could see the shape of the thing. It was huge. It was a monster.
"Oh... my... God..." I said, astounded.
I realized that I had about thirty seconds of life left... and then my body would be split wide open, ripped from my cunt right up the middle... and I'd bleed slowly to death...
Well... maybe I was being a little melodramatic, but I knew that Clyde cock had never been that big... and I didn't think that cocks COULD grow that big.
Ten inches.
That's what it was.
A ten inch cock. Two inches across.
My pussy was already screaming in pain, just from the thought of that thing pressing into it... squeezing against it.
I felt him pull my legs apart, and suddenly, in a fit of blind panic, I started to scream, babbling incoherently, and struggling.
He reached between my legs, grabbed a handful of my pubic hair and started to pull on it.
"Ease up, Doll," he said calmly. "I CAN get mean. Really mean. I don't want to... but I will."
I kept on shouting, screaming... crying... babbling, and then, he slapped me.
Not on the thigh... not on my ass... but on my cunt. Brought the backs of his fingers down sharply across my wet, exposed slit.
It was like he'd pounded a sharp spike into my cunt.
I screamed, even more loudly, but I stopped struggling.
"Yeah," he said, "that's better."
Then, he climbed on top of me, pressed the swollen head of his cock against my cunt and started to shove it into me.
Well... he didn't shove it into me yet... he just shoved. My hole was just too tiny and narrow to let him in.
But that didn't stop him from trying.
He was a hard bastard, and stubborn, and he didn't even make an attempt to be gentle, to try to work it in a little bit at a time.
He just shoved.
In fact, that's as good a phrase as any to describe Johnny's approach, not only to sex, but to the whole world.
If it won't fit, force it.
He forced it all right.
He forced the tight hole between my thighs to open, even though there was no way that it should have happened.
The pain was the worst thing that I'd ever experienced in my life... worse than anything I'd have imagined possible.
He never stopped, either. No point where he rested a moment, maybe pulled back on his cock to spread the juice around, (for there WAS juice inside my pussy, and lots of it), nothing like that at all.
He just rammed onward, deeper and deeper and deeper, until I felt that huge, mushroom-shaped glans pressing against the back wall of my pussy.
That was a shock.
I'd never really known how deep my cunt was before.
Clyde's cock had never shown me, that was for sure.
I'd played with myself, stuffed things into myself, but I'd never plumbed the depths of my cunt to see how much cock it could hold.
I'd never had a cock that needed to find out.
Now, I knew how deep my cunt was.
I could feel the entire inner chamber for the first time in my life... and the amazing thing was, when I brought my fingers up to the opening, I could feel that there was still some of Johnny's cock left on the outside.
"I guess I'm too small, huh?" I said.
That, of course, was a mistake.
"You don't think I'm through with you, do you?" he said.
I didn't have any response to that, but I knew what was coming.
It was.
He just leaned all his weight against his cock, pressing it against the bottom wall of my cunt well, and I just knew it was going to split open.
But I got my first lesson in what the body is able to tolerate, that evening.
The walls of my cunt are much more elastic than I'd realized, and the thing hurt like hell, pressing against me, but it didn't split me open, the way I'd feared.
It stretched me.
And stretched... and stretched... and stretched...
I screamed... I was writhing beneath him... squirming hard.
The pain was like sharp razor blades slicing through the inside of my pussy.
I couldn't stand it, but there was nothing I could do to make it stop.
He kept pushing... and finally, to my amazement, I began to feel something new.
It was a light tapping sensation... and it was slapping against my cunt slit... and I realized then that it was the sack of his balls. He had pushed his cock all the way into my cunt!
"There you go," he said, sounding pleased with himself. "I KNEW you weren't too tiny."
I don't remember what I said. I just know that I was incoherent from the pain, and still totally dazed from shock and fear, and disbelief that this was really happening to me.
Then he said, "Now, you're going to feel what a real cock is like fucking you."
He raised his ass up off my body, pulling his cock out with it.
That huge meat roll scraping back over my tortured cunt walls hurt almost as much going out as it did going in.
But it did accomplish one thing, and that was to spread the thick juices that had accumulated inside my pussy all over the walls, and particularly along the rim of my cunt hole.
That was the spot that was the most hurt by the entry of that massive cock.
Then, he reached the opening of my cunt with his glans, and I braced myself for another harsh plunge.
It came, about as I'd expected it would.
A quick jabbing thrust sending the full length of his cock plunging back into me.
I screamed, and I felt something inside me tear.
I was certain that he'd gotten the angle wrong that time and that he'd pierced the wall of my cunt.
But he just laughed.
"You worry too much," he said.
"Oh God, it hurts, it hurt... it hurts so bad..."
"Yeah? Well, a little pain's good for you. It never hurt anyone."
"Johnny... why are you doing this?"
I still didn't understand that. I would have probably fucked him anyway... maybe not that night, but I'd have given in. That's the reason I went out with him in the first place, because I wanted a guy who would treat me like a sex object for a change.
But of course, all of those thoughts had been forgotten when he started to attack me.
Suddenly Clyde had started to look real good again.
I felt his cock savage the inside of my cunt, and then do it over and over and over.
Harder. Faster.
Faster still.
Harder and harder...
I could see that there was a look of demented determination on his face. He was breathing hard... and there were strange gurgling noises coming from his throat.
I have to say, the man scared me to death.
But there was something else, along with the fear, and up until now, it had been obscured in the blast of adrenalin that had been flowing through my veins, the gut-wrenching panic that seized me like a cold, icy fist.
Now... I realized that there was also a sensation of heat.
In the depths of my cunt... along the surface... between my pussy lips...
I felt my clit give out with a twinge every time his cock pulled out, or shoved back in.
I hadn't been paying any attention to it, but now, there was no longer any way that I could ignore it.
I felt the juices inside my pussy, and they had grown so thick, the initial sensation of rubbing and scraping had largely given over to a feeling of pleasant friction... a friction that was almost perfectly suited to the sensitivity of her cunt walls.
In and out... in and out...
He was going as fast as ever... and as hard as always... but somehow, it didn't seem as mean... it didn't seem as horrible... I was... (have you guessed) starting to enjoy it. And the sensation crept up on me so insidiously that I wasn't even aware of the fact till long after it had me locked in its grip, as helplessly captive as when I'd been paralyzed by fear.
I felt the sensations gathering now, all of then starting to focus directly on my pussy.
With every stroke of his cock, I had a feeling of floating... of being swept up into the air... of being carried higher and higher...
The juices from my pussy were covering my cunt... my thighs, my pubic bush... his pubic bush...
We were slipping and sliding against each other... we were grinding our hips against each other... and I realized then that I was helping him along. It was no longer Johnny raping me... we were both fucking each other.
As his cock plowed down into my cunt, I was raising my hips, thrusting them up at him to increase the pressure of his cock as it slammed down into my hole.
I moved with him, matching him thrust for thrust... and with each stroke, I was moving closer and closer to madness.
I started to scream again, but this time, I wasn't screaming for him to stop.
I didn't realize exactly what I WAS saying until after I'd been babbling the words for a while.
"Don't stop," I gasped. "Don't stop. Please... don't stop. Oh, don't ever stop..."
And suddenly, we both realized what was happening... and I think he was just as shocked as I was.
"What the fuck did you say?" he asked in disbelief.
"Don't talk. Fuck," I said.
"Look," he replied, starting to sound annoyed, "no bitch gives me instructions..."
"Either fuck me or let me go, asshole, but shut up! All right?"
He shut up... and he fucked.
Like a man possessed.
I came in a wild fury of muscle spasms and sloppy wet sounds of his cock sliding in and out of the mushy swamp of my aroused pussy flesh. He came with me... I don't suppose he was able to hold back once he felt my hips starting to go crazy. I slammed them against him twice for every single stroke of his cock by that time. I was totally out of my head. Totally crazed. And beyond sensation. I was delirious.
"Yes... yes... yes... yes... yes... yes... yes... yes..." I said, over and over.
He just stared down at me, still looking dazed, while his cock spurted into my cunt.
I felt the juices getting much thicker, and now it was all my own hip movement that was keeping the friction and the sensation alive inside my pussy.
He was acting like he was too shocked to move. I don't suppose that was exactly the attitude he was looking for, but I didn't care. I was coming harder, and it was lasting longer, than had ever happened before in my life.
Nothing was going to interfere with my pleasure.
Not even his cock.
His jism was starting to squeeze out the side of his cock, oozing between his cock and the rim of my cunt hole, and I ran my fingers along the edge, letting the goo gather on the tips.
Then, once more to his wondering eyes, I licked my fingers clean.
I didn't care what he thought.
If he couldn't handle it, he had no business fucking me in the first place.
I was hot... aroused, and I felt raunchy, dirty, filthy, and I didn't care who knew it.
"You look surprised," I said after we finally slowed down to catch our breath.
"Why do you think?"
"Don't know. That's why I asked, dumb fuck."
Earlier, that would have probably earned me a black eye. Now, I could say anything I wanted and he didn't dare net mad.
I had learned a very important lesson. I wasn't sure what it was, exactly... I mean, I hadn't exactly put it into words... but I knew that it might be useful.
Unfortunately, I also had a lot more to learn... all of it about Johnny.
And I learned it too. Very rapidly.
But of course, I couldn't have told Mary Beth that. No one knew. No body had any idea that Johnny had raped me on our first date... and that I'd come so hard that I made him fuck me again that night before taking me back... and that I'd tried to suck him off as we drove home that night but his cock wouldn't get hard after coming twice in less than an hour.
I'd spent the rest of that night in a kind of dream world. I couldn't believe what had happened.
I couldn't believe I'd acted the way I had.
But... like Mary Beth is always fond of saying... truth is truth, and you can't have opinions about truth.
It had happened... but so had many other things since then.
And it was those things that Mary Beth was talking about when she told me that I was a fool to stay with Johnny.
"Tommy Allen wants to take you to the spring dance, Junella, and I think you'd be a fool to turn him down."
"Mary Beth, Tommy Allen's a nice boy. I like him. We have a lot of fun in study hall. Why ever would I do something mean to him like go to the dance with him?"
"I don't get it."
"Mary Beth... if I told Tommy Allen that I was going to the dance with him, are you saying that Johnny wouldn't find out? Don't be silly. And if Johnny finds out, are you saying he wouldn't beat Tommy so bad he'd never be able to walk or talk right again? Don't be even sillier. It wouldn't be fair to Tommy. Besides, if I try to break up with Johnny, you know what he'll do to me... and I don't need that, thank you."
"You are a fool! You are a little, brainwashed fool! This is 1983, for God's sake. What's it take to bring you up to date. Women have been fighting for their rights, Junella. Go buy a newspaper. They talk about it all the time. It's okay for us to come now when we fuck, and it's okay for us to say that we don't like getting our lips split wide open just because we don't want to go out with a guy. They call them laws, Junella, and they're meant to protect us."
"Bullshit. They'll punish Johnny, maybe, if he does something to me, but there isn't a thing in the world that'll protect me if he decides that I'm two-timing on him. He'll kill me, Mary Beth, and you know it."
I knew it too.
It had nearly happened once before.
I'd thought about leaving Johnny... and I couldn't. I mean... I loved him... I thought.
I loved his cock. I know that.
But there were things that he'd do to me that I just didn't like too much.
Like the time we were at the Kwikburger, and he was drunk as usual, and we were eating hamburgers and drinking our milk shakes, and Hank and Bill and T-Bird pulled up next to Johnny's car.
Now, the Kwikburger is just about the only spot in town where you can go after a date, unless you want to drive over to Center City, and no one did that on a week night, so there were a lot of cars there... and I knew just about everyone.
"What's happening, folks," said Hank, sticking his head in the window on my side.
"Just having a little snack," I said, being polite. I wasn't real fond of Johnny's friends, but I knew better than to make a big scene about it.
He wouldn't be real nice to me if I talked down about his friends to him.
They knew that I didn't like them too much either... but they were polite enough to me... until that night, anyway.
Johnny finished chewing up what was in his mouth and then he said to me, "That's not what they're talking about. They can see we're having a snack. They want to know what we was doing before we came here."
I smiled my prettiest. I was pissed inside, but I knew better than to show it.
"We went out for a ride."
"Yeah," said Johnny, "and after we rode around for about five minutes, we got to where we were going and then we fucked."
The three of them started to snicker. Bill said, "Oh, gosh... I reckon we shouldn't have pried, huh?"
"Why not. I did. Hey Junella, show them your hickey."
Well, my cheeks were already burning, and I was just about fit to be tied, and I got real pissed and just up and poured my Coke over Johnny's head.
Bill and Hank and T-Bird just stared in silence, saying nothing at all. Everybody knew about Johnny's temper.
I turned to Hank and I said, "Would you please get out of the way of the door. I'm getting out."
"The fucking hell you are," said Johnny, calm as he could be.
"Don't you say a word to me, Johnny Waddell! You're an uncouth pig, and you aren't fit to be let outside without a leash and a muzzle."
And then, I slapped him.
By this time, some other people nearby noticed what was going on.
Johnny turned to T-Bird and said, "Ernie, take this for me, would you," handing him the curb-service tray that had been fixed to the window, "and pay for the bill. We'll settle later."
He started the car.
"You let me out of here, Johnny Waddell," I said, and then opened the door.
He reached for my dress and jerked me back onto the seat, tearing the material.
"You aren't going anywhere. Hank, shut the door."
"HELP!!" I screamed.
He slapped me.
He reached over me and slammed the door shut himself, saying to Hank, "Thank's good buddy. We'll settle later too."
Hank looked a little scared.
A few people had gotten out of their cars, and they were looking like they thought SOMEONE should help me... not them, necessarily, but SOMEONE should do SOMETHING.
No one did anything.
Johnny screeched out of the parking lot peeling rubber and leaving a cloud of thick, acrid smoke, and within a couple of seconds, he was out of the city limits, flying down the road at about a hundred miles an hour.
"Slow down, Johnny," I said, really scared. I didn't even care at that point if he beat me up. I just didn't want to wind up wrapped around a telephone pole.
He didn't say anything.
"Johnny, you didn't have to talk that way about me to your friends."
"I'll do anything I damn well please, and if you don't like it, you fucking keep your mouth shut and put up with it anyway. You hear?"
He slapped me, never even looking at me. His hand ripped across my face.
I tasted blood on my lip where he'd connected.
"You motherfucker. You shitass pig. I HATE you. I HATE YOU!!"
He hit me again.
I went crazy and jumped him.
Now... I'm sure there are those of you who will argue that jumping a maniac when he's got the gas pedal floored is not the brightest thing to do.
Neither was going out with Johnny Waddell in the first place. I just couldn't seem to find myself where he was concerned.
I wrapped my hands around his neck and started to squeeze, but that was stupid.
I could hardly get them all the way around, even using both hands at the same time.
He placed his big paw against my tits, and first, he squeezed them hard... real hard... and then he shoved me backwards against the door on the passenger's side.
I felt dizzy for a moment, and then I felt nauseous, and then I felt like my head was coming open.
He slowed down.
"Johnny, what are you going to do to me?"
Then, I started to get scared.
There was nothing around but the dark night, trees... and a deserted road down which I hadn't seen the first car running besides the one I was in.
He didn't say a thing.
He just pulled off the road, and slowed to a stop.
"Johnny, don't hurt me."
He sat there thinking... and thinking... like he was pondering all the options that were before him.
I knew he was going to hurt me. Or at least, I knew he wanted to hurt me. The only thing he wasn't sure of was how badly he was going to hurt me, and whether or not he'd let me live, or just go ahead and kill me after he'd gotten his rocks off and take his chances.
Finally, he said, "Get out of the car."
"Johnny..." I replied, my voice shaking real badly.
"Don't fuck any more with my head. Just get the kick out of the car."
I didn't want to get him any more upset than he already was.
So, I opened the door.
At first, I thought that maybe he was going to just drive off and leave me there, but then I heard the door on his side open as well.
I was really getting scared.
There wasn't even a moon this night.
I could hardly see my hand in front of my face.
The sky was a slightly paler shade of black than the thick forest surrounding us, and I could just make out the shapes of the trees along the roadside.
"Take your clothes off," he said to me.
I was crying real hard now.
"Johnny... don't do this... you don't need to do it... please... please..."
"I said, take your clothes off, honey."
"But... but..."
"But!? Don't fucking give me any shit! You do what I say, or you're going to be real sorry. Real sorry indeed. You hear me?"
I said no more.
Instead, I unbuttoned my blouse. I unsnapped my jeans. I pulled the zipper down.
I wiggled out of them, pulling the tight material down my legs.
"Johnny... don't hurt me... please... don't hurt me..."
He didn't say anything.
He just stood there.
I could make out the shape of his body now. His arms were crossed, and his weight was supported on one leg. He looked real calm and casual... and I could have easily been getting ready to fuck someone that loved me and who I loved... except that Johnny was someone who was very different from everyone else... and I was scared to death of him.
He stood there, saying nothing, but I knew that he could see me... and see everything that I was doing.
Now, my eyes ware growing adjusted to the dark, and I could see him fairly clear too.
He wasn't smiling. Whatever was on his mind, I could tell that he was serious.
Deadly serious.
"Take your shirt off. Come on... hurry it up."
"It's cold out here, Johnny. Honest... I'm shivering."
"I'm getting ready to warm your ass up, don't you worry about that, Darling."
"Johnny, I didn't do anything to hurt you. I don't know why you have to be so mean to me."
"Take your clothes off, you worthless damn cunt, or you're really going to regret it."
I started to cry, but I guided my trembling fingers to my blouse and pulled it down over my shoulders.
Then, unclasping my bra, I let that fall to the ground as well.
"You're still wearing your panties," he said. "You can take them off yourself, or you can let me do it. If I do it, you probably won't be able to wear them again. So why don't you save me the trouble of ripping them off your body, huh?"
I took them off, and then, I was standing naked by the side of a deserted country road, not having the faintest idea what was coming up next.
"Turn around," he said. "Lean up against the side of the car."
I started to shake from fear. "No... oh God... no... no..."
I still didn't even know what he was going to do, but I didn't like the sound of it.
"Do what I said," he replied, sounding tired, like he was getting annoyed at me for "making" him do all this stuff that he really didn't want to do.
The bastard.
He stood there, arms still crossed, watching me... waiting... knowing that in the end, I would do anything he told me to do. I would do it because I sincerely believed that to go against him would be much much worse than anything he could try to make me do.
He had a temper that was absolutely uncontrollable, and once he lost it, there was no way to predict what he would do.
The fastest way to make him lose his temper was to not give him what he wanted, no matter how unrealistic or unfair it was. Because then, he'd just go berserk and the motherfucker was like a wounded bull elephant when that happened, and since no one that I knew in town, least of all me, had an elephant gun, it was always better to just let him have his way.
So I turned around.
I leaned against the car.
The flat of my palms pressed against the cold metal of his car. I felt the sandy shoulder of the road with my bare feet, and the cool evening breeze wafting over my naked skin.
I was shivering, but not just from the chill. I was scared. More scared than I'd ever been in my life.
Then, I heard him pulling his belt off.
I started to cry even harder. "Oh... Johnny," I sobbed. "Don't... please... don't..."
"You just stay right where you are, Junella... don't you fucking move a muscle. You hold right there, until I tell you to move."
I heard the buckle of his belt jingling. I didn't know what he was doing with it, but I had a pretty good idea.
I was crying even harder now, begging him to let me alone... begging him not to do this.
But his response was simply to keep jiggling the buckle of his belt... wrapping it around his hand, I realized, looking at his reflection in the window of his car.
He was slowly coiling it around his palm. His fingers were all stretched out straight, and he was just standing there, calm as anything, casually wrapping that belt around them.
When he had a little over a foot remaining, he stopped.
I felt my ass muscles starting to tense up, but I thought that might make the pain even worse...
And besides, I wasn't even sure that he would hit me there.
He might decide that there were more painful spots to whip me on.
I couldn't believe this was happening.
I really couldn't believe it... but it was, and for some reason, I didn't feel like there was anything I could do about it.
That's the kind of hold he had over me.
Don't ask me how... don't ask me why I allowed him to have such a hold over me, that he could command me to submit to degrading and humiliating punishment, but he could... and I allowed it.
I watched in the window as his arm raised.
He was starting to remind me of the kind of demented half-crazed demon you see in movies with names like "Killer On The Loose" and "The Town That Dreaded Sundown" and "Bloodlust" and things like that.
He was breathing hard, and he was breathing through his nose, which made the sound even louder.
I felt more and more paralyzed by the fear that I was feeling.
My legs got weak. I felt the muscles shaking... trembling... and I was afraid that they wouldn't hold me up.
He swung the belt.
The pain bit into my nerves, rushed to my brain, and I felt like hot lava had just been poured over my body.
He swung again, bringing the belt down across my back.
And again.
I couldn't stand it... I started to scream.
"STOP IT!" he yelled, hitting me even harder. "You keep that shit up, I'll really give you something to scream about."
It hurt, damn it, and I HAD to scream, and I couldn't stop just because he was telling me something stupid like, "STOP IT!"
But it was what he meant.
And when I couldn't stop, he hit me a few more times on my ass, and then he grabbed me by my shoulders and spun me around.
"You stupid slut! I'm going to give you something to fucking well scream about."
He pulled me towards the front of the car and tossed me back against the hood.
"Spread 'em."
"Oh... God... GOD NO!!"
But he just got this twisted look on his face, looking madder than I'd ever seen him, and he swung the belt again.
He brought it down hard across my tits.
I had never had my tits whipped before.
It hurt so bad, I couldn't stand it.
I started to cry.
"Oh yeah... I hear you," he sneered. "You go ahead... you kicking cry... I'm going to give you something to cry about."
And then he stepped up to me and forced my legs open.
Finally, I gave in, just because I didn't have the strength to resist him any more.
And the second I did, he turned sideways and brought the tip of the belt up in a sharp upward thrust, cutting it right across the wet slit between my thighs.
I screamed again.
And again... and again...
"That's good... that's good... you just keep it up, you worthless cunt. You keep it up, and I'll keep it up, and we'll see who of us drops first."
He was swinging fast... hitting me again and again... again and again.
I felt the strokes of his belt starting to merge into one single, unending, searing blast of pain.
I couldn't feel the separate strokes any more.
I had lost track.
My nerves were already fully stimulated... particularly in my cunt.
My clit was reacting more strongly than anything else... and as he kept hitting me, the thing kept throbbing.
And the throbbing sensation kept growing hotter and hotter... and the sensations kept on moving out through my body... and I felt like I was losing control over what I was feeling and what it was doing to me.
I felt my muscles start to go into spasms.
I felt myself leaning back across the hood of his car, felt myself growing too weak to stand up... felt myself starting to fade in and out of consciousness.
He never seemed to even slow down, let alone stop.
Again and again and again, he hit me with his belt, across my stomach, my thighs, and my tits and cunt.
Particularly my tits and cunt.
I stopped feeling pain.
I felt something else.
It didn't feel good, but there was no doubt that it was a sexual reaction.
NOOOOOO, I thought to myself. I didn't want this to happen. I'd reacted like this when he raped me, and that was why I was in this situation now.
I couldn't control my body at all, it seemed. If it wanted to start being stimulated and aroused by something, even though I hated it, there wasn't anything I could do.
And so, as I felt his belt ripping over my clit again and again, and I felt that tortured bud of nerves growing more and more erect and swollen, and felt the nerve endings gathered there responding with greater and greater reactions, I stopped fighting.
There was only so much that I could do, and then I had to yield in the face of overwhelming force.
I started to cry... I was screaming, actually, but I no longer was sure if it was just in my head or if it was out loud.
I knew that my body was getting aroused.
I didn't like it, but I knew that I couldn't do anything about it.
But damn it, I thought, I wasn't going to come.
That would have been the supreme humiliation.
To have an orgasm in the midst of such awful torture. That would have been my own body insulting me... forcing me to view humiliation and pain as pleasurable.
It had happened once before, but I was determined to control it now.
But of course, Johnny had a surprise in store for me.
Suddenly, he threw his belt down onto the ground and unzipped his fly.
I didn't have a chance to protest, to even make a sound before his cock was out and he was pressing it against my cunt.
I moved instinctively, I moved without thinking.
We'd already fucked that night (as he'd so crudely admitted to his friends) but now, there was a fire in my cunt and a throbbing erection between his legs that went past any ordinary fuck.
He shoved it into me and met with no resistance.
Spreading the hole of my cunt wide, he rammed it all the way in... all the way to the bottom... and he filled me completely.
My muscles were already spasming out of whack, and now, as his cock rammed into my cunt, they went totally berserk, the muscles along my pussy wall in particular.
I felt my cunt gripping his cock like never before, as if I was trying to organically fuse him to my pussy walls.
Harder and harder... he pulled out... he plunged back in... I let out a long, low moan... And we came.
It felt like we'd both been consumed by flames... I felt myself spinning... spiraling up or down, I couldn't tell which... twisting... turning...
I was a mass of pain... but now... all the pain had magically been turned to erotic stimulation... arousal... pleasure...
It was a pleasure that made me feel like one of the damned.
But I couldn't deny it or turn it away. All I could do was to thrust my hips back at him, force his cock to plunge to the deepest point in my cunt and fill me totally.
And when at last we were finished, I collapsed in his arms, there was a possibility that a kind word, a gentle caress, a soft kiss might have turned the entire experience into one that I would have always remembered as the most memorable in my life.
But that was something he was incapable of.
Instead, he pushed me away. I was at my weakest, most vulnerable point, and he just pushed me away with a terse, "Get dressed," and put his belt back through his pants loops.
He walked around to the driver's side, climbed in, lit a cigarette, and just sat there, waiting for me.
I climbed into the car after pulling my panties and my jeans back on, and stuffed my bra into my purse.
I took my time buttoning my blouse back up.
We didn't say a word on the drive back into town.
Needless to say, I didn't kiss him good night when he let me off at my house.
But then, neither did I break up with him, despite every bone in my body screaming for me to do just that.
I couldn't.
Until that day when Mary Beth talked with me. By that time, I was ready, and I was only waiting to be talked into it.
She did it.
I figured that it would be a little easier with him out of school for a week.
There was talk that Harry's family was going to press charges against him.
I thought that if ever there was a time for me to free myself of Johnny Waddell, it was now.
Boy, was I ever wrong!
It was the night of the spring dance.
I was wearing a real pretty gown that I'd bought just for this occasion, and Tommy Allen was acting his usual goofy but sweet self, and we were having a good time.
He'd come by to pick me up from my house at six o'clock because we were going to go over to Center City for dinner first.
Now... I don't know why I wasn't worried about Johnny, but it had been over three weeks since I'd broken up with him, and he still hadn't given me any trouble over it.
Maybe I was just whistling in the dark, but I'd really started to think that he'd decided to just leave me alone.
We'd even passed each other in the halls at school once or twice, and he'd smiled and nodded his head and been real polite.
Now... I know what you are probably thinking.
What a fool... right? Well, I was hoping... and that's all I could do, because I was just too afraid of him going out of control.
The possibility was just too real.
Everyone who knew him and who knew anything about us knew that it was possible, and they'd all told me to be careful, but I wasn't going to let him ruin my evening.
Besides... it was already ruined.
You see... I was like a junky. There wasn't anything I could do about it. I knew he was bad for me... I knew that he might even kill me one of these days... but I couldn't do anything to stop the feelings that I had for him.
I was addicted to him just the same as anyone who ran smack into their veins.
I didn't let on to Tommy about this, of course, but there wasn't anything I could do about it.
I was just going to have to wait until he worked his way completely out of my system... and God only knew how long that might take.
But I never in my wildest moments thought...
But anyway... here's what happened.
We were driving back from Center City.
It was about nine-fifteen by now. We'd had a real nice dinner (Tommy's parents are real rich, and so he was able to take me to a fancy restaurant over there, one that was classy, one that was really elegant. It took reservations and everything) and I had to admit that I'd seen a side of life that Johnny Waddell would never be able to show me.
It was a side that never even had occurred to Johnny. He wasn't interested in anything that was elegant. He was only interested in things that he could break.
I was feeling a little warm and cozy by this time. Tommy, as usual, was friendly, and he made me laugh, and I really did like him... as a friend.
"You wouldn't be interested in something to drink, would you?"
"You have something?"
"Oh... maybe."
He opened the glove compartment to his car and said, "Well well... what have we here?"
And he pulled out a bottle of... are you ready for this... cognac.
"My God," I said. "I don't believe it. This is just fancy wine, isn't it?"
"Yeah... that's all. And diamonds are just fancy lumps of coal."
"Oh... like that, huh?"
"You guessed it."
"You guessed it. Take a sip."
I thought it was sissy booze, until I looked at the label.
"Eighty proof?!" I said. "I thought it was just wine."
"I said take a sip," he told me.
"Okay..." and I did. And it was wonderful. I'd never had anything quite like it before.
"Oh my..." I said, giggling. "That's right tasty."
"Yeah... I know."
I took another sip... and another and another... and before too much time had elapsed, I was feeling real warm and nice, and cozy... and starting to wonder what kind of cock Tommy had.
"You wouldn't want to take a little ride out to the woods, would you?" I said. "You know... just skip the dance altogether...?"
I put my arm around him, and lay my head on his shoulder. That's when I realized that for the past few minutes, I'd been taking sips of the cognac and he'd been saying nothing at all.
"I daresay, Mr. Allen, but I believe you've been trying to get me drunk, and being rather cagey about it."
He still didn't say anything.
That's when I saw him looking into the rear-view mirror.
I turned around. There was a pair of headlights about fifty feet behind us.
I looked at Tommy. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing. Yet. But there might be."
I had a stab of fear that was tied to nothing rational. But I knew... I just KNEW that it was Johnny. I didn't even need to know what it was that had made Tommy suspicious.
"He's been about the same distance behind me ever since we left Center City. When I slow down so does he. When I speed up... the same story."
"Oh God..." I said, and I could hear the fear in my voice.
"It's Waddell, isn't it?"
"I don't know. I really don't."
"He doesn't have a van, does he?"
I turned back around but couldn't see anything that helped.
"Is that a van back there?"
"T-Bird has one."
Tommy sighed. "Okay... if they want to play rough, we'll play rough."
I felt the car surge forward, and then suddenly it shifted into overdrive and it literally blasted away from them.
But it took only about forty-five seconds for them to catch up... and this time, they moved right up behind Tommy's car.
"Shit," he muttered. "We're still about five minutes from town too."
"But... he wouldn't do anything... would he?" I asked.
Tommy laughed. "You're asking me? Like you expect ME to know?"
"It is pretty stupid, isn't it?"
That's when the first bullet whizzed past.
"Oh my God. He's shooting at us."
"NO! Johnny wouldn't do anything like that!"
"You tell me who else would be tailgating at this speed."
I couldn't argue with him... but it still didn't seem possible that he would be doing something like that.
Then, another bullet whizzed past, but this one hit the roof as it did so.
"He's just trying to scare us. Well... two can play that game."
Tommy looked at me and said, "Fasten your seat belt, Darling. We're in for some stormy weather."
I did as I was told. "You're not gonna hurt him, are you?"
"I'm going to try to save my life, if that's what you mean. Whatever that involves."
He then said, "Hold on tight."
And he hit his breaks.
There was a screeching of rubber, and then a sickening jolt as the van piled into us.
I screamed... and the car careened all over the highway.
But Tommy's main objective had been realized, and that was breaking the headlights.
They couldn't see where they were going... but now, we couldn't see where they were either.
"Oh God... what's going to happen," I asked.
"Fuck if I know."
He started to floor it again, but I heard him mutter, "I don't believe it."
I looked around behind him, and to my amazement, I saw the van gaining on us in the other lane.
He was moving fast enough now that I was convinced I was going to die... but he seemed to know what he was doing.
There were four maniacs in the van, however, who I was not so sure of.
I looked over at the van. There were dim shadowy forms inside, but I couldn't make out their faces.
Then, I saw the window rolling down, and I saw the glint of metal.
"THEY'RE GONNA SHOOT!" I screamed.
Tommy hit his brakes hard.
At the same time, he turned the wheels toward the van.
As the brakes slowed the car, the van shot ahead of him, and as he turned into it, the front of his car rammed against the back of the van, throwing it off balance and causing it to go into a vicious skid.
But it wasn't enough to run it completely off the road.
They came to a stop, turned around, and were already driving back towards us as Tommy got his car turned around.
"Good fucking driving," he said, amazed.
That's when I heard the gun firing again.
"SHIT!" yelled Tommy.
Then I felt the car starting to tilt, and I realized that they'd shot out the tires on the side facing them.
Scary shit!
"Fucking maniac," he said, but we were helpless, and we both knew it.
"Out. Both of you."
Johnny was sticking the gun through the window of the car.
Tommy said, "Just take it easy with that thing, man. No one's going to argue with you. All right? No one's going to give you any shit."
"Well... that's too bad. I can't stand a one-sided argument... but if you insist I'll gladly oblige."
"God damn it man, you're being a fool," said Tommy, but he never had a chance to finish.
Johnny opened the door and yanked him out of the car.
"Junella, you'll do whatever I say no matter what. That's no bargaining chip. Why don't you climb over into the van and make things easier on all of us."
Then, he hit Tommy over the head with his gun.
Tommy collapsed in a crumpled heap, and Johnny kicked him five times... hard.
I screamed, and Johnny turned to me, aimed the gun, and shot it.
I felt the bullet fly past my ear.
It went whizzing right past me.
I couldn't believe it.
It was the most incredible thing that I'd ever experienced.
"I've got one more. It can be yours... or his... I don't care which. You fight me, I'm going to give it to him... or maybe to you. What's it going to be."
His voice was utterly calm. I knew that he was past anger, hurt, rage... he was completely lost in madness... and with it went that peculiar kind of control the totally insane can show.
Someone could have almost believed, just from watching Johnny in action, that he was normal, and that he was doing whatever he was doing for normal reasons.
I turned to the van. I could see that there were people inside.
"What'd you do, bring along witnesses?"
He reached for me, wrapped his fingers around my neck and started to drag me to the van. The side door opened, magically it seemed, and he threw me in, climbed in after me and said, "Haul ass!"
They squealed away, leaving Tommy tying there beside his car.
I was already out of my mind.
"Look, Johnny, we can't go anywhere," said Hank, who was driving. "That motherfucker put out my headlights."
"Shit, don't give me a lot of grief. Drive to your dad's trailer."
"Hey, I don't know if he'd like us using it for..."
"I don't want to hear about it, all right? Just move."
He looked helplessly at Johnny. "You're fucking out of your mind, you know that?"
Johnny said, "I know. Don't fuck with me... I'm crazy. Pass me that tequila."
I was staring from one to the other, but only Johnny would look at me.
"What's wrong, T-Bird... Bill, you afraid to look me in the eye?"
"No..." said T-Bird, still not looking at me.
"Well, why won't you look at me."
"Johnny, shut her up, would you."
"Don't fuck with my head, you sorry hound. Look at the lady. Hell, you're going to fuck her... you should look at her."
"Johnny," I said, not even reacting to that last comment. "You're a pig."
"I know," he said. He took a heavy swig from the bottle that Hank had passed him and then he said, "It's my most endearing trait"
"Who wants to be first?"
No one moved.
I was sitting on the couch. I couldn't believe it was happening, but it was.
There was a dirty T-shirt stuffed in my mouth... and my hands were tied behind my back.
Johnny and his three friends were standing over me, but Johnny seemed to be the only one with a stomach for gang rape.
I was naked.
I was scared out of my mind. And this was one time that my body wasn't going to betray me with pleasurable sensations when I didn't want them.
I was sitting with my legs spread apart. My left foot was tied to the leg on the left side of me... my right foot was tied to the leg on the right side of me.
I couldn't close my legs.
The ropes were cutting into my ankles. Deeply.
"What's wrong, you all pussies?" said Johnny.
"Well shit Johnny," said T-Bird. "She's your cunt. Why don't you fuck her?"
"I'm going to, boys. But I just thought I'd share the wealth with you."
He was acting so friendly, I couldn't believe they didn't see what a fucking ruse it was. But they were stupid sheep. Whatever Johnny did, they were more than willing to follow, and never question a thing about what they were doing.
He tipped the bottle up again, and I saw that it was very nearly empty.
He winced and his whole body shuddered. But then he took in a deep, satisfied gulp of air and turned to me.
"SO, CUNT!" he said loudly. But he said nothing else. At least not for the moment.
Instead, he leaned over and gave me a sloppy wet kiss on the cheek.
I turned my head away from him, trying to avoid touching him, but he wasn't having any of that.
He slapped me. Hard.
Right on the left tit. I screamed.
"Well, would you listen to that, she's trying to scream with that rag in her mouth. Gosh... I'm sorry to see her exerting all that energy and not having anything to show for it. What do you say? Do you think we should let her scream?"
No one said anything.
"How about it, Hank? There any neighbors out here?"
"A few... but no one cares... I mean... they're not going to call the cops or anything like that. If that's what you're getting at."
"Yeah... that's what I'm getting at."
"But... well hell, I don't know, Johnny. Maybe we ought to just..."
"Maybe we ought to just... what?"
"Hell... I don't know."
"You're absolutely right about that, Hank. You don't know. You don't know shit, that's why you hang out with me. Because you don't know shit. I know enough for all four of us, however... and you'll be glad to know that I'm more than willing to share it with you."
Then he pulled my gag out.
"Go on, Darling. Let's hear you scream. I'm all ears."
He was grinning at me now staring down at me, and I've never seen a colder, crueler look in my life.
He slapped me.
I remained silent.
"Well, now ain't just like a fickle cunt? You stuff up her mouth, she wants to scream. You ungag her, she don't say shit. I'm all kinds of disappointed in that. I was all set to listen to her sing."
He reached down to my breasts, took my right nipple in his hand and started to pinch it between his thumb and forefinger.
He started out fairly gentle, but it soon grew to be an excruciating pressure against the tender bud of flesh.
"Come on... come on, Darling," he said, taunting me. "Let's hear a little squeal out of you."
"You'd like that, wouldn't you?"
"Yeah... I'd like that a lot."
"Well... you're not going to get it."
"Is that right?"
He stood up.
"I'm annoyed," he said. "That's what I am."
And then, he curled his fingers into his fist like they were puppy dogs going to sleep, clenched it tightly, and slugged me, right on my tits.
I gasped. The shock of pain was so extreme that I could make no sound at first.
Then, I moaned. It was more of a whimper, actually, but I couldn't remain silent.
It hurt too bad.
"Come off it, Johnny... let her go. There ain't no point to this."
"Sit down and shut up."
"Johnny, seriously," said Hank, but Johnny whirled around.
"You want to end up like that turd out on the highway?"
"I'm not kidding with you, Hank. Shut the fuck up!"
Hank glowered suddenly at Johnny, but he shut up.
Johnny turned back to me.
He said nothing else. Instead, he pulled his cock out of his pants.
"Boys, I think you should all join me, but since you're all such pussies, I'll take care of this cunt myself."
He belched, and then he fell on me.
His cock was only semi-hard.
He jabbed it against my cunt, and I started to taunt him back. "What's the matter, big man? Hmm? Can't get it up? So big and tough... you're trying to put on a show for your friends. Do they know that you can't ever get it up."
He sat upright. "You're fucking lying."
"It's true," I said, looking at T-Bird and Hank and Bill. "He could never get it up when we'd fuck, unless I worked real hard on him, for a long time. And then, if anything happened to interrupt us, you know... like a plane going overhead, or a whistle off in the distance, or just about anything... it'd just get real soft again, real fast..."
Johnny was staring at me like I'd just taken a dump in church.
"You fucking cunt whore." He turned around to his buddies. "She's lying. Fucking 'A' Jack, she's fucking lying, that's what the fuck she's doing."
I said, "Do you think he'd be so hot on hitting people if he could get it up and fuck normally? The only way he could ever get hard was to beat me up."
Johnny recoiled like I'd stuck him with an electric cattle-prod. "You slut."
He lunged for me, started to slap me back and forth across the face, harder... harder... and then, I felt his cock do exactly as I'd predicted it would.
It got hard.
And he wasn't even thinking about it... he just rammed it home... stuffed my pussy with that monster log, filling me as full as he possibly could stuff me.
"Oh... God..." I moaned, but there was no pleasure in it this time. I was hurting.
My cunt was at an awkward angle, and I couldn't quite get him all the way into the full length of my cunt chamber.
He rammed the head against my cunt walls, stretching them horribly. I hurt... and I screamed.
I kept on screaming... even though he was doing all the old moves, pulling his cock in and out... in and out... in and out...
Things that used to guarantee that I'd come whether I wanted to or not.
He was fucking me as hard as he possibly could.
I started to feel dizzy.
In and out... faster and faster... I could feel the enormous width of his cock shoving against my cunt walls, pressing them to the limits of their endurance.
I knew that any moment now I was going to feel the thin, fragile membranes tearing wide open... and I was going to die, and they'd carry my body off somewhere and just leave me to rot in the woods...
Well, who can blame me?
I'd never had to face such a degrading and humiliating experience in my entire life.
I was so completely crazy by this time, I knew that I was going to be gang raped by every single one of them... I was going to die... I was ready for it...
The pain grew worse.
Johnny was getting really demented now... acting more and more crazed... more and more out of his head.
I was dimly aware that he was starting to hit me... slapping me hard around the side of my face.
I was s
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