Legal pawn
The sound of Barry White blared over the speakers and
the dance floor bustled with sweaty dancers. Julia Davis
was not one of them. She sat in a booth just off the
dance floor's side. She was flipping through her case
files, while occasionally glancing up at her co-workers,
dancing away.
She shook her head in frustration. She wanted to be
anywhere but in the smoky dance club. She had just been
given what could possibly be the case of her lifetime
and the young lawyer wanted to prove her worth to her
boss Mr. Harrison. She was thrilled to be given the
opportunity, but not with the catch. She wasn't pleased
that she had to work on the case with two other lawyers.
("Why them?" She thought, as she watched them dance.)
The lights flickered, as Ellen Bradley shook her
platinum blonde hair. She was the lead lawyer, and she
gave the orders. She was also rumored to be close to
being made partner. It was her idea to come to the dance
club to have some drinks and blow off some steam. Ellen
was putting on a fine display of dirty dancing with her
dance partner Zack Bugler.
Julia shook her head, as he bobbed back and forth. He
was younger than Julia, but seemed to be moving along
faster at the firm than Julia. But with this case she
was determined to change that. He glanced her way. Julia
chuckled remembering that he also had the nerve to ask
her for a date, after only working for two weeks at the
"Wow, that was fun," Ellen gushed, as she spun over
towards Julia. "You two should give it a whirl."
"Yeah right," Julia snickered, sliding off her stool and
brushing past. And evil eye sent Zack's way as he
offered his hand.
"He's a good dancer, really," Ellen said, over the
music. But she only got Julia's back, as she slid into
the last booth against the back wall. Zack cringed,
feeling her bee-like-sting, yet again.
"Wow, this is going to be tougher than I thought," Ellen
said, grabbing Zack by the hand and leading him, with
subtle force, along the booths, until they reached
A firm hand on the shoulder, reluctantly sent Zack in
first. Ellen quickly followed. Now face to face, Zack
could feel Julia's distain.
"I need another drink," Ellen said, just seconds after
they sat down.
"Yeah, that sounds good," Zack said, before he motioned
to the young woman, carrying a silver tray. "Waitress,
three more martinis."
Julia offered one more futile plea to leave, but Ellen
just shook her head. Zack rolled his eyes, not because
he wanted to leave, but because Ellen had slid down
excessively, her body pressing him up against the far
wall. He could smell her spicy perfume now, or maybe it
was her hair. He felt his body tingle. He tried to fight
it, as he wanted to think of Ellen as a boss and mentor
and not like the sexy older woman that she was
"Now, I think we need to talk about this," Ellen said
loudly, over yet another Barry White song.
"This what?" Julia snapped.
"This attitude... it's not good for the case..."
"Oh, the case," Julia interrupted. "THIS is really
helping the case," she said, while waving her hand in
their direction.
"This my dear, is getting to know each other, 'cause
from now on, THIS, meaning the three of us, is all we
have," Ellen said, her voice full of force. She glanced
over at Zack, just off her right shoulder, and put her
hand on his left knee. "Right?"
Zack could only manage a nod, feeling pawed at yet
again. He also felt working on this case probably meant
spending every waking hour together on it. He knew this
meant his social life would have to be put on hold yet
again, but he didn't want to blow his shot. Zack
shuddered at the thought. Then, because Ellen's hand was
slowly sliding up his leg.
"And I think it would behoove us all to get along,"
Ellen said looking at Julia, before she spun her
seductive gaze at an ever increasingly nervous Zack's
way, before purring into his ear. "Right Zackey?"
"Yeeep," Zack shrieked out, like a schoolgirl, as
Ellen's hand boldly brushed his crotch.
"Well, there is getting along and then there is getting
it on!" Julia sneered at the cozy looking duo.
"I didn't say that. Although, I'm the only one married
here," Ellen said, while her hand was tracing small
circles on the flushed-faced Zack's crotch. Zack even
tried to coyly bat her hand away, after hearing her
confession, but more because of the positive effect her
touch was having. For Zack, it had been a long time
since a hand other than his own had been down there. But
the brazen Ellen was winning the battle.
"But I only married for status," Ellen confessed, while
turning Zack's face her way. "My husband hasn't sent me
to bed a satisfied woman in many a moon." Ellen, now
staring into Zack's baby blues, finished with a wink,
which Julia caught.
"Look at you two. I bet you have your hand on his leg
right now," Julia managed to spit out, before Ellen's
giggling drowned her out.
"Something like that," Ellen seductively purred, as she
finally gave Zack's growing cock a good squeeze, sending
it to a full-blown hard-on. "Yeah, just like that."
Ellen was impressed.
Zack, sweating with embarrassment, was worried about
blowing more than just his shot now.
"Well, you two play your games... I'm outta here." Julia
said, just as the waitress brought over their drinks.
"Just one more!" Ellen shouted, but Julia was already
making her way through the crowded dance floor.
"What crawled up her ass?" Ellen said, before gulping
down her martini. Zack just shook his head, while trying
to adjust his pants. Ellen giggled as she watched. "Need
some help with that?"
"What?" Zack gasped. "Look she's gone, so you can stop
teasing me."
"Tease!" Ellen snapped. "I'm a lot of things... but a
tease... no."
"I think we should keep our relationship professional."
"I agree, Zack... when we're in the office."
"But here we are, and I got you all hard, so I should
help yah... you know," Ellen said, rubbing Zack's tented
pants, again. "How bout a little hand job?"
"Not here," Zack said, batting her hands away.
"It's dark," Ellen said with a giggle, while tugging at
his fly.
"Outside," Zack said, pushing on her shoulder.
Ellen slid to her feet and pulled on Zack's hand. Zack
was embarrassed at his present condition, so he was glad
the club was indeed dark. He also followed Ellen
closely. They made their way out of the backdoor into a
darkened alley.
"Geez... I don't know about this Zack, after all... I
had no idea this was an alley," Ellen said, looking
around. "Maybe we should go back into the club... or go
find my car?"
"This thing is painful you know," Zack said. Ellen
giggled, as she grabbed his hand. Zack quickly batted it
away and pushed Ellen over to a trash filled Dumpster.
"Zack, what the fuck are you doing?" Ellen cried out.
But he just laughed and pulled up the back of her dress.
She could feel the evening's cold air. "Not here... not
like this," she pleaded.
"Look, you said you weren't a tease," he said, before he
ripped off her white panties, in one violent jerk, and
tossed them into the Dumpster, while she shrieked. "I
only said a hand job!"
"What are we in high school!" Zack spit into his hand
and then he rubbed it between her legs. He was surprised
at her smoothness. ("Must be a wax job," he thought to
himself.) He ran his fingers along her pussy lips,
before finally sliding two in.
"Owww." Ellen moaned, and she finally gave up her futile
fight and spread her legs and arched her back. Zack spit
on his hand again and rubbed it on his cock. He ran the
head of his cock along her pussy until it slid inside.
She bit her lip. He let out a groan. His thrusts quickly
became deeper and more powerful. (All of Ellen's sexy
looks, her innocent touches, her dirty dancing, her
crotch rubbing, had built him into a sexual frenzy that
he was now taking out on Ellen's backside.) The sounds
of slapping skin echoed throughout the ally.
Ellen tried to get Zack to slow down, as his deep thrust
with his large cock, were almost painful, but her pleas
only seemed to fuel his fire. Ellen shrieked, suddenly
spotting a bum, sitting on some cardboard boxes, only a
couple of feet away. He was watching with a toothless
grin. She cringed, noticing that he was jerking off
while watching Zack fuck her.
"Please Zack, someone's watching!"
"I know. I saw him, too," Zack said, grabbing a hand
full of hair. "But if you know how long I've wanted
this... Julia."
Ellen gasped. She wasn't sure if she heard right, but
she could have sworn...
He suddenly pulled down on the back of her hair, as he
groaned out and released deep inside of her pussy,
interrupting her thoughts. Several small quivers
followed, and then he let go of her hair.
A voice suddenly bellowed out. "Everything alright out
Zack and Ellen quickly fixed their clothing. When they
turned, they spotted one of the club's bouncers at the
"Good timing, Pal," Ellen said, as she made her way back
into the club and Zack followed. She never looked back,
while he stopped at the bar to have another drink.
Zack finally made his way home. His head still swirling
from the evening's events. He knew the difference
between right and wrong, and he was leaning towards the
Unlocking the door to his one room flat, he swung the
door open and headed straight for the frig -- a finale
beer on his brain. Cracking the bottle open, his nose
picked up a scent, but it wasn't barley, it was...
"Hi there Zackey."
He heard the voice, before he focused on the moon lit
"Ellen, what the!" Zack screeched, at his surprised
visitor. "How did you get in here?"
"Key under the mat," Ellen said with a smile, as she
flipped on his pole lamp. "Not real original."
"B-but what?" Zack mumbled, moving closer, a little
"What my dear?" Ellen purred, dragging on a cigarette.
"Cigarette after sex, isn't that the way?"
"No. Wha-why are you here?" Zack mumbled, as he sat down
on his couch across from Ellen, who was slumped in his
old recliner.
"Ok Zack, I'll cut to the chase," Ellen said, putting
her cigarette into an empty beer bottle. "You see, you
and me need to have a little talk, 'cause we gut a
"Problem?" Zack managed, a gulp in his throat.
"Yeah, I have a problem with being fucked in an alley,
like a common whore, while some bum watched. You could
have at least slipped a fifty into my bra after you were
done with me. Really now, leaving me with your cum
oozing out of my pussy, and running down my thighs,"
Ellen said. She put on her best face of disgust,
although she tingled with excitement. Zack cringed and
slumped back.
"And to top it off, you weren't even fucking me, were
you?" Ellen said, teasingly.
Zack's head slumped. She heard.
"So what are we gunna do now?" Ellen asked, disgust in
her voice.
"I dunno," Zack mumbled, his stomach turning.
"Well for starters at least look at me," Ellen ordered
and Zack quickly followed. "That's better."
He did his best to focus. His insides in turmoil.
"Good, now listen and listen good, young man. The way I
see it you owe me one, big time, and here's what I
want." Ellen paused for effect, loving that she had
Zack's full attention. "I want Julia."
"Huh!" Zack groaned, a little taken aback.
"Not like that! I'm no lesbian," Ellen said, with a
scrunched face. "No, I just want her for one night. I
wanna see her on her knees, licking my pussy."
Zack was even more stunned now.
"It's a power thing," Ellen said, reading his face. "And
your gunna make it happen."
"What?" Zack squealed.
"Yeah, that's right buddy boy. I don't even care if you
join in. Hell you've fucked me once, and I know you
wanna fuck her, so just make it happen."
"I mean, but how and why?" Zack in a panic, quickly
"Why?" Ellen said, biting a bright red fingernail.
"Hmmm... That's a tough one... let's just say I want
Miss High-Horse put in her place."
"Confused," Zack chirped, shaking his head.
"Look when Julia first joined the firm, we bonded. I
thought we were good friends and then she just
changed... and..."
"What happened?" Zack interrupted.
"I don't know!"
"Look, it was innocent."
"Tell me, Ellen."
"Look, we use to work out together, so like we were at
the gym. Well, after our workout we were in the locker
room, and it was time to shower, but there was only one
shower open, that's all."
"If you don't tell me," Zack said, moving to the edge of
the couch. "I can't help.
"Alright... alright... but this stays between us," Ellen
warned. "Well I suggested we shower together... like I
said it was innocent."
"Ah, huh," Zack groaned in disbelief.
"It was!" Ellen hissed. "I've showered with other women
before. I didn't think it was a big deal, so I started
taking off my workout clothes. Like I said, I didn't
think it was a big deal."
"That depends, I guess," Zack managed, the picture of
them porno showering, dancing in his head.
"It was just... I don't know... maybe it was the look on
her face when I started stripping off her clothes. I
thought she might faint, especially when I grabbed her
sports bra and pulled it off."
Zack shivered with the thought.
"She was mumbling some protest, as there were a couple
of women watching us. But hey, I was already naked, so
she was getting naked, too. I almost had to rip her
small bike shorts off, as she was so squirmy. When I
finally had her naked, I grabbed her by the hand and
headed for the shower."
"And then?" Zack quickly moaned, excitement on his
"Well the shower was built for one, so we, you know,
were tight... skin on skin," Ellen said, excitement now
on her breath. "One thing about Julia that you've
probably noticed by now is that she has some rather
large breasts on her, and well I've just never...
well... they were like two begging cones, I-I, ah, just
wanted to, you know..."
"Touch them," Zack added, feeling strangely jealous.
"Yeah... I mean no... I just wanted to help her wash,"
Ellen said, shaking her head.
"Ah huh," Zack chuckled.
"Well, I didn't think it was a big deal, so I offered to
wash her back," Ellen said, her body consumed with
exhilaration, as her mind raced back in time. "She was
frozen like a statue. Her skin slick and smooth. I just
couldn't help myself. After I finished her back, I
reached around and her breasts just melted in my soapy
hands. I couldn't believe how firm they were. The soap,
the water, her golden brown erect nipples, it was
Zack, listening to Ellen's sultry voice, was suffering
from a case of happy pants, yet again.
"Well, I thought she was enjoying it as much as I was,
so one of my hands moved lower and lower. Honestly, she
could have used a trim down there. I mean my finger
almost got tangled, but it finally slid in. Her pussy
even seemed to suck me in. One hand now on her breast,
another in her pussy, soft moans from her lips. It was
heaven! I thought I finally had her, but..."
"But?" Zack snapped, excitement and jealousy fully
consuming him.
"Yeah but... but she couldn't take it. She bolted from
the showers and has never looked at me the same way
"Maybe she's not into woman," Zack said, with a prideful
"No, it's not that. I could tell by the way she looked
at me when I stripped off my clothes that she liked what
she saw, and she definitely liked my touch. And ever see
a boyfriend?"
"No, she has a problem with me being her boss, and she
just has a problem letting go of her fears," Ellen said,
as she rose from her seat.
"And you have a problem with rejection," Zack growled,
as he shook his head.
"I get what I want," Ellen said, with a glare, before
she strolled to the door. "You don't think I've had to
do things that I'm not proud of to make it this far! Why
should she be any different?"
"But how do I?" Zack asked, before Ellen opened his
"I don't care how you do it," Ellen said, an evil look
on her face, when she turned her gaze back. "Seduce her,
coerce her, blackmail, I don't care, just set it up
before the case is over... or..."
"Or?" Zack groaned.
"Or you're done at the firm, and I will blackball your
ass so bad you won't even get a job pumping fucking gas
around here," Ellen growled in a raspy voice. "Remember,
I get what I want."
Zack shook at her closing statement and from the
slamming door.
He also knew that he'd been had.
Zack spent the next day trying to figure a way out of
his predicament. He knew Julia could make good on her
threats. He decided to hire a P. I. that he used on a
prior case to dig up some dirt on Julia. He also gave
him Ellen's name almost as an afterthought.
The P. I. took a few days before he called back. He told
Zack that Julia was clean. Zack cursed at the news. But
the P. I. went on to say that Ellen, on the other hand,
caused quite the stir in her small town. She was a
senior in high school, and she had an affair with her
principal and ended up getting pregnant. But what Zack
was surprised to hear was that Ellen aborted the
pregnancy. Her abortion made the front page, of her
small town rag, for days.
When Zack hung up the phone, he checked his email for
the newspaper reports that the P. I. was sending his
way. He knew this could be his out. Zack's brain was
racing. (He had gotten to know Mr. Harrison over the
last couple of years, and knew that he was a radical
pro-lifer. He even went all over the country with his
wife to support the cause. And if he knew about this,
Zack had a feeling that it would be Ellen that would be
through at the firm.) Zack made some copies and headed
out to find Ellen.
He found her having her morning coffee at a small Diner
and presented her with his findings. He loved the
stunned look on her face when he told her that she would
now become his "fuck toy" in exchange for his silence.
"Starting today, in your office, after work," Zack said,
as he left Ellen with a small kiss on her rosy cheek.
"And you'll have to get Julia on your own... I ain't no
pimp," he said, as he headed for work, with a whistle.
At work, Zack spent most of the day in the firm's
basement. Ellen had given him the daunting task of
looking up old case after case. He was looking for
precedents, involving their case, or basically anything
that would help them out.
Zack was doing his best to concentrate on work, but as
the day wore on, his concentration was slipping. His
after work sex meeting with Ellen, in her office,
dancing in his head. He kept patting his pocket, warming
a tube of lubrication, which was waiting for the deed.
He had only found one lover prior, willing to give anal
sex a try.
She only lasted three or four thrusts before she cried,
"no mas!" He sported an evil grin, as Ellen would get no
such break. Although, he was pretty sure he wouldn't be
the first to make that dirty trip, he was mostly looking
forward to controlling his boss.
("Ah, but first," he thought, looking at his Rolex,
seeing that it was finally time. "I think I'll get one
of her famous blowjobs that I've heard oh so much about.
I can't wait to see her face smeared with my cum.")
Zack made the long trip up to Ellen's office, his groin
already aflutter, as it had been all day. His cock had
been in every state there was, just thinking about the
fun things he was gunna do with Ellen.
He stopped at Ellen's door, looking around, here and
there, to make sure the coast was clear. "Not a creature
stirring," Zack thought, as he rapped on the door,
before swinging it open. (Weakly impersonating a "here's
"What, you change your name?"
"Julia what the...?" Zack said, stopping dead in his
tracks. "I mean, what are you doing here?"
"What?" Julia snapped. "We are working hard on the case,
"No, I, ah, mean," he mumbled trying to get Ellen's eye,
but she was acting busy, flipping papers on her desk.
"I'm surprised that's all."
"Yeah, we're full of surprises," Julia said with a sly
The grin went over Zack's head, because he was looking a
little lower, his mouth agape, and his eyes unbelieving.
He focused. ("Wow!" he thought to himself, over and
over, at the cleavage Julia was now sporting. Her
usually fully buttoned blouse was unbuttoned down past
her eye catching, red bra. Her bra was also seemingly
trying to push her full breasts out of the blouse's
"Ah, Zack," Ellen said, snapping her fingers. "Did you
want something?"
"Ah, no," Zack moaned, shaking his head at Ellen's
question, although he never really heard it. He also
seemingly missed the wise way in which she asked it.
Zack sat in the chair in front of Ellen's desk. One eye
still on his target, now sitting on the desk's side.
Lust, fighting the hands of love that had crept into his
soul over time.
Julia was doing her best to be pretending to read some
paperwork. Although she could feel his Fourth of July
stare. (Ellen had met with Julia, laying out a plan to
get rid of Zack, and it was well underway now. Although,
Julia was still unsure she could go through with it, as
she was already feeling sunburned.)
Time, unfazed, continued to tick by, as the trio managed
to actually get some work done. As they did the next
three days. With each hour at work Zack was growing more
and more frustrated as he was never quite able to get
Ellen alone. As there was always some sort of
complication at work and she told him that her mother
had dropped in for a surprise visit.
Zack was amazed at his bad timing, and was growing tired
of carrying the unused tube of lubricant around. But he
was more amazed at the transformation that Julia was
seemingly undergoing in front of his eyes. It might have
just been his imagination and his sexual frustration,
but her skin level seemed to be increasing with each
passing day. He was also surprised that he was growing
ever more jealous, as he noticed that his weren't the
only eyes to notice.
Friday finally rolled around, which Mr. Harrison had
surprisingly announced, would be a casual one. (A first
for the firm.) Zack found his place at the Friday
morning meeting. His jeans and golf shirt, a pleasant
change. Ellen was the next to enter, followed by Mr.
Harrison. Zack just chuckled at Ellen's low cut top and
short skirt, wondering if she was doing this just to
tease him, or if she was just doing showing off her
tight body.
It was almost 9am and Julia was the only one, out of the
ten lawyers, yet to arrive. Zack double-checked his
watch, because Julia was always prompt. Usually she was
the first one to arrive and the last to leave. The
running joke around the firm was that she had to have a
bed in the basement. Although the other day, Zack didn't
find it.
With everyone seated around the large mahogany
conference table, in the room's center, Mr. Harrison
called the meeting to order, just as the backdoor of the
conference room, swung open. All eyes turned towards the
door at first and then stared at the lone figure
standing in its way. It was as if each eyeball zoomed in
on the creature, wearing the black miniskirt and light
blue angora half-sweater, in disbelief. Her clicking
silver spiked heels, the only sound echoing off the
walls, as she sauntered to an empty seat, in the table's
middle. Ellen, the only other female, was also watching
her every move, like a proud coach.
Mr. Harrison broke the awkward silence by clearing his
throat. "Ah hum... Miss... you must be in the wrong."
"Sir that's Julia," Ellen quickly whispered into his
"Julia?" He gasped, before he snapped his head back her
way. "OUR Julia."
"Yeah, hi there boss man," Julia said with a snap of her
gum, as she slowly sank into her seat and crossed her
legs. "You said it was a causal Friday."
"Boss man...? Ellen...?" Mr. Harrison said, looking at
"Do you want her to take off her clothes?" Ellen said,
before she giggled at her wide-eyed boss's look. "I
meant, change, after all you did say 'causal.'"
"NO, I ah, no," her boss stammered. "Ah, if she's
comfortable, I can live with it. Ok, let's get started."
With the meeting underway, Julia leaned back in her
chair, just to give Zack, who was sitting two seats
over, another look. Although inside she was dying of
embarrassment, since she knew what this was doing to her
already tight sweater. She was praying the buttons would
hold, while also yearning for a bra.
If Ellen didn't lock her real clothes in her car's
trunk, she would have backed out, when she saw her
mirrored reflection, in the ladies bathroom. She cringed
inside thinking about it (and the fact that Ellen made
her strip down naked, as she watched, right in the
parking garage), as the meeting proceeded. But she tried
to follow Ellen's plan. Her advice, to pretend that she
was like that other actress Julia in that movie about
lawyers, not really working.
The meeting moved along at a snails pace, as Julia was
causing many a distraction among her male cohorts. Her
gum chewing, pencil eraser nibbling, and especially her
leans forward, effective in their design. She also got
the job of handing out the paperwork around the room,
repeatedly. Zack took it all in, his face a flame. He
was fully consumed now.
After the meeting broke up, most of the other lawyers
had some sort of excuse to talk to Julia now, as Zack
sat back boiling. He wanted Julia worse than ever now.
Yet, he hated competition. He wanted to go back in time,
seemingly only days ago, when he alone knew the truth
about what lie in her soul and not just on her chest.
Ellen patted Zack on the back, as the both stared at
Julia collecting some extra paperwork. "See what I told
you about her breasts," she whispered into his ear, "and
if you could see her long nipples... spectacular... now
you blame me...?"
She finished by pinching Zack's cheek, which pissed him
off, but he had bigger things to think about now, as
Julia was walking right towards his seat. Ellen closed
the backdoor behind her, leaving them alone.
"Hi there, Zackey, my boy."
"Yeah Zackey... have I ever told you how cute you were?"
Julia purred, as she stood right next to his seat. Her
sweater covered breasts, now heaving, tantalizing
inches, away from his eyes. Her sexy perfume, drifting
into his senses. Her face burned under his gaze.
"Ah... what... ah... no..." Zack meaninglessly
sputtered, his voice squeaking.
"Yeah and I'm sorry for being so cold to yah at first. I
was just jealous," Julia said, biting a long, fire
engine red, painted fingernail.
"Jealous?" Zack said, tearing his eyes up to hers.
"Yeah, jealous. I mean I was the hotshot when I came
aboard and then you came along," Julia said with a fake
sexy smile, "but I'm over it now." She wasn't. (While
she was attracted to Zack, she hated his brownnosing
"Oh, I see and now?" Zack said, still a little confused
by it all.
"And now, I just say 'fuck it' like Tom Cruise in
"Risky Business!" Zack interrupted, like a proud
Jeopardy contestant.
"Ah, yeah, whatever, he was so hot in that flick. I
wanted to be that chick that was."
"Rebecca DeMornay," Zack chipped in, seemingly regaining
his wits.
"Yeah, her," Julia said. (A little annoyed now, as she
was trying to follow Ellen's script and his
interruptions weren't helping. In truth, she never even
saw the movie.) "Yeah, but what I was gunna say, was
that I wanted to be the one doing Tom!"
"Oh," Zack moaned. "OH, yeah and I always wanted to bang
that chick!" Zack's head suddenly swimming again. Julia
bent down and began purring, like a cat in heat, into
his ear. Her breasts now resting on his forearm, didn't
go unnoticed either.
"Yeah, but since that isn't gunna happen," Julia purred,
with a nibble on his ear lobe. "Why don't we pretend?"
"Pretend?' Zack managed, with a big gulp. He was also
now sportin' a bigger bulge.
"Yeah tonight, come over to my place, at nine, Tom, and
your little call-girl will be there... willing to
fulfill your every desire."
"Tonight?" Zack gasped. "Call-girl?"
Julia added some stroking of hair to her actions. "Yeah,
and bring a lot of money, 'cause I ain't cheap."
"Money?" Zack said, a little lightheaded.
"Yeah Zack, I don't fuck for free," Julia said, suddenly
pulling on the back of Zack's hair, snapping his head
"Really! but, I, ah," Zack's rambled words were cut off
by Julia's pink, glossy, lips and then her tongue even
joined in.
"Wow, I'm good huh," Julia said with excitement, after
breaking the kiss and standing up. "I had you going
"Yeah... ah... wait... I'm confused." Zack said, while
trying to get his breath back. He was also fixing his
"Look, just come over tonight," Julia said, her voice
back to normal, suddenly feeling a little silly. "If you
want to... you know... just bring something to wear...
if you wanna go for a dip in my pool...?"
"Pool?" Zack said with a shrug. "But you live in an
"Oh brother," Julia giggled, before she skipped to the
door. "See yah tonight at nine, Zackey."
Zack sat in stunned silence. Julia's words clashing in
his head, with her scantily dressed body and her killer
"Oh my god!" Zack gasped into the empty room. His mind
finally pulling the pieces together. "Tonight I get to
finally fuck Julia!"
It had been a painfully slow day for Zack when he
finally made his way into his flat. He took a look a hot
shower and shaved. After he dressed he put in his
favorite Jenna Jameson porn tape into the VCR. He took
some last minute notes and headed over to Julia's. He
made a stop to pick up some condoms and he was hoping to
finally get to use the tube of lubricant.
When Julia answered the door, Zack was trying to play it
cool. But he was having trouble doing so, as Julia was
dressed to kill. She wore a short leopard print dress
and she still had on her silver spiked stiletto heels.
Her soft brown hair was glowing, and her makeup, which
she hardly ever wore at work, was perfect.
After some small talk, Julia led Zack into her bedroom.
Lit candles provided the only light. She opened the
drapes to let in the moon's light. She sauntered over
and helped him into an old fashion, high backed, wooden
chair that sat next to the bed. She stood between his
legs and slithered down to her knees. Reaching up, she
started to unbutton Zack's silk shirt.
"Julia what's got into you?" Zack said, as he just
couldn't help himself.
"Nothing," Julia purred, as she rubbed his smooth chest.
"Doesn't this feel good?"
"Yeah," he nodded, staring into her darkly lined green
"Good, but I can make you feel a lot better." Zack
quivered when her hand pressed into his crotch. "Mmmm...
Mommy likes."
"Oooh Julia," Zack moaned.
"You like that, huh?" She oozed, as found the outline of
his cock. "My, I can feel you grow under my touch... I'm
"It feels good Julia." Zack ran his fingers through her
soft brown hair.
"Thanks, do you want more?"
"Huh?" Zack shrugged, a little lightheaded.
"You know what I mean," Julia said, as she unbuckled his
belt and slowly pulled it out of his pants. Zack just
shook his head.
"Ok, I guess you want to hear me say it," Julia said,
with a nervous giggle. "Do you want me to suck your cock
for yah?"
Zack gulped, and he nodded in amazement. (It was the
first time a woman had flat out asked him that.)
"Ok, but first, slip into these." Julia said. His eyes
widened, seeing what she was talking about.
"No way!" Zack barked, as he pulled his wrist free, just
before she snapped it on. He left her holding the padded
handcuff that was attached to the chair's armrest. He
noticed the other one too. He pushed her aside and stood
up. "What the fuck is going on here?"
"Settle down Zack... it's just for fun. Please sit back
down." Julia said, as she tried to grab his arm.
"Ok, I will," Zack said, as he sat on the end of her
bed. "Let's just say I like to keep my hands free." Zack
felt that something was fishy and he figured he'd play
it safe.
"Look, I just don't like men pushing on my head when I
suck, that's all... just try it, you won't be sorry,"
Julia pleaded. (although in truth, she had never had a
penis anywhere near her mouth before.)
"Maybe, but I think I want to see something first."
"Ok, but just have a seat and I'll."
Zack barked out, "STRIP!"
"What!" Julia squealed.
"Strip! Take off your clothes. I wanna see that body
"That wasn't p-part of the p-p-plan," Julia mumbled.
"Ah yeah, I've been planning this for a while," Julia
said, as her face flushed.
"I bet! Call it a change of plans. Now get naked."
"But don't you want... you know?"
"A blow job? Sure! But first, show me the goods."
Julia smacked her lips at his crude words. She looked
down and blushed, whishing she had worn more. But she
knew he wanted less. She took a deep breath. His eyes
were focused on her, but she couldn't muster the courage
to meet his. She looked around.
"Something wrong?" Zack asked.
Julia sighed. She knew what she had to do now, as much
as she didn't like it. (Zack was about to be just the
third man to ever see her naked.) She reached up and
slid a strap off her left shoulder. Her heart pounded.
She held the front of her dress and slid off the other
one. Zack was rubbing his hands together. She turned her
back on him and dropped her dress to the floor.
Only her small gold panties covered her nakedness, now.
She cupped her large breasts in her hands and turned
around, following his order. After she took several deep
breaths, she slowly dropped her hands to her sides. She
held her breath, as Zack lustfully looked her over.
(Inside she was dying of embarrassment, and anger. Zack
was the last person she wanted to show her breasts to.)
"Wow!" Zack mouthed. (Even though he was trying to play
it cool. As he thought, "Ellen was right about her
"Ok, there they are... now let's move on."
"Yeah, that's what I was thinking," Zack said with a sly
smile. "Lose the panties, too."
Julia smacked her lips again.
Zack just laughed. "You offered to suck my cock, but
your afraid to drop your draws."
"You just don't have to be so juvenile," Julia said,
hands on her hips. She quickly covered her chest,
reading his eyes. "I think I change my mind!"
She repeated her words, this time louder, as she turned
around. Zack sprung up from the bed and grabbed her by
the back of the hair and she shrieked. He swung her
around and flung her face first onto the bed and he
quickly jumped on her back. "What the fucks going on
"Get off of me, you asshole!" Zack pressed on the back
on her head and muffled her further protests.
"You don't think I know you're up to something! I mean,
no one changes from the girl next door, into a walking
talking slut, in days. Then to top it off, when it comes
time act... you're only interested in tying me up."
Julia gasped for air when Zack finally moved her head to
the side. Focusing her eyes, she could read the evil
etched on his face.
"Please Zack," Julia pleaded, before she screamed into
the air, "please help me!"
"Oh, I'll help you," Zack said, as he reached down and
ripped her gold panties off. She screamed again.
(Instantly remembering Ellen's story about getting
attacked in the alley, and for the first time, she
believed her.)
"Shut the fuck up!" Zack again pressed her face into the
mattress. He reached down and ran his hand over her ass.
"Well look at this booty... but I'm more interested in
this." Julia's muffled cries echoed, as Zack, using his
leg to pry her legs apart, ran his finger in-between her
ass cheeks, before his middle finger plunged into her
"Yeah... nice and tight," Zack said, as he snapped his
wrist back and forth. He was also surprised that she was
shaved. "I'm going to fuck that... but first... I think
I'll fuck this." He finished his statement by running
his fingertip over Julia's pink anus.
He let go of Julia's head, to fish the lubricant out of
his pocket. Julia gasped for air and out of fear.
(Although she had sex a couple of times in Danny Gate's
back seat, she was an anal virgin.) "Please stop... this
has gone far enough... please... he's going to fuck my
"You bet I am! As soon as I lube you up."
Julia screamed, as she felt the cold gel. "Not there!"
"I don't know what's going on here, but I'm at least
tapping that." He pressed his finger into her asshole.
Julia cried out, "please fuck my pussy! At least wear a
Zack just laughed as he ran some gel over his cock. "And
to think I though you were different, but you're just
like the rest of them... Whores. You're all whores.
Just like my mom." Zack was trembling with rage. (His
mother was a prostitute. His father her pimp.) "That's
enough foreplay. I don't care if it hurts a little. Hell
as tight as it felt on just my finger... it may hurt
like hell." His chuckle that followed was pure evil.
Julia pulled on her bed's brass head rail trying
desperately to get away, but his body weight slamming
down on top of her stop her. He laughed, as he rubbed
the head of his cock on his target. As Zack rammed his
cock into her asshole, her scream was ear piercing. He
pressed in deeper. Julia flooded with pain. She made one
more plea, telling him how much it hurt, but he simply
laughed. He started bucking his hips back and forth.
Julia cried. She was an anal virgin no more.
Suddenly there was a loud thud. Zack crashed down on top
of Julia's back.
"Get him off," Julia said, with all her remaining
breath. She could still fell his stiff cock deep inside
of her asshole. The bed shifted and the body weight
disappeared, but the sting remained. When Julia cleared
the tears from her eyes, she saw Ellen standing by the
side of the bed. A rolling pin, still in hand.
"Here Julia," Ellen said, as she dropped the rolling pin
and picked up her dress and handed it to her. She also
helped her off the bed. She gave Julia a hug, which
Julia quickly broke.
"No need for that attitude right now, Julia," Ellen
said, as she climbed on the bed. "Help me out here."
Julia, clutching the dress in front of her, just watched
in puzzlement, as Ellen snapped a handcuff on Zack's
"Ellen, I thought we were going to cuff him to that
chair?" Julia said, as Ellen was cuffing him face down
to the bed's head rail.
"Plan B, Julia."
"Oh! Was that what that was...? Plan B!" Julia sneered.
"Look, things don't always work out perfectly," Ellen
said, as she was scanning the room. "We need something
to tie his ankles with, because when he comes around,
he'll be pissed."
"Are you sure you didn't kill him?"
"Well if I did, then it would be time for plan C," Ellen
said, picking Zack's belt up off the floor, before she
asked, "you have another one of these?"
Ellen strapped Zack's ankle to the beds Frame and then
the other one followed, using one of Julia's belts.
Ellen moved over and pulled the pillows off the bed, but
picked one off the floor and put it under Zack's
"Ellen what's going on?" Julia said, as she scratched
her head. "And why did you let him do that to me?"
"I'm really sorry about that Julia. I just needed to be
sure he wouldn't see me when I sneaked up on him. I
didn't know he'd go right for your ass... fucking
pervert." She smacked Zack's ass, but he was still out
cold. (She also looked away, because she was lying. She
had enjoyed watching Julia's ravishment.) "Look, take a
hot shower, it will help and I will make that phone
Julia took Ellen's advice and headed for the shower. The
hot water soothed her body, but her asshole still
burned. She cringed as she cleaned herself with a face
cloth, noticing a small trace of blood. She wondered if
all this was worth it. But a promise was a promise.
"After the shower, she put on her blue cotton robe and
headed for her bedroom. Ellen was sitting in the small
chair next to the bed. Zack appeared to be still passed
"Is he alright?" Julia mumbled.
"He has a pulse... but I don't know if you'd say he's
"Is Bruce coming over?"
"Yah, he is, and he's happy with the change of plans."
"I can't say..."
"I know Julia, I know. But now you know just how sick
this fuck is, so maybe all your second thoughts have
Julia shrugged her shoulders. "I still don't know if
he'll go for it?"
"Well, only one way to find out," Ellen said, pointing
to a vase of flowers on the nightstand. Julia picked the
flowers out and handed her the vase. With a splash,
Ellen tossed the water at Zack's face. His reaction was
slow. Gasping, moaning, coughing, before his eyes
"Owww, my head."
Julia moved over in front of his face. "Are you ok?"
"No I'm not. What's going on? My head! Why am I tied up?
Jesus Julia!"
Ellen slowly walked into view. Zack's eyes widened.
"Hi there Zackey. It's your little love slave." Ellen
playfully waved.
"I knew something wasn't right here. I knew you had to
be involved," Zack said, testing his binds.
"And you still did your thinking with the wrong head,"
Ellen teased.
"Fuck you!"
"You're such a simple man."
"At least I'm a man... you just think you're one."
"Ok guys, knock it off!" Julia snapped.
The doorbell suddenly rang and the women left to answer
it. Zack used the time to test his binds. The harder he
struggled, the tighter the cuffs dug into his skin. The
women walked back into the room. Ellen began laughing at
Zack's struggle.
"Easy Zack, you're gunna rip your wrists off," Ellen
said, as she sat down on the edge of the bed. She
playfully slapped Zack's ass. "You bad boy." She pulled
a couple of his ass hairs out.
"Ahhh, you fucking cunt!" Zack screamed.
"Ellen, just tell him and let's get this over," Julia
said, as she nervously paced the floor next to the bed.
"Yeah, what the fuck!" Zack barked.
"Ok, here is the deal Zack. Julia and I sat down and had
a nice long talk. We worked some things out. I started
by telling her how you tried to blackmail me into being
your sex slave by bringing up the past."
"Your principal knocked you up. Go on, tell her how you
fucked your principal. You whore!"
"Quiet!" Ellen barked, but Zack continued.
"Yeah, and then got an abortion. Fucking baby killer! I
bet you fucked your way through law school, too."
"Shut up!" Ellen screamed, slapping Zack on the ass.
"Yeah, tell her about the time you fucked two jurors,
just to win a case."
"What's he talking about Ellen?" Julia said, as she
stopped her pacing.
"He's lying."
"I'm not. Ellen is a world class whore. She learned at
an early age."
"This isn't going to work," Ellen said. She stood up and
slid off her panties from under her dress. Julia's jaw
dropped. Ellen slid off one of her thigh high stockings
and sat back down on the bed.
"What the fuck are you doing?" Ellen's panties being
shoved into his mouth, cut off Zack's protests. Then the
stocking wrapped around his head, kept them there.
"There... that's better," Ellen said, as she sat back
with a smirk. "You see Zack I told her about the
principal. But what the papers didn't say was that I
wasn't exactly a willing participant. See I never knew
my dad and he had become like a father to me, and I was
too scared to lose his attention to say 'no'. And I was
too young to have a baby. But you being a guy wouldn't
Zack tried to speak, but the gag was effective.
"What's that boy!" Ellen teased, with a smack on the
ass. "And then Julia told me a similar story about an
aunt that she lived with when she was going to high
school, whose affections grew more and more sexual.
That's why she bolted from the showers that day. I
reminded her of her older aunt, who liked to sneak into
the showers with her."
"You didn't really have to tell him that," Julia said
with a frown.
"Yeah, you're right," Ellen said with a giggle, before
she added, "but we solved that problem. Last night, I
let her tie me up, and that way she's in charge. I've
never came so hard!"
"Ellen!" Julia gasped, at Ellen's flat out lie. "You
said you wouldn't tell anyone."
"Yeah Zack, and then I returned the favor. See Zack, I
win," Ellen said with prideful chuckle. Julia cringed,
still wondering if she made the right choice.
"And here is how stupid you are Zack," Ellen said with a
smack to the back of his head. "She likes men, too.
Although she has only been with one. You see, her strict
aunt never let her date, and she just put her time into
her studies, and never found the right one. But she was
really going to suck your cock, if you had let her tie
you up. It would have been her first. I talked her into
it, even showed her how on a banana. Of course she
wouldn't have finished the job. Swallowing cum... that I
couldn't talk her into."
"Ellen," Julia gasped. This time, because she was
telling the truth.
"No, that would have been saved for our special guest
star," Ellen said, pulling on the back of Zack's head.
He groaned into his gag. "You said something earlier
about a change of plans... Well, remember about three
years ago... there was that blonde haired lawyer that
you got fired, when you found out that he was gay."
Ellen let go of Zack's head and dragged her fingernails
down his back. "Yeah, you just couldn't wait to tell Mr.
Harrison. Could yah? You know what he thinks about
homosexuals. Yep, just one more back to step on... on
your way to the top." Zack was furiously moaning into
his gag. "How long before you came for me? Like you did
with that juror rumor. I know you started that one."
Ellen ran her fingernails over Zack's ass cheeks. "I
wonder what he would do if he found out that YOU were a
homo." Ellen pushed one of her fingers against Zack's
asshole. She pushed in and Zack screamed into his gag.
"Would he turn your life into a living hell, too?"
"God Ellen," Julia said, as she started her nervous
pacing again.
"Oh, he can fuck us in the ass, but we can't fuck him!"
Ellen snapped. "I mean what kind of pervert comes on a
date with his own tube of anal lubrication!" Ellen
picked up the tube and squirted some on his asshole. His
mumbled scream filled the room, as Ellen's finger filled
his asshole. Ellen looked up at Julia, "You know he
deserves this. Now go get Bruce, he should be good to go
by now."
Julia left the bedroom and found Bruce in the kitchen.
She quickly looked away as she saw that he was rubbing
his cock as he watched the monitors of the hidden
cameras that Ellen's friend Tony had installed in
Julia's bedroom. Tony also gave Ellen a handheld one to
use for some close-ups. He would also do some creative
editing, to make it look like Zack was a willing
participant. Julia chuckled, remembering that Ellen said
she gave him one of her famous blowjobs as payment.
Julia sat in a kitchen chair, as Bruce walked into the
bedroom. She could see the monitors, but dared not look.
She didn't know if Zack was deserving of what was coming
his way, but she knew he'd never forget it. She was
hoping it, along with threats of some rape charges,
would be enough to get him to sign the resignation
papers that Ellen had drawn up for him.
Rubbing her face, she still couldn't believe that she
got caught up in all this. When she arrived at the firm,
fresh from law school, she was just a small town girl
with big city dreams. She shook her head, once again
feeling much like an expendable pawn.
Her mind raced back to the day Ellen called her up and
told her to meet for some coffee. Once there, she
informed Julia that she was calling in that "favor" now.
At first she didn't know what Ellen was talking about.
And then the word "doctor" came up.
The doctor suddenly flashed into her mind, like it still
did, from time to time. He had gray hair, wore thick
glasses, and he had this malformed nose. Her stomach
turned, as it did the day she reluctantly went to see
him. (He was the firm's doctor and her only option if
she wanted the job, Mr. Harrison was quick to point out,
and that she would have to go every year. She had always
had a woman doctor and had just had a physical, but Mr.
Harrison was unsympathetic. She knew the firm's
outstanding reputation and desperately wanted the job,
so she went.)
Walking into the bathroom, she could hear his gravely
voice ringing in her head, telling her to "disrobe and
hand her clothes to the nurse, and make it snappy." She
shuddered and sank down on her makeup seat. She closed
her eyes and tried to shake it out of her head. But when
she closed her eyes, it was like she was back in his
exam room all over again. His tapping foot, the only
sound, as he watched her start to undress. And when she
stopped at her bra and panties, his laugh was chilling.
No, he wanted ALL of her clothes off. She looked to the
old nurse for help, but she motioned for them, too.
They both wanted her naked. She saw no way out. She
trembled, as she unsnapped her bra in front of the two
strangers. She could have sworn the doctor gasped, when
her large breasts sprang free. Her face flushed, as she
slowly peeled her panties down, a small teardrop
splashing on the tile floor, below. She handed over her
last piece of clothing, quickly using her arms to hide
her nakedness.
"You will not hide anything from me," the doctor
scolded, as he put her hands behind her head and he
boldly looked her over, from head to toe. Even though he
was a doctor, she was about to protest at his lecherous
gaze, but he had her bend over and touch her toes,
several times, as he walked around her. Then she walked
back and forth for him, in only her small-heeled shoes,
without any explanation as to why.
Her embarrassing physical only got worse on the exam
table. She could almost feel his clammy hands again, as
he checked her breasts, using both hands, while sitting,
and then while lying down on her back. If the female
nurse wasn't there she would have sworn he was just
"feeling her up" instead of "examining her for lumps."
And her female doctor never twisted on her erect
nipples. And certainly never smiled during the whole
But it only got worse when he put her feet in the
stirrups. He sat on a stool and poked and prodded her
pussy with his fingers for what Julia thought was longer
than necessary. But her pleas only seemed to make him
more deliberate. He used several tools inside of her as
well, again without any explanation.
When he stood up, Julia thought the exam was over. But
he ordered her to turn over on her hands and knees. She
did so in a daze, not believing what was happening. The
rectal exam was long and probing, but unlike earlier
with Zack, it wasn't painful, just mortifyingly
Still in the doggie position, the nurse wheeled over a
TV. Julia's mind flashed the malevolence look on the
doctor's face, as he picked up the camera's long and
thick, black tube, and started lubing up one end. She
tried to jump off the table, when he finally answered
Julia's pressing questions as to his intentions, but the
nurse held her in place. The doctor spread her pussy
open and then unceremoniously plunged the tube into her
pussy. He moved the camera around inside of her
stretched pussy, as Julia cried, until he was seemingly
satisfied. Julia wondered if it was just her
embarrassment that he yearned for. If so, he got it.
The nurse finished the exam by taking her temperature
rectally, with a large rectal thermometer, and then she
washed her off with a damp soft cloth. All under the
doctor's watchful eye.
Julia left his office and vowed never to return, even if
it meant losing her job. When she met Ellen at the firm
and slowly befriended her, she wondered if the same
thing happened to her. She finally mustered the courage
to ask. Ellen confessed that it had, but seemed rather
blas� about it, saying, "all the firms' employees go to
him, and all the women here have had to undress in front
of him, but even the men had to get naked for him, too.
It's just part of the gig."
As her first year at the firm was closing out, Julia was
becoming more and more depressed. Then she got her
appointment card from the doctor. She sobbed for days.
She took one more shot that Ellen could help her. After
much begging, Ellen said "she would take care of it."
A couple of days later, she handed Julia a new card from
a female doctor. Julia's face lit up, until Ellen said
"you owe me one." Julia promised at the time, while not
liking her tone, but never dreaming it would lead to all
of this. She also wondered how Ellen got it done. but
Ellen never told her.
Her mind shifted to Ellen. As much as she didn't like
they way she used sex as a weapon, she figured, (with
there being only two female lawyers at the firm,) they
better stick together, at least for now. She also felt
that Ellen was having a little too much fun, watching
her make a fool of herself, (and she knew that Ellen
still wanted her, if only for a sexual conquest.)
But even still, if Ellen's crazy plan worked, Zack would
no longer be in her way. And then, when Ellen made
partner she promised to take "special care" of Julia.
Opening her eyes, she stared at her reflection. A sly
smile formed on her lips. (Thinking -- when she had used
Ellen's sucking and fucking, to rise to the top, she
would find a way to get rid of her, too.)
No, she didn't plan on being a pawn for long. Ellen had
taught her well.
Keys: FFM nc rp
Dads Humiliation
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impression of how drunk and crazy and sex-crazed those
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