
One down two 2 go - sex story

One down two 2 go

Twins, it's funny isn't? How two people can look exactly like one another yet
be so different from a personality stand point. You see Alex is the more out
going of the pair she has more friends and all around seems more popular,
while Afton is the quieter of the two preferring sports or spending more time
with her mother and now with me instead of going out with her little group of
friends. Tonight Alex had a date. A nice young man who seemed very nervous at meeting
his dates uncle. Part of me felt sorry for the kid, I can't remember how many
times I had been the nervous date picking up the girl from the parents home,
while the father looked me over suspiciously. The other part of me became
that father, making sure his little girl would be alright with this boy. I know what most of you are going to say." Where in the hell did this parent
shit come from." Honestly I wouldn't know how to answer you. It just seems
so natural for me to take on the role of father figure, especially since a
male presence is definitely missing in this home. As I mentioned before, Afton pretty much had no where to go and was feeling
kinda lonely, Angela had some business to take care of ( even though she was
loaded from her husbands accident she still kept her position as a low level
executive at an Atlanta corporation.) so here we were pretty much on our own
since Alex wasn't due back until midnight (Angela was definitely being too
lenient with the girls, but who was I to question her parental judgement.)
and Angela wasn't due back until around two a.m. Earlier Afton had suggested that we rent a couple of horror movies and spend
the night scaring the shit outta ourselves, I agreed because I wanted to try
out their DVD player. The first one was pretty tame "Scream" good movie, but
scary? don't think so, it's more like 90210 with a serial-killer, but Afton
seemed genuinely scared so I didn't object to her cuddling up against me. I
should have known better, especially after what has been transpiring over the
last two weeks, but I didn't want to ruin the evening so I went along with
it. I told myself that if she tried anything else I would put a stop to it.
For a minute I actually believed myself, however that confidence in my powers
of self control was quickly shattered when Afton placed her hand in my lap
and I didn't object. I tried to fool myself and her by paying attention to the movie or at least
trying to. But my damned prick was having none of that bullshit, it
immediately stiffened when her hand came to rest on top of it. Once her hand
was pressed tightly against my enlarged cock, she didn't move it a inch she
just kept it there. I tried in vain to get her to remove her hand by slightly shifting around as
if I was trying to get comfortable, but through it all she kept her hand
snugly pressed against my groin. My now fully erect cock standing obscenely,
stretching my pants desperately looking for freedom. Still I said nothing, I attempted again to remove her little hand by yawning
and stretching. Looking back I know how fake that looked, but I was desperate
her hand was literally burning a hole through my sweats and it was driving me
crazy. Finally I had to do something, I had to get out of there and I had to
do it now. " You thirsty? I'm going to get a spite, want anything." I babbled quickly
standing up and disengaging myself from Afton. She sat back against the couch
and nodded. " maybe a cock..I mean coke." she said smiling. As quickly as I
could without running, I left the room. Once in the kitchen I leaned up against the refrigerator and placed my hands
on my face.'I can't belive this.' I thought to myself.' There is no way I'm
going to let my dick get me into trouble.' I thought that over and over again
hoping to program myself. 'I can't let my horniness get the best of me. If I
fucked Afton I would never forgive myself and I don't want to think about
what Angela might do if it ever got out that I was fucking her 13 y/o almost
14 daughter. Dammit I'm 28 an adult I can control my urges' Funny thing was
that I almost believed myself. With re-newed confidence I strode back into the living room drinks in hand, I
was determined not to let this little girl out wit me. Too bad I didn't know
she already had. I handed her the coke and sat down on the opposite end of
the couch and resumed watching the movie. It was nearly over we were at the scene where the camera man gets gutted. The
van door opened and slash slash one b-grade movie actor bites the dust. I was
so confident I let my guard down and as the camera man got ventilated Afton
screeched in terror and hopped into my lap lying her head on my chest. 'shit,
shes good.' I thought to myself. Her warm, soft body pressing itself into me.
I decided I'd let her get her feel of me, I'm not bragging but I do try to
work out on weekends and I think I look pretty damned good. Besides I was in
control of my body, I'm the adult, I'm the one in charge. That's what I kept
telling myself. Afton began snuggling up against me and getting comfortable. Then the movie
ended, right now I really wished Angela hadn't invested in A DVD player that
had a 5 disc changer, cause if it was a VCR I could've just gotten up an
changed tapes, but there was no escape for me. The next movie began. This
time it was a Friday the 13th. If you watched any of them then you would know
that they tend to showcase lots of teenage sex intermixed with the gore. We
were at one such scene, a blonde was riding the hell out of this guy her
young pointed tits bouncing up and down as she impaled herself on his cock.
By now I was getting hot, not that I wasn't hot from Afton's proximity but
her coupled with the scene I was watching got me really worked up, I was
really grateful when Jason cut the bitches head off and stabbed the dude in
the gut, it broke the sexual tension, but at the same time gave Afton an
excuse to cuddle up closer to me. This is pretty much how it went for the rest of the evening, us watching one
horror movie after another and Afton pressing her firm body against me. After
a time I got used to the feel of her( If that's possible.) so when she left
to go refill our pop-corn supply I missed her touch. I mentally slapped
myself when I realized that I was longing for the touch of this hot thirteen
year old. After she re-entered the room she immediately took up position
against me. About halfway through Nightmare on Elm street 4, she began
removing her t-shirt and commented on how hot it was. I couldn't argue cause
it was pretty damned hot, a friend of mine once referred to Atlanta as " The
Devils Arm-Pit", because of the high humidity. Hell I was beginning to feel
hot myself but not just because of the heat, it was the sight of this hot
little woman. Although she looked exactly like her sister, she did seem to
have slightly smaller breasts and a more toned and defined form, probably
from the sports. Looking at her she reminded me of Linda Hamilton from
"Terminator 2: Judgement Day" she is muscular just like she was, but Afton is
tanned. If I was't hard before now I was, she was wearing nothing but a pair of VERY
short running shorts and a white cotton tank-top tied together around her
waist showing off her smooth stomach. Through the material of the tank-top I
could make out her erect nipples, her slim muscular stomach, and her small
hips. Damn she was sexy, and even though she was only thirteen she looked
twenty. At this point I was beginning to sweat, so I removed my t-shirt. I
had spent my late teens early twenties in the Marines, it was the only way I
could get money for college and I had no problem with giving up two years in
exchange for valuable experience and great veterans benefits. I pulled my 'I hate New York' t-shirt over my head, and now I was dressed in
just grey sweat pants and a black tank top. She admired me for a moment just
as I had her and then she hopped back on the couch right beside me. Pressing
her firm tits into my side and lying her head on my chest again. She smelled
wonderful, for some reason I hadn't noticed it before but now my senses were
on overload and they were picking up that sweet clean girlish smell coming
from Afton.
This was getting dangerous, she was so close and she felt so good. I was
beginning to see my will power crumble into dust. I don't know how to
describe to you what it's like to have someone like Afton pressed against
you. My arguments earlier about not wanting to screw up my relationship with
Angela no longer seemed to make any sense, all I knew was that I wanted Afton
more than anything in the world and right now I did't care what the
consequences were. Right now is the moment everything in my life changed. I
knew it was wrong, I knew I could get into trouble, but not even a freight
train could stop what was going to happen next. As the movie played I paid less and less attention to it and more and more
attention to Afton. I lowered my face and pressed my nose against her hair,
inhaling the sweet fragrance of her hair, from that day on I would call Afton
my Georgia peach, she must have been using some type of scented shampoo,
because her hair smelled just like peaches, the smell was intoxicating, I
never knew peaches could be so erotic. I began running my right hand along
her side until I reached her bare stomach, I loved the feeling of her soft
skin against mine, I also enjoyed the feel of her slightly muscled abdomen. She placed her hand on mine, bringing my now trembling hand up to her right
breast. I was nervous and at the same time highly excited, I felt like a
virgin does on his first time. I decided to let Afton control the situation,
and I just follow her lead, sounds funny don't it, I mean me being the one
out of control and her being so much in control. My fingers found her right nipple, and I began to roll it between my thumb
and forefinger. Afton began moaning softly and grinding her hips into my
legs. I began softly kissing her neck and nibbling on her ear lobe, with my
left hand I began pushing into the elastic waist band that held up her
shorts. Afton parted her legs giving me more room to work. She leaned her
head back giving me access to those luscious lips, I leaned down slowly when
our lips met. It was like electricity running through both of us. I learned
later on that Afton was the only one of the three who preferred making love
slowly and gently. My left hand maneuvered past the waist band of her shorts and into her
panties. I came to another realization, she didn't any pubic hair!? My
probing hand found her enlarged clit and I began rubbing in slow circles. She
was so wet down there that my hand was covered in her juices within seconds.
I lifted her up and slid her panties and shorts down to her ankles. Afton
spread her thighs wider giving me full access to her precious treasure. Not a word was uttered as I slid my sweats down releasing my aching hard on.
I began sucking on her neck tasting her sweet skin, I wanted so badly to bury
myself in her sweet snatch, but I had the presence of mind to know that this
would cause her pain if she wasn't used to having a cock inside her, for all
I knew she was still a virgin. I'm not going to lie and say I have a huge
throbbing fourteen inch cock, cause I don't but I still think my seven and a
half inches could cause her damage if I did this the wrong way. I decided it would be better if she climaxed before I attempted entering her
so I continued my manipulation of her clit, I was determined to bring her off
before I tried anything. My right hand continued pinching her erect nipples,
they were turning a dark pink as blood rushed to them, I noticed her skin was
flushed and she was panting heavily. I slid a finger inside of her and
immediately her vagina gripped it and pulled it inside further. 'Damn she's
tight I thought to myself 'maybe too tight.' I was beginning to seriously
doubt whether or not I would be able to enter her. I tried sliding my finger
out and as I pulled it out to the first knuckle her climax hit, she
completely stiffened and her legs clamped shut trapping my hand, her cunt
muscles began sucking on my finger and she lifted her bottom from my lap.
It was at least thirty seconds before she collapsed onto my chest, panting
her body covered in sweat and her crotch wet with her juices she leaned her
head back and we kissed again, softly this time, I brought my juice covered
fingers to my lips and we both sucked them clean. My cock was still pressing
firmly against her back, and now pain was developing from the pressure in it,
I needed to come and I needed to come soon. I lifted her again and pressed my
cock at the entrance of her sopping wet cunt, and lowered her slowly onto me.
Surprisingly I began slipping in easily, because of her wetness, but we still
had to take it slowly because of her incredible tightness, I had to fight
every instinct in my being that told me to bury myself hard and deep into
that wonderful pussy. Once I was buried to the hilt in her tight wetness, I remained still and
allowed her to get accustomed to me before preceding. I was happy that there
was no hymen to break pain would have ruined the mood, but she still felt
like she was a virgin because of the incredible tightness of her hole. I
remember reading somewhere that girls can lose their cherries from playing
sports. I made a mental note to ask her one day, but right now I was just
grateful that there was no pain to ruin this moment. After a few minutes, Afton began making small circular motions with her hips,
and I knew that she was ready for me to begin. I began with a very slow
bump-n-grind motion, I decided that we should take it slow. I don't know
about you, but for me the best kinds of fucking are the slow ones. Me and
Afton kissed slowly and my hands massaged and kneaded her firm breast. I
wished we were in another position so that I could suck on those lovely tits,
but moving would have meant me leaving Afton and there is nothing short of a
shotgun to my head that would make me pull out of her now. It was so beautiful, neither of us said a word yet we communicated so much
just through our motions and our eyes. Those beautiful eyes never left mine.
I don't know if I told you, but something just melts inside of me when I look
into a woman's eyes. When I look into their eyes, I'm lost. I knew then that
I had fallen in love with Afton, and that there was no turning back for me, I
would want to be with her for ever. All of a sudden Afton stopped moving, her eyes stared directly into mine and
her cunt locked down on my cock so hard that I thought she would rip it off
it was almost painful in it's force. She let out a small scream, and I felt
her pussy begin to pull me inside further. This set me off and with
incredible force I blasted the contents of my balls into her. She slumped
back against me and then spun around facing me and lay her head on my chest.

Keys: violent extreme horror

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