Rough sex in the dark
Mainly out of boredom a woman decides to explore her submissive side and soon finds herself bewildered and enthralled by her new Dom.
It wasn't a dark and stormy night, it was a boring night and Clara did what one does to relieve boredom which is find people who are not boring and hope that they entertain you. Tammy had friends who were not boring, strange perhaps but usually entertaining so Clara found herself following Tammy to meet with a couple of other women at a nightclub. One of those women was Brenda who Clara could tolerate once in a while as a kind of diversion but preferred not to do it too often and would just assume not call her a friend.
Clara listened mostly to the three other women as she nursed a wine-cooler, which was about the only thing she liked to drink with any regularity and that was not often. Brenda spoke more then the other two as she always did, apparently she was getting into some alternative situations as Brenda liked to call them and wanted the others to be shocked by her behavior. Nobody was anymore, at least not Clara or Tammy; a couple of years ago maybe but they were pushing 30 now and heard just about any possible bizarre sexual experience come out of Brenda's mouth in detail.
"He wanted control you know! I mean he was very upfront about it and had even said that's what he wanted on the web site we met at, but even so it was a little fast for me." Brenda said looking at Tammy.
"Fast for you, Brenda! I don't' think so" Tammy said faking a look of sincerity.
"Be good now Tammy. I try but I'm not going to wait a month to see his pecker." Brenda said as she took a sip of her drink. "Now Samuel would have shown me had I let him tie me up but we didn't get that far."
"Got ahead of you did he?" Tammy asked.
"No it wasn't that... maybe he just... I don't know. I think maybe I'll see him again, I think he is into this Dom/sub thing more then I." Brenda said.
"So you met this guy on a web site for people who are in to this stuff?" Clara asked. Brenda had been with some rather strange people but this was the first story Clara had heard of this kind.
"Yea, it's got places to put photographs and list your turn on's and things like that. Then you can send emails back and forth anonymously and if you hit it off you meet." Brenda replied.
"And you guys hit it off until you met." Tammy said to Brenda.
"No, not like that, it was fun and bit thrilling but then we met and now maybe I don't want to be told what to do and get screwed every night with my legs tied over my head to the bed."
Everyone at the table laughed for a while as they pictured Brenda, who was not quite cute in most of their eyes, moaning as some guy tied her up.
Brenda continued on, "It's not that that's not great once in a while, I mean Joseph and I did it a few times, and I made him pretty happy being a weekend slave and all."
"You were a slave for while? You never told us that." Tammy joked.
"Hey, got to try everything at least once. Gets old, though I know a couple of girls who do it like all the time. God that would suck!"
Clara found the conversation stimulating in a strange way as she guessed most woman had such fantasies once in there life but in the end who wanted to give up that much control to someone else, no matter how much you loved them. She had not been in a memorable relationship in a while and wondered if she would have any luck finding someone on this web site.
"Are there some good finds on this web site?" Clara asked.
"Once in a while, but you got to be selective or you end up with a lot of freaky emails, not to mention photographs that would make a whore blush!" Brenda replied with a slight look of disgust on her face.
Tammy and Clara exchanged a smile at Brenda's choice of words. The woman was always colorful but had a reputation for being a bit crude and put off a number of other people Tammy and Clara knew to the point were they would have nothing to do with Brenda and could not see how anyone else could. But Tammy kept in contact with Brenda in part for the same reason Clara did, she was fun to be around... once in a while.
"Look!" Brenda suddenly exclaimed as she stared across the room full of people.
Everyone looked to see what she was gasping at but there was a lot going on around them and with the music playing they failed to locate anything out of the ordinary.
"It's Samuel!" Clara said as she straightened up in her seat and waved wildly trying to get his attention.
Clara saw a tall man near the entrance acknowledge Brenda's wave as he started walking toward the table where the four women were seated.
"Oh, I told him I come here a lot and that he should stop by some time. Maybe I made a better impression on him then I thought." Brenda said to the other women as Samuel approached.
At first glance Clara found the guy to her liking, he was built well but not overly so and carried himself well. She could not help but wonder what he saw in Brenda as maybe he was a bit too handsome for her.
"Samuel, great you stopped by... have a seat." Brenda said to the man.
Tammy moved over a little so that Samuel could pull up a chair next to Brenda.
"I was just telling everyone about you. They can't wait to hear the end of the story!" Brenda joked.
"Nice to know I'm entertaining the ladies" Samuel replied as he nodded politely to everyone after seating himself.
"Oh you are! They can't wait to rush home and join our little web site. Right Clara?" Brenda said as she laid her hand on Clara's arm.
"I might" Clara replied a little more seriously then she meant to say it.
"Aagh" Tammy exclaimed as she heard the conservative Clara speak out of character. The two exchanged glances leaving Tammy unsatisfied as to Clara's real intent.
"Oh come on you got to meet Tony and Sara!" Brenda said excitedly as she pointed to a couple off in the distance. "Sorry guys, but I can't pass this chance up" Brenda said apologizing to the others as she pulled Samuel to his feet and lead him off toward the bar with a slightly annoyed look on his face.
"Well that was short" Tammy joked after the two were out of earshot.
"I wanted to meet him, just to see if he really liked Brenda." Clara added. She was dying to know more about their relationship but felt constrained not to push for more information as she was embarrassed herself at her level of interest.
The three woman at the table chatted for a while longer until one of them decided it was time to go and the other two agreed so all of them paid their share of the tab and headed home for the evening. Clara would have followed Tammy out the door but Brenda came up out of nowhere and stopped her.
"We broke up! In case your interested." Brenda said as she waved to someone Clara could not see.
"Oh, I'm sorry" Clara replied guessing she was talking about Samuel
"No, don't be... anyway I told him you wanted to talk with him. Come on he is talking with Tony." Brenda said pulling Clara along as she headed back to the bar.
Clara was about to say something but then found herself within earshot of Brenda's friends so could only smile and nod her head as she was introduced. Tony was dressed nearly all in black and Sara was wearing a very short skirt with long black stockings but it was the collar she wore that caught Clara's eye as all of them politely greeted her. Samuel stood up from his barstool and extended his hand to Clara.
"I wish we could chat some more but I see your leaving" Samuel said after giving her hand a gentle squeeze.
"Yes, it's getting late and I'm not much of a drinker." Clara said trying to keep the conversation light and short. If she had not known his proclivities she might very well have liked to spend a little time with him. In fact, she just admitted to herself, because of his tastes I would like to spend a little time with him. She could not quite bring herself to do it though so left the impression on him that she was about to leave for the evening.
"Give him your email address Clara!" Brenda said loudly which got a chuckle from Tony and Sara.
Clara was a little pissed at being put on the spot like this and was about to say something that would defuse the situation but could think of nothing so chuckled along with the rest of them and rolled her eyes hoping that would put an end to it.
"Oh, I have it Samuel. I'll send it to you. Ok Clara?" Brenda said.
Clara could see that Brenda was taking this all a bit seriously and really was trying to set them up in a friendly sort of way so she could not disappoint her by saying no. She wanted to suggest that maybe Brenda should give her his address and then she could decide if she wanted to correspond with Samuel but just found herself saying ok. After all she could call Brenda tomorrow and tell her not to send it to him if she wanted too.
"Great, see you later, bye!" Brenda said loudly as she leapt back into some unfinished conversation with Tony and Sara.
"I look forward to emailing you" Samuel said as he extended his hand again.
Clara put her hand out lightly and found his grasp a little stronger and lasting a little longer then the first time. She thought maybe something special past between them as they looked into each others eyes but then thought too herself, what a ridiculous notion.
The next morning Clara did not recall the part about Brenda sending her email address to a man she hardly knew until nearly lunch time. When she did remembered she quickly tracked down Tammy's phone number and called her to get Brenda's phone number from her. Tammy teased her a little on the phone about last night as she tried to get out of her why she wanted to talk with Brenda but Clara was a little too embarrassed to say and so said she would tell her later.
Clara waited impatiently as Brenda's phone rang a number of times.
"Hi Brenda, this is Clara... how are you?" Clara asked.
"Fine honey... did you hear from Samuel yet?" Brenda asked.
The woman had no finesse Clara thought to herself which was why so many people avoided Brenda. She was kind and giving woman but God she could piss people off.
"Well that's why I called because I'm wondering if you remember to send it too him." Clara said, guessing that Brenda had already given it to Samuel.
"Yea I sent it last night. Did you get an email yet?"
"I don't know I have not checked yet" Clara replied. She was now feeling a little anxious and was trying to decide which would be better, an email from a suspected pervert or no email which would mean that maybe he did not find her attractive. Strange she thought I'm worried about what a man like Samuel thinks of me.
"I'll bet he sent one. He is anxious to get over that first step he told me. You know that part at the start of a relationship where you can't talk about sex because everyone would think you're a slut but you both really want to know what the other will be like in bed."
"He asked you about me?" Clara asked with interest.
"No, well sort of... I kind of told him about you and how you were new to this type of stuff but kind of wanted to try it with the right guy."
"Brenda! What kind of stuff did you say I'm in too?" Clara asked hoping against hope that Brenda had not gone into any detail.
"You know, bondage, spanking, power giving... that kind of thing. I mean that what's on the web site."
"Brenda, I have not even been to the web site how could you tell him that?" Clara said in a panic. Now she was going to get a reputation as some kind of loser or worse.
"You said you were interested." Brenda replied.
"Agh... I don't' even know what power giving means how could I be interested it" Clara responded a little stronger then meant too.
"You don't know! It's where a girl gives specific authority to a guy, like letting him decide what you can wear or when he can make love to you."
Clara paused as she shook her head in bewilderment. She knew a little about what some couples were into as far as bondage and discipline went but refused to accept the fact that she would actually engage in such activities even though she had to admit she would like to know a lot more about it.
After a pause Brenda spoke up again. "You're mad at me aren't you?"
"I just don't know what I like" Clara replied, realizing that she had just admitted something to Brenda and herself.
"No problem Clara, he is ok I know. He just does not want to start a relationship that can't lead to what he really wants that's all."
"What does he really want?" Clara asked. She really was not sure what she was asking Brenda.
"His profile says he likes a lot of stuff like he wants a 24/7 relationship eventually but is willing to work up to it slowly. He likes bondage and spanking and hair pulling and some other stuff. Go to the web site and look at his profile."
"You mean 24/7 that he wants a girl to live with him all the time and he wants to spank me?"
"No, that means he wants full control eventually and yes you would have to live with him. But it's all part of the game Clara, you don't have to do a thing at first you just have to agree that it's a real possibility."
"You mean you thought about being this guys like slave and letting him spank you?"
"Sort of but sort of not, and if you cant' get into being spanked then you are on the wrong web site!"
"Jesus!" Clara exclaimed as she thought about some guy like Samuel slapping her bare ass. It sounded painful but also kind of erotic to her.
"Scary huh! At first it is but then well... if it's your thing, like it kind of is for me then go for it."
Clara thought for a minute then asked, "So did he spank you?"
"No I just let him pull my hair a little when he kissed me. He thinks I'm just a part-timer which I guess I am which is ok with him. I mean he wants to fool a round some but is not looking for a lasting relationship with someone like me."
Clara found it a little bizarre and a little thrilling to be talking about such taboo subjects with someone, particularly someone who took it in such a matter-of-fact fashion.
"I don't know Brenda... I just don't think I can do this." Clara said softly.
"Honey you must want this a little... but don't let me talk you into this. Check your email and visit the web site and if your scared shitless then go back to being a vanilla girl."
"A vanilla girl?" Clara asked though she had some inkling of what she meant.
"A girl that likes regular sex. You know... on the bottom him on top, once in a while you suck his cock... that sort of thing."
"Yea, I get it." Clara replied. She found it a little upsetting to think of herself as just a vanilla girl. She was the type of woman who was always in control of herself but also knew that she wanted to experience more. Maybe this was it she thought as a thrill ran through her body. God I'm getting hot she admitted to herself.
"I think he would be great in bed. Let him tie you up and it's orgasm city!" Brenda said with a laugh.
"Ok Brenda! Let me check my email." Clara replied feeling the conversation had gotten personal enough.
"Bye honey!"
"Good bye Brenda".
Clara found that she did indeed have an email from Samuel and in it he said he was very interested in meeting her again. The email gave the location of the web site and how to find his profile on it and went on to say that even if she was not seriously interested in BnD he would enjoy taking her out to dinner if for no other reason then to convince her that he was not a threat to the emancipation of women.
She found his email charming and decided to take a quick look at the web site. After reading the introductory web page she learned she could not view anyone's profile until first joined the site, which for a woman was free. She pondered for a long time on whether or not to continue with this somewhat startling little adventure. She figured she could give false information to the web site and so would leave no lasting trail and thus no one would be the wiser.
After signing up under a false name she located Samuel's profile and began reading his introduction. She found it pleasant and even deep and as she reached the end of it wondered what it had to do with BnD as it could have been in the profile of a "vanilla man". Then she got to the preferences section which started right off with type of partner desired. He was looking for women only and those in her age range, their role was to be a submissive one. As she got further down the list she began encountering things like use of ropes, spanking and a whole number of things that she either did not know what they were or found so outrageous that she either could not connect such behavior with sex or never realized the connection until now.
She spent about 45 minutes on the web site which was a lot longer then she thought she would. As she looked at the clock she realized it was about noon and that she was hornyer then she had been in quite a while.
Clara lay on her queen sized bed and had several minutes ago removed her panties so that she could more easily work the vibrating dildo in and out of her pussy. At first she was a little worried about staining the bedcover but now she just wanted to prolong her masturbating for as long as she could to allow her to continue to run though more of the scenarios Samuel's profile had put into her mind. At first she just imagined that he was fucking her slowly as he began pulling on her hair as some of her previous lovers had done. But then she began thinking about being tied with her hands behind her back as he teased his dick in and out of her and gently sucked on her nipples.
The dildo was feeling especially good when she started thinking how she would have to beg him to fuck her faster and how he would whisper nasty things into her ear like how he loved to hear her pussy squish as he pounded it with his dick. "You're my little slut now Clara... my little cum girl and I'm going to fill your pussy" she imagined him saying as she worked the dildo in and out faster and faster. In an attempt to bring herself closer to orgasm she opened her eyes and lifted her head so she could watch the dildo slip in an out, something she almost never did.
"Oooh yes... God fuck me... fuck me hard" Clara said aloud trying to work herself into a frenzy.
"Use me lover... use me like a slut... I'm your bitch... spank me... spank me" she whispered loudly over and over mixing it with the other sound in the room which was from the dildo. She was going to cum she knew and desperately wanted the right scene in her mind when she did so. At first she wanted him on tip pounding her pussy as fast as he could but then thought about how he said in his profile that he liked to mount his woman from behind and so she pictured herself on all fours wearing a collar like she had seen Sara wear last night. The color had a leash on it attached to the headboard forcing her to remain as she was while he pulled her pussy onto his cock by her hips.
"Ohhh... aaaa... use me... fuck my ass... fuck me like your bitch... make me suck your cock... aaaagh... oooh... God... I'll swallow YOUR CUM!" she said loudly as she started to climax. "Oooh... ooooh... Jesus... oooh Samuel... ooooh."
When it was over she felt a little disappointed in herself at allowing thoughts of her degration to become so erotic in her mind. Maybe because it was so taboo to her family was why it turned her on so, whatever reason she knew she would likely never get this out of her mind... at least not for a while.
Chapter 2
"I guess I'm a little upset for encouraging him, but with my job being as it is and all I want the distraction." Clara told Tammy as they sat on the couch in Clara's small apartment. She had written back to Samuel and was now admitting to her friend that maybe it was a mistake.
"So what did you tell him, not that you liked that sort of thing?" Tammy asked.
"I don't know, I just said some of it was appealing but I had not done anything like this before so if he would take it slow I might go along." Clara replied. She had actually gone so far in her email as to ask for a suggestion from him as to how they should start such a relationship but was not willing to admit that to Tammy as she might think she had gone off the deep end.
"Appealing huh, like what! You want him to dress you in leather and then have his way with you? Clara you're not being careful, the guy could be a psycho though I guess Brenda would have learned that the hard way by now."
Clara found herself a little uneasy with the fact that maybe Brenda had slept with Samuel even though she had said she had not. She should be grateful that Brenda had prescreened the guy because otherwise there would be no way she would even think of having sex with him let alone on his terms. Every time she thought about him she got a little thrill from the possible danger involved as well as the thought of pleasing her lover in a way few women would be willing to do.
"I'm not in the mood to say no to this chance to try something I've wanted to do for while. Besides if I don't like it I get a story for once, maybe one that can compete with one of Brenda's" Clara said in a sad tone.
"Baby I just don't think you really would to be doing this if you were not so depressed right now. Your job will pick up and you will find a decent guy who will do decent things to you in bed." Tammy said with a smile.
"Oh great, the same old wam-bam-thank-you-ma'am... now let's get married and have kids." Clara replied as she toyed with her cup of tea.
Clara was thinking back to some statements Brenda had said about vanilla girls, those who had sex the standard way and so being treated like a pet sounded pleasing to her lately and she was thinking of adding that preference to her profile on the web site Brenda had put her on too. She had to complete it soon or the site administrator would kick her off according to the email she had gotten. The options available for her to put a check by on the web site had been too overwhelming the other day to complete but now after a couple days of work this week it had become a pleasant diversion to think about. Her job as a business analyst was becoming more and more trying and she would have moved on if she could find another job that paid as well, but when all you had was a B.A. in business administration opportunities came few and far between.
"I see I'm not going to talk you out of this and I got to admit I'm dying to learn how it turns out. You're not the only one who's thought of throwing in the towel to a guy and just saying 'yes sir, how do you want me... on my back or on my knees'" Tammy said with a chuckle. Clara was more attractive then her by a lot she thought, and such a girl just might find her prince charming though this one came with chains.
Clara smiled and then with a mischievous look on her face suggested "with Samuel it's hands and knees... which is fine by me. I just hope he's big and won't take no for an answer!"
"I can see your ass is going to be real sore after a date with him" Tammy replied as she wondered if the guy would stop spanking her when Clara begged him too or if he was the type to make a girl bawl first. Strange she thought, either way her story would be something to listen too. She had to stop encouraging Clara.
Clara checked the boxes next to "24/7 (Total Power Exchange)" and "bondage" on the web page as she worked to complete her profile on the site. Samuel would settle for nothing less then that but now she was looking at the box next to "ass play" and wondering if it was a turn-on for him. For her it was an unknown, some of her lovers had wanted to put their cocks in her ass but she had never let them. As she thought about it she figured she could do it for the right guy and besides maybe she would like it.
"Ok, now on to caging." She said aloud to no one. Being put in a cage sounded like something you would do with a pet which was one of her fantasy lately so she checked the box. Chains came up next as a possible selection and she figured most girls looked sexy in chains so selected that one also. "Discipline", that's a given she thought. Clara skipped exhibitionism and a number of others and then stopped to ponder "oral fixation". She had to admit she liked sucking on a guy's cock once in a while and guessed Samuel would insist on that so she checked the box. Now spanking was pondered but she did not pause long as she knew from Brenda that it was a must.
She scanned the rest of the list and found "water sports". She could guess that involved urination and figured Samuel might want to watch her do that so decided to check it. Previous boyfriends had been fascinated by a woman sitting on a toilet and so it would not be so strange. That left only "whips" which she toyed with checking for a moment but then decided he would see through that as it would look a bit faky.
Now it was time to write an email to Samuel to inform him she had completed her profile and that he could now take a look at it. Blood rushed to her face when she thought about him viewing her perversions and for a moment sanity seemed to sink in and she serious thought about calling her up coming date with him off. "I can do that later" she finally told herself.
She completed and sent off her email to Samuel which basically invited him to take a look at her profile and let her know if he was still interested in her. She would understand if he was not she told him as they both were aware of how new she was to this and maybe that was a turnoff for him.
Clara anxiously checked her email at work the next day which was something she was not supposed to do on company equipment but everyone else did it, especially the engineers she worked with who seemed to get away with everything. There was an email from Samuel and she quickly opened it.
In it he politely greeted her and then went on to say that he found her profile quite to his liking which got her pulse racing. As she skimmed the rest of the letter she thought about what she should wear and about how far she should go with him on the first date. It was not like any date she had had in the past, after all this relationship was starting on mainly a base level, that of sex. He obviously found her attractive and she him so why not go for the heart of things she said to herself.
He wanted to meet her in a private booth at a restaurant she was not familiar with which was ok with her. The topic of discussion would center on her comfort level and what demands he would place on her and when. Clara thought that a little forward but would let it slid for now as she really wanted to date this guy. Samuel ended his email with a reminder of why he was interested in her.
"Clara, I'm looking for control over a beautiful person, something few woman can give me so if you can't see yourself in the future obeying me, even when you are upset with me, then I think we would be wasting each other's time."
"Look forward to being with you."
She struggled to get back into her work after reading the letter a few times and went through wild extremes of emotions as she first decided to give in to him totally and immediately then changed her mind to the point where she thought of calling the whole thing off. She would go, she finally decided, and would play it by ear as best she could. If he demanded to fuck her on the first date well then she would just have to give that serious consideration. Not for the fist time in the last few days she gave serious thought of leaving work so she go home and play with her dildo.
"God I'm depraved" she whispered to herself as she looked over one of the business documents on her desk for what seemed like the hundredth time.
"No I never heard of it" Brenda replied over the phone to Clara's question about the restaurant she was going to meet Samuel at.
"Oh, well I thought I'd ask as maybe it was... you know... some kind of BnD hang out or something." Clara replied and then wishing she had not said what she had.
"God no! At least I don't think so... that would be cool though huh!" Brenda exclaimed.
"Maybe, anyway I've decided to meet him and... I don't know... just go from there I guess."
"Wear something short and with high-heels Clara. When he gets his hands on that pretty ass of yours he just might drag you off into the bushes... but don't worry he knows what he is doing and I really think he likes you and wants a lasting relationship."
Clara paused for a moment as blood rushed to her head when she thought about how foolish she was being. It was like playing with fire, she thought, kind of fun until you got burned and she was going to get burned. She just hoped Samuel would get over it quickly if she had to suddenly call the relationship off on account of being a big fucking chicken.
Clara met Samuel for the second time face to face in front of the same club where they had been introduced to each other. They both agreed it would be best to meet again on familiar and neutral territory and from there they could go straight to the restaurant he had recommended. She was admiring the car he drove as he stepped out and kissed her gently on the check then helped her into the passenger side door. The car was kind of sporty looking and definitely expensive.
"How are you doing this evening" Samuel asked her as he pulled away from the curb.
"I'm fine" Clara replied.
"Good, hope that we both can honestly say that at the end of the evening." He said with a smile.
"Yes" she replied, as she become self consciences already about her lack of conversation but then thought maybe he would like to take the lead in that as well as everything else.
"Brenda tells me you are a little on the quiet side but not overly so and that you say what's on your mind if it interests you." Samuel said as he tried to draw her out a little. He stole a few glances at her lovely legs which peeked out nicely from her short dress. His dick was a little hard as he sized up his new submissive who he found greatly to his liking as she was more attractive then he remembered.
"I'm a little that way I guess... and I'm wondering what else Brenda has said about me."
"Pretty much all she knows, that's her nature" he replied as they shared a smile.
Arriving at the restaurant Samuel suggested a particular table to the hostess who nodded and lead them to a booth in one of the many small secluded rooms of the place. Clara found the place charming if not a little too rustic due to all the exposed wooden beams that effectively segregated many of the booths from each other. The menu was varied and she would have looked it over more closely had she not been preoccupied with thoughts of how the evening would turn out.
Samuel seated himself opposite her and then made a few menu suggestions and when the waitress arrived he quickly order a glass of wine for each of them then waited for the waitress to leave.
"Please forgive me for not consulting you on the wine, I'm very interested in your opinion but I would like to set a precedent in our relationship." Samuel said to her.
"Oh." Clara replied, not really sure how she should react.
"Yes, when possible I would prefer you allow me to converse with waitresses and the like for you. It makes for a more romantic evening don't you think."
"It's fine... I understand" she said as she glanced back down at the menu as she wondered if this behavior was really any different from how any refined gentlemen entertained a lady.
"Thank you for understanding Clara, I want us to start on the right note but I don't want to smoother you. If you find yourself a little perturbed but not truly upset by my covert display of dominance then I think it is at about the right level for the evening"
Clara found herself caught off guard by his smooth yet direct maneuvering of conversation toward what they both wanted to discuss. She figured neither of them wanted to seem too eager to bring up the subject but now that he had she found herself a little unwilling to jump right in and discuss the ground rules of the start of their unusual relationship.
"I think I'm alright with it for now, I'm just not used to it that's all."
"I find that refreshing and look very much forward to drawing you into this lifestyle Clara." He told her.
The waitress returned and Samuel placed an order for her and himself and then again waited until they were alone to continue the conversation.
"I believe Brenda told you a little of the date I had with her and the level of control she consented too."
"Yes, she mentioned something about hair pulling but not much more." Clara replied. She found she was not missing the usual small talk that one had on a first date and if this was what BnD was generally like then maybe she had found her calling.
"I do want that concession by you, in terms of power giving, this evening if at all possible." He said as he stared into her face to judge her reaction to his boldness.
"Um... I think I can do that for you Samuel." She replied as a small thrill ran through her body at her first moment as a power giver.
"Good Clara, I shall exercise it often and very soon I think, but be warned in this relationship you can only give me power... you can never have it back."
"I see" Clara replied as she raised both her eyebrows.
"Understood?" he said in a serious tone.
"Yes, I understand." She had almost said yes sir but thought that would make it a kind of parental commitment rather then an erotic one.
"I want this to be very clear Clara, no retraction of control will I tolerate from you so be very careful and explicit about what you give me. If need be we can put to paper what commitments you will be making... as they come along." Samuel said with a retrospective look on his face. "The first will be hair pulling, when and how I desire and for as long as I like. A slight risk to you until we become more accustomed to each other, so I'll give you this last and only opportunity to rescind what you have given me."
Clara looked into his eyes trying desperately to find some answers there but saw only a serious man waiting for her reply. How could she take it back if she really wanted to try this lifestyle.
"It's ok Samuel, I understand what I have given you." She replied even though she did not really believe what she had just said.
"Thank you again Clara. Now there is one more thing I want for now and I realize I risk upsetting you." Samuel said then paused.
"Yes?" she asked with a node.
"I asked that you agree not to use my name when you speak to me. It gives the appearance we are equals in this relationship and we both know we are not."
Clara frowned slightly as she looked into his eyes again to gauge his sincerity. He really meant this she decided and although she preferred not to think of the relationship as unequal from the start she guessed it was accurate but was not really sure.
"I won't use it anymore" Clara replied. Saying this made her feel small and vulnerable but that passed and was replaced with that same little thrill she had felt earlier. Her second action as a power giver had turned out to be as thrilling as the first.
"Thank you Clara, it means a lot to me and I truly hope it will come to mean a lot to you."
Samuel and Clara went through their meal with the normal small talk and by the end of it Clara was feeling pretty good with how things were going. It was not until she realized that another major decision was approaching that she again became apprehensive. When the meal was done they would have to decide what to do next which would lead up to what they would do for the whole of the night, something she had avoided making a decision about.
As the waitress finished clearing the table Samuel got up and slid in next to Clara effectively blocking her in. He then ordered some desert for them without asking Clara's consent. When the waitress had gone he grabbed a handful of her long brown hair and slowly applied pressure until her head was tilted back a little.
"You doing ok?" he asked her softly.
"Yes" was all Clara could say as she pondered the strange emotions she was feeling. On the one hand his touch exited her greatly but on the other hand it was a little discomforting and maybe a little embarrassing the way he looked down upon her as he kept her head in position.
"Spread your knees a little for me Clara" Samuel said to her as he placed his right hand on her knee and gently applied pressure.
She found no harm in moving her knees another inch or two apart so after a brief moment she complied. After she did so she felt his fingers start caressing her inner thigh.
"Very nice Clara" he whispered to her.
"Umm" she replied self-consciously.
"I know your not into exhibitionism so don't worry that I will take this too far. Ok?"
"Yes." She replied as she stared at the ceiling. Her head was tilted pretty far back now, which was causing her mouth to open and so she found herself licking her lips occasionally to try and hid this fact.
"Do you want to give me a little more control... for this evening... no longer?"
She looked at him and decided she could not disappoint him so she answered "yes".
"Good Clara... now I'm going to let go of your hair and when I do I want you to sit up and then quickly reach under your skirt and slid your panties down to the floor. Take them completely off and give them to me. Understand?" he said as he gave her a stern look. He guessed she would obey him which was amazing as he thought about it. Another submissive girl was born for him to master and this one was a lovely little bitch.
Clara thought for a moment about what he was asking and was not at all sure she wanted to do this. She was trying to think of a graceful way out that would not spoil their relationship but he spoke to her again before she could come up with one.
"Clara, you agreed to give me this temporary power over you... now obey!" he said to her softly.
"Yes" was all Clara could say. She expected him to let go of her hair but he did not.
Samuel kept her head in position for a full two minutes after he had gotten a commitment from her to remove her panties. It allowed him to revel in the power this naive little sub had already given him. At this rate he would fuck her pussy tonight.
When he finally released her hair she quickly sat up and then lifted her ass as best she could to get her panties down. She figured he was blocking the view of most anybody that would happen by at this crucial moment and just hoped the waitress did not pick this time to show up. Pushing her butt far back into the bench she leaned forward until her hair rested on the table so that she could untangle her panties from her high-heels then she slowly brought the lacey white panties up to his open hand.
Samuel gave her a small tight smile then brought her panties up to his face and inhaled deeply.
"Very nice Clara" he told her as he stuffed them into his pants pocket. He then decided to spread her knees a little more which she allowed him to do as she first glanced at him then lowered her head to stare at the table in front of her.
She was not sure how she felt now but was a little pleased with her bravery. As she felt his hands spread her legs wide she began thinking about how great it was going to feel when he put his cock in her. Maybe she would go back to his place tonight she thought but then she felt his fingers on her pussy lips. He was going to far to fast but she could not bring herself to tell him, she could only close her thighs a little making it more difficult for him to get a finger inside her which was just what he was doing.
"Wider Clara... I'll be quick... obey now. That decision has already been made!" he told her sternly.
Clara looked at him then opened her thighs more as blood rushed to her face. Yes she had agreed to allow this already and he had made it clear once she complied there was no going back.
"Umm" she moaned involuntarily as he began finger-fucking her with the tip of his finger. She desperately wanted him to stop now as she watched for the waitress but also found a kind of perverse pleasure in obeying him even though she did not want too. The longer she did this the more of a thrill it became.
"Nice wet pussy baby" Samuel whispered into her ear as he kissed her neck. He then pulled her head back by the hair again and told her to "slide your ass to the edge of the seat Clara."
She sank down in her seat as he once again held her head in a position that left her mouth open. Her skirt had almost ridden up to the point where his hand would be exposed as he slowly pistoned his finger in and out of her pussy.
"Ummm... mmmm" she moaned as softly as she could while she pondered how she had allowed this and what she was going to do when the waitress returned. On one hand she was desperately concerned about them being discovered yet on the other hand her pussy was gushing juices all over his fingers.
"One more thing I want from you Clara. There is a hotel across the street, we can get a room there but I'll not stay the night with you. If we go you will sign for the room and you will pay. I'll mount you on your hands and knees on the bed and then fuck you until I cum but then I will leave. You understand what I'm saying?"
"Umm... I can't Samuel... I mean I'm sorry." She tried to say she was sorry about using his name but was also trying to say she could not go through with this.
"We will leave it to chance Clara!" Samuel said raising his voice. "If my wishes are indicated we go to the hotel if not then we will call it an evening. Ok... now do this!"
"Ummm... I... I don't know" she moaned as she looked into his eyes again. He was making her do this thing against her better judgment and he knew it.
"I will take out a coin Clara... flip it on to the table and if it comes up tails we go to the hotel. Understand?" he said a little stronger.
She thought about it and decide no that this was not right but then he pulled his fingers out of her pussy which made her feel empty. He then reached into his pocket as he continued to hold her head in position and she found herself wondering if he was going to stick his fingers back in her.
"Take it... now toss it on the table!" he commanded.
Clara took the coin in her hand then paused but then he pulled her head back further. She brought her hand up to the one of his that grasp her hair to try and relieve the pressure but he simply gripped her hair tighter.
"Obey Clara... let the coin decide... do it before someone comes!"
Clara gave in and tossed the coin on the table hoping it landed heads up. It bounced a few times then stopped but she could not read it with her head tilted back.
Samuel pulled her head forward so she could see that the coin showed tails then pulled it back to the top of the bench.
"Go up front now and pay... never mind desert... I'll give that to you in the hotel room. I'll wait in the car." He told her as he looked down at her. She looked a little frightened which he found erotic as he bent down and kissed her, pushing his tongue into her mouth as he did so.
"Umm" Clara moaned as he kissed her then he quickly released her and stood up.
"Clara, go to the ladies rooms after you pay and remove your bra. That will make it easier and quicker for me to mount you. Do you understand?"
"Yes" she replied, hoping that would satisfy him.
"Good" he said as he turned and walked out.
Clara paid for the meal and was now paying for the room as she glanced over her shoulder to confirm he was still waiting for her in the car. She felt self-conscious about the fact that she now wore neither panties nor bra and wondered if the young man behind the hotel desk noticed anything strange about her as he went about the business of signing her in. When he handed her the key she thanked him and walked out to Samuel's car and told him the room number through the open window of his car door.
"Thank you Clara. Now I want you to be silent after we get into the room. I'll mount you quickly on the bed while your on your hands and knees then I'll fuck you until I cum. Then I will leave you there Clara. I don't want you to think me harsh but you must accept that I mean to control you completely and this is the best way to illustrate that. I will treat you as a possession at times, which is what I'm doing tonight but other times I will treat you like the beautiful lady that you are. Now wait while I park the car."
"Ok" was all she could manage to say. She wanted to do this for him and had come to far to back out now she decided.
Samuel opened the hotel room door and ushered Clara inside then directed her to face the corner behind the door.
"Strip quickly now Clara" he told her as he sat on the bed and began removing his shoes. He watched her unbutton her blouse and was pleased when no bra appeared underneath it as she took it off. After she kicked off her heels she unzipped her skirt and let it fall around her ankles revealing her gorgeous ass. "You are very beautiful Clara."
Clara stopped herself before she replied, remembering just in time that she was to remain silent. She stared into the corner anxiously awaiting his next command as she listened to him undress.
"On the bed now Clara" he commanded.
She turned to find him standing naked beside the bed stroking his large cock. She avoided looking closely at it as she walked passed him and climbed onto the bed where she positioned herself in the center on her hands and knees.
Samuel stroked his cock for a moment which was now rock hard and then crawled on to his knees up behind Clara. He brought his dick to her pussy and then proceeded to smear his pre-cum and her pussy juices around her slit till he was confident he could sink in easily.
"Oooh" Clara moaned loudly as she was mounted by Samuel for the first time. She was so turned on that she simply lowered her head down and watched his cock and balls between her tits as he sank ever deeper into her.
"Hush Clara... be silent" Samuel whispered harshly. He was determined to gain as much control over her as was possible for the evening. She was obviously going to submit to him this far and he figured he could dominate her a little further. "Take my cock baby... yea feel my balls... aaagh... aaagh."
"Ummm" she moaned as he began rocking her body as he fucked her. His hands felt so good too her as he grasp her hips tightly and pulled her ass against him. It was certainly not the first time she had been fucked doggy-style but never had it felt this right for her. His breath on her back his cock in her pussy and most of all the firm force he used to control her was so overwhelming and so right.
"Aaagh... God your fine... aaagh... now baby... going to pull your hair... aaagh... say nothing... I'm going to take my pleasure now" he growled as he grabbed her hair tightly and pulled her head back as he began fast and hard fuck strokes.
"Mmmm... aaaagh" She moaned as she was mastered for the first time. She wanted this more then anything right now.
"Be silent Clara... aaagh... aaagh... aaagh... you're here only for my pleasure... ooohh... aaaagh... fuck your pussy... ooooh" he told his new bitch. She did not know it yet but her path was set and it was heading right toward total submission to him, perhaps even true slavery he thought. He wanted to scream out his dominance over her but controlled himself, best not take her too far too fast.
"Aa" Clara croaked at the discomfort she felt in her hair which barely distracted her from the pleasure of his attentions. She willed herself to be silent but it seemed a losing battle as she approached climax. She had wanted this for a couple of weeks and now he was using her just as she had wanted.
Samuel felt her desire to collapse onto her shoulder, perhaps in order to climax, but he wanted none of that so quickly placed an arm under her belly and pulled harder on her hair to keep her as she was... the perfect fuck target.
"STAY... Clara be still" he commanded.
SLAP... SLAP. He laid several strong slaps on her ass checks with the palm of his hand.
"Ooh" she moaned in protest when she realized he was not going to let her collapse onto her side. Her arms were tiring now as he relentlessly rode her and she dearly wanted to express her pleasure to him.
"Aaagh... yea... going to shot in your pussy Clara... aaaagh... God you' re a nice fuck... AAAAAAGH... CUMMING... AAAAAGH" he yelled as he filled his new sub's pussy. "Ooooh... yea... going to do that a lot baby... whew... going to fuck you hard and when every the fuck I want... aaagh."
"Yes... oooh... yes" Clara moaned trying to encourage him to continue to fuck her as she was near climax but then she felt his cock slip from inside her.
"Hush... say no more Clara" he demanded as he climbed from the bed.
She looked over his shoulder at him, pleading for more attention from him.
"Come on baby... under the sheets... that's it baby" he cooed as he helped her slide between the sheets. When she had settled down he began dressing.
Clara was confused and disappointed as she lay in bed watching him dress. She wondered if they were going to check out now though she wanted more attention from him and would certainly settle for more dominance from him physically, like more spanking which she was eager to experience.
Samuel dressed in a methodical fashion as he spoke to his sub. "Very nice Clara, but I want our relationship cemented before I give you more attention. I would love to have you cum for me but you must fully accept that my pleasure comes first then we can work a little on your needs. Understand?"
"Yes... thank you" was all she could think to say. His presence was becoming more overwhelming for her she realized and seemed contradictory to her rational life yet was so appealing. She wanted to please him so badly she was considering crawling to her knees in front of him and begging for his attentions.
Samuel tied his shoe-laces and then walked to stand at the edge of the bed next to her head. "I promised you dessert, did I not."
"Yes" she replied nodding her head enthusiastically hoping he had changed his mind and was now going to take her again.
He unzipped his fly and took out his semi-hard cock. "Suck your juices off Clara... obey" he commanded.
Clara looked up at him then at his cock and nodded her head yes as she took the head of his cock into her mouth. Never had she tasted herself before and as she licked and sucked her Dom's cock she found it quite tolerable.
"Good girl" Samuel told her as he pulled his cock away and tucked it back into his pants. "Stay here for a while then call a taxi. I'll send you an email tomorrow and call you later." He said as he opened the door to leave.
Clara watched in disbelief as the door closed, she then experienced a number of emotions including a deep desire to give Samuel complete control over her. Why was she not normal she wondered as she closed her eyes.
Chapter 3
Nearly a week after being in the hotel room with Samuel, Clara found herself coming to better terms with the experience. In the hours after he had screwed her and made her clean him with her mouth it had felt so thrilling and she looked forward to more nights like that one but the next day she had felt depressed about what she had done; giving him control and getting so little in return seemed so demeaning, and even pathetic, that she did her best not to think about it anymore but could not. This day she desired such attention from him again, hoping that she could get more out of it and perhaps give him even more pleasure.
Samuel had emailed her nearly every day and they had talked on the phone a couple of times and both of them wanted to continue the relationship even though Clara could not help but feel he was just taking advantage of her and that he did not really want a lasting relationship. She was determined to go on and experience more BnD from him if for no other reason then to help her decide if such a lifestyle was right for her and then she could seek out someone else who could both dominate and care for her.
Checking her email again for the third time that Saturday morning she was pleasantly surprised to find that she had received another one from Samuel. Opening it she found it contained several attachments. The email itself contained a detailed message of how Samuel wanted to proceed from this point forward. He wanted specific written agreements to be signed by her detailing what power she was giving him with the understanding that she could not retract any of these written commitments. Samuel would slowly increase the level of commitment, with he referred to as tiers, with the understanding that they were pursuing a 24/7 total power exchange from her to him.
Samuel went on to say in the email that the attachments he had included were each a detailed statement of power exchange on a specific subject. The first was one detailing how he could pull her hair as he pleased and required that she keep it as long as it was now or longer. Clara saw no problem with signing this one as she had already agreed in full to such an arrangement when last they met.
The second statement involved control of what she wore when they were together. Basically she was forbidden to wear pants or shorts and was always to wear stockings or crotch-less pantyhose with a garter-belt. She was also to wear her panties overtop the garter-belt so as to facilitate easy removal. Furthermore she was to remove her panties and bra on request from him no matter where or when the request was made, although she would generally be allowed to do so in a discrete manner.
Blood rushed to her face as she recalled when Samuel had made her remove her panties in the restaurant, something she did not wish to repeat. Maybe she could avoid this one, she thought, after all he had mentioned previously that she need not always agree to his requests for more power. She decided to read the next one before thinking more about this one.
Number three involved a secret phrase that when voiced to her by anyone, including strangers, she was to place herself under their control to the same level of extent that she had done with Samuel. This temporary power exchange was to last no longer then 36 hours or until prolonged separation, whichever was first.
The fourth and last attachment to the email she found the most startling as it involved informing others of her commitments to Samuel. She was to work certain statements of recent submissions by her to him into her regular conversations with her close friends, and they were also to be informed of her levels of commitment to Samuel.
Clara's heart raced as she contemplated the extent of what Samuel was asking her to do. She could not do this she knew, not at this point in their relationship so she was going to have to find a way to gently inform Samuel that this was too much too fast. As she continued to think about it she wondered if she could ever go this far with him or anyone.
"So your relationship with Samuel is going well?" Tammy asked Clara over the phone. It was a Saturday morning and she was dying to know more details of the last date Clara had with Samuel and the last time they discussed it Clara had hinted at a few things but only had confirmed that it had been a pleasant dinner.
"Yes... I guess... I haven't dated him a second time but I'm thinking on it. It's just that I'm not sure how we should proceed." Clara replied. Her many emails and a few conversations with Samuel on the phone had kept him in the forefront of her mind for the last week but she kept hinting to him that she was not up to another date right now. In point of fact she was troubled by both the prospect of pleasing him and of displeasing him and so could not decide what "tiers" to agree too. Samuel had been patient so far and not pressed her for another date.
"I would not have a clue either, too tell you the truth Clara. I mean... has he like... done anything yet." Tammy asked carefully. She was not capable of blurting out sensitive questions like Brenda was but wished at the moment she could.
"We did a few things last time... and he wants some more control but some of it I'm not up too" Clara confided.
"A few things... sounds like you went as far as Brenda did when she dated him."
"Further actually." Clara replied as she thought about the "tier" that involved telling close friends about the extent of her commitments to Samuel. That would be Tammy she told herself wondering if the girl really wanted to hear about the crazy stuff she was being asked to commit too.
"Ooh... your butt sore?" Tammy asked in a light tone.
"Aaah... not anymore!" Clara said with emphasizes knowing her friend was dying to know details but was too polite to ask.
"God Clara... I mean did you guys really do that stuff on the first date?"
"Yes... and I'm pissed off at him now... well I mean I was." Clara replied.
"Going to see him again?"
"I don't know." Clara replied knowing she was defiantly going too as soon as she could decide how to break her decisions too him.
"Be careful Clara... and keep me up to date. I'm worried when you don't tell me things." Tammy said in a concerned tone.
"I'll keep you up to date... just don't freak out when I tell you what we did." Clara was fighting with herself on when to tell her best friend that she was going to start telling her things in extreme detail whether she wanted to hear or not as she realized she was eventually going to let Samuel have the tiers of control he had asked for so far; it was just a matter of when.
"I won't!" Tammy replied.
After her conversation with Tammy that morning Clara broke down and called Samuel hoping secretly that he would not answer the phone. She wanted so much to tell him that she understood what he wanted but that she was not quite ready yet. If he pressed her for an answer as to when she had decided that she would tell him a few more weeks but only if she felt she had to answer him.
"Hi Clara" Samuel said as he answered the phone. His favorite sub was having cold feet he knew but that was to be expected at this stage and he was really not surprised.
"Hi" Clara replied remembering that he did not allow her to use his name when she addressed him directly.
"You doing ok?" he asked.
"Yes I'm fine thank you. I just wanted to say I've been thinking a lot about those tiers you sent me."
"I have been too and I want you too know not all of them do I expect you to agree too at this point in our relationship so please don't worry about them."
Clara paused as feelings of warmth spread through which seemed normal now when every she spoke with Samuel. This always disarmed and flustered her a bit and now it was happening again. "Thank you... I am really concerned about some of them."
"If you like we can meet for a short time this morning but then I have a few chores I need to take of."
Clara was caught a little off guard but then decided it might be a good thing to meet for a short time. "Ok... I can be ready in an hour or so." She replied as she pondered what she should wear, knowing at the very least it should be a short skirt.
"Brunch then... I'll honk when I get outside your apartment." Samuel told her as he desired to give her the comfort of knowing he was not going to come in.
"Ok... I'll be ready" Clara replied as the warm feelings began too turn to true sexual excitement even though she told herself that they were just meeting to discuss their relationship.
Samuel watched his sub emerge from her apartment and hurry down the stairs to the parking lot where he waited. She was dressed sharply yet informally in a short skirt and long-sleeved blouse that was tight enough to show off her nice tits. He figured he could get a hold of those beauties today if the mood struck him though he was more then willing to put that pleasure off if it meant more control over this fine piece of ass later.
"Hop in Clara!" he told her as he reached over and opened the passenger side door. She jumped in and greeted him with a fresh intake of air and a bright smile which made his dick harder as he thought about this beautiful woman he was planning on controlling to the nth degree. It was a bit like taking a piece of heaven as your own he thought.
"Hi" Clara said as she pulled the door shut. When he looked in her eyes she felt that warm glow again and was thrilled to feel it even though it meant losing control. When he slowly reached out and grabbed a fist full of her hair with his right hand she just closed her eyes and let him pull her head back onto the headrest. "Aaaagh" she moaned softly and then wondered if she should have remained silent.
Samuel held his sub's hair for a beautiful moment as he admired her profile then he pulled her face up to meet his and gave her a passionate kiss which she returned enthusiastically. Her perfume was intoxicating as was the taste of her lips but he was bound and determined not to let that influence the course he had planned for her. Yes she was a delicate flower to be preserved but more then that she was his fuck-bitch to be he told himself as he let go of her and put the car into gear.
"Hungry?" he said as he drove out of the parking lot.
"A little" Clara replied as she wondered if she dared asked where they were going but then she started thinking about why they were meeting and so she paid no attention to the possible destinations he was taking her toward.
She was a little surprised when he told her he was taking her to the zoo but found it to her likely when she discovered that they could easily talk in private as they walked about the lush gardens and exhibits. He bought her a hotdog and coke which made her think back to the last meal they had together where he had made her pay. She hoped he was not a cheap-skate and guessed that he was not.
"So, care to tell me what tiers are mine so far?" Samuel asked as they strolled along one of the paths.
"Ok... I think you can have the one about hair pulling" she told him.
"I think I have that one all ready" he replied as he grabbed her long hair and pulled just hard enough to get a little exhale from her.
"Aaagh... yes" she said, a little upset for an instance but then she let it pass.
"And?" he pressed.
Clara thought for a moment and then decided to give him another of the tiers even though she knew she should be going slower.
"The one about wearing what you like." She said softly now wishing she could free her hands of the food and drink she was carrying.
"Excellent... you are an attractive lady Clara and I would be most disappointed if you had put that one off." He told her.
Clara did not miss the part about putting it off as apposed to him saying that he was concerned he would never get it. It seemed arrogant yet fitting she decided, after all they both knew they were heading toward total power exchange or there relationship was heading no where at all.
"Thank you" she replied with a smile. He made her feel like a schoolgirl with her first love only more thrilling, if that was possible.
"Don't stop now" he said with a chuckle when she did not offer to discuss the next one.
She wanted to call him by name and was even a little upset that she was not allowed too but was not going to let him know that. It was time now to disappoint him and for moment she thought about just saying yes to them all but managed to get a hold of herself.
"I can't do the other two... not yet... please understand." She said pleading with her eyes.
"I know Clara... I'm disappointed but not a lot."
"Oh... thank you for understanding" she replied.
"I will give you other tiers to agree too... or not... not all of them can you put off for long." He told her as wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her close so that he could kiss her on the head. This woman was no tease he realized and sincerely wanted to please him but what impressed him most was her understanding that these tiers were not to be taken lightly.
"I know... I mean I think I understand and I'll try to let you know when I'm ready."
"Don't wait too long Clara, I will always press you further into this lifestyle as opportunity allows and make no apologies for it."
Clara smiled hesitantly at him as she looked into his face. He was becoming more and more her emotional anchor she realized and wondered when her little fantasy world would collapse.
"Speaking of which Clara... I have an errand that I would like you to participate in... in fact I insist."
"Ummm... ok" Clara replied casually knowing that she should have said no until sure of what it was he spoke of.
"You will come with me back to my house... I'm expecting a delivery there and I think you will find it of interest. You do not have to do more then say you are ready to go after which I will return you home in an instance unless of course you agree to do otherwise."
Clara said nothing as she let Samuel lead them toward the exit and beyond. She was thinking about how wet she was becoming and if he would let her cum even though part of her hoped it would not come down to sex.
Samuel led Clara into his house and had her wait by the door while he made a short phone call to check on the status of the delivery he was awaiting. The person he spoke to assured him it was due to arrive shortly and with that he motioned for Clara to enter the living room.
She found the house impressive a
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