
Sweet Cream Cafe - sex story

Sweet Cream Cafe

Wendell Nebbin locked the door of his car and pressed
the button on his keychain to activate the alarm. He
looked around nervously. He hated parking on the
street in a part of town like this: the black part of
town. He considered skipping the appointment, but
then remembered that Mr. Roosevelt had paid him rather
well for his accounting services so far. Professional
ethics demanded that he see things through.

He walked slowly down the street, looking for the
address of the cafe owned by Mr. Roosevelt. The Sweet
Cream Cafe. It should be on this block, but he could
see nothing that resembled a restaurant. The address
he was looking for belonged instead to "T. Jackson's
Athletic Club". Beads of sweat appeared on his brow
as he considered the fact that he was a well dressed
white man lost in a black neighboorhood. He tried to
look nonchallant as a group of young blacks dressed in
shorts and tanktops wandered noisily past him toward
the club entrance. He tried to look like he knew
where he was going and walked in the opposite, but
slowed again when he realized he was getting farther
from his car.

"Hey, white bread!", one of them shouted from the
steps to the club.

Panic came over him as he heard the call. He froze,
afraid to turn around.

"You lookin' for the cafe?" the same voice asked.

Relieved that he was at least on the correct block,
Wendell turned. "Y-yes. Yes I am," he called back.

"I thought you might be." A smirk came over the young
man's face as his friends began laughing among
themselves. "It's jus' down that alley on the right
there," he pointed, indicating the corner of the
building that housed the atheletic club.

"Th-thank you. I a-appreciate it," replied Wendell
moving quickly away.

"You enjoy yourself now, y'hear?" shouted the young
man with a grin, causing yet another burst of laughter
from the others.

Wendell ignored them, glad now to at least be on the
right track. He turned the corner down the alley
indicated and was surprised that the dark, dingy alley
could possibly contain a business like a cafe. But,
sure enough, he spotted a sputtering neon sign
protruding from the side of the building with an arrow
that pointed to a nondescript solid door. The neon
sign read "Sweet Cream Cafe" over the faded logo of a
giant white droplet. It was from an era gone by;
alleyway businesses just didn't survive these days.
Further proof of the cafe's age was found in the faded
sign on the door read, "Whites Only". It must have
been a remnant from nearly 50 years ago, he thought;
odd that something like that could survive that long
in this neighborhood. Shaking his head, he turned the
handle and walked on in.

Inside, the cafe was a total surprise to him. It was
spacious and well lit with rather nice looking tables,
chairs, and appointments. It looked like a classic
diner setting from any movie: checkerboard tile floor,
lunch counter with bar stools, padded red vinyl
booths, and even a gaggle of pretty uniformed
waitresses wandering around with notepads and pencils
behind their ears.

Spotting him at the front door, a perky young blonde
headed his way and smiled broadly as she approached.
"Party of one, I assume?" she asked with an enquiring
eyebrow that looked almost ... sultry.

"A-actually ..." Wendell was a bit stupefied at her
obvious beauty. Her hair was long, straight, and
silky. Her ample breasts and small, shapely ass were
barely covered by a pink uniform that looked about 2
sizes too small. Her bright red lips curved into a
knowing smile as an eyebrow over her too-blue eyes
continued to rise as she waited for him to finish his

" .... a-actually, I have an appointment with Mr.
Roosevelt to d-discuss a business matter."

"Oh! You must be Mr. Nubbin!" she exclaimed with a
smile. "I'm -- "

"Actually, it's 'Nebbin'," he interrupted.

"Of course. As if that's any better. Anyway, I'm
Candy, the manager. I was told to expect you. I'm
afraid Mr. Roosevelt will be delayed for awhile, but
he told me to show you around and answer any questions
you might have about how our establishment is run."

"W-well, I do have to admit, there are some v-very odd
numbers I'd like to discuss. Your receipts are very,
very high, but somehow your costs absorb all of your
profits and --"

"I know, I know. We're a very unique operation. I
can see you need to understand a bit more about us,
Wendell. Why don't you have a seat over here at the
counter and I'll go over things with you."

She led him over to the counter and offered him an
empty stool between two other patrons. Wendell sat
quietly and nodded politely at the others already
seated there. He noticed that despite the obvious
flavor of the neighborhood, everyone in the cafe was
white -- including all the waitresses.

"I need to take care of a few things, Wendell, but
I'll be right back. You caught us right at the start
of the lunch hour, so I'll ask you to be patient. If
you'd like anything, Susie here will take care of

Wendell tried unsuccessfully to peel his eyes away
from the view of Candy's lovely posterior as she
walked away from him, even failing to look at Susie
when he heard her voice.

"What can I getcha, hon?" she asked.

"Just some coffee, thank you."

"We don't serve coffee," she said dryly.

"You ... " Wendell finally turned to look the redhead
in the face, finding her just as attractive as Candy,
in her own way, " ... you don't serve coffee? Excuse

Susie's eyes rolled back in her head in a friendly
look of exasperation. She grabbed a laminated card
from a holder on the counter and set it in front of
Wendell. "Here, hon. Look this over and let me know
when you're ready."

As Susie turned and walked away, Wendell turned his
confused look toward the menu and examined it. He
found it to be rather brief ... and rather strange.


#1 Pie ............ $50
#2 Pie ............ $50
#3 Double Pie ..... $100
#4 Snowball ....... $50


Extra Fresh ....... $25
Chaser w/ Meal .... $25
Chaser a la carte . $50

Wendell looked up from the menu with a look of even
greater confusion than before. The prices seemed
outrageous -- especially for a small diner -- and the
descriptions were sorely lacking in detail. He looked
around for Candy or Susie to ask some questions.

Just then, the door marked "Kitchen" in the back of
the diner swung open. A sound of great commotion --
dozens of inermingled, unintelligible voices,
laughter, and shrieks -- swept thru the room along
with the distinct odor of ... sweat. And something
else. The door swung shut again as a young, thin
waitress with light brown hair staggered out. She
laughed a goodbye to someone inside as she hopped
along, pulling a high-heeled pump onto her foot. She
feebly tried to arrange her hair, wiped the sweat from
her brow, and tried to pull her uniform into some
semblance of order.

"Wooo! That was a good one," she said absentmindedly
to herself and the room. Her heels clicked on the
tile as she walked unevenly behind the counter,
steadying herself occasionally by leaning on the edge.
She past by Wendell without a second glance and
approached the man sitting two stools away.

"Are ya ready, Ernie?" she giggled.

"Y-yes, Lulu. I-I'm always ready for you," the man

"Ok, then. Here ya go. One #1, hot and fresh." With
that, she turned around, placed her hands on the
counter, and pushed herself up as she jumped. She
settled into a special shaped 'lazy susan' than
Wendell just noticed was there -- one in front of each
stool, as a matter of fact. Lulu then spun herself
around on the swivelled seat, swung one leg over
Ernie's head, and set both heels into perfectly sized
notches in the counter on either side of him.

Wendell watched with silent amazement as the short
uniform skirt fell back to reveal the spread-open
crotch of the waitress. She wore no panties. Her
thighs were wet and shiny. The smooth-shaven vaginal
lips were covered in a filmy glaze. A thick, white
liquid oozed slowly from the opening. Wendell was
stunned. That was obviously ... semen. This woman
had apparently just had sex and was presenting her
womanhood to her customer with another man's ejaculate
oozing out of it. He was speechless. He was
appalled. He was ... strangely fascinated.

Then came the next surprise. Wendell let out an
audible gasp when he saw Ernie leaning in and lowering
his face toward her crotch.

"Ah ah ahhhh," scolded Lulu. Her thighs slammed shut
with a wet slapping noise. "You know the rules,
Ernie. You gotta pay before you play."

Ernie put on an 'aw shucks' look and reached into his
pants pockets for a set of folded bills. He passed
them up to Lulu without looking at her -- his eyes
remained glued to her closed thighs. Lulu accepted
the money, examined it quickly, appeared satisfied and
re-opened her legs exposing the cum-covered pussy.
Ernie lurched forward and dove in to her crotch,
making wet slurping noises as he rabidly licked at the
oozing white goo.

"Oh my God!" exclaimed Wendell in disbelief.

"Oooh! He's an eager beaver ... for cummy beaver,"
giggled Lulu. She pulled at a latch and a back rest
rose from behind the counter. She leaned back and
closed her eyes, obviously enjoying the attention
being given to her dripping snatch. She began to moan

Wendell stared open mouthed and wide eyed at the
spectacle before him. He looked around at the other
patrons, wanting to scream out, 'Can you believe
this?!'. But no one else in the cafe had even
blinked. In fact, the few other men at the counter
simply sat patiently, occasionally looking hopefully
toward the kitchen door.

As if on cue, the door opened again and another young
girl emerged with her hair and clothing in disarray.
Before the door closed behind her, Wendell got a
better look at the room within. It was lined with
grey metal doors which he quickly realized were
lockers -- gym lockers. As the gap closed, Wendell
could make out a dark skinned male ass pumping up and
down between a pair of lily white thighs. The sounds
emanating from the room made perfect sense now: There
was an all out orgy going on in there.

The man on the other side of him perked up and grinned
-- this 'order' must be his. Even though he'd just
witnessed the same turn of events a moment ago,
Wendell was still shocked and amazed as the man
quickly surrendered a wad of bills and then turned his
attention the the cummy crotch of the young waitress.
This particular patron spent more time licking the
dripping cum off the girl's thighs, giving Wendell a
better view of the quivering mass of pink flesh
covered with thick white semen.

It was disgusting. It was revolting. It was ...
intoxicating. He found himself leaning closer and
closer until the back of the man's head rose up to
block his view.

"Amazing, isn't it?" came a soft voice in his ear.

"Huh? Oh!" exclaimed Wendell, surprised to find that
Candy had returned and was leaning over his shoulder.

"I said it's amazing how you white boys are so
strongly drawn in by a white pussy filled with black
man's sperm, isn't it? It's like there's a magnet
stuffed up there and your front teeth are made of
iron," she said with a smirk.

"Oh ... well ... I ... it's just that I've ... I've
never seen anything like it!" he said, still

"I can tell, Wendy, yet you've already got a cute
little boner popping up there, don't you?" she

Wendell looked down and found that she was right. He
coughed and tugged his suit jacket to cover his lap.
He looked around nervously as if he'd just realized
his fly was open.

"Oh, don't worry, Wendy. It's perfectly natural. You
wimpy type white boys just can't help it. The sight
and smell of a white pussy pumped to overflowing with
hot, gooey black cum is essentially irresistible to
you," she explained. "You're no different than any
white man here." Wendell looked around the cafe and
watched as another 'order' was delivered to another
happy customer -- a white customer.

"No ... no ... wait. This can't be right. This can't
be natural," Wendell whispered in disbelief.

"Of course it is, Wendy. No one understands it fully,
but there's something about a good solid blackfucking
that makes a white woman's pussy draw in wimpy white
men like dogs to a bitch in heat." She lowered her
voice and slowed down her speech to add emphasis to
her words. "Add to that the addictive, musky scent of
a black man's cum, and no white man can resist
plunging his face into the warm, sticky mixture of
pink flesh and spermy white fluid."

There was no way Wendell could deny his hardon now.
Her descriptions were causing a swelling like he'd
never felt before. He thought back to his initial
reaction at seeing Lulu spread her legs on the
counter. While the shock of it was foremost in his
mind at the time, he had to admit now that he
definitely felt 'something'. Something about the
sight ... and the scent was attractive. Sexually
attractive. And he still felt it as his eyes were
glued to the sight of the man's head next to him
nestled between the slim white thighs. Subconciously,
Wendell's hand reached down to the tent in his pants
and gave it a squeeze. Absolutely. There was no
doubt about it. It was sexually attractive.

Wendell heard an odd metallic scrape, then a whoosh.
Next, he felt a sharp pain on the back of his hand.
He snapped back to reality with the realization that
Candy had just smacked his hand with a spatula
retrieved from the counter.

Candy leaned in and said in a angry whisper, "Listen,
Wendy. I know this is your first time here, but we do
have rules. This is a respectable establishment and I
will NOT have a bunch of white boys fondling their
disgusting little weenies, do you hear me?"

"Y-yes, ma'am," replied Wendell instinctively, shaking
his stinging hand.

"That's better. Now, you're obviously interested in
our menu selections. Would you like to try something
while you wait for Mr. Roosevelt?" Candy asked,
smoothly returning to her sweet demeanor.

Wendell looked around the room again. By now, there
were four faces buried between the thighs of moaning
waitresses. Four white men sucking black sperm from
the crotches of young white women. It seemed so
wrong. But it seemed so right ... for reasons he
couldn't explain. The door to the kitchen swung open
again as a tall young brunette staggered out. As it
swung closed, Wendell spotted one of the muscular
young black men from the street. He could hear the
sound of flesh slapping against flesh as he mounted a
pretty blonde from the rear. The look of ecstasy on
her face was exquisite.

He turned to Candy, looked her in the eye and softly
said, "Yes. I think I'd like that."

"Wonderful!" squealed Candy. She signalled to the
tall brunette. "Trixie, what order have you got?"

"A number one ... for Wally down there," the
breathless girl replied, clearing the strands of hair
from her sweat covered brow.

Candy turned and called down the counter, "Wally, I've
got a first timer here. Would it be ok if I
intercepted your order?"

The face that had been looking eager and excited at
the prospect of getting Trixie's thighs wrapped around
his head suddenly fell. He licked his lips nervously
and replied, "Well, um ... actually, I ..."

"I'll deliver it myself, Wally. And how about we
throw in a free chaser?"

Wally brightened visibly. "Oh ... Ok! That would be
g-great. Thanks, Candy."

Trixie hopped onto the counter and swung around to
assume what Wendell now understood to be the standard
position. On the shaved patch of skin above her
clitoris where the hair would normally grow was a
neatly printed script tattoo that read 'Black Cock
Only'. Her puffy, cum spattered pussy lips lay just
in front of him. He most definitely felt the
attraction -- the irresitible attraction -- that Candy
referred to and started to lean forward, his mouth
watering. Then he heard Candy's voice:

"Now as you've heard, Wendy, we require payment in
advance. You've seen the prices on the menu, right?"

"Y-yes," replied Wendell, reaching for his wallet, but
never removing his eyes from Trixie's crotch. He
glanced down briefly to pick out a $50 bill from the
sheaf of bills inside. As he refolded his wallet,
Candy said quietly, "Um ... Wendell. The 'meal
charge' is paid in full to the black stud who ... uhh,
'filled' your order. Don't forget to tip Trixie here
for delivering it to you in such a nice manner."

"Oh ... of course," said Wendell as he fished out a
additional $10 bill.

Candy cleared her throat and muttered into his ear,
"Wendy ... a 100% tip for the waitress is customary."

Wendell looked at Candy with a surprised look. "100%?
That seems a bit ..."

Candy just looked at him and tipped her head to
gesture at Trixie's crotch. Wendell looked again at
the shiny skin and pink, goo-covered folds of flesh.
He put the bills back in his wallet, pulled out a
crisp $100 bill, and handed it over to Candy.

"I'm paying a black man for the privilege of eating
his semen, aren't I?" he asked as his gaze returned to
Trixie's spermy snatch. His tone was that of both
realization and acceptance of what he was about to do.

Candy handed the bill over to Trixie. "I'm glad you
understand our system, Wendy. This example will help
answer some of the questions you had regarding our
pricing structure. I know it seems expensive, but a
black man's got the right to be compensated for his
sperm .. especially if it's not going to be used for
its proper function of actually impregnating a white

Candy stopped talking when she realized that Wendell
was no longer listening. His face was buried between
Trixie's thighs and the soft squeals coming from her
throat told Candy that Wendell's tongue was snaking up
inside her reaching for the thick liquid treasure that
lay within.

* * *

Wendell's sheer ecstasy was interrupted by a hand
grasping the scruff of his neck and pulling him away
from the heaven he'd been enjoying. "Whoa there,
Wendy," he recognized Lulu's voice. "Let's not be
greedy. Fifteen minutes is the limit. She's got
other customers to serve."

Wendell's eyes never left the warm flesh before him.
It took him a moment to remember where he was and to
realize that he was still pulling forward, trying to
reach the juncture of the outspread legs before him.

"Wow," he uttered involuntarily as he relaxed and sat

"Amazing, isn't it?" Lulu giggled.

"Y-yes," he stammered.

"I just love watching a white boy swill down black
sperm for the first time. The look on their faces
when they realize just how much they need they to
swallow that thick semen is just priceless."

"I-I just couldn't help m-myself," said Wendell, still
staring at the glistening flesh of the
now-fully-cleaned pussy in front of him.

"You're disappointed that it's all gone, aren't you?"

"Yeah," he admitted, surprising himself. He
straightened his glasses without bothering to wipe off
the glaze of sexual fluids that covered the lenses.

"You really went to town, Wendy," Lulu beamed. "Don't
tell me you haven't done this before! You made her
cum at least three times."

"Four," Trixie corrected breathlessly as she jumped
off the counter and straightened her uniform skirt.

"I ... I've never made any woman cum before," he

"Well, you're GOOD at it, Wendy. You're an excellent
cumsucker! Now ... would you like some more?"

"Oh, God yes."

"Of course you do! I took the liberty of ordering for
you, Wendy. One #2, Extra Fresh! It costs a bit
more, but it's worth it." A murmur of agreement came
from the growing crowd of men who now lined the

"O-Ok, sounds good. How do I ... I mean, who--"

The 'kitchen' door popped open once again as Candy
stumbled out, giggling as she made her way along the
passage behind the counter. Even though everyone in
the place knew she'd just been seriously fucked,
somehow there wasn't a hair out of place -- just a
beautiful glow about her.

"Oh, yesss," mumbled Wendell as he stared open mouthed
at her lithe, tender form. She caught the look and
smiled at him, but his expression quickly turned to
diappointment as she glid smoothly past him.

She chucked him on the chin as she went by. "Sorry,
Wendy, but this cuntful is already promised to Wally.
You know that, silly! But don't worry ... you order
is up next!"

Wendell's gape-jawed stare never left her as she
smoothly took spun into place on the counter in front
of the literally drooling Wally. Every head in the
place that wasn't already between a pair of thighs
turned to watch as the lucky man slowly lowered his
face toward the Y of her legs. His head lolled in a
slight circle as he inhaled to savor the heady aroma.
A chorus of soft moans was the only break in the
silence as Wally's tongue pressed gently against ...

The loud smack of a door being kicked open along with
a loud shriek caused all the free heads to turn back
toward the kitchen. Wendell's eyes widened as he
watched a stout, muscular black man walk toward him
with an oddly wide stance. The reason for his unusual
gait was the fact that he was carrying a petite, young
brunette against his chest. Her back was to him and
his arms were looped under each knee, pulling her legs
open in a lewd spread-eagle formation. Even more
amazing was that this young girl's ass was speared
onto his huge cock.

Wendell gripped his thighs so hard that he heard his
knuckles pop. He'd grabbed his thighs earlier to keep
himself from touching his aching pecker, but now it
was an incredible battle just to keep them still.

"Uuungh ... uuh ... unngh," cried the brunette as each
step thrust the cock in and out of her stretched hole.
Wendell's breath left him when the young man stopped
and turned toward him; Wendell realized that this
order was for him.

"Glad you ... (guuhh) ... found the place, white
bread." Wendell didn't need to look at his face in
order to realize that this was the black youth who'd
given him directions on the street. "You ready for
dis, boy?!"

"Yes. Oh yes, please," rasped Wendell, never taking
his eyes off the juncture of the black cock and the
girl's ravaged asshole.

The young man grinned, pulled back with his arms to
lift the poor girl higher, then began pumping his hips
upward with rapid strokes.

"Oh-h-hhh ... mmm-y-yy ... G-o-dd-d!" she cried as
tears began running down her ecsatic face. "P-p-aaay
... m-m-eee. Ple-eease ... p-aa-y ...." Her hands
flopped loosely at the end of her arms, but her
fingers grasped at the air.

"Wha-?" stammered Wendell, barely able to understand

"Pay up ... boy!" shouted the black man between the
wet whaps of his thighs against the girl's asscheeks.
"Pay ... the bitch ... for my cumload!"

Wendell quickly did the math for an 'extra fresh' #2,
fumbled with his wallet, and yanked out two bills -- a
hundred and a fifty. He reached up and slapped them
into the girl's hand just as her screaming reached a
crescendo and the young man groaned and made his final
thrusts into her, obviously flooding her innards with
his rich cum. The waitress flopped around like a rag
doll, blubbering out an orgasmic chain of
unintelligible nonsense.

With one final burst of effort, he hoisted her up off
his cock and lifted her smoothly into the seat on the
counter in front of him. Even though a thin strand of
filmy liquid stretched out between the cock and her
hole, Wendell could tell by the slight popping sound
her ass had held tight as that black monster pulled
out. Once seated on the counter, her muscle control
obviously began to relax as her hole began to quiver
and fall open, revealing the pulsating red flesh
coated with white slime.

"Eeeeat m-me," he heard her whisper through a sly,
closed-eye grin. "Eat that ... b-black cum out of
m-my ass, you ... n-n-nasty little white boy," she

As Wendell moved his head into her crotch, he noticed
some odd squiggle-shaped tattoos on her inner thighs.
He never turned his eyes away from his goal long
enough to examine them, but his peripheral vision told
him they were ... ears. A tattooed outline of pink,
whiteboy ears. And as his face settled into place, he
realized they were a perfect fit.

* * *

Wendell drew the back of his hand across his chin,
wiping it clean. Without even thinking, he then
licked it clean just as he'd licked every square inch
of the brunette's supple thighs, ass, pussy and
anything else she let him reach with his tongue. Any
portion of her that bore even a thinnest glaze of
semen. Especially the warm, silky depths of her
butthole where most of the delicious cum was

The brunette was gone, having pried his head from her
crotch when his time was done and given the top of it
a giggly pat goodbye. He looked down the counter to
find Wally's head just now being lifted gently from
the lovely Candy's warm nether region. Part of his
brain registered complaint that Wally had obviously
gotten more than 15 minutes, but then he smugly
remembered that he'd gotten to suck out two cumfilled
holes in the time when Wally had gotten only one.

But ... he did get Candy, after all.

Her golden hair fell in silky sheets as her head
rolled in a gentle circle. Her eyes slowly opened and
she looked down at him with those amazing, sultry blue
eyes. "Wallllly ... that was amaaaaazing," she
purred. "Why didn't anyone tell me you were getting
soooooo good at this?"

"I ... I g-guess you just inspire me, Miss Candy,"
replied Wally with a shucksy-darn grin.

"Oh, we know what inspires you, Wally. That gooey,
yummy negro sperm, that's what," she teased as she
reached forward and ruffled his hair. Wally actually
giggled like a schoolboy. "I decided to break the
rules and treat you to a double, Wally. Did you

"I sure did, Miss Candy! I noticed there was an awful
lot in there. I sure do appreciate it."

"Well, you helped me out with the newcomer over there,
Wally!" said Candy, waving her hand toward Wendell.
"It's the least I can do. Now, are you ready to show
him how we serve a 'chaser' here?"

"Oh, yes. Yes, I am, Miss Candy. I'm ready."

"Is this your first chaser, Wally?"

"Yes. Yes it is, but I can do it. I promise not to

"Ok, then .... open wide."

Wally leaned down to her crotch again and opened his
mouth wide about three inches from her pussy. Candy
looked over and Wendell, made eye contact, and smiled.
Wendell gasped as a golden stream of piss erupted
from her freshly cleaned pussy directly into Wally's
mouth. Wally slowly closed the gap and eventually
sealed his mouth against her flesh. Wendell watched
in awe as his adam's apple rose and fell as he
swallowed. He swallowed every drop. And true to his
word, he didn't spill.

Wendell had to look away. His dick was throbbing so
hard in his pants that it became seriously painful.
But even as he averted his eyes from one erotic scene,
they fell upon another. A perky young blonde
approached two men one of the booths against the wall,
lifted her eyebrows in a questioning look, and raised
four fingers. A happy looking young man raised his
hand, handed over a few bills, then ... opened his
mouth. Wendell exhaled slowly as he watched the girl
gently drizzle a thick cumload from her mouth into
that of the eager young man. She then grasped his
face with both hands and gave him a long, deep,
whimpering kiss ... thereby assuring that every drop
was transfered into his mouth.

The cramping sensation in his crotch made him look in
yet another direction only to witness a lovely young
lady climb onto a table and squat over the face of the
man who had just laid on top of it. She made sure
everyone saw the stream of piss start, then lowered
herself down to seal against his face. Much to the
giggling delight of the waitress, the man's companions
at the table jovially counted out the number of
swallows that were indicated by the motions of his

Wendell closed his eyes to avoid seeing any more. His
hands shook from the sheer exertion of *not* touching
his dick. His breathing was shallow. He'd never seen
or felt anything as erotic as what was going on
seemingly everywhere inside the diner.

"Don't worry, Wendy. You'll get used to it, soon.
This happens to first-timers sometimes, especially
when they're natural cumsuckers like you." It was
Candy's voice that he suddenly heard, it's reassuring
tone instantly making him feel better. A little
better, but not much.

Keys: Blowjob Cum Swallowing

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"I've seen him before; he's great!" "Good!" he said as the couple neared the auditorium. Sure, he thought. He glanced over at his date and smiled. Her hand pressed into his. They reached the ticket booth. "Two tickets, please," he said reac ..continue reading

Fat Woman Gets Sodomized

Hunting. It's perhaps the oldest ritual known to man. So it was thousands of years ago and so it is today. My name is Jack Huntington. I'm a Hunter. It's both my profession and passion. I'm a profiler for the FBI by trade. My favorite prey are large ..continue reading

Raped in my kitchen

I was a happy 36-year-old, fairly petite woman, living alone for a few years in an old cottage by a reserve and stream. On a fine but breezy Wednesday afternoon, I came home from work as usual. I had gone out the back to get in my laundry when I hear ..continue reading

A Hot Little Sister for Christmas

My younger sister Kristy and I have always been very close. Since we are only a year apart, my parents treated us like we were a twin set of boys. By that I mean we took baths together until we were about 10 and we were forced to sleep in the same ho ..continue reading

She fantazised about being made fat and lazy

She lay back on the sofa propped up by pillows, absentmindedly eating a box of chocolates and half watching television. A commercial showed young energetic adults frolicking on a beach. It reminded her of how lazy she had become. Lazy and very, very ..continue reading