The Beautiful Automaton
"If you're going to travel for work so much," Marilyn's mom said to her dad while they were eating dinner, "I'm going to need some help around the house."
Marilyn lifted a piece of dry, overcooked fish to her mouth. Man, she thought to herself, maybe they could hire a cook. Neither of them can cook a decent meal.
"You know we can't afford a maid's salary," her dad said.
"No, but we could afford to buy a 'Ladies' Helper.'"
"Oh, is that what this is about?"
"Jim!" her mom said, trying to not be obvious as she pointed with her eyes in the direction of their children.
Marilyn looked down at her mashed potatoes and felt her face going red.
"Despite what you are thinking, I just need someone to mow the lawn while I'm running the kids to the bus stop and soccer and ballet and basketball. It's almost impossible, Jim, when you're not here!"
A few days later, when her mom came home from the store, Marilyn's heart skipped a beat. The automaton that her mom had bought was absolutely gorgeous. He looked like he was around eighteen or nineteen years old, and he was tall and muscular and had such a beautiful face: dark hair, dark eyes, pale cheeks, eyelashes to die for. Oh, wow!
"Lynn," her mother said, "let me introduce you to Karakuri, our new helper."
The automaton bowed briefly in her direction. "Very pleased to meet you, Miss Lynn." He had a beautiful voice, deep and rich.
"Pleased to meet you, too, Karakuri," she said. Her heart fluttered as she spoke.
"Kids!" her mom yelled. Marilyn's younger sister and brother came running down the stairs. "This is Karakuri," she said. "These are my younger children, Jeremy and Laura."
The automaton bowed in their direction.
"Now Karakuri, I need to run some errands, and I need you to mow the lawn while I am gone. Can you do that?"
"Yes, I will gladly mow the lawn," he said in his beautiful baritone. "However I do not know how."
"Why didn't they train you at the factory? I'm too damn busy to show you now. Lynn, will you show him how to mow the lawn?"
"Yes, mom," she said, her heart still fluttering.
She led the automaton out to their shed and pulled out the lawn mower. She showed him how to prime the engine and pull the cord to start it.
"Thank you, Miss Lynn, I understand now," he said.
"You should call me Marilyn, I prefer that."
"Of course, Miss Marilyn."
She giggled. "Just Marilyn, no need to say 'Miss.'"
"Of course, Marilyn."
She went up to her bedroom and watched him out the window as he mowed the lawn. He was so beautiful, she could stare at him for hours.
Marilyn woke up in the middle of the night and heard some strange noises coming from her parents' bedroom. She knew what the noise was, her parents were having sex. But then she remembered that her dad was out of town on a work trip. Curious, she tip-toed out of her room and down the hall. The door to her parents' bedroom was open slightly and she peeked in.
In the moonlight she could see her mom, up on her hands and knees, sliding back and forth on top of Karakuri.
"Oh my god," she heard her mother say in a raspy whisper. "Oh my god, it's so big! Holy shit what a fantastic cock!"
Mortified, Marilyn quietly backed away from the door and went back to her room.
The next morning Marilyn called her friend Allison and told her that her mom had bought a "Ladies' Helper."
"Oh, wow!" Allison said. "I'm so jealous! Have you done anything with him yet?"
"You mean, like, dirty stuff?"
"Are you crazy? You should at least tell him to show you his dong. I hear they are quite impressive!"
"Allison! You are so dirty!"
An hour later, Marilyn went to Karakuri's bedroom. He was sitting up in bed, reading a book. She found it odd that he would be reading a book.
"Can I come in?"
"Of course, Marilyn."
She walked into his room and shut the door behind her. She was very nervous, but she was determined.
"I want to see it," she said.
"See what, Marilyn?"
"Your... your penis."
He set the book down. "Would you like to see it flaccid, or erect?"
"I don't know," her face was getting hot. "Flaccid, I guess.
"Yes, ma'am," the automaton said. He stood up and, quite unceremoniously, pulled his pajama pants down.
His penis looked enormous to Marilyn. She had seen her dad's a few times, when he was getting out of the shower or whatever, but Karakuri's was way bigger. He had a lot of hair, dark, almost black hair covering his whole crotch. His testicles were huge, hanging down between his legs in a big dark purplish hairy sack. And his penis was thick and red and at least four inches long, hanging down but held somewhat aloft by his balls.
Good god, what a wonderful specimen of manhood!
"Can I... can I touch it?"
"Of course, Marilyn," he said.
She walked over to him and her heart was beating hard as she reached down and cupped her hand under his beautiful penis.
It was warm and heavy in her hand. His testicles seemed so big and swollen, she could hardly get her fingers around them. She explored for a while, feeling his balls, then his shaft; she'd never touched a penis before and it was more exciting than she had even imagined it would be. She lifted his long shaft up, looking down at the funny purple head and the little hole in the middle.
"How big does it get, when you have an erection?"
"Would you like me to show you?"
"Yes, please."
She stood back and watched as his penis slowly began to swell, thickening somewhat, growing longer, and gradually rising from its resting place on his testicles. After about ten seconds, it was sticking straight out from his body, at least seven inches long, thick and hard, an unbelievable, amazing sight for the twelve year old girl. His head, in particular, was an incredible thing for her to see; reddish-purple and gigantic, it seemed to have at least doubled in size and it looked downright menacing as it pointed straight at her.
"Wow!" she said, staring right at his cock. "Can I touch it now?"
"Of course, Marilyn."
He stood there, unmoving, as she took a step towards him, reached out, and wrapped her hand around his erection.
It was so hard, she couldn't believe it. But the skin was really soft and silky, even though the muscle underneath was like granite. And his head was strange: velvety and spongy. His penis was so thick that she felt like she could barely wrap her fingers around it, and it was so long that when she held it, the head and at least a couple inches of the shaft were sticking out from beyond her fist. Oh, wow. She had to take a deep breath to calm herself.
"I better get out of here before my mom catches me," she said, letting go of his penis. "Thanks!"
"Of course, Marilyn," he said, pulling his pajama bottoms back up.
That night she heard the sound from her mom's bedroom again. She thought it was funny, because she knew her mom and dad didn't have sex very often but now her mom was doing it with Karakuri two nights in a row! She felt jealous, like, he really should be her boyfriend, not her mom's. She's married and has a husband and all that stuff, but Marilyn doesn't even have a boy that likes her.
She lay in bed, listening to the noise, and wondering what it would be like to have that gigantic cock inside her. She could almost see it in her mind, sliding in and out of her mom's vagina, that enormous, velvety head stretching her open as it burrowed into her. She reached down to the crotch of her panties and smiled, feeling a growing wet spot.
Marilyn went into Karakuri's bedroom again the next day.
"Can I come in?" she asked him.
"Of course, Marilyn," he said, putting down the book he was reading.
"Can I ask you a question?"
"Of course, Marilyn."
She giggled. "Is that all you say, 'Of course Marilyn?'"
"I'm sorry," he said, "what would you like me to say?"
"I don't know, 'Yeah, sure.' That would be better."
"OK. Yeah, sure."
She sat down on his bed. "So, tell me, do you like my mom?"
"Yeah, sure. I like your mom very much. She is a nice woman."
"Yeah, but do you like her?"
The automaton looked confused.
"Well, I know you have sex with her, right? Do you like that?"
"Yeah, sure. It makes her feel good, and that is what I am programmed to do."
"Does it make you feel good too?"
"I enjoy sexual intercourse very much."
Marilyn wondered if he was just programmed to say that, too.
"So, like, when you have sex, do you, you know, do you ejaculate?"
"I do."
"Will she get pregnant?"
"No, my semen does not contain sperm."
"Oh, of course. So... do you think you could show me? Like, can I watch you ejaculate?"
"Yeah, sure, Marilyn."
She giggled.
"I'm afraid, however, that my penis requires stimulation in order to ejaculate. I could masturbate to stimulate it to orgasm, if you would like."
She grinned. "Yeah, that'd be cool. I'd like to watch that."
The automaton stood up and took his pants off, then sat on the bed with his back propped up on the pillows and spread his legs open. His penis was "flaccid," as he called it, but it looked just huge to Marilyn, and she grinned as she watched it grow into an erection. When it was fully engorged, he wrapped his hands around it and began to stroke it, beating a rapid pace. She was fascinated; she had a perfect view of his big hairy balls bouncing up and down as he masturbated.
"Does it feel good when you do that?" she asked him.
"Yeah, sure," he said.
She giggled. She wondered again if it really did feel good for him, or if this was just more programming.
She felt the crotch of her panties getting wet as she watched him. She slipped her hand into her pants and her heart was fluttering hard as she twirled her finger over her clitoris and stared at Karakuri's bouncing balls.
"My penis has been sufficiently stimulated," he said after a couple more minutes. "Would you would like me to ejaculate now?"
"Yes," she said breathlessly.
He stroked his penis a couple more times and then let out a little grunt and a huge shot of come fired out of him. Marilyn couldn't believe how much there was and how forcefully it exploded out; it shot straight into the air at least two or three feet, and it was thick and creamy and it fell back onto his hands right as he grunted again and another shot fired straight up into the air, this one even bigger and stronger than the first. He continued masturbating and coming, four or five more huge shots firing into the air, his cock dripping with his semen.
"Wow!" she said, her finger still twirling frantically on her clit, "that was amazing!"
"I am glad that you liked it, Marilyn."
Her dad was expected home from his work trip that evening and this would be the first time he's met Karakuri. Marilyn was nervous. What if her dad was jealous of the beautiful automaton? What if he made her mom take Karakuri back to the store? Marilyn would die of a broken heart if he did that!
Karakuri was in the kitchen, working at the counter.
"Watcha doing?" she asked him.
"Your mother asked me to prepare dinner so I am doing that."
"Yeah? You cook? Awesome! My parents are terrible cooks."
"Yeah, sure, I particularly like to make Japanese food. Today I am making sushi, which your mother tells me your father likes very much. I am also making some fried beef."
"Oh, cool! Can you show me how to make sushi?"
"Yeah, sure, Marilyn."
She giggled.
He showed her how to spread the rice on the nori and the stack the fish and vegetables and roll it all tightly together.
Karakuri proved to be a very patient teacher; her first couple of attempts were disasters, the next couple reasonable failures, and then she did quite well with a couple more.
While he continued cooking, she called her friend Allison again.
"Guess what! I had him show me his penis!"
"Yeah? And?"
"It was really big, Allie! You wouldn't believe it!"
"Oh man! Next time I'm over you have to have him show it to me!"
"You know what I would do if I had a 'Ladies' Helper?'"
"I would have him eat me out."
"Yeah, that's when a guy kisses a girl's, you know, her pussy. I've heard it feels so good, like it's even better than sex."
"You are so horny Allison!"
Dinner that night was fantastic. Her dad was in a particularly good mood, enjoying the food a lot and flirting with her mom.
"Well, Karakuri," he said, "this is a fantastic meal. I have to admit I was skeptical when Jennifer suggested that we get a 'Ladies' Helper,' but if you can cook like this then I am quite happy."
Her mom was beaming. The two of them flirted through the whole meal and then went off to bed quite early. This made Marilyn smile; apparently having a "Ladies' Helper" is helping her parents' sex life, too!
That night she had Karakuri all to herself.
"I want you to eat me out," she said to him. "Is that OK?"
"Yeah, sure, Marilyn."
She pulled her panties down and lay down on his bed, lifting her nightgown up. She felt funny, because she'd only shown her pussy to a couple of boys before, and here she was with her legs spread open showing it all to Karakuri.
He leaned down and kissed her right on her pussy lips. "Ohhhh!" she said, quietly. It felt so wonderful to have her pussy lips kissed. Then she felt his tongue, warm and soft, lick up inside her lips.
From that moment on, she was in ecstasy. It was basically like she was coming the entire time. Later, when Allison asked her about it, she couldn't remember too much of the details; she remembered putting her hands on his head to hold him into her, she remembered grinding her hips up into his face, she remembered getting wet, oh so incredibly wet, she could feel it dripping out of her and down onto her anus.
And then she had the most amazing orgasm she'd ever had. Her legs started shaking and her pussy was tingling and then it was throbbing and the feeling was spreading and she was shaking, waves of ecstasy coursing through her. It lasted for a least a minute before she had to make him stop because it was just too much.
Two: Books
"What book are you reading?"
"I am reading a book of Japanese history, 'Musashi.' It is about a Samurai warrior."
"Cool! Can I read it when you're done?"
"It is in Japanese. But I can teach you to read Japanese if you would like."
"Really? That'd be awesome! So, is it a good book?"
"Yeah, sure."
"Do you like to read?"
"Yeah, sure."
She giggled. "You don't have to say 'yeah sure' all the time, you know."
"I'm sorry, I thought you liked it when I said that."
"Well, it was just an example. You should say other things, too, like 'yep,' and 'it's OK,' and 'sure do,' and all kinds of other things. Mix it up a little. It sounds sort of awkward if you don't."
"You would prefer it if I did not sound awkward?"
"I don't really care, I just don't want you to feel awkward."
"I do not feel awkward."
"OK, well, I guess I would like it if you sounded less awkward. It can be sort of distracting."
"I will be less awkward when I am around you, Marilyn."
"OK. It's really not a big deal at all, I didn't want to make you feel bad or anything."
"I do not feel bad, unless I am making you feel bad."
"No, not at all! I really like hanging out with you."
"I like hanging out with you, too, Marilyn."
She felt her face get a little warm. "Hey, maybe you'd like to read some of my books, when you're done with that one? Can you read English?"
"Yeah, sure... Yep." He smiled at her.
She giggled. "Do you like science fiction? I've been totally into Asimov lately, he's like this really old writer from back when my dad was a kid but I like him anyway."
"I would like to read Asimov and whatever other books you think I would enjoy."
She was kneeling above his face, her panties off, her hands holding tightly to the headboard of his bed. She slowly lowered herself until her pussy made contact with his mouth.
"Ohhhh!" she said quietly. Then she started moving her hips, sliding her pussy back and forth against his mouth. "Ohhhh!" When he stuck his tongue out, she slid down until it was on her clitoris, and then she sat up, so that just the tip of his tongue was in contact with her little button. Then she sat down, so that his tongue was flat against her clit, engulfing it entirely. With his soft, velvety tongue hard up against her button, she moved from side to side, then back and forth. "Ohhhh," she said, "Ohhh," feeling waves of pleasure emanating from her clitoris. She sat up again, with just the tip of his tongue in contact with her clit, and moved again from side to side and back and forth, and even in circles. "Ohhhh!"
His tongue was the most wonderful masturbation toy the world had ever seen, and she could play with it for hours.
When she got really excited, when she was really close to coming but she didn't want to come just yet, she moved up on his face and spread her buttocks open and pressed her anus against his mouth. She knew this was terribly dirty, but he didn't seem to mind and it felt so good when he licked her there! And then she started to orgasm just from him licking her there and she slid back down so that her pussy was right on his mouth and she came and came and came and came.
Allison had been bugging Marilyn all week to have her over for a sleepover, and they planned one for that Saturday. Marilyn told Karakuri that she was having a friend over and she hoped that he would make something nice for dinner.
"I would love to make your friend a nice dinner," he said.
It was a wonderful dinner of curried rice and tuna and fried vegetables. Once again, her dad had many complimentary things to say about Karakuri's cooking.
"He is so cute!" Allison said to Marilyn when they were doing the dishes after dinner. "I am so jealous!"
Marilyn couldn't help but smile.
"I can't wait until tonight," Allison said in a whisper. "You're going to tell him to show me his penis, aren't you?"
After they'd finished rolling out their sleeping bags in the basement, Marilyn went upstairs and asked Karakuri if he would come hang out with them.
"Karakuri," Marilyn said to him when they got downstairs, "Allison wants to see your penis."
He turned to Allison. "Would you like to see it flaccid, or erect?"
She smiled. "Um..."
"Flaccid," Marilyn said, "then show her how it gets erect."
"OK," he said, and took his pants off.
"Oh my god!" Allison said, staring right at his cock. "It's so big! It's beautiful!"
Both girls stared with enchanted smiles as it began to grow. When it reached its full size, sticking straight out seven inches from his body, Allison said, "Oh wow that is incredible!
She stared for another moment, then turned to Marilyn. "So, he ate you out, right?"
Marilyn gave her a big smile. "Yeah. You want him to do it to you, too, don't you?"
She lay down and quickly pulled her pajama pants and panties off. Karakuri knelt between her legs, she spread her legs, and the automaton kissed her pussy.
Allison closed her eyes and just lay there, breathing hard. A minute later her legs started shaking and she orgasmed, moaning and quivering.
"Wow!" she said after Karakuri had left, "that was awesome."
Marilyn was beaming, looking at her friend's bright red face.
"You know what would be really fun?" Allison said. "We should give him a blow job sometime."
"You should go get him so we can do it now!"
"No, let's leave him alone, he deserves to be left alone."
"Oh come on. He's just a robot, right?"
"No, he's not. He's... He's nice. He's really nice and I feel like I should be nice to him too."
"I think you have a crush on him!"
She threw a pillow at Allison.
Three: Dreams
"Have you read those books I gave you?"
"Yeah, sure. I mean, Yep."
She smiled at him. "Which one did you like best?"
"I liked them all."
"But which one best?"
"I liked 'Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep' best."
"Yeah, that one's my dad's. I've never read it. I thought you might like it though."
"I did like it. You should read it."
"I will, since you liked it. So, do you? Do you dream, when you sleep?"
"I do."
"You do? What do you dream about?"
"I dream about what I read. I dream I am a Samurai warrior, or a robot, or a wizard."
"So is that why you like to read so much?"
"Yes, that is part of why I like to read so much."
"There's other reasons, too?"
"Yep... Uh-huh. It helps me to understand humans. I understand them better when I read about them."
"Yeah, I think that's true."
"I also dream about you, Marilyn."
"You do?"
"Yep... Yeah, I do."
She felt her heart flutter just a little bit. She wondered for a moment if this was just a program, if he was just engineered to say these sorts of things to women, to flatter them.
"What do you dream about, when you dream about me?"
"I dream that we are married. And that we are in love."
"You do?" She felt her face go bright red. "Do you want to marry me?"
"Do you want to marry me?"
"I... I don't think it would work."
"No. It is only a dream."
"But it's very sweet."
They sat quietly for a moment.
"Karakuri," she said, "would you kiss me?"
"Yes, I would like to."
He leaned in and gave her a kiss on her lips.
"More," she said, after he pulled his face away.
He leaned in again. This time she opened her mouth and he slipped his tongue in. They kissed for a very long time.
"Sometimes," she said, her breath light, "when guys kiss girls, they feel them up. They like touch their breasts."
"Would you like me to touch your breasts, Marilyn?"
"Yeah," she said, her heart fluttering again.
He reached out and put a hand on one of her breasts.
"No, wait," she said, taking his hand away. "You have to go slow, you have to like put it on my belly and then slowly move it up, while you kiss me. That's what guys do."
He started kissing her and put his hand on her belly and then slowly moved it up until he was touching her breast.
She gave him a big smile when they broke their kiss. He kept his hand on her breast, gently squeezing it.
"Do you like touching me?"
"I do."
"Does it make you excited? Like, you know what I mean, right?"
"I have an erection."
She smiled broadly. "You do?"
"I do. And does it make you excited?"
"I'm all wet."
"Marilyn!" a voice shouted from downstairs. "Have you practiced piano yet?"
She gave Karakuri a little kiss. "I better run."
"Yeah, OK."
Marilyn's dad left on another work trip but, interestingly enough, her mom did not have Karakuri join her in her bedroom that night. Which meant that Marilyn had the automaton all to herself that night.
She sat nervously on his bed next to him. "Should we kiss again?" she asked him.
"Would you like to?"
"What do you want to do?"
"I would like to kiss."
"Good!" She smiled broadly.
It wasn't too long before Karakuri was squeezing her breasts again. She reached her hand down and put it on his crotch and she could feel his hard penis.
"You have a hard-on!" she said with a big smile.
"Yeah, it makes me excited to touch your breasts," he said.
"I could..." Marilyn remembered Allison's suggestion from a few days earlier, "I could give you a blow job if you want."
"Do you want to?"
She smiled at him. "The real question is, do you want me to?"
"I do."
She knelt between his legs and pulled down his pajama pants and underwear and his beautiful penis was naked right in front of her. It was an even more amazing thing to see now, so hairy and big, purplish veins running through his shaft, balls hanging down so gloriously huge in their strange reddish sack. Most prominent, right in front of her face, was his reddish-purple head, giant and alien and strange.
Oh god I am so in love with this cock!
She wasn't sure she could get his head into her mouth, it was just so big, but she wanted to try so badly! So she opened her mouth wide and leaned down and it entered her.
She did get his head inside her, but only his head; it filled her mouth completely. It felt wonderful, soft and spongy, and it tasted so nice, it tasted like he tastes when she kisses him only more intense, more wonderful.
She sucked on it for a while, not sure what she was supposed to do, and then she pulled off of it.
"I'm sorry, Karakuri, I don't really know what to do."
"That is OK, Marilyn."
"I hope it felt good?"
"It felt wonderful, Marilyn."
"I wish I could make you come."
"Would you like me to come?"
"What do you want? Do want to come?"
The automaton reached down and started masturbating. Marilyn watched in fascination for a while, then she leaned down and opened her mouth and took his head in while he jacked off.
"Ohhhh!" he said. She realized that was the first time she'd heard him moan. Maybe he really does enjoy this? Maybe it is more than just programming?
"Marilyn, he said quietly, "Would you like me to ejaculate in your mouth?"
She pulled off his head. "Do you want to?"
"Yeah, sure. Yes."
"Then do," she said, her eyes twinkling as she opened her mouth again and took his head inside her.
It was literally one stroke, only one more stroke, and he came. "Ohhhhh!" he moaned aloud as the first shot fired out of him. Her mouth was instantly full, and before she even realized what was happening, his second shot fired out.
His semen was thick and warm and salty, but it tasted good in a way, and she swallowed it just as his third shot came out. He kept masturbating and coming, filling her mouth over and over and she had to swallow and swallow just to keep up with him.
When he finally finished, she sat back and wiped her mouth off with her hand. He was looking down at her and smiling.
She stood up. "My turn now!"
Back and forth, side to side, around in circles, she rubbed her pussy against her favorite masturbation toy. Up to her clit, down to her anus, up to her clit again; she came and came and came.
"Do you want me to give you a blow job again?"
"Do you want to?"
"You tell me, what do you want?"
"I would like for you to give me a blow job again."
She smiled at him. "Don't say it like that. You need to be more assertive."
"Um, I don't know what you mean."
"Say something more like, 'I want a blow job, give me a blow job, girl.'"
He smiled. "I want a blow job, give me a blow job, girl."
She grinned. "Good, now, come up with your own words. Say it like that but use different words."
"OK. Um... I want you to..." he paused like he was searching for the right words, "suck my cock... lady."
"'Lady' sounds sort of funny. Can you think of a better word than 'lady?'"
"What do you think a guy would call a girl when he wants to do sex stuff with her?"
The automaton sat there for a second, looking a bit confused. Then he said, "Bitch?"
"Yeah, that prob'ly works."
"Suck my cock, bitch," he said.
"There you go!" She giggled. "Yes, sir, I will."
She dropped down on her knees in front of him and pulled his pants down. His giant purple head looked as wonderful and intimidating as ever. She took it in her mouth and then pulled off, looking up at the automaton.
"You should tell me what to do, so that I can make you come."
"You should use your hand to stimulate my penis while my glans is in your mouth."
She smiled. "Oh come on! Talk dirty, not like a scientist."
"How about, Jack me off while you suck me bitch."
"Yeah! Like that!"
She lifted her hand to his cock and started beating on it.
A couple minutes later her jaw was getting tired so she pulled off. He wrapped his hands around his cock.
"Would you like me to come in your mouth?" he asked. "No, I am sorry; I'm gonna dump my load in your sluthole mouth so open wide."
She smiled, then opened her mouth, and he fired his giant endless load of come down her throat.
After she had enjoyed her favorite masturbation toy for a little while--back and forth, side to side, down to her anus again--they lay on his bed holding each other and listening to the driving rain outside hitting against the window pane. It was two in the morning when she woke up, having accidentally fallen asleep in his arms.
Four: Love
"Well, this is interesting," her dad said from behind his newspaper as the family was eating breakfast. "It looks like they've decided to give driver's licenses to automatons."
"Really?" her mother said. "That would be so nice, if Karakuri could drive! That would make my life so much simpler."
"Well, it sounds like they are only doing it for certain ones, we'll have to see if ours would qualify."
"Oh, I'm sure he will. Everyone agrees he's the smartest automaton they've ever met."
And so it was that her mom took Karakuri to a county government office. Marilyn went along for the ride.
After they checked in with the receptionist, they were told to sit and wait until they could speak with a specialist. Marilyn looked around the room; there were probably about a dozen people there, including two little girls, sisters, apparently, one around four years old and the other maybe six or seven. They seemed to be entirely alone and looked scared.
A man walked into the office. He caught Marilyn's eye because he looked a little shady--long, greasy hair, old army jacket, dirty clothes. He walked up to the counter and said something to the receptionist, very quietly.
"I'm sorry," Marilyn heard the receptionist say. "You'll just have to wait for your court date. There's nothing that I can do to help you."
The man raised his voice. "I need m' money!" Everyone in the room looked up. The two little girls looked even more scared.
"I'm really sorry, I understand..."
"Look," the man said, and he suddenly stepped back and pulled a gun out of his pocket. He pointed it at the receptionist. She looked terrified and he just stood there pointing it at her for a moment, then he turned, looking around the room. Then he pointed the gun and the little girls.
"I'll shoot these little girls!" he hollered, his eyes wide. "I swear, I'll shoot them!"
Karakuri stood up. Almost nonchalantly, he took a couple of steps until he was between the man and the girls. The youngest of the girls started sobbing, terrified.
"What are you doing?" the man said to Karakuri. "I'll kill you!"
"You cannot kill me," Karakuri said. "I am not alive."
The man looked momentarily stunned, unsure of what was happening. Karakuri simply reached out and grabbed the gun, lifting it up so that the muzzle was pointed at the ceiling, then twisting it so that it popped out of the man's hand. Holding the gun high in the air with one hand, he grabbed the man's arm with the other and twisted it around his back, forcing the man to turn, lifting his arm up behind him.
The man hollered. "Hurts! It hurts!" Karakuri simply pulled his arm up even higher and the man collapsed down onto his knees. The automaton turned to Marilyn. "Marilyn, please find something I can use to tie this man up." She jumped out of her seat and the receptionist was already digging around under the counter. She pulled a computer power cord out out.
"Will this work?"
"For now, but we need something better."
Marilyn grabbed the cord and handed it to Karakuri, who set the gun on the counter and proceeded to wrap the cord tightly around the man's arms. The man fell to his stomach on the ground. Karakuri picked the gun up again, removed the ammunition clip and cleared the chamber, then handed them to the receptionist. "Call the police," he said very directly. "Put this gun somewhere safe. Then find a rope or something better to tie him up with."
The receptionist nodded.
Karakuri turned and looked at the two little girls. The youngest was wailing, sobbing, still terrified. The older girl looked stunned. The automaton walked over to them and, with an amazing gentleness, lifted the youngest girl into his arms and sat down in the chair she had been in, holding her closely to him.
"It's OK, little one," he said softly. "No one is going to hurt you. I promise that no one will hurt you."
The child buried her face in his chest and sobbed.
"It's OK," he said, petting her head, "no one will hurt you."
He looked over at the older girl.
"You're very brave, aren't you?"
She looked at him, her eyes wide, and nodded.
"Your sister's very lucky to have someone as brave as you with her."
The girl nodded again.
"Where are your parents?"
"Our mama's in jail."
By now a number of people had come out of the back offices and were surrounding the gunman, one man had his knee against the man's neck, holding him down. He looked over at Karakuri.
"They're here to register for the foster program," he said. "They're staying at the Randall Children's Home right now."
Marilyn's mom stood up. "Oh, the poor little things! They can't go back to the children's home now, after all this, they'll be terrified. Can they come home with us?"
The man smiled at her. "We can work something out, I'm sure."
By now the police had arrived and the gunman was handcuffed and taken away. Once they had finished interviewing all the witnesses and Marilyn's mom had filled out the necessary paperwork, Karakuri stood up, holding the younger girl, who had stopped crying but was clinging tightly to him. He turned to the older girl. "This is my friend Marilyn," he said, gesturing to Marilyn. "She's going to hold your hand and I'll carry your little sister and we'll go to our house, OK? You'll be OK, Marilyn is as strong and as brave as you, and she will make sure that no one hurts you, OK?"
The girl nodded and stood up and took Marilyn's hand.
In the car on the way home, Marilyn looked back at Karakuri, who was sitting in the back seat with the two girls. "You were so good to these girls. Kara."
"I owe it all to you Marilyn."
"Oh come on!"
"No, really. You taught me to not be awkward. How to relate to people."
She smiled at him. "You know, I think you would make a good father."
He looked at her and smiled. Her mom was concentrating on the road, but she smiled, too.
"It's only temporary," Marilyn's mom said to her dad. "They'll find them a permanent foster home as soon as possible. We just couldn't make them go back to the children's home, after what happened."
"I totally understand," her dad said. "Karakuri, you and I should move a spare mattress into Laura's room." Marilyn's little sister and the two new members of the family were already best friends, playing dolls in the back yard.
Once the men were gone, Marilyn's mom looked at her with a rather serious expression over her mug of coffee. "So, you think Karakuri would make a good father, huh?"
Marilyn felt her face get a little red. "Yeah, he was so good to those girls, don't you think?"
"Yes, he's very sweet."
Pregnant pause. Marilyn knew her mom had something more she wanted to say.
"So, you and Karakuri," her mom said. "You've been spending a lot of time together."
Marilyn's face got redder and she felt very embarrassed.
"Believe me, I understand," her mom said. "I've... Well, I know he's good company."
Marilyn felt very uncomfortable about the direction this conversation was taking.
"So, Lynn, have you had sex with him?"
"Mom! No!"
Her mom looked at her for a moment. "I don't mean to embarrass you, it's just, I know you spend a lot of time in his room, and, well, he'll do anything you ask, that's how they're programmed."
"It's just that you're so young, I don't want you to do anything... I don't want you to get hurt or anything like that. He's just a doll, you know."
"No he isn't! He's a person!"
Her mom smiled at her, sipping her coffee. "I've never told him to not do anything with you, Lynn. I thought about it, but I guess I sort of feel like it's OK for you to enjoy him, at least a little bit. He can be very... Well, I think it's OK if you have a little bit of fun with him. I'm just worried about you, that's all."
"Mom! This is so embarrassing!"
"What's embarrassing?" her dad asked, he and Karakuri coming back into the room.
Marilyn looked at her mom, giving her a squinty-eyed pursed-lipped look.
"Nothing, dear, we're just having a little 'birds and the bees' discussion."
"Oh! Well, maybe Karakuri and I should leave then!"
"No, we're done," her mom said. "Besides, if you're done in their room, I think it's time for the girls to go be bed."
She stood up and walked to the back door. "Laura! Maria! Angela! Time to pick up the dolls and go to bed!"
"Ah, Mom!" Laura said, but the two other girls were already picking up.
Maria and little Angela fell into the family routine fairly easily and they proved to be very sweet little girls. Laura, in particular, was in heaven having a playmate her age and a little girl to dress up and do makeovers on. The only downside, from Marilyn's perspective, was that the girls always wanted to be around Karakuri, which meant that Marilyn found it difficult to find time to be alone with him. But she loved to watch the way they interacted, the girls doted on him so much and he was so sweet to them, it was just beautiful. And she could always sneak into his bedroom at night, if her dad was home or if her mom wasn't pigging him. And then she would play with her favorite masturbation toy, sitting on his face and having him lick her all over until she came.
"You should have seen him, Allison, it was so beautiful! He was so sweet to Maria and especially to little Angela!"
Allison grinned at her. "I think Marilyn is in loooove!"
"Shut up!"
"So, you gonna tell him to come down to the basement again after we get ready for bed?"
"He's not just a toy, you know, Allison."
"Oh come on, lover-girl. You give him blow jobs. I just want to find out what it's like."
"You're so horny!"
Allison giggled. "You're one to talk, little miss blow job!"
Marilyn smiled. "Anyway, silly, I already asked him to come down once Mom and Dad are in bed."
"You are the best friend ever!!!"
The automaton came down a little while later. "Hi, Kara," Marilyn said to him. "So, you probably know what Allison has in mind, but you don't have to if you don't want to, you know."
Allison gave her a crusty look.
"I am happy to do whatever you want," he said.
"Tell him to take his pants off and get a hard-on again!" Allison said.
"You tell him, Allie."
"OK. Kara, take your pants off and get a hard-on again."
The automaton dropped his pants, his wonderful big cock exposed again. Allison's eyes twinkled as she watched his cock grow to a full, seven inch erection.
"God, that's so beautiful," she said. "Tell him I want to give him a blow job."
"You tell him!"
"OK. Kara, I want to give you a blow job."
"I would like that, Allie," the automaton said. He walked over to Marilyn's friend, the big purple had of his big penis right in her face.
"What do I do?" she asked Marilyn.
Marilyn grinned. "Maybe I should show you?"
"Yeah, OK."
The automaton turned so that his giant head was in front of Marilyn now. She leaned down and took it in her mouth, and then started jacking on his cock. She wrapped a hand around his huge balls, too.
She pulled off of him. "Just like that."
"Awesome! OK, my turn, Kara!"
His big head, now shining with Marilyn's saliva, turned to face the other girl. She opened her mouth and took it in, and then started clumsily jacking on it. After a little while she pulled off.
"Thanks," she said, looking up at the automaton.
"Would you like me to ejaculate in your mouth?" He looked over at Marilyn. "Sorry. I mean, Open your mouth so I can come in it, bitch."
Allison looked shocked. "What?"
Marilyn started laughing so hard she almost fell off the couch. "Kara," she said when she settled down, wiping her eyes. "Maybe that's a bit too much for her."
"I am sorry," he said, looking a bit confused. He looked back down at Allison. "Would you like me to ejaculate in your mouth?" he asked again.
"No thanks!" she said.
"OK." He went to retrieve his pants.
"Wait, Kara," Marilyn said, "you can talk like that to me, if you want."
The automaton walked back to her, his big purple head in front of her face. "Open your mouth so I can come in it, bitch," he said.
She dropped her jaw. The automaton started jacking off and in a few seconds he stuffed his head her mouth and grunted. When he finished, Marilyn swallowed it and turned to her friend, smiling. "It doesn't taste too bad, really!"
"Wow," Allison said. "That is so dirty!"
"So," Allison said to Marilyn once Karakuri had gone back upstairs, "are you gonna have sex with him?"
"What? You're crazy!"
"Oh come on, you are so in love with him. You should have sex with him."
"You're crazy!"
Karakuri drove, with Marilyn's mom in the front passenger seat, Marilyn and Laura in the back. They were going to visit the two girls, Maria and Angela. Their mother had been released from jail, having reached a plea bargain with the prosecutor that allowed her to avoid any more time in prison, and the girls went back home.
When they got to the apartment, the two girls came running out and grabbed Karakuri around the neck and he picked them both up at the same time and gave them big hugs. Their mother stood at the doorway, smiling.
"They seem to like him," she said to Marilyn's mom.
"Yes, they bonded with him a great deal."
"I want to thank you for helping them so much," their mother said.
"It was our pleasure, they are very sweet girls. You must be a good mother, to have raised such sweet girls."
Maria grabbed Laura and Marilyn by the hands and dragged them into the apartment to show them their doll collection, little Angela still clinging tightly to Karakuri's neck while he walked in.
"I'm gonna clean up my act," their mother said as she poured them all some coffee. "I need to do better by my girls. No more drugs."
Marilyn's mom smiled sweetly at her. "I know you will. And we want to help you, as much as we can. If you ever need a babysitter, Marilyn is the best. Call any time. And if you ever need them to stay with us at all, they are always welcome."
They looked over at the couch, where Karakuri was reading Angela some books he had brought as a gift for her.
"Is he really a 'Ladies' Helper?'" the girls' mother asked.
"He is."
"He doesn't seem like one. I've only seen a couple, but they weren't anything like him."
"Yeah, he's special."
Marilyn could hardly help beaming as she sat there listing to the women talk. "I think he would make a good father," she said.
The two mothers smiled at her.
"Kara, do you still dream?"
"Do you still dream about me? About us, being married and everything?"
"Yes, I do."
"I do too."
"You do?"
"Yep." Marilyn looked at the beautiful automaton for a little while. "You know what I think? I think we should get married."
Karakuri's eyes looked sad. "How can we, though? You are too young, and I cannot produce offspring."
"We can wait until I'm old enough, can't we?"
"I will wait for you forever, Marilyn."
"And as far as babies go, we could be foster parents. You would be the best foster dad in the whole wide world. Or we could adopt. Or we could do other things. It really isn't a big deal at all."
The automaton looked at her. Tears were rolling down his cheeks. "Do you really want to marry me?"
Tears flowed from Marilyn's eyes as well. "I really do!"
He was crying freely now, almost bawling. "I am the happiest man on earth, Marilyn."
Epilogue: Sex
"Fuck me, bitch."
"Give me your pussy, slut!"
Marilyn sat on Karakuri's bed, looking at him with her mouth hanging open in astonishment.
"I am sorry, Marilyn, I thought you liked it when I talk to you like that."
"Oh!" she said, and she laughed. "No, I mean, yes, but sometimes it isn't appropriate. Like, you know, when you talked like that to Allison."
"Oh. That wasn't appropriate?"
"And it isn't now?"
"No, not really."
"OK, I am sorry. I would like to stimulate my penis to ejaculation inside your vagina."
She laughed again. "Not like that! You need to be romantic!"
He sat there, looking at her and thinking for a moment. "I love you, Marilyn, and I would like to make love to you."
"There you go!" she said. "Do you really want to?"
"Yes, I do."
"Um, it's just, I've never done it before, you know."
"I will be a gentle lover for you," he said.
"I know you will, Kara."
"Then do you want to? Will you let me?"
"Do you really want to?"
"I do. I love you very much, Marilyn, and I want to be your first."
"I want you to be my first."
Naked now, they lay together on the bed; he was on top of her, she could feel the enormous head of his penis slipping inside her soaking wet pussy lips.
He was incredibly gentle, just moving his huge head in and out of her, stretching her open, letting her get used to his size. Sometimes he pushed in a little further, testing.
After a couple minutes, she whispered in his ear, "Go deeper."
She felt a sharp pain as he pushed in and she knew her hymen was tearing. "Go, go deeper," she whispered, her voice labored, her breath sharp.
She felt herself stretching open, inside, he was inside her now. "Oh, Kara, oh!"
She felt him pull back. No, deeper! Deeper! And then he pushed back in, sliding into her, even deeper now, stretching her wide open. "Oh my god!" she said aloud. Her legs started shaking. Oh my god I'm coming now? He's barely even started!
The whole length of her vagina was on fire. His cock was all the way in, then all the way out, then all the way in again. She felt so hot, all over her whole body but especially down between her legs, deep inside her down between her legs. And she was so wet, she couldn't believe how wet she was, it was literally dripping out of her as the automaton, her wonderful lover, slid his penis in and out of her.
Waves of ecstasy were flowing through her body, surging, each one more intense than the last. Was she coming? Was this just one long, sustained orgasm, an orgasm that lasts the entire time that he fucks her? Oh my god what a wonderful feeling!
He grunted. He's coming! Oh, Kara, come for me! Come in me! "Come inside me!" she said out loud. "Kara, come in me!"
"Oh, Marilyn," he said, "Oh!" He grunted again, coming. Coming and fucking and coming and fucking. Her legs were shaking, her whole body was shaking, she was coming with him, coming and fucking and coming and fucking, oh my god he just keeps coming! How much does he have inside him?
Finally he slowed down and then he stopped. They held each other for a little while and then he pulled out and she felt his come pouring out of her, there was so much he had filled her completely until she was overflowing and it just poured out of her, down to her anus and onto the bedsheets.
And she lay there, feeling dirty, oh so wonderfully dirty, so much of his come was inside her and draining out of her. It was a wonderful, sexy, slutty feeling. Oh, Karakuri, you can do this to me whenever you want, as often as you want, I will be your little slut forever and ever and ever.
Keys: scifi sex sci-fi sex fuckbot robotsex
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