The Dildo in Mom
A crime show played quietly in the background, as I softly dozed in my mom's bed. "Sweetheart," Mom said to me, gently shaking my shoulder, "if you fall asleep now I'll never get you to your own bed."
Yawning I replied, "Your right, your right, give me a minute and I'll get up." Thursdays were always long days. As soon as school ended I had track practice, and right from there I had to shoot over to work. By the time I got home it was always late and I was always exhausted. Before getting cleaned up for the night I always made sure to say hi to mom, who was almost always just getting into bed herself.
Tonight, as usual I had come home to find mom in bed with one of her cop dramas playing. We exchanged the usual banter. How was school, how was work etcetera, but when the time to leave came I didn't want to get up. It had been a particularly long Thursday and I had gotten incredibly comfortable and began drifting off to sleep. As Mom jostled my shoulder my eyes popped open. As my vision cleared it settled on the night stand on my side of the bed. Seeing it in that instant put a thought in my head, something that had never really occurred to me before.
"Hey Mom," I said "what do you keep in those drawers?"
With two nightstands each having four drawers, and two dressers, plus a closet they couldn't all contain clothing.
"Those ones there? They contain some of my personal things." Mom answered calmly.
"Can I look through them?" I asked, completely innocently.
"I said I keep personal things in there!" Mom snapped at me quickly with solid finality. Her response was a surprise tome, we were not a family to keep secrets, and I had never been forbidden to look through her things. Her response made me wildly curious. I had to know what was in those drawers.
That weekend I finally got me chance. I was the only one at home. Dad had a business trip and would be gone for a least two weeks. Saturday afternoon Mom left on some errands and would be gone for several hours. As soon as she was out the door I went to her room and began violating her privacy. I first looked through the drawers which contents I had already known, clothing, old family tapes, art and crafts from when I was a kid. I got through all them quickly not particularly interested in their contents but I had decided to fully map out the storage system of my mom's room. At long last I reached the mysterious nightstand and began to reveal its secrets. The first drawer contained wedding albums, nothing to riveting. It was the second drawer down that held the real reason why Mom had forbidden my peeking. I opened it and saw nothing at first. Several odds and ends but my eye quickly fell upon the real secret. It took a second of staring but my brain finally comprehended what it was I held in my gaze. A long, thick, ribbed, skin colored shaft was staring me in the face. Mom's dildo was on display before me.
I didn't know how to react. My brain screamed a thousand things at me. "My mom couldn't own a dildo she's my mom! That thing is huge; no way would she use something like that! This means that my mommy likes to masturbate! Moms can't do that! Oh my god my mom has a pussy!" The revelations sent my mind spinning, but given time things began to settle down. "OK," I told myself, "You know your mom is a woman, they have needs. It makes sense that she would own a fake cock to satisfy those needs. Owning something like that is only natural."
I made a logical argument but something just didn't feel right, however the only way to set things right terrified me; I had to talk to Mom about this. The hours ticked by and finally mom came home. I helped her put away the groceries and tried to act nonchalant but she saw right through me.
"Something wrong sweetheart?" Mom asked
"Uh...well...sort of I guess..." Stammering I tried to find the right words. I took a deep breath and got ready to come clean. " know those drawers you told me not to look in?" Mom got a "You didn't!" look in her eyes "I looked in them..." I finished. Mom turned bright red and stammered for a bit. While we had always been open, sex was something we never talked about.
"Its ok Mom, I get that you have...needs and well I... uh." With this statement Mom's color got a little less red and she chuckled "I'm the one who's supposed to tell you that. But you are right I do have needs and that helps me control them." She was clearly
embarrassed but her response was surprisingly calm.
"Ya, it's just weird to think..."
"...Of your mom masturbating?" She finished for me.
"More like it's just weird to think of you with a huge rubber cock in you pussy!"
There was a long very awkward pause. During this time I became keenly aware of my own cock pressing against my jeans. I think my mom caught sight of the bulge but I couldn't be sure.
"I mean," I started quietly "aren't your fingers good enough? Mine always do the job for me." It was my turn to turn crimson. Why did I say that?
"My fingers do, do the job but sometime I like more, I like to feel full!" Mom shot back defensively, and she reddened again.
"Doesn't Dad..." I really did not want to finish or hear the answer to that question but Mom answered it anyway "Me and your father don't have sex much anymore."
I needed to change the topic fast and blurted out an equally awkward question. "How does that thing even fit inside you?"
I couldn't believe how Mom answered, "Well I have to warm myself up first so I rub it gently on low vibrate around my clit. Once I'm nice and wet it slips right in."
Again we were in desperate need of a topic change but the only other topics that came to mind weren't much of an improvement. "Did you know that I masturbate?" I'm not sure why I thought mom would have been unaware that her 18 year son old likes to jack off.
"Of course I know you jerk it. The fact that you're 18 already confirms it, but also how many cum stained sheets and boxers do you think I've washed?" I wasn't even embarrassed, not after the candid way Mom told me how she warmed up. In fact the thought of her touching my spunk made my cock twitch.
"By the look of things," mom began to say, "it looks like you could use a good tug right now." It was true, the bulge in my pants was unmistakable. The fact that Mom had drawn attention to it and basically gave me permission to jerk off was another kick to my brain. For a second I considered dropping my pants and pleasuring myself right in front of my own mother. In that instant I realized why I had a hard on. There was a beautiful brunet standing before me, her short hair as shiny and stylish as a 20 year old's with an equally youthful body. Her perfect breasts still firm, her skin smooth and her curves elegant. And here she was openly talking to me about how she gets off. She wasn't just my mother, she was a woman. As I admired the woman before me I suddenly remembered that this was wrong, very, very wrong and immediately drove the thoughts from my mind, how in gods name could I be considering my mom as something sexual?
Neither of us knew what to say now. This conversation had spiraled way out of control and I just wanted to forget about the whole incident.
"Mom...I...I'm gunna go grab a shower..." What else could I do? My cock was hard as steel but I couldn't be allowed to pleasure myself to images of Mom's wet pussy embedded with her toy. So my only option was a frosty shower.
Chapter 2
Getting through the rest of the day was a challenge. I had to avoid seeing mom at all costs, and keep my mind continually focused on something. As soon as I let my thoughts wander images of my mother's supple body began filling my head and she'd inevitably strip off her tight shirt baring her beautiful rack to me. Sooner or later her pants would be peeled away followed by her silk panties, then it wasn't long before that damn rubber cock was filling her wet pussy.
Whenever my day dreams got this far my own cock would be standing tall and beg for attention. Yet every time my hand reached to oblige I would remember my morals, drive the wonderful images out of my head, and leave my manhood neglected. After countless
hours of this torment, and more than a few more icy showers it was time to turn in for the night. I prayed to all the gods of the world that sleep would bring me some relief, but none of them seemed to be listening.
With nothing but the cool, still, darkness, and the ticking of my clock to occupy my mind it quickly began to fill with those forbidden thoughts and in turn I would find my hand caressing my shaft or realize my hips were forcefully thrusting into my mattress. Sadly my damnable conscience would kick in every time and steel the pleasure from my starving cock. It took awhile but eventually I drifted to sleep and got a short reprieve from the sinfully delicious images of my mother. Of course my mind didn't have long to rest as I began to dream. With no conscience defense against them, the unwanted fantasies now flooded my mind in the full Technicolor and surround sound only a dream can provide.
We were naked, adrift in a vast expanse of pure black. Nothing around but her perfect naked form laid out before me. Nothing but her, and the dildo gently vibrating in my hand. We looked deeply into each other's eyes, she was my mother but it did not matter,
I was her son but it did not matter, all that mattered was the storming uncontrollable lust boiling between us. She spread her legs invitingly and I touched the vibrating shaft to her moist womanhood. When they connected warm electricity flooded my body, every molecule was excited with pleasure. I watched her toes curl and her body tighten as I slowly slid the shaft inside her. I could feel every millimeter in my own flesh. For an eternity my world was the slow thrusting of the dildo, and a staggering tirade of pleasure, until my eyes snapped open.
I was once again alone in bed staring at my clock, a glowing red "3:06 AM".
"God dam it..." My boxers were soaking wet and sticking to my thighs. The texture and smell made it undeniable; I had just experienced an intense wet dream about my mom. Grabbing a clean pair of underwear I headed to the bathroom to clean up. The wet fabric clung to my skin as I peeled it off, grumbling to myself, "Eighteen years old and I'm cumming in my pant like some hormonal pre-teen, and all because of my own fucking mom. Oh well, what's one more cum stain for her to clean."
My mind must have been playing tricks during the walk back to my room. I could not possibly be hearing what I thought I was hearing. A faint rhythmic buzz was emanating from my mothers bedroom door. Mom had mentioned that her dildo vibrated, and now I was sure I was hearing it in action. Just beyond a thin door Mom was fucking herself, her legs splayed open, her pussy dripping.
It was far to much. My will had been pushed to its limits, and this had broken it absolutely. The boxers I had just put on came right back off before I quietly sat down my back against Mom's door. I pressed my ear to the door and gladly let my mind flood with the taboo fantasies I'd been fighting.
The mental image of Mom matched the sounds I could so clearly hear. She pulled her dildo out as the buzzing grew louder. Thrust it back in as the buzzing quieted, muted by the warm folds of my real mom's pussy. She arched her back with every girlish sigh of ecstasy, and her body quivered with every animalistic grunt and moan.
My dick had wasted no time recovering from my wet dream. My cock was hard as steel and begging for attention. Happily I obliged, wrapping my hand around my desperate shaft. Any last remaining thought of restrained were quickly eradicated as I began franticly jacking my cock. As I raced toward orgasm I wondered what Mom was thinking right now. Had our conversation sparked the same incestuous lust in her? Was she dreaming that dildo was me, her only son thrusting into her womanhood?
That thought changed the picture in my mind. Instead of her vibrating toy it was my cock thrusting into her, as I groped her breast and kissed her sweet lips. This new image was to much to handle. My mind went blank and pleasure flooded my body as the most intense orgasm of my life tore through me.
"OH GOD MOM!!" I cried out, unable to control my voice. When the impossible high of my orgasm began to fade I realized the buzzing was at a single unchanging volume. Mom had stopped thrusting, she had heard my shout and she knew what I had done. I froze and panic gripped my chest. She must have thought I was a vile pervert, how could I ever look her in the eyes again? The fear was short lived as unexpectedly the now familiar sound of the dildo sliding inside my mom returned. This time the fade out was very slow, Mom must have been going millimeter by millimeter. When she finally bottomed out the buzzing was barley audible. It stayed quiet for a long time until suddenly noise erupted from behind the door. Mom's bed creaked and she let out a long guttural moan of pure ecstasy. She had just orgasmed knowing full well her son was eaves dropping.
Soon after mom's orgasm subsided all noise stopped. She had turned off the vibrating and stopped moving. In the still, quiet darkness a new wave of fear gripped me and spurred me into action. I quickly grabbed my underwear and used them to hastily mop up the mess I had made. Then I hurried to my room and crashed naked, sticky with cum and sweat, onto my bed. Emotionally and physically exhausted from the turbulent day, I didn't take long to fall into a deep contented sleep.
Chapter 3
I woke up cold, clammy, and still very naked, but I felt great. I hopped out of bed, quickly made sure the hallway was empty, and darted, still nude to the bathroom for shower. The hot water cleaned off the mess from last night, and with it melted my last remaining feelings of doubt, fear, and trepidation. While it was far from fucking her I'd had a sexual experience with my own mom, and it was fine. The world was still turning, the sun still rose in the east, and I was still here to enjoy it all. In fact it was better than fine, it was wonderful. Last night might just have been the highlight of my short life. Mom might not feel the same, but that was ok. I loved her, and we would work it out.
On that comforting thought I killed the shower. Then headed back to my room to dress for what was left of the day. Yesterday's ordeal had left me drained so I woke up late, and my shower had been long. The clock read "1:03 PM" by the time I pulled my pants on. After dressing I headed to the kitchen to make a late breakfast. Mom was there making herself lunch.
"Morning" I greeted her.
"Afternoon" She snarkily replied, "Late night last night huh."
"Ya, I couldn't sleep."
"Me too, I acutely just got up myself. You want me to make you some breakfast?"
"Ya mom that would be great."
With that the conversation ended and Mom returned to cooking. When it was ready we ate breakfast together comfortably but in silence. The rest of the day progressed almost normally. Both of us knew we needed to talk about the events last night, but neither of us were quite ready for that discussion. It wasn't until after dinner that Mom brought up the subject.
"So, about last night," she started "Did you do what I think you did?"
"Ya..." I replied, my voice a nervous whisper. "I heard you doing it and just couldn't hold back. I masturbated to you..."
"I heard you doing it too." Mom's face turned red as she spoke "I wanted to stop, and to stop you, but the whole situation just made me crazy. I let thing go to far I should have stopped. I'm sorry."
"Don't be sorry. I went a little nuts too. Finding your dildo, and then hearing you use it... I got so turned on."
Mom blushed a deeper red and asked "Do you think I'm gross like some kind of pervert?"
"No" I replied, "Your so awesome and great and so beautiful. I don't care if your my mom I wanted to...I want to..." I couldn't quite finish my sentence.
"You want to what?" Mom pried, her voice sounding strange.
"Mom," A new confidence filled me, "I want to watch you."
"What?" Her reply was slow and confused.
"I want to watch you use your dildo." Mom's face went placid. She carefully thought over what I had just said. Finally she rose slowly and began to walk towards her room. I thought she must be disgusted and could no longer look at me, but then she gestured for me to follow.
As I rounded the corner into her room, I saw that mom had already dropped her navy blue sundress to the floor. I watched her shoulders dance as she reached back and unclasped her white bra. My cock throbbed against my pants as she let the bra drop to the floor. Her beautiful naked back was facing me, and my eyes scanned it over. She was perfect from the top of her head, to her panty clad ass, to the ends of her legs. Slowly she turned around. Her arm was draped across her firm tits, covering her nipples. The caring blue eyes had changed, they were not the eyes of a mother anymore, they were the eyes of my lover. Their gaze was sultry and begging me to fuck her. Finally the arm began to drop revealing the pert pink nipples it had been concealing. The minute those perfect eraser nipples and large dark pink areolas came into view I wanted to suckle them just like I used to. Mom laid down and spread her legs wide. Through her damp cotton panties I could make out a pink stripe, I was looking at the pussy that gave birth to me, and I wanted so badly to fuck it.
"Get it for me" my Mom's instructions were clear. I went to the drawer and got her large dildo out. Holding it, and knowing were it had been and were it was going nearly made me cum in my pants. As I handed mom her dildo my hand brushed her soft breast and we both inhaled sharply. Mom turned on the vibrator and a quiet hum filled the room. She pressed it against her covered pussy and let out a deep groan. She gave me a look that said "are you sure you want to see this?" I swallowed hard and nodded yes. Without another second's delay mom peeled off her panties exposing her pussy in all its glory. It was soaking and glistened magnificently. The dripping pink lips were crowned by a trimmed patch of auburn tangles. From mom's hairy bush proudly stood her swollen, aroused clit.
True to her word Mom began to warm up. The dildo slowly circled her button of a clit. Her warm up didn't last long, not surprising as she was already gushing. With her pussy thoroughly lubed Mom plunged her Dildo deep into her begging slit.
"OH GOD YES" she bellowed like an animal. The dildo slammed in and out with loud wet sounds. Mom's groans grew louder and deeper, my breathing grew more ragged. My cock began to throb and fight against my pants. As mom's pussy soaked the sheets a small wet spot appeared where my cock dribbled pre-cum. Again and again Mom slammed the dildo into herself, and drew it out to the tip. Her other hand worked feverishly on her swelled, throbbing clit.
It seemed like an eternity that Mom fucked herself with the silicon shaft, but finally orgasm took her. With one final thrust she rammed the dildo completely into her pussy. Her back arched off the bed and she screamed, as her body convulsed and spammed. Her juices flowed from her pussy soaking the mattress.
Finally the orgasm ended and she lay back panting heavily. Her legs still spread open displaying her pussy, with the dildo still crammed inside. The air was thick with her sent. When mom finally stood up her legs wobbled and she needed to support her self with both arms, leaning against the wall in a classic strip search position which gave me a perfect view of her heart shaped ass and still filled pussy. Mom gave a small push to dislodge her dildo, and it slowly slid out of her.
Keys: mom masturbation dildo incest
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