
The Oldest Profession - sex story

The Oldest Profession

"You don't agree, do you?"

"It's not that I don't agree, I just think 30 is rather a large
number for her to handle. 30! Every day. She'll soon get worn

"I don't think so, she's young and fit. She'll cope. Anyway she's
really got no choice. And more to the point, nor have we. That's
the number we get so that's the number she'll have to handle."

"I was just thinking that we might start her off more gently."

"Look at it this way. If we reduce the number then we'll have to
put the prices up and if we do that then we'd end up with fewer
numbers. It's a vicious circle. You need a critical mass of
customers to keep the place going. Remember most of our clients
come via word of mouth. The only other alternative is to hand
over some of hers to one of the others and I don't think they'd
be too pleased. They had to cope and so must she."

"I suppose you are right. It just seems a lot considering she is
so inexperienced."

"She'll get the experience soon enough. If there's one thing this
type of work is good at, it is in providing on the job training."

They both laughed at this.

"Hmm. Yes, okay. So have you discussed it with her?"

"No. She'll do what she's told. As I said, she really has no

"It makes you wonder what makes these girls want to do it."

"Money, kudos, lots of reasons. Young women are very susceptible,
they see an older woman doing it and they envy them their
lifestyle. Then they get sucked in and before they know where
they are, they are stuck and they find they can't get any other
type of employment once it becomes known what they've been

"But it always ends up with the reality being so different from
the perceptions."

There was a shrug from the other side of the table.

"What can I say? Every job has its own mystique and so has this.
As it happens I know exactly why she came here."


"Her stepfather."

"You don't mean that horrid little man who was always asking
about how much she'd earn?"

"That's the one. It seems that he is unemployed and her mother
died years ago. So he sees the girl as his meal ticket. For what
I can gather he pressured her into it, he told her that it was
the only sort of work a girl with her qualifications could get."

"Poor girl. Fancy having to hand your earnings over to him.
Anyway couldn't she have been a typist or something."

"She wouldn't earn anywhere near the money she gets here. Anyway
don't look a gift horse in the mouth, she came just at the right
time, we needed someone else after we lost Molly."

"What happened to her? I never did find out."

"Overwork, they said. There's only so much abuse a girl can take.
Still, it was a pity as she was very good. Now she could cope
with 30 easily, she's often dealt with more when the situation
demanded it."

"Rather her than me. I couldn't think of a more tiring job."

"Like every job you get used to it in time."

"I don't think I ever could."

"I agree it's not the job for everybody. Especially in view of
the social stigma that is now attached to it. In some countries
it is regarded as performing a valuable service to the community
and as such it is regarded as a worthwhile profession. Like in
Holland, for example."

"It's a long time since I've heard it called a profession,
especially in this country."

"It used to be, before the government changed everything and gave
it such a bad name. Whatever they say, it is the oldest
profession in the world. And it is perfectly natural. Most of us
do it at one time or another."

A smile.

"Not with 30 at a time."

"True, but then again that's why she is paid so much."

"I think she earns every penny, rather her than me. Anyway,
changing the subject, is her room prepared?"

"Yes, Molly left everything as it was. All she needs is there."

Did you redecorate? If I recall the room is a bit shabby."

"They don't seem to mind. Anyway they don't come here for the

"Surely if the rooms looked nicer we'd attract more clients."

"Catch 22, I'm afraid. You attract more and then she'd have to
cope with more."

"Hmm. I see what you mean. Can you answer a question for me?
It's something I've always wondered about, do they get any
pleasure from it?"

"Some don't and some do. It's hard to say. The ones who do are
obviously the most popular so we try and encourage it."

"I can't see how anyone could enjoy it."

The headmistress smiled across at the new school governor.

"Which is probably why you are not an infant teacher in a
private school."

Keys: o sex conversation twist

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