
The swinger club - sex story

The swinger club

"Another drink, Jimmy?"

"Yeah, okay, Jerry," I said. I walked with Jerry over to the bar, where he refilled my glass. We took our glasses out to his back deck and settled down to watch the sun set.

Debby and I had gotten to Jerry and Carol's a few minutes late, but not too bad. I had completely forgotten the invitation, and worked late that day. I was surprised to find Debby talking to Jenny, the teenager from across the street, in our front yard when I got home.

Debby turned to me, and asked, "Did you forget we're having dinner tonight with Jerry and Carol?"

My mouth dropped open, and then I quickly shut it. "Oh shit!" I threw my briefcase back in the car and trotted inside. "I'll be right down."

Debby laughed and led Jenny inside, as I heard Brian say: "Mommy, Daddy said a bad word!"

"We'll just have to spank him," she told our eight-year old.

Brian took off after me up the stairs, yelling how he was going to spank me. I grabbed him up and returned him to his mother, who deposited him, in turn, with Jenny. Jenny was obviously going to be the babysitter. After a quick shower, I changed into some khakis and a pullover. Debby was ready to go, in slacks and a blouse.

At the front door, Debby kissed the boys good-bye and we left. Looking at my watch, I told her we had time to walk. The weather was perfect, and we walked the two blocks holding hands. When we got to the front door, I rang the bell several times to no response, but then we heard a yell and walked to the side fence.

"Come on around, Jerry's going to barbecue!" called out Carol from the deck.

Debby and I entered the back yard and climbed the stairs to the deck. Jerry came out the patio door with a plate of steaks, which he set on the picnic table. He and I shook hands, as Carol and Debby hugged.

Jerry and I have known each other for more than ten years, going back to when we roomed in college. He was best man at Debby's and my wedding, and I was an usher at his and Carol's. When she first met Carol, Debby couldn't figure out what she saw in him. "They're so different! I mean, it's like Mutt and Jeff!"

I suppose she was right. I mean, Jerry is maybe five-two, if he's stretching, has lost most of his hair, and only a religiously kept schedule of poorly played racquetball keeps his weight in check. An accountant. They have no kids. Carol is five-ten in her stocking feet, dark haired, dark eyed, a drop dead knockout. She used to be a model. I saw some of her work in a lingerie catalogue. Long legs, huge tits. In heels she towered over him. At his bachelor party, somebody gave him a scuba snorkel for when they danced. God knows she could smother him with those tits.

Actually, I had seen more of those tits than Jerry knew. Once, a few years ago, Debby and I had been over for dinner, and the main bathroom was being rebuilt. If you wanted to piss, you used the bath in the master bedroom. And I needed to piss.

Along several walls of the bedroom were photographs of Carol from her modeling days. All were tastefully and exquisitely done blowups of several of her more risque shots -- teddies, gowns, garter sets, and the like. After finishing my business, I had stood there and looked them over. And I noticed an open photo album on a nightstand. Sneaking over, feeling guilty, I had looked at the Polaroids inside. Obviously done by Jerry himself, these pictures showed Carol, still in lingerie, but considerably more exposed. Her gorgeous tits pointed at the lens, and in several shots her pussy was exposed. It was shaved smooth, and had a large dildo inserted.

The sight definitely got me worked up, and I really gave Debby a good fucking that night. Later that summer, we took the kids to Disney World, and rented a video camera. When we came home, before I returned the camera, I rigged a tripod up and we made a dirty movie. It was pretty standard, I suppose, and of course, no changing angles. Basically, I was a handyman working on an electrical outlet. Debby wore nothing but a very sheer blouse, a tiny wrap skirt, long stockings, and high heels. While I was turned away from her, working at the baseboard, she unbuttoned her blouse and lifted her skirt and played with herself. As I finished she tugged her skirt down and put her tits back in her blouse and left it unbuttoned. Then I asked if anything else needed fixing. She responded by removing my toolbelt and unzipping me. You get the idea. I worked on her. She still gets turned on when we watch it occasionally.

I laughed and said, "Well, it's one of two things. Either it's because he's a genuinely nice guy or it's because he's hung like a horse."

Debby stared. "No. You don't mean... Jerry...!"

"Honey I roomed with the guy three years. Secretariat should be so lucky."

Debby and Carol got to be real close. Later, she told Debby she quit modeling because it was a "... rat-race meat market..." God knows Jerry was about as far from that as the moon.

The steaks and veggies were great. Carol tapped Debby, and the two cleared the table and headed for the kitchen for cleaning and girl talk. Jerry refreshed his and my glass, and we lazed back on the lawn furniture. After a moment, he turned towards me.

"Jimmy, one of the reasons we asked you and Debby over tonight was to make an invitation to join a small club Carol and I are part of."

"One of the reasons?"

"Hey, having dinner with friends is another reason. Anyway, as I was saying, the club members thought that maybe you and Debby might want to join, so they asked me and Carol to talk to you two."

"Should we go get Carol and Debby?" I looked around, the women were still inside out of sight. "What club?"

"Carol's talking to Debby about it inside," said Jerry, somewhat opaquely. "The club really doesn't have a name, Jimmy."

He continued. "Just hold your questions for a moment, Jim. It's a small group, made up of people here in the development. You and Debby meet all the qualifications, you're both young, healthy, attractive, and in a stable relationship..."

"So how'd you qualify?" I asked. What the fuck was he talking about? What the hell kind of club was this?

Jerry made a face at me and continued. "Carol and I assured the group that you and Debby were quite discrete. Discretion is an important aspect to membership in the club."

Discrete? "What is this club, Jerry? The Weathermen? The Nazis?"

"Of course not. It's a, er, social club. We get together roughly once a month for a small meeting. There's normally twelve members, six couples, but recently a couple moved away. So now there's an opening."

"Okay, so why the secrecy?"

"You have to promise you won't divulge anything about the group to anybody. Or else I stop now and we talk about the weather."

"Yeah, okay. Sure. Cross my heart and hope you die. Now what gives?!"

"Well, it's a swing club."

"Huh?" If I had heard Jerry correctly, I was going into major shock. But I couldn't have heard him correctly.

"A swing club. You know, a little swap party, that sort of thing. You know what I'm talking about."

"Yeah, I do." A crash from the kitchen indicated that Carol had also gotten to the heart of the matter. But no screams of indignation followed, no bellows of "We're leaving!" Maybe Debby could take this kind of news better than me. "Jerry, I think you would have surprised me less if you were a Nazi."

"It's surprisingly common, Jimmy."

"Not to me it isn't. And besides, you're my best friend! How the hell do you keep something like that to yourself. I had no idea. All this time you've been leading a secret life!"

"Oh, bullshit. We're the same people you've known for years. It's just that every few weeks we do something a little out of the ordinary. I mean, we go to a cocktail party. This one just gets a little more personal."

"I guess!"

I was quiet for several moments. At the first mention of the club, I had drained my drink. Now I held the glass out for more.

"So who's in this club?"

"Can't tell you until you join."

"How's it work?"

"Well, every four weeks we meet at somebody's house for a cocktail party. It rotates month to month. That person provides booze and chips and dip. And like I say, it just gets a little more personal."

"Why us?"

"Why not? I told you the selection criteria. You two are young, healthy, good looking, stable, discrete -- you fit! We talked it over at the last get together."

"Wow." Who among my friends in this neighborhood were in this group? Obviously, Jerry and Carol weren't the only ones in the group we knew. Or would know if we joined. Joined? What, did they sit around naked passing a ballot box and black balls like a demented frat house?

"I don't know Jerry. I mean, I never thought... I'd have to talk to Debby... swapping? I just don't know."

Debby came out of the kitchen with Carol about ten minutes later. She had a strange look on her face, and we excused ourselves and went home.


We walked back home kind of quietly, Debby holding my hand. The two blocks took only minutes. It was only half past nine when we turned up the walk, but Jenny had already put the kids to bed. Debby fished out a couple of fives for Jenny, and I watched from the porch as the girl went across the street to her own house.

Pretty little thing. I often saw her walking around the neighborhood. Slim, with long legs. A bit skinny, but nice, pert young breasts. She mostly wore cutoff shorts and tight, white tee shirts. I'd seen her a few Friday nights heading out on dates, usually in the same sort of outfits, but without the bra she wore during the day. Nice nipples. I could just see her in the back of some old Chevy, tee shirt up over her tits, shorts around her ankles. She'd be moaning and urging on some pimply faced teenager, his pants around his ankles. They'd be thrashing around, sweaty, complaining about the cramped back seat, coming, then doing it again anyway.

I shook my the thought from my head. Inhaling deeply, I went inside. Debby was already upstairs. I could hear her in the shower. I started to undress.

The shower went off and I could hear Debby drying herself. I was pulling my pants off when she came out of the bathroom. She was naked, her body glistening from the remaining moisture. She was still drying her hair as she walked to her closet. She pulled out a long, shapeless flannel nightgown and began to pull it over her head.

Damn, but she still looked as good as the day we met. Average height, maybe five-five. Great ass and legs. Narrow waist, almost wasp-waisted, even after two kids. No stretch marks. I guess that baby oil I rubbed on her belly really did work. Certainly it had made her horny enough.

She turned towards me as she lowered the nightgown past her hips. Her pussy hair was trimmed real short and neat. Her large, full breasts showed briefly as she began to button the front. They sagged a little, but thirty-eight Ds will do that. They swayed and bounced seductively as she continued buttoning.

She looked up when she realized I was staring. Then her gaze dropped, down to my groin. I looked down also, to see my erection pointed straight up and out. She smiled and said, "I don't think he's quite ready to sleep yet." I smiled, and twitched my cock at her.

Debby began unbuttoning the nightgown. Halfway through, she reached into my closet and threw me my silk bathrobe, and a pair of silk pajama bottoms. "Why don't you go down and pour us a couple of brandies? I'll be down in a few minutes."

I was grinning as I slipped on the robe and went down the hallway. Liquor usually got Debby fairly horny, brandy got her very horny. I went downstairs to the den and turned on a lamp in the corner. I popped a bulb out and angled the shade so the light wouldn't be too bright. I opened my robe and pulled on the pajama bottoms, then tightened the robe again. I turned on the stereo, and put some light jazz on the CD, turned down low. Finally I poured two snifters of brandy and sat down in my lounger.

Debby entered after about fifteen minutes. The wait was worth it. She had blow-dried her hair, and it hung in golden curls to her shoulders. She was wearing a sheer, almost transparent, black, ankle length satin robe, open at the front, that wafted away from her, showing what she wore underneath. This consisted of a 'Merry Widow' corset, thin straps supporting underwired open cups, exposing very large, very erect, very protruding nipples. The corset was also in black, a sheer lace I could see her navel through. It came down partway on her hips, from which garter straps went down to very long, almost up to the crotch, black fishnet stockings. She wore no panties. She completed the effect with some very high, at least four inch, heeled shoes that strapped around her ankles.


Debby smiled subtly and walked over to the bar where I had left her snifter. She gazed at me over the glass, sipping slowly but fully. She had even been able to put on a touch of lipstick and eyeshadow, and I could detect her perfume from my seat. How she could do this in fifteen minutes, and other times complain an hour wasn't enough to get ready for dinner was beyond me. Again, her eyes lowered to my crotch.

My erection was back in full force, and had pushed it's way out the front of the pajamas and the robe. I took another sip of my brandy, as she set her empty snifter down and walked over to me.

"That's so big, it looks painful. Perhaps I can reduce the swelling," she said. Then she knelt between my legs and put both hands and her head in my lap. She gently began to stroke the length of the shaft, and began to lick the underside. I lay back to watch artistry in action, as waves of pleasure radiated the length of my cock. For several minutes she continued to lick, first under the head, then the bottom and sides of the shaft, and then down to my aching balls. Then she would work her way back up to the head. Just when I thought it couldn't get better, Debby raised up a bit, and then placed the head in her mouth. She lowered her head onto my throbbing dick, slowly engulfing the entire thing. As her hands softly stroked the shaft and fondled my nuts, she began slowly deep throating me. Her head rose and fell the length of my cock, as her tongue swirled on the undersides, and her cheeks puckered from the suction she was giving. With a quiet groan, I exploded down her throat. Debby never stopped sucking my come and pumping my shaft and balls for more.

When I was finally spent, Debby let my cock out from her lips, and looked up at me. Eyes shining, she reached over and took my forgotten brandy. She dribbled the come into the glass and finished the liquor in a long seductive swallow, and then began massaging my cock with both hands. Almost immediately, it came back to life.

Standing, she straddled my legs and began to lower herself onto me. "Now, I want you to give me a long slow fuck," she whispered hotly. I stopped her for a moment as I reclined the lounger, then I helped her up onto me. She straddled me in a kneeling position, fishnet clad knees on either side of my hips. Sitting straight up, she impaled herself on me, as my hands guided her hips into position.

Gyrating her pussy slowly, she gave me an excellent show. She opened my robe and ran her long painted nails through my chest hair, scratching at my nipples. She opened her robe more, allowing it to drop off her shoulders onto her arms. Our fingers alternated positions. At one moment she would be caressing and pinching her nipples and I would have my fingers rubbing her wet, extended clit. Then I would play with her tits, as she rubbed her clit and, when exposed, my cock. Her pelvis moved all around, sometimes back and forth, sometimes side to side, sometimes in a circular motion. She was flexing her knees, causing her to bounce on the engulfed erection, sometimes short and fast strokes, then following with long, slow strokes, so long my cockhead teased her lips. After a seeming eternity of bliss, her breathing became coarser and more ragged, and the pelvic movement subsided, as she began to concentrate on long, rapid penetrations. She began plunging up and down, whimpering and moaning, until my straining cock could stand no more, and I spewed upwards into her womb. She collapsed onto my heaving chest.

We lay that way for several minutes, as my shrinking manhood slowly deflated and finally slipped out of her still twitching pussy. I could feel the cool night breeze on my cock, as our mixed juices ran down my cock onto my balls. Then Debby climbed out of the chair and went to the bar. She refilled our snifters, and drank heavily from mine, handing me hers. She shrugged her shoulders, and the robe slipped to the floor.

I stood and walked over to her. I left my robe in the chair, and my pajama bottoms slid down to my ankles at the bar. I kicked them off and stood there naked. Debby looked at my body, staring as my dick began a slow rise once more. "Fuck me again, Jimmy!" she implored. "Fuck me hard! In my ass, Jimmy! Please, Jimmy, fuck me hard in my ass!"

I smiled down at her and bent down to her tits. I began licking and nibbling her nipples, first one then the other, as I placed one hand on her cunt and the other on her ass. I gripped her cheeks firmly, as my fingers rubbed and pinched her blood filled clit. She shuddered, and began to beg. "Oh, God! Please, Jimmy, fuck me in the ass! Now, Jimmy! I want it in my ass! Now, I want it now!" I continued the torment until her body shook with her orgasm. Fresh juices coated the hand at her crotch. Her pleadings continued, as she stood before me on now rubbery legs.

I turned her around and walked her to the Ottoman in front of the lounger. Debby eagerly dropped down before it and lay over it, kneeling and spreading her legs. She watched over her shoulder as I positioned myself between her wide spread thighs. I teased her with my cock at her gaping cunt, and then plunged into her cunt.

"No, Jimmy, I want you in my ass!" she cried, and she placed both hands on her asscheeks and pulled them apart. But I was only toying with her, as I lubricated my cock in her sopping twat. On the outstroke, I pulled out, and positioning my cockhead at the tiny opening, slowly poked my dick into her asshole. She cried out in pleasure as I stood still, allowing her sphincter to widen and accommodate me. Then I began a slow and steady movement inwards, bracing her hips with my hands. Her pelvis was grinding enough to stretch her asshole around me, and at the end of one smooth plunge I was in to the hilt. I could feel my balls slapping her thighs and pussy.

Debby has the tightest and wettest pussy I have ever fucked. Appropriately, her asshole is very tight and wet, also. After another brief moment of quiet, I withdrew and began to fuck her with long, hard strokes. When I hit bottom I would slam her crotch into the Ottoman. Debby reached down and put both hands on her pussy. Through the thin membranes I could feel a finger reaching up into her cunt, and I knew the other would be working her clit vigorously. I reached around her and grabbed her big tits, and began pulling and pinching her huge nipples. This fuck didn't last as long as the first. Debby was very aroused and vocal, telling me how big it felt and how she was coming repeatedly. Finally, I couldn't stand the pleasure, and letting go her tits, I grabbed her hips and slammed in one last time. I exploded in her ass, my balls pumping. I thought she'd start spitting the jism out her mouth, I was coming so hard. I collapsed on her back.

The music had been over for some time now. I withdrew and we stood. Picking up our clothes, we finished our drinks, turned off the stereo and the lights, and walked hand-in-hand to our bedroom.


A few days later it was Saturday, and I slept late. When I got out of the sack I knew I was the last one up. I showered and shaved, dressed in some old slacks and a flannel shirt, and walked down to the kitchen.

Debby was doing breakfast dishes. "Morning, sleepyhead," she said, then leaned over and kissed me. "Coffee?"

"Please." I sat at the table. "Where's the boys? And who are they terrorizing today?"

Debby laughed brightly. "Little Jimmy took Brian up to the playground. They'll be back in a while." She handed me a cup.

Debby looked pretty good. She was wearing a simple dress, with buttons collar to waist, and low sandals. The dress was pleasingly tight and short. As she stood, facing away from me, I could see the outlines of her bra and panties, cutting into her soft flesh, under the light cotton. It was a fine view, and my crotch stirred.

"Have you thought about what Jerry and Carol said?" Debby asked.

I jerked out of a daydream involving Debby bent over the counter. "Yeah. I guess so. You?"

"Um, hmm. What's your opinion?"

"I don't know. What's yours?"

"I asked you first," she returned.

"Like I said, I don't know. I suppose it's kinda interesting, in a way. But I don't want to even think about it if you don't want to."

"Don't put it all on me."

"No, really! If you didn't want to, we don't. Simple as that."

"Would you want to otherwise?"

"Maybe. Does the thought of screwing Carol or somebody else make me hard? Sure. So what? If you don't want to I don't want to. The thought of screwing you makes me hard, too." I stood and leaned against the counter. "What about you? Do you want to fuck Jerry or anybody else?"

"Maybe. I suppose it's a fantasy."

I refilled my coffee cup. "Listen, if you want, we can go. If you feel uncomfortable, we make our excuses and bug out. Or not. When do we have to decide by?"

"I told Carol we'd let them know by next weekend. The party, or whatever, is the following Friday."

The conversation hadn't eased my erection. I looked down at Debby's profile again, and put down my cup. I pivoted and was pressed against her warm rump.

"Jimmy! What are you doing?"

I began to tug at the hem of her dress. "I think you know what I'm doing."

"The boys will be back soon. Now stop it," she was squirming against the counter, trying to pull the skirt down, as I was trying to pull it up. After more protests, she pushed me back and whirled to face me. "Now behave! The boys could walk in any minute now!"

I simply smiled and pushed her back against the counter, now facing me. I brought my hands up and began unbuttoning her dress at the neck.

"Jimmy! Stop it!" Debby laughed at me. She brought her hands up and tried to rebutton the dress. It was a fun race, but I was slowly winning. "Jimmy! We can't! Not here! Not now!"

I laughed and grabbed her hand. Debby yelled some more as I dragged her out of the kitchen and up the stairs. I pulled her into the bedroom. She clung to the door briefly, locking it and slamming it shut. Then I pushed her onto the bed.

Laughing, she began to unbutton the buttons I had missed earlier. I unzipped my slacks, and pushed them and my shorts down. Reaching down, I rudely pushed the dress above her hips. Grabbing her panties, I whisked them off her outstretched legs. I then pushed the legs wide apart and plunged in.

"Oh, God, Jimmy!" Debby's legs wrapped around my back as her pelvis ground against me. I supported myself on my hands, and withdrew slightly, and Debby finished with the buttons. Her bra had a front clasp, and she popped that next. Her breasts were flushed, her nipples erect. I rammed back in.

I threw my weight on top of her and Debby responded in kind. She wrapped her arms around my neck and kept her legs wrapped around my waist as I bucked against her. She was as hot and horny as I was. Much too fast, we came together in a flood of heated juices.

"Mom! Jimmy called me a dweeb!"

"Did not! Mom, Brian's lying again!"

We looked at each other and laughed. Pulling out, I stood and Debby hurriedly buttoned up. Then Debby unlocked the door and dealt with the latest crisis. It was then I noticed Debby's panties still on the floor where I had thrown them. She had been too hurried to put them back on. I smiled and picked them up. I used them to wipe the come off my cock, before throwing them in the hamper.


Debby settled the boys down, then grabbed her car keys. She yelled she had to go to the store, and then took off. I played at Daddy the rest of the morning and the early afternoon. Around three, Debby returned, and I helped her unload bags from the car.

Surreptitiously, I looked at her legs and ass. No stockings, no panty lines. I wondered if she realized yet, she wasn't wearing underwear. In the kitchen, I bumped against her while putting away groceries. My fingers couldn't detect anything under the dress.

"That's right, you bastard, no panties," Debby hissed under her breath.

Smiling, I leaned against the counter, and whispered back, "When did you notice?"

"Lunch." She continued to unpack groceries. "I'm sitting in McDonald's and these two teenage boys are staring between my legs. Giggling and pointing. You bastard." Now she smiled back.

"Didn't your mother teach you to cross your legs?" I asked innocently.


We finished putting stuff in the pantry, and then Debby headed for the bedroom. Going for some panties, I thought. On tiptoes, I followed. I pushed the bedroom door open to find her pulling her bureau drawer open.

Seeing me, she smiled and called me a bastard again. I came in and locked the door behind us.

"What do you want?" she asked.

"I think you know," I said. I took the panties out of her hands and stuffed them back in the drawer. Then I pushed the drawer shut and nestled up behind her.

"Not again, Jimmy! What about the boys?"

"Again. The boys are watching a video." I reached down and pulled the hem of her skirt above her waist. Then I reached down and unzipped my pants again. My cock sprang out. Her bare ass cheeks were warm against my straining manhood. Holding her hips, I pushed her against the bureau, and entered her from behind.

"Oh, Jimmy!" she moaned. In the mirror before us, I watched her hands slide to her cunt. Her fingers began to massage her clit. She was standing on her toes, her back arched against my chest. She brought her head back against my shoulder. "Yes, Jimmy, yes!" she whispered.

Not stopping the slow thrusting, I reached my hands around and unbuttoned her dress again. The straining fabric popped open as I worked my way to her navel. Then I slowly drew them up along her belly, over the bulging brassiere, to the arms. Taking the fabric, I drew the dress down off her arms, so that it was now hanging from her waist. Debby was now thrusting back at me, watching in the mirror as I disrobed her.

"The bra, Jimmy, take off the bra." Her voice was now hoarse, panting.

"I planned on it, my dear." I slid my hands up her sleek flanks, back up to the bra, now overflowing with excited tits. I unhooked the snap and drew it away from her arms. Her breasts sprang forth. Her nipples seemed huge in the reflection. My cock grew even harder, and I began thrusting fiercely.

"Oh, God, Jimmy!"

I pushed Debby harder against the bureau. She placed her hands on the top, supporting her weight. I grabbed her hips and held them up, and thrust even more vigorously. In the mirror, I could see her tits bouncing and swaying, her teeth delicately biting her lower lip. She was moaning so quietly and so urgently. Her cunt felt so tight, so hot, so juicy. It was twitching around me, in spasms. I came, ramming it in one last time. Her back arched against my chest.

"Mom! Make Brian give back the TV control!"

I looked at her in the mirror and we both laughed. "Mommy will be down in a minute!" I called out. "She's busy right now." We laughed again, and I pulled my limp dick out of her drenched cunt.

Debby tugged her dress down again, then bent over to pick up her bra. Faster, I grabbed it and moved back.


I took the bra and wiped my cock off on one of the cups. Then I moved back to her. Grabbing her dress, I pulled it above her cunt, and used the other cup to wipe off her wet pussy. I tossed the bra into the bathroom towards the hamper. "No underwear."


"No underwear."

She looked at me for a moment, then slipped her arms into the dress sleeves. As I zipped, Debby smiled and whispered, "Bastard!"

I laughed and unlocked the door. Back to the kids.


Debby came back downstairs about thirty minutes later. She had changed her dress and had first taken a shower. She had a clean, soap scent about her, not the fresh fucked scent she wore when I came downstairs. The new dress was similar to the first, but lighter, tighter, and shorter. She had changed shoes, too. Instead of the flat sandals she wore to the store, she had on a pair of high heeled sandals. I rubbed her back when the boys couldn't see.

"No bra or panties, bastard," she whispered.

"I'll tell my mother you said that," I whispered back.

"And I'll tell her what you did to make me say it."

"She'll call you a shameless hussy," I replied.

"So? I am."

Dinner passed, as did TV time. Debby teased me the rest of the night. She unbuttoned her dress down to the level of her tits, giving me a great look at her cleavage. Her nipples poked through the thin cotton. After dinner, in the family room, while the kids watched the tube, she placed her legs so that I could see straight up her dress. Her pussy was pink and moist through the trim blond curls.

Thank God the boys were too young to know what was going on. Of course, I had noticed Little Jimmy starting to look through the Penney's catalog at more than toys. Now he seemed to be noticing the bra and nightgown sections. The boys seemed to stay up forever, but then again, they didn't have school the next day.

Finally the boys hustled off to bed around ten. Debby and I continued watching the TV, she in her armchair and me in mine, facing her. Every five or ten minutes I saw a hand steal up to her chest and pop another button. After half an hour, the dress was completely undone. Her belly button stared at me, and her nipples pointed up. Her skirt had ridden up her thighs, now spread wide. Debby began to slowly play with herself, teasing me along with her nipples and clit. I sipped a beer and idly watched.

When the news ended, Debby stood. "Coming to bed?" she asked. One eyebrow arched, and she did a bump-and-grind in my direction. I upended the beer bottle down my throat and followed her to our room.

Once in our room I rapidly stripped. Debby, almost naked to begin with, was faster. She sat on the bed facing me with her legs spread wide. I moved to join her on the bed.

"Not so fast, buster," she said to me. "All day long I've been doing what you want. It's your turn now."


Pointing to the floor between her feet, she said, "Dinner time."

I knelt between her legs and lowered my head to her crotch. A heavy, musky scent almost overpowered a light floral scent. Not only had she showered, she had douched. She pushed her ass to the edge of the bed, then put her hands behind my head. Pulling me into her cunt, she said, "Lick your plate clean."

I eagerly complied. Her finger fucking had made her pussy hot and juicy. Burying my lips in hers, I tongued out her cunt as deep as I could go. After a few minutes of the delicious futility, I shifted north and, putting my lips around her bright red clit, started sucking. The effect was electrifying. Her thighs began quivering, and Debby began gasping out her joy. After a few minutes, she collapsed backwards onto the bed.

I rose and crawled onto the bed with her. Debby recovered rapidly and twisted around, head to toe. Straddling my face, she murmured, "Dessert," and bent down to engulf my hard dick with her lips. Sliding my hands up her thighs, I spread her pussy lips and she settled her cunt over my mouth. Debby came in an endless orgasm, her juices flooding onto my face. But she never stopped licking and sucking my cock until the jism finally exploded into her mouth. At one point, she gagged slightly, and some of my come dribbled out of her mouth. She licked and sucked it back off my dick.

We both sank into each others arms. I began to doze, when I felt her hands massaging my limp prick back to life. "Wanna try for the hat trick?" she said. I simply smiled, and she continued her hand job. "That should do it," she said when it was hot and hard again.

Drawing her legs up, she straddled my waist and lowered her twat onto the erection she continued to hold in her hands. Rocking forwards, she thrust her tits in my face. Taking the hint, I began sucking them, alternating, left, then right. Debby moaned. Supporting herself with one arm on the bed, she kept the other in our joined crotches, simultaneously rubbing my shaft and her clit. She was really juicy -- the wet spot was going to be a new Great Lake. Finally, she came, her ass bouncing like a jackhammer. The incredible friction made me come like I thought she was going to blow off of me.

Laying on the bed afterwards, she slipped off the sandals. Smiling over at me, she said, "We gotta get rid of the kids the next weekend we want to do this all day."

Chest heaving, I could only agree.


"So what's the dress code for an orgy?" I asked Debby. "I haven't talked to Jerry since we had that dinner." The next day, Jerry had gone for a week to a convention. An accountant's convention, now that must be real fun. Then again, maybe I didn't know Jerry or accountants as well as I thought I had. And then the day he came back, I had a sales trip downstate, for a week. I had left it up to Debby to sort things out.

I was shaving as I asked, dressed in my bathrobe. Debby was taking a shower. She looked pretty good through the frosted glass door. You could see just enough to stay interested. She spoke up. "Supposed to be informal tonight. Wear slacks and a shirt. Carol says no underwear. They tend to get lost or mixed up."

"Informal tonight? You mean sometimes these things are formal?"

"Occasionally. Apparently the one around New Year's they make dressier. And in October the party is in costumes."


"Yeah. Halloween. Carol says last year Jerry dressed like a lumberjack, and she wore nothing but a red cape, red fishnet stockings, and red heels. You know, Little Red Riding Hood and the Woodsman."

"That would be interesting."

Debby turned off the water and stepped out of the shower. I watched as she dried herself off, and my cock stirred loose from the robe. Debby laughed and put on her robe. "Save it for later."

I snorted. "One thing puzzles me. With six women, odds are at least one of you is going to be on the rag."

"We're all on the pill and we synchronized."


Debby shook her head and gave me her exasperated "Men!" look. "They hold these, uh, things, every four weeks. And all birth control pills have twenty-eight day cycles."


"So, by ending a cycle early, you can induce an early period and change the cycle. Haven't you ever noticed that when we go away together, I'm never menstruating?"

"Uh, I guess not." Another look.

We left the bathroom to dress. I slipped on some khaki slacks, a light dress shirt, and some loafers. No socks, no shorts. Debby took forever trying to decide what to wear, before settling on a light sundress. Very pretty, it had a tube top with tiny straps that tied at the shoulders. Below the waist it hung loose to the knees. Excellent view of her cleavage, and easily lifted. I know. I've lifted it often. A personal favorite. She sat to put on some ankle strapped, high heeled sandals.

"How are my folks?" I asked. Earlier, Debby had taken the boys over to my parents for the weekend. We'd pick them up on Sunday, by which time my parents would be run ragged, and Debby and I would have fucked each other ragged.

"Oh, okay. Same as always." She looked up at me. "You'll never believe what I found at their place."


"A vibrator! I mean, a dildo at your mom's and dad's!"

"Now where'd you find that? Snooping in their bedroom?"

"I'm serious! I was alone in the living room for a few minutes and sat on the couch. And I feel this hard something or other down in the cushions. So I pulled it out. I couldn't believe it!"

"So'd you return it to Mom? Here, Mom, you left this downstairs?" I laughed deeply.

"Very funny, wise guy. No, I heard her come back in and I stuffed it back down in the chair. Jimmy, it was huge. I mean, it was as big as any that we've got." She looked up at me as I smiled. "Well, you're taking this much better than I would have thought."

"What, that my parents have sex? Honey, where'd I come from, the stork?" I leaned back against my dresser and watched Debby dress. "Hey, I've known my parents fucked since I was Little Jimmy's age. They have a very active sex life. Very."

"I never would have guessed, to look at them."

I knew what she meant. Both are in their sixties, short and pudgy, wrinkled and gray. "I remember when I was fourteen, they took my sister and me to this cabin on a lake for a vacation. So one night, I couldn't sleep, you know, my occasional insomnia? And I heard them going at it real late. The walls were like tissue. They were being real vocal. Dad's telling her how to blow him, Mom's telling him how to eat him, they're both telling each other how to fuck. They really like sex!"

"God! You're kidding!"

"Nope. I was an asshole the next day. I mean, my father, sure, but my mom? Never!" I laughed. "Then I figured out that I wouldn't be around otherwise, and said so what."


"One time my mother was talking to Sis. Dad was having some prostate trouble, and the doctor thought they might have to operate. So my sister the nurse tells her about the procedure, and about the odds for impotency. Mom just says, real quiet, 'We wouldn't like that.'"

Debby laughed at that. "He's all right, though."

"Oh, sure. Problem went away."

Debby stood and we went downstairs. She said, "I just can't see your parents screwing. Or mine. At least when Dad was alive."

I laughed again. "Yeah, well I saw your mom last week."

"Oh? I talked to her yesterday, and she didn't say anything."

"She didn't see me."

"So why didn't you say hello? I thought you liked my mother?"

"I do." And I do. They say before you marry a woman, take a close look at her mother, because that's who'll she'll look like in twenty years. So Debby's going to look real nice. Debby's mom is only mid-fifties, and built like Debby. Nice legs, slim waist, big tits. Pretty face and has grayed quite nicely. "But she really wasn't in the mood for family." Debby's dad had died a few years previously, rather young.

"Why? Where was she?"

"In a bar."


"I was down in Salem. It was late, and I took the client out for drinks and dinner at the Holiday Inn. It must be about eight, and we're in the lounge, and I look up at a mirror, and who do I see? Your mom and some guy. Handsome fellow, I suppose, well dressed, around her age. And they're not paying attention to anyone else."

"No! Mom?!"

"She never saw me. Had on this red skirt and jacket, and a white blouse. The skirt buttons up the front. Well, loverboy puts his hand on her knees..."

"How'd you see this?" asked Debby.

"Like I said, in a mirror. They were in a booth, probably figured nobody could see. But I had a great shot under the table. Any way, he puts his hand on her knee? And she pops a few buttons on the skirt. His hand went sliding home. And then she puts one of her hands in his lap. She's stroking through his pants like crazy."

"God! I can't believe it, I mean, my mother!"

"Debby, you knew she dated since your dad died? Right?"

"Yeah, but I guess I never went the next step."

"Well, your mom ain't dead. She seemed to be having a fine old time."

"God! What happened next?"

"They finished their drinks and Romeo showed her a room key. They got up and left. And get this. Your mom wasn't wearing panty hose. She had on stockings, and no bra."


"I told you, the mirror. And when she went past on the way out, she didn't rebutton the skirt. I could see the garters and stocking tops. And the blouse was real thin. She was just bouncing away."


Debby was quiet as we went out to the car. It was drizzling lightly, and we drove over. We drove in silence. I hoped I hadn't fucked up her view of her parents. I should have kept quiet. We pulled up outside Jerry and Carol's house.

"Look. I'm sorry I said anything."

Debby shook her head and looked at me, smiling. "It's okay. I just never thought of Mom and Dad that way. I hope she had fun." She leaned across the seat and kissed me lightly. "Ready?"

"I guess. Just remember. If you feel uncomfortable, or just want to go, say the word and we're gone."

"It's okay. Let's see what it's like." I walked her up the walkway with my hand on her ass, and felt thin lace panties under the dress. I looked at her quizzically.

Laughing, she said, "Last minute nerves." I laughed with her.

Jerry greeted us at the door. He was dressed like me, but with a sport coat on. Carol waved and came over. She was in a light silk chemise that came down to mid thigh, and heels. She kissed us both. Jerry steered me to the bar.

I literally stared at the scene. It was like nothing I had expected. "This is not what I thought it was going to be," I told Jerry.

He laughed. "What did you expect?"

"I don't know. Not this."

"What? Maybe a full blown orgy on the carpet?"

"Yeah. Or maybe just a scene from a Fellini movie. This looks just like a cocktail party."

Jerry laughed again. "It is! I told you. It's just like a cocktail party. Only it gets more personal."

"Well it's not there yet."

"The night is young."

I looked around. Most of the people I knew or was friends with. Dan and Cindy Loomis, the Summers, Bob and Bobbi, Jeff Golden and Denise Haller, and a pair I didn't know, Ted and Alice West. One thing, though, all of the women wore skirts or dresses, and none wore a bra, that I could detect. I got Debby a drink, and we separated. Like every party, the men talked in one group, and the women in another.

At least initially. After about fifteen minutes Dan Loomis, a tall fellow with that blonde "surfer" look, split off from the guys and went over to the women. He whispered in the ear of Bobbi Summer, a short, petite girl in a blouse and skirt, and then followed her down the hall. Then, I felt a tug at my arm.

"Could you give me hand in the library?" asked Carol.

"Sure," I said, and followed her down the steps.

Stupid me. I figured she needed some help. When we got there, she closed the door.

"What's the problem?"

Carol walked up to me, so close her chest touched mine. "I'm horny, and I need a good fuck," she said.

"Oh." So this is how it begins. What about Debby? Would I be able to come if she called? What if I fucked, and she didn't? A million thoughts ran through my mind before Carol called me back.

"I've seen you looking at me. Staring at me at the pool. Looking down my dress at the Christmas party," she whispered throatily to me. "Don't you want to see what you've been missing?"


"Here. Give me your hands." Taking my hands, Carol lifted them to her breasts. The chemise showed a nice amount of cleavage, and while opaque, molded itself to her so that nothing was left to my imagination. She placed my sweaty palms on her tits, part on the fabric, part on her tits. She closed her eyes and moaned slightly. Her tits felt so warm and alive. "God, that's good. Wouldn't you like to see them?" Leaving my hands where they were, Carol moved her hands to the straps and slowly pulled them down off her shoulders. The fabric covering her breasts slipped beneath my fingers, until my hands were touching her naked tits.

They were huge. Big nipples, hard and firm. The chemise slipped down her body to the floor. I looked down. She was wearing nothing but thigh top stockings under the slip. Suddenly my mouth was excruciatingly dry.

"Um... um..."

"Here, have a seat." Carol pushed me down onto a couch, and sat beside me. "Why don't we make you more comfortable." She moved her hands to my pants and undid my belt. Unzipping my pants, she asked, "I think this is more comfortable. Don't you?"

"Um... ah..."

I felt like putty in her hands. No thoughts entered my mind except this gorgeous woman pulling my pants to my knees. My cock was certainly comfortable, though. It seemed to have a life of it's own, and was as rigid as I could ever remember it. It pointed at the ceiling.

Wordlessly, Carol straddled my erection and slowly lowered herself onto me. I felt as if I would explode at the warm, wet contact, but she slid her hands down and squeezed the base of my root and stopped my imminent climax. Then she began to rock back and forth, lifting off and sinking back slowly. She unbuttoned my shirt, and rubbed her massive mammaries against my chest. Although, Debby and I had often fucked this way at home, somehow this was different, wonderfully, delightfully different. My pelvis reacted without conscious thought, thrusting upward to meet her increasingly rapid descents. Minutes later, we came in a heated rush.

After a few moments resting against me, Carol hopped off my lap and stood. "Let's get back to the party." I zipped my pants again, tucking in my shirt, but leaving it unbuttoned. Taking my hand, she led me back upstairs. She left her dress in the library. What would Debby say?


I was surprised to find the living room somewhat empty when we got upstairs. It seems that a number of people had paired off and were cavorting privately. I didn't know what to expect, and decided to watch and learn.

My concerns about Debby were ungrounded. She was sitting in Jerry's lap in an armchair, watching Cindy, Jeff, and Alice. Jeff was seated on the center of the couch, while Cindy sat at his feet and Alice knelt beside him. Alice was a slim blonde, and had removed her shirt to reveal, small, perky breasts. Jeff was leaning over sucking those breasts, while he had one hand under her denim miniskirt. Alice's moans told where that hand was and what it was doing. Cindy, an average size redhead with a cute figure, had unwrapped her wrap skirt. Now, dressed only in her tube top, stockings and garters, and high heels, she was deep throating Jeff. His pants were around his ankles, and he had taken off his shirt.

Jerry was watching the trio also, but he had matters well in hand. Debby's shoulder straps had been untied and her tube top had been pushed down to her waist. In addition, her skirt had been raised above her hips. Jerry's pants were unzipped, and his prodigious member was erect and stuffed up Debby's twitching pussy. He had shoved her panties aside far enough to fuck her. One of her legs was over the arm of the chair, and the other rested on the floor. She leaned back against her partner and both were watching the group on the couch.

Cindy's ministrations had the expected effect on Jeff. Grunting, he began thrusting his hand hard under Alice's skirt as he exploded onto Cindy's tonsils. Alice gave a small shudder and cry, and clasped his head to her breasts.

The sight definitely turned on Debby. She reached down to her crotch with both hands and began rubbing Jerry's buried cock and exposed nuts. Her cunt was spasming as he gave a final thrust and came upwards into my wife.

We fucked in that position every once in a while, usually while watching a porno flick together. Watching her do it with another man, while they watched a live sex show, really turned me on. My cock immediately came to attention again, harder than before.

"Where's everybody else?" I quietly asked Carol. "By my calculations, there's one more man than woman, at the moment."

Looking thoughtful, Carol responded, "Hmmm... Denise has probably got two guys on board. She likes sandwiches. Get my drift?"

I certainly did. This made me even hornier, and I looked hungrily in my wife's direction. I wanted to fuck her in another man's come!

Carol saw my look and put a hand on my arm, stopping me. "We've got a small rule, of sorts. No fucking your own partner. It makes it that much more fun when you finally get them home." I smiled at her, and laughed.

Fortunately, Alice came over and joined us. She kissed my cheek and took my hand. Before we went down the hall, Carol stopped me and kissed me, also. "You're going to like this, Alice."

Alice and I walked out of the living room, and she led me to the kitchen. Placing her hands on the table, she checked it for strength. Satisfied, she turned around and hopped up on it. "Having fun, so far?" she asked.

"I must admit, I am."

"Good. Ted and I didn't know you and Debby, but everyone else thought you two would fit right in. We really hope you enjoy things."

"Oh, I think we can safely say that this is enjoyable."

Alice grinned broadly. "Yeah, I suppose we can say that." She leaned forward and tucked a finger in my belt. Tugging me forward, she unzipped my pants. "My, my. Now that's very interesting. Let's see just how enjoyable this can be." Alice scooted her ass forward on the table top. Popping the snaps holding her skirt together, she was instantly naked. She reached forward and wrapped both hands on my cock.

I didn't need any hints. Moving even closer, I took her in my arms and kissed her hard on the lips. Her tongue met mine, as we explored each other's mouths. Her hands stayed between us, on my dick and on her pussy. Reaching down, I took the shaft in my hand and began rubbing the head the length of her slit and over her clit. The effect was electrifying. Moaning and whimpering, Alice wrapped her arms around me. "Oh, God, fuck me! Please! Just fuck me!"

I continued to tease her with the head of my cock, and she continued to plead with me to put it all the way in. Finally, I had worked her to the point where she put both hands back to her crotch. Grabbing the now moistened cock, she wrapped her legs around my waist, and simultaneously pulled and pushed me inside her. With a tiny shudder, she came upon penetration. I could feel her hot juices as her cunt pulsed.

I placed one hand on her smooth back, and placed the other on her small breasts. While nowhere near as large as Debby's or Carol's, Alice's B cups had some attractive features. Very smooth, oversized nipples, very pointy and erect, no sag. The perfect breasts for those who believed that more than a mouthful is wasted. As I began to vigorously rub and massage the nipples, I began thrusting hard into her cunt. Alice gasped and responded with a passion. Her hands began scratching and rubbing my cock as it bucked and plunged. Her legs tightened on my waist, and I felt wonderfully trapped. She began panting and gasping out, "Harder! Faster!" The table squeaked in time with my thrusts.

Finally, as her cunt spasmed a second time for me, I could stand it no longer. Legs weakening, I gave several weak thrusts and pumped a full load up her snatch. She sealed the orgasm with a deep kiss.


It was almost with a sigh of relief that I sank into Jerry's living room couch. I couldn't remember the last time I had come so often in such a short time. After Alice, Bobbi Summers had dragged me back to the spare bedroom. After a delightful 69, in which we both came, I had rolled on top of her for a plain but excellent fuck. She's a small girl, but very well built for all that, and is really good in the sack.

By the time we crawled off the bed and back out the open door, Cindy Loomis and Dan Loomis invited us into the den. They were looking for some action where they could both watch the other get fucked. Cindy had removed her tube top by now, and Dan was buff naked. Neither had tan lines. Bobbi immediately agreed, and the two women stood next to each other in front of a mirrored buffet. Spreading their legs, they bent at the waist, and leaned forward. I unzipped yet again, and standing next to Dan, plunged into my partner from the rear. The sight of the two of us, vigorously ramming it doggy style to the two women and watching their tits sway in the mirror in identical fashion, was exhilarating. Both women are similar in size, being short, with nice legs, cute asses, and are fairly well stacked for their sizes. Dan and Cindy talked to each other the entire time, telling how big or tight it felt, how hot and horny they were, how much they enjoyed seeing the other one get screwed. Weird in a way. Despite the strangeness, however, I enjoyed the fuck immensely, and came copiously when Cindy clamped her pussy tight on me.

But I think it was beginning to catch up to me. Both Carol and Alice had given me blow jobs later, and I was feeling totally fucked out. I collapsed on the couch, followed moments later by an equally bedraggled Jeff. We both had our pants on, although our shirts were off. Funny thing. While the women rapidly stripped down, and tended to stay that way, most of the men pulled their pants back on afterwards. When I mentioned it to Debby the next day, she said it was a good thing, otherwise we'd stick to the furniture. But I wonder. Is that the real reason?

"Thank God we only do this once a month," he said to me. "I don't think I could handle more than that."

"No shit! I'll need to buy vitamins and Wheaties."

Jeff laughed for a moment. "How do you like the party?" he asked.

"Wow! I mean, I don't quite know what to say," I said. Debby and Denise came into the room from downstairs. They came over and flopped down on the rug at our feet. Debby's dress had joined her panties in a pile in the corner. Denise still wore a shirt, Jeff's, open to the waist. Otherwise, the only thing they were wearing were high heels and smiles. "I'm not even sure what to do!" The threesome laughed.

"No, really!" I protested. "I have never before in my life done anything even remotely like this." I turned to Debby. "You know me. You knew me before we got married. I've had lots of women, I mean, I was even seeing girls during our engagement. I've told you all that. But nothing like this!"

Jeff laughed some more. "It's just a cocktail party. It just gets more, well, personal." He smiled.

"So Jerry told me."

"No, really. I mean, take your standard cocktail party. A bunch of people standing around getting drunk and eating bad, cold canapes. But what's really going on?" Jeff arched his eyebrows. "What's really going on is that all the guys are watching the women. Looking down a dress top, trying to peek up a skirt. And they're doing the same. Looking at your crotch, seeing if your pants are tight."

"And the interesting ones? The ones you and your wife talk about the entire next week? Those are the ones where some husband gets tanked and makes a pass at another guy's wife. Or wifey gets a little too tight, and hubby has too drag her off the table before the skirt comes off. We just sort of take it the next logical step. The pass gets accepted and the skirt comes off."

We all laughed at that. "So what's the etiquette at an orgy?" More laughter.

"Etiquette is always the same, in any social situation. And if this ain't social nothing is. Speaking professionally, I can give a few basic rules." Debby and Denise giggled at this. Jeff wrote an advice column under the byline "Ask Aunt Sara" for the local paper.

"Politeness is always in style. One, always ask permission. Mind you, this doesn't apply to the girls. They seem to be able to get away with just grabbing a guy's balls and saying 'Fuck me'. But we gotta ask. Mind you, there's exceptions to every rule."

"Last month we hosted, and it just happened to be Denise's thirtieth birthday. So before the party, I put cushions on the coffee table. I blindfolded her and tied her naked on the table. I just left her parked in the middle of the living room, and any man who wanted just plowed in, any time he felt like it."

"You didn't?" said Debby.

Blushing, Denise nodded and said, "Yep. I couldn't even tell who it was. They didn't talk. These guys didn't just fuck me. I had to blow them, too. A couple knelt over my chest and titfucked me and came on my face. Once, they let me up to go pee. And kept my hands tied. I had to blow somebody while peeing. Then they tied me back to the coffee table, this time face down."

"No," said Debby.

"Then I took it in the ass." For all of Denise's blushing, her breathing became more rapid, and her nipples really perked up. I glimpsed Debby's hand move slowly to her crotch. Maybe we'd have to do that sometime.

"Anyway. Two, please and thank you go a long way. It's not just 'wham, bam, thank you ma'am'." Warming to the subject, Jeff continued. "Three. Like at any good party, mingle. Try to screw all the women, not just one or two. They do appreciate the attention." Denise and Debby really giggled at his comment. "Be sure to screw the host or hostess, so they know you enjoyed the party. If you can't bring wine, crotchless panties are an acceptable substitute. Fourth, this is not a football game. Do not pat the other men on the ass. High-fives after successfully scoring are okay, if a bit gauche. And don't smoke a cigarette afterwards, unless the host and hostess allow it."

I laughed deeply. Any lingering nervousness I had felt vanished. "So none of the guys go both ways, then."

"Not unless you're the first."

"What about the women?" asked Debby.

"Usually not, but it's not unheard of. Denise and Alice occasionally swing that way." Denise blushed and nodded. "Of course, I've always felt that the only thing better than lesbian sex is watching." We both laughed and high-fived.

With the talk and the rest break, I felt a second wind returning. Or perhaps, a third wind. I looked down to where Denise lounged at our feet. Boy, she had big hooters. Almost as big as Debby's. "So it would be proper if I politely asked Denise to please suck me off?"

Jeff grinned, and said, "Assuredly."

I didn't even have to ask Denise, who rose to her knees before me. Jeff looked questioningly at Debby, who also smiled and rose to her knees. The two women unzipped our pants and pulled them down. Denise looked over at Debby, and said, "Race you."

Debby looked at me and smirked. I'd had a lot of women before we got married, going back to junior high school, and nobody has ever matched Debby at blow jobs. She had told me once that she really got turned on sucking cock, coming as her man did. She loved the feeling of power she got when a man twice her size was reduced to a whimpering idiot by her lips. Sometimes, when she had her period, when we were alone, she would go the entire time topless, blowing me whenever I looked funny. God knows she had turned me into a whimpering idiot often enough.

Both women bent to their labors. And it wasn't even a contest. For one thing, Jeff wasn't as well equipped as I was. Nothing wrong, mind you, he was merely average. Debby had long experience with an extra few inches. And Denise simply wasn't up to Debby's level of expertise. Her teeth tended to nip a little too much, her tongue action was minimal, and she seemed limited to a plain up-and-down Hoover action. Jeff popped after only minutes.

Debby licked her lips and looked over at Denise. "Want to know what really gets Jimmy going?" Denise, too polite to talk with her mouth full, simply grunted out a mumbled 'uh, huh'. "Put a finger in your pussy, and get it good and wet."

Denise moved a hand into and up her cunt. I knew what was coming and felt myself move closer to orgasm.

"Now, take your finger, and slowly stick it up his ass... That's it... Carefully... Watch the nails... Now, really suck, hard."

I came. I blew. I exploded. Jeff watched in fascination as my hips bucked, pouring an endless stream of jism down Denise's throat. "Wow!" he said. "Honey, you're going to have to remember that!"

Denise allowed my now limp member to drop from her jaws. "Now, make sure you lick everything off," finished Debby. Denise bent down again and licked the lingering come off my cock. Then she looked up and smiled at Debby, and they gave each other high-fives. Jeff and I both laughed at them.


The party, or whatever, broke up shortly after the dueling blow jobs. Debby and I dragged our sorry selves home, and despite the information that it'd be better to fuck each other, we literally collapsed on our bed and fell asleep.

I awoke first, late in the morning. I thought about a wake up screw, but decided I really needed a shower first. I felt covered with dried juices, sort of sticky and crusty. The hot water felt great, and I stood under the spray quite a while.

When I got out, Debby had awoken and seemed to feel the same. After a perfunctory kiss, she whispered, "Later," and stepped under the still running stream. Through the glass I could see her really scrubbing.

I put some old gym shorts on, and got out an outfit for Debby. Then I went down to put on some coffee and make some toast. I had finished and sat down in my lounger, when I heard Debby go into the kitchen. From the sounds, I could tell she, too, was dining on toast and coffee. Then she came into the den.

"Can I get you anything else, sir?"

I looked her over. The outfit I had selected determined her choice of words. She was dressed simply. Very long, sheer black, thigh top stockings went up her long legs, almost touching her crotch. Her feet were strapped into slim black shoes with five inch heels. Otherwise, she was naked, except for a tiny, white lace apron. The apron tied behind her back, and hid her trim blonde pubic hairs only by the most vivid imagination.

I studied her for a few minutes. She maintained an erect, expectant posture, as a proper servant should. Then I motioned towards my coffee cup. "More, please."

"Of course, sir." She leaned at the waist slowly, giving me a good view of big tits swinging in my face, and then slowly picked up the cup and saucer. She sauntered from the room, her buns in a fascinating figure eight motion.

She returned and set down my cup in the same fashion. Slowly, I picked up the cup and sipped. Nodding, I indicated my acceptance.

"Any other way I can serve you, sir?"

Looking her over again, I reached down to the waist of my shorts. Grasping the elastic firmly, I pulled them off my bulging organ and tucked them down below my balls.

Studying my erection, Debby said, "Yes, sir. Orally, vaginally, or anally?"

Pretending to ponder, I waited a moment, and then said, "Um, your mouth, I think. Yes, your mouth. We'll save the rest for later."

"Very good, sir."

Debby knelt between my spread legs and proceeded to give me a world class mouthfuck. Oh, man, I thought, this was even better than last night! After bringing me to the brink at least three times, Debby took her mouth off and looked up at me. "Would you like me to titfuck you as well, sir?"

I gurgled out an appropriately pompous agreement, and she stuffed my wet cock between her mounds. Clasping them there with both hands, she bounced her tits up and down around my cock, sucking the head every time it approached her lips. This time she let me come, licking up the come shooting out of my cock. Some dribbled onto her tits, which she wiped up with her fingers, licking them off.

The rest of the day passed this way. Debby was the ever attentive servant, and I was a very attentive master. I fucked her several times, had a box lunch, and got her off twice with nipple massages.

That evening, Debby put on a very revealing dress, very low cut and lots of slits well up her thighs, and I took her out to dinner. We went parking out at the reservoir, where I did her twice in the back seat. Then home again, for a fairly normal screw in bed.

The next morning, my parents brought the boys back. Debby didn't laugh when they said they needed a long nap that afternoon, because the boys wore them out.


The rest of the month passed in a similar fashion. It seemed as if every night, Debby put on a different nightie and we fucked at least twice. If either's spirits seemed to flag, a subtle mention of the party made the hormones race. Weekends we slept late, not sleeping, but sucking and fucking. It seemed as if most nights Debby went braless, and I took to taking my shorts off as soon as I got home. Occasionally, dinner was a few minutes late as she helped me remove them.

Most evenings Debby wore dresses and skirts, and after the boys went to bed, would do me in the family room. She'd simply lift her skirt and whisper, "Fuck me," as she unzipped my pants. Even her period didn't seem to slow her down. One night, she came downstairs dressed in tight white hot pants that were so tiny they seemed little more than zippered denim panties, white high-heeled sandals, and an absolutely transparent white blouse tied at her waist. She put a porno tape on the VCR and blew me as I watched. Then she untied the blouse and blew me again. Then she took the blouse off and titfucked me. At this point I began to run out of steam, so Debby put in a different dirty movie, pulled my pants completely off, and began slowly licking my entire crotch. She really cleaned my balls and cock, getting it hard again, before she sucked me off a fourth time!

I finally had enough. Standing on wobbly legs, I led the way to bed. Hoping to drop into a deep sleep, I was pleasantly disappointed when she pushed her shorts down her hips and bent at the waist. Looking over her shoulder at me, she told me I couldn't put it in her cunt, but she'd really get off if I assfucked her. She was truly hot and tight. While my performance couldn't have been my best, Debby

Keys: swap swinger drink stories

Away From Home Fun

Let me give you a little bit of history concerning these events. My name is Rob. I'm 5' 5", 120 pounds or something like that. A good looking guy with blonde hair and blue eyes, but nothing amazing. My dick is about 6" to 6½" long, average once ..continue reading

Rita and the hidden cam

Excitement, like an invisible electric current, ran through the room. The room was big, tastefully decorated in expensively modern furniture, and crowded with people. The people gathered were men and women. All were smartly dressed and almost all wer ..continue reading

Nicolette the drug slut

I used to be an average housewife, husband, family, a big house with a white fence wooden fence and some kind of boring life. My husband just likes straight sex, he limbs onto me, fucks me until he cums and then rolls over to sleep. I had never been ..continue reading

Devil's thursday

“Who will it be tonight dear? Jennifer Lawrence, blond and busty? How about Anna Kendrick, a cute, petite, brunette? Maybe Beyoncé; black, bold and beautiful?” “I don’t know, I haven’t thought about it yet, give me some time, we don’t g ..continue reading

Fucking in The Video Arcade

My lady friend, Sara, and I had been seeing each other for over a year. Not often enough, mind you, but as often as we could, as she was still married. I am a 50+ male and she is a 30 year old female, very pretty, small but very sensitive breasts ..continue reading

Becky in the Blizzard (Beckys life is changed forever when she gets snowed in)

"Brrrr" said Becky, stepping out of her beat up SUV and walking up the driveway. It was the middle of February, and the snow had just begun to fall. She was dressed in sheepskin boots and gray sweats that had her school logo on the right hip, with a ..continue reading