Xnxx Porn Story
"So, ah, wouldja like a pre-dinner drink or
something?" Cory asked as he opened the mini bar in
the back of the stretch limo. "They got all kindsa
stuff in here."
"Why, yes. A little aperitif to stimulate the
appetite would be nice, thank you."
..continue reading I help my Aunt Violet, and she deepthroats my husband
"I saw you, Callie." Aunt Violet said. "Last Tuesday night. And I saw what you were doing."
I paused with a mug of hot tea halfway to my mouth, and a half-chewed bite of cookie in my mouth. The question hadn't sounded conversational. In fact, I had
..continue reading My best story to date about meeting a couple for the first time in a 3-way.
It was one of those "weaker" moments. I had been broken up with
an abusive (verbally) boyfriend and it had been awhile since....
well, since I had had "any".
I was playing On Line and a couple made contact with me. I had
been chatting with them off
..continue reading Mary had taught them how to use their hands and mouths to bring themselves to orgasm
The buzzing of the alarm clock ended the sound sleep and erotic dreams
that Sally had been enjoying. As she reached over her still sleeping
cousin to stop the annoying sound, Kim woke up. "Good morning," Sally
said, "its time to go fishing."
Kim r
..continue reading Milking Aunt Julie
My story took place couple of decades ago, in summer of 1991 to
be exact. I had just celebrated my 15th birthday before the
summer recess, just around the time when Aunt Julie giving birth
to her first baby. Aunt Julie is my mother’s youngest sist
..continue reading Cathy Again
As we prepared for bed we packed a few items for our weekend at
Kim's uncle's estate. "By the way," Kim casually remarked,
"Cathy called today. She is flying in tomorrow morning for the
weekend. I invited her to join us. I hope you don't mind." Of
..continue reading The Outsiders
Jackie Thomas was an outsider just about from the day that
she was born in Washington. Almost as soon as the little black
girl could stand up and walk, she stuck out from the other
children, and not only because she was taller than many of them.
..continue reading The Birthday Present, part Two
The next morning I had Swimmer fix me breakfast, and I told her about my
plans for the upcoming week. We would stay in and play on the weekend,
but I would have to go to class during the week. Swimmer was permitted
to attend lectures, but only i
..continue reading A Man with a Maid
In the last section of my memoirs, I related in some detail how I at last gained my long-sought revenge on haughty Marion, the sister of my beloved Alice.
Yet to my great delight, this revenge turned out to be an unexpected bounty from the Goddess
..continue reading HOUSE OF DARK PLEASURE
Little did Doris know when she took the secretarial job offer from Romily Manor, the nature of the duties she was to perform. She hadn't counted on being a paid playmate for Mildred Wynton's twenty-five-year-old retarded son. Her horror deepened even
..continue reading An animal-loving bride
Her internal mechanism waking her up moments before the alarm was due to ring, lovely, petite Kate Hutch opened her pale hazel eyes and stared at the clock resting on the night stand beside her half of the bed. She watched as the second hand made ano
..continue reading My mature sexfriend Ester
It was a warm summer day: lots of people were wearing
shorts and some women were looking really good. I was
in line at a local discount department store, and
couldn't help noticing one particular woman: she must
have been about twenty, was thin,
..continue reading On Further Examination
Robert Ames was growing concerned. Angelica Lopez had disappeared
behind the inner office door of the clinic over an hour ago. With perfect
hindsight he realized they could have left some notes back at the offices
of Post outlining the story they w
..continue reading Steve with monster cock
It began as a note that arrived on Monday. Steve was
coming for a few days. He was accepting the open
invitation my husband offered him last time we saw him.
My husband, David, and I liked Steve but he tended to
drink a bit much for our liking. D
..continue reading I fucked a hot redhead slut
Ring. Ring. Ring.
I awoke in sleepy confusion. The phone. Was ringing. Must. Get.
Phone. I snatched it up before the answering machine came on. My
hand didn't seem to be working quite right. I dropped the phone, and it
clattered noisil
..continue reading Ten Days in Another Town
I was kicked awake by CJ, made to piss, shower and then led down the
corridor. I was still completely hairless with no sign of even stubble and I
wondered if the foam Rome had applied had permanent results. I also wondered
if the shower had remove
..continue reading Teasing My Stepdad
Robert Staton was home now, after a long week of hard work it seemed a
fair reward to just sit on his big and comfortable arm chair, in front of
his TV, enjoying a drink and the company of his daughter.
The man always got home tired, he had been
..continue reading Two taboo lovers
I spent 30 minutes in the shower but still did not feel clean. I
couldn't believe that I had molested my own daughter. It was only
a matter of time before she told a teacher or friend. The girls
would be taken from me. I would be jailed. I would c
..continue reading My milky aunt and my hard penis
Dodging rain drops as I ran out of the drug store on a December evening was not how I had planned on spending my night. As I dashed to my car I could see my breath and sighed in annoyance. I should have been on my way to pick up my new girlfriend for
..continue reading Caughted by Aunty
My name is Aaron and I'm 17yrs old, last summer my cousin called me and asked me to come over to help him paint
the backyard fence among other things. So I get there and we spend the first day doing nothing. The next day
the supplies were ready and w
..continue reading Taboo story of Tim
Mrs. Leveque passed the legal documents across her desk to
Tim Wilson. He smiled at the handsome woman and then placed
his signature upon several of the documents. Taking a
breather to calm his excitement, Tim looked up into the
..continue reading One Black Night
One night I took my wife Debby to a local highway rest
stop and fucked her in one of the stalls in the ladies
room. It was pretty cool, especially with other women
coming in and out of the restroom the whole time. We
could hear them doing their b
..continue reading Girlfriend Becomes Obeying Slave
Margot started making much louder breathing sound as
Reinhardt slowly moved his cock into her asshole.
Reinhardt put his hands over her wrists as her hands
were by the side of her head.
Reinhardt made his first cock movement inside her ass.
..continue reading A guy trains his girlfriend to be a public receptacle
Angel sighed deeply, her mouth slightly pursed as the
air pushed out over her lips. She had been preparing
for this for so long, and now it was so much that she
could barely restrain herself. Tom was behind her,
leaning against the club wall, his
..continue reading A mature social worker
After I read some of the stories posted here, I felt
that I'd found some kindred spirits in people I'd never
met. I'm a forty-one year old white wife and mother who
recently decided to move close to the university where
my youngest son attends, s
..continue reading A wife attends a trade show with her husband
This story may or may not be true... I'll let you decide.
My husband is in sales, so we travel a lot on incentive
trips that he has won. Unfortunately, he often spends time with
his boss and the other sales people, leaving me on my own. But
..continue reading A Woman Who Loves Men
Hello, out there in Internet Land. This is Mother
Debbie, again. In my little corner of the World Wide
Web, I'm your sounding board, advisor and provider of
motherly advice to those mothers' sons who are in the
less endowed crowd. You know who you
..continue reading Aunt Teaches Me Respect
It was the summer of my eighteenth year, I was out of
high school and heading to college in the fall, and I
wanted this summer to be one I would never forget. Oh,
I will never forget it but not because it was fun. The
first weekend I went to a pa
..continue reading The Adventures of Me and Martha
"Well," Lash LaRue said with his cocky grin, each hand perched
on one of two pearl-handled .45's at his side, "that takes care of
the McGraw Gang."
"Sure does," said Fuzzy St. John, nodding and spitting a wad
of tobacco juice.
Lash LaRue ti
..continue reading The Gray Hair Society
Her blue gray frock of hair was getting sparser. While her
eyes still kept the youthful glow of a young dancer, her body sagged
from many years of life. Old Betty sat perched on her bench in the
park by the Library eating her lunch in complete silen
..continue reading The xmas fake taxi
Christmas. At least that's my excuse. Party season, networking season.
A client's PR company threw a big thrash in some cool Covent Garden
bar. "Cool" was funny, because cool was the *last* word you'd choose
to describe that crowded, clattering caver
..continue reading Ex cock deep into her throat
"Hey Stevenson!" Called out the booming
voice of Roger Craig, the Captain of the Football
Team. "Heads up!"
Scott Stevenson looked up to see a spinning
football hurling through the air, heading right for
him. Dropping his books, the sandy haired t
..continue reading Kinky passions
The rough sand dug into Katt's knees as she painstakingly
scraped away grains from what appeared to be a large, man-made
vessel. Its meaning was clear. Dravidians had lived here. The
bones had not been from some unfortunate wanderer. The vessel
..continue reading Bisex adventures of Pauline
Sarah has a magnificent ass with thighs to match. She is of French descent, bilingual, fluent in both French and English and as I recently discovered with a little prompting from me, bi-sexual, though she didn’t need a great deal of prompting. She
..continue reading Whore for a Night
I was in a bind and couldn't think of a way out. The little company
that I had set up to manufacture my invention had struggled for three
years and was just beginning to turn a profit. Jack Wagner, my biggest
distributor, was coming for his annual vi
..continue reading Mom gets drunk and fucks all my friends
It was my 19th birthday, I had invited 5 of my friends over for a barbeque. My dad was supposed to be there to deal with the cooking on the grill but he'd been asked to go on some conference somewhere and had been away for a week already, he was due
..continue reading Sex on the train
Finally, a day off, Eartis thought to him self. On my way to the city on the B.A.R.T train, man, these fares are high. Let me get my ticket, before I talk my self out of this. Can’t wait to smell the sea breeze and eat the food. San Francisco is kn
..continue reading Barbara the slut
The ride to Cheryl's apartment seemed to take much longer than normal.
The usual 45 minute trip had seemed, to Barbara, to take days. She and John
had not really discussed the events of their last evening with Cheryl and
Barbara still felt knots in
..continue reading Dungeon of Desire
Jasmine had told me to meet him. Or had she ordered me? I
liked to think she’d ordered me, now that I reflected upon it. Yes,
she’d ordered me. I’d had no choice. But of course I’d had, hadn’t I?
I didn’t anymore.
She’d t
..continue reading Two sluts and one cock
Barbara is tall, about 5' 7", slender and light-boned, so that her 127 pounds
are not skinny. She wears her deep brown hair short and curly, and dresses for
business in tailored pantsuits, with just a touch of color in her accessories.
Although she a
..continue reading Training with EnZo
Knocking on the rusted metal door of the run down brick building, the petite blonde coed had an uneasy foreboding that this was a mistake. The numbers on the battered steel awning matched the address she was given, but this didn’t have the look of
..continue reading The swing man 2.
Lance won the race and Jonas watched him walk to the bed as he
removed his dress shirt. Lance had him on body definition; he was an
avid weightlifter. But Jonas was glad to see that in other areas, he would
still hold the title of 'Big' brother.
..continue reading Old Endings, New Beginnings
Have you ever gotten to that point in life where you just had to ask yourself, how the hell did I get from there to here? Divorce, twenty-two years of my life, and that day as I signed my final divorce papers, I just couldn’t understand how I ended
..continue reading Kissing Cousins
Sienna and I are about 3 weeks apart in age and some of my earliest memories are of us playing in my yard or hers as little kids. I can remember us both owning a pair of plastic swords and we sailed many a pirate ship (The top of the old storm cellar
..continue reading It's all about breasts, lots of big and small breasts
"What a neat little doll, Ashley!" Corrina exclaimed.
"Where'd you pick it up?" Corrina turned the odd little
doll around into the light to get a better look at it.
Ruffling a page in her magazine, Ashley snuffled. "Oh,
*that* old thing? I picked
..continue reading The Majorette Loved Spreading
Every society is marked by an adolescent stage. A growing-up period. A time when each young member feels he is infinitely more daring and modern than the adults ruling the establishment he often rebels against. Nowhere is this phenomenon more marked
..continue reading Turning The Tables On Spying Brother
It was Friday night, and rather than being out with his
friends, Joey was doing his homework. That wasn't
unusual for Joey. He was a good student. But the real
reason he had stayed home that night was that his
sister was having a sleepover. Joey
..continue reading A Nude Party for the Newbie 2.
Abi cried into Mel's chest, taking comfort from her friend's warm presence.
"What have I done? Did I go too far with this? What if he is really angry? Will he break up with me?", she cried as she balled.
"There, there", Mel said soothingly. "You di
..continue reading My younger lover persuades me, an old lady
My two previous stories have dealt with the story of my
relationship to date with my partners 75 year old Aunt.
Last week I popped round with my laptop and showed her
the stories on the website. At first she was horrified
until I explained that t
..continue reading Booty Call
"Hey babe." Tola called, "My folks just left, so. You want to cum over?" My boyfriend, his family is 7th day adventist, but he's not. So, they go to church on Sundays, and we can make out, but when I got to his back door, and knocked. He said "Cum in
..continue reading Scoring With Sis
Mandy Wilson was convinced that life just couldn't be
better. She was a Senior, and would graduate in just
seven months. Then one last summer of fun and freedom
and she would go off to college. Her older sister Mary
had offered to let her come to
..continue reading Sweet payback
The drunken young blonde gyrated in front of the hotel mirror, squeezing her breasts together with one hand as she gulped the tequila-laden drink. Eddie sat at the edge of the bed, whiskey glass in-hand, his hungry eyes, stalking her every move like
..continue reading Nerd boy and his cockhungry Aunt
I was staying with Aunt Jen for three days while my parents went to Scotland for the funeral of Uncle Jack. "Aunt Jen" as I had always known her was not actually my aunt but Mum's friend Jennifer, but she had always been known as Aunt Jen for as long
..continue reading No pretender to group sex
I put a picture of my butt on my Yahoo profile and from time to time I get instant messages from women commenting and most of the time asking to see more.
For a 40-something male, I have a better than average body, 6-1, 190, 34 inch waist (same size
..continue reading Booty Call
"Hey babe." Tola called, "My folks just left, so. You want to cum over?" My boyfriend, his family is 7th day adventist, but he's not. So, they go to church on Sundays, and we can make out, but when I got to his back door, and knocked. He said "Cum in
..continue reading Changing Sides at the Glory hole
It was late one night when Lana was driving home from work. She was cruising down the motorway, having drank 3 cups of coffee just to stay awake, when suddenly her bladder felt like it was going to burst. She had to stop off at the next service stati
..continue reading Our fuck community
Today was a big day for me, the biggest of my life so far, I thought to myself as I opened one eye and looked at the morning sunshine filtering into the hut. Today I not only turned adult but was also getting married.
“Get up, Orion,” my mother
..continue reading The Christmas Bet - Fantasy Realized
Just before Christmas, my wife and I made a bet during
a discussion we were having. I should have known when
we were betting about who had performed in a particular
film, but I was sure... The terms of the bet were that
the loser would have to be
..continue reading A neighborhood bukkake party
My wife was away on business and I was out watering the
lawn when I heard, "Hey, check this out!" as Alana and
Daniel got out of their car in my driveway. I looked in
her hand that she was holding up what appeared to be a
glass container of cum.
..continue reading My hot indian aunt
Hi, guys, this is my an experience with my aunt’s sister Sanjana.I tried to write the story with out getting you bored .I stay in Bangalore so aunties and girls can contact me
She lives with her husband and a kid, her husband is very friendly with
..continue reading Aunt Dorothy Takes My Virginity
Aunt Dorothy isn't my real aunt. She's my mum's best friend and lives next door to us, my two arsehole brothers and me were brought up as kids calling her aunt, just as we did with all of mums friends.
Aunt Dorothy is 36 years old and she's married
..continue reading Sugar Momma
Julia sat, a little pit of anxiety settling in her as she waited on her sofa, looking at her book but not really reading it, too far gone in her own thoughts to take in in the words written on the page. She glanced instead to her side, out the window
..continue reading Paris Hilton is in for a surprise
Paris walked in one hip at a time, cell phone tight to one ear. She gave the room the once over, sweeping her gaze past him and deposited her tiny white hand bag in the chair by the door. She continued talking, smacking her gum as she did so, walking
..continue reading The Wifes Store
My wife LeAnn is a 26 year old head turning brunette, at 5 ’7 she has straight shoulder length hair and dark brown eyes. Her perfectly tanned legs and firm round ass are attention getters, as are her tits, which are 34 double D’s.
I’m a 33 year
..continue reading Marci Gets A Pussy Bath
Marci loved to baby-sit for her Uncle Bob. Mostly it
was because he paid her really well, but he always made
her feel good too. He always seemed to notice something
about her that he commented on. Maybe it was that she
was smart. Maybe it was her
..continue reading Megan's Diary - helping out a friend
Just the first of many accounts of my own sexual experiences
(long blonde hair, 5'6, brown eyes, curvy figure,32 D breasts, Spanish descent, light skin)
“OMG!, you want me to what?”, I shrieked out in utter surprise
“I need you to come with
..continue reading Nursing Time
I awoke with Tiffany towering over me. My eyes were seemingly covered in
a grey film, but I could tell that it was her by the silhouette of her
monster cock that protruded so obviously from her centre. Even now, the
engorged tip of it was an inch f
..continue reading I fucked my sister’s boyfriend and she had her revenge
I was visiting my baby sister Amber and her boyfriend, Roger, who hosted a pool party. Hot women, string bikinis, and men with loaded cocks are a combination that is wound to result in someone getting fucked. In high school, Amber, I used to tag-team
..continue reading Mom Caught Skimming
Work was not easy to come by in our small town. Dad lost his engineering job when his firm closed down and, although he was not a natural salesman, he was lucky to get a job selling office furniture. This meant that he was away from home Monday throu
..continue reading A woman sets herself up for a threesome at a local hotel
She sat at the dinner table, waiting for the client to
pay the bill so that they could leave and head back to
the hotel room he had reserved for himself by the
"So you don't mind if I invite him?" He asked her one
more time. She squirme
..continue reading Spenkig Jenny
The sound of conversation, laughing, and music filled the
room at Jenny's house. As happens during every party,
there was soon a lull in the conversation. Jenny called
to him. When he was by her side, she told him, in front
of the 4 other wome
..continue reading My new toy-boy
"I quit!" the woman yelled, exiting my office. "Perv!"
"Motherfucker!" I roared, hitting my desk and leaning forward. "That's the third one in two months now. Troy, get your fucking ass in here!" I yelled, looking at him through the doorway.
I sat
..continue reading Adult arcade
I was a single guy in my mid 30s, and had recently
broken up with my girlfriend of the last four years. My
libido had always been high, but now it was getting out
of hand (pun intended!). I was running around more and
more with my pants sticking
..continue reading Black blowjob
“Ace got locked up last week, he gon’ be in the box for a minute.” Tre said
“Damn, what he do?” asked Juice
“Got caught with them rocks!” Tre hollered out. We all bust out laughing.
It was Tre, Juice, Kevon, Steez, Dron, and Cory. Th
..continue reading Life in My Little Hometown
In my last chapter I left you with Kim having moved in with John and I. DeRonda, Gina had met Kim, and they both instantly liked her. The four of us had so much fun during the rest of the summer. Gina had to return to Italy near the end of August. Ho
..continue reading My First Glory Hole
My hubby and I were treating ourselves to dinner and a night at the Hilton in Sydney (Australia) back in the early 1980’s. It was my 23rd birthday and I had a little too much to drink and was feeling rather disinhibited and horny. At dinner, my hub
..continue reading Can the mirror see the moment?
With a smile on her face nineteen year old Mia Nordberg pushed the door open. With some difficulty she managed to drag her three suitcases inside and the door closed. The hallway was not very warm but it was still much better that the cold autumn wea
..continue reading A husband is humiliated by a sexy slut wife
It was the wildest party I had ever hosted.
My wife Beth had been getting ready for the party all
day. She is one of the most attractive women in our
neighbourhood, and was always one of the hottest women
whenever we went to a bar or somewhere in
..continue reading The Girl from Principles
Back when I let Mr. Vargas write the first story,
everything about my life was wonderful. I had a wonderful
husband -- my Josh -- who is also a wonderful lover and a
wonderful daddy to my ten children and father of nine of
them. (See, that's wh
..continue reading Fun in the Sky
(Thank god, looks like I'm going to get a quiet flight this time) Dean Mercer said to himself as he sighed with relief having just flown to LA from New York a couple of days prior to attend a business conference. Now he was boarding a flight to Sydne
..continue reading I loved my unsatisfied aunt
Before six months,I came from hostel to my home.i m a engineering student so I m the first engineering student in my whole family so everyone love me.when I came from hostel every cousins call me his house .but I gone only those , who's I love or I f
..continue reading Catfight
I hate myself, thought Francie as she looked in the
mirror. I'm just a big tub of lard. Any cute guy who
sees me is going to run in the opposite direction as
fast as he can. If I had an ounce of self-respect, I
wouldn't let myself go like this.
..continue reading Andrea and Uncle
I had left work early and headed for my aunts house
where my wife and I shared a small bedroom together. We
had left our Midwestern home and moved nearer to my
aunt in Oregon for purely career reasons.
When the transfer came it was sudden and sho
..continue reading Vicki Sells her Body for Charity
"Going once! Going twice! Sold to Allen for twelve
hundred dollars!" the auctioneer shouted.
"Congratulations Vicki. You have just set a new record
for this auction. Including the sale of your clothes
you have just raised fourteen hundred and se
“Twenty-five years ago when my girlfriend and I were both nineteen we had a threesome with a rock musician. After all that time we have caught up again while she is in town on business. And we want to do that again. Are you free tomorrow afternoon?
..continue reading Jesse's Sister
“Professor, is that you?” I was walking through the American Airlines concourse at LAX, through security and headed for the gate of my redeye flight headed back east. I was already tired, and annoyed that I would have to connect in O’Hare in th
..continue reading Latex bloom
"Over here, Cynthia. These are definitely my most
interesting specimens," Auntie Anne called, as she
stopped in front of several potted vines.
I was under-whelmed. My Aunt had just come back from a
solo botanical expedition to the upper Amazon, a
..continue reading Lady Jane xxx
I play bass in a jazz quartet, just for fun and we all
have day jobs. Music is a hobby, and if I had to do it
for a living then it would start to become a chore. We
play at small clubs now and again, also weddings,
friend's birthdays, chari
..continue reading Legal pawn
The sound of Barry White blared over the speakers and
the dance floor bustled with sweaty dancers. Julia Davis
was not one of them. She sat in a booth just off the
dance floor's side. She was flipping through her case
files, while occasionally gl
..continue reading Aunt Wilma
I had been married to my wife for six years. From day
one, everyone went to her aunt Wilma's house to hang
out, grab a drink, play cards and in general just chill
out. It was where I could go for a good game of poker,
as she was 67 years old and
..continue reading Giving in to my cousin
“Wow it’s so big!” said my brother, peering out of the car window. “It’s even bigger on the inside!” My dad shot back, chuckling as we pulled into the driveway. I just rolled my eyes in the back seat, I didn’t feel like laughing at joke
..continue reading Tailhook in Vegas
What you've heard and read about the Tailhook Scandal
is pretty raunchy, but you can't really get the
impression of how drunk and crazy and sex-crazed those
parties were. I was at the last one, and I was more
than just fondled and groped. A lot
..continue reading Mom at the Roxy Adult Store
I leaned back in my theater seat as the woman gently maneuvered my cock through my open fly. Through my half-closed eyes, I watched as she formed her thumb and forefinger into a circle and delicately stroked up and down my prick. It was semi-erect, b
..continue reading Sexorgy azt my friends
I knew Trish was growing restless. Part of it was the
winter. She doesn't like the cold. She doesn't like
the constant chill that shivers her bones and she
doesn't like the formless thick layer of wool she needs
to fight the chill off. Trish
..continue reading Like a Thief in the Night
A horny teenager takes advantage of his mother and aunt when they get so drunk that they pass out.
I have always been strangely aroused but understandably
horrified by my fascination with both incest and non-
consensual sex. There is something excit
..continue reading Lilith
"From Whose Bourne . Lilith"
Copyright 1999 by Trey Gallant and Homer Vargas. May
not be copied or posted without permission.
The following is the first of twin stories,
Siamese twins, perhaps, or a single story told from
two different points o
..continue reading Charity Auction
"Going once! Going twice! Sold to Allen for twelve
hundred dollars!" the auctioneer shouted.
"Congratulations Vicki. You have just set a new record
for this auction. Including the sale of your clothes
you have just raised fourteen hundred and se
..continue reading Banging Bonnie
I was 18 and the first time I was out on my own,it was also the first time I made a girl cum. I rented a cottage on the lake for the summer and looked forward to having a few parties . It was there where my friend Don showed up with his girlfriend Na
..continue reading I Get Shared
As I say these events happened in the early 1990s when I was only twenty. Let me tell you a little about myself. I’m in my early forties and have been married for nearly twenty years to my husband Andy. We have two children and we live in the south
..continue reading Surrogate Father
Since taking over as chief executive a few short months
ago, I had spent most of my time getting to know the
various employees at the various company locations and
easing their usual concerns about having a new boss and
management. With a few exc
..continue reading
Your search to aunt stories is over here.
Friend's Mom Accidentally Exposed
While I was growing up, I made friends pretty easily. One of my best friend’s growing up was Omar. He and I were the same age and always got along. He had a pretty big family, typical of a Latin American family, with three older sisters and an olde
..continue reading Gangbang wife
My wife is shy but when that button between her legs gets pushed she turns into a total sex freak. I had been trying for a year to persuade her to get a guy so we could have a threesome and I could watch. Finally she said 'okay, we'll go out of town,
..continue reading Milf in the rock club (busty,older sex story)
"What the hell am I doing here?"
I asked myself this question for perhaps the tenth time since coming to the club. I wasn't much into live music, except for maybe a good jazz band. But, here I was. Surrounded by a bunch of beautiful twenty something
..continue reading I met Madam and Madam showed me what sex was really about
I am the records secretary at the state level for the
PTA. I travel a few times a year to attend conferences
and such. I'm thirty-eight with two kids in high
school. I have quite a bit of free time and I workout
almost every day.
I am told I am
..continue reading Stepmother Blues
Jason woke up on the sofa at his father's house, and the first thing he realized was that he was desperately horny. He had been dreaming about sex again, and his eighteen year old cock was painfully erect. Idly, he listened for sounds in the house as
..continue reading The Dildo in Mom
A crime show played quietly in the background, as I softly dozed in my mom's bed. "Sweetheart," Mom said to me, gently shaking my shoulder, "if you fall asleep now I'll never get you to your own bed."
Yawning I replied, "Your right, your right, give
..continue reading