Girl Guide Footsie
Once again, I do not own the original idea for this; I am merely
a small player in the universe created by Kenny N Gamera, and
populated by other writers who are more talented than I. That
said, I think I shall be sticking around for a while longer..
..continue reading Mom gets what she wants
Last night had to be incredible for my wife Maggie. We had discussed certain sexual situations over the years, but everytime I tried to encourage her, she would back out. So, I figured I would help her out to get over whatever was holding her back.
..continue reading My first shemale experince
In my early 20's I was doing a lot of exploring of my sexuality and inturn had a wide variety of experiences. I had numerous partners, I tried just about every sex toy you could imagine at the time. But, I was also much skinnier then, i was 6'3 about
..continue reading 3 way French kiss
The following is a story, and not even really a fantasy, although I might
enjoy some of the things described. There is very little if any basis in
reality for this story, and any resemblance to anyone is an accident.
You should ignore this story if
..continue reading It was my first powerful sexual experience
Thankfully it is warm, I thought to myself, as I hefted my backpack
and stepped out into the night. I was leaving behind the loud
laughing and discussion that was one of my parent's gatherings of
friends. The wine had been flowing for a few hours now
..continue reading Milking Aunt Julie
My story took place couple of decades ago, in summer of 1991 to
be exact. I had just celebrated my 15th birthday before the
summer recess, just around the time when Aunt Julie giving birth
to her first baby. Aunt Julie is my mother’s youngest sist
..continue reading Backwoods family 2.
Because there were no other kids to play with, little Jody and Joy were much closer than most brothers and sisters. With the lake and the mountains as their playground, the redheaded twins spent most of their time in the majestic outdoors.
..continue reading Cathy Again
As we prepared for bed we packed a few items for our weekend at
Kim's uncle's estate. "By the way," Kim casually remarked,
"Cathy called today. She is flying in tomorrow morning for the
weekend. I invited her to join us. I hope you don't mind." Of
..continue reading The new dawn
It was obvious from the moment they walked into the pub that they were mother
and daughter. A further brief look at the two, and it was apparent that the
older woman once had all the sexual allure that her offspring now half-
innocently exuded. It wa
..continue reading My sister is humiliated as a counselor at summer camp
It was a Sunday morning. My parents had gone off to church, as they did every weekend. I was enjoying some alone time, making my own offering on the altar of the porn gods, when I heard a timid knock at the door.
Shit, I'd forgotten Kim was still ho
..continue reading The Outsiders
Jackie Thomas was an outsider just about from the day that
she was born in Washington. Almost as soon as the little black
girl could stand up and walk, she stuck out from the other
children, and not only because she was taller than many of them.
..continue reading One down two 2 go
Twins, it's funny isn't? How two people can look exactly like one another yet
be so different from a personality stand point. You see Alex is the more out
going of the pair she has more friends and all around seems more popular,
while Afton is the qu
..continue reading Mother's Day (slut wife, FMMM, humor)
It was a picturebook Mother's Day dawn. My angelic sons tottering into
our bedroom at 6 am: one clutching a card he made in pre-school, the
other carrying a breakfast tray with a worrying sort of wobble. Their
father tiptoed behind them, encouraging
..continue reading The Birthday Present, part Two
The next morning I had Swimmer fix me breakfast, and I told her about my
plans for the upcoming week. We would stay in and play on the weekend,
but I would have to go to class during the week. Swimmer was permitted
to attend lectures, but only i
..continue reading Mistress, use your mouth!
As you return to your bedroom from taking a shower,
you glance out
the window. Looks like it's going to be a very warm day.
You finish toweling dry and, after searching through
your wardrobe,
you decide to wear a halter top and shorts to help keep yo
..continue reading The Queen of Tease (2)
After three or four minutes Susana lifted her head and looked at Neil.
"Get the camera," she said. "I want to make a movie." She got up from
between Peter's legs and pulled him to his feet. "In the bedroom," she
Clutching his trousers with h
..continue reading A man with a maid 2.
For the nonce I must have appeared to both these young ladies as a gaping idiot, for when I beheld Miss Molly Bashe standing before me, my jaw dropped and I stared at her uncomprehendingly, as I could not for the life of me understand why this damsel
..continue reading A Man with a Maid
In the last section of my memoirs, I related in some detail how I at last gained my long-sought revenge on haughty Marion, the sister of my beloved Alice.
Yet to my great delight, this revenge turned out to be an unexpected bounty from the Goddess
..continue reading HOUSE OF DARK PLEASURE
Little did Doris know when she took the secretarial job offer from Romily Manor, the nature of the duties she was to perform. She hadn't counted on being a paid playmate for Mildred Wynton's twenty-five-year-old retarded son. Her horror deepened even
..continue reading Tricked teen trolloped
There are some lovely beaches down in the south west corner of
Western Australia. Long stretches of pristine sand dividing the Indian Ocean
from the dense forests of tall karri trees. Hundreds of kilometres of
unpolluted and mostly unpopulated coastl
..continue reading Blackmailed swingers
"Damn it, Darren, I thought you wanted to fuck!"
"I do, baby," Darren Rethro said from the window of his apartment where he was fisting his dick into rigid erection.
He was looking directly down into the scoop necked dress of a beautiful blonde
..continue reading Peeking wife swappers
As soon as they got inside their, apartment, Jackie began tearing the clothes from her hungry body. Max stripped in record time too, and followed her into the bedroom as he flung clothing right and left. Jackie twisted out of her panties and leaped o
..continue reading An animal-loving bride
Her internal mechanism waking her up moments before the alarm was due to ring, lovely, petite Kate Hutch opened her pale hazel eyes and stared at the clock resting on the night stand beside her half of the bed. She watched as the second hand made ano
..continue reading Threesome pussy contact
"Oh God, that was great." Michelle panted as the two woman laid side by side.
The two spent long minutes just silently kissing and licking each other clean.
No further words were shared, just an occasional shared laughter.
Finally, l
..continue reading On Further Examination
Robert Ames was growing concerned. Angelica Lopez had disappeared
behind the inner office door of the clinic over an hour ago. With perfect
hindsight he realized they could have left some notes back at the offices
of Post outlining the story they w
..continue reading Stepmom Tender Loving Care
"My goodness, Davey, what are you doing home on Friday
evening watching TV instead of out on a date? This is
the second weekend in a row you've stayed home." Alice
Renfrow, Davey's mother, stood in front of her son
seated on the couch, and smilin
..continue reading Fucked my ex-wife an her friend in theass while they where drunk
It happended about 3 years ago. At the time I was already divorced from my wife and I was a broke bum simple as that.
My ex-wife had called me to babysit my daughter so she could go to a work Christmas party so I came over for free food free cble and
..continue reading Ginger learn her lesson
Ginger Collins had been going around teasing all the older single men in the apartment complex.
This smart assed little fifteen year old girl had been watching all kinds of internet porn, and she figured she knew how far she could push it without ge
..continue reading My Place In Things
I never did find my niche, but it found me on a lonely road in
rural Massachusetts one hot August afternoon. My father thought
forcing me into teaching would be just the thing to straighten me out,
so I guess the joke is on him. He forced me to tak
..continue reading Office orgy
While we were busy spewing fuck into the cute little blonde,
Pauline was busy becoming quite the center of attraction in the bar.
She looked the part of a whore, especially with her dress unbuttoned
so far. Her large breasts were expos
..continue reading They hired me to fix there house, I fixed there marriage
I pulled into the small driveway. I looked around. The Royals lived in a nice neighborhood. I got a call from them last night before I went to bed. Mrs. Royal best friend - Mrs. Diane Smallwood. Gave her my number. I just got done remodeling the Smal
..continue reading Me and my younger mother-in-law at home during daytime
Whenever I had any minor aches and pains, it was my mother-in-law, Mae, to whom I, and the whole family, turned to: she was an ex-nurse after all.
We all lived in the one house (the one I had bought as part of my wedding payment): me, my wife, Mae an
..continue reading Ten Days in Another Town
I was kicked awake by CJ, made to piss, shower and then led down the
corridor. I was still completely hairless with no sign of even stubble and I
wondered if the foam Rome had applied had permanent results. I also wondered
if the shower had remove
..continue reading Teasing My Stepdad
Robert Staton was home now, after a long week of hard work it seemed a
fair reward to just sit on his big and comfortable arm chair, in front of
his TV, enjoying a drink and the company of his daughter.
The man always got home tired, he had been
..continue reading The princess runs away to the forest, and is taken by a pack of wolves
Kyrene stared at her reflection in the ornate golden mirror, wrinkling her nose in disgust at the way the lacey white fabric hung on her thin frame. Granted, white looked wonderful against her deep mahogany skin tones and her long, wavy black hair, b
..continue reading Oh please, Max, just a little more
Running padded fingers through my luxurious belly fur, I peer into the tall mirror tacked to the closet door across from my bed. My purple eyes sweep my body. Pulling at the scrunchie, purple hair tumbles around my shoulders.
Damn, I'm so hot, I tur
..continue reading Date Night
I never thought the day was going to end. Friday's always drug on, but today
seemed exceptionally long. Nikki and I were going out tonight!
I napped restlessly after school, tossing and turning with anticipation of what
hopefully would be a repeat
..continue reading Husband promises
"Honey what's wrong? Why don't you want to have sex with me anymore?"
"It's not that I don't want to have sex with you, I'm just not in the
mood when you are. I feel like you chase me around the house
sometimes and it just adds pressure. It becom
..continue reading The school of sex
Patty McRae sat beside me in history class. I was in love with
her. For fifty minutes each day, I'd watch her out of the corner
of my eye. I'd see the profile of her beautiful face, watch the
gentle rise and fall of her breasts, see the sunlight h
..continue reading Life Cycle of the Kaelen
I was halfway through one of my graduate level linguistics classes when
it happened. I paused my grilling of a woefully unprepared grad student to
accept the call. It had to be something important to interrupt me while I
was teaching. I took it as
..continue reading Headmistress Thorpe's exclusive private school
Headmistress Thorpe walked briskly, with young Julie in tow, to her
husband's office. No doubt the students in class exchanged knowing looks
as they recognized the loud paces of their stern and determined
Headmistress. Approaching the beautiful corne
..continue reading Trance Utilisation
She found herself there as well, wanting to be anywhere else, but right
there, and right then. She was through with men of all types. They were
pricks, the lot of them, put on the earth to make women miserable by
causing themselves to be wanted. A
..continue reading Gawkers Night out
Pet I watch the gawkers at the club while I have you tied to the cross
or strapped to the horse. I don't blame them. As they trickle in alone
and creep into the corners, they seek sights and sounds only found in
videos and fantasies. The stories y
..continue reading The Horse Club 2.
Patsy rode her bike along the road and smiled when she spotted the barn
and the clubhouse. Her long slender legs pedaled faster.
Leaving her bike, she ran into the clubhouse. It was empty. "The barn,"
she said, remembering Ellen's words. She rushed
..continue reading The Horse Club
Patsy Sloane caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. Excitement
flashed back from her pretty reflection. She was fifteen, blonde, with
wide innocent blue eyes and big overripe tits that made all the boys in
school drool.
She paced the small room,
..continue reading Surprise at the Gas station
"Treaver you horny bastard, show goddamit." Jim Verhem swore for the
20th time in the last hour fidgeting with impatience. Fuck Dick Tracey,
Mag PI and all those fucking TV dicks that enticed him since childhood into
being a private investigator
..continue reading I love to fuck
Hi. My name is Cat - Cathy, actually, but my lover says that
the way I move reminds him of a leopard or something feline, so...
Anyway, this is a story about my fabulous birthday present. But first
a little bit about me.
I'm five foot six, about 115
..continue reading 3 CO-EDS TAKE ON 3 WORKMEN
A summer day somewhere in the foothills of So. Calif. At a girls school, by
the swimming pool, Three girls were relaxing in the sun. All three were clad
in bikinis which didn't leave much to the imagination. They all had figures
that were worth show
..continue reading This wife is a dream, just what you always wanted
Jim had been married to the woman of his dreams for nearly five
years now. She was ten years younger than his 38 years but they were
nicely compatible at just about everything it seemed..... especially sex.
After a great first couple of years thing
..continue reading Dealing in Dallas
David knew he was going to be late again, it seemed like every
time he was going to meet his fiance, Allison, for a drink after work,
something happened at his law office to delay him. David was a junior
partner in a very well known, prestigious la
..continue reading Slut wife carreer boost
I couldn't believe it when I got the phone call from Don
Peterson of Jacobs and Associates early that Monday morning. He
wanted to know if I would be interested in talking to them about
joining their firm as Vice-President of Sales. I was blown
..continue reading Wife succumbs to husband's desire to show her off and then some
The event took place while Megan and I were spending a
Saturday at my friend's house on a beautiful summer
day. We had been married seven years. Over the years we
discovered that both Meg and I have two quirks which I
believe made the event that
..continue reading A wild college frat party
The Hell Week Party of 2001 kicked off when trainer Andy Lee called pledge Gabe Smith to the stairs at the center of the frat house. The music was cut and Gabe stood their, buck naked with every eye in the house on him. Everyone laughed, and the poor
..continue reading I caught my nude sister
I watched jealously, as Amber deftly reached into her shirt, and pulled one swollen breast out, bringing Anna's face to the already hard nipple. My hungry daughter latched on, sucking the milk from it.
"Good news," the doctor said, coming back into
..continue reading My milky aunt and my hard penis
Dodging rain drops as I ran out of the drug store on a December evening was not how I had planned on spending my night. As I dashed to my car I could see my breath and sighed in annoyance. I should have been on my way to pick up my new girlfriend for
..continue reading Movie Night Exhibitionist
My name is Brian, and my girlfriend’s name is Ashley. She has a sister who is a year and some change younger than her named Madison. Madison’s has a girlfriend (Madison is bi) whose name is Alyssa. It was a Friday night in the middle of June, and
..continue reading Diane's cleaning girl takes charge
It had been 2 months since Diane Carter had hired the
new cleaning company, but she hadn't yet felt
comfortable around the 24 year old girl they had been
sending. Diane considered herself a refined upper-
middle class woman. She was in good shape
..continue reading My husband and i have an argument
Hi, my name is Megan. For those of you who stay in
correspondence, I apologize for my absence and this
story should explain why; I've been very busy.
A few weeks ago, my husband and I had a huge argument.
I grabbed some clothes and have not been
..continue reading Titjob story with a cheerleader
It was Nikky Carter's first day at work. Not only had she just transferred to Wayside High and joined the cheerleading squad, she had also secured a part-time job at Pepe's Pizza. Since her older sister had just graduated and gotten a real job, she h
..continue reading Why I love Phone Sex
I was talking to someone and the subject of phone sex
came up and they said they couldn't understand why
anyone would want to do it. I didn't go into it with
them but thought it would make a good story.
To ask why have phone sex is like asking wh
..continue reading Domination by woman over man
Mistress had asked me to prepare for an unusually long
session. Any request from Mistress is really a command.
A whisper from Mistress is as direct an order as any
shouted by a drill sergeant.
I collected the usual items for Mistress's pleasure.
..continue reading Spicing up ones sex life goes a little wrong
As she came down the lawn she was giggling like a
schoolgirl, her husband heard her and turned his head
to watch her. His lovely wife headed his way; in each
hand she held a glass of orange.
He looked at her as she skipped over the grass, she was
..continue reading Jack'in Granny
Ever since I saw her at the supermarket that first time I
knew I had to have her. She was just my type. But I knew
there was no way she would ever give herself to a young
man like me. She was at least twice my age probably in
her late 50's. Some
..continue reading A frustrated husband controls his wife
After three years of marriage, Dave and Julia's sex
life had started out great, but now whittled down to a
bit of fondling as foreplay followed by a quick romp-
missionary style three times a month. This satisfied
Julia, but Dave was growing more
..continue reading A business woman in a fake taxi
It had been a very long, boring day. I was in an
unfamiliar city, working with people I'd never met
before, discussing things we weren't sure were going to
happen. And this was going to last the whole week.
Sighing, I stood outside the building,
..continue reading One Black Night
One night I took my wife Debby to a local highway rest
stop and fucked her in one of the stalls in the ladies
room. It was pretty cool, especially with other women
coming in and out of the restroom the whole time. We
could hear them doing their b
..continue reading The Laura Chronicles
It is a summer evening at a film-developing lab in
Ottawa. The air conditioning is going full blast to
prevent the machines from overheating; it is rather hot
outside. A cute attractive young brunette named Laura
B. is working in the lab; she is
..continue reading A cheating wife has a weekly rendezvous with a well hung black stud
It was lunch time when the phone rang. The caller ID
showed it was from out of area. Normally I never answer
a call like that but my hand suddenly picked it up. In
a quiet voice spoke, "You don't know me, I work with
your wife and I'm calling to
..continue reading Can you say fuck me?
I looked at my husband with disbelieving eyes as I asked
him again, "I can only say fuck me all weekend long?"
He smugly looked at me and said, "Well you agreed to the
rules and you did lose the bet and those are the words I
have chosen for this
..continue reading Pimped Housewife
Kelly sat on the bed checking for stubbles as she
lifted each leg up and bent it back running her hand
along the bottom of each thigh. They felt as smooth as
Kelly remained sitting on the edge of the bed while
gazing down at her bald pussy
..continue reading Personal Assistant
Almost overnight our comfortable life was gone. Dave,
my husband, was downsized when his company was taken
over. Over time he had risen to higher levels of
management, and our life-style reflected the salary
that he was receiving. We had a large
..continue reading Casey Enjoys cockLunch
Casey was excited about visiting her husband at work.
James was a financial analyst in the city and worked in
one of the many business towers. Casey liked the view of
the city from his office on the 78th floor.
When James called and invited her
..continue reading A shy wife tries a threesome
My wife and I have a great relationship, both in and out
of the bedroom, so a threesome never really entered my
mind. Carley, my wife, and I were both virgins when we
met. We both enjoyed sex, so after dating for two years
and then seven years of
..continue reading I finally see my wife fucked by my best mate
My name is Steve and my beautiful wife of 20 years is
We had arranged to meet an old friend of ours Phil for
the weekend. We had left the kids at my mothers and
were looking forward to a couple of nights on our own
at Phil's place which wa
..continue reading A cunning and very dominant wife
As Brendan sat in the court awaiting the judge, little did
he know his wife, her sister, and his mother-in-law were
conspiring to affect an elaborate hoax upon him and his mother to
ensure his wife's utter and complete domination of him.
The entire
..continue reading Under The Bell Curve
I was taking Peg to Rita's Roadhouse for dinner. Peg
was my date for about the fourth or fifth time this
semester, and we'd had some pretty good times --
movies, concerts, that sort of thing. She was a chatty
and ebullient brunette, and filled ou
..continue reading Honey, The beginning
I have a talent. I can tinker with people's minds. Women seem
to be the most susceptible, although each individual is different. I
don't know why; maybe it has to do with gender, but I can't make men do
my bidding as easily, nor with as few after-eff
..continue reading Girlfriend Becomes Obeying Slave
Margot started making much louder breathing sound as
Reinhardt slowly moved his cock into her asshole.
Reinhardt put his hands over her wrists as her hands
were by the side of her head.
Reinhardt made his first cock movement inside her ass.
..continue reading My Stepmom and our friends
I watched my step-mom as she walked through the living room, heading for the kitchen to get dinner ready. I was just about to turn nineteen, and had just gotten home for the summer break after being away for my first year at college. Alice is thirty-
..continue reading A husband discovers his wife can never get enough sex
Joyce and I had just begun dating a year before. We had
met in the military and she was a real looker. Not like
some of the tougher "women" that were part of the big
green machine. I remember the first time we met and she
played coy by saying "I
..continue reading Sexual Campus Dream
Brian walked into his fifth Statistics class in three
years and looked around for the best seat for that
semester. Not many people were there, but he took a
moment to say hello to the ones he knew.
Middle left was the best seat. Not in the front
..continue reading Submission in the Sky
As we step onto the small, 20 seat, business express
airplane, I feel your hand on the small of my back, as
if gently guiding me. I continue to my seat ahead
of you. I am really not thinking about anything other
than the trip in general, but you c
..continue reading A Kind of Swing
I guess ours isn't an unusual story, Paul and I married
in 1990, I was a silly eighteen year old girl and Paul
was twenty, just starting his own building business and
married life in the same year. I didn't have a career
as such, just spent my fo
..continue reading Grandmother seduces grandson
For Addie, it all began simply enough--a comment
overheard when her grandson Jimmy and his friend Joey
were staying over at her house three years earlier. They
had come to San Francisco to see a rock concert, but
stayed at her house the night bef
..continue reading Under Her Thumb
I was probably the last guy in my year to have sex with
Carla. At 18, she was addicted to sex and would offer
herself to any guy who wanted to screw her. I, of
course was very naïve and though I heard the stories
about her, I somehow figured the
..continue reading The Peephole
This story is a little embarrassing for me to tell,
because some of the things that Carmen and I did could
easily be considered perverted. I don't embarrass easily,
and I like most things to do with sex, but even I blush
a little when I think abo
..continue reading Fucking bitch!
Simply put, Virginia wanted to fuck. She didn't care who
or where just as long as she got some hot male sausage
to stuff into her aching pussy. "A girl can only go so
long without riding the big shaft," she thought, "and
I've gone about as far as
..continue reading A Marriage in Turmoil
Where do I begin? I guess when I was just a young buck
of nineteen freshly out of high school on his way to
college. Like a lot of kids at that time I guess I
thought I was hot stuff. I dated a lot and tried to see
how many pairs of panties I cou
..continue reading The Naturist Holiday
I hope you have read the account I gave of the first time
I made love to my sweet stepdaughter, Wendy.
That happened when I made a sexy video of her. Then Wendy
wrote about the time she bought us a visit to a rather
special health club. I think yo
..continue reading Sobering Up Mom
Today's newspapers are filled with stories of family's
being ripped apart by alcohol and drugs. This true story
deals with alcohol and how it changed my family. My mom
went through a period of serious alcohol abuse; abuse to
the point of neglecti
..continue reading The Adventures of Me and Martha
"Well," Lash LaRue said with his cocky grin, each hand perched
on one of two pearl-handled .45's at his side, "that takes care of
the McGraw Gang."
"Sure does," said Fuzzy St. John, nodding and spitting a wad
of tobacco juice.
Lash LaRue ti
..continue reading Home taboo
The "Deal" with dad about me studying for finals took more than a few strange
turns the next two weeks. First of all, mom and him moved me out of the motel
office apartment into a room in the back of the motel -- in the old section.
Dad removed the
..continue reading The Ballad Of Wrangler Jane
"Honestly, Wilton Parmenter, sometimes I
don't know why I put up with you." The pretty
blonde woman thundered as she stormed out of the
Captain's quarters. With a quick leap, she threw her
leg over the chestnut mare tied outside and hopped
up and on
..continue reading OHH FUCKKK DADDY
It's been a long time since I've written and I have a lot of
things to tell you about. Before you go any further though I
want to make something perfectly clear. Inside this letter you
will see an envelope of pictures that says don't open until
..continue reading Each repeated time, I taste my cum
It all started so innocently. An electronic pulse. A reply to a message.
Our interests and desires quickly melded. An exchange of pictures provided
fuel for fantasies and several solo explorations. We confessed. The rapport
we had lead to a dec
..continue reading The Gray Hair Society
Her blue gray frock of hair was getting sparser. While her
eyes still kept the youthful glow of a young dancer, her body sagged
from many years of life. Old Betty sat perched on her bench in the
park by the Library eating her lunch in complete silen
..continue reading The xmas fake taxi
Christmas. At least that's my excuse. Party season, networking season.
A client's PR company threw a big thrash in some cool Covent Garden
bar. "Cool" was funny, because cool was the *last* word you'd choose
to describe that crowded, clattering caver
..continue reading Hidden journal porn
I awoke to strangeness: warm bodies, girlish whispers, giggles and
very dim gray light. The warmth touching me and the sounds seemed only a
continuation of what had lulled me to sleep, but the light surprised me:
clearly it derived from no candle.
..continue reading The gang bang party
Regina took her time dressing for the evening. She wore a black silk shirt
with silver buttons over light blue jeans and left her long red hair loose to
hang down almost to her waist. Turning around she admired it in the mirror
behind her. They'll ju
..continue reading Getting His Trophy Wife
This little incident started at a party where there were a lot of good
people. And then there was the host and hostess: Brad, the
quintessential jerk and his wife, the trophy wife, who was really okay
- when she wasn't being the complete screaming bi
..continue reading
Your search to free stories is over here.
Cum and pussies
Daisy was 20 yrs old and got a summer job as a secretary for a architectural firm her boss Matt was a great guy he was great to work for on top of all that it didn't seem to bother him that Daisy was a male to female transexual.
Daisy was 5'7' tall
..continue reading Becoming Hers
Peter Weng was what a person who was trying to be nice might call slight or lithe, the people he had gone to school with generally went with faggot. He was 20 years old 5'4 and Asian, didn't have a visible ounce of muscle on his body but wasn't fat e
..continue reading Real bbw fucking
ane s, English, 18 and exactly 5 feet tall with natural long blonde hair, stunningly beautiful, with blue eyes and the most fantastic slim shapely figure. She had just finished her final year at school gaining three "A" Levels and looking forward to
..continue reading Bisexual Sam story
I only have been in high school for three months and I already about that
almost every guy had tried to go out with this person named Sam over a
hundred times and that was just my first day. Now just let me say this I
don't go to an all boys school.
..continue reading Sharri and Char
It was February 16, 1994, just three days after my
fifteenth birthday. I was sitting in the food court of
the local mall, all my friends were smoking cigarettes,
and I didn't have one.
As I sat there with my school friends, a lady walked up
..continue reading Son in law, xxx story (part2)
As the nice feelings in her pussy started to grow, she started to fantasize about being fucked by John's big cock. She didn't want it to be about John, she tried to think of George Clooney or Gregory Peck, her previous fantasy guys, but John's forcef
..continue reading