


"Here, let me do it."

"Yeah, you know how to get a cock hard, just rub it over that honey hole of yours, baby, and I'll ream it out good for you!"

Eileen Tremaine reached down to grasp Hank Barstow's flaccid cock as he knelt between her widespread thighs and leaned over her prostrate body. As she did, she cursed herself for having delayed the exciting moment; she had had him firm and hard while she had been mouthing his cock but then she had conceived a sudden desire to have his mouth running over her hot-lipped pussy. Hank had been willing enough to eat her pussy -- he was no laggard in that department -- and in fact, had brought her to a pair of sharp orgasms through adroit use of his tongue. But the climaxes had been localized and had seemed to affect only her clitoris and the outer surfaces of her pussy. She had been left hungry for a deep penetration, a bull-like thrust of a prick which would reach into the very depths of her womb and release the tension still knotted there.

"Mmmm, feels so good! So totally sexy!" she murmured, rubbing the soft tool over the wet, aroused lips of her pussy.

His prick really did feel good against the tender flesh, though she had said so mainly in order to give him another spark of excitement. Hank was one of those men who needed a bit of verbal cooperation from his women in order to reach his full peak of effectiveness and Eileen had no qualms about giving it. She loved saying the love words, the sensual phrases, and merely uttering them never failed to make her pussy and nipples throb more powerfully.

"Ahhh, I love to feel a cock growing hard against my pussy," she whispered, rubbing it into her slit harder. "I'm getting my pussy-drip all over your prick; I'm getting you ready to fuck me!"

That was true. She always let go a flood of the clear, warm oil whenever she became excited and, by swabbing his prick around the lips, she made it much more exciting to hold. When he became hard enough to show a sign of life in that exciting tool, she grasped it in her fist. Hank began humping in and out of her hand, making his cock slide back and forth in her grip. Eileen gradually aimed the stiffening, growing head between the lips of her pussy. The tool sensed the readiness of her cunt and grew even more quickly. Soon it was big enough that when Hank pressed deeply against her hand, the head slipped into the mouth of her cunt and gave her flesh a ravishingly delicious feeling.

"Ooohh, you're fucking my hand and cunt at the same time!" she exclaimed. "Do it harder, honey? I love to feel it going in like that! I'll pull my hand away in a minute and then you can ram it home!"

His cock responded to her words and to the urgent tone of her voice, and quickly swelled to its full size. She pulled her hand away once it was firmly planted and he lunged forward, sheathing half of the stiff tool at the first thrust. She wiped her cunt-oil-smeared hand on his hip and then dug her fingers into the small of his back. Her heels fitted neatly into the sockets at the back of his knees. She began lifting her hips up and tossing them from side to side as he began sliding steadily in and out. She stopped wiggling very shortly, feeling her womb tensing up in that familiar way. She did not want to come again so soon, even though the pressure was almost unbearable. In a vague, obscure way that she could never understand, Eileen hated to give herself free rein with Hank and come as soon as she wanted to. It always took him a good fifteen or twenty minutes of humping before he could get his balls loose enough to give up their load and she knew that she could rest awhile and still make it when he did.

I guess he's about as good at fucking as he is at being a foreman, she thought as she relaxed slightly and locked her legs around him slightly higher up. Just about adequate and no more!

She allowed her mind to roam freely and consciously willed herself not to think about the prick that was sliding in and out of her cunt with a slow, regular beat. It was already May 17, she realized with a start; that meant that Jack would be returning from boarding school in two weeks or less. A sense of unease, a gnawing feeling of guilt, swept over her when she thought of her sixteen-year-old son. A gangling, rawboned youth, the exact image of his father, he would be a big help to her in running the Bar T ranch ("Guests & Excursions", the sign outside the front gate read) that summer. That is, he would be a help if she could keep him from piling into bed with the better-looking female guests at her dude ranch!

They'd get their money's worth with him, she thought grimly. I wonder what he really thought about that wild night we had?

She remembered the unforgettable evening, his next to last of the Easter vacation. They had celebrated with a big steak dinner and champagne. Somehow, in the course of the evening, their talk had turned to bawdy things and before very long Eileen had found herself pulling him onto her. She still could hardly believe that it had happened but the memory was there. She still saw his cock in her mind's eye. The huge tool with its white-hot hardness had surprised her greatly as he unfastened the front of his jeans and knelt between her opened thighs. She still remembered the piercing dart of pain that had shot outward from her loins when he had rammed the enormous rod into the mouth of her cunt. Best of all, he had been so highly excited despite the champagne, that he had come almost as soon as the taut, passion-warmed ring of her cunt bad slipped around the head of his prick! It had taken her by surprise -- no man she had ever known had come so quickly with her. But, recognizing the unmistakable signs, she had greeted his climax with a quick lurch and a series of tossing hip thrusts that made her cunt burst out into a flowering, rainbow-hued crescendo of lusty joy.

My own son! she thought, blushing at the memory. I actually fucked my own son! And him barely sixteen! Jesus, he shot a load that time. I guess I'd been doing it with Hank too long I'd forgotten that a man could shoot off so much or so strong! Mmmm, I'll bet Jack would be a jewel to eat; imagine getting your mouth around a cock packed so full of come!

Eileen had kept her legs locked tightly around his ass that night and didn't let him pull away after that first come. She had continued to writhe and bob beneath him and soon he was fucking her again, driving his huge cock deeper and deeper until it seemed it would surely pierce her stomach. She had come again, and then, when he got his second wind and began humping with a mad, driving intensity, came yet a third time when his balls dissolved once more and flooded her cunt with liquid fire. She had released him after that and he had staggered off to his bedroom, leaving her sprawled on the couch, legs still spread wide. She had held her hands over her pussy to catch the steady drip of cunt-warmed semen which dripped from her cunt in a stream that she thought would never end. Then she had rubbed the sticky cream over the dark, bushy hair covering her love mound. By concentrating upon the fact that the sperm seeping from her cunt had been shot there by her son, that she was smearing his come over her pussy hair and lower belly and upper thighs, she soon had herself fully aroused once more. Having excited herself to an unendurable peak, she then worked her ring and middle fingers of her right hand into the juicy mouth of her cunt and fucked herself into one final climax, one that left her so weak she could barely stagger into her bedroom.

Jack had not mentioned the episode the next morning and, once she had looked at herself and the deed she had committed, she could not bring herself to mention it either. It had suited them both to pretend that it had never happened, though Eileen could do nothing to erase the memory from her mind. She found that she could hardly look at Hank, who had been standing in as her regular lover ever since her husband had died three years ago, without comparing him to young Jack. Hank did not stand up very well under the comparison but at least he was available. And he was not her son, either. Thus Eileen could admit him into her bed and grind out her hungers against his hard, wiry body without suffering those strong pangs of guilt which she had felt after that episode with Jack.

"Huh?" she blurted out, suddenly realizing that Hank had been talking to her while he was shoving his cock in and out of her cunt. "Oh, yeah, I'm getting there; just keep working it in and out like that. God, you're like a fucking stud-horse tonight! Oh, that cock, it's tearing my cunt apart!"

She sensed from the abrupt tightening of his muscles that he was nearing the bursting point and she hurried to catch up. It wasn't difficult for her to catch up with him since she had an unusual ability to excite herself through dwelling on mental images. She merely concentrated on seeing her son's bulging, lust-swollen prick and felt her cunt and breasts come alive with amazing rapidity. She gave a low, throaty moan and threw herself back at Hank and gripped him tightly between her long, powerful thighs. Many hours spent in the saddle had strengthened her legs' muscles and she could now almost control a man solely through using her legs and leverage.

He groaned as she squeezed her thighs together and forced him out of her cunt until only the head was lodged in the taut, muscle-rimmed opening. "God, you're tearing my cock off!"

"Make it come!" she grunted, weaving her hips in a frantic circle and clenching her stomach muscles to make her cunt grip him even more tightly. "Make it come, damn you! I want to feel you come!"

She relaxed her legs' grip slightly and, since he was naturally straining to plant his cock deeper in her cunt, he slipped inside with a quick rush. She tilted her hips upward, bringing the lips of her pussy up against the wiry hair growing around the base of his cock. Her clitoris scrubbed into his hard, flat belly and she groaned at the delightful contact. Eileen allowed him to remain deeply planted for only a few seconds. She quickly tightened her legs once more and pushed him out of her cunt. He strained even harder but could not overcome her superior leverage. Her hips snapped briefly, making her cunt nip and grab at the head of his prick, and then she felt him begin to come.

Hank roared out and reached down to grab the cheeks of her ass. His cock gave two false spurts, leaping madly within her cunt but giving up none of the spew she wanted, and then seemed to burst apart as the essence of his balls poured forth. The tool gave several jerks that made it move against the ultra-sensitive walls of her cunt in a deliriously exciting way. But it emitted only a few weak rivulets of thick, hot cream. Eileen cried out angrily when she felt the force of his orgasmic twitches diminish; she would have liked them to continue for several minutes, even though she knew that no man could keep up such fucking. She made the best of it, however, and continued grinding her pussy against Hank for several minutes after both of them had ceased to come.

"Yeah, you really love to work that thing, don't you?" Hank whispered in her ear. "Well, you just keep on working it, honey; I might have shot my wad but I like to feel you fucking away."

"God, there's nothing like a fuck!" Eileen gasped, still weaving her hips around his cock and loving the sensation. "Mmmm, I think I could fuck forever!"

It was not to be, however. She could feel his prick losing its stiffness by the second. The tool had soon grown so limp that her active cunt spat it out, as though it refused to hold a prick which was so little good. Hank rolled off when his cock had slipped out but she lay flat on her back with one hand clasped over her pussy. The muscles of her belly rippled softly as she bore down, seeking to expel the semen he had deposited in her. She felt the thick cream surge out of her cunt's mouth and slide over her waiting fingers. She spread the rich gruel over her flesh, plastering the dark, curly hair down flat, and then continued toying with the lips of her pussy.

"Hot damn, I never seen a woman so hot to feel a man's come running out," Hank exclaimed, sitting up in bed to watch her afterplay. "Both women I married would clap a tissue or a piece of an old shirt over it soon as I'd shot my load off. They didn't like to feel that come or see it either!"

"Some women are like that, I guess," Eileen mused. "I've always liked it. Feeling it run out reminds me of how much fun it was getting it in there in the first place!"

"Now that right there is one thing I like most about you. You've got a pretty good idea of what you want and you ain't afraid to stand up and admit to it. Yeah, a lot of women would rather stand up in front of the whole church and drink poison than admit to liking come!"

Hank wasted little time in bedtime niceties once he had relieved himself of the load of come he had built up for the past two days. A straightforward, self-centered ex-cowboy, he believed that women were made to be fucked, not talked to. He dallied for a moment but then got off the bed and began pulling on his clothes. Eileen did not bother trying to make him stay. She knew from long experience that he was good for only one fuck a night and she had little interest in him apart from his availability as a bed partner. She lay quietly, continuing to finger her pussy, and nodded peacefully as he left the room.

A far cry from Jack, she thought with a bitter grimace. Even though her son had apparently been racked with doubt and indecision after the act, he had not been eager to pull his prick out of her, not even after the second flood of orgasmic lava had gushed from his big cock. And a veritable flood it had been, she recalled. It had seemed that he was going to come forever, especially during the first climax, and she also remembered that his come had seemed to be of a different sort. Hank's spew had a thick, creamy consistency and a chalky, rank flavor, as she well knew from looking at her fingers and tasting them during her experiments after he had left her. Jack's come, in distinct contrast, was not nearly so thick and was virtually transparent. Furthermore it had had a young, fresh taste, almost sweet. And there had been nothing weak or halfhearted about the way it had shot from his cock! The explosion had taken her by complete surprise. It had seemed as though she had admitted a firehose into her cunt and turned it on full force.

By comparing Hank's climax with Jack's she had teased herself into another state of excitement. Perhaps it had been deliberate, she thought as her fingers caressed the wet, come-smeared slit more purposefully. But in any case it was real. She was horny again and there was nothing to do but to relieve her cunt of the excitement which her thoughts had engendered. She was used to masturbating; the death of Jack, Sr. had seen to that. Eileen was a passionate woman, thirty-seven and seemingly at the very peak of her sexual powers. She had an almost inexhaustible hunger for sexual pleasure and frankly doubted if any one man, even so compelling a lover as her late husband had been, would have been able to have satisfied all her sensual urges.

Eileen rolled over onto her belly, flattening her big, slightly drooping breasts against the quilt she used for a bedspread. Her right hand stayed between her thighs, cupping her pussy closely, and her left reached around to glide between her legs from the rear. She slipped the middle finger of her left hand into her cunt for a moment, plunging it deep and allowing it to stay long enough to become thoroughly coated with the ripe oils that excited tunnel produced. Then she removed the finger and guided it into the tight, puckered eye located just above her cunt's mouth. She shuddered heavily as the finger penetrated her asshole but she drove it deep. At the same time she worked three fingers of her right hand as far into her cunt as she could reach and bent her hand at the wrist so as to bring her palm into close, intimate contact with her clitoris. Once her hands were in place she brought her thighs together, making them bore into her anus and cunt even more strongly, and began flexing her hips in a slow, rhythmical pattern.

Her thoughts turned back to her son, Jack. Would he want to have her again when he returned from the boarding school he attended? And if he wanted her, would she be able to rely upon her good sense and talk him out of it? Or would she give in to her body's desperate hungers and again pull him between her soft thighs? These questions had plagued her ever since she had driven him in to Salt Lake City, where he caught the plane back to school at the end of his vacation. She was now no closer to an answer than she had been when she first asked them. His few letters and the more frequent calls had given no inkling of his thinking about the deed they had shared.

"Ooohh!" Eileen groaned, burying her face in the quilt and shuddering as her fingers worked powerfully against her excited flesh.

The addition of a finger in her asshole, she had discovered a few years ago, added an incredible stimulus to her sex play and greatly added to the violence of her climaxes. She had found a book, one of those cheap paperback novels with a nude voluptuous beauty on the front cover, in a cabin vacated by a guest and had appropriated it. The book, a novel with an improbable setting and even more ludicrous plot, had concerned a young girl who had been anally raped by a gang of motorcycle riders. Although the book had been trash, the sex scenes had been written with a certain dash and liveliness not found in the rest of the pages. Eileen had found herself thinking almost constantly of the heroine's troubles for a few days after reading the book. Finally, when she lay alone in her bed with one hand busily plunging into her cunt, she had given in and tried the experiment. It had taken her a few minutes to discover a satisfactory way of getting a finger into her own asshole but once she had accomplished the feat she had felt a strong surge of sexuality sweeping through her entire midsection and had shortly fucked herself into a state of near-delirium. Now she seldom failed to fuck herself in both the openings between her thighs.

"Aargh-owwww!" she moaned, pressing harder against her hands and quivering heavily as she sought to work out the tensions within her tall, trim body. "Oooohh! Come, make it now! Come!"


When Eileen awoke the next morning she still felt a warm, soft afterglow of sexual contentment. Her bed and body reeked of come, though it was a smell which she loved. She never failed to marvel at the way her cunt could transform sperm, giving it a sharp sexual scent. Mere sperm by itself could not begin to compare with the mixed essence of love, as she knew from having sniffed of her son's sheets after he had had a wet dream.

Nevertheless, she drew herself a bath, laced it liberally with pine-scented bath oil and got in with a grateful sigh. After reclining in the water and allowing it to lull her into a state of near-unconsciousness, she stirred and lathered her pussy with care, washing away every trace of Hank's ejaculation. After emerging from her bedroom, fully bathed and dressed, she prepared a hearty breakfast and ate every bit of it.

There were only two couples staying at the ranch -- it was a bit early for the summer crowd -- and she knew that Hank could take care of their needs. She spent the morning in straightening up her accounts and walked down to the mailbox in time to meet the mailman. Sorting through the collection he gave her, she picked out the most likely envelopes to open first. The reservations for summer visits were coming in even faster than last year, which had been her best season ever, and she made the proper entries in her reservations book and typed out the answering cards. As she was finishing this task, the telephone on her cluttered desk rang and she picked up the receiver.

"Mrs. Tremaine? I was wondering if perhaps you might have a vacant cabin this week?" the caller asked. "I've just discovered that I'm going to have a couple of weeks free and, since I've been wanting to visit your ranch I thought I might be able to take this opportunity."

"Yes, I have a number of vacancies," Eileen answered. "Rather a slow time of the year, just now."

"Good. I'm Doreen Mason, Mrs. Al Mason," the caller said. "From Los Angeles. Fred and Arlene Winston recommended your ranch; I believe they stayed there last October."

"Er, I believe they did," Eileen agreed. "Very well, Mrs. Mason, I'll need your home address, home telephone number and your expected date of arrival."

When she received the information she jotted it down, thanked Mrs. Mason and hung up. She also wrote herself a note to meet Mrs. Mason at the airport in Salt Lake City the next day at noon, which was the earliest she could arrive. As always, when she took a reservation over the telephone, Eileen wondered about the caller. Doreen Mason had sounded young, perhaps thirty. Her voice had a sophisticated, educated quality and she had specifically requested one of the first-class cabins, making no sign of a protest when Eileen had mentioned the stiff rate she charged for the luxuriously furnished units.

I just hope she's not trying to crank herself up for a divorce or something, Eileen said to herself as she turned to other duties. They're always the most trouble, those wives who come out here to solve their problems.

Doreen Mason seemed not to have a care in the world, Eileen decided when she picked up the woman the next day and drove her back to the ranch. She explained her husband's absence by mentioning that he was a professor of psychology at a Los Angeles college and that he would hardly miss her for the two weeks, which came at the end of the term and would be primarily a season of test-giving and marking for him.

"He won't even know I'm gone," Doreen said. "Actually I'm sort of an advance party -- a group of faculty wives have been looking for a nice ranch where we can go on a group excursion. You know, the sort of place where we can all get away from our husbands for a few days and let our hair down in privacy."

"There'll be plenty of privacy," Eileen assured her. "My theory is that you should give a guest as much leeway as she wants. If you want it that way, I'll make sure that no one will bother you."

Their conversation on the ride back to the ranch, a distance of some fifty miles, confirmed her initial friendly response to the new guest. Doreen Mason looked to be about thirty, as she had sounded over the phone, and was of medium height, though of a build verging toward plumpness. She was especially big in the breasts and Eileen had to suppress a smile at the thought of the woman riding a horse without a bra. She very obviously had not bothered to wear one on the plane and her big breasts jostled each other comfortably in the front of the expensively tailored silk shirt under her pantsuit. Her black hair and dark coloring meant that she would not be likely to become a sunburn victim, a relief, and also lent an aura of exotic interest to her plump cheeks and sparking brown eyes. Her regular features lit up with interest as they drove into the foothills in which the Bar T lay and Eileen saw that she was a very beautiful woman when sparked with curiosity or interest. By the time they turned in at the main gate of the ranch Eileen decided that she liked her new guest very much.

Later that afternoon, just before dinner, Eileen took a walk around the outbuildings of her ranch. She always derived a feeling of solid satisfaction from these walks and from looking at the evidence of material progress she and her late husband had made. The ranch had been only a tumble-down main house and a rat-infested barn when they had bought the place, almost fifteen years ago and shortly after their marriage. It had taken a lot of hard work but they had built it into a thriving enterprise and she knew the trim, spic-and-span buildings reflected success and prosperity.

Eileen turned the corner of the barn and came upon Doreen sitting on an upturned bucket and gazing intently into the corral. Looking that way, she saw Jackson, one of the burros they kept around the ranch for pack trips. An obstinate but sturdy little gray creature, he could be depended upon to eat anything left lying around a campsite and could empty a foodbox quicker than any group of cowboys she had ever known. Jackson stood placidly in the corral and nibbled at a few wisps of hay. Eileen walked closer to the woman, who stared at the burro as if she had been put into a trance; she was standing only a couple of feet away from Doreen before the woman turned to notice her. Eileen saw that her cheeks were flushed a deep hue of red and that she was highly agitated.

"My God, I'd always heard that about donkeys but I never really believed it!" Doreen whispered.

"What?" Eileen asked, seeing only the obstinate troublemaker she had always known. "I'm afraid I don't understand."

"That cock! Look at that cock hanging down from his belly!"

Eileen looked and had to suppress a giggle. As Doreen had said, Jackson's prick was indeed hanging from his scruffy gray belly. The instrument was dark-brown and drooped limply for about a foot. Doreen's hotly flushed face and bright, glinting eyes suggested that she found the sight exciting.

"Oh, that," Eileen said. "The burros are always doing that. The horses, too, at least the geldings and the stud. It doesn't mean anything, I don't think. My husband used to tell me that they ran their cocks out to cool them off!"

"Yes, I can see that it isn't hard," Doreen whispered. "But the size of the thing! Are horses much bigger than that?"

"Come to think of it, they're not," Eileen remarked. "That's a curious thing about animals, at least horses and burros. There isn't much difference in their cocks when they're hard and when they aren't, except that they get harder. But no bigger, though."

She could see that the woman was highly excited by the donkey's prick, which amused her. She herself had been around the ranch's animals far too long to see them as anything but familiar fixtures.

"I'll tell you what," Eileen suggested after a moment, during which Doreen had said nothing at all and had not removed her eyes from Jackson's cock. "If you'd like to go along, we could take a little drive tomorrow. I know something that might really interest you. Some of the neighbors are bringing over a couple of mares who are coming into heat; they're going to breed them to my stallion. We can slip down to the horse pasture tomorrow and have a good look at the proceedings if you'd like."

"Could we?" Doreen asked, moving her eyes away from Jackson for the first time. "My God, what an exciting thing to see! I've always beard about stallions and their mares; it sounds like it would be out of sight! Ooohh, I'd love to go!"

They made a date of it and Eileen promised to pick Doreen up at eight o'clock sharp for the drive to the horse pasture. She kept Ace, her prize stallion, in a pen by himself a couple of miles farther up a canyon, well away from the main cluster of buildings. Doreen had a question as soon as she got into the pickup the next morning.

"Will there be other people there?" she asked. "I think I'd be ashamed to watch if there were other people around. Isn't that hypocritical of me?"

"I don't know if it's hypocritical or not," Eileen said, "but I came prepared just in case. I've got a spotting telescope here and we can park well away from the lot if you'd rather. There will be some other people there -- Hank, my foreman, and the men who own the mares. Come to think of it, you might feel a little out of place around them. I mean, it would be perfectly obvious that we'd come there just to see the mares get fucked."

Eileen had deliberately used the vulgar term, hoping to measure Doreen's reaction, and she scored a success right away. The woman's face flushed brightly and she averted her eyes at the mention of the plain, sturdy verb. Eileen congratulated herself upon having read her guest correctly: Doreen wanted to witness the breeding of a mare simply to excite herself. Evidently she was the kind of woman who found sexual activity exciting to watch, even though it only involved animals. Eileen had witnessed far too many breedings to find any special erotic thrill in it any longer; she associated a breeding with a lot of hard, dusty, sweaty work.

"It might be a little different from what you're expecting," she said as she turned off the main track and took the pickup into rougher country. "A stallion isn't always as horny as a man; sometimes he has to be coaxed into doing his work."

Doreen wanted to know what she meant but Eileen refused to explain, saying that she would see soon enough for herself. They clattered along over progressively rougher country and finally came to a halt. Eileen got out, bringing her spotting scope -- Jack, Sr. had used it for target practice and hunting -- and its tripod, and led Doreen into a thick clump of junipers crowning a low ridge. They squatted down in the edge of the thick growth and she set up the scope, pointing it at the small barn and corral laid out in the canyon floor beneath them. The corral was perhaps a quarter-mile off but the scope would bring it into close view, permitting them to see everything. She focused the instrument and then rolled out of the way for Doreen to see.

"We're just in time," she murmured. "And like I told you, the stallion's a bit balky. He's the sorrel."

Ace was indeed a handsome brute of an animal. His coat glistened in the sharp morning sunlight. He showed only a slight interest in the mares, a gray and a bay, and continued munching hay out of the trough before him.

"What are they doing with that burro?" Doreen asked.

Eileen explained that she was watching Jackson, the same burro she had seen yesterday. When a stallion proved balky and unwilling to mount the mares, she added, the men had to provoke his jealousy and get him more in the mood for servicing his mates. Burros, she said, were exceptionally horny and needed no such enticement; they were always ready to belly up to a mare and sink their cocks in a hot pussy. She allowed Doreen exclusive use of the scope, since she knew quite well what was going on, and explained the proceedings as she watched with her naked eyes.

"They get Jackson excited and he tries to mount the mare," she whispered. "But they don't let him fuck her; that would produce a mule instead of a horse colt and nobody wants a mule. So, as soon as it looks like he's going to get his prick in the mare, they slap it down and pull him off. After a while Ace will get interested and do his work properly."

Doreen expressed a compassionate regard for the frustrated burro, who was braying angrily and scuffing the dusty corral's floor in his impatience to start fucking. He sniffed under the gray mare's tail and mounted her with surprising ease. Doreen marveled at the way the tiny burro could strain and stretch himself in his effort to get his cock into the mare's pussy. Jackson cavorted like an acrobat and once seemed on the verge of crawling onto the mare's back.

Eileen could see that her guest was growing more excited by the minute and caught the sensual fever. Perhaps it was merely due to her proximity to the highly excited woman but whatever the cause, she felt a surge of hot, passionate blood flowing through the tissues of her pussy and became more aware of her sexual hungers. Doreen's grunts of surprise and moans of astonishment became more and more pronounced until Eileen began to wonder if the woman might come while watching the performance in the corral below. Ace finally caught the fever and quickly fucked both mares, nudging Jackson aside with proud disdain and mounting with an urgency. The mares shrieked with excitement when they felt the massive prick spearing their cunts, plowing deep and blasting out a load of hot come. Doreen expressed great surprise at the quickness of the act, once Ace had gotten the message.

"Stallions might be really hung," Eileen murmured softly, "but they aren't much for an extended fucking session. They get it in and -- wham! -- they shoot their load in a hurry."

"Mmm, just like a young kid!" Doreen breathed. "God, that's the best thing about making it with a teenager; they come so quick! And so much!"

Eileen looked at her guest with startled eyes, amazed to find one of her own thoughts coming from another. She did not reply to the woman's passionate remark, perhaps because she feared what she might say. They lay there another minute or two and then Eileen suggested leaving. They slipped back through the junipers, got into the pickup and pulled away without saying another word. Eileen drove back to the main buildings in a dither; she did not know what to do next.

"Er, I get the impression you might want to go back to your cabin," she said as she slowed down near the row of guest cottages.

"You know it!" Doreen breathed. "I can't help it; I've got to do it! Oh, it was the most exciting thing ever!"

Eileen shifted herself about uncomfortably on the pickup's seat. The sexual excitement she had caught from Doreen had made her pussy sensitive and she could feel her excited flesh rubbing against the stiff seat beneath her. Working the clutch and brake pedals had caused her thighs to rub together and forced the stiff cloth of her jeans harder into her pussy to arouse her more than ever.

"Come in with me," Doreen whispered when they stopped in front of her cabin. "Let's do it together! God, I'm so horny, so hot, so fucking hot! Come on, Eileen, come inside and make it with me! I've got a dildo that's out of sight. It's so much like a cock you wouldn't believe it! Let's both get ourselves a come!"

Eileen quivered excitedly and felt her nipples and clitoris throb with a desperate urgency at the tone of abandoned excitement in the woman's throaty voice. Even though she had never masturbated in the presence of anyone else, not even her husband, she felt a powerful sense of desire now. Marveling at her own weakness, she switched off the pickup's ignition and opened the door. Doreen scampered into the cottage and Eileen followed, pulling the front door closed and bolting it. Doreen stood in the center of the small living room and tore off her clothes. Eileen's body gave off progressively stronger thrills of excitement and she too began undressing. She saw that Doreen's body was even lovelier than she had supposed. The woman's breasts were especially remarkable. Full and firm, easily the size of large grapefruits, they swelled out to finely pointed cones of reddish-brown flesh; huge maroon circles of aroused flesh separated the nipple from the rest of the mound. When she had ripped off her panties she spread her feet wide apart and clasped her pussy between her hands, rubbing herself sensually as she watched Eileen's clothes drop off.

"God, it's been ages since I've felt so horny!" Doreen whispered. "Mmm, you've got a beautiful body -- I love your big tits!"

Eileen paused with her thumbs hooked in the waistband of her panties. The woman's tone had not been what she expected; it sounded very much as though Doreen's remark had been made more out of desire than envy. Doreen watched her for another moment and then hurried off to the bedroom, announcing that she would return with her toys. When she came back she had a battery-powered vibrator in one hand and a formidable-looking dildo in the other. Eileen had never seen either instrument before and wondered what kind of woman she had taken up with. The dildo was made of a semi-soft rubbery substance and, as Doreen had said, bore an amazing resemblance to a genuine prick. It looked to be a good eight inches long, perhaps two inches thick, and even had a pair of sculpted balls. It had a strap fastened to the base by snaps but the most frightening thing about it was the inch-wide row of tiny rubber spikes circling the shaft just behind the obscenely large cockhead. Eileen shuddered at the thought of being fucked by so formidable a tool but Doreen seemed to think that it was a beautiful object.

"Which one do you want?" Doreen asked, brandishing the tools. "I can't ever decide which one is best."

Eileen could not make up her own mind and was indeed dubious about using either. She finally accepted the strap-on dildo, however, and found that holding the massive tool in her hand gave her a stronger desire to feel it going into her cunt. She wondered about the strap; evidently a person could fasten it around his waist and pull it down into position for use as a supplementary prick.

"Do you want to use it on me?" Doreen asked, seeing her handle the strap and mistakenly supposing that she meant to put it around her hips. "I've never been fucked with it, not by anyone else, I mean, but I'll bet it would be fun! God, I'd love to have you between my legs, feel you working that monster in!"

Eileen almost dropped the dildo, she was so shocked at the insane suggestion. She quickly saw that Doreen was entirely in earnest, however, and decided that she might like playing the man's part. Doreen read the quick glint of decision in her eyes and lay back on the couch, propping her left leg on the top of the cushioned back and trailing her right leg on the floor. Eileen fumbled with the straps and managed to get the thing fastened around her waist. An auxiliary strap went between her legs and kept the base of the big rubber prick pulled down over her lovemound; she giggled at the sight of a cock, even a false one, protruding from the base of her belly.

"Yes, it looks odd," Doreen whispered, watching her intently, "to see a prick beneath those wonderful breasts of yours! Get on me, darling, and let me feel it going in! Ooohh, I want to fuck so badly!"

Eileen found it difficult to walk with the straps digging into her hips and pussy but she soon adjusted to their pressure and got between the woman's full, widespread thighs. Doreen reached down to guide the nose of the dildo into the lips of her pussy and brought her legs up to enclose Eileen's quivering body. Eileen pushed against the base of the dildo and saw Doreen's eyes widen with joy as the tool opened the mouth of her cunt. She felt the woman's legs tighten around her body and a powerful thrill of sexual excitement surged outward from her pussy as she began fucking in earnest. Doreen gasped out a strangled oath of delirious exhortation and wrapped her arms around Eileen, pulling her face down onto her raised breasts and panting with anticipation.


Doreen gave every indication of accepting Eileen just as though she were a man. Her fervent, obscene cries of abandoned exhortation, the convulsive twists and thrusts of her trim, quivering hips as Eileen worked the rubber prick into her grasping cunt, the quick gasps which escaped from her lips, all seemed to be exactly the same reactions she would be displaying were the prick boring into her body made of human flesh instead of rubber. She clawed at Eileen's buttocks, digging her fingers into the smoothly rounded globes, and even reached farther with one hand, searching for and finding her partner's asshole. She fingered the tight hole with the tip of her right middle finger. Eileen gave a mighty lunge of excitement when she felt Doreen begin massaging that exquisitely tender opening.

The dildo straps were made of heavy canvas and fitted the tool snugly around Eileen's loins. Even so, she could tell that the action was not exactly the same as a man's prick would give; she could feel the tool pulling away from her own pussy whenever she attempted to extract it from Doreen's cunt and prepare for another thrust. She had to exaggerate her thrusting movements but quickly found that she could almost duplicate the cockthrusts of a man. Doreen gave no indication at all that she had other than joyous reactions to her attempts at acting a man's part in the fucking. She groaned frantically each time Eileen pulled the thick tool from her cunt and every slow, spearing thrust brought a delighted gasp to her full, red lips. Her thighs gripped powerfully and she rubbed her fire-tipped breasts into Eileen's, giving them both an additional powerful dose of stimulation.

The base of the tool nudged comfortably against Eileen's swollen clitoris each time she thrust it into Doreen's cunt and the strap running between her thighs soon began rubbing the lips of her pussy. These exciting sensations, together with the sensuality emanating from Doreen's finely aroused body, made her womb tighten into a hard, quivering ball. The extent and intensity of her reaction surprised her; she had not supposed that it would be very exciting to fuck another woman with an artificial prick, not matter how large and grotesque looking it might be. Eileen was discovering that it could be exciting and fulfilling to administer sexual pleasure to another woman as to receive it from a member of the opposite sex.

"Unnngghh!" Doreen groaned, tossing her hips about madly and bumping her pussy against the base of the rubber prick with mad, savage abandon. "Shove it in, all the way in! Leave it there and -- oh! -- let me fuck it myself!"

Eileen did as she was told and drove the immense tool as far as possible into the woman's cunt. Doreen gave a low, whimpering cry of sexual anguish and immediately tightened the grip of her powerful legs around Eileen's body. She lifted her hips upward, exposing her hot-lipped pussy more completely to the deeply planted tool, and began grinding her rump from side to side, up and down; she was fucking with a mindless, primitive intensity that set aside every consideration except the immediate goal of orgiastic release.

Holding her loins tightly against the heaving woman, Eileen discovered that she could, by moving her hips very slightly, work her strained clitoris against the base of the dildo strapped to her body. She was in no mood to pass up any kind of sexual stimulation, regardless of the source, and she began squeezing against the tool with slow, sensuous wiggles. She worked herself against the tool with mounting success and then felt the strap of the tool slip between the lips of her pussy, spreading them wide and scraping against the highly aroused flesh in a way that made her quiver from head to foot. Seizing the opportunity, she reached around her right hip and fastened her hand around the strap. By pulling upon it, she could make it work against her pussy all the harder. She soon felt her womb give a warning tingle, the warning signal of orgiastic joy lying just ahead, and she began writhing at an even faster, harder pace.

"Mmmm! You're working it in my cunt just right!" Doreen cried out with a lusty burst of hip-tossing grinds.

"Oooohh! Agghhh!" Eileen groaned. "I'm coming, I'm coming already!"

They clung together, locked in a passionate embrace, and allowed their nervous systems to carry them the rest of the way. Eileen lost all track of time; for a few moments she was conscious of nothing but the mighty storm which had developed within her deep cunt. She twisted and strained, working her flesh against the tool and the thick strap. She groaned and sobbed aloud as her womb succumbed to the intense pressures. A flood of warm, musky oil ran out of her cunt and deluged the dildo, the strap and dripped down onto Doreen's frantic, throbbing slit.

Doreen shrieked with abandoned pleasure when she felt her own cunt give an answering throb and turn into an inferno of raging lust. She fucked back at the throbbing woman with all her power. She worked her cunt around the big tool Eileen had thrust into her and shuddered heavily as the waves of solid orgasmic pleasure swept over her body. Her cries mounted to a shrill crescendo, keeping pace with the mounting pressure of her cunt's throbbing. At the very peak of her joy she gave a small, weak whimper and fell back in a limp heap. She panted heavily and caught up her big breasts, massaging them gently, as her cunt slowly lost the delicious grip upon sexual delirium it had earlier had.

"Oooohh, that's the way to fuck a pussy!" she whispered softly. "You sure you never got it on with a girl before? Honey, you swung that tool like you'd been doing it all your life!"

Eileen assured her new friend that she had never even so much as touched another woman or even had any interest in doing so. Doreen shook her head in wonder. She promised that as soon as she had caught her breath she would remove the dildo from Eileen's waist and use it on her. The promise sent a cold shiver of dread anticipation over Eileen; she remembered the bizarre look of the tool, with those circles of soft rubber spikes adorning its shaft. She was not sure that her cunt would be able to stand such violent treatment.

Doreen laughed heartily and assured her that she would love every inch of the cock. A woman's cunt, she pointed out, was always much more sensitive when she had had a climax without being penetrated deeply, a fact of which Eileen was well aware, and thus she would appreciate the dildo more than ever. Eileen reluctantly disengaged herself and unsnapped the dildo straps. Doreen shuddered heavily as the thick rod slipped from her cunt; it emerged bright and glistening with her cunt-juices. Eileen found herself wanting to be penetrated by that awesome prick; she could feel the mouth of her cunt drawing up into a tighter, smaller knot of excited flesh as she contemplated being pierced by the tool.

Doreen accepted the dildo and twisted about on the bed. She apologized for not strapping it on, explaining that she was too weak to mount a thorough-going attack upon Eileen's cunt, but assured her that she could make it every bit as good. She directed Eileen to kneel upon the bed, holding her body in an upright position, so that she could drive the dildo up into her cunt from beneath. Eileen assumed the position, trembling with hungry desire, and watched her friend bring the tool closer to her pussy.

"Oooohh, it looks so big!" she exclaimed. "Are you sure those spikes won't hurt me?"

"They'll make you come like you've never come before," Doreen promised. "Didn't you ever get fucked before by a guy wearing a French tickler?"

Eileen had not and she said so. In fact, she did not even know what a French tickler was, though she had no doubt that Doreen could fill her in very completely on that particular score. The woman seemed to be totally devoted to sexual pleasure. She held the dildo very close to the lips of Eileen's hot, aching pussy and then touched the tool to her flesh, making her jump and gasp with delight. The head was far bigger than any prickhead she had ever had thrust between the lips of her pussy and the shaft was even larger. She knew that she would be strained to the utmost once the woman got all the rod thrust into her cunt, but she was so excited that she would have died rather than pass up the attempt to take it all.

Doreen explained that she would start nosing the prick into her cunt and then turn it over to her so that she could fuck herself at her own speed. As she was watching Eileen masturbate, she said, she would apply the vibrator to her own body and perhaps they could watch each other come. Eileen's cunt gave a ferocious leap of erotic delight as she heard that and she touched the tip of the dildo to her pussy's lips, bringing another shudder of pleasure to her body. The tool was still warm from Doreen's cunt. By using it fresh from another's hole, Eileen thought, she was making it even more exciting and she felt a sudden, inexplicable surge of desire shoot through her loins as she watched the woman settle back with the cigar-shaped vibrator. The tool looked to be seven or eight inches long and was made of white plastic. Doreen touched it to the lips of her pussylips, still dark with lusty passion and her pussyoils and switched it on.

"Agghhh!" she groaned, grimacing as the powerful little electric motor inside the tool's handle whirred into life.

Eileen forced more of the broad, bulbous dildo head into the lips of her pussy. She felt it spearing the mouth of her cunt and when she increased the pressure upon it she also felt that taut, strained opening begin to spread wider. She was tighter and more aroused than normal but this only made the dildo all the more attractive as a sexual instrument. She forced it against her pussy harder and grunted out sharply as her flesh was pierced and spread even wider.

Doreen ran the tip of the whirring vibrator over every part of her pussy, covering both sides of the gaping slit and running it down the ripe, juicy furrow as well, and then thrust it into her cunt with a quick flip of her wrist. The sudden penetration brought a weak, quavering cry of animal joy to her lips and her hands drove the tool deeper. She held it in place for a moment and then brought it out. It emerged thickly coated with her cunty oils. She held it out to Eileen's pussy, a question in her eyes. Eileen understood the gesture and the look and nodded.

"Do it to me!" she panted, working the head of the dildo further into the mouth of her cunt and gasped wildly as the instrument further dilated the tender opening. "Work it over my pussy! Make me come!"

Doreen extended her hand further and brought the whirring tip of the vibrator into contact with Eileen's pussylips. Eileen cried out weakly, lurched forward and thrust the spiked dildo into her cunt with a convulsive lunge. The thick-shafted tool speared deep; the spikes slid over the taut rim of her cunt and plunged inside the hot, grasping tunnel. She moaned as the tool probed further into her strained, tortured flesh.

Doreen withdrew the vibrator after a moment and turned it back toward her own cunt. She thrust it deep and gasped with renewed joy; the hole had grown exquisitely sensitive during the vibrator's absence and it greeted the tool's entrance with frantic throbs of primitive joy. She worked it deep, twisting it to make sure that the tip probed into every nook and cranny of the hot crack. She cried out at Eileen, telling her to twist the dildo within her cunt, and began plunging the vibrator in and out with quick, choppy strokes.

Eileen twisted it and immediately felt a terrible explosion take place deep in her loins. As she twisted the dildo around, the spikes dug deep into the supremely tender walls of her cunt and lent a special flavor to the excitement which raced over her shuddering body. She began working the tool in and out, twisting it at the same time, and felt the spasms growing stronger. Within seconds she was experiencing the strongest, most violent climax she had ever known. The force of the spasms even exceeded those she had felt when she had forced her cunt down upon the prick of young Jack. She felt as though her womb was melting and running down the walls of her cunt and dripping out onto the dildo as she continued working in and out of her frantically throbbing hole.

She howled and shook like a leaf in an autumn wind. "Ohhhh! My cunt! I'm coming all over, I can't stop coming!"

She looked down and saw that Doreen was removing the vibrator from her cunt. The woman held the tool with one band and used the index finger of the other to find her asshole. Then she transferred the vibrator tip there and began working it in. Eileen's eyes widened in surprise; though she was gripped by a passion mightier than any she had ever known, she retained enough command over her senses to understand what the woman was doing.

Doreen worked the cunt-moistened vibrator into the rim of her ass and then shoved it deep. At the same time she used her free hand to massage the lips of her pussy. She squeezed the big, discolored flaps together, pulled them away from her body and then thrust two fingers deep between them. She withdrew the fingers and ran them over her clitoris. At the same time her other hand drove the vibrator deeper until only an inch of the cream-colored plastic protruded from the tightly strained asshole. She grasped it by the end and rotated it, stroking her pussy all the while and occasionally running the same two fingers into her cunt.

Eileen watched in fascination. The sight of another woman giving herself sexual pleasure in such an unrestrained, uninhibited manner excited her enormously and she felt her climax returning, stronger than ever. She helped it along by working the dildo in and out with lightninglike jabs and even flicked her own throbbing clitoris with a finger whenever she could. She bumped her hips forward and backward in a fucking motion. The added effort lent even more vigor to the convulsive throbs of her cunt and made her grunt all the louder as her body reverberated with sensual delirium. Groaning and sobbing with every beat of her heart, she fucked herself with the dildo until she could no longer hold herself upright. Giving a low, weak moan of satisfaction, she toppled over onto her side and lay there, utterly spent.

Doreen continued fucking herself in the ass with the vibrator until she had exhausted her sensual appetite. She flicked off the tool with a whimper of delight and stretched out on her side. The tool remained lodged in her ass and protruded from the firmly molded rim of her buttocks. The two women lay side by side for several minutes. Neither could speak -- there was no need for words. Each knew that the other had experienced something very much like the ultimate in sexual pleasure.

Eileen felt her heart warming to the strange, sensual woman who had burst upon her horizon with such unexpected results. The sexual intimacies they had shared removed every trace of restraint and she felt as though she had known Doreen all her life. At last she summoned up enough strength to thank her for the use of the dildo; she added that it had given her more pleasure than most of the men she had ever had between her thighs.

"If only someone would make one that could shoot hot come like a man!" Doreen exclaimed. "Like a young stud, say, sixteen or seventeen; somebody who could really shoot it out strong -- that's what would make it just super perfect!"

Eileen observed that she seemed to have a fixation upon young males and their prowess as sexual partners. The observation brought a knowing smile. Doreen rolled onto her back, lifted her legs up and brought the vibrator out of her asshole before answering. She toyed with the tool for a moment, as though she might be considering again thrusting it into her cunt, and then laid it aside with a sigh. She then admitted that she had been carrying on affairs for the last three years with a succession of boys. They had ranged in age from fifteen to seventeen, and all had been fired with a lusty eagerness to learn everything she could teach them about lovemaking. She acknowledged that she considered this to be cheating on her husband but pointed out that he was now over forty and quite simply could not produce enough sex drive to satisfy her ravenous wants.

"I thought I'd be able to do without it," she told Eileen, "but every year I seem to want it more and more; it's like I can't get enough of it. And I want it with boys too -- young ones, the kind who can keep their cocks hard for hours and can shoot come over and over without losing interest!"

She expounded at length upon the peculiar joys of introducing naive youths to the more sophisticated varieties of lovemaking, especially the oral arts. Eileen felt her pussy growing warm and wet when she heard the woman's fervent praise of young semen, sucked and swallowed from the stiff cock of an enthusiastic youth. She thought at once of her own son; she tried to imagine herself forcing her lips down over his lust-stiffened prick and teasing the sperm from his balls. She could not imagine the sensations which would result from feeling his cock become a meaty geyser, inundating her tongue and throat with that hot, salty spew.

Eileen felt an enormous conviction growing inside that she must tell Doreen about her son. She raised up on an elbow, looked directly into the woman's dark eyes and unburdened herself. She found it difficult to talk at first but Doreen displayed a wonderfully sympathetic attitude and listened in such a calm, encouraging manner that Eileen found it easier to pour out her tale. She did not spare herself, nor did she attempt to excuse or cover up any part of the drunken, lustful act she had committed with her own son.

"It sounds wonderful!" Doreen heatedly exclaimed when she finished. Then, seeing the expression of surprise which spread over her face, she went on, "Surely you're not hung up about it? You're not suffering guilt or anything like that?"

Eileen could not deny that this was the case. She felt better for having confessed her sinful deed but she could not find a trace of condemnation in Doreen's eyes. If anything, the woman seemed actually to approve of what she had done! She looked incredulously at the woman and shook her head in dismay.

Doreen laughed heartily and proceeded to assure her that she had in no way done anything that she should be sorry for. When Eileen started to say how awful incest was, the woman merely laughed gaily and shook her head. She made Eileen sit down beside her and then gave her a short lecture on incest. Her husband, a specialist in abnormal psychology, had made a detailed study of the subject and had examined the ancient taboo from every aspect. He had found no medical, biological, physical, genetic or psychological reason to believe that incest was in any way different from any other kind of sexual encounter. The only difference, Doreen said, was that so many people thought it was different and, acting upon that belief, helped create situations which lent a superficial credence to their misconception.

"The only thing that night means is that you were just super horny," Doreen said, "and when you saw that your son had a nice-looking cock you couldn't keep from grabbing yourself a cuntful of it. What's wrong with that? I'll bet he never had a piece of ass nearly as good as what you gave him! Did you suck him off, too? Mmm, I bet that'd be a treat and a half; a kid that young, you just know his balls are going to be packed full of the sweetest, hottest cream you ever had in your whole life!"

Eileen denied that she had sucked her son's prick, though she had to admit that she had often thought about doing so since that fateful night. Doreen nodded understandingly and told her that she should have completed his education while she had the chance. Eileen protested that Jack had seemed very reserved, almost hostile, the morning after she had tricked him into fucking her so heartily. Doreen remarked that this was only a normal guilt reaction and was to be expected from one so young. After all, she pointed out, young Jack had probably been raised to honor the same taboo that had plagued Eileen herself and thus had been ashamed of himself for fucking his mother.

The way to overcome that guilt reaction, Doreen claimed, was to assault it frontally and overwhelm it with direct action. Eileen should have spent the entire night with the lad, never releasing his cock; she should have fucked her son and sucked him until his prick had shrunk up to its smallest size and then she could have made every effort to bring it back to life again. Furthermore, she should have awakened him the following morning by sucking his prick to a climax. This would have ensured that they would have begun the day in a properly horny mood and would have spent the rest of it engaged in sexual pursuits which would have rebounded to both their benefits.

Eileen listened with growing astonishment as the woman's voice grew more fervent. Doreen seemed to grow more eloquent by the second and soon she was speaking with a low, rapid intensity which showed all too clearly that she was becoming strongly aroused. Her dark eyes glowed with passion and her cheeks burned with a feverish heat. She continued to urge Eileen to capitalize upon the wonderful world of sexual pleasure which she had explored with her son in that moment of mad, unforgettable lust.

Finally, choking off her words in mid-sentence, she grabbed up the discarded dildo, which had slipped from Eileen's cunt and lay between her thighs, and shoved it deep into her own fiery slit. She fucked herself brutally, driving it into her cunt with a quick flourish that brought a gasping cry of wounded agony to her lips. After a moment she applied the vibrator to her clitoris. She switched the tool on and again choked out a garbled cry of sexual distress. Doubly stimulated in the two most sensitive parts of her body, she thrashed about on the bed until finally she thrust her hips up, arching her back and quivering as though a powerful electric current was passing through her body. Low, quavering moans, and shriller gasps of ecstatic joy left no doubt as to the effectiveness of her work. Eileen watched the woman masturbating with the obscenely shaped tools until she became aware of her own throbbing, aching pussy. The slit seemed rimmed with fiery arousal and when she touched her fingers to the moist, overheated lips she discovered that she was very near a climax herself.

She fell back onto the bed and assumed her favorite position for masturbating, working one hand into her cunt from the front of her body and plumbing her supremely tight asshole with the other. An image of Jack's fertile young cock, dark and swollen with the blood-lust of fully aroused manhood, sprang into her mind as her fingers plowed into her tortured flesh. She fingerfucked herself with a mindless fury and visualized that magnificent prick once more. In her mind's eye, she saw herself peeling the foreskin back from the lovely head of his cock. She imagined herself jacking him off with slow, leisurely strokes after having spread a generous coating of saliva upon the thick shaft. Her late husband had loved feeling her band working up and down his cock and she had often brought him to a climax like that, especially when they were first married. She even saw herself opening her mouth wide and forcing it down over that magnificent piece of fucking machinery. The image was so real that for a moment she could almost feel his hot, hard flesh in her mouth. The sensations inflamed her brain with abandoned passions and gave even more impetus to her hands working back and forth in her cunt and asshole.

Doreen still kept the dildo rammed far up her twitching cunt and held the vibrator to her clitoris. She was fucking herself into a long series of orgasms. The ecstatic rushes followed each other in quick succession and became stronger as her hands kept using the fucking tools. She gasped out incoherent exclamations of joy and rolled about on the bed, brushing up against Eileen's tense legs without realizing it. The two women were near a state of sexual shock but nothing could prevent them from continuing their efforts at quelling the storms of lust and desire that raged through their bodies.

Eileen concentrated upon the image of her son's mulelike prick, finding that this picture enormously concentrated her sexual feeling. She imagined that she was working her mouth around the distended rod and that her tongue was crushing the swollen head into the roof of her mouth. She pictured him tensing his long, lithe body and growing more intense every second. She could see the muscles rippling across his flat belly and knotting up in his thighs until they stood out like taut cords. She could almost feel him driving that huge pussy probe deeper into her mouth, forcing the head down into her throat and filling her completely with sexuality. The frantic woman imagined her cheeks contracting as she powerfully sucked his cock to extract the hot sperm that rested in his big, bull-like balls. The thought made her fingers dig even deeper into her cunt and asshole. Finally, she saw herself receiving his orgasmic blast squarely in her own throat. She could feel his cock throbbing mightily, each jerk resulting in another devastatingly exciting gust of scalding, salty cream being injected into her mouth. The taste of his come overwhelmed her with passionate sensations, as did the feel of the pumping tool, and she clawed at herself with all the energy she had left.

She whimpered, arching her back and shuddering as her cunt and womb and pussy and clitoris together exploded at once in a blinding sheet of fiery lust. "Fuck me, fuck me to death!"

Eileen continued to thrust and jab at her loins until she had utterly depleted her physical senses. Gasping and sobbing weakly, she crumpled into a heap and slowly pulled her hands from her body. After a moment, when her head stopped spinning and she could focus her vision, she twisted about and looked over at her friend. Doreen lay quietly, her eyes filled with tears of sexual gratitude. The vibrator had slipped from her grasp; she had had barely enough strength left to switch it off before allowing it to fall down onto the bed. The dildo still rested deep in her cunt; she had thrust virtually all the ma

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