
Dara Pulls a Train - sex story

Dara Pulls a Train

It wasn't that Kyle had a small dick, it was just that
it was completely unremarkable. Maybe that, mixed with
his average height and slender build, gave him a
predisposition towards being insecure about the size of
his member.

All I am sure of is that as long as I've known my
husband, he'd brag about the size of his dick in ways
that made me want to smack him silly. At one point I
threatened to break up if he didn't calm down the
rhetoric. I mean, there's only so many times you can
listen to your husband tell complete strangers about
the rapture you find at the end of his enormous cock.

"Dara's never complained have you?"

I shrugged, trying to pretend this conversation was not
happening on a bus, with a scruffy middle-aged trailer
park denizen who was using the conversation as an
excuse to check me our overtly, as if assessing the
possible scenarios in which I might wind up at the end
of my husband's love-pole.

"I mean, size isn't everything," Kyle would always find
a way to include.

"Kyle, can we talk about something else?"

"After all, it took a while for Dara to get used to

It took a while for Kyle to invest enough foreplay to
get me ready for a finger, actually.

"When she took it all the way I knew she was the one,
you know?"

The last thing I recall was the grizzled stranger
gawking knowingly at me, no doubt substituting me for
internet models engorged on vacuum pump inflated porn
star dicks. I could feel the clothes burning away from
my body and wanted nothing less than the complete
evaporation of my body.

"Dara, this isn't our stop."


That was over a year ago, and the last conversation of
its sort, upon condition of our engagement. Kyle had
been an ideal fiancee in every other respect. Kyle
wasn't my husband yet, but the wedding was soon, and
I'd taken to calling him that since we signed the
paperwork a month ago so he could get on my health plan
through my work. Kyle, you see was a photographer who
went to art school, so I wore the pants in the family,
which is fitting, since Kyle had a particular fetish
for my strap-on.

I don't think I got off on it nearly as much as my man,
but when he sat on my vibrating cock, knowing it's a
full inch longer than his, he'd explode on my belly and
we'd both cum like crazy.

Then we'd whisper our fantasies to one another, what we
were thinking about, if anything, when we came.

Usually I'd lie, and not tell him if I thought of
another guy. Kyle did the same, though I'd spied him
jerking off to porn on his computer more than a couple
times. Usually the vibrator did enough for me, like my
cock does it for Kyle.

Sometimes we'd fuck like normal people, but where this
story picks up, I was on a fertility regimen. We wanted
kids, and I'm not ovulating properly, so I take pills
that make me dilate more, so more sperm can get further
up inside me. Since we wanted to wait until we were
married (and ideally, that Kyle had a better job than
Video Store Clerk), we only fuck when I'm on my period,
which is about as appealing to me as fucking while I'm
on the crapper (which incidentally reminds me to
mention that my ass is strictly one-way. Kyle got all
the back-door action in our house).

I don't feel bad, since it gave Kyle a week to get his
internet porn fix, which he clearly couldn't go too
long without. I don't know what the appeal is, what
with a warm flesh and blood creature like me in the
house, but I guess I'm just not as pretty as some of
the models he liked to look at.

Now, this party we were at. It was mostly my workmates.
Not all degreed professionals like me, but about half
the people there were co-workers, and almost all of my
project team (really, wage slaves with fancy titles to
make them feel less expendable). I don't normally like
work mixers, because as management you are stuck
sucking up to the higher ups, and letting your lesser
suck up to you. You all laugh, drink too much, and talk
shit incessantly.

But this wasn't that kind of a mixer, it was a former
employee's housewarming party, and it felt for all the
world that I was at a college bash: 20 or 30 people
hanging out drinking beers. Even the chill factor that
happened when I'd walk in on a conversation with some
of my employees was mitigated by the fact that to half
the party, I was just another 20-something trying to
cut loose.

You see, one of my professors had started a company,
and though nobody knew it, I slept with him a couple
times. Lots of people like to brag that I got the job
based on my academic achievements; I got the academic
achievements because I fucked my professor.

Ironically, I spread my legs for my teacher because my
ex-boyfriend was failing his class. After getting his
A, my faithful ex dumped me for a 18 year-old freshman
bitch named Wendy (her name will be relevant later). I
used to blame him (the ex) for thinking I was too old,
but in retrospect, sleeping with a man twice your age
will up your standards for your boyfriends, even if
you're already at the ripe old age of 24.

So here I was, a project manager for a very successful
start-up, and half my subordinates were older than me,
as well educated than me, and yes, better qualified.

Still, I knew damn well about the glass ceiling in
America. It wasn't as if I was on a level playing field
to start with.

Whatever. That was the end of that. I helped start the
company, I sacrificed a lot of good job offers to stick
with it, and the professor never once mentioned our
past, much less tried anything improper once I became
his employee. As for me I learned my lesson never to
sleep around again. That was four years ago, and now I
was totally in love and ready to marry Kyle-who knew
nothing of my prior indiscretion. As far as he knew I'd
only slept with three men before him, and he was the
last lover I'd ever have.


I was working on my second Cosmo when I found Kyle
smoking on the back porch with a couple of guys and a
young girl that I think was the little sister of one of
my Q&A testers. I recognized the banter immediately,
"No shit, it took ten minutes to get the whole thing

Three guys standing around comparing their cocks.
Nothing unusual here, and Kyle wasn't exactly
prohibited from doing it on his own, just from
involving me in any way whatsoever.

What got my attention, however, was the girl who was
clearly working Kyle with all the intensity her little
teen body could muster (which was quite substantial for
a girl that young). Kyle was clearly enjoying her fake
shock, her little pats on the arm, her hips brushing
against his, and clearly her c cup chest. She was
clearly getting all the signals she needed to keep
pressing the argument home.

Kyle, you see, is a very handsome man. He may be a
little skinny, and he is developing a belly, but he has
the most striking features, a deeply charismatic smile,
eyes to die for, and the most artful and elegant hands.

And this little bitch was drinking up every work Kyle
said, "No, the trick isn't just having a thick member,
it's still gotta be your technique." Kyle had developed
a knack for bragging about his dick while acting like
he was dismissive of it, "Even if I was average, or
even below average," I rolled my eyes, "I'd consider it
crass to just stick it in." He glanced at the
adolescent slut hanging on his every word, "No offense,

I cringed at the name as the cute little bimbo giggled
and jiggled her perky teenage tits.

"That's okay, I've had sex lots of times. I mean, I
hate it when guys just stick it in. Then I just want
them to get it over with."

I grinned at the uncomfortable silence as three guys in
their 20s and 30s tried not to imagine fucking the
little girl who was metaphorically spreading her legs
in front of them. I could just imagine the pride she
must have felt at the three pup tents that must have
sprung up next to her as she giggled and bumped into my
husband and his companions.

Unnoticed I had decided to leave, to finish my drink
and get Kyle out of there before he made a scene, but a
voice came from behind the group of smokers, "So
exactly how big is this dick of yours, man?"

White trash would have described Andrew, but I wasn't
feeling generous. Not exactly ugly, so much as
unappealing. Andrew had a big, stocky body, the kind
that takes up too much space on the bus seat when
you're a slender girl like myself, and makes you feel
like your about to be steamrollered just because you
got too close.

Andrew had a perpetual unshaved look, and for some
reason really short, close-cropped hair. He sort of
looked like a marine, but he lacked the healthy glow
that men in shape have. Andrew looked like he belonged
on the back of a backhoe, or like someone you'd expect
to be showing crack as they bent over your toilet
looking for leaks.

Andrew also ran the mail room at the main office. He
was the guy you called in whenever you needed something
heavy moved.

Kyle acted like the question was directed at all of
them, and I drifted back into the shadows, curious how
my husband to be would handle this, since it was
clearly a question for the one who'd been doing most of
the bragging.

"I don't like to talk about that in front of women."
Kyle replied, gentlemanly.

"The little slut has seen lots of dick. How big is it."

Wendy snarled and the guys just shuffled and shifted
their feet. I really hated Andrew, but I had to respect
him calling the girl out for what she was making
herself to be.

Instead of defending the girl, Kyle said, "I've never
measured it." I hoped that no one ever insulted me in
front of Kyle. Not that I needed him to defend me.

Andrew grinned, "For a guy who talks a lot about his
dick I find that hard to believe."

Andrew stood up. He wasn't as tall as my fiancee, but
he was so much stockier that Kyle seemed to diminish.
The two other guys took an involuntary step back, and I
noticed that they were my employees. Both CS majors who
were doing minimum wage work in testing and sales in
the hopes of someday moving up into my position. My
fiancee really knew how to pick his audience.

"So let's see it." Andrew declared.

"Look man," Kyle murmured, looking at Wendy as if she
were some sort of appeal.

I immediately felt a rush. A thrill of expectation at
my husband's vulnerability. On the surface, I was
ashamed of him, and embarrassed that his bragging had
finally humiliated him, as it surely would, but on the
other hand, the thought of him exposing himself to
these three men exited the hell out of me.

If only the little bitch wasn't there, it might have
been perfect.

"The girl wants to see it, don't you?" Wendy shrugged.

"Look man, I don't think this is appropriate," Kyle

"Talk is talk, lets whip it out and judge."

Kyle moved away from Andrew's imposing presence, "Look,
even if I would, I mean, it's cold, in front of a bunch
of guys, I mean."

"Hey Wendy, you think you could make your boyfriend

I cringed, going flush and ready to knock Andrew's
block off for the audacity to call that little whore my
Husband's girlfriend, as if he'd fuck that little
infant slut! But the thrill I got as I watched my
fiancee diminish before Andrew's stature and girth.
Kyle stood there frozen, and I felt real flames of
passion igniting within me.

"Go ahead," Andrew said to the girl, "Show us what he's

I won't say I was surprised to see that it took the
girl all of a split second to get my fiancee hard, even
his erection eluded me at times when I wanted more
traditional sex, but I still felt a cold and bitter
disappointment as Kyle stood stock still and let the
girl extract his member, rock hard, and stood there
trying not to groan and pant as she gently stroked it.

"It's not that big." Wendy said matter-of-factly.

Andrew burst out laughing, and all bitterness and
shame for my husband vanished in a hot flush of anger
and I stormed into the middle of the group, "Okay
Andrew, let's see how you measure up." I spat out
coldly and menacingly at my subordinate.

"Dara, I..." Andrew began meekly.

The need to defend my husband to be overshadowed the
sexual thrill I got from him being humiliated, "Let's
have it out. If you're going to mock and ridicule my
husband I expect you've got a pretty good package,
don't you?"

"I didn't know..." Andrew began, but I cut him off.

"Bitch." I said to the girl still clutching my
husband's rock-hard penis, but I never finished the
sentence. Suddenly my husband began to groan and he
exploded, gurgling like a baby for a minute before
showering me with burst after burst of his frothy white

My husband to-be looked quite sad and pathetic all of a
sudden, but it was no worse than I felt seeing a child
of a woman stroke him to masturbation with nary an
effort, a trick I had never managed. Hearing the barely
contained laughter all around me I felt my insides turn
cold, and more than anything else I wanted to turn that
sickening feeling on Andrew.

My slender cream colored dress was a mess, and I could
feel the hot sperm from my husband's puny, withering
cock growing cold from my tits down to my knees. I
couldn't even imagine feeling more humiliated.

I think Andrew knew exactly what was going on, "Well,
Dara, still want to see what I've got."

"You've got something to show me, let's see it."

I retorted with more cocky arrogance than I felt.

Andrew slowly, casually undid the top snap on his
jeans, "It takes more than a couple tugs to get me

I gestured to the little whore who somehow remained
spotless though I was covered in jizz, "Come on honey,
let's see what Andrew's packing."

Obedient little whore than she was the girl started
towards my subordinate, but he held up a hand, "All due
respect to your man here, Dara, but I'm not going to
fool around with a minor."

"You already solicited her to jerk off my husband,
asshole." I barked at Andrew's arrogant smile.

Andrew had begun unzipping his pants, suddenly stopped,
"Hey, if you don't want to see what I've got..."

I glared at him just long enough to let him know what I
thought of his sad threat to deprive me the pleasure of
seeing his floppy little cock (I deliberately avoided
looking in my husband's direction as I thought this).
"If you don't think you can measure up," I replied,

He grinned, and suddenly I grew afraid! What if he had
everything my husband claimed to have. He said, "I
don't want you to do anything you wouldn't be
comfortable doing."

"I can do it." My husband's girlfriend chimed.

I spun on the girl and shoved her gently back to my
fiancee, "Go play with your boyfriend," I said,
watching my husband-to-be shrink an inch. "Don't let
this guy manipulate you."

"So you think you're up to the task?" Andrew purred in
a cruel, honeyed voice behind me.

"What task?"

Making eye contact Andrew seemed to dominate me
completely, because I couldn't look away, and I
couldn't help but feel every bit the slut that I
thought the little tramp behind me was. "Can you get me
hard?" He asked.

I don't understand what I was thinking, except that
I'll never judge a guy for bragging too much, "I've
never failed to get a man hard, Andrew."

"Really?" Andrew asked.

"Really." I said with more confidence than I felt.

"You know, if I'm going to be showing you what I've
got, I ought to get to see what you've got."

I shrugged, "Well, I'm not the one trying to prove
anything here."

"Okay then," Andrew said and zipped up, snapping his
pants. He turned, as if to walk away,

"Wait." I ordered, not knowing why I said anything.
This was my out, this was my way free of further
humiliating my husband and myself. I just couldn't
believe Andrew was packing anything worth bragging

"He showed you his," I continued, "It's your turn."

Andrew shrugged this time, "I'm not the one trying to
prove anything here." He grinned, and I felt as if my
two employees behind me were grinning too.

I looked around. The party was still going on in
earnest, but out on this back patio felt like the whole
world could be watching. Besides, this was the smoking
porch. Any one of my fellow employees could walk out on
us, "Okay," I said, "but not here."

"Oh, so it's okay for me to whip it out in front of
everybody, but your body is a temple?" Andrew replied,
clearly not understanding my fear. I quickly explained
my fears.

"All right." He said, "We'll go round the side to
finish, but you take that dress off right here."

My mind and body were buzzing. It had never occurred to
me to take my dress off, maybe just to hike up my
skirt, or flash him my boobs. I've barely got a B cup,
and I hardly ever wear bras. Under that dress I had
nothing on but a baby blue g-string which I wore
strictly because I was planning on seducing my husband
that night after the party. A discussion about
comparing penis sizes had somehow spun down to me,
naked, on the porch, in front of my subordinates.

I bit back a retort, knowing that any protest would
eradicate my chances of exposing him and humiliating

I glanced back at my employees, diverted my gaze from
my fiancee's eyes, and found myself staring at the
little slut.

"Let's see what you've got," she said, mouthing the
last word, "bitch." She was as nervous as I, and I
could see the tremor on her lips as she forced the last
bit out, but I shivered nonetheless, to feel the tables
turn so rapidly.

Andrew had to know I would follow this through, or else
he wouldn't be pushing me so hard. I on the other hand
had no idea how far I was willing to go, but the shame
of seeing my betrothed so humiliated drove me so crazy
that I had to do something. Getting Andrew's cock out
seemed to me to be the best way to do that.

I can only imagine what other girls might have done at
that point, but without another comment I unlaced the
strap around my neck and let the dress fall to the
floor. The girl looked at my breasts and started

I felt a crushing, sinking feeling in the pit of my
stomach, to be so belittled by this girl. Mark, a poor
guy who I'd delegated to data entry for sales figures
was agape, and clearly more impressed with my body than
Wendy was. The sensation that my waxed legs and pubes
were being devoured by one of my wage-workers making a
fifth of my pay sent chills up my spine. I felt his
eyes, like rough, groping paws, fondling my jiggling
breasts, and caressing my nipples, while Tyler, one of
my Q&A testers groped the curve of my buttocks with his

Andrew's voice cut through the stillness like an
electric shock up my back, "Why don't you turn around
so Tyler can take a look."

I felt a chill as my body obeyed, but defiantly, even
as I swung on the young man, his eyes and mouth agape,
I shot back, "Why don't you show me what you've got,

Okay, so it was easier to go after my underling than to
stick up to Andrew just then.

As Tyler stumbled with his zipper, no doubt hoping,
like the desperate geek he was, that he would get the
same treatment my husband just got from Wendy, Andrew
said, "Yeah, Mark, let's see who's got the biggest

I turned and barked at Andrew, "I'm still waiting for
you to show some meat, Andrew." But even as the words
came out, they shriveled in my throat. Tyler's cock was
out, and proudly saluting my nearly naked body. He was
bigger than Kyle by quite a bit.

"N-nice one, Tyler," I murmured, though I had tried to
sound cocky, and bitchy. Involuntarily, as if my body
were anticipating Andrew's will, I reached for it,
caressing the head, and I felt a rush of pride as the
boy moaned. His cock was thick, and really hard.
Pulsing, and erect, like Kyle's was so seldom.

I thought with disdain that the image of this cock
inside me, bursting its load and slipping out of me in
short order, but I couldn't help but stroke it. I
thought of Wendy- No, I saw Wendy, still stroking my
husband's cock, hard again, against all my previous
experience, and was determined to show that Tyler was
no more of a man than my husband in spite of his larger

As I stroked Tyler, I felt my employee's hands roaming
my body, and I made no move to stop him. His warm hands
felt good as the cool night air stripped away the heat
from my skin. The electric sensations pulsing through
me came to the surface as Tyler groped my breasts.

The boy started thrusting, and every time we made eye
contact, I imagined that this man was fucking me with
his thick, hard cock, and that my legs were wide open,
my pussy stretched over his fullness. I found myself
panting as I jerked my arm in a steady, rhythmless
motion, serving this boy's sex drive as he exploded
onto my belly.

I don't know how much Tyler had to drink, or how long
it had been since he'd been with a woman, but I felt
the cold chill return even as he gushed stream after
stream of his white, ropy spunk onto my naked body.
Wendy's giggles, and Andrew's mocking applause sliced
through me, colliding with the arousal coursing up my
loins and into my chest. I let go of Tyler and stepped
back, bumping into Mark, who grabbed on to me, saving
me from stumbling and falling, even as his bare member
ground into my bare bottom.

"Hey Wendy," Andrew asked, "You think you can get
Dara's hubby off faster than she can do Mark?"

The girl fixed me with a condescending gaze, "No

Naturally the girl was judging my performance with
Tyler again her performance with my man, who it seemed
came almost instantly. I knew the girl's challenge was
a fool's bet-Kyle had already just come once, and Mark
had yet to begin. But I found myself groping for Mark's
manhood even as Wendy started stroking my husband.

Wendy stuck her tongue in my husband's ear and said,
"Come on baby, we can beat her." Kyle looked at me with
wide-eyed shock, then at the girl, and Wendy shoved her
tongue in his mouth.

Standing basically naked and jerking off an employee of
mine made me feel about an inch high as my husband to
be sucked face with a teenager, but Andrew's leering
gaze drove me on, even though it was fixed on my
jiggling breasts, my legs, slightly flared for balance,
and the cum dribbling into my crotch. It was clear that
he wanted nothing less than to fuck me. It was also
clear that I was giving him everything he asked for,
and more.

My back to Mark, out of courtesy for the spunk on my
belly, I used my butt to grind against his notably
thinner and shorter cock (though he was still as big as
Kyle). But Wendy and my husband were already starting
to moan, and I could recognize Kyle's groans as he
approached orgasm. I took Mark's hand and put it on my
breast and he proceeded to maul it, but I could hear
him breathing harder. It was easier to jerk him off,
though my arm was dead tired, because his thinner cock
took less effort.

"Do you want to fuck me, baby?" I heard Wendy whisper
into my betrothed's ear as she slipped behind him. I
faced my husband, watching the rapture in his face as
he failed utterly to fight for his wife's pride and
resist the girl. She grabbed Kyle's balls and jerked
him hard in a rampant, frenetic pace, and I watched
Kyle peaking.

I found myself pushing my ass into Mark's cock,
desperate not to let this little whore outdo me with my
own husband. I hooked the string going down my ass to
one side and slid Mark's little member over my asshole
and felt it sliding against my pussy. Realizing I was
wet startled me, but not as much as how good it felt to
have the head of a man's shaft pushing into the opening
of my sex. I groaned, imagining Kyle entering me from
behind, but quickly realized that I was about to get
fucked by an employee in front of two guys and my
fiancee, not to mention a teenage girl.

I felt Mark shudder, and was tempted to let him finish,
but months of fertility drugs and constant attention to
my cycles forced me to my senses and I pulled off. I
missed the warmth of Mark's hot cock immediately, and
it was only Andrew's dominating grin that kept me from
servicing myself as I turned to my newest lover.

I dropped to my knees, "You want me to suck it?" I
asked Mark. I knew I had hit Mark's mark as the boy
gasped and started convulsing. I opened my mouth,
leaning forward to tease the boy with my tongue, and
Andrew stood before us, staring at me as I abased
myself for this stupid contest. His eyes locked with
mine I knelt mesmerized for a moment, and Mark's cock
thrust forward of its own volition and instead of a
teasing lick I enveloped the tiny shaft, taking the
whole thing in my mouth as my employee groaned and

My husband started moaning and gasping, and I turned my
head to look, but Mark's fast hand wouldn't let me
extract his cock from my mouth and I pulsed my head in
his service even as I watched my husband explode not a
foot from my face. Kyle isn't a gusher, but three
streams of his hot sperm doused my hot face and neck
before his gush tapered and the rest of his font landed
on my chest.

"I win!" Wendy declared, and gave my husband another
open-mouthed kiss.

But the shame of defeat didn't stop the humiliation of
abasing myself for Mark, and I found myself avoiding
the sight of Kyle being molested by a teenager by
immersing myself in the act of satisfying Mark. I had
never taken a mouthful before, though Kyle had often
begged me to. I would repay his lack of faith by
letting Mark serve me my first real dose of manhood.
Even as I heard the back door open and close, more
smokers probably, I didn't stop until Mark grabbed me-
choking me, and held me fast to take his load.

But Kyle never saw it. As I gulped down shot after shot
of Mark's bitter, acrid sperm, even as I gagged and
spat up so it dribbled out my mouth and down my chin.
Kyle was enveloped in the girl's embrace. I sat down on
the porch, trying to ignore the to silhouetted figures
lighting up over by the door, but unable to stop
wondering who else would witness the lengths I would go
to save my fiancee's pride.

Meanwhile Mark's cock continued to pulse little while
globules onto my tongue. I lapped them up while Andrew
watched. I lapped them up for Andrew, and I let my arms
fall so he could watch Mark's sperm join my legal
husband's as it dripped off my chin onto my bare
breasts. I spread my legs so he could see my cum soaked
panties, where Tyler's gift had run down.

The cum of three men oozed down my body, but my husband
to be sported his third hard-on of the night as he
groped the healthy chest and tight ass of a high school
student, completely oblivious of me.

Andrew, however, was not oblivious. Nor were Mark, and
Tyler, however sated the two boys might have been.
"Thanks Dara," Mark muttered, always polite. Tyler
echoed his friend weakly.

"Yeah, Thanks, boss." Andrew said, grinning madly at my
debased state. From the cum stuck in my hair and
dribbling off my chin to the cum-soaked panties and my
spread-eagled posture, Andrew saw a wanton slut, a
debased whore, not the degreed supervisor he had always
appropriately deferred to.

I wiped my chin with the back of my hand, but no offer
of a towel or cloth was forthcoming. My dress was being
trampled by my fiancee and his lover, so I took a
handful of my hair and wiped my hand dry. I let Andrew
complete his scrutiny, acting unashamed and defiant,
though I was horribly mortified at what I had just
done, and terrified at what was yet to come.

"You still want to see this?" asked Andrew.

"I don't know," I said with a nonchalance I didn't
feel. I desperately needed to see him, to prove he was
inadequate next to my husband. "I'm feeling pretty
sated right now." Where I got that sultry tone, I'll
never know, but it was a lie, lie, lie.

He grinned, sheepish and surprisingly uncomfortable,
"I'll show it to you if you can get me hard." Andrew
had lost some of his confidence, and I was pretty sure
it was because he had a small dick, like Mark and my

"All right." I said, "Come here."

But Andrew shook his head, "I thought you wanted off
this porch."

I grinned, and stood up, nearly falling over as the
blood rushed to my head. The cold night air embraced
me, and I realized that I was still flush with an
internal heat, but the semen all over my body had

Andrew was grinning as I staggered down the steps,
still in my heels and unsteady, "A little cold, eh?" He
said, and I forced myself not to look at my nipples,
normally round and puffy, but then, I was sure, rock
hard little bullets, glistening in the hazy porch

The damp grass of the back yard crunched under my feet,
I felt little droplets of water splash up on my ankles
as I streaked, nearly naked, into the open. How many
neighboring houses could glance out a back window and
see a girl in a g-string strolling across the lawn I
don't know. I pushed down those fears and thought about
Andrew, and how to get his cock in my hand. I also
thought about how nice it had felt to have Mark's cock
rubbing against my sex.

Andrew brought me to a lawn table and stopped, flopping
in a plastic chair. I glanced back. Mark and Tyler had
followed at a distance, and though my fiancee was
perilously close to getting third base on Wendy, they
had managed to follow us down onto the grass to watch
the show. Behind them, on the porch, I saw two guys and
a girl, gathered in a row to watch the show: Their boss
acting like a drunk slut in the back yard.

"Why don't you take those panties off, Dara?" Andrew
suggested. Instead of saying no. Instead, even, of just
pushing them down to my ankles and stepping out of
them, I walked past Andrew so all three boys could
watch and bent at the waist.

Lingering as I took one foot out of them and then
spreading my legs, I exposed my trimmed pussy for the
three boys to admire, then I stood up and strode back
to Andrew, kicking my panties aside. My pussy level
with his face, just a few inches away. I held my legs
slightly apart, and touched myself with one, deft
finger, on my button.

"Is this what you wanted to see, Andrew?"

Andrew grinned up at me, but he seemed more nervous
than ever.

I took the boy's hand, and brought it up to my breast,
careful to help him avoid the cum splatters in the
middle, and he took me. "How about we take a peek,
Andrew?" I said, stooping down and reaching for his
manhood. I was fully conscious of the way he and all
the men on the lawn gawked at my sluttish desire for
yet another dick, but all I had ever wanted was to
expose Andrew. Now that I had my chance I wasn't about
to let it up by showing how humiliated and small I
really felt.

But as my hand felt Andrew's crotch I drew a blank.
Nothing. No stiffness, no forceful member dying to leap
out. Nothing. I tried to keep my composure, "What's the
matter, Andrew, a little nervous?"

Kyle and Mark's weak, forced laughter was little reward
for realizing that all my antics had yet to arouse
Andrew. Andrew shrugged, perhaps not catching the
nervous anxiety in my voice. "It's just all these
people watching, it's like..." Andrew trailed off.

All my efforts, my modesty abandoned, and dignity I
might have once been able to muster: destroyed. All
because Andrew was even worse than I gave him credit
for. A sad excuse for a man who couldn't even get hard
for a willing woman.

"That's pathetic Andrew." I tormented the man. I took
his hands and clutched them to my breasts, "I gave you
these and you didn't do anything." I snarled. I turned
around, and put his hand on my ass, pushing it between
my legs so he could see I was wet, "I showed you this
and you did nothing!"

I turned around again and pulled his hand up into my
crotch. His knuckles against my warm, wet sex was
beyond titillating-my whole body shuddered and a found
myself groaning with passion and frenzy-God I wished my
husband would ignore that little fucking tart and come
fuck his wife like he was supposed to!

But instead I grinded Andrew's hand into my pussy,
pushing two of his fingers and two of mine up inside me
and said, "I gave you my pussy and you weren't hard
enough to take it."

I let go of myself and gasping from the thrill and rush
of having something inside me at last I reached my hand
back into his crotch and though he tried to shift away
I clutched his mushy member and snarled, "You couldn't
take me because you're not a man, Andrew." I started
laughing even as I gave myself over to his fingers.
Even Wendy laughed, as she enjoyed my husband's third

But Andrew was starting to get pissed, "If I was going
to fuck you I'd be hard." He growled, snatching his
hand away and wiping it off on his pants, "Stupid games
may get sluts like you wet," he said pushing my hands
away from him and standing up to me, "but all you've
got to offer me is a fucking tug and a blow."

With that he stalked away, dragging his wounded pride
behind him.

"Andrew!" I barked, but the mail room clerk ignored me.

I strode after him, catching up halfway between the
porch and the trio of men at the party who had enjoyed
my ass. I was now half-chilled to death. Naked in the
cold night, my tits jiggling, cum on my face, in my
hair, on my pussy and my tits, surrounded by fully
dressed employees of my company (not to mention my
fiancee), I played the fiery hell-bitch they all knew
when someone fucked up royally at work.

God only knows why I didn't let the dick walk away, but
I shouted, "Don't even think I'm going to let you walk
away without giving it up, little man! Put up, now!"

Andrew muttered, "I'm not going to get hard just
because you order me to Dara." The man was the epitome
of defeat, but I wasn't satisfied yet.

I took his hand and strode him back to the table.

"You want my ass, Andrew?" I said, and I hiked my ass
up on the table and spread my legs.

Trying to ignore my husband as he wormed his way into
Wendy's tight little adolescent pussy a few yards away
I said, "You want this pussy, Andrew." I said, "It's

I leaned back and pulled my feet up to the edge of the
table with me, lifting my ass up, and giving Andrew and
everyone in the backyard full few of my swollen,
glistening sex. I ran my fingers over my vulva and
spread my lips, "Come and take it Andrew.

"This body belongs to you." I said and lay back,
fingering myself.

Andrew was much closer than before when he finally
spoke. He stood between my legs, watching me intently
as I pushed myself close to a freezing orgasm on that
cold, plastic tabletop. "You mean it?" He said weakly.
I could feel his jeans pressing against the knuckles
between my legs.

"Fuck me Andrew." I said, convinced of his impotence,
and the shame he would have to live with, if nothing
else, for failing to take such a willing slut.

"Move your hand." He said, and I withdrew two
glistening fingers from my sex so he could see my warm,
inviting pussy.

"Take me Andrew," I begged him, "I want you to shoot
your sperm into me." I almost came from the thrill of
humiliating a man so utterly.

Suddenly I felt him pushing against me. A firm pressure
against my vulva, then a slipping misfire, then- Home.

Andrew's cock slid into me like a warm knife melts
butter. As opposed to all my intentions I arched my
back and spread my legs even wider before locking them
around him and sucking up his girth whole and bucking
my cunt against his blazing hot, pulsing cock. I ground
my pelvis into his as electric hellfire burst in my
loins and sent searing heat through the course of my
naked, vulnerable, and exposed body.

My mail clerk fucked me with a frantic intensity,
crying my name and clutching me passionately, giving me
long, searching kisses. I opened my mouth wide and
sucked his tongue as I sucked his cock into me,
surrendering myself to him as he violated me from both

My orgasm only faded as he exploded in violent, ape-
like grunts, panting and drooling on me as he spent his
seed in the one place I had kept safe that night. I
felt renewed heat as his blazing semen spilled into my
womb, and I found myself bucking harder as another
orgasm washed over me as my body dimly realized that I
was not only unprotected, but fertile, ovulating, and
trying very hard to get pregnant.

I let my head fall to the side, between my lover's
kisses, and saw my Kyle pumping his hips into the
little girl who had violated my husband three times. I
recognized the thrust as he gasped for breath but was
unable to come, having done so twice already. Wendy
waited patiently, her legs in the air like mine, but
she appeared to be counting stars and wincing every
time 150 lbs of my husband-to-be pounded into her
nubile little frame.

I sat up as Kyle pulled away. He had on a leering grin,
and it was all I could do to embrace the fading glow of
my orgasm. But I needed something to help me ignore the
fact that I'd been taken in by his soft dick. By his
dares and silly conditions, by his bullying, and his
pretend disdain for the ministrations I'd given his
friends. He'd played me like a deck of cards and laid
me like a trailer trash teenager trying to get a ride
out of Hicksville. I'd laid on my back and begged him
to do it too.

"Slut." He murmured at me. Almost in sync as he said it
a dollop of his semen oozed out of my pussy the size of
my little finger. I shuddered, thinking about how much
he must have spent in my body if that much was oozing
out. As if to confirm my fear a steady stream drizzled
out of me to join the growing pool on the table.

A fear overcame me, and I laid back and pulled my knees
up, arching my pelvis up as the doctor had ordered me.
A way to hold the sperm in my body, as the fertility
rituals specified. I seemed to feel the hormones racing
through me that I had taken before coming to the party.
They were designed to make me ovulate longer, dilate my
cervix, and facilitate the movement of sperm through my

Andrew laughed, though he clearly had no idea what I
was doing, nor did I know why I was doing it. For a
moment, all I could hear was my husband's grunting as
he fucked a girl half his age.

Then I felt hands on my legs. I looked up and saw Carl
Ewing, the head of technical development for the
company. Technically my superior, though we always
behaved as equals.

He jerked a thumb at Andrew who slowly slunk away, "Hey
this isn't just for his benefit, is it?" Carl grinned,
smiling at me, barely able to look me in the eye
instead of at my cum-drenched body.

"No baby," I said as if a force of nature had taken
over my body, "He just knows how to take what's given
to him." I said, spreading my legs.

Carl knew how to use a condom, and I think Tyler did
too. But not Mark, or David, or Chris in marketing. I'm
not sure about the two boys from sales, or Sandy
McMillian's intern Bobby, but they all came inside me
nonetheless, even if I didn't have any more orgasms
that night. Suffice to say, however, that I didn't run
out of steam till the next morning.

The day after that I called in sick to work because I
couldn't stop throwing up.


These days I'm on partial duty. After the second
trimester I might take a full leave of absence, but now
that I'm not a supervisor anymore I have a lighter
load. Working reception for the division of the company
I used to manage isn't as glamorous, nor does it pay as
well, but it is a real relief from having to chew
people out for being late, or to reprimand people for
bad work or inappropriate behavior.

I'm a little uncomfortable when I have to run an
errand, or deliver a message, and I have to look across
the desks of people who used to work for me, many of
whom got a piece of me that night, though with a lot of
them I'm not sure whether they had me or not. Some of
the guys picked me up a week or two later, when they
found out what they'd missed, and it was doing that
that got me busted from my management position.

Kyle got fired from his video store for stealing new
porn releases-mostly gay bondage kind of stuff- and I
dumped him. My engagement ring now says "Andrew
forever", it was pretty cheap to have Kyle's name
removed. But that's contingent on the DNA tests, which
we have to wait until after the birth to conduct. If
it's not his, well, I've got some money saved up.

Meanwhile Andrew's my main beau for now and, believe it
or not, I was right. His dick is even smaller than
Kyle's. His erectile problem hasn't gone away either,
so I'm back to the old vibrator, but only when Andrew's
not around. He still thinks he should be enough for me.

I guess he'll have to do since most guys don't have
time for a pregnant girl pushing thirty.

Keys: FFM reluc exh cuckold pregnant

My first time encounter with a ladyboy

I had been eyeing her up across the bar for about 20 mins when she finally noticed me. She flashed me a cheeky grin and I could feel the front of my pants start to tighten. I told the bartender to bring her a drink and when he did she looked over and ..continue reading

Second Thoughts

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Late night incest show

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Ben and the sexy cheerleader

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My first DP (Karl, Colette, Chuck)

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Jim gets cuckolded by Cheryl

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