
Diary of a teen sex slave whore - sex story

Diary of a teen sex slave whore

I took my horse, she is a filly, a female horse named Kira back to her
stall, while my mommy stayed outside grooming her horse. Then mommy and me
took her horse into the stable. "Bridgette Michelle, you know mommy's horse
is a male stallion, don't you? His name is Violeur, come say hello to him."
"That's such a pretty name mommy, what does it mean?" I said as I let
Violeur eat sugar cubes from my hand.
"Why his name means lover in French, Bridgette Michelle. My, my, look how
excite your filly Kira has made him! Violeur really wants to mount and have
sex with Kira."
"Please don't let Violeur have sex with Kira, mommy. Kira is resting and I
don't want her to have any sex with Violeur."
Mommy and me bring Violeur into his stall. "Bridgette Michelle, look what
we have here? Violeur has his nasty cock out and it's so huge, hard and
erect, he really wants to have sex with Kira." Mommy said as she reached out
and started to caress Violeur's cock, causing it to twitch a little. "Gosh
mommy, Violeur's cock, umm thingie is such a monster." I said very fearful
now that Violeur was still gonna have sex with my Kira. Mommy just smiled at
me, very knowingly. "I know baby...touch it...Violeur would really like you
to touch his cock." I really start to hate this now. "No mommy, I soooo
don't think so. I really don't wanna touch his gross cock thingie." I said
as I starting feeling sick to my stomach. "Are you afraid to touch a cock,
Bridgette Michelle?" Mommy said as she kept caressing Violeur. "Yeah I am
mommy. Boys in high school always try to make me touch or kiss their yuckey
cock thingies." Mommy was caressing Violeur's cock just like she was in love
with it or something. "See, it's getting harder baby. Time to touch
Violeur's cock now, Bridgette Michelle." Mommy said as she grabbed my hand
and yanked it, till it was on that gross slimy cock. I just touched it
meekly, it was soooooo gross, I just wanted to puke. "See baby, he loves for
you to touch and caress his cock. Hear how he moans and flicks his tail, he
want you to touch him more. Oh just look how much bigger and harder ,
Violeur's cock is getting for you baby." Mommy smiled as she licked her lips
as I did this gross thing. "Yeah mommy it's getting totally big and it's
grossing me out!" Mommy held my hand tighter, forcing me to jerk him now.
"I touch Violeur all the time like this baby. I can even make him cum for
me." Mommy said as she laughed a little now. "Mmm make Violeur cum? How do
you do that mommy?" I said really feeling sick now. "Wanna help me make
Violeur cum baby?" I just said, "Yeah, I guess so?" "Stroke it like this
honey." Mommy said as she forced my hand to jek off the way hot slimy, gross
cock, up and down it's disgusting thick cock shaft, which I could't even get
my small hand around. "See honey, he really loves your hand doing that to his
cock. In fact Violeur would really love to feel you put his big cock head
into your pretty little mouth." Mommy giggled at me. "Noway, I soooooo don't
think so mommy, that's just too gross of a thing for me to do." I said.
"It's ok baby. Violeur really wants that pretty little mouth of yours to love
his big red cock." Mommy said as she tried forcing my face toward that
sickening cock. Then mommy slapped my face really hard untill it stung. "Do
it you little bitch, suck Violeur's cock or so help me, I'll turn him lose and
let him fuck and rape the shit out of your little filly Kira. Look, Violeur
is so horny now that he'll rape Kira nonstop and rip and tear Kira's virgin
cunt to shreds untill it's just a bloody pulp." Mommy said enjoying every
word now. "No mommy, don't let Violeur rape my Kira. I said crying hard.
Mommy takes my two little hands and puts them around that gross, slimy hot
cock. My lips started to touch the cock, and Violeur forced his big, gross
cock between my lips. His cock was too big for me as I start to gag with just
a few inches in my mouth. The cock was too, too big, as I could hardly breath
any air in now. Violeur's cock made my cheeks bulge way out, then his cock
slip out of my mouth for a quick second. Coughing in air, I said to mommy,
"Mommy, I'm really not good at this." Mommy slaps my face again, "Just do it
you little bitch. Violeur is so close to cumming now for you now, look at
how his cock is jerking for you my little cocksucking slave slut whore. Mommy
grabbed me by my long hair and pushed Violeur's cock back into my mouth as I
start gaging again. "Breath through your nose Bridgette Michelle." Mommy
says as she forces my mouth back and forth over Violeur's cock as it starts to
make my throat all raw. "Ahggggggggggggggggggggggie." I choke and gag, as
mommy is forcing my head roughly, trying to push more cock into my mouth, as I
can now feel the inside of my throat tearing. Mommy holds my head tight as I
feel Violeur's cock begin to spasm in my throat. Violeur rock his body back
and forth as his cock begins to shoot his into my mouth and down my throat.
"That's it bitch, just keep sucking that cock like a good little slut whore.
Suck all that hot cum down, suck down every drop just like a good little cum
slut whore. "I'm totally gaging now as Violeur's cum floods down my throat.
I just couldn't breath as I pull the cock out of my mouth, as it still shoots
hot cum all over my face, hair, t-shirt and clothes. Violeur totally drenches
me in hot sticky cum. "This is sooooooo totally gross mommy." I say sobbing
hard. Mommy still holds me and forces me to keep holding on with both hands
to Violeur's cock. Finally his cock goes limp and slimes from my hands
leaving big gobs of cum pooling, in the palms of my hands. I cry out. "MOM!"
Mommy looks at me all proud. "What honey?" I just slump to the cum soaked
hay on the ground. "I hate this sex stuff, it just totally bites big time."
Mommmy just looks down at me saying, "Bridgette Michelle, you will soon learn
how to do sex acts soon enough." I just about screamed at her, "Do sex acts?
I soooooo don't think so. I'm soooooooo glad I haven't done any of that sex
stuff. It's just sooooooo gross." Then mommy really slaps me so hard and for
so long, my cheeks stung and started to burn red. "You will very shortly
bitch. You're going to start working soon. I need you to earn some money for
me, you need to start paying your way around here now." I just brushed off
some cum, that was running down my cheeks. "Whatever, mommy, I'll just get
some kinda job working at the mall after school." "No!" My mommy said in an
angry tone of voice, "You must get a job that pays you a hellva lot of money.
Not some crudity minimum wage job." "But I'm still going to school mommy?"
"The job I want you to do, you can do at school, after school, nights and
weekends." "WOW! What job is that mommy?" "Why sex of course Bridgette
Michelle, a little sex slave slut whore such as yourself will make me tons of
money. I will train you how to be my little sex slave slut whore, and teach
you how to do the nastiest most perverted sex acts ever, so you can make me
that money. After all I need some new clothes, shoes and all sorts of
trinkets and bobbles." "Mmmmmmmmmmm, whatever mommy." I said in a very
pissed off tone. "Why you ungrateful little slutty bitch." Mommy totally
slaps the shit out of my cheeks again. Mommy tosses me a horse blanket. "Put
that around your sluttish little horse cun stained body, and get your
worthless ass to the car now!"

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