
Domination by woman over man - sex story

Domination by woman over man

Mistress had asked me to prepare for an unusually long
session. Any request from Mistress is really a command.
A whisper from Mistress is as direct an order as any
shouted by a drill sergeant.

I collected the usual items for Mistress's pleasure.
Plenty of rope, towels, KY jelly, enema bag and I had to
select a special gift for Mistress. Often Mistress
expected me to find her a new toy; to find something
interesting for her to explore and use.

This time I had selected two inflatable items that I was
sure Mistress would enjoy using. The first was an
inflatable mouth gag. It was a simple device but
devilish in its design. The gag is designed to be place
in the sub's mouth and then pumped to firmness. The gag
could be used simply to gag a sub or as an instrument of

Sufficient pumping can be a very effective singular
torture. The other special item was very similar. An
inflatable butt plug, but with an interesting twist.
This butt plug had a kind of handle that protruded past
the anus and could be used for controlling the sub, an
interesting little item that can be used as a handle or
as an additional attachment to bind the sub.

Everything was ready for Mistress. I waited as Mistress
has trained me - cuffs on, collar on, nude. The new
horse was finished - designed to Mistress's
specifications with plenty of holes and hooks for
attaching ropes and body parts. The top of the bench was
covered with vinyl and a thin pad, to buffer slightly
the hard wood.

I darkened the room, as usual, and waited for Mistress
on my knees, eyes facing the glass doors, blinds pulled.
This was intended to humiliate me while I waited for
Mistress to arrive.

However, I couldn't see anyone that passed. They could
see me and I couldn't see them. My eyes were covered
with the blindfold that mistress gave me. Anyone passing
could see me wearing the collar, the cuffs, the
blindfold and especially the cock and ball harness!
Already my cock was hard with the anticipation!

Evening came and I had been in place for nearly an hour.
The sun surely had set by this time, and I had some
relief in knowing the inside lights were off and no one
could see me. Mistress did allow me the one pleasure of
having the radio on. I could sense the passage of time,
a pleasure that Mistress would surely take away if I
didn't please her.

Mistress was always thinking of new ways to test me and
ways to punish me, should I not do as she pleased.
Finally, I heard the door open. Thank goodness. But I
never knew what to expect from Mistress. Weeks before,
Mistress had hinted that she wanted to turn me into her
little slut slave, to be used to satisfy her friends, to
be used for the amusement and pleasure of her friends.
This both worried me and enticed me. I knew that once I
crossed the threshold there was no possible turning

This will be a big step. Passing that threshold would
mean that I'm could no longer turn back. But I didn't
want to turn back. I relished being able to worship at
Mistress's feet. I relished worshipping at her ass and
doing all the nasty, delicious, disgusting things that
she wished. I even loved the spanking and whipping that
Mistress administered to her delight.

But, what about now? I can hear Mistress moving above -
and I think I can hear another - perhaps another or
maybe more. What have I agreed to? Too late! Mistress is
coming down the steps now. I hear the blinds as they are
pulled closed and then feel Mistress take my arm and
lead me towards the back bedroom. The room that now
contains the new horse; the instrument of my torture;
Mistress's pleasure alter. Ropes cross my skin as they
pass through the links on my cuffs and draw me down
across the horse.

My face easily drops into place on one end as my cock
and balls drop through the slot cut at the other end.
Muscles draw tight as Mistress pulls them tightly, one
and then the other. Within the span of a couple of
minutes, I can no longer move a muscle. I can't squirm -
I can't shift from one side to the other to deflect the
blows of her cat or paddles. I'm totally at her mercy.
Mistress moves to my head and shifts it, lifting my head
into position.

The bench was designed so that my head is located at the
optimum height for Mistress. Mistress positions my head
and opens my mouth. Once again Mistress places the ring
gag in my mouth and straps it around my head. This
forces me to keep my mouth open, unable to close, open
to any probing that Mistress wishes. Then a final strap
around my neck, forcing my head to tilt up - and

All this and not one word from Mistress!

The beating starts - AAAHHHhhhhhhhhhh! Without warning -
Oh it hurt so sweet - a single sting across the butt -
so sharp - a single sweet, sharp, burning blow. High on
my butt! Then nothing for a few seconds! Then another -
lower, still sharp and stinging. My legs are pulled
down, tight and strapped to the legs of the horse.

My skin shivers and I can envision a dark red line
across the skin - no, two lines - one bright and the
other fading! I pull tight against my bonds - and it
feels great, the tension helps me to absorb the pain. If
I could speak, I would thank Mistress for each blow.

Mistress finds every neglected inch of skin - working
her way up and down my butt and legs. Now Mistress
switches to my back! I sense a change of instrument!
Mistress is using the cat on me now; across my back and
shoulders. The sensation is intense! The blood rushes to
the skin, turning my back red, bright red. I can feel my
back gathering the heat of the beating. The rush of
endorphins! The bliss!

How did the beating continue? It seems like hours, but
probably lasted only minutes. I feel a rush as the high
builds and then peaks. The rush of pleasure consumes my
entire body. I know there is a big price I will pay for
this pleasure. Mistress has given me so much pleasure
and this time, without having me bring pleasure to her.
The endorphin rush makes the torment a dream - a
paradise contained just under my skin!

Mistress stops! I feel hands spreading my ass cheeks!
The hands are firm but yet gentle. A cold sensation
spreads through my body as a cold slick substance is
spread over my ass and fingers push it up into my ass. I
know Mistress is preparing me to receive a dildo or a
butt plug. As surely as the thought crossed my mind, the
intrusion of a large butt plug takes placed.

Not a second is wasted; just a single swift motion and
it was in! Then the firm hands take my dick and balls.
My dick is limp from the intense beating and my balls
hand loosely toward the floor; hanging clear of the
bench; hanging through to easy access to anyone that
desired to touch them. There is nothing I can do!

I feel a line or rope drawing tight around the base of
my dick and balls; drawing tight, causing the blood to
swell the dick and balls. One, two - more and more times
the rope is wound around the captive members. The loose
end of the rope is drawn up toward my ass and I feel it
being tied off to the end of the butt plug protruding
from my ass. Then I feel something else - something
being wrapped around my balls.

Mistress has places a parachute around my balls and I
feel the weight pulling them towards the floor. Oh, the
tension. My dick and balls pulled tight to my ass and
the pressure of the parachute weights pulling my balls
to the floor. Nothing I can do, but try to endure the

Another line or small rope is drawn around my dick -
around the head of my swelling dick. More weights are
applied and I feel my dick being pulled its own way
toward the floor! Then without warning, a sting at the
base of my balls, just above the parachute.

Oh, a new sensation - too hot and sharp - too intense,
but Mistress wishes to extract some pain for the
pleasure she just gave me. It must be a switch! A sharp
item, thin and resilient; leaving wounded skin wherever
it strikes. Mistress surely can hear my moans through
the ring gag! The pain! I hate it but know that I must
endure it for my Mistress.

Mistress moves to the side of the horse and suddenly I
feel Mistress straddle my back and then sit on me!
Mistress's hands strike my ass - one side, then the
other, one after the other. Like Mistress is beating a
drum, but playing a theme on my skin - bringing the
blood back to my ass once more.

One hand reaches around and grasp my hair - my head is
immobile and Mistress is using it to brace her swinging
pounding of my ass. Mistress pulls the butt plug out of
my ass and then replaces it with something else. I feel
the bulbous head pressing past my ass ring and then into
my anal cavity. It must be the anal probe!

Mistress strokes the anal probe with one hand and spanks
my ass with the other! Oh, the agony - the sensation!
The bulb rakes across my prostrate - forcing pre-cum
from my poor stretched dick! I can't see it but I know
that it is starting to drip towards the floor. The tempo
increases! Mistress is working the anal probe like a man
jerking off! But each motion rakes it across the inside,
sensitive flesh that Mistress loves to torment!

As suddenly as it started, it's over! Mistress moves
around to my face. And though I can't see for the
blindfold, I know Mistress is about to press her strap-
on into my ringed mouth! As soon as the thought crossed
my mind, Mistress forced a long, soft dick into my
mouth! Mistress loved to fuck my face! It was extremely
long! Mistress could choke me if she wished. There is
nothing I could do to prevent it. Good thing I had
fasted for this occasion. The dick presses across my
tongue, presses against the back of my mouth and into my
throat. Mistress knew she had me - I was her little slut
and she could and often did whatever she wished with me.

This time Mistress had a surprise for me. After what
seemed like an eternity of Mistress pressing the dick
against the back of my throat, choking off the air for
what seemed like minutes, I feel something surging down
my throat! Mistress, has taken me yet another step -
Mistress has fucked me with a dildo that expels fake cum
down my throat. Mistress is really turning me into her
fuck toy, her little fuck slut!

As Mistress withdraws the plastic dick, she speaks for
the first time! "Nice little slut! You loved that didn't
you?" Mistress walks to the back of the bench and I feel
her hands stroking my poor stretched dick - as if
milking a cow. Mistress milks the pre-cum into her hand
and brings it to my face! Mistress removes my blindfold
with one hand and shows me the runny goo in her hand. "A
little treat for my slut slave, something that you know
you want!"

Mistress takes a finger - rakes it through the gooey
discharge and then wipes her finger across my stretched
lips and tongue. There is nothing to do but take it! I
love the way Mistress brings me yet to a new level.
Mistress is always forcing me to cross the line.

"But this time I have a surprise for you my pet! I
intend to fuck you up your hot ass with my strap-on
while my husband fucks your face!"

Oh Mistress! I'm not sure that I can do this, but what
can I do - I can't move much more than an eyelash.
Surely Mistress would talk to me before she asked - nay,
demands that I do this! Then I see Steve, Mistress's
other slave - husband slave, stepping in front of me!
His dick in his hand!

"Do you have a problem with that pet?" Laughing,
Mistress smacked me hard across my ass with her gloved
hand. "You know this is what you have always wanted; to
submit to me fully! To be used as my toy, in every way I

"Now you have that opportunity Slut!"

"But I'm not going to force you to do it! I'm not going
to fuck you and have Steve fuck you without your
consent!" With that, Mistress again smacked me across my
still stinging ass.

"Now, how are we to determine if you want to be double
fucked, my poor bound slave? Perhaps we will free you to
discuss this? NOT! Ha, Ha! You will tell us with blinks
of your eyes! Now slave, one long blink will signify a
yes and two short blinks will signal a no. Just think
about your answer!"

"If you answer no, the our games are over and you will
be released from my service forever! If you answer yes,
then you will have many more sessions in which to
explore those things that you love!"

"Now slave, what is your answer?"

With that, Mistress struck me hard with a strap. High
across my ass and the stinging was so hot and searing
that I nearly broke my teeth on the ring gag; tightly
gripped air with my bound hands; tightly shut my eyes
with the burning, ringing pain that racked my tightly
drawn body!"

"Why thank you for your submission slave! We will now
proceed with your torture and use."

The horror - I hadn't thought about it - hadn't really
had a chance to say no - was forced into the reaction by
the torture or Mistress. But would I have said "YES?" -
Most likely. But now the torture was to continue without
any say on my part - just to be used again. But I liked
that - I loved being used for Mistress's pleasure and if
this would make her happy, then I would be pleased to do
this for her.

Mistress stood in front of me and placed her strap-on
under my nose; rubbed the tip over my face and then
through my open lips, still held open by the ring gag.
"Taste this slut-boy! This is my rubber dick, and you
know how many times you've loved to suck on this for me!
Today, you will have the real thing!"

Mistress forced the strap-on into my mouth and against
the back of my throat! "You've gotten used to my strap-
on, but haven't tasted but just a sample of your own
pre-cum! Today, you will no longer be a virgin!" With
that Mistress stepped aside and grabbed Steve's dick!
"See how he wants to break your cherry, slut-boy!"

His dick was stiff and not too big - certainly, not as
large as Mistress's strap-on. But it was "REAL!" Not a
fake rubber dick, or just a taste of my own pre-cum.
This would be the real thing! And before I could think
again, Steve stepped forward and pushed his dick into my
mouth! I could taste the sweet and slick pre-cum.

I couldn't close my mouth, but I could use my tongue and
suck his dick into my hot throat! I want it to be good
for Steve. I press his dick against the roof of my mouth
and feel the ridge of its head pass against it as the
underside rolls over my tongue. My mouth is slick with
his pre-cum and I can feel my own heat building as I
realize Mistress is pressing that big strap-on against
my ass.

Mistress is gentle at first and pushes gently against my
asshole. Probing, pressing, easing the dick into my ass.
I really like the strap-on that Mistress has chosen. It
has quite a large head - and when Mistress strokes my
ass hard, the head passing over my prostate gland is
quite a sensation. Each pass of that huge head, probing
deep into my ass, causes my prostrate to give up a
little more pre-cum - I can sense the puddle building
under my poor stretched dick.

Mistress presses hard and the dick is inside my ass! Now
I'm being nailed from both ends at the same time. And to
make matters worse ( better ), Mistress has taken her
hand and is pulling down on the parachute that is around
my balls. Oh, what more can Mistress do to torment me?
It seems like a second has passed and I have the answer.
Mistress has added some type of weight to my parachute.

My balls are stretched toward the floor! Oh, they are so
tight and the pressure causes some pain in my balls.
Ahhhh - Ohhhhh, Mistress - if only I could say something
- anything - but, I can't. I can hardly breath for Steve
burying his dick in my mouth and Mistress pounding my
ass! And, that awful weight swinging from my balls.

Steve grabs my head at the ears and forces his dick deep
into my mouth. I can feel his dick pressing against the
back of my throat and Mistress probing, pressing deep
into my ass.

Mistress is now beating my ass with her paddle. The
sensations are just over powering. I love it! The heat
is so great so as to build a raging force in my body -
the sensations are waves now, waves of sensations, not
really pleasure, not really pain, but sensations of sex
and being used. Sensations unlike anything I've ever
felt are rolling across me as Mistress and her slave
Steve try to touch probes deep within me.

I can feel the heat of Steve in my mouth and each hard
thrust of Mistress across my prostrate. Steve grabs my
head tight and I realize that I'm going to have the
first man cum in my mouth. The taste of his pre-cum was
sweet and slick. I wonder how his cum will really taste?

I don't have long to wait. Steve presses hard into my
mouth; his dick is at the back of my throat and I can
feel the first spurt of cum at the back of my tongue.
Steve, wanting to see his work, pulls his dick from my
throat and spurts his cum onto my tongue and lips. His
spunk - it taste a little salty, slick as his pre-cum
and then thicker.

Mistress pulls out of my ass and walks around to my
head. "Now my little pet! We wouldn't want you to miss
any of this would we?!" With that mistress takes her
finger and rakes up the cum from my lips and drags it
across my tongue. Mistress then takes Steve's dick and
squeezes his cum into her palm; milking him of his
spunk. Then again taking his slick seed and raking it
into my mouth. Mistress loves to push her slaves to new
experiences and I can tell that She is pleased that she
has taken me to this new level.

I hope that I've pleased Mistress. I know that I'm spent
and that there isn't much more that I can do for
Mistress this evening. However, Mistress has other
plans. I can hear Mistress opening the cabinets and
doing something with the dishes. What can Mistress be up
to? "Now, we can't have Steve have all the fun now can
we my dear pet?" I'm sure that Mistress isn't planning
anything that will be fun for me!

I feel Mistress handling my poor stretched dick -
Mistress is fondling me - and I hear her command Steve
to make me hard. I feel the unmistakable sensation of
lips on my dick! Mistress would never give that kind of
pleasure, so poor Steve must be made to service me. But
to what end?

Mistress is not usually worried about the pleasure of
her slaves. They are allowed to cum when it suits her or
embarrasses her slave. As hot as I was, I tense as I
feel Steve sucking on my poor stretched member. Blood
swells into my dick and the veins bulge against the
restraints of the ropes tight around the base of my cock
and balls.

The sensations are intense, pleasure this time - heat
building in my balls and I can feel the beginnings of
familiar pleasure in my balls. I'm starting to cum! Just
as I start to cum, the lips drop away from my dick and
hands start to stroke me! Oh, the humiliation - someone
is jacking me off - and I feel the cold touch of a plate
of bowl touching the head of my dick!

I cum, spurt after spurt and the hands don't stop! The
pleasure turns to pain - nothing is more sensitive that
a hard dick that has just cum. A dick that is still
gorged with blood and won't be soft for a few more
minutes till the sequestered blood can find a small
escape from its bonds. The sensations of it all! I know
that it isn't really pain, but it isn't pleasure either!
Mistress is standing in front of me watching the
expression on my face.

"How's my little pet now? See what I have for you?" With
that, Mistress held up the bowl in front of me and
allowed me to see my on spunk in a bowl. Mistress take
the spoon and scoops up the cum, holding it in front of
my eyes so that I can see her intent and examine the
spoon full of spunk. "Now, now, what should we do with

Mistress know that once I've cum, I'm not up to even
thinking about eating my cum. That's why I've never
eaten anything but my pre-cum. But Mistress isn't going
to give me an opportunity to resist. Mistress places the
spoon in my mouth and turns it over on my tongue.
Mistress rakes the spoon across my tongue so the all of
its contents are pressed out evenly into my mouth. Then
another spoonful.

"We can't have waste can we now pet?"

Finally, Mistress takes her finger and squeegees the
last drop of spunk onto her finger. "Waste not, want
not!" With that, Mistress puts the last drop on the tip
of my tongue and then with the end of her finger, forces
my tongue back into my mouth.


I'm spent! Exhausted from the hours of abuse at the
hands of Mistress and her husband Steve. What now? I
fear there is no life in me and that I'm no good to
Mistress nor myself. myself indulgent musings are
interrupted -. "Swat!" AAAHHHhhhhhh -. Oh, - oh.
Mistress has awakened the tender skin just at the
junction of my butt and the back of my thigh.

"Pet, we can't have you going to sleep on us can we?!
You know that I promised you a new and very intensive
session this time! And, as your Mistress, I intend to
fulfill my promise to you! You are entering a New
Dimension, my pet! A very new and intense world for you!

Another sting - another, and yet another! There couldn't
be one set of hands beating me - there were at least
two! This was my reward for being a good servant a
vessel of pleasure for my Mistress. More blows, more
pain - but the pain was starting to bring me into that
world joining, intersecting pain and pleasure yet again.

Nearly every inch of my being was tested by stinging
blows. Blows coming from every direction. The skin
across my back, legs, arms and even my feet were
crisscrossed with the red presents from my Mistress.

"My pretty pet! I just wanted to warm you up for the
next part of our evening. You see, I haven't been
satisfied yet! Also, this is your cumming out party so
to speak!"

"We have people waiting to see you and to have you
entertain then! The next part of our evening is where I
introduce you to the world, a world that I know you wish
to be a part of! My friends are waiting; waiting for you
to put them at ease and to ensure their comfort, as well
as their entertainment!"

With that, I feel Mistress reinserting my butt plug, the
one with a tail attached! my hands and feet are released
from their bonds and I feel the rope uncoiling from
around my arms and legs. Gathering myself, I start to
stand. Mistress grabs a handful of my hair and pulls me
to the floor!

"Slave! How dare you stand fully in my presence!"

I had forgotten that Mistress allows none of her slaves
to stand taller than she. I wait patiently on my hands
and knees while Mistress attaches a leash to my collar.

"Now my pet, my guest are special and they are expecting
you to treat them very well! If they need a drink, you
are to serve them. If they need food, you are to fetch
something from the kitchen. If they wish to use your
ringed mouth as an ashtray, then you will graciously
allow them to do so. Should they have need of a
footrest, well, we can't have our guest putting their
feet on the furniture can we? So, I would expect you to
do your best to accommodate their needs."

"Should they wish to play with your horsy tail, then you
should allow them! Any and every wish my guest have is
just as if I have that wish! Do you understand,

Through my ring gag -. I muffled, " Yes, Mistress "

my fate was sealed! Now I had arrived at the place I've
wanted for so long - to be the property of Mistress; to
be Herr's to use as She wished! Now I had to prove to
Mistress's friends that I was worthy of her attention.
How could I possibly withstand the scrutiny of all these

Mistress walked me up the stairway, taking Her pleasure
in occasionally stepping on my weights, hanging from my
parachute. As my knees crested another step, Mistress
would step on the weight and the resulting torture was
that without warning I would stretch my balls tightly
away from my body. At times, Mistress would smack my ass
or the back of my legs with her crop! Mistress was
having a delightful time and all at my expense.

My balls would pull away from me - straining against the
leather parachute encasing them - causing a dull pain in
my balls as they tore away from my body. The sensation
caused my poor mistreated dick to swell somewhat and
with that a little leaking from the rough treatment.

Mistress slapped my ass with her gloved hand! "You're
sloppy pet! Your undisciplined dick has left a puddle on
the steps! I suggest you clean it right now!"

With those instructions, I didn't hesitate, I instantly
backed down the steps and pressed my tongue through the
ring gag. Licking cum from the steps! Mistress grabbed
me by my protruding tail and treated me as a vacuum
cleaner; working my ass, bringing me up and down the
steps to clean the trail I had left.

I can feel Mistress's hot breath on the side of my face!
Mistress watches as my tongue snakes out to clean cum
from the carpet; my lips rubbed red and burned by the
course weave.

"Do a good job for your Mistress, pet!" Satisfied with
the cleaning, Mistress then took my leash and again
guided me up the steps.

As I passed through the door from the basement, I notice
about 6 people sitting around in the living room. Five
women and one man! my ordeal was only beginning!
Mistress guided me around by my leash and introduced me
to each of her guest! As we passed each of the guest,
Mistress introduced me and informed each of them as to
how I was at their service and could be used for their
amusement or satisfaction.

"Ann, Amy, Susan, Dorothy and Eva, this is our
entertainment and pleasure tonight. You may use him
anyway you wish as long as he isn't damaged! I have
taken pains to train 'pet' and we certainly wouldn't
want to endanger such and investment, would we? You may
use him to suck your dainty little feet; to worship your
ass; worship your hot little pussy; to punish if you
aren't pleased with anything pet can do for you. bob and
Steve, you may join the fun if these ladies decide that
you should be useful."

So, bob and Steve were sub, just like me! Or were they?
It seemed that I was the only entertainment for the
night. At once, Mistress directed me to the kitchen
area, where the refreshments and snacks were prepared.
There were little sandwiches and such for the snacks and
then beer, wine and soft drinks for the thirst.

"Now Wayne, please take care of our guest! Carry this
tray with the drinks to each of our visitors and then
return for the snacks."

Mistress did allow me to stand for this, even though I
wasn't allowed to stand straight. I wasn't allowed to
raise my head above Herr's. Each of the ladies took a
drink and then I served bob and Steve. The tray was
empty and I turned to return to the kitchen, when bob
put out his foot and tripped me! Sending me head long
onto the floor! "Poor little slut slave can't even serve
drinks properly, said bob!" Luckily, nothing remained to

Mistress came to me and I thought She was going to
assist me in standing. However, Mistress struck me
across my ass with her crop! "slave, to your feet! How
dare you be so clumsy in front of my guest?"

With that I quickly jumped to my feet, balls swinging
around with the weights attached to the parachute!

"Your head is above mine! Too your knees slave!"

Immediately, I dropped to my knees! Mistress again hit
me with her crop! "Crawl over here pet!" you still must
serve the sandwiches and cookies to our fine guest. But
on your hands and knees! Also, you will require the use
of those poor bruised lips to service my lady guest! So,
for now, I will remove your ring gag. Though, I do so
like the idea of your slut slave mouth being held open!

On my hands and knees, Mistress placed the tray on my
back! As I crawled around the room, I thought about how
this was really Hell! No fun for me and I must serve
these ungrateful and undeserving subs. If it had been
only the women, then I would have loved to serve, but
the other subs. More and more embarrassment for me! But
then again, that was part of what I enjoyed! Mistress
intended for me to enjoy all the humiliation I could

On my hands and knees, I crawled to each of the ladies
with the tray carefully balanced across my back at the
hips. Each of the ladies took a treat in turn and then
subs bob and Steve, sitting on the floor at the foot of
the couch, took some cookies. Some treats remained on
the tray and so I continued to act as their coffee table
knowing that any action toward self-determination would
result in my punishment.

Ann motioned for me to come to her. "Slave, my poor feet
are tired and in need of some attention. How about
worshipping my feet for me!" With that, Lady Ann placed
her feet upon the coffee table at my face and waited for
me to move.

"What are you waiting for, Pet?" Without warning,
Mistress smacked me on the back of my leg, just below my
ass. Not needing more incentive, I sucked in Lady Ann's
small toe. Sucked it deep into my hot steamy mouth! My
saliva wetting her and my tongue and lips treating her
feet to the worship they deserved. Each toe in turn was
treated to a tongue bath, caressed, bathed, sucked -
working over each precious toe in turn.

As I worshipped Lady Ann, Lady Dorothy reached out for
my butt plug. Taking a firm grip on the handle, just
before the protruding tail, Lady Dorothy started working
it around! "He has a nice tail and a bonus handle! I can
drag him around by his ass, or torture him by forcing it
in and out! But I understand that you have a different
kind of butt plug, an inflatable plug. Why isn't he
wearing it?"

Mistress answered, "I thought we would have some fun
with pet before we plugged both ends and tortured him.
His butt plug is ribbed, so he will really appreciate
repeated insertions and removals! Do take your time
ladies, he is here at your disposal."

This entire time, I had been worshipping Lady Ann's
feet. Both feet were place on the coffee table so that I
might have easy access to them. As dedicated as I was to
the treatment of her feet, Lady Dorothy, was dedicated
to examining my butt plug and my reaction to its
insertion. It was more of a ribbed dildo than a true
butt plug!

With each stroke I could feel the ribs popping out of my
tight ass and passing over my prostate gland. Fears were
starting to fade as I could feel the sexual heat rise
around me. Mistress could sense my absorption into the
events surrounding me.

"Ladies, please watch how my slaves love to service
me!", said Mistress.

"Slave Steve and slut Wayne crawl over here to me!"

Each of us crawled to Mistress. Mistress took my tray
from my back and placed it upon the counter! "Now here
is how to properly use your slaves. Imagine that each
slave has spent an hour or more worshiping your feet and
legs. If they have performed well, you should reward
them with a taste of your ass or the sweet drippings of
your pussy."

Mistress took my collar and placed me up against the
counter, on my butt, legs spread with my head firmly
back against the bar! Then she took my leash and pulled
my head tight against the bar, tied across my neck and
to two convenient eye bolts attached to the front of the

I was completely at her mercy unable to move my head -
tied into position. Mistress then took my hands and
attached the cuffs to D-rings on a wide leather strap
across my waist. I was completely at her mercy!

Mistress turned her ass to my face and stepped back
against me! Pressing her ass into my face and putting
her foot squarely on my dick! "Eat my ass, slut!" With
that, Mistress twisted her foot on my dick! My tongue
and lips immediately started to work on Mistress. I do
so love when Mistress allows me to please her.

Slave Steve was now pulled to Mistress and I could see
that she wished him to worship at her pussy! Oh, what a
pleasure it must be to be allowed to taste the wetness
of Mistress's pussy. Each of us now tried to do our
best. Worshipping at Mistress! Steve and I would at
times feel each worshipping, licking and sucking at our
respective rewards. I felt Steve's chin bump against my
chin and then I would lick his face in the heat of
trying to please Mistress.

Mistress was enjoying the attention and I could tell
from past encounters that Mistress was nearing an
orgasm. Each of us consumed by the heat of the moment.
Some of Mistress's juices were leaking into my open and
sucking mouth! I could feel the building heat and
shudders of Mistress's approaching climax. Mistress's
climax would signal a break in her passions. A temporary
pause, but only for Mistress.

Mistress stepped aside, stepped over to the couch and
whispered something into Lady Eva's ear. Eva wasted no
time at all! With two steps, Lady Eva took Mistress's
position - we took our positions again, ravaging Lady
Eva with all our passion and strength. Again, a foot was
placed on my hard dick and as the passion and heat built
that foot would press and then twist against my hard
flesh! The pain, the pleasures were exquisite, and again
hot juices were flooding from Lady Eva and into my
greedy, sucking mouth.

The butt plug was being driven deeper into my ass - each
time my dick was pressed against the floor, my ass
throbbed a little more. Slave Steve, on his knees and me
bound to the bar with my hands tied to my sides worked
to bring Lady Eva to a peak of passion. Lady Eva stepped
away and sat on the couch. She was replaced quickly by
Lady Ann and Dorothy. But lady Ann took me and Lady
Dorothy used Steve.

Lady Ann turned her ass to my face and bent over to
press her hands against the floor. This leveraged her
against my face and caused me to gasp for breath. Oh the
pleasure, the struggle for air! Lady Ann's perfume was
an aphrodisiac. my dick was again throbbing and I
desired for Lady Ann or anyone to take my dick and give
me release. But Lady Ann had a much different idea.

In a rapid motion, Lady Ann grabbed the chain tying the
weights to the parachute surrounding my balls. With one
hand on the floor and another on the chain, Lady Ann
pushed off the floor, pulled on the chain and forced her
ass tightly against my face! All the while my tongue was
probing into her ass - worshipping the heat and the
sexual aroma.

I desired to make Mistress proud of me - to be the
pleasing worshipping slut that she desired of me. If I
could only please her guest, then I knew Mistress would
collar me. Officially making me her owned property. The
pain of it - Lady Ann nearly pulled my balls off as she
pressed into me!

Lady Ann pressed harder pushing her pussy hard into my
face - that wet, slippery, sexy object of my desire. Not
that Mistress would allow me to actually put my dick
into Lady Ann, but perhaps my tongue and lips could get
to know her better and I could give her pleasure. After
all, that was my nature, to give pleasure, to be used
for the pleasure and entertainment of my Dominants.

It seemed like minutes, but I knew that nearly an hour
had passed! Lady Ann pulled away - her climax achieved
and she needed a short break from the activities. I
looked around the room and saw slave Steve and Lady
Dorothy in action.

Lady Dorothy had slave Steve on his back his face buried
in her pussy and slave bob on his elbows and his face
buried in her ass. Lady Dorothy looked as if she was in
heaven. And the two subs were obviously delighted in
their roles. Lady Dorothy was shuddering in ecstasy and
then rose from her two doting subs and she too took her
place on the couch.

Only Lady Susan had not taken part in the orgy that had
just passed. As I looked around the room, I spotted Lady
Susan coming out of the bedroom. She had changed
clothes, from her attractive evening gown to a leather
outfit that made her look like the Domme from Hell.

Around her waist was a wide belt loaded with paddles,
rope, links, cuffs and various items that looked as if
they were designed to inflict the maximum agony on the
recipient. And the item that was most menacing was the
strap-on dildo hanging from her crotch. It must have
been 12" if it was an inch in length. And the girth was
simply amazing!

Mistress Susan walked over to me and took me by the hair
on my head and pressed the dildo against my mouth! "Come
on baby, warm my dick up for me!"

Still bound to the bar, I couldn't move, had no way to
defend myself against this new Domina. "This is not for
you poor baby, I just want you to wet it and warm it up
for my own little slut, slave bob! Ha, ha, ahhhhhh, what
a present for my little bob." With that, Mistress Susan
turned to slave bob and grabbed him by his hair and took
him to the center of the room. Place on his knees, bob
raised his ass high into the air to ease entry for his

With the ease of over 100 sessions, Mistress Susan put
the end of her dick against his ass and in a simple
short motion, pressed over half its length into his
pulsating asshole. With a practiced expertise Mistress
Susan began a rhythm clearly enjoying the session. Slave
bob was groaning and writhing under her.

My Mistress took me by my collar and pulled me over to
Mistress Susan and slave bob. "Come now my little pet,
we can't have our guest slave bob have all the fun now
can we? On your back, SLUT!"

Pressing me to my back, Mistress then slipped my leash
under slave bob and walked to the other side. Tugging on
my leash, Mistress dragged me under bob, his gorged dick
pointed down to my face. "Now be a good little slut and
suck on bob's little dick!"

Not resisting and anticipating punishment for even
slightly delaying, I took bob's dick into my mouth and
sucked it - sucked it deep into my throat. I could feel
the pressure of Mistress Susan as she fucked bob. Each
stroke caused blood to rush into his dick and I could
detect a surge of pre-cum dripping from his dick into my
sucking mouth with each stroke.

It seemed like ages, unlike when I was worshipping the
hot ass of the earlier ladies. I had no desire to take a
man, only a desire to please my Mistress. Each stroke
into bob's ass was another assault on my mouth. As the
heat built, I could tell bob was near to cumming. bob's
dick stiffened and he started a motion of his own.

He started pressing deep into my mouth, taking my breath
with each stroke. I could feel the veins swelling around
his dick and the frantic motions with which slave bob
tried to release himself in my throat. Faster and Faster
he probed. Then finally slave bob slowed and his hot
seed squirted deep into my mouth. Unfettered by the ring
gag, I could feel the slippery, oily presence of his
seed on my tongue.

I sucked harder, tightly holding his dick in my mouth
and pulling every drop of his cum into my mouth. Even as
his dick shriveled, I could still feel the pulsating
pressure of Mistress Susan's dick as it passed his
prostate gland pressing still more blood into his dying

Sensing his dying passion, Mistress Susan pulled out and
stood back.

"Well, well, little slut. You have managed to be useful
to slave bob!" She turned to my Mistress and asked,
"Mistress, may I play with your slave now that mine is

my Mistress smiled and simply nodded her head in the
affirmative. I knew I was doomed, I had given everything
and now I was to be punished more. How much more can I
take? "Now, now little sub, don't despair! I'm not going
to fuck you. I've decided to play with your new toys."

Mistress Susan then held out her hands and showed me the
inflatable gag and butt plug that had been mentioned
earlier. Oh no, I was sure that my Mistress would have
allowed me to try those in the privacy of our own little
sessions. But now, a Mistress that I didn't know was
going to initiate me to those toys.

my Mistress took me and bent me over the coffee table.
my arms were already tied to my sides but Mistress took
bungee cords and stretched them around the table and
across my back. Then across my neck, pulling my neck
down against the table. Was my hell never going to end?
Mistress Susan then was playing with my poor ass,
getting it ready for the new intruder. Greasing my ass
and then pressing the limp plug into my ass, Mistress
Susan just smiled!

At the same time, my Mistress was putting the gag into
my mouth. Once in place, the inflation started. A simple
bulb was attached to each device and as simple as it
looked, it was a devilish device. With each squeeze of a
bulb, more and more pressure was exerted against each
end. my mouth was being forced open, open farther than
ever before, my jaws straining at the force. my ass on
the other hand was being filled as it had never been
filled before.

The pressure on my prostate and bladder was simply
tremendous. I was glad not to have consumed the liquid
refreshments, even though none had been offered to me.
For empty as my bladder was, it was being squeezed such
that the small amount of urine needed a place to escape.
Finally the swelling stopped and nothing could be more
troubling than the pressure at each end.

Mistress then stood in front of me with two items in her
hands. One was a cat and the other was a collar.
Mistress said, "My little pet, you have done so well and
I am now going to reward you with my collar and a
ceremonial thrashing with my new cat. This signifies
your new position as my personal slave and sub. A sub to
both myself and Steve! You are now part of my family!
Welcome home my pet!"

Keys: F/mm F+/Mmm bi oral anal d/s bd mc scat

Margo The Escort

We started kissing and, of course, I let him fondle my breasts. I wasn’t sure how much he knew about my willingness to do other things, but he put his hand on my leg and I allowed him to reach up under my skirt and rub my thigh at the edge of my pa ..continue reading

Hot Classmate

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Gangbang Daughter 1.

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Working owertime with a bbw

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A Car Wash (They get hot while car gets sudsy)

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Domination by woman over man

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