
Each repeated time, I taste my cum - sex story

Each repeated time, I taste my cum

It all started so innocently. An electronic pulse. A reply to a message.
Our interests and desires quickly melded. An exchange of pictures provided
fuel for fantasies and several solo explorations. We confessed. The rapport
we had lead to a decision: to meet. I was extremely nervous going into it.
It has a torrid Saturday afternoon in Washington D.C. There was the threat
of thunderstorms. The storm in my loins dominated my thoughts as I prepared
to knock. Was I ready? The ground rules were the ones I suggested. You
were to be in control. I gladly accepted the submissive role. In fact, I
craved it. I felt very comfortable with could happen and was willing.
Taking a deep breath, I took the plunge. My fist hit ardently on the wood
of the door.

You opened the door. Our eyes meet. At the same time there is shame, but
also recognition of each other's needs. "Come in" you say in an assured
tone. The room is comfortable. The coolness of the air condition betrays my
desires as my senses adjust. A chill on the back of my neck, sweaty palms.
The head of my cock rubs against the silk of my boxer shorts. I am aroused.
I feel the hint of wetness along the head. Lubricating, assisting and
teasing me. The details of the room are a blur, my mind is racing. I
finally focus on the swell of your breasts, cleavage revealed by your knit
top. Your nipples harden, my gaze averts towards the floor. It is a subtle
sign of my submission. My cock throbs harder, you take control. "Remove
everything but your underwear.”

You sit in a large chair as I comply. You gaze lock on to my motions. The
shirt was easy, I felt a flush as I slowly unbuttoned my olive drab shorts
and let them fall unceremoniously to the wooden floor. The tent of my
erection is clearly visible against my soft boxers. I gaze down and indeed
the is a small wet spot. You sit with a knee up throughout this process. A
fingernail gently stroking your thigh. Your nipples are still hard. There
is no need for talk. Over the weeks we have said everything to each other.
There is just desire and need for release.

"Lay on the floor" you order. A soft cotton rug is conveniently at my feet.
"you thought of everything" I thought. With out hesitation I comply. I
close my eyes as I am transported into the realm of the sensual. I hear you
rise, walk over and stand above me. You look into my eyes as you unsnap the
button, then pull down the zipper of your tight white shorts. One removed,
you remove your panties with a long pull. Since you did not bend you knees
to accomplish this, your ass spreads before my eyes. You wanted it to happen
this way. You are asserting your control. I know it. I enjoy it. I throb.

Recovering from that sight, the nest thing I know is that your feet are on
either side of my head. I sense your pelvis moving towards my face as your
knees touch the ground on the side of my ears. You are facing down my body
as my tongue makes contact with your soft inner thighs. Your hips roll. My
tongue reaches your lips, wet, aromatic, open.. You grind harder into my
face. You are no longer gentle. You are insistent. I develop a rhythm: up
from the bottom, firmly to the top, a soft circle around the top. Repeat.
After five such excursions you understand. The rhythm is yours to explore
and personalize. Up, around, and down. Over and over. You remove your top
and cup your full breasts. Pinching your nipples each time my tongue circles
your clitoris. I fell your muscles in your thighs tighten, your breath is
becoming shorter. MY hands reach around your buttocks. I spread them wide.
You are moaning, more and more. you hips are moving in an instinctual
rhythm. Closer and closer you get. My constant pace never slackens in tempo
or intensity. You reach down and feel my hard cock. the softness of the
silk contrasts sharply with the hardness underneath.

I sense you building more and more. The up, down, and around motion is
fully taking effect. You are lubricating freely and are very wet. I feel a
slight quiver in your stomach. I act quickly to insert a finger deeply into
you wet channel.. In and out in a rapid manner. This finger is not intended
to stay, just get wet. I circle your clit exclusively now. You are moaning
even louder. I with draw my finger one last time and move it to the entrance
of your anus. "Yes" is all you say. In a slight circular movement I
penetrate your nether hole. Still circling your clit I and making my tongue
firmer and firmer. Contact is only seconds away. As the second knuckle of
my index finger pushes its way into your ass, you cum. Your tense thighs
release and your weight fully falls onto my face. Your hair is askew as you
convulse. I can hardly breath. I do not stop. you will not let me. After
the initial orgasm, another one pops, totally surprising you. Your wetness
gushes onto me. We are hot and sweaty. You are just beginning. You eye my
cock. We lay together for a while. You finally decide to move. It is time
to abuse me. To exert control. You want to see me lick up my sperm.

After your orgasm, the mood shifted. Your essence, once released, blossomed
into a need to satisfy me. You return to the chair, your naked flesh feels
good against the softness of the leather. You are still wet and very light
headed. I stand, my erection tents against the silk boxer shorts I continue
to wear. My hand wanders to my crotch and begins to rub the head of my cock.
You smile and lick your lips. Your eyes invite me, you lay back deeper into
the chair and you begin to tease your sensitive nipple with the nails of the
fingers from your right hand.

My need grows. I feel a rush of power and authority. I pull the waist band
of my boxer shorts away and down, freeing my erection at last. Your eyes
widen and your nostrils flare at the sight of my hard cock. You shudder as
the stimulation on your erect nipples takes a greater effect. You lick your
lips again in anticipation. You look at my crotch, you see my hand encircle
the base of it and begin to stroke it. “How can I pleasure you?” you ask.

“With your mouth” I say in a voice mixed with desire and authority. You
move your right hand from your breast to your mouth and lick your index
finger in the most provocative way. You bob quickly, getting it wet,
simulating what you know I want you to do. I step closer. You remove your
finger from your mouth and it makes it way down your body, across your
breast, down to your navel, through your pubic hair to the top of your mound.
You begin to move it slowly but assuredly around your wet lips. All the
while I watch you. Your display is both a sign of submission to my visual
will and surrender to your inner self. This is the first time you have open
masturbated in front of a man. You spread your legs wider in the chair, one
leg draped over the wide arms rest, the other touching the floor. I move
between your legs and place my knees on the low seat of the chair. I am
taking control as you continue to stroke your lips. Little waves of pleasure
are over taking you. You gaze at my erection. You see wher eit is heading.
You are momentarily confused. A question forms in your mind.

“I though it was my mouth you wanted” you say between shallow breaths.
“Soon enough” I say as I move my hips and place my hard cock near your wet
hole. You hand stops it movement on yourself and grasps my hardness. You
involuntarily stroke it. “I want to be inside you” I say. I notice your
nipples harden even more. The head of my cock are on your lips and you are
moving it slowly, getting the head wet. Then I surprise you, “I want you to
suck your juices off my cock.” Your hips and mine move at the same moment.
I slide into you with out resistance. You are willing, wet and ready. The
thoughts running through your mind are matched in intensity with the feeling
of penetration. You think to yourself, “I have never tasted myself on the
cock of a man before.” Your apprehension is quickly overcome by the desire
to pleasure my cock in any way I want you too. As my cock reaches full
penetration, you sigh and surrender to your feelings. Over the next five
minutes I slowly fill you and withdraw. Your right hand is busy again, this
time directly stimulating your clit. I do not push into you rapidly or
slowly, just the same rhythm I used when I was licking you. You cum again,
releasing another flood of juices.

I quickly withdraw. Feeling invigorated, you shift forward in the seat.
You grasp my erection and without thought or hesitation, take my cock into
your mouth. “Yes” I hiss, enjoying the new sensation. You find that you
enjoy the taste of your juices on my cock. You circle the head with your
tongue, then begin a pumping motion with your mouth. I say, “you are so
pretty with your mouth around my cock.” You grasp the base of my cock with
one hand and begin to pump it in time with your mouth. Your other hand
reaches for my balls and your begin to stroke them lightly with your nails.
You smile inwardly thinking of how you filed them in anticipation of this
moment. I speak again, telling you how hot your mouth is.

After a short while you remove my cock from your mouth and move me lower for
my cock is between your full breasts. Your cup them, forming a tunnel of
flesh for my cock. Its is wet and slippery. As the head of my cock emerges
from the top, your mouth and wet tongue are there to lick it and suck it. We
sift to a more comfortable position on the floor. My hands replace yours,
cupping your breasts. You want me to cum soon. You need to taste it. As is
am thrusting between your breasts and sometimes deep into your mouth, your
hand returned to my balls and the other goes between my buttocks. You know
what I want. We don’t need to verbalize anymore. You know how to please me,
what I want, and how to give it to me. You penetrate my ass with ease. You
feel me enlarge and harden. You know I’m there. Your raise your head and
extend your tongue that just invites me to cum. You look into my eyes. I
see your submission. I moan loudly and release. Your hand quickly moves
from my balls to grasp the base of my cock and thrust your other finger
deeper into me in the rough motion you know I will like.

I cum in several jets of warm, sticky white liquid. The first string
reaches your tongue. You swirl it around and swallow. The successive shots
of cum land on you neck and breasts. I release your breasts and rub some
into you flesh. You continue to grasp my softening cock and lick the head.
You feel deliciously naughty seeing the string of cum extending from my head
to your mouth. I collapse on top of you, you withdraw your finger from my
ass. I kiss you fully, my tongue reaching deep into your mouth. I taste
myself. After kissing for several moments, I lower my head and kiss my way
down your neck to your breasts, tasting myself.

After the intensity of the previous activity, we needed to rest. A simple
snack of green olives, hard cheese, and a full bodied red wine. We chat.
Conversation came easier now that the initial physical need has been sated.
During our talk, I took time to closely examine your body. Your firm
breasts sat high and proud on your rib cage, leading to a well toned but sexy
stomach. Your hips faired dramatically from your narrow waist, something
that powerfully attracts me. Your mound is partially shaven, concealing and
revealing. Very soft and sexy. Your legs go on forever, giving substance to
your 5'7" frame. Your calves are exquisitely formed, with sexy feet
completing the package. Your wavy brown hair reaches your shoulder blades
and your blue eyes are penetrating. While looking at you my arousal returns.
While finishing the second glass of wine, our trance is broken by the
distant rumble of thunder. Both of us knew what that meant. We shared this
fantasy online already. “Let’s go to my bedroom,” you suggest with a lilt of
the exotic in your voice. I think I knew what was to come; more blood rushed
to my loins as I stood.

I looked at your bedroom and felt that I knew it already. Our previous
explorations online had occurred in here. The big window faced west, an
unobstructed view to the hills beyond. I see the dark swirling clouds
approaching, an intense flash of cloud to ground lightning appears. I see
you desk with the computer, your comfortable leather swivel chair. I wonder
if your scent is on the leather. Then I see the mirror. The full length
object is paced strategically in the corner. I imagined your form in it when
we were in the chat room. You sit in the chair, I sit on the near edge of
the bed. My eyes betray my desire. “I want to watch you” I say. You smile,
the desire is mutual and intense. “Lay back on the bed and enjoy” you

I arrange myself at the head of the bed, with several soft pillow supporting
me. From where I lay, I can you in the chair, and more importantly, the
reflection of your body filling the full length mirror. What happens next is
a long standing fantasy for me. You place one foot on the floor and drape
the other leg over the soft arms of your desk chair. The result is lewd as
well as stimulating. Your mound opens as you stretch your legs into the new
position. You are facing the mirror. Your eyes lock with mine. I can see
everything. Your right hand immediately lowers and your fingers begin to
lazily rub your rapidly moistening lips. Your eyes close, thinking of the
times you did this alone, aroused that you can now do it for me. You can
show me how you stimulate yourself. The talk is over, the anticipation
builds as I also begin to leisurely stroke myself. Your left hand is
circling your nipples, the right is more deeply engaged in rubbing your wet
folds. Your eyes open, a smile appears on your face when you see my
erection. We quicken the pace. You bring a finger from your wet pussy to
your lips and lick it, savoring the taste. I respond my scooping some of the
pre-cum from my head and bring it to my lips. The die is cast. I wonder if
you will do everything I told you to do.

As if you were reading my thoughts, you stop masturbating long enough to
open your top desk drawer and take a small thin dildo. Returning to your
previous position, you drape your other leg over the other chair arm,
thoroughly exposing yourself. Your right hand returns to your pussy while
the left hand grasps the dildo and you begin to rub it over your breasts and
rib cage. My hands movement on my cock quicken. I spit into my hand for
some lubrication. Your eyes meet once again. You look down, my eyes follow,
focusing on your spread mound. You slowly insert the dildo into you as you
rub. You inhale sharply at the feeling of penetration, but any resistance
quickly melts as the waves of pleasure return. I stop stroking, choosing
instead to concentrate on watching you. The sight in the mirror is simply
amazing. Your hips are rolling in time with your thrusts. Your right hand
concentrates on your clit, bringing more intense feelings. I see this all in
the mirror. Our eyes meet as we both absorb your exhibition. Your orgasm
seems to begin in your toes. Every muscle of your leg tense as the feeling
heads towards your pussy. Your nipples harden. The sound of thunder outside
intensifies your efforts. Long pulses of sensation overtake you as a light
sweat breaks out over your chest. You moan loudly as the convulsions of the
orgasm hit. Harder and deeper the dildo thrusts into you. You rub your clit
directly as wave after wave of sensation force you deeper into the leather of
the chair.

You recover quickly, re-energized. “I need you inside me” you say as you
lay next to me on the bed. You bring the dildo to my mouth. I eagerly lick
and suck your abundant juices off it. Another fantasy realized. After
watching me suck the artificial penis in my mouth, you re- arrange your self
onto all fours, your hips swaying in invitation. I re-position myself behind
your ass, ready to fill you with my cock. You reach under, grasp my
erections and guide it to your wet pussy. Entry is easy. I slide deeply
into your with one thrust. In and out, in and out. I must concentrate on
macroeconomics in order to avoid exploding prematurely. I slip into a steady
rhythm, your face is stifled by the pillows, softening your deep moans. You
see the dildo laying next to you. You hand it to me, the meaning is clear.
I take the dildo and slip my penis from you. I insert the dildo into you
and rapidly thrust it deep and fast. You appreciate the rough nature of the
thrusts, something I could not do with my cock without immediately exploding.
Once I am satisfied that the dildo is sufficiently lubricated, I with draw
it and re-insert my cock into your hot, wet pussy. You moan appreciatively
moan once you feel live flesh inside you again.

I know what you want done with the dildo. You told me about it. I stop to
admire your ass, then suck a finger into my mouth. I take this finger and
slowly insert it into your tight ass. Your muscles relax. I resume
thrusting deeply into you doggie style and remove my finger from your ass. I
place the dildo at the opening of your ass and push gently, slowly working
the first inches into you. I know that this dildo has been here before. I
add some extra spit to the shaft as I slowly but steadily insert the
remaining inches into your ass. I pick up the pace of my thrusts into your
pussy. I can feel the length of the dildo against my cock as I push deeper
and deeper. The intense feelings of the double penetration ignites your
passion. Your orgasms come quick and steady. You are filled. You reach
under yourself, stimulating our clit and rubbing my testicles. My climax
occurs quickly upon the contact of your long finger nails on the sensitive
flesh of my balls. My cum shoots deep into you as I thrust for the final
times. Sensations overtake us, the rain beats against the windows, thunder
accenting our moans.

I withdraw my shrinking cock from your pussy and gently remove the dildo
from your ass. You have not felt such feeling in a long time. You roll over
and we kiss tenderly. I slide down your body, tongue trailing gently across
your breasts, ribs, stomach and hips. I bite playfully at your hip joint and
lick the flesh above where your legs meets your torso. My tongue quickly
finds your pussy lips. You spread your legs wider, giving me full access. I
taste our combined juices as I return to the trusted rhythm: up, slowly with
a flat tongue; circle your clit with a pointed tongue; and, down with a
pointed tongue. Each repeated time, I taste my cum. I want to lick it all
out. I spread your outer lips with the fingers of my hands. Deeper and
deeper I lick, but staying with that maddening rhythm; up, around, and

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