
Ex cock deep into her throat - sex story

Ex cock deep into her throat

"Hey Stevenson!" Called out the booming
voice of Roger Craig, the Captain of the Football
Team. "Heads up!"
Scott Stevenson looked up to see a spinning
football hurling through the air, heading right for
him. Dropping his books, the sandy haired teenager
attempted to catch the pigskin. Only to fall flat on
his face while running for it. Then to add injury to
insult, the ball hit him in the head as he laid there.
"I told you Rog," Said Bill Mathews as he
picked up the ball off the grass. "Never send a
dweeb to do a man's job."
Laughing and tossing the ball into the air,
Mathews immediately started walked back to the
practice field.
"You ok, Scott?" Roger asked as he helped
the smaller boy to his feet. "You want to go see the
Nurse or anything?"
"No, I'm fine." Scott said discouragingly as he
readjusted his glasses which had fallen off in the fall.
"I thought I had it."
"Hey no sweat," Roger said. "We all can't be
jocks. You're muscle is all in your brain. To tell the
truth, I'd trade the MVP award to get half your
"Yeh, right." He answered as he picked up
his books.
"Well, I better get back to the game," Roger
said as he turned and began to follow Bill. "You hang
in there."
Scott just nodded. All his life he wanted to
be an athlete, the center of attention. The guy who
got the girls. Instead what he got was a hundred and
five pound body, nearsighted eyes, and a complexion
that on a bad day resembled a pizza.
There was a plus side to his life. His straight
A average made him the third ranked student in the
Senior Class at Robert Kennedy High School. He
already had a full scholarship to MIT lined up with all
the perks that entailed. Yet he'd trade it all just to
have someone look at him as something other than a
nerd, just once.
Watching the Football Squad resume the
game, Scott figured he should've been nicer to
Roger. Of course he had only been nice to him
because of all the help he'd given him in chemistry the
last semester. If it weren't for his tutoring, Roger
would've been kicked off the team.
Quickly loosing interest in the game, he set
out once again for the Library. Someone had left him
a note asking to meet him there to discuss the
possibility of his tutoring them in history. The name
on the note had been all smudged, so he wasn't sure
who had left it in his locker.
Reaching the steps of the Library, Scott
swore under his breath. This wasn't his day. First the
Football Team, now them. Sitting on the top step
were three members of the Kennedy Rocketeers.
Four time winners of the State Cheerleading
Championships, there was no more stuck up group in
the school. If you were a hunk, they might take the
time to chat with you, even if you weren't on the
Football Squad. Losers like Scott Stevenson, they
just ignored like they were a lower form of life.
When he'd been a junior, he had once tutored
one of the girls before him. Penny Martin was every
young man's perfect fantasy. Long blonde hair, blue
eyes, and an incredibly formed perfect set of breasts.
She was a 5'4" Goddess.
After four grueling months of keeping her
one step ahead of a failing grade in calculus, the
Tutor had made a humiliating mistake. He'd
accepted all the friendliness and interest she'd shown
him as real, real enough for him to get the courage to
ask her to the Junior Prom. Worse he had asked her
in the school cafeteria in front of a table of her
friends, Rocketteers all. Immediately she had burst
into laughter, asking how he could ever think she
would actually go on a date with a geek like him.
The laughter was quickly picked up by her friends
and then from the surrounding tables. It had been
one of the low point of his young life.
Stopping at the edge of the last step, he took
a second look up at Penny. With her were Maria
Diaz and Candy Lewis. Maria was from Puerto
Rico. She had beautiful brown skin and long black
hair. Her figure was nowhere near as good as
Penny's, but you couldn't convince her of that.
Standing with her back to him was Candy
Lewis. One of the few back students at the school,
Candy had coal black skin and short black hair. She
always wore bright red lipstick which gave her mouth
an incredible erotic look. If Candy were to buy an
ice pop, every guy in sight would stop what they
were doing to watch her eat it. Over the last year her
breasts had undergone an unusual growth spurt so
that she was now about the same size as Penny. A
fact that Penny preferred to ignore.
Nice as they were to look at, he just couldn't
deal with their taunts today. Whoever was waiting
for a tutor was out of luck. With that he turned and
started to walk away.
"There goes your old boyfriend, Penny."
Maria joked as she saw Scott.
"Fuck you!" Penny said as she looked over
and saw Scott. "Maybe you'd let a freak like that
touch you, I'd sooner turn lesbo."
Both girls laughed. Candy suddenly excused
herself and jotted down the steps.
"I'll catch up with you later at practice." She
called out as she disappeared into the small crowd.

"Might as well head home." Scott though to
myself. "This day's shot to hell."
He'd gone another ten feet when he'd heard
someone calling his name. He stopped and turned,
but didn't see anyone who could've called. Candy
Lewis was running across the quad but surely it
couldn't have been her.
"Scott, wait up!" Candy shouted.
"What the hell does she want?" Scott said to
"I'm glad I caught up to you." Candy said as
she skidded to a stop.
It took a few breaths for her to regain her
composure, giving time for Scott to watch as her
chest heaved in and out after her exertion. Bitch she
might be, but she had great tits.
"What can I do for you, Candy." Scott
"Didn't you get my note?" The black girl
asked. "When I saw you at the library I thought......"
"You sent that note?" Scott asked, cutting
her off in mid-sentence.
"Of course, I wanted to talk to you about
helping me with the report for Mr. Grogan's class."
She said, flashing him a sexy smile. "I'm on the verge
of failing history, and no history grade - no
graduation. I'm not looking forward to spending my
summer in school buried in useless dates and boring
"If you'd pay more attention, you'd find that
history is like a great adventure story." Scott
retorted. "It can be interesting and fun."
"Yeh, right." Candy said in a uninterested
tone. "But the fact remains that I have to pass that
class. What ever you get paid for tutoring, I'll double
it. Just help me write that paper."
"Help you?" Scott said in a voice that said he
was getting quickly annoyed. "Don't you mean write
it for you?"
"Ok, triple then, and a hundred dollar bonus if
it gets me an A." She said, sure that he'd accept.
"No, thanks." Scott answered to her dismay.
"What.......?" Candy sputtered. "You're
turning me down?"
"I've have my fill of tutoring Rocketeers."
Scott said and started to turn away. "There are
plenty of guys who'd bend over backward to help
you." He added.
"None of them can write a really great history
paper." Candy exclaimed.
"Well then I guess you're out of luck." Scott
said in a voice that told he was now more than a little
"Wait!" Candy cried as she grabbed his arm
and pulled him back.
"Hey!" Scott cried back as he pulled his arm
back. "Can't you Rocketteers take no for an answer,
you certainly can give it as one fast enough."
The young man couldn't remember the last
time he was this angry. Not taking the time to think
about what he was saying, he lashed out in anger.
"I wouldn't write that paper for you if you
offered to drop down right here and spread your legs
for me." He barked.
Candy didn't immediately react. In the few
seconds of silence that passed, Scott thought about
his angry words and felt suddenly guilty. Candy really
hadn't ever done anything directly to him. She hadn't
even been at that lunch table last year. He'd taken his
rage at Penny and the Rocketeers in general out on
her for no reason. He was about to apologize when
Candy finally spoke.
"All right." She said.
"What?" Scott said, sure he had heard her
"I said all right." Candy repeated. "If that's
what it takes, it'll be worth it to get out of summer
Scott stood dumbfounded, he couldn't believe
what he'd heard. One of the most desirable girls in
the school had offered to fuck him in exchange for a
lousy history paper. A paper he could write in an
hour. He found his heart racing and his dick getting
hard at the thought.
"Who knows, might be fun popping a guy's
cherry?" Candy remarked. "I never did that before."
"I'm not a virgin!" Scott shot back.
"Well, I guess that doesn't really matter."
Candy said. "So, do we have a deal?"
Scott thought about it real hard. The press of
his hard cock against his jeans made it hard to think
logically. He kept looking at those bright red lips.
What would it feel like to have them wrapped around
his dick.
It was true he wasn't a virgin. Yet the fifteen
minutes he'd spend with Judy Anders last spring
hadn't been all that memorable. He'd spent about ten
minutes playing with her small breasts before putting
his cock in her, missionary style. Five minutes later
it was all over. She seemed rather bored through it
all and when he'd tried to get a blowjob out of her,
she'd called him a pervert.
"Well do we have a deal or not?" Candy
Scott was about to say yes, captivated by
those big lips and what they could do. Then he
remembered how he had been tricked before. How
Penny had been so nice and sweet to him, then turned
back into super-bitch the minute her exam was over.
"On one condition..." He answered.
"Condition...?" Candy asked.
"That's right." Scott said as he took a deep
breath. "I'll write the paper, in fact I can have it for
you by tomorrow so you can rewrite it in anyway
you want. But it comes prepaid. Not COD, not
charged. You'll get your passing grade in history,
but I'm not going to guarantee an A paper. That's
going to depend on the grade I give you."
Candy thought about it for a few minutes. It
was obvious to Scott that she had hoped that she
would somehow be able to trick him out of the
paper. Now it was take it or leave it.
"I guess I don't have a lot of choices." Candy
said in surrender. "But this has to be between you
and me. I don't want anyone to ever know about it."
"Hey who'd believe me?" Scott said with a
smile. For the first time today he felt like a winner.
They quickly discussed details and it was
agreed the sooner the better. Scott's parents were
going to be away for the weekend, so Saturday night
would be perfect. Scott could hardly wait.
As Candy walked away, Scott's blue eyes
were riveted on that round black ass as it swayed
from side to side. A quick calculation told him that
in just under 52 hrs and ten minutes, that black tail
would be his.

Scott slept late on Saturday, not crawling out
of bed until noon. He'd stayed up late thinking about
tonight. What he would do. How nice it was going
to feel. First he wanted to have her wrap those hot
lips around his cock. He wanted to cum just thinking
about it. He tried to imagine what her pussy looked
like, he bet it was real tight, like a closed fist. Most
of all he wanted to play with that pretty round ass.
Scott started to wonder if he could get her to let him
fuck her in it. Three days ago the 17 yr old was
happy just to jerk off two or three times a day. Now
he was anticipating his first blow job and whether he
would be able to fuck one of the most popular girls
in the school up her ass.

Full of expectation, the day passed
exceedingly slow. Scott quickly produced four
separate versions of the history report. Actually all
he had to do was print out the three drafts and then
the final copy of a report he'd done last year but
never turned in. Halfway into the term he'd become
interested in the Civil War and decided to do a new
report on the Battle of Gettysburg and how the
South could've won the war. So he just socked the
old project away on his hard drive in case he ever
needed it.
About six he made himself some dinner, but
found he was horny, not hungry. All day long he'd
been fighting the temptation to masturbate. Wait until
you can do it in Candy's mouth he kept telling
himself. At seven he headed for the shower, Candy
was due at eight.
By quarter to, he was showered, dressed and
ready. He'd borrowed his dad's cologne, deciding his
own smelled like something a boy with wear. He'd
shaved carefully, wishing again his beard would
grow. Peach fuzz was humiliating, but it was all he
Finally the grandfather clock in the hallway
chimed eight and Scott's heart began to triphammer.
Racing downstairs, he seated himself in the big
lounge chair in the hallway, so he'd be ready when
the doorbell rang.
Eight O'clock turned to a quarter after. Then
to eight-thirty. Scott had become convinced that he'd
been the victim of a another cruel Rocketeer joke.
Was Candy off with her friends somewhere, laughing
at the poor smuck who really thought she'd trade her
black ass for a lousy history paper.
"I am an asshole!" Scott said to himself as the
clock neared quarter to nine.
Rising from the chair, he was about to head
back upstairs when the doorbell rang.
Hesitantly he reached for the knob. Was this
all part of the joke. Were they all waiting outside to
watch him make a fool of himself. If so they were
going to be disappointed.

Flinging the door open, Scott was taken
aback by the image of Candy standing there. Her
short black hair had been curled into a cute perm. Of
course she was wearing her trademark red lipstick.
The dress she was wearing, or not wearing
depending on your perspective, was as fiery red as
her lipstick. Very low cut, giving Scott an ample
view of her breasts, the hem stopped just a few
inches below her crotch, giving an equally great view
of her long dark legs.
"Are you going to invite me in, or do you
plan to do it right out here on the porch?" She said
in a deep sultry voice.
"Excuse me, can I help you?" Scott asked,
feigning ignorance. "Let then get their laughs
somewhere else." He thought.
"What kind of shit is this?" Candy snapped.
"Are you going back on our deal?"
"Deal? What deal?" Scott asked in the same
"I don't believe this, I'm a little late and you
want to throw the whole fucking thing out the
window!" Candy stamped. "You know how long I
spent to look like this?"
"I have to admit, the effect is really
devastating." Scott said as he tried to speak in a
calm unemotional tone. Ignoring the fact that he
couldn't keep his eye off her tightly bound tits. "But
I'm afraid you and your friends have the wrong
address, and definitely the wrong person."
"Wrong address...?" Candy repeated, "What
Then it dawned on Candy that Scott thought
he had been set up. Given some of the jokes the
Rocketeers have played on people, Scott included,
she guessed she couldn't blame him.
"Well I guess I'll have to convince you that
this isn't a joke." Candy said.
With that she dropped to her knees in the
open doorway and pulled down the zipper of Scott's
pants. Pulling the pants open, she reached into his
underwear and pulled out his semi-erect cock. It had
all happened so fast, Scott hadn't had time to react.
Scott opened his mouth to say something but
was suddenly engulfed in a wonderful warm wetness
as Candy popped his cock into her eager waiting
"Oh God." Scott gasped as he felt the soft
touch of her tongue run beneath the crown of his
Candy pulled down his open pants and ran
her long red fingernails across the base of his
ball-sac. Then her open mouth and tongue followed,
leaving a trail of warm saliva in it's wake.
Scott's cock quickly grew to rock hardness as
he looked down and watched those bright red lips
move up and down his member. He'd never felt
anything like it. A giddy dizziness filled his head as
he felt the blood rush down through his body. He
kept telling himself, this wasn't any wet dream, this
was real.
Candy's head bobbed up and down as she
took Scott's 7" deep into her throat. Her now
ex-boyfriend, Terry, one of the stars of the Football
team had a 8 1/2" cock, so Scott presented no
difficulty. Surprisingly it felt kind of nice. Funny,
she never thought a smaller cock could have it's
advantages too. A drop of pre-cum had already
formed on the tip and she licked it off with a flick of
her darting tongue. Not bad tasting for a dweeb, she
Placing his hands on the back of Candy's head
like he'd once seen in a adult video, Scott began to
pump his pelvis and match the dark woman's tempo.
Faster and faster he began to thrust as he could feel
the swell of cum rising from his balls. Candy could
feel it too as she tightened her grip on the base of his
cock and drew it further into her mouth. A small
splash of salty fluid on the back of her tongue herald
the flood as she began to slide her ruby lips from the
pale white pole.
Opening her mouth wide, Candy caught the
first bursts of white on her tongue. Then she let it
splatter across her face, the tiny droplets standing out
against her midnight skin. Continuing to pump the
erupting cock with her hand, she filled her mouth and
cheeks until small milky lines ran down her chin.
Finally spent, she ran her cum covered hand
up and down the now softening cock one final time.
She looked up at Scott with her cum covered face
and smiled widely.
"Don't you think you should shut the door?"
She asked.

A few minutes later, the door safety closed
and locked, Candy stood in front of Scott, wiping her
face with a wet washcloth.
"Well Mr. Tutor." She said as she wiped the
last traces of white from her face. "How would you
rate my performance?"
"Well......." Scott said, still in a state of
mini-rapture. "I would definitely say you jumped
right to the C grade, minimum passing. But your
tardiness drops it down to a D."
"Looks like I've got my work cut for me
them." Candy said as she pulled Scott's shirt and
drew him closer.
The kiss she planted on his lips was intense
from the outset. As he felt her moist tongue slip into
his mouth, Scott could help think of the time his
cousin Kathy had done them to him when they were
both twelve. But Kathy had been a flat chested
tomboy, nothing like the ebony beauty who now had
her hand back on his cock and balls.

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