
Expecting Anal - sex story

Expecting Anal

Trudging down the street, I sighed at the prospect of being away from my computer for most of the day. I'd bought a new game that morning and wanted to sit and play it all afternoon, but instead mother had insisted that I go and look after my sister, Lucy. I'd always got on with my elder sister - my only sibling - and as she was seven-months pregnant and her husband away on business for a month, it was only fair that I helped out. Still, I'd rather be playing computer games.

Lucy was 27-years-old, a full eight years old than me. Her husband was in the Middle East on business for several weeks, his prolonged absence being negated by the amount of money he'd be earning. Still, for my sister it was a bit hard being on her own and expecting her first child. Because she only lived two streets away, though, it was handy for me and my parents to go round and help out, though mostly it was me, as my parents worked a lot.

The sky rumbled with distant thunder, the deep greyness of the clouds hinting that this Saturday afternoon was going to be rain-drenched. It was beginning to spit when I reached my sister's front door.

I rang the bell and shortly heard the living room door open and then footsteps. Lucy opened the door.

"Hi James," she smiled, pleasantly.

"Hi sis," I responded.

"Come in, come in," Lucy insisted, glancing at the rain-heavy clouds looming above, "It'll pour down in a minute."

I did so, taking off my shoes as Lucy closed the door and walked back to the living room. I followed, and once in there, watched my sister sit down heavily onto the sofa.

Whilst I was six-foot, Lucy was only five-foot-three, and whilst my hair was black, hers was dark red and reaching half-way down her back. We shared the same big green eyes, however. Lucy was slim, meaning her swollen belly stood out even more, and the low cut light-blue jumper she wore meant I couldn't help but notice how her breasts - normally fairly big anyway - were even larger in her expectent state.

Sitting on the arm-chair opposite, I smiled and asked my sister how she felt.

"Fine," she replied, "Feeling a little clumsy but otherwise fine."

"Are you missing work?" I asked. She'd been on maternity leave for a few weeks now.

"A bit," Lucy responded, "I miss the people there, but it's nice to laze around. Shame Michael isn't here."

I nodded. Michael was her husband.

"How's college?" Lucy enquired.

"It's okay. I've got exams coming up next month so I'm starting to put some revision in. I still wish I'd moved into the campus halls instead of staying with our parents."

"Well, you've got more money to spend, not having to pay rent."

"True," I agreed, "But anyway, what do you need a hand with. This place looks tidy, you can't need it cleaning."

"Yeah, I cleaned up this morning. I wouldn't mind having the lawn mowed out back, but there's no point if it's going to rain all afternoon. So, what I really could do with is a massage."

"A massage?"

"Sure. It's really helpful for pregnant women to, you know, keep the circulation up and help you relax. I got a professional one done at the pre-natal clinic last month and I felt so relaxed I fell asleep."

It felt a little odd, being asked by my sister to massage her, because I always associated it with the massaged individual being undressed. But my sister was saying all this quite innocently, and continued to extoll the benefits of it.

"You don't mind doing it do you?" Lucy asked.

"Hmmm? Oh,no. Sure, I'll do it. Not sure if I'm going to be any good though."

"Oh you'll be fine," Lucy smiled to me, "We'll do it on the living room floor."

The immature teenager in me smiled inwardly at the innuendo there, but then I felt a little startled when Lucy stood up and tugged off her jumper, draping it over the arm of the sofa.

I couldn't help but feel intensly aroused, regardless of this being my sister, at the sight of her standing in just her socks, jeans and bra. Her skin was smooth and clean looking, her belly swollen and contrasting with her slimness. Her breasts were indeed much larger than normal, and the cream coloured bra she wore was vaguely transparent, giving me a glimpse of her large, deep-brown nipples. The undergarment also pushed her breasts together, creating a long, deep cleavage.

With difficulty, I averted my eyes from her body and looked at her face, trying to ignore the fact that my cock was stirring in my jeans.

"There's oil there," Lucy chirped, pointing to the coffee table. I took the expensive bottle of massage oil and removed the top. I sniffed it, the clear, glutinous luquid giving off a nice, soapy smell. In the meantime, Lucy had briefly left the room and returned a moment later with a large, pink bath-towel. She lay it out on the floor, in front of the sofa. As she knelt over, straightening the towel, her heavy breasts hung down, jiggling slightly with her arm movements.

"Could you close the curtains James," she said.

"Sure," I replied, getting up and swishing the curtains closed, suddenly panicking as I realised my half-erectionmay be visible.A glance out the corner of my eye revealed my sister was facing away from me, so I quickly went back to the armchair and sat down.

"There we are," Lucy smiled, and knelt in the middle of the towel. I watched, transfixed, as she reached round and unclipped her bra, tossing it onto the sofa. I couldn't see her tits from where I was sitting, but the fact that they were bare stirred my cock even more. On her knees, she leaned forward a little, splaying her hands out on the floor in front of her, her bare back arched a little.

"Want to make a start James?" she asked, looking over her shoulder.

Lucy still acted perfectly innocently, and to be fair, as we were brother and sister, it should have been innocent. But hell, I was a bloke. A 19-year-old one at that. My cock didn't give a shit if this was my sister, the fact was, she was topless (I wasn't a virgin, but I wasn't experienced enough for this not to be a novelty) and in front of me, in the flesh.

"Okay," I said, as casually as possible, then got down behind her,grateful Lucy was now looking forward so that she couldn't see my pounding hard on.

I poureda bit of the massage oil onto my hands then got started, massaging her shoulders in a way I just assumed was right. Lucy sighed with pleasure as I got to work, and as I got the hang of it, working my fingers in circles around her shoulders and lower back, I couldn't help but notice the sensuality in her gentle sighs of pleasure.

"You're a darling," she said at one point, "That feels really good James."

"It does," I said, "Cool. I'm just making this up as I go along."

We both laughed, me nervously, and I continued working away. Getting a bit more confident, I took the bottle of scented oil and poured a dribble down my sister's spine, Lucy shivering a little as the liquid touched her flesh. I then stroked my fingers up and down the centre of her back, spreading outwards and massaging her lower back, reaching round a little with my circular motions so that I could feel the rise of her stomach round the front. I eventually worked my way back up, proud that Lucy seemed to be in a near-trance of pleasure as I rubbed her now-slick flesh.

I'd just finshed her shoulders when Lucy moved forwards and turned round to face me. It took all my willpower not to look at the heavy tits that hung above her pregnant belly, but it was hard not to notice them, especially topped as they were by such big, brown nipples. Lucy smiled at me, something akin to lust briefly darting into her otherwise innocent eyes.

"Can you do my belly now?" Lucy asked.

"Sure," I said, glancing down at said belly, my eyes stopping at her tits once again on their journey down.

Lucy stayed kneeling up, this time leaning back and resting her hands on the the floor behind her with her back arched. Her belly was thrust out towards me, those big nipples on her tits pointing at my face. My hands were almost shaking as I took the massage oil bottle once more and poured some onto my sister's belly, Lucy flinching a little at the coldness.

She giggled, as did I, before I got to work rubbing the oil into her stomach, taking my time as I steadily rubbed it in. Lucy's eyes were closed, so I frequently looked up at her lovely breasts, all the while continuing the massage.

"Could you do my shoulders again?" Lucy asked, eyes still closed, "From the front?"

"Sure," I replied, and knelt up a little higher so that I could reach up. As I did so, I heard a 'z-i-i-p' noise, and it took a couple of second for me to realise that, in changing position, I'd shifted closer to my sister and in turn spread my kneeling legs a little. It occured to me that it could be my flies, but Lucy had clearly heard it too. She glanced down, surprise filling her eyes. I too looked downwards, and saw, to my horror, that my rock hard dick had sprung out of my inadvertanly opened flies, seven-inches of veiny, steel-hard prick casually nodding outwards. The swollen, purple head poked gently into my sister's oil-glistening, pregnant belly.

"Oh shit," I mutted, shifting back and taking my hands of my sister, "Shit, er...sorry."

I tried to stuff my dick back into my flies, but Lucy leaned forwards and stopped me from doing so my holding my wrist.

"Don't worry James," she said in a soothing voice, "Don't worry. It's alright. It's only natural."

"Sorry," I repeated, "It's just...you know..."

"Hey, come on," Lucy said, in the perfect, understanding-sister tone of a voice, "It's alright. You're a nineteen-year-old male. It's stupid of me to think you wouldn't become aroused by this."

"But your my sister and all..."

"Ah who cares," Lucy shrugged, and smiled wickedly, "Doesn't bother me that your my brother."

She looked, quite confidently, at my throbbing cock, and then gently gripped it in her hand. She proceeded to masturbate me slowly.

"Believe me," Lucy said, "It's more than okay that you ended up aroused. I was too. You think it was strictly plutonic pleasure when you were stroking your hands all over my body?"

I shrugged, then smiled. Lucy looked so fucking pretty as she smiled back at me, still frigging my cock expertly.

"Did you set out to seduce me today?" I asked.

"Not at all," Lucy responded, "Not at all. But, half-way through your massage, I was getting a little horny. I was worried what you might say if I suggested a little er...mischief this afternoon."

"Mischief?" I asked, "Now what mischief were you planning on suggesting?"

"A fuck," Lucy said, without shame.

"Well..." I stammered, "I didn't expect you to be so forthright. But hey, what the heck."

"Do you want to?" she asked.

"Sure," I reassured her, "Why not?"

"I can't tell you how much I've missed fucking since Michael's been away. And who better to break my enforced celibacy than my dear brother? As long as no-one finds out about this."

"My lips are sealed," I insisted, "But er...are there any problems though, with sex during pregnancy?"

"Well, it's not recommended at seven-months, I don't think, but there's nothing wrong with taking it up the arse. You ever fucked a girl in the arse James?"

"Just once," I replied, "She didn't like it too much. Do you enjoy it?"

"Definately," Lucy nodded, with a wicked grin, "Michael bum-fucks me a lot, even before I was preggers. I like it more than him though I think."

Lucy took her hand from my dick and stood up, and proceeded to remove the rest of her clothes. I stood and did likewise as well, both of us sniggering like naughty kids as were rendered outselves naked.

"I remember when you were born," Lucy reminisced, "I used to help bathe you as a toddler. You've er...grown since then."

"Sure have sis," I smugly said, my rock hard dick nodding upwards as I admired my pregnant sister's sexiness in her naked glory. She looked all the more lovely with her belly glistening with the oil.

"Just use the massage oil for lube," Lucy instructed me, then got back down on the bath towel, facing away from me and getting on her knees and elbows.

Her glorious arse pointed up towards me, the lovely round cheeks parting and displaying a pink, hairless anus that seemed to wink at me. Beneath it hung her furry cunt and beneath that, between her legs, her bloated belly which scraped the floor even with her arse raised high.

Kneeling down, I took the massage oil and poured a generous amount over Lucy's bald anus, my sister giggling childishly, after which I poured some onto my hand. Placing the bottle onto the coffee table once more, I rubbed the slick oil over my cock, greasing it up whilst staring hungrily at my sister's bum.

"Ready?" I asked Lucy, as I held my shaft with one hand, placed my other hand on my sister's lower back, and nudged her bum-hole with my throbbing cock-end.

"Ready James," Lucy said, resting one side of her head on the towel, lustful anticipation in her voice.

I began to push forwards, my cock finding some resistance from Lucy's anus. My sister relaxed though, and soon my throbbing bell-end was pushing her sphincter apart, her anus slowly yawning open to allow the head of my shaft into her arse.

"Oh God!" Lucy cried, "God that's good. Push it in James, push it in....slowly...that's it...God!"

Steadily, I eased forwards, watching with delight as my cock sank into my sister's arse, inch by inch. It felt so hot in there, the clammy walls of her shit-chute providing a snug, moist sheath for my cock. Soon, I was into the hilt, and I held my sister by the hips as I began to ease back and forth.

"Damn that's good," I commented, "Christ, your arse is great sis."

"Glad you like it," Lucy smiled between pants, and rocked back and forth to meet my thrusts.

The room was silent apart from the sound of rain beginning to patter against the window pane, and me and Lucy's gasps and grunts of pleasure as I buggered her. There was no doubting Lucy was really getting off on this, as she alternately muttered demands for me to fuck harder and yelped with pleasure.

"Fuck my arse James," she begged, looking over her shoulder, "Fuck it. Nnnng!"

I increased my pace, Lucy whipping her head round to stare straight ahead as she almost screamed with delight as my humping hips speeded up, my slick, hard cock burrowing deeper into her rectum.

All the while I was running my fingers over her back, still slippy from the massage oil. I eventually leaned forwards to rest my hands on the floor near hers, and I pushed myself forwards using the muscles in my legs as well as hips, to fuck my sister's arse harder.

"Christ, I'm cumming," I was soon crying out, "Fuck!"

Kneeling back up, I gripped Lucy's hips hard and banged my pelvis forward quicker and quicker, my cock throbbing harder as it got ready to spew it's load out. "Cum in my arse," Lucy panted, "Fuck me! Fuck my arse!!"

With my teeth gritted, I held my breath and pumped my sperm forth with abandon, my hips bucking spasmodically as my cock sprayed forth obscene amounts of sperm into the depth of Lucy's bowels. I could merely mutter obsceneties as the cum continued to pump out, soon overflowing my lovely sister's rectum and squeezing out from her plugged anus, running down her thighs. Lucy looked over her shoulder and we exchanged wicked grins as I eventually slowed down and stopped my fucking action, my cock finally finished in giving my sister a spermy enema.

"That," I observed, "was fucking great."

Lucy started laughing,a pleasant, girly giggle fo enjoyment, and she clearly agreed with me.

As I slid my dick from Lucy's bum, it did occur to me that fucking your pregnant, married sister in the arse was a little perverse, and I said so.

"Don't worry little brother," Lucy said, and lay on her back on the towel, her hands gently hugging her swollen belly, "It's no big deal."

I lay next to her, on my stomach, arms folded underneath my chin.

"Well," I pondered out loud, "I just worry that maybe we were wrong to get carried awayin the heat of the moment. I mean, it is adultery."

"Not really," Lucy said, clearly unbothered by any of this, "It would be adultery if I'd fucked someone out of love. But we fucked for the fun of it, for the sheer physical pleasure. No big deal. I still love Michael, he's still my husband, and nothing's changed. Except, of course, we've got something to occupy ourselves with in the future."

"You wanna do this again?" I asked, happy at her explanation and loving the idea of repeating our activity.

"Sure," Lucy replied, "Why not? It's fun and, providing no-one finds out, it's harmless."


After laying in silence for a few minutes, the rain hammering down outside, I got up, my cock having re-hardened.

"When you said you wanted to do it again Lucy, did you have any time limit on a repeat performance?"

My sister grinned as she looked at my stiff prick. She didn't bother replying, merely got up and walked to the armchair. Sitting herself down, she raised her legs and, with a bit of grunting, hooked each one of the arm of the seat, edging her bottom forwards so that her anus - slick, gaping and dribbling cum - was on the edge. I was soon kneeling in front of her, guiding my cock once again to her arsehole, this time quickly pushing my cock into her bum with little difficulty. It was lovely and tight there, and her anus held the base of my dick in a tight grip as I began to once more fuck my hips backwards and forwards.

We both loved this position; Lucy felt more comfortable and I was able to get a good view of my sister's charms as I fucked her in the bum.

On an impulse, I slid my cock from her twitching arsehole and leaned over to the coffee table, from which I retrieved the faithful bottle of massage oil. After re-inserting my cock into my sister's anus, I trickled some of the oil onto my sister's tits and made her sigh with pleasure as I began to massage it in, slowly sliding my hands over her heavy breasts. I squeezed her stiff nipples gently then began rubbing her bloated stomach once more. My previous orgasm meant that my cock was not as eager to shoot away this time, and both my sister and I took delight in doing it more slowly, my pace positively serene as I gently eased my prick to and fro in her anus, all the while lovingly rubbing the oil into her body.

Almost an hour had passed when the sperm in my balls was beginning to rise once more, and I surrendered to the approaching orgasm, humping quickly and squeezing Lucy's tit's, my sister crying out in pleasure along with me. Faster and faster I fucked her tight shitter with my rock-solid prick, and sure enough, my cum once more flowed, great gouts of thick, syrupy cum shooting into Lucy's hot rectum.

After I slid out of Lucy, I lay back on the floor, my greasy, soiled cock softening as it lay across my lower belly. Lucy remained on the chair, but brought her legs from over the arms of the chair and straightened them out, stretching her limbs with a satisfied sigh. I closed my eyes and was trying to fight off sleep when I heard Lucy snoring softly. I gave into the fatigue and let myself drift off.

I awoke from a pleasant snooze on the floor, and noticed my sister was not there. Raising my head, I checked the clock on the VCR and saw that I'd been asleep for almost an hour. It was a little chilly, being naked, and my curiousity as to where my sister was drove me to get to my feet. The rain had stopped outside, and I realised I could hear the sound of the bath running upstairs.

As I left the room and headed up the strairs, I thought back to the activities earlier. I felt no guilt at all about fucking my sister, and she clearly didn't either. In fact, I looked forward to fulfilling her request to doing it again.

The bathroom door was open, and it felt strangely natural to see Lucy standing naked in there, just leaning over and checking the temperature of the water. I copped a loving look at her arse before she noticed me and turned.

"Hi James," she smiled, "Finally woke up huh?"

"Yeah. Must have dozed off."

"Me too. I thought I'd have a bath, as seen as I feel a bit sweaty. I've still got loads of that oil on me too. Fancy a shower?"


There was a large shower next to me, and I opened the frosted glass door and turned it on, whilst Lucy stopped the running water in the bath and climbed in. Standing in the shower, I scrubbed myself clean and listened to Lucy's merry humming as she in turn washed herself. I was always a quick washer, and, fresh and clean, I soon turned off the shower and stepped out. After drying myself I walked to the bath in which Lucy soaked in a relaxed manner.

"Do you want scrub down sis?" I asked.

"Sure," Lucy replied, and knelt up in the bath, the soapy water round her waist.

Kneeling on the floor, I took a sponge and swished it around in the water before gently washing Lucy. I remembered her comment earlier how, when I was a toddler, she'd help bathe me, and it felt nice to return the favour all these years later. I squeezed the sponge by pressing it to Lucy's upper chest and watched the water cascade down her heavy tits and belly, then I would soap the sponge and sweep it over my sister's body in circular motions, Lucy sighing in a relaxed manner. Curiously, my cock wasn't stiffening. Perhaps there was some truth to the claim naturists made about the non-sexual beauty of the naked body. Either way, I was enjoying just admiring all her curves, emphasised in her pregnant state.

"Better do my arse," Lucy said, flashing a cheeky grin before turning and getting on all fours in the bath, the sloshing sound of the water echoing in the tiled bathroom. Her lovely bum was raised out of the water, and even though it was already soaked and clean, I washed it again thoroughly, sponging down her lovely buttocks and paying particular attention to soaping up and down her crack. I then rinsed all the foamy bubbles away, revealing a lovely shiny, clean arse.

"Have you given my bum a spit 'n shine?" Lucy asked.

"Sure have," I replied, "Clean enough to eat your dinner off."

I leaned forward and kissed her left bum-cheek, a strangely innocent brother-to-sister peck, even if it was on her arse.

Standing up, I took a large bath-towel and held it open for Lucy to step into as she left the bath. The ever helpful brother, I dried her body off, paying particular attention to her breasts and stomach, before kneeling and rubbing the towel up from her feet, up her legs and to her arse. Now, quiet positively, my cock was getting stiff again, and I only had to think back to Lucy's enthusiasm earlier to know I'd soon be putting my stiffness to good use.

"All dry and clean," I announced, tossing the towel to one side.

"Such a considerate brother," Lucy smiled, and gave me a peck on the mouth, before taking hold of my raging hard-on in her hand, "Could you do me a favour?"

"Sure Lucy," I said.

"I know I've just had a bath and all, and I'm all clean, but I really fancy the idea of you cumming on my stomach."

She was gently frigging my cock as she said this, and naturally I just smiled and nodded in agreement.

"I wanted to do this earlier," Lucy added, getting on her knees in front of me, "But your prick was all covered in massage oil. That probably wouldn't have tasted too nice."

And with that, my sister clamped her lips over my thick, veiny shaft and started sucking me off. I'd had a blow-job or two before, but only with a condom on. It felt so much better feeling the heat of a woman's mouth directly. Lucy deep-throated me expertly, making slurping noises as she greedily sucked my dick. I ran my hands through her damp, red hair and sighed with pleasure.

After a short while, Lucy took my cock from her mouth to catch her breath, and I asked her to turn round.

Lucy did so, getting instinctively on all fours as I knelt behind her. Leaning over whilst jerking my cock in my fist, I kissed her arse-cheeks in turn, then licked them, running over the clean, broad buttocks of my sister. Eventually I moved to the valley between the buttocks, lapping at it, running my tongue over her tight anus in circular motions.

I continued to tug at my cock with my right hand whilst bringing up my left, sucking on my forefinger before placing it to her anus. Slick with saliva, my finger was soon worming it's way into her bum, up to the first joint. I wiggled it around before taking it out, and licked Lucy's sphincter to get it more slick. Then, I used my finger once more, sliding it further this time until it was wedged in to the knuckle, my sister panting with pleasure at this. I worked my finger back and forth in long strokes, my cock getting even stiffer as I jerked it, watching with fascination as my finger repeatedly slid in and out of the tight hole between my sister's arse-cheeks.

After removing my finger completely, I pushed my tongue up to Lucy's arsehole, which was loose enough to enable entry. I pushed a good two inches of my tongue into Lucy's anus, thrashing it about inside the hot arse of my sister, who whimpered with pleasure.

I kept this up for a good few minutes before leaning back.

"Are you going to fuck my arse?" Lucy asked, looking over her shouder.

"I'd cum too quickly," I informed her, "I want to coat your belly. Turn around, I'm on the brink."

An excited look on her face, Lucy did so, kneeling in front of me as I positioned myself, pulling hard on my dick, my swollen cock-end nudging against her belly.

"It's cumming," I panted, "It's cumming."

Lucy licked her lips and watched as my cock exploded between my fist, sperm quickly flying out and splashing against her big belly. A healthy wad sprayed up and landed on her right breast, whilst a stray drop or two hit her throat, but mostly the hot, thick sperm coated her stomach, which delighted her considerably.

"Guess I'll need a shower now," Lucy commented, smiling as the last of my sperm welled up on the head of my dick. She edged back and leaned down, taking my cock in her mouth and sucking off the cum. That done, she knelt back again and I lovingly rubbed all my seed into her lovely skin until her tits and belly sparkled and glistened with my cum.

Lucy had some pre-natal health meeting that evening, so I cooked dinner and ate it with her before going home. I finally got round to playing my computer game, and felt just so fucking happy at the little arrangment with my big sister. She'd asked me to come over the next day, Sunday.

I did so, and sure enough we fucked. I did some chores, helping her with the housework, but Lucy soon wanted a massage, which I gave her with both of us naked. It soon ended in a hot arse-fucking session over the sofa.

It would be a whole month before Michael would get back, and as he'd be away frequently after that, Lucy insisted that we keep up our arrangement before and after she gave birth. That suited me fine, but I mainly looked forward to the up coming month, when we'd have the most opportunity.

Lucy was reluctant to have sex in the bedroom; perhaps it was because it was her marital bed and it felt a bit too adulterous to do it there, even though our sex was purely for mutual enjoyment. I wasn't bothered. In the living room, bathroom, and even kitchen were good enough for me. We only arse-fucked, something that we both enjoyed, though often Lucy would enjoy sucking my dick, just as much as I liked to lick her bum out both before and after sodomization. She liked getting cummed on too, and delighted in the feeling of my sperm splashing over her skin, whether it be her face, tits, stomach or arse-cheeks. Much as I liked squirting over her body, I enjoyed arse-fucking her to completion more, knowing that my sperm would be sloshing about in Lucy's arse-guts. On more than one occasion she sucked my cock until I came, gulping down all that I could squirt out.

Our favourite position was for Lucy to sit back on the armchair with her legs apart and raised. I'd lap at her arse to lube it up before buggering her. Often, Lucy would ask me to pull out before orgasm and spray her with cum, which I was happy to do so. Thanks to my youth and enthusiasm, I'd only have to play with her spunk-soaked tits and lick her yawning anus out before my cock would be ready for more action, and I'd re-fuck her arse for an encore, this time unloading my cum into the hot depths of her bowels.

Christ, big sister's are great!

Keys: Incest brother/sister preg anal

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