
Full Moon (blowjob,horror) - sex story

Full Moon (blowjob,horror)

The two men were sitting in the small kitchen, the older man watching
the kettle on the oven, the younger one watching him as he lit his
cigarette. The kitchen was a small one and, by no means to be
considered modern. The hearth was still operated with wood and Demion
smiled lightly as he watched his former mentor preparing the tea. The
house was old, probably built two or more centuries ago. In a corner
above the hearth, the plaster had vanished and exposed the rough
stones the walls were made of, now black from the hearth's smoke. The
chair he was sitting on matched the massive wooden table in the corner
of the kitchen, both made of massive, dark, age old wood. He shifted
his weight and heard the chair creak in protest.

The old man turned around, the dented kettle with boiling water in his
hand and looked at Demion, who deeply inhaled the cigarette's smoke.
"These will kill you one day, you know?"

The younger man turned the package in his hand and looked at it,
smiling lightly. "Hmm yes, 'Smoking kills' it says. They make it hard
to miss the message these days. But don't worry. It won't be one of
these that kill me one day, don't worry, old friend."

Pater Gregorius didn't answer as he prepared the tea. The scene looked
peaceful, two friends sitting in silence, listening to the wood
cracking in the hearth as they watched the tea get ready. And yet
there was something in the air, something in their faces, that gave
away their minds were not at peace.

"Do you think it's over? It is now almost two weeks since the rapist
was found."

Demion looked at the pater and slowly shook his head. "I don't know.
It could have just been a random manifestation of a succubus, I know.
But I just have a feeling it is more. Mrs Hepplewhite. You and I, we
both know she didn't die of a heart attack, although the coroners
report states that. It is a pity her body has been cremated already. I
might have found something the coroner didn't know to look for."

He lit another cigarette, ignoring Pater Gregorius disapproval. "From
what you told me, it doesn't look like a succubus work. And still I
think these two events are related. She was very religious you said?"

Pater Gregorius nodded. "Maybe she felt something. Religious people
are sometimes very receptive for demonic events happening in their
vicinity I believe?" He hesitated and looked at Demion, a faint hope
shimmering in his voice. "It was just coincidence. Nobody but her died
that day, and she didn't look like that poor bastard who got sucked
his life from him by your succubus. It was just a heart attack."

Demion shook his head. "You know this is not true. You feel it, just
as I do."

A sigh answered his words. "But why didn't anything happen since then?
If she is after you, if she has you now here, what is she waiting for?
And why does she need you to be here? Why doesn't she take her
revenge, where ever she can get you?"

Demion watched the glowing ember of his cigarette. "I don't know my
friend. Although demons are powerful, they also need to obey to rules.
I know some of them, hunting them for now 25 years gave me some
knowledge, but I can't read their minds." He grinned. "And believe me,
I am glad I can't do that."

He looked through the kitchen's small window and saw the moon rising
over the hills. He watched the pale disk of the moon for a while and
then slowly put his cup back on the sturdy table.

"It's a full moon." He slowly got up. "I'll go out for a while. I
won't find out anything if I stay inside drinking tea with a friend
and pondering what might happen." Pater Gregorius rose as well. "No,
Pater." Demion shook his head. "I just need some fresh air. You asked
the right questions and gave me something to think about. I need to be
alone for a while."

Pater Gregorius watched him leave and slowly shook his head. "You
don't really think I believe you, do you?" he muttered. He filled his
cup with tea again and sighed. "Be careful my friend. You're not the
only one who feels weird when the moon is full."

- o -

Adam stared at the glass in his hand. It had now been two weeks, since
he watched the two girls on the movie that the little camera in
Amber's room had captured. Two weeks in which he was torn between
guilt, desire, despise and despair. He didn't bring the camera back,
of course he didn't. Instead he put it back, only hiding it even
better to make sure it was not accidentally found. The camera never
caught her and the girl again, but what it caught was still enough to
make his flesh swell and long for her, be it seeing her change cloths,
undress to take a shower or, and this happened almost daily, exploring
the intimate sensuality of her young body.

When he watched his girl leaving her room or when he saw her come home
from school, he expected to see tell tale signs of what he had seen,
but she still was the same cheerful girl, giggling at the breakfast
table, telling stories from school, from training. Anne had also
noticed she was starting to dress in a more teasing way and had a
mother daughter talk with her a few days ago, a talk that ended with
Amber hugging her and telling her she was sorry. And the next day it
was jeans and sweatshirt again, and the jiggling breasts were tamed by
a bra.

Anne. His beloved wife Anne who had left to spend the evening with her
prudish friends to attend some boring book reading. Why did she have
to interfere. Since she had that talk with her, Amber also stopped the
little flirting game she started a few weeks earlier and the hugs when
she left for school were short and decent again. He stared at the
empty glass in his hand, remembering how it felt to have her young
body being pressed against his, the feeling of her firm breasts
pressed against his chest when she hugged him until he felt his cock
harden, and the giggle she always made when she then ended the hug and
pranced out of the door, as if she would be delighted in an innocent
way that she did it again.

And again he felt the burning anger about Anne disturbing their
harmless little game, the feeling so intense and burning he hissed a
curse through clenched teeth. The words formed in his mind, slowly
first, tamed by his conscience, but getting stronger with each sip of
whiskey he swallowed.

"I wish she would be gone."

`You want her to be gone? How naughty... Is she getting in the way of
you and your lil darling?'

The chuckle was very faint, just touching his mind, a mocking, teasing
chuckle that made his anger burn only hotter.

"It's just an innocent little game, it's just a lil hugging, isn't
it?" He didn't realize he was talking to himself. "She is just turning
into a teenager. It is perfectly normal that she does tease and try,
how far she can go."

`And you sure care for her and want her to be safe, don't you?'

"You're damn right!" he emptied his glass and refilled it. "There is
no harm done when she feels the effect she has on me when she presses
herself against me so tightly, is there? She's just playing, it's just
an innocent little game!"

`And she had to stop it. She had no right to stop it, did she? She is
just jealous of her. Jealous.'

The hand holding the whiskey glass trembled, its knuckles white.

"I won't let her take her away from me!"

`You want her to be gone? Gone, so you can have your way with you
sweet little angel?'

`You want her to be dead?'

He didn't answer and he didn't have to.

o -

Amber smiled as she teasingly pulled the hem of her T-shirt up,
revealing her navel. She looked at the men who were cheering at her,
encouraging her to continue and show more.

She had been on her way to the volleyball training when the group of
bikers passed her on their big machines. The last one slowed down and
came to a stop next to her, asking her, where such a beauty was going
to all alone. She had changed into her volleyball gear before she left
home, and when he was talking to her, she noticed him staring at her
legs. It had been a hungry stare that sent goosebumps up her spine and
she felt his horny thoughts. She walked next to him, giving him her
best innocent smile as she said she would be going to school for
training. As they reached the crossroad, where the other three bikers
were waiting, he pulled his bike over, partly blocking her way and
offered her to drive her to school.

She watched the four bikers, sitting on their machines, the idling
engines filling the air with a sound that promised adventure. Two of
them watched her curiously as if they would expect her to get around
the bike and walk away. The other watched her with the same hunger,
checking her out without even attempting to hide it. She felt the
tension as she slowly licked her lower lip looking at him. She knew
she should not do it, but then she felt hunger as well. As much as she
enjoyed seducing and playing with Ashley, she wanted more and she knew
they would provide what she wanted.

She straddled the backseat and wrapped her arms around his body. She
smelled the leather, and the vibrations of the engine shook her body
as the bike accelerated, catching up with the others. She moved her
hips a bit and felt the vibrations on her lips, a nice sensation, that
only increased her hunger. She hugged the guy in front of her tighter
and let out a soft moan.

Of course, they didn't drop her off at school. They took her on a tour
into the hills around Halesowen on bendy roads that almost made her
head spin. She had to hold on to the guy in front of her when they
accelerated out of the bends and her body was pushed against him when
he broke hard in front of a corner. The feeling was exhilarating, the
speed and excitement made her cry out in joy more then once. And then
there were the vibrations of the engine between her legs, vibrations
that ranged from low, throbbing sensations to buzzing screams that
made her clit tingle.

She long had stopped simply clinging to the driver, her hands holding
him like a lover, her right hand sometimes moving dangerously low on
his belly where she knew she would find what she was longing for.
After about an hour drive, they pulled over at a small house in the
woods, not even a mile from the house where her dad was waiting for
her. They didn't even ask if she wanted to join, the guy she had been
riding with simply laid his arm around her hip and steered her into
the house.

It didn't take long until they were drinking beer, the laughters
getting louder and they commented how brave she had been joining them
on the ride. She realized that, despite the macho look and having her
in just a T-Shirt and short pants in their club house, they wouldn't
do anything she didn't agreed to. One guy turned on the music and, on
a sudden impulse, she got up and started to dance for them.

She pulled the T-shirt higher, giving them a glimpse of her lace bra
before she giggled and turned around, dancing sensually with her back
to them. Again she grabbed the hem of the shirt and pulled it up, this
time pulling it over her head. There was a brief silence and then they
hollered and whistled, shouting for her not to stop.

She slowly turned, letting the shirt fall on the ground and smiled, a
smile with a slight pout, as if she would be mad at them for looking
the way they did. And when her hands were moving over her arms and
belly, she saw the hunger in all of their eyes as she slowly danced
closer to them.

o -

Anne sighed as she sat in the dead car. It had to happen today. I thad
to happen on a day when she forgot her cell phone at home and couldn't
call Adam to fetch her.

"Why do you have to do this to me today?" Her hand almost caressed the
steering wheel. She loved this little car, despite the fact it was old
and sometimes unreliable. It was a Mini, an original from the
seventies, not one of the new model. She loved it for it reminded her
of her youth. Adam had told her more than once to ditch it, he even
offered her to buy a new one, but she never wanted that.

She had taken it today to drive to the neighboring village for the
book reading, just a short drive of a couple of miles. She never took
it for big distances, but it always made her smile when she buzzed
along the hillside roads in it. She had just passed the hill's crest
when the engine stuttered and then stalled, the smell of hot oil
telling her that some vital parts of the engine probably had just quit
duty. She gave the dashboard a loving pat.

"Well at least you got me close to home." She opened the glove box and
felt for the flashlight she knew was there. As she switched it on, she
was greeted with a dim, yellowish light, that told her the batteries
were about to die as well. She sighed again. It was about a two mile
walk home and the idea of stumbling in darkness through the woods
didn't really cheer her up.

She was only a few steps away from the car, when the flashlight's
batteries joined her car in letting her down. She shook the
flashlight, but all she achieved was a brief blink of light. The full
moon had just risen over the trees and cast a pale light and dark
shadows on the road. She continued her walk home but after a few more
yards, she stopped again. She felt her heart beat in her throat as
some primeval fear grabbed her. She looked around nervously and and
continued her way, only to, after a few hesitant steps, stop again.
She didn't hear a single sound, and it felt to her, as if the world
would hold its breath. The feeling of fear grew stronger, gripping her
with an intensity she never felt before, a feeling that almost had her
scream. Again she franticly pressed the flashlight's button, shaking
it, as if this could coax it back to life.

For a moment, the device had pity with her and casted a faint yellow
light, a light that got reflected in a pair of glistening eyes and
shimmering teeth. The trembling beam of light felt on the beasts head
and painted the short dark fur and black eyes that glistened as the
hound moved closer in total silence. The body was massive, bigger than
every dog Anne had ever seen. Muscles tightened and swelled on the
beast's shoulders as it pressed itself against the ground. The
flashlight slipped from Anne's trembling fingers and the last thing
she ever saw before it shattered on the tarmac, was the the cross like
shape of white fur that ran across the beasts face.

o -

The men stared at the girl dancing in front of them. The teenage girl
slowly pulled the strap of her bra over her left shoulder, a movement
slow and sensual as she revealed a dark, puckered nipple. Her hands
were caressing her body, touches so experienced and sensual, they
defied the innocence of the teenage body. Their eyes roamed over the
young girl as she unhooked the bra and let it fall on the ground. Long
ago they had stopped cheering and simply watched her, mesmerized by
her body, captivated by the sensual undressing that happened in front
of them and hypnotized by the black eyes that filled their souls.

She slowly kneeled down in front of them, her hands caressing leather
clad thighs as she moaned, her hands moving higher until she felt
their aroused flesh. She felt for their members, a lustful moan
escaping her lips with every one she touched.Young hands opened the
pant in front of her, freeing a hard, twitching cock. Her voice was
only a whisper and yet it was an undeniable command for them.

"Show me."

She moaned in wanton lust as they obeyed without hesitation. Her hands
reached out, feeling them, feeling the lust that radiated from the
heated flesh and she moaned again at the promise of the feast. She
moved from man to man, tasting their flesh with her full lips,
caressing them with her velvet tongue until they trembled in lust like
they never felt before.

She stroke the cocks that were not in her mouth, kneeling in front of
them like a slave girl and yet it wasn't her who was enslaved. The
first one, his cock deeply lodged in her throat, screamed out as he
felt his cum squeeze though his cock, again and again in a massive
orgasm like he had never felt before. It didn't take long until the
others joined him in giving their cum to the girl and the screams of
lust in the small room masked the terrified scream from the street,
only a couple of hundred yards away.

o -

Demion listened into the darkness. A while ago he heard a couple of
motorbikes roaring through the hills around town, but that sound had
ended now and all he could hear were sounds of the night. The pale
moon cast his light over the small town beneath him. He had walked
into the hills around Halesowen, without aim, thinking about his
mentor's questions. He had not been honest when he pretended not to
know the answer to his questions. At least for one question, the last
one, he was afraid he knew the answer.

"She want's you to witness my defeat, old friend." he thought. "This
is why these things are all happening here. You are here and she knew
you would call me. And as I am now here, she moves the pawns into
position. The battle will soon -"

The scream interrupted his thoughts and made him run. He passed a car
that was parked at the side of the road, an old Mini Cooper, and then
he saw it. Only a couple of yards down the road, the bulky shape of a
hound tearing its victim's flesh apart. The beast, sensing him, looked
up. Red blood had stained the the white shape across its face and was
dripping from it's fangs.

"YOU!!" he screamed in rage, as he charged forward, knowing he would
be too late to save the victim.

The hound watched him attack and then threw his head back in a
triumphant howl. Demion threw his holy dagger, aiming at the exposed
throat, but it only cut through thin air as the beast vanished in a
cloud of dark smoke, leaving behind the stench of sulfur and Anne's
mutilated body.

Keys: horror sexhorror

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