
How I fucked my Mom - sex story

How I fucked my Mom

My mother is what you might call a milf.

She is about 5'6. around 160 pounds, a little heavy after three pregnancy, but not bad
she has a nice round, firm ass, but the best part are her tits-44DD with just a little sag

Now for me, i am 17 years old, the oldest son, senior in high school, 6'3, 215 pounds, 8 inch long, 6 inch around cock

now for the story-

my mother and i have always had a close relationship, you could even call us friends, and i have always noticed her awesome set of tits

as i got older, i would sometimes even jerk off to the sight of her in just a towel or her underwear

our family was very lax in dress code, meaning that it was perfectly acceptable to walk around the house in just your underwear, or even completely nude

thats how this all got started

one day in the summer i came home from early morning football conditioning to find that my dad had taken my younger bro and sis up north for the day to visit my grandma

this meant that i would be home all day with just my mother

when i walked in the house my mom was just stepping out of the shower and she had on only a long tee shirt

i could see her erect nipples though her shirt and made the crack "mom your headlights are on"

she blushed and asked me "why are you looking there son, do you like what you see?"

i was a little taken aback by this comment, but i regained my composure enough to say "why yes i do, is that a problem?"

she replied with "no absolutely not, i was hoping it wouldnt be"

with that, she retreated into the bathroom, but as she walked in, she peeled of the lond tee shirt just before she shut the door just in time for me to get a glimpse of her ass

i almost exploded right there on the spot

i knew that i needed to jerk off right then and there

i figured that my mom would prolly be doing her hair and makeup and would be awhile, so i sat down on the couch, threw off my shorts and teeshirt, and started slowly working my 8 inch semi hard cock to its full erection

i was really gettiing into it so i leaned back and closed my eyes and moaned softly

the next thing i heard was "brian if youre going to do that at least do it somewhere private"

i jumped off the coach in shock, my mom was standing there in just a bra and panties watching me masturbate!!

i nearly tripped as i ran down the hall to my room slamming hte door behind me

a little while later my mom was outside tending to her flower garden with me still in my bedroom burning with embarrasment

one thing i couldnt get out of my mind however was my moms look of lust when she was staring at my cock

i decided to go outside and talk to her

i went outside and tapped my mom on the sholder to talk to her

i said "mom, im sorry you saw me jerking off back there, i should have been more careful"

she smiled and said "i understand and i accept your apology, but brian, where did you get that big of a cock!!!????"

i giggled a little bit and asked her "well idk mom, is it really that big"

she laughed and replied "its HUGE!!! your dads cock is about 5 inches long and 3 around, so that thing you got in your pants is montrous!!"

i laughed some more and, working up my courage, asked her if she wanted to see it again

she said yes i would love to, and i whipped it out right there in the backyeard

she gasped, as it began to stiffen, and then asked if she could touch it

i obliged, and she wrapped her hand around it, not quite being able to reach totally around it

by this time it was fully hard, and i said "go ahaed and play with it if you want"

she nodded slowly and began to jerk it slowly back and forth, i was in 7th heaven as waves of pleasure shot through my body

she began to jerk it faster, and i knew it would only be seconds before iw ould cum

about 30 seconds later, i blasted my load all over her shirt and shorts and then all over the ground, but remarkably, i stayed hard

"oops, she said, looks like we have a little mess, guess iw ount be needing these any more"

she took off her shirt, and stepped out of her shorts, and then unclasped her bra and slid down her panties

i almost came again at the sight of her mammoth tittes and shaven pussy

i then unclothed, and we stood there in the backyard in sight of all the neighbors, completely naked

she slowly dropped to her knees and took my cock slowly into her mouth and began to suck me off while using her right hand to jerk me too

she tried her hardest to get me all the way down, but just coulkdnt, as my cock was so large

i said "im gonna cum" and she said "no, save it, i want you to fuck me"

i pulled my cock out and then pulled my mom up off the ground

i pushed up against the side of the house, and then impaled her pussy with my rod and began to fuck her for all i was worth

she was screaming and moaning and then i blasted off right in her pussy, and pulled my cock out, absolutely exhausted

as she stood there gasping, she said "o my god that was the biggest cock and the best fuck i have ever had, we need to dot hat again, alot"

i smiled wearlity and said "anytime you want it, im ready"

and we walked into the house together, her pussy leaking cum and our clothes still laying on the patio

Keys: mom mum milf mymom sex stories

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