
I fucked a hot redhead slut - sex story

I fucked a hot redhead slut

Ring. Ring. Ring.
I awoke in sleepy confusion. The phone. Was ringing. Must. Get.
Phone. I snatched it up before the answering machine came on. My
hand didn't seem to be working quite right. I dropped the phone, and it
clattered noisily. I got it on the next attempt. For a second I
stared at it, like I was a caveman trying to fathom this technology
from the future. Finally I put it to my ear and mouth, pausing
momentarily to acertain that I was putting the right end to the right
body part.
"Raroo?" I croaked in a thick voice, like a Robinson Crusoe who
hadn't used his vocal cords for years, upon first seeing his
rescuers. Actually, I sounded more like Scooby Doo. Or maybe the
Tinman when he's rusted frozen. I swallowed, and ran my tongue around
my mouth to lubricate the bearings. I tried again. "Hello?" That
sounded almost human.
A female voice was on the other end, apologetic. "I woke you!
I'm SO sorry! This is Julie. I'm really really sorry to call you
this late." I looked at the clock. It was blinking 12:00:00. Power
must have gone off at some point. I turned on the lamp beside my bed,
and looked at my watch. Actually, the clock wasn't that far off, it
was 12:05am. Julie. A friend who lived in my apartment complex.
A redhead.
She was rattling on. "It's just that, I've got a mouse loose in
my apartment, I was wondering if you could help me out. You're
usually a night owl, I thought you might still be up."
"Of course, I'll be right over." I hung up and got out of bed.
Stood there in my boxers. Pulled on some jeans, socks and sneakers,
And a flannel shirt, which I hastily buttoned. Then noticed I had
started with the wrong button and they weren't matched up at the collar.
Undid them and did it again. I was only now beginning to really
wake up. I stumbled into the bathroom. My hair was all Indian
feathers. I combed it and ran cold water into my hands, then splashed
my face. Ran my wet hands through my hair to straighten some of the
wilder parts sticking up. After a moment's reflection I hastily
squeezed some toothpaste onto my toothbrush and scrubbed my teeth.
Then, feeling vain, I took my glasses off and put my contacts in.
Gave a quick visual inspection. Wiped some sleepy crud from my
eyes. No boogers hanging out of my nose or anything. God, I was
preparing myself as if for a date. I looked in the mirror again.
Not a bad looking guy, if I do say so myself. Once I get cleaned up.
I didn't have time to shave, so I looked a little scruffy.
I exited my apartment and locked the door. It was cold out, but
it was only a short walk to her apartment, so I didn't go back for a
coat. Brisk.
Julie was a couple of years older than me. At times
she looks kind of plain... not unattractive, just nothing spectacular.
Other times there's something about her that exudes this real fresh
sexiness. I'm not sure what it is, it doesn't seem to be makeup
(she doesn't wear much), or the way she does her hair, or something
like that. Just an aura she projects.
One time she came over on her way to a party, and she was wearing
this tight yellow dress that made her nipples stand out in sharp
relief. She spun around and asked me if she looked ok. I stammered
and said something lame, that she looked great. That was an
understatement, she looked ravishing;
I had an erection just from the way she had spun around, exhibiting
her body to me. I wanted to peel that dress off her and get to work.
At the same time, I had suddenly felt all brotherly and protective of
her; she was going to a party dressed like that, and planning to drink
a lot. I was afraid somebody would take advantage of her in a big way.
Or maybe I was jealous that it wasn't going to be me. I told her to
call me if she felt she wasn't safe to drive back from the party. I
really meant if she needed rescuing from the wolf pack, drunk and
dressed like that. She didn't call, but she had seemed pleased
I was concerned about her.
I had fantasized about what it would have
been like if she had called. Me coming to get her, and driving her
soused ass home, slouched in the passenger seat, blitzed and
giggling. Flirting and drunkenly amorous with me. Me resisting;
No, not like this, ask me again when you're sober. Kissing her
goodnight as I took her to her door. Or maybe she's so drunk
that I have to take her keys, let her into her apartment, put her
in bed, and then she passes out. I can't leave her like that in
that dress, so I slip her shoes off, and then work the dress off
her. Hang it in the closet. She in her panties and no bra.
I'd linger for just a minute, soaking in the sight of her body.
I resist the urge of the little devil sitting on my shoulder,
Pull the sheets over her, kiss her forehead, turn out the lights
and lock the door. The next day would be embarassed questions;
She'd have fuzzy memories, and wonder what she had done or said.
She'd be too embarassed to ask further questions. But would
be somewhat mortified that I'd seen her in that state, but also
pleased I was such a gentleman. But wonder if anything had gone on.
Of course, none of that had happened; then again, she didn't puke
in my car or anything, or any other messy details that would have been
the reality. We'd just been friendly since then, gone to a few
movies, one of which was a tearjerker that she couldn't stop
crying about afterwords on the way home. That was an odd experience,
A woman crying, but not due to anything I had done or that anyone
had done to her, so there wasn't any consoling necessary, she wasn't
crying for any "real" reason. But it was an odd sort of intimacy
to be with her then, to see her so uncovered and vulnerable.
Now I was outside her door, to vanquish the mouse. I knocked. It
had been less than 10 minutes since she called, although I felt
like maybe I should have been there sooner, not taken all the time
freshening up. She opened the door. She was in a bathrobe which
was held closed by a cloth belt, and slippers. Not particularly
revealing, although her lower legs were exposed, and her bare shoulders
offered some pale flesh normally covered. Beneath the bathrobe she had
on some sort of cotton nightie. Which must have been short, since no
trace of it peeked beneath the bathrobe.
"Ghostbusters, ma'am. You're having some disturbances?"
"I'm so sorry to drag you out of bed!" she said again.
"It's in the kitchen."
One of the kichen cabinet doors beneath the sink was ajar.
"He ran in there." She handed me a flashlight.
I peered into the darkness. It took me a few moments to spot him,
but finally there, back behind some pots and pans and cleaning supplies,
was Mr. Mouse, whiskers quivering with fear, little eyes shining in the
flashlight beam.
I looked around in the food closet, and found a yardstick in the
back. Then I went into her bathroom, got a small wastebasket, and
dumped the contents, some tissues and a shampoo bottle, and other
assorted refuse from women's accessories, into the larger kitchen
"You're not going to kill him, are you?" she said.
"No, not if I can help it." I put the yardstick back into the
cabinet. Trying to channel him so he'd have to run out into the
wastebasket. Of course it didn't work, he scrambled over the yardstick
and went darting behind the pots and pans. "Damn!" I said. I opened
the next cabinet. There he was. I stuck the yardstick in again, and
this time accidentally jabbed him with it. Oops. I wasn't trying to
hurt him. He ran again. I started sticking my hand in after him, and
then seconds before I got a nip realized this was stupid. I sat back
on my haunches. Julie stood there between the kitchen and the living
room, looking anxious, arms hugging herself and a concerned expression
on her face. She also looked very good standing there in that bathrobe.
I realized I was bordering on ogling her, and turned back to the
mouse problem.
"So, you want to play cat and mouse, do you?" I considered all
those Tom and Jerry cartoons where the cat ends up with the anvil
dropped on his head. I got one of her oven mitts and put it on. This
time I was able to reach back and swat him...somewhat gently...the
direction I wanted him to go. He was out of the cabinet, onto the
floor. But he missed the wastebasket.
I scrambled after him, and he darted towards the back of the
kitchen. I didn't want him to get under the fridge, so I batted him
away. He skittered across the floor, claws sliding on the smooth tile,
spinning around like an ice skater out of control. And I was a giant
Zamboni. This time I held the wastebasket flat against the ground, and
scooped him in one beautiful smooth sideways sweep into it. I put it
rightside-up before he could get out.
I looked down into it. There he was, looking up at me from the
bottom of the wastebasket. Still shaking with fear or exertion, his
heart beating like a little jackhammer. Cute little beady eyes looking
defiant and whiskers quivering indignantly. I found to my surprise
that my heart was beating fast too, and I was sweating a little...all
from rolling around on the floor a bit chasing a creature about a
hundredth of my size.
Julie stood behind me, peering into the wastebasket. "My hero!"
She smiled at me and I felt like Superman.
I took the wastebasket outside, and walked a few hundred yards in
the cold til I got to the treeline, where I dumped him out. He lay
there frozen for a minute, then darted away. I hoped he was ok. And
that he wasn't a meal for something in the next 5 minutes. Oh well,
maybe he'd get in another apartment.
As I walked back, I pondered. Julie was a pretty tough cookie, I
was surprised she couldn't have handled a mouse herself, she was very
into animals.
She stood there in her bathrobe, looking cute and soft. "I wish
there was some way I could thank you. You're my knight in shining armor."
Just a perfectly innocent phrase, but there was something in her
voice and her eyes, a flirt, a sexy come-hither. Or was there?
"You know," I said in a joking tone, "It's customary, when the
brave knight vanquishes the dragon and save the fair maiden, the
beautiful princess, the damsel in distress... that she reward the
knight in some way."
She smiled and sidled up to me, close, very close. I could
smell the scent of her soap from the shower she has taken earlier.
Her curly red hair was still damp. "What did you have in mind?" she
said softly. "Gold? Jewels? Something else? I'll do anything.
Anything." She was still speaking in a joking tone, but in her tone,
I saw that she was flirting too. More than flirting, she was putting
the gauntlet down. I had her. But she had me.
"She offered her honor." I said softly. "He honored her offer.
And all night long, it was honor and offer, and offer and honor.
And on her and off her, and off her and on her." She smiled. An old
joke, but she hadn't heard that one before.
I stepped even closer until we were rubbing against each other.
I kissed her lips. My chin rubbed hers. I had two days growth
there. "One of us needs a shave." she giggled.
Slowly, unhurriedly, my hands found the terrycloth belt on her bathrobe.
I undid the knot and slid it open. Then parted her robe to reveal the
short little pajama beneath. I put my hands on her hips, between the
robe and the cotton jammies. So soft and warm, and the most delightful
curves. I slid upward, and she closed her eyes and stood stock still.
I moved slowly, waiting to see if she was going to stop me from what
I was doing. She had seemed serious, but this was the moment of truth.
She sighed and made what I can only describe as a coo. I kissed her
cool forehead, as my hands went up the sides of her breasts. Over her
shoulder sockets, until they rested on the bare skin of her shoulders,
beneath the robe. I could feel the warm flesh of her shoulders, and the
palm of my hand pressed against the hardness of her collarbone. I
nuzzled her face with my mouth, my lips finding hers, her head tilting
back to meet mine. She was maybe 8 inches shorter than me. My hands
spread to either side, lifting the robe off her shoulders, until it fell
to the floor. Now she was there in just her short jammies and
slippers. Leisurely, I started unbuttoning the pajamas, my hands on
the cotton material, but feeling the warmth and
softness of her flesh beneath. When I got to the last button I spread
it wide and peeled it off her, my hands again moving up her sides but
inside her garment. When I spread that off her shoulders, it fell too.
Now she was standing just in her slippers and panties. No bra, and she
had great breasts, not large but perfectly shaped. I gently stepped
on the tips of the toes of each slipper, and then my hands ran over her
shoulders, down her back, until they were on her ass. All the while our
heads were tilted towards each other, and our mouths were meeting.
I grasped beneath her ass, and lifted her up pretty easily; she was a
lightweight. Since my feet still pressed on the toes of her slippers,
she left them behind. I pressed her up against the fridge, and set her
down, her bare feet on the floor. My hands pinned her against the
fridge, and I ran them over her tits, which were nice for her small
size, and the nipples were hard. I played with them, flicking them and
rubbing the outer parts of her breasts. My cock was hard through my
jeans, and felt like a treetrunk pressing up against her. My hands slid
down her sides again, and this time I sank my whole body down with
them, and in one smooth motion grasped her panties and slid them down.
Revealing the most wonderful little thatch of red curly pubic hair.
"Red on the head, fire in the hole." I murmured. "Hmmm?" she sighed.
"Nothing." My fingers began to play with that delightful snatch. She
spread her legs a little, widening her stance. Suddenly her eyes
snapped open.
"Oh God, I don't want to be here in bare feet on this cold floor,
there's probably little mouse turds all in here!" She gasped.
Frantic not to spoil the mood, I picked her up beneath her ass
cheeks, and she accomidatingly wrapped her legs around me. I walked,
somewhat awkwardly, into her living room, holding her weight to me, one
hand under her ass, one pressing against her upper back. She wrapped
her legs and arms around me. As long as I didn't have to go a few
hundred yards, this was ok. She could only have been a little over a
hundred pounds, soaking wet. And the only thing damp on her presently
was that long curly red hair above, and a slightly damp pussy down
below. And her warm wet mouth. It felt delightful, carrying her
completely nude body like this. I considered the couch, but kept going
into her bedroom, where I tossed her onto the bed. She bounced
and laughed.
"When are you gonna get out of that armor, my knight? My knight in
shining amore." The little bit she had hung out with me had started her
making bad puns. Probably out of self defense.
I kicked off my shoes and sock, pulled off my jeans even faster
than I had put them on. "C'mere." She said. She sat on the bed, legs
curled beneath her, and unbuttoned my shirt. She pulled it open and off
my shoulders and let it fall the way I had done with her garments.
Then her cool hands slid inside my boxers, almost reverently coming to
rest on either side of my cock, the head of which was already poking out
of the boxers.
"Oooh, what have we here. Is this the lance you slew the dragon
"Ok, enough with the Renn Fest double entrendres." I growled,
in a stern but jocular manner "Put that sweet mouth of yours on my
cock and show me your appreciation appropriately, milady."
She smiled naughtily, a delightful hint of things to come. Her
mouth opened, and she slid my cock in several inches past the head.
She closed her lips around it and sucked and slurped noisily, while
her fingers moved up and down the shaft. Then she popped it out of
my mouth and nuzzled my balls. Then she ran her tongue up the shaft,
transfixing me with her eyes, and then popped it into her mouth again
and sucked strongly. Her eyes closed as she concentrated. She had
a little trick where once in awhile she'd hold her mouth about an
inch from my cockhead, wet and sensitive from her attentions, and
then she would blow air across it. A true blow job. Then she'd return
to her task. It was exhilarating, seeing her completely nude on the
bed during this. Very pretty, and she seemed very small and
vulnerable. But incredibly sexy. My one hand played with her long red
hair, still slightly damp, I wanted to see her face while she did this,
so I brushed it out of her face and behind her, caressing her neck while
my hand ruffled through her hair. She was making little delightful
noises, she really seemed to be enjoying sucking my cock. Pulses of
warm liquid pleasure were radiating through me, ground zero was where
her mouth worked on the head. I thought guiltily; about 10pm before I'd
gone to bed I'd been horny and actually jacked off, never dreaming a
little over two and a half hours later a girl would be putting her mouth
there. I wondered if she could tell from the scent; was there a musky
cum smell when she ran her nose and face over my cock? Could her mouth
taste the fact that I'd already come once this evening? If so, she
didn't seem to be put off; she was very enthusiastic in her work.
Normally, this fervent attention would probably have me coming
quickly, but since I already had earlier, I could go a lot longer. I
just sat back for a few minutes, luxuriating in her wonderful
Then I changed position, climbing on top of her and straddling her
in reverse, suspending my weight above her like I was doing push-ups, my
face above her pussy, my cock poised above her face. She was
continuing to play with my cock, licking and stroking it. From watching
her a few minutes ago, in my mind's eye I could picture what her face
looked like, as her mouth worked on my penis. Now my fingers were
spreading her pussy, playing in her red pubic hair, and I spent a few
minutes just toying with her. She gasped, and then took me in her mouth
again and begin to suck strongly. I tried to match her energy with my
mouth on her pussy. Normally, I don't like '69', I prefer to either be
concentrating on my partner's pleasure or sitting back and enjoying my
own while she's working me. But we seemed to fall into this position
naturally. The slurping, sucking noises coming from down beneath me were
delightful, especially since they were now mixed in with faint muffled
little cries and yelps and peeps from her as I ate her out. I was
starting to get tired holding myself up like this; it was like being
asked to do too many push-ups. And I didn't want to suddenly collapse
on top of her, so I rolled to one side, and grasping her ass and back,
rolled her on her side too so we continued in 69, just sideways instead
of on top of each other. Her mouth and hands gripped my cock tightly,
and the wet friction was wonderful. I continued to delve into the folds
of her pussy, and run my fingers through the springy curls of her red
pubes. She was making inarticulate sounds, and I could tell she was
really close to coming. I wasn't far behind. I rolled away from her
and shifted around til we were head to head again. My lips pressed
against hers, and we kissed hard, she'd gasp for breath when we'd
seperate and then lock lips just as hard. One hand of mine was mauling
her tits, squeezing one while my thumb flicked the nipple. Down below,
my knees were between her legs, and I spread my knees apart, spreading
her thighs wide in the same motion. I adjusted to put my cock down by
her warm wet pussy. With just a little adjustment I was ready to slide
it in and give her a ride.
"Wait..I don't...we can't..." she gasped.
"No condoms...I don't..." she paused to gasp again,
"Have any in the house..."
"I've got some back at my place..." I said. My hips were already
starting to play-fuck her, thrusting against her, except instead of in
her pussy my cock was against her belly, questing for entrance around
the vicinity of her belly button. This was all my body, I was hardly
even aware I was doing it.
"...But I don't think I can wait that long." I cautioned. Almost
subconsciously, I was starting to slide up her body.
"Listen," she said. "I...uh...I don't like to swallow." She said
almost apologetically.
"I might need a towel or something in a minute then..." I gasped.
"I'm pretty close to the point of no return... I'm gonna shoot all over
your comforter in a minute."
She offered a better suggestion. "Fuck my tits." It excited me just
to hear her talk like that. She wasn't exactly pristine in her normal
speech, but this was a whole other thing. She lay back and
pushed them together, and I quickly straddled her, sliding my cock
between them. It didn't take long. My cock cradled between her warm
globes, looking down at her face, I came. She didn't want to swallow,
but she wasn't adverse to come, she closed her eyes, and I gave her a
pearl necklace above her breasts, some of which ended up on her neck,
face, and in her red hair.
I cried out as I came, and rolled off her, gasping. I stayed
there a few minutes as my heavy breathing became more regular, my
heartbeat returned to a more sedate drumbeat. She lay back, smiling.
She didn't seem too upset at what had transpired, so I stopped myself
from being apologetic.
"Don't move." I said. I ran to the bathroom and got a towel, still
damp, doubtless her bath towel. I poured warm water
from the sink on it until it was quite wet, squeezed the excess out,
until I had a thoroughly damp, hot towel. Then ran back, and with the
wet towel wiped my come off her chest and face. She seemed to enjoy
the feeling of the wet towel, like a massage. At least I missed the
comforter. Er. Mostly. I dabbed at a spot with the wet towel. Her
eyes were still closed.
I put the towel aside, and slid down to her pussy. My fingers
began probing and opening her, and then I again began running my tongue
over her clit and into her pussy, spreading her wide with my fingers.
She lay there and moaned. In short order I had her bucking her hips,
and then, she came in a series of pulses, and I continued to work her
all the while. Her hands were in my hair, clenching, until she
relaxed and fell back, exhausted.
I crawled up beside her, and lay next to her, my hands lazily
playing with her nipples. She just sat there with her eyes closed, a
smile on her lips.
We drifted off into le petite morte, and I awoke maybe an hour
later. Her nude body was stretched out beside me. It was a little
chilly in here, but my cock was already stirring, wanting some more.
"Wait here. Don't move a muscle!" I said. I pulled on jeans and
sneakers and shirt, no socks. Didn't bother to button my shirt. I
did the 100 yard dash through the cold to my place, and within
seconds had gotten a box of condoms (half empty, but it had been quite
awhile since I had last used one), locked the door behind me, and
was already sprinting back.
I shut her door behind me, and was back in the bedroom. Of course,
she wasn't where I left her! Sounds were coming from the bathroom.
A toilet flushed. Water running. I sat on the bed and waited, afraid
that the mood would be broken when she came back. That she'd say it was
great, but that she didn't think we should go any further. That she had
to be up early for something. That she loved the cunnilingus, but
wished I hadn't spooged a little on her comforter.
She opened the door, and was still fully naked. She came over to
the bed and sat down beside me. Took the condom box and pulled one
out. Pushed me back onto the bed with surprising force.
"And just what are you doing back in your armor?" she said as she
yanked my zipper open, then I helped her pull my jeans and shoes off.
I lay there, still in my unbuttoned shirt, which she simply spread wide,
without trying to remove it since it was underneath me.
She straddled me, and then begin grinding against my cock. My
half-hard cock was soon a pole, up against my stomach. She grasped it and
pointed it skyward. Tore the condom wrapper and placed it on the head,
and then, almost ceremoniously, unrolled it down my cock. Then she
hoisted herself above me, positioning herself over my cock, and guided
me in. She settled down on it, impaling herself, gasping once, as it
slid home. If I looked down, where my cock disappeared inside her, I
could just see the edge of the condom down by my pubes, and right above
it was her fiery red bush.
She commenced to rocking herself on me, plunging up and down, and
rode me. Throwing her head back with abandon, her curly red hair
swaying like a curtain with her head movements, her tits jiggling as she
fucked me. I thrust my hips up a bit, but really she did most of the
work; I just lay back and let her ride me. She found her rhythm.
"I'm gonna fuck your brains out." she said between breaths. "I'm
gonna bury that cock as deep inside me as it will go." I gasped. "You
like that, don't you!" she said, almost maliciously. We continued on
like that, talking dirty and saying things that look silly written down
later, but were intoxicating to hear at the time. The bedsprings were
rocking, and I was just sitting back and enjoying the ride, watching her
body sway as she pounded me. I reached up and grasped her tits with both
hands, fingers clenching each boob, nipple between thumb and forefinger,
and I squeezed gently but decidedly firmly in time with her thrusts. Her
hands were on my shoulders, until I let go of her tits, reached up, and
we clasped hands, gripping tightly as we thrust our loins together.
Eventually she was coming, and soon I was too.
I'd finished long before she was done, but I was still hard so she
just kept riding me until she was spent. I just lay back, no longer
thrusting in time with her, and enjoyed the sensation. Her whole
body was damp with sweat, and when her convolutions and cries finally
slowed down, she collapsed on top of me, my cock still inside of her.
We lay like this in a warm comfortable silence. I could feel her
heartbeat. After awhile our sweat started chilling us, so we climbed
underneath the sheets. I started to pull the condom off my cock, but it
was tugging on my pubic hairs. She started to assist me. "Gently!" I
pleaded. She finally removed it with a minimum of pain. There was
that awkward moment; the messy aftermath of passion.
She went to the bathroom, carrying it by just the rim, carefully
so the juice didn't spill out, holding it gingerly the way one would a
dead fish retrieved from a fishtank with the net. She tossed
the condom into the wastebasket, which had so recently been occupied
by the mouse. That mouse didn't know how lucky he was to get out of
that trap. I imagined the indignity of our little furry friend, if he
had suddenly felt a spent condom land on him.
Julie did some things in the bathroom, then climbed back under the
covers with me with a warm wet washcloth, and proceeded to clean my
cock with it. In the afterglow, that felt very nice.
"Well Gwenivere, that was a knight well spent." I said. She
giggled sleepily.
"Stay here tonight." she said with her eyes closed, "And I'll make
it worth your while in the morning, Sir Lance-alot." she said, her
fingers running lightly over my now soft cock.
"Breakfast in bed?" I asked.
"Well, maybe eventually. I might have something else to eat
first." she whispered. Her fingers gave my cock a little goodnight tug,
then she rolled over and went to sleep.
I drifted off, my hand running over her bare back under the covers.
The next morning I awoke to a wonderful wet sensation on my cock.
She was giving me a wakeup blowjob.
"Breakfast is served." I sighed.
(Of course, I was the one who ended up making the omlettes later
on, and bringing them to her. It was a hard day's knight!)

Keys: redhead condom xxx

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