Mary had taught them how to use their hands and mouths to bring themselves to orgasm
The buzzing of the alarm clock ended the sound sleep and erotic dreams
that Sally had been enjoying. As she reached over her still sleeping
cousin to stop the annoying sound, Kim woke up. "Good morning," Sally
said, "its time to go fishing."
Kim rolled over and stood on the floor. Rubbing the sleep from her
eyes, she went to the door, that lead to the balcony, and pulled it
open. She saw Jack and Tom standing by the rail looking out towards the
lake. Kim felt chilled as the cold morning air cut through the thin
material of her skimpy baby doll nightie. She stepped back into the
room and slipped her short terry cloth robe on and returned to talk to
the guys. "Morning Jack, morning Tom," she said. "What's up?"
Jack looked at his sister then quickly back at the lake. "Just look out
there," Jack said in disgust.
Kim looked out over the lake and could see the white caps that crested
the tops of the large waves. The wind was blowing hard out of the
northwest. Dark clouds filled the sky and streaks of lightning were
dancing in the darkness. "I guess we won't be fishing today," he
continued. Sally stepped outside in time to hear Jacks announcement.
She felt the disappointment well up in side her, having wanted to repeat
yesterday's activity and maybe more.
The four frustrated teens stood on the balcony in the cold darkness for
a few minutes, and then returned to their rooms for more sleep.
Kim went into the bathroom and Sally went back to bed. When she
returned Kim said to Sally. "You will never guess what just started!"
"Your period," Sally answered, knowing that hers is usually only a day
or two away.
"Yup," Kim said. "Now I can look forward to five days of cramps and
"I know you have really bad ones. I feel so sorry for you," Sally said,
as she reached over and rubbed Kim's lower abdomen. Kim lay on her back
and drifted back to sleep as her cousin tried to comfort her. Sally
thought about the coming days, when she would also experience the
debilitating curse of her monthly cycle.
A few hours later Sally was awakened by a painful moan coming from Kim.
She was clutching herself and rocking from side to side while lying on
her back. Sally could see the tears running down the side of the teens
Sally went down stairs and found Kim's mom in the kitchen. "Aunt
Marge," Sally said. "You had better come up stairs and see Kim." Marge
got up from the table and headed for the stairs with Anne and Sally
close behind.
In the shared room, Marge sat on the edge of the bed and wiped the tears
away from her young daughter's eyes. She pulled her up and into her
arms, stroking her hair. "This is absurd," she said, cradling her
daughter. "These girls shouldn't have to go through all of this every
month. I am going to find a doctor and see if he can prescribe anything
to help."
"Good idea," Anne added. "I am going to take Sally too. She will be
experiencing the same thing soon."
The two mothers instructed their daughters to get cleaned up and
dressed, while they went downstairs and looked for a doctor in the
Marge and her sister-in-law walked back into the kitchen. She asked Don
if he knew where the phonebook was. He got up, went to a cupboard,
retrieved the local directory, and asked his wife what was going on.
"Its Kim," she said. "She goes through this BS every time she in on the
ra... Um, has her period." Marge caught herself as she saw the two boys
walk into the kitchen.
"Oh, I see," Don said, slightly embarrassed. "What are you going to
Marge said, "I am going to try to find a doctor that can help her.
There must be something they can do."
Anne looked at her husband and added, "I am going to take Sally with
her. She has the same problem." The two women looked in the phonebook
and found a couple of numbers for local physicians. Marge dialed the
numbers and talked with the doctors' offices. She found one that would
see the two young girls today. Marge walked to the foot of the stairs
and yelled to the girls to hurry.
It was about 10 when the four women drove off. The guys sat around the
table talking about how the weather had spoiled their day. Jack and Tom
decided to go down to the boat and put away some of the new tackle they
had picked up the night before.
While on the boat, Jack and Tom talked about the sexual activities of
the previous day. They commented on the fact that they had jacked off
in front of their little sisters. Tom asked Jack how far he had been
with a girl. Jack told Tom that he has never gone very far, and had
only touched Suzie Jackson's tits through her shirt once. Jack didn't
mention anything about the things that happened between he and Kim on
the balcony. Tom told Jack that he hadn't even gotten that far with a
girl yet. Jack laughed and the boys went about putting away the lures
and other tackle.
At the clinic the girls and their mothers sat in the waiting room until
it was their turn to see the doctor. Soon a nurse came into the room
and called Kim's name. She and Marge went through the door into the
examination room. The nurse handed Kim a paper gown and asked her to
put it on. Kim removed her shirt and jeans. She was wearing a pair of
white cotton panties and a plain white bra. When she removed the bra,
her mother noticed the slight redness of sunburn on her breasts. She
didn't say anything, but wondered how she could have been exposed to the
sun in that area.
After a few minutes, the doctor came in and started asking the usual
list of questions regarding Kim's medical history. Kim's mother
answered most of them, but when it got to the reason of today's visit,
Kim supplied the information. She told the doctor about her periods and
the cramps that she suffered each cycle. The doctor asked a few more
questions, and then began to examine the young girl. Kim felt
uncomfortable with this stranger touching her breasts and poking his
fingers into the tender flesh of her tummy. The nurse drew several
vials of blood and left the room with them.
The doctor went over and talked to Marge and asked her a few more
questions that Kim couldn't hear. Both of them walked over to Kim as
she sat on the table and explained that the doctor was going to do a
pelvic exam. Her mother held her hand as the doctor explained the
Kim removed her panties and lay back on the white paper that covered the
table. She lifted her head to observe the nurse, who had returned, fit
metal objects into the end of the table. She took Kim's legs and put a
foot into each of the stirrups, adjusting them so that her legs were
spread and her knees up. Kim felt so embarrassed. The doctor sat on a
small stool between her thighs and started poking at her.
Kim jumped when she felt a very cold metal object being inserted into
her virgin vagina. She shuddered in slight pain as the doctor stretched
her opening. After a few minutes, the doctor removed the object and
told Kim she was done. Kim removed her feet from the device that had
held her in such an uncomfortable position. She dressed, hoping that
her mother had not seen the trimmed hair of her vaginal area.
When they returned to the waiting room, they saw that Sally and Anne
were gone. Kim smiled, as she knew what was happening to her cousin.
After about a half hour Sally and her mother returned to the waiting
room. As soon as the blood tests were complete the doctor would see
The nurse came into the waiting room and asked Marge and Anne to follow
her. After they were through the door the two girls talked about their
"That was so humiliating!" Sally whispered to Kim. "It felt like he
spread my pussy a foot."
Kim giggled and said, "Well now we know it will fit."
"What will fit?"
"A penis silly," Kim retorted as she and her cousin started laughing out
Then Sally looked at Kim seriously. "Why, do you plan the have one in
there soon?"
"No," snapped Kim. "I was just joking around. I plan to save myself
for marriage."
"Yea right." Was all Sally could say, as she picked up and old issue of
People, and started to flip through the pages.
In the doctor's office, Marge and Anne sat in front of a large wooden
desk. The doctor came in and sat behind the desk in an old large
leather chair. He explained that the two girls had a hormone
imbalance. He went on to say that it was very odd that the test results
of the two teens were almost identical, and if fact they were so close
they could be sisters. Anne and Marge explained the family relationship
and the doctor shock his head, indicating that he understood. The
doctor went over the rest of the test results, telling the two mothers
that both girl's hymens' were intact.
Anne said, "Well doctor, they're only fourteen years old!" The doctor
replied that he has seen many teens, some younger than their daughters,
where that was not the case. He also said that he has had girls as
young as eleven or twelve come to him pregnant.
"My, how times have changed," said Marge, "When we were teens the girls
would wait until prom night, or so it seemed." Both women chuckled.
The doctor told them that he was going to prescribe a mild painkiller
that should help the girls deal with the cramps and headaches. He also
said that he recommended that the girls begin taking birth control pills
to regulate their periods and help balance their hormones. The pills
contained estrogen, and it was a lack of this in their systems that
caused the trouble.
The two women sat staring at the doctor with a look of disbelief. How
could he ever suggest such a thing? After all the girls were only
fourteen and now, birth control pills!
The doctor went on to explain that the girls could get shots to
accomplish the same thing, but the regiment would require a trip the
their family physician's office about every two weeks.
Marge and Anne talked quietly between themselves for a few minutes.
Finally they agreed to the doctor's recommendation. They told him that
they were sorry for their reaction, but it was just so hard to accept
the fact that their little girls were becoming young women. The doctor
assured them that he understood their concern, but he could only
prescribe a treatment he felt was best for the girls.
The doctor told the mom's that he would write a report and send a copy
to Kim and Sally's regular doctor. He recommended that they schedule an
appointment for them in a couple of months for a re-evaluation. The
doctor filled out the necessary information on the small sheets of a
prescription pad and handed them to Anne and Marge. The women thanked
him and left his office.
"Lets go girls," Anne said to Kim and her daughter, "We have to make a
couple of stops on the way back to the beach house." The girls got up
and followed their mothers out to the car and got into the back seat.
They told the girls that the doctor had prescribed some medication that
would help now and in the future. Anne tried her best to explain their
condition and assure them that they would be ok. She didn't tell them
about the birth control pills, waiting for a more appropriate time.
Anne parked the car on the town's main street and told the girls they
could go shopping while she and Marge went to the pharmacy. The girls
saw a small boutique across the street and said they would be in there.
Kim and Sally crossed and went into the shop as their mothers headed
down the street.
In the shop, the girls looked through the racks of clothing. The shop
specialized in items that could not ordinarily be found in the larger
chain stores. Kim held up a cute little sleeveless shorts suite. It
was one piece, with a zipper up the front. She looked at the size,
ignoring the price tag, and decided the bright yellow color would match
one of the new bra and panty outfits she had purchased before the trip.
She took the garment into the dressing room and removed her jeans and
shirt and slipped into the outfit. After zipping it to the neck, she
went out to find Sally. Kim asked her cousin what she thought of it.
"It's very cute," Sally commented, "Here try this." Sally pulled the
zipper down until the opening was just above the thin strip of material
that separated the cups of her bra. Kim looked at herself in the
mirror. She could see the swell of her breasts that peeked out above
the restrictive bra she wore, wishing she had put on one that was a
little lower cut. She turned and looked at her butt, the shorts barley
covered the inverse shelf that formed where her firm buns changed into
her tanned thighs. She decided she would get it.
"Sally," Kim said, "Why don't you get one two, we would look so hot
wearing these together." Sally agreed and went to the rack and selected
one in power blue. She went to the dressing room to confirm the fit,
redressed and went to find her cousin.
The two teens wondered around the store waiting for their mothers to
return from their errand. As they looked from one rack to the next, Kim
noticed a doorway in the back of the shop. It had strings of colored
beads hanging in the opening with a very small sign above it that read
"Toy Shop." Kim worked her way to he opening and pulled the beads
aside. Looking into the room the doorway lead to Kim gasped, quickly
released the strings of beads, and went to look for Sally.
Just as Kim located Sally, she saw her mother and aunt enter the shop.
The girls walked over to them and showed them their selection. Both
women commented on how cute the outfits were.
"If I was a few years younger I might get one for myself," Kim's mom
said, as she and Anne chuckled.
"Why not?" Sally said, "You both would look great in these." The girls
kept pestering their moms about how young they looked and how much fun
it would be the have all four dress alike. Finally, the older women
gave in and asked where the outfits were. The girls directed their
mothers to the rack that held the short outfits.
Anne selected one in navy blue, while Marge picked white. The women
went to the dressing room and emerged in short one-piece garments.
Marge had the zipper pulled down midway between her breasts, reveling
her ample cleavage. Anne examined herself, noting that her ass still
looked good. They agreed to purchase them and took theirs and the girls
to the check out counter.
Kim's mom said that she and Anne were going next door to look for some
things. Sally started to follow them when Kim grabbed her arm and said,
"We are going to look around here some more, we will meet you there in a
few minutes." Sally looked at her cousin, and then agreed.
As the women left the shop, Kim directed Sally to the doorway she had
discovered. Kim again parted the beads, but this time entered the room
with her cousin. They stood in the middle of the small room and turned
in a complete circle observing the items that hung on the walls and
"WOW!" Sally exclaimed, as the naive girls looked at the assortment of
soft rubber penises, vibrators, oils, lotions and numerous other
devices. They walked around dazed as they observed the sexy garments
and strange leather outfits that hung on floor racks and the wall.
"Can you believe this?" Kim asked her cousin almost unable to breath.
Sally just shook her head negatively as she picked up a large, soft
purple dildo.
"What do people do with this stuff?"
"Duh," was Kim's response. Coming to their senses, the girls started to
giggle, then laugh out loud. "Lets get out of here before we get into
trouble," Kim announced. The two teens quickly exited the "Toy Room"
and went to meet their mothers.
The girls found their moms and the four of them got into the car for the
short drive home. After they arrived, Marge gave Kim one of the tablets
the doctor had prescribed, deciding to wait before telling her about the
birth control pills, and told her to take it. Kim took her medication
and she and Sally went up to their room. Kim hung the two new outfits
in the closet and told Sally she was going to lie down.
"Ok, I am going to go watch TV for awhile. Kim, I would sure like to go
back to that store." Kim agreed and went to bed.
Kim lay on the bed waiting for the pill to take effect and reduce her
cramps. As she lies motionless, her mind wondered back to when she and
Sally were only twelve years old.
* * * *
Their parents had taken Jack and Tom to a dinner for the football team
and would be gone until about eleven. Mary, the sixteen-year-old
neighbor, had been hired to baby-sit the two girls. Kim and Sally
didn't feel that they needed a sitter, but because of the neighborhood
they lived in at the time their parents insisted.
When Mary arrived, she was dressed in her school clothes, a short plaid
pleated skirt, a white button down blouse, blue knee socks and saddle
shoes. Mary went to the private high school that Kim and Sally would
have attended if Kim's dad hadn't won the lottery.
After giving Mary instructions about dinner and bedtime, the four
parents and two boys left at 4pm. As soon as the car had pulled away,
Mary was on the telephone with a girlfriend. They talked for a few
minutes then Mary hung up the phone and told the girls that her friend
was going to stop by. Kim and Sally played in Kim's bedroom. A little
while later they heard the doorbell and went into the living room to see
who was there. Mary opened the door and her best friend Donna stepped
into the house.
Marry went into the kitchen with her friend and heated the food Kim's
mother had left for their dinner. As the two younger girls sat at the
kitchen table waiting for the microwave, they listened to the two teens
talk about boys and school.
Donna told Mary how she had gone to the school dance with Joe and he had
felt her up in the parking lot. Mary asked Donna, "Inside or out?"
Donna told her "In" The two girls went on talking like Kim and Sally
weren't even there. In reality, it didn't matter because the two
pre-teens had no idea what they were talking about. "How was it?" Mary
quizzed her friend.
"Rough," Donna answered, "He must have thought he was handling a
football. What is it with guys anyway? They are always in such a hurry
and so forceful." Mary said she didn't know.
The bell on the microwave sounded and Mary removed the food and placed
it on the table. While the four girls ate, Mary and Donna continued to
talk. After dinner Kim and Sally cleaned the dishes, and the two teens
went into the living room.
When Kim and Sally had completed their chore, they walked into the room
where the girls were still talking. They sat side by side on the couch
with their feet up on the coffee table. As the two cousins approached
them they noticed they could see clearly up the older girls skirts.
They could see the thin strip of cloth that ran between their legs.
They said nothing as they sat on the floor and watched TV. Mary told
the girls to get their nightshirts on and they could stay up for awhile
and watch 90210.
Kim and Sally went to Kim's room where they took off their clothes and
pulled tee shirts on over their panty-covered bottoms.
When the girls returned, Donna was leaving. Mary sat back on the couch
and the girls sat on either side of her. "Mary," Kim said, "What is
feel up?"
Mary was taken aback for a moment, and then she answered, "That's when
one person touches another person's privates."
"Why would someone want to do that?" Sally chimed in.
"Well, because it feels good," Mary told the young girls. They said,
"Oh," and went back to watching the show.
At 9 o'clock, Mary said it was time for the girls to go to bed. They
got up and went down the hall to Kim's room and Mary followed. Inside
the bedroom the girls jumped into Kim's bed. Sally asked Mary if anyone
had ever felt her up? Mary thought for a minute and replied, "Yes"
"Who?" Sally pressed on.
"Well, a boy I went out with ... and Donna," Mary said, "Haven't you two
ever touched yourselves or each other?"
Both girls shook their heads no.
"Do you know how?"
Again the two shook their heads. "Will you show us?" Kim asked. Mary
didn't know what to do at that point, after all she sort of started this
whole thing. Then she thought what the hell, they have to learn
Mary unbuttoned her white blouse, and reached behind her back and
unclasped her bra. Her breasts stood firm on her chest, crowned by firm
pink nipples. Mary took one of each girl's hands and brought them to
her breast. She told them how the squeeze them and pull and roll the
hard nipples. As Kim and Sally massaged the older girl, they could feel
something going on inside them.
Mary reached out and started to rub the small cone shaped breasts of the
two cousins, mimicking their actions. Kim and Sally started to squirm
as they felt Mary tweak their small nipples and squeeze their budding
Suddenly Mary stood up, reached up under her skirt and removed her
panties. She sat back on the edge of the bed and invited the two twelve
year olds to look at her vaginal area. "This is my pussy," Mary said,
as she separated the lips of her sex for the girls to see. Pointing at
her clitoris, she said, "When you or someone else rubs right here, it
feels real good." Her finger was rubbing in small circles over the
small nub that lies hidden in her soft folds.
As Kim and Sally watched they each put their own hand down the front of
their white cotton panties and searched for the small button that Mary
said was there. Kim found her clit and jumped as her finger touched
it. She could feel a strange wetness forming in her crotch. "I can't
find mine," Sally said in disappointment. Mary pulled the leg opening
of her panties away from Sally's sex and put her finger in the folds of
her pussy. She moved her finger up until she felt the hooded nub and
rubbed her finger over it. Sally shuddered as she too felt the moisture
Mary stood up and replaced her panties, bra and shirt. She told the
girls that was enough sex education for one night and told them to go to
After Mary left, Kim and Sally continued to explore their own as well as
each other's bodies. From that night on Kim and Sally played with each
other whenever they had the opportunity. While babysitting on other
occasions, Mary had taught them how to use their hands and mouths to
bring themselves to orgasm.
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