
Office Gangbang - sex story

Office Gangbang

My interview had gone great, so I wasn't too surprised when I got a
call to let me know I had gotten the job at Softer Ware Inc. My
position was administrative assistant to the Vice President, Mr.
Richard Ross. Mr. Ross had been the person conducting the interview,
so I had already met him. I thought he was somewhat young (32 I
guessed) to be Vice President of such a large company, but then again
it was a technology firm and everyone seemed to be young. He had
seemed like a nice guy during the interview, and certainly wasn't hard
on the eyes. He was about six foot two tall, and maybe two hundred
pounds. He had wavy dark hair, with penetrating deep brown eyes framed
by long black lashes that most women would die for. His body was, in a
word, perfect. He obviously worked out to keep trim. Broad well
muscled shoulders with a chest his crisp white shirt couldn't conceal
from me, tapering down to a slim waist, and then a nice, round, tight
looking ass.

I started the following Monday, and agonized about how to dress. On
the one hand, I didn't want to dress too sexily and give the wrong
impression that I was easy or trying to sleep my way to a promotion,
but on the other hand I didn't want to look too stiff or prudish
either. I finally settled on a rather conservative tan suit with a
skirt that reached to the knees, but softened it with a lacy blouse.

My first day at work was a breeze. When I reported in I went to Mr.
Ross's office and was told firmly that I was to call him Rick. He
then gave me a tour of the facilities and I got to meet a lot of the
other workers. Everyone seemed young, good looking, and friendly. The
latter part of the day was spent familiarizing myself with the
computer system and other details I would need to know to do my job.

On Tuesday, I got to work ten minutes early but Mr. Ross (I wasn't
used to the idea of calling my boss by his first name yet) was already
in. I heard his voice over the intercom on my desk "Vicki, come here

I entered his office and saw this beautiful woman in a very sexy black
skirt that only reached mid-thigh and a silky red blouse that
accentuated her large, firm, breasts. She wore stiletto heels which
added to the overall appearance. Mr. Ross introduced us "Vicki, this
is Ms. Jean Phipps, president of our company. Jean, this is my new
assistant, Vicki Chambers."

I was somewhat taken aback that this sexy woman was head of a
successful computer software firm, especially dressed the way she was.
Sexist thoughts, particularly from another woman, but the industry is
fairly male dominated.

Ms. Phipps extended her hand and said, "How do you do Vicki?"

"I'm fine", I answered. "I'd like to say thank you, Ms Phipps, for
allowing me the opportunity to work here."

"No thanks are necessary, especially to me. Rick hired you, and from
what he tells me, you're very qualified. Oh, and Vicki, we don't stand
on ceremony here. I must insist that you call me Jean."

"All right, Jean." I could tell that it would take me a while to get
used to the informal air these people seemed so comfortable with. My
last place of employment was almost military in comparison.

Ms. Phipps made some comment about a deadline for some project to Mr.
Ross, and then left the room. Mr. Ross said "I know you haven't had
much of a chance to learn all the ropes of this place, but I have to
put a detailed report on Jean's desk by Thursday on the status of the
MacGruder project. I'm going to need a lot of help from you to do a
good job, so I'm afraid it's going to be trial by fire for you for the
next couple of days."

"I don't mind. I look forward to showing you what I can do," I

We spent all day Tuesday collating data from all the different
departments involved in what I found out was a proprietary program
being written for one of the big banks to handle their new Internet
banking service. At first, I couldn't understand how a report on the
status of a project could take two days, but after speaking to six
different departments plus the client, and seeing the reams of data
that had been produced by my inquiries, I realized just how big a
project it was. Tuesday afternoon, we organized the data and began
concentrating on the summaries, after convincing ourselves that there
was nothing too alarming in the raw data.

Wednesday was spent writing the report. Rick (after Tuesday's grueling
session, I felt a lot more comfortable with him) let me write a few of
the sections. Admittedly, they were the less important parts of the
report, but I was proud that he trusted me enough to do that much this
quickly. We even managed to finish a little early on Wednesday, and
Rick let me go home at 4:00 p.m.

Thursday was back to a more normal pace. Around 2:00, Rick called me
into his office and told me Jean had just come back from a meeting
with the big shots at the bank where our report helped her show the
client how well the project was coming along.

"Keep up the good work, Vicki," he said. "I can see I made the right
decision in hiring you."

Glowing with the knowledge that I was doing so well, the rest of the
afternoon flew by.

Friday morning I received the shock of my life. Rick called me into
his office a few minutes after I had arrived. When I walked in, he
looked up from the report he was reading and said "How about a

"W-w-w-what?" I stammered.

"Do you want to fuck? I need some release, and thought maybe you could
use some too."

Mouth agape, I finally managed to say no. I was ready to turn and flee
the office, but Rick said "You better sit down. I think we need to

I was ready to burst into tears. I was sure he was going to fire me
for refusing to have sex with him. Thoughts of a sexual harassment
suit started in my head. I couldn't believe this! Rick had seemed like
such a great guy.

"I can see I've made you very uncomfortable", he started. "Believe me,
that was not the intent. Its just that I'm pretty much married to this
job, and don't get the chance to socialize outside the office very
much. Every now and again, I need some sexual release, and the easiest
way to get it is from somebody at the office. You were hired to do a
job, and sex with the boss was not part of it. Your refusal will only
affect our relationship as much as you let it. As far as I'm
concerned, you're still a damn fine assistant and I intend to keep you
in that capacity as long as you'll stay."

He had mollified me enough so that I didn't run screaming from the
building, but I was still pretty shaken up. At lunch, I asked Terri,
the other female worker at the company I felt closest to, to sit with
me in the cafeteria at lunch. While I hadn't known her very long, I
just had to speak to somebody about what had happened.

"Rick propositioned me this morning," I told her.

"So, did you do him?" she asked with a gleam in her eye.

"Of course not!" I replied.

"Don't be so uptight," she responded. "Half the people here are
screwing somebody in the office. With the hours we keep, its the only
way to stay sane sometimes."

What kind of place was this? Still, curiosity got the better of me and
I asked, "Are you boffing your boss?" She worked in a similar capacity
as me for the head of marketing, Mr. John Green, another studly guy I
had notice around the floor.

"No, John's happily married, unfortunately. I do go for a quick game
of hide the salami with Mark in programming on a fairly regular
basis." She looked at me with a grin and added "I even had the
pleasure of fucking Rick a few times when he was between assistants,
but I figured he'd start screwing you on a regular basis now. If
you're not up for it, maybe I'll continue my double duty for a while."

I was stunned. But I'd be lying if I didn't admit that the thought of
Rick sliding his cock into Terri's cunt got me l little hot. Both her
and Rick seemed so casual about what was going on. And from the way
Terri was talking, most everybody else was too.

"What about Ms. Phipps? What does she think about her employees
screwing on her time?" I asked.

"Jean? She doesn't mind in the least. Didn't you notice that all the
private offices have couches? She figures a happy employee is a
productive employee. She's been known to partake of a few pleasures
herself from some of the staff."

I finished the rest of the day in a daze. I had a lot to think about
over the weekend. I was fairly convinced that I could probably
continue working there without screwing my boss and it wouldn't affect
my job status. But I couldn't help but wonder what I would feel if
Terri came to Rick's office and I heard cries of passion coming
through the door. After thinking about it a lot, I was amazed that the
two feelings that seemed to be most prominent were arousal and
jealousy. This was all too confusing! I went to bed Saturday, but only
slept fitfully.

I awoke Sunday morning with a finger buried in my pussy. I couldn't
remember my dream, but it must have been a good one, because I was
dripping wet. I brought my hand up to my mouth to lick some of my cum
from my finger, as I rubbed my stiff clit with my other hand. Still
stimulated from my unremembered dream, I had an orgasm in short order.
I got up to take a shower. While luxuriating in the feel of the hot
water cascading over my nude body, and the feel of my hands as they
caressed my nipples, I thought to myself 'If I had taken Rick up on
his offer, I probably wouldn't feel the need to masturbate.' At that
point, I made a decision.

On Monday morning, I walked into Rick's office and nervously said
"Um, if, um, that offer you made on Friday is still open, I, er, think
maybe I'd like to."

He looked up at me with a grin and said "Offer? What offer?"

I could tell by his expression that he was teasing me, so I replied
"The offer of letting you try to satisfy me with your puny little

"Oh, THAT offer. Sorry, no can do."

I was mortified. I could feel the color rising in my cheeks. Before I
crawled under a chair somewhere to die, Rick added "We have a meeting
to attend at 10:30 this morning. You need to read this file and write
a short summary. After the meeting, I will not only satisfy you with
my above average sized cock, I will have you begging for more."

I somehow managed to concentrate enough to write a decent summary, but
my concentration at the meeting was somewhat lacking. Luckily, it was
only with in-house staff, and Rick managed to conduct it reasonably
well without much input from me. The meeting had been held in what was
referred to as Rick's boardroom. It was a boardroom which could only
be accessed from Rick's office. Ms. Phipps had an identical one off
her office, and there was a larger, more ornate boardroom off the
reception area.

After the meeting, as people were filing out, Rick quietly asked
"You'll be coming into my office?"

I responded, rather nervously, "Yes."

We walked into Rick's office. He closed the door behind me and took
me in his arms. Pulling me to him, he placed his mouth on mine
hungrily. I could feel my 34 C breasts mashing against his strong,
broad chest as his tongue slipped past my lips. He ran his hands down
my back and grasped my buttocks, pulling my groin into his. I could
feel his rod beginning to come to life through the two layers of
clothes that separated our flesh. He did indeed seem to be above

He pulled away enough to get his hands on the buttons of my blouse,
never breaking the contact of our eager mouths. Our tongues continued
to explore new territory as my top was thrown to the floor. He
immediately unclasped my bra. He stepped back from my body to admire
the new treasure he had discovered.

"From the day I interviewed you, I wondered what those beautiful tits
looked like." He licked a finger and reached out to run the wet digit
around the pink areola, causing the flesh to pucker and the nipple to
harden. He ran his hand under the breast, hefting its weight. He
stepped closer and flicked his tongue across the erect nipple, sending
shivers through my body. He took a moment to remove his shirt. I
marveled at the sculpted perfection of his upper body. His chest was
hairless, I liked that. We renewed our embrace and luxuriated in the
contact of hot flesh on hot flesh as our tongues renewed their dance.
He nibbled on my ear lobe as he fumbled with my skirt's zipper. I was
soon down to my panties. Having planned for this encounter, I was
wearing a pair of lacy bikini panties that barely covered my thick

Rick Broke away from our embrace and got down on his knees. He placed
his face in front of my crotch and lightly touched my mons with his
nose. "Turn around," he whispered huskily. I did as I was asked. "Now
take off your panties" he breathed. Placing my thumbs under the
elastic on my hips, I slowly pulled the material from the crack of my
ass. I could feel Rick's hot, labored breath on my buttocks. I bent
down to wiggle the undergarment lower down my legs, forcing my ass
backwards in the process. Rick didn't move and enjoyed the feel of my
silky skin on his face. I removed the panties from around my feet,
spread my legs about a foot and a half apart, bent over and placed my
palms on the floor. Rick now had a perfect view of my quivering cunt.
My lips were beginning to swell in anticipation of delights to come,
and I could see the interior labia starting to poke out.

Looking at Rick upside down between my legs, I asked "See anything you

"I think I'll take one of these," he answered as he ran a finger
between my cunt lips. He located my opening and inserted the finger
for a moment. He got up and started to undo his pants. I quickly got
up and said "Allow me." He had already gotten the button, so I pulled
down the zipper to his fly and pulled his pants down. He kicked them
off his feet as I admired the large tent in the front of his boxers. I
leaned forward and playfully bit the head of his cock through his
shorts. I then reached in and lifted it straight up. The purple,
swollen head and two inches of shaft poked out over the top of the
elastic of his underwear. He did indeed have a good sized prick. I
pulled down the boxers to reveal his nine inches of delightful
manhood. He had very little body hair, and I noticed that he kept his
pubic hair trimmed. I knew a lot of women did that but I had never met
a man who did it. I found the whole effect very sexy.

He said "Vick, I'd like you to meet Dick. Dick, this is Vick."

I licked my lips and said "I take back puny." He grasped the base of
his shaft and swung the rod so the head slapped my face. I stuck out
my tongue and the next swing landed squarely on it. I quickly took his
glans in my mouth and forced my tongue into the slit as I grasped his
nut sack and massaged his big balls. I had never felt such a hairless
bag, I wondered if he shaved it. I loved the feel of the unusually
smooth skin.

The clock was ticking, and we did have to return to work before too
long, so we couldn't stretch out the foreplay very much. It was time
to get down to some serious screwing. Rick picked me up and carried me
the few steps to the couch. He laid me down and I spread my legs to
invite him into my love tunnel. He wasted no time crawling up and
placing the tip of his turgid fuckpole at the opening to my honey pot.
He took a moment to run it up and down my wet slit before slowly
shoving it in inch by inch.

Bracing himself over my body with one hand, he began to pummel my hot
quim with his rod of steel. He reached down with his free hand and
roughly grabbed my breast. He twisted the nipple between his fingers,
sending an electric thrill through my body. He picked up the pace of
his thrusting hips, pounding his shaft into my slick honey pot. With
each of his downward strokes, I lifted my ass to meet him. I wrapped
my legs around his hips and implored him "Fuck me hard Rick! Harder!

He did his best to fulfill my request. He drove his dong in and out
like a piston, sending shudders of delight through my body. I was soon
on the brink of an orgasm. "I'm gonna cum!" I announced. I could feel
my intense arousal coalescing into a ball in the depths of my twat.
Suddenly, it exploded into a million fiery pieces and spread to every
part of my body. I shook with the power of my fireworks and could feel
my pussy muscles contracting around Rick's hardon.

I saw Rick's face grimace in ecstasy. I could tell I was about to have
my still pulsating quim filled by his hot jism. Within seconds, Rick
groaned as I felt the first load of his cum shoot onto the walls of my
cunt. Spurt after spurt of his white juice was fired from his prick.
Finally, both our orgasms subsided and Rick collapsed on my chest as
his dick softened inside of me. He shifted and I felt it pull out with
a slight squish.

We didn't have the time to bask in the glow. We cleaned up as best we
could in Rick's bathroom and got dressed. Rick had a dinner meeting
with Ms. Phipps. I went to the cafeteria and sat with Terri. She only
looked at me for about two seconds before she said "You fucked Rick!"

I was embarrassed that it was that obvious. She said "Don't worry,
people don't care except to be happy that you're enjoying yourself at
the company. He's pretty good, eh?"

"Dreamy," I replied. "That body is heavenly. I don't think I've ever
met a man with so little body hair. I found it to be quite a turn on."

"He uses a depilatory. A lot of the guys here do."

I thought that was awfully strange, but didn't know what to say. Why
would a lot of guys at one company use hair remover? Did they have a
competitive swim team or something?

Over the next month, I had sex with Rick probably eight times or so.
Except for when we were engaged in foreplay or fucking, our demeanor
was friendly but professional. Our sex was getting progressively
kinkier. Rick showed a growing interest in my asshole. He hadn't butt
fucked me yet, but I figured it was just a matter of time before he
asked if he could. He was now licking and fingering my anus on a
regular basis. The last time we had sex, he had me tie him spread
eagled to the couch and then grind my pussy in his face as I gave him
a blow job. I thought he was probably experimenting to see how far I
would go, how wild the request would have to be before I said no. I
planned to go pretty far, I had enjoyed everything so far. I was
definitely going to let him fuck my ass when the time came. I had very
much enjoyed his attention to my rectum to date, and had been
practicing at home with a dildo so that it wouldn't hurt too much when
he finally shoved that nine inch piece of cock into my asshole.

One day in my second month we worked until 10:00 p.m. to finish up a
project that was due the next day. Rick told me not to come in until
10:00 a.m. the next day, to make up for some of the overtime. When I
came in, I decided to do some paperwork that I had put off because of
our other more pressing project. I heard Rick's voice over the
intercom asking me into his office.

I went in and Rick looked at me with a glint in his eyes that I knew
meant he was horny. He asked me in his usual blunt way "You want to

The paper work could wait.

"I had something special in mind," he said.

I immediately thought he was going to broach the subject of fucking my
ass, but I was wrong. He led me into his boardroom, and asked me to
undress. This was unusual, he had always undressed me himself before.
While I took off my clothes, he removed his. He than said "Last time,
you tied me up. I want to tie you up this time."

I thought that might be fun. I smiled and said "Sure."

He went to a credenza off to one side of the room and retrieved a big
towel from one of the drawers. He spread the towel over one end of the
boardroom table to soften the surface for me. I crawled up and lay on
my back on the towel. He then attached a padded cloth cuff around my
wrists and attached a rope to that. He then pulled out three light,
metal poles. Two of them were about four feet long and had padded arcs
for behind my knees on one end. The other had plain ends and was about
two and a half feet long He attached the plain ends of the long pieces
to the short piece, making a U-shape. He placed the arcs behind my
knees, forcing them apart to expose my pussy, and attached the cross
piece to my wrist cuffs with a short rope. He then pulled the longer
rope on the cuffs behind my head and attached it to something behind
me. Next, he came back in front of me and grabbed the towel and slid
me to the edge of the table. This took up the slack in the rope,
forcing my arms over my head and lifting my knees up. My cunt and ass
were just barely overhanging the table, and my legs were spread wide
to show them off.

Rick then knelt between my legs and brought his face to within half an
inch of my quivering twat. My anticipation had built up during the set
up, and I could feel the heat building in my cunt. He said "I want to
shave your cunt."

This guy definitely had a hair fetish! I told him to go ahead. He went
into his washroom, and came out with shaving equipment. First, he took
a pair of scissors to cut away most of the hair. He manipulated my
cunt lips to get the best angle with the blades, and I started leaking
juice out of my quim. He washed me off with a warm washcloth and then
spread shaving gel all over my pubic area. He then shaved my whiskers
off. He again had to pull and push my outer lips around to stretch the
skin. I was getting more and more excited and he hadn't even started
the real sex or foreplay yet. He finished by wiping me off with the
washcloth. The rough fabric brushed up against my clit and sent an
extra little shiver through my body.

Rick then used his thumb to stimulate my love button directly. I began
gushing honey out of my love tunnel. I expected Rick to begin using
his mouth to lap up my fragrant juice, but he didn't. Instead, when I
was quite soaked, he got up to move back to the credenza. He used
pressed the intercom and said "She's ready."

Who could he be talking to? I didn't have long to wait to find out.
The door to his office opened and several guys from the office filed
in. Every last one of them was totally bare-assed naked and sported a
huge, raging hardon. I later counted and found that there were twelve
of them. They were all from the office, although there were three that
I had never met. They were all very well built. I thought to myself
'They must all work out together' Strangest of all, the only hair I
could see on any of them was on their heads, in their armpits, and a
small trimmed bush above their cocks. At the end of this line of beef,
in came Jean Phipps, the president. She was just as nude as the guys,
except she still wore her stiletto heels. Her legs were long and
creamy white, and came together in an aroused, shaved cunt, with
exposed, red inner labia. She had large breasts with brown nipples
which stuck out three quarters of an inch in a complement to her
aroused pussy.

She walked right up to my exposed quim, and while running a hand all
over the exterior, said "Good, you shaved her well, Rick."

"I'm glad you approve, Ms. Phipps." Rick NEVER called her by anything
other than Jean. Were they into some weird S&M thing?

My mind was spinning with sensory overload. I was embarrassed at being
nude and exposed in such a vulnerable way in front of all these
virtual strangers. I was repelled and excited at the same time at Ms.
Phipps' handling of my twat. I was also a afraid of what these people
planned to do to me. There were clear domination overtones to what was
going on here. I was also very aroused by the sight of all these
handsome nude hunks with their fuckpoles sticking out in the air. Ms.
Phipps' body was also causing my libido to stir.

Finally, the fear won out. I whispered, "Don't hurt me, please."

Ms. Phipps' laughed. "You have our little party here pegged all wrong.
Yes, I am Mistress to these men, as well as several other of my
employees. And yes, I hope you will become one of my many sex slaves.
But I do not rule with an iron fist. The only pain you will feel will
be the pain of rejection if you choose not to participate. You will
dream of the joys you will have missed. And believe me, your
imagination will pale in comparison to the real thing. Now, give me
your decision. Do you submit?"

With an assurance that I would not be hurt, my arousal became the most
prominent feeling in my churning cauldron of emotions. Carpe diem! I
replied "Yes."

Ms. Phipps looked at me sternly "What?"

"Yes, I submit, Ms. Phipps."

She smiled and said "That's better. Okay gentlemen, you may taste

The men formed a line to my waiting cunt. The first was one of the men
I did not know. He knelt down between my legs. Spreading my lips wide
with his fingers, he probed the opening of my twat with his tongue. I
could hear slurping noises as he lapped up the cream emanating from my
body. He the moved up to flick my clit with the rapier sword in his
mouth. He pulled away after a total of only about 30 seconds, but the
next guy in line immediately took his place. The first guy crawled up
on the table beside me and opened his mouth and kissed me. His girl
juice slickened tongue slid past my lips, and I tasted myself in his
mouth. As I eagerly sucked up this sexy flavor, I could feel the
second man ( Mark Johnson) taking more of a kamikaze approach to my
sex. He was rubbing his face all over my pussy area. I'm pretty sure
he had his mouth open; I think I felt a wet spot every now and again.
The first man pulled away from my still hungry mouth and stood to one
side to watch the other guys' oral assault on my vagina.

It was now the third man's turn. Mark got up and crawled up on the
table beside me. His face was covered with my delicious nectar. Ms.
Phipps was coming over on the other side. She also crawled up beside
me. As Mark lowered his face to mine, she put a restraining hand on
his shoulder. As they leaned over me, inches above my face, Ms. Phipps
licked my juice from Mark's face. I watched, transfixed.

She looked at me and said "Your cunt tastes good Vicki."

I said "I've never tasted another woman. I'd like to taste your cunt.
I bet its delicious."

"That is not a proper response. When I address you, you answer yes,
no, or thank you, followed by Ms. Phipps, or Mistress. You do not ask
anything of me. When I deem you are deserving, I shall allow you to
touch me. Until then, you must yearn in silence. Now, what did you
want to say?"

"Um, thank you, Mistress."

That's better. You now have one demerit for speaking out of turn. If
you collect five demerits, you will be denied all pleasure at Softer
Ware for one week."

"Yes, Ms. Phipps."

She smiled. "I see you are a fast learner. You may be worthy of my
body in the near future."

"Thank you, Mistress."

By now, I was on the seventh or eighth man on my pussy. Most of them
did the standard split of some time on my cunthole and some time on my
clit, but one or two had taken the time to spend a few seconds of
their time on my asshole. The man who was eating me now was devoting
his entire allotment on my anus. He had my cheeks spread wide apart,
and flicked his tongue across my exposed butthole. It tickled, and
sent little electric shocks from my ass to my clit. He then stopped
licking and started probing with his tongue. I concentrated on
relaxing my sphincter and felt his tongue penetrate past the ring of
muscle into my rectum.

As I luxuriated in all these different mouths and different styles of
cunnilingus (and analingus) I looked around the table. The guys who
had already taken their turn at my cunt were standing around, watching
the other guys take their turn. Most of them had their stiff pricks in
their hands, slowly stroking their shafts. Every now again I would
hear a comment such as "Look at that!" or "I can't wait to fuck her."

As the eleventh man assaulted my joy buzzer, I could feel an orgasm
building. I groaned and whimpered my pleasure. He pulled away and the
twelfth and last man rushed in. In his eagerness, his chin hit my
clit. This little bit of stimulation was the straw that broke the
camel's back, sending my body into writhing paroxysms of pleasure. I
bucked my hips. He locked his lips on my twat as I gushed what seemed
like gallons of pussy juice into his eager mouth. He slurped, lapped,
and sucked, trying not to let a drop go to waste. As my fireworks
subsided, he got up and joined the other men waiting for round two.

Ms. Phipps took the place of the men between my legs and inspected my
cunt. She brought her nose close and made exaggerated sniffing noises.
She slid a finger in, meeting virtually no resistance due to my highly
lubricated state. She licked her withdrawn finger with a contemplative
look on her face, then announced "She's ready for some cock. Randy.
You may go first."

"Yes Ms. Phipps." To my surprise, Randy didn't seem very happy about
being allowed to go first. I later found out that the men preferred
'sloppy seconds' (or thirds, or fourths,...). Rick told me it was a
huge turn on to fuck a woman and feel the slippery slickness of her
cunt juice mixed with another man's semen on his rod. Anyway, Randy
dutifully stepped up to the plate and aimed his eight inch cock at my
love tunnel. He slipped it in and began pounding my hot twat with his
rock hard pecker. He had been slowly jerking off for the last few
minutes, so I wasn't surprised when he started to cum in fairly short
order. I was still aroused from the tongue lashing I had received, so
I could tell it wouldn't be long before I was cumming again. I felt
Randy's first shot deep in my pussy. He quickly removed his lovestick
from my snatch, and shot the remainder of his white jism on my cunt
lips, stomach, and tits.

As soon as he removed himself, Mark moved in to take his place. He
impaled my quim with his penis and began pounding in and out like a
locomotive. He reached down and rubbed my clit as he continued his
assault on my pussy. Within four or five minutes, he began firing
bullets of cum in my cunt. He too removed his prick before his orgasm
was over and deposited the rest of his spunk on my body. He quickly
stepped away to make room for the third man. He crawled up on the
table and lay down beside me. He used his finger to wipe up a drop of
semen that had landed on my nipple and offered it to my hungry mouth.
I eagerly licked it off his hand. He located another gob and fed me
again. On the third spot of jizz, he pulled away when I tried to take
it from him and licked it off his finger himself. The sight of a man
eating another guy's cum from my body was the added stimulus I needed
to set off my second orgasm. My contracting cunt muscles caused the
third man to fire his juice into my body. In a now familiar pattern,
he withdrew his cock to give my outsides a liberal coating of his love

I can't really remember hunk number four through eleven. There's a
haze of a near continuous string of orgasms as cock after cock painted
the walls of my honey box, as well as my newly shaven pussy lips, my
stomach, and my heaving breasts, with heavenly white-hot liquid.

When what I thought was the last man withdrew, I began to recover from
my multiple orgasms. I then realized that I couldn't remember Rick
fucking me. While I was in an orgasmic daze for much of the time, I
thought I would remember Rick. That's when I heard Ms. Phipps say "Yes
Rick, you may."

Rick stepped up to my aching pussy. He rubbed his flared head up and
down my gash, getting the mingled juice of my cunt and the eleven
previous men on his dick. He then lowered his aim and with one quick
motion rammed his pecker home into my asshole. A lot of the creamy
nectar oozing from my quim had run down my crack to coat my butthole.
That, along with my practice at home with my dildo collection, assured
a painless entry. He fucked my anus with abandon. I could see from the
look of ecstasy on his face that this was something he had fantasized
about for some time. My bowels were filled with his throbbing manhood.
I could feel another orgasm building as he continued filling my rectum
with his turgid prick. He began finger fucking my cunt as he screwed
my shit hole. He withdrew his hand, covered with man cum and girl
cream, and wetted his nipples with the intoxicating mixture. I could
see them stiffen as the liquid evaporated. Suddenly, I felt a rocket
ignite in my bowels and shoot to my clit. My body once again shook in
the throes of yet another orgasm. My bucking and thrashing caused Rick
to scream his intense sexual pleasure and began cumming in my anus. It
felt like gallons of his searing liquid pouring into my body. He
emptied his balls into me then pulled his softening cock from my ass.

I thought things would now wind down, but there were still a few
events left on the roster. First, Ms. Phipps told Randy and Jim to
clean me up. I expected them to get some washcloths and wipe me down,
but apparently that's not exactly what she meant. Randy knelt down
between my legs and began sucking Rick's cream from my anus. I could
feel his tongue penetrating deeply past my sphincter. I was still
quite loose due to the stretching from Rick's love pole. The
lubrication from everyone's jizz also helped to get him deep inside my
butt. At the same time, Jim crawled up on the table and began licking
the semen from the rest of my body. I came another two times when Jim
moved to my cream filled cunt.

While I was getting a tongue bath, Rick and Ms. Phipps climbed on to
the table. Rick got on his knees with his soft cock dangling over my
face. Ms. Phipps got on her hands and knees and began licking his cum
and my shit from his cock. The first touch of her tongue caused his
rod to twitch. In seconds, his dong was ready to cleave any opening
placed in front of it. She played with his balls as she cleaned his
stick as my two men did the same to my body.

Before Rick shot a load in her mouth, Ms. Phipps announced "Its time
for our Vicki to give back some of what she received." I had no idea
what she meant by that, but was sure that whatever it was, I would
enjoy it. Several of the men eagerly undid my bonds and lifted me off
the table. My knees were weak, I could hardly stand. I had to use one
of the beautiful hunks surrounding me for support. Rick lay down in my
place on the towel. He was then tied in the bonding apparatus.

Ms. Phipps went to the credenza and took something from one of the
drawers. At first, I didn't recognize it, because I had never actually
seen one before. As she walked towards me, it didn't take me long to
figure out it was a strap on dildo. There was a nine inch rubber
phallus on the working side, but on the inside of the leather crotch
piece, there was a smaller (about four inch) dildo to fit in my pussy,
with a knob just above it to stimulate my clit. She stuck the small
dildo in my still wet twat and then reached behind me to fasten the
buckle behind my waist. The strap that went up the crack of my ass to
attach to the top strap had a built in butt plug. She gave it a
liberal coating of spit and stuck it in my anus, then made the final
attachment of the strap. The artificial penis stuck out at an angle
just above horizontal.

She looked at one of the men and said simply " Lawrence." He replied
with the now familiar "Yes Ms. Phipps" and got on his knees in front
of me and began to give me a 'blowjob'. At the same time, Ms. Phipps
went down on Rick's ass. When both target and missile were slick with
spit, Ms. Phipps said "Take him."

"Yes Mistress", I answered. I stepped up to Rick and looked in his
face. I could see an eager look of anticipation there. I entered his
anus as quickly as he had entered mine a short tome ago. He gave a
little grunt of pain. I showed no mercy as I began pounding my strap
on cock in and out of his rectum. I began to play with his balls as he
stroked his tumescent pecker. Every stroke into his tight butt gave me
a little jolt of pleasure as the clit stimulator rubbed my super
sensitive love knob. As I exploded in another amazing orgasm, my hips
took on a life of their own and stroked my rod into his rectum at an
incredible speed. My hand closed involuntary, exerting pressure on
Rick's nut sack. He screamed "I'm cummmminnng!! Fuck my ass! Oh fuck
me! Fuck my shit hole! I'm cummminnnggg!!!!. He proceeded to shoot
copious amounts of jism onto his stomach and chest. I pulled my
plastic pecker from his rosebud and got down to insert my tongue into
his ass. He yelled "Yes! Your tongue! Eat my ass! Eat it!"

After we calmed down, Ms. Phipps said "Another demerit for your
outburst, Rick. That brings your total to three, I believe."

"Yes Mistress. Thank you, Mistress."

Ms. Phipps looked at me and said "You may clean him."

I replied "Thank you Ms. Phipps." I clambered onto the table and
licked Rick's cum from his hairless body.

When I had finished, Ms. Phipps said "Well gentlemen, I think Vicki
has shown she may become an adequate slave. What do you think? You may

There were nods and shouts of assent. Most of them were quite
enthusiastic, I'm proud to say.

"We seem to have an agreement. Vicki, welcome to our little dungeon.
Your performance today has won you the right to lick my asshole. You
may do so now."

"Thank you Mistress!" I eagerly got down on my knees behind Ms.
Phipps. I spread those silky buttocks and took a moment to admire the
pink rosebud that I found there. I tentatively extended my tongue and
ran it up and down the full length of her ass crack. On my second
pass, I lingered at her anus, probing with my stiffened mouth muscle.
I penetrated past the sphincter and was rewarded with the pungent
flavor of her rectum. I felt her body give a little shudder of
pleasure. Of all the joys I had experienced that day, knowing I had
given my Mistress a small amount of pleasure ranked amongst the

Ms. Phipps said "Enough", and stepped away. The day was almost over so
the men and Ms. Phipps got their clothes from Rick's office, got
dressed, and left. Rick and I stretched out on the couch and Rick
explained some of what went on at Softer Ware. He told me that Ms.
Phipps summoned a person, sometimes two or three, to her office for
sex two or three times a week. Now that I had been initiated, I would
be expected to answer her request for sexual services at any time.
Every second Friday, an orgy was held in one of the boardrooms. They
were unstructured affairs, and people had sex with whoever they
wanted. There were slightly more men then women involved, and the
women often paired up in lesbian groupings, so the men were known to
relieve each other on occasion. Every so often, someone had to be
initiated as I had been today, and Ms. Phipps made up an invitation
list of appropriate people.

With the knowledge that I could expect sex similar to what I got today
on a fairly regular basis, I went home to fantasize about it until the
next fuckfest.

Keys: office fuckfest enzos xxx gangbang

Getting His Trophy Wife

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Slave Milky Tits on the Morning Show

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The housesitter

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My naked family

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Your cum feels like lava, pt1

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