
Office sex stories : Karen, the drunken whore - sex story

Office sex stories : Karen, the drunken whore

The plan was I would pick Karen up from her office at about 8:30pm after the office party and we would head off for a meal and a drink.

As it turned out that wasn't going to happen.

I rolled up at just before and waited in the car outside in the car park. By 8:45pm it was obvious I needed to go in and remind her of the time, so I ambled through the main doors, now in more or less darkness, towards the small reception area.

Reception was a couple of leather sofas a coffee table and a glass hatch in the wall.

Karen was in reception with a couple of lads in their mid twenties, about half her age. She was obviously totally pissed. Her shirt was out and unbuttoned and she was attempting to redo the buttons at the top in that concentrated way that leads nowhere when you are too drunk to manage the simplest of tasks.

One guy had his hand inside her shirt pulling the material aside to expose her black quarter cup bra. Nice pair of tits even in her late forties. Karen tried again to put a button into it's hole but the material disappeared from her hand as Paul; he with his hand in her shirt; gave it a tug.

"Don't", Karen managed to slur as she made another stab at closing her shirt.

"OK." Paul said as he pulled the material wide enough for her shoulders and bra covered tits to be fully visible.

Karen lifted her hands to her shoulders as the other guy, John, undid the button on her skirt and slid the zip down a little.

Her hands went down and she made to pull her zip back up. Paul's hand went straight to the back of her bra and, fumbling to get it undone, distracting the very drunk Karen again from her skirt.

John slid the zip down and her skirt hit the floor. Paul was still fumbling to undo her bra.

Unable to co-ordinate, Karen dropped her hands to her waist, then back to her shirt but actually doing nothing to cover any part of herself.

She stood swaying in her black knickers, black hold up stockings and lacy bra. Looked down at her near naked self, back at Paul, still struggling with her bra and back to John who now had a hand on her waist.

She seemed so pissed she had no chance of influencing anything that was likely to happen to her.

I shoved open the inner door to the reception area and Paul looked up as he heard it bump closed behind me. I walked over to the three of them.

John took a step back and Paul, hand still up Karen's shirt at the back said,

"We were just messing about, we were..."

I butted in. "Well don't mess about." And I went straight to the front of Karen's bra and undid the clip allowing both cups to part and both tits to swing out. Karen looked down at her tits, free of any restraint, and looked up at me through a haze of wine and then back down to her naked globes.

"Front fastener." I said and cupping one tit leant forward to suck a nipple.

Karen's head went back and her blonde shoulder length hair fell back off her neck. I lifted my mouth to her neck and kissed her on it, she moaned as I moved further up her nape and onto an ear lobe.

I opened my mouth and licked her neck.

"You, still messing?" I asked Paul, he hesitated, his hand still inside the back of her shirt.

He bent forward and kissed the other side of her neck, she moaned loudly and he slipped his free hand up to fondle a tit, taking a nipple between finger and thumb and pulling it.

John meanwhile had dropped to his knees and was eyelevel to her pussy, still veiled in her black lace knickers. He ran a hand across her mound, pressing as he went and she pressed back against his fingers.

I held the back of her neck with one hand as I grasped her unattended tit with my other. An unexpected tingle ran through me as my hand brushed against Paul's as I felt this other, much younger, man fondling my half naked wife.

Karen moaned a little more and swayed unsteadily as the alcohol and pleasure swirled through her body. I pressed her harder and she teetered back a little so she was against one of the leather sofas, I pressed again till she started to crumple down into a seated position leaving John on his knees more or less between her stockinged legs.

She tried to focus on John as she felt him against her legs, he placed a hand on each knee and found no resistance as he gently pushed them apart. The lace of her knickers, pulled taught into her snatch, and John leaned forward dropped his head and began to kiss her pussy through the material.

Paul stood empty handed looking down at John nuzzling Karen's mound, not sure what to do next. I dropped my hand to pull at a distended hard nipple and he quickly did the same. Fondling her tits and then pulling her nipples we stood for a moment as her head rolled from side to side enjoying the attention to both tits. John, now with a thumb under the edge of her knickers, slid a digit inside and into her wet pussy.

Karen opened her legs wider as Johns finger reamed into her, her head still twisting from side to side, her crotch thrusting forward to meet his probing hand. She opened her legs wider still and her knees pulled up a little as he fingered her. He saw the gap between her legs and without stopping his finger fucking, dropped his head between her thighs and roughly pulling her knickers sideways out his way began to lick her pussy. At first long wet licks along her lips then as she pressed ever harder back at him he sucked at a lip and darted his tongue into her as far as her position would allow.

"Fuck, drunk or not she likes that ." I said.

"Karen, her name is Karen." Said Paul, a little protectively I thought.

Then I realised this guy did not know that this was my wife having her tit's squeezed by both of us and her pussy licked out by John.

He had assumed I was just someone else from the office taking the opportunity to feel her up and finger her.

I squeezed a tit with a bit more vigour and with my free hand took her head under the chin and raising her to look at me said.

"Karen, would you like to suck my cock for me?" and she looked up at me trying to focus, I had no idea if she knew who I was either.

Paul looked up from her naked chest to me as I released my grip on her tit and undid my jeans and released my hard cock.

"Hold on." Said John and he edged back a little from Karen, pulling her legs till she slumped down further and her pussy was near the edge of the sofa. He bent over again and pushing her legs as wide apart as he could, got her to open them more, pulled her knickers to one side and deftly slipped his dick into her. Her knees lifted involuntarily as his hard member slid into her finding a spot that made her let out a noisy grunt.

I looked at Paul, "Well, Karen, really likes that doesn't she."

And I pulled her head towards my cock.

"Are you going to suck this for me?" I asked.

"Alex?" she said, looking up and squinting, still completely pissed, not able to understand.

I looked over at Paul as I said, "Yes of course; Alex." Raising my eyebrows.

And I pulled her face to meet my cock.

After a second she opened her lips and I slipped my cock into her mouth, taking a handful of hair to help her get into a rhythm. I arched my back to make things easier for her, helpful as ever.

Paul slid his hand over both tits, stopping to squeeze each and pinch each nipple in turn. Pulling her tits hard as I thrust into her and pulling her hair to keep her mouth full.

"Is she always like this?" I said as Paul unzipped his jeans and reached down for her hand.

"Well she's a bit of a cock tease, I've never seen her up to anything, but all the lads want to fuck her. She's about 50 I think."

"Cheeky fucker", I thought, "She's 45 and looks good on it." But then I suppose if you are still 25ish she's just an older woman.

"MILF then?" I asked as my cock slipped out of her mouth and I had to scramble a bit to get her co-ordinated back onto it.

"Like I said, everyone wants to fuck her."

John disturbed us by growling loudly as he shot his load into her, pulling at her hips as he emptied his balls fully. "Fuck," he said, "I've wanted to do that to her for a long while." As he slipped back and out of her he left a trail of cum along her stocking.

Paul almost jumped down off the sofa, making sure he got to John's position before I made an attempt to fuck her.

John moved back across the metre or so to the other sofa and Paul got between her legs.

Karen opened her eyes again, "Alex?" and I pushed my cock back into her mouth.

"Who's Alex?" I asked.

"Husband." Said John. "Mentioned him a couple of time in the office."

"Lucky bastard if she fucks him like this all the time." Added Paul as he pulled her sticky knickers to one side and edged forward getting his cock lined up before thrusting hard enough to make her moan again.

"Any of the other guys fucked her?" I asked.

"Dunno." said Paul as he grabbed both tits and used them as virtual handles to pull himself into her as far as he could.

I returned to the blow job I was getting.

I leaned down over her face as she sucked on my cock.

"Blokes think you're a bit of a slut on the quiet Karen."

Karen stopped sucking me, and opened her eyes wide.

"They think I'm drunk as well." She whispered giving me a wink and licking the length of my cock before taking it back into her mouth.

I just stared down at her, here she was taking cock from her colleagues and me and she was the one controlling things!

I lost my rhythm for a moment, I was actually shocked, but happily Karen swallowing my cock seemed a bit more important at that moment and I put my hand on the back of her head as I pushed into her mouth and pretty quickly shot my load.

I strained forward to get the last into her and made some pretty loud noises.

Paul was still pumping into her, on his knees and his hands now on her thighs, his fingers wrapped through her torn stocking tops, one still sticky and glistening with John's cum.

"She looks pretty slutty." I said staring down to watch Paul as he ploughed into my wifes snatch.

"She would do with a cock in her from both ends." Added John.

I looked at Karen and she opened her eyes at this and wiggled her tongue along her top lip.

"Bit late now for me" I said rather regretting I'd cum.

And Paul noisily emptied his balls up her as if to confirm he was out of the game for the present.

Karen lay breathing heavily, eyes closed again, she hadn't cum.

Three of us knelt or sat staring at her nakedness, stockings sticky and torn. Tits red and nipples distended. Knickers trying not to disappear into her snatch.

I reached down and fondled a tit, a bit guilty that she had put all this effort in to getting laid and hadn't got to cum on the end of either of these hard young cocks.

I stared down, "Anybody else left in the office?" I asked. Karen's eyes opened and she just looked up at me with no reaction but I imagined I could feel her breath a little heavier.

"Well John did say she'd look good between two cocks."

Paul looked up at me and then back at Karen's pussy, wet and warm behind her knicker material. He ran a couple of fingers over her mound again, pressing the material into her. She moaned loudly. "Sounds like she could manage some more." He said letting his fingers follow the material into her.

"Dan and young Tom are still here."

"How old's 'young Tom' then" I asked.

John answered, "He's 19."

I looked down at Karen's face, eyes again open, lips puckered with her tongue waggling through them a little.

"You reckon she'd like to be fucked from both ends then, with a 19 year old cock at one end?" I was actually asking Karen but the guys didn't know that.

"I don't think she'd even know, but she obviously loves cock." Nodded John.

I was still looking down at Karen who mouthed "I do, I really do"

"Shame not to get her spit roasted then" I said, again actually talking to Karen, and I'd swear I could feel her heart beat a little harder.

"I wonder when she last had a 19 cock up her?" I mused.

"Get Dan and Tom."

John got to his feet and walked a couple of steps to the glass hatch quietly sliding it back. He leaned through on the shelf.

"Tom, you ever fucked a milf."

Their was a short pause then Tom's voice.


"If you had the chance to get a length up Karen would you?"

"Like a shot." he said. "I bet she's had plenty in her time."

"Well you and Dan had better come through to the reception then." He said.

Karen was looking up at me, nipples definitely getting harder.

"She is still soaking wet." Said Paul who still had two fingers and some sticky knickers pressed up her.

The sound of chairs scraping on the floor and then the adjoining door squeaked open. Dan was first through, early twenties, athletic tall and dark.

He was visibly taken aback, Karen, object of a hundred office hard ons. Wank fodder for them all was slumped apparently asleep, on the sofa. Legs wide apart, Paul fingering her pussy. Stockings torn at the thigh, knickers disappearing up her snatch.

A stranger kneeling over her with his cock out feeling her tits.

Dan ignored me.

"Fuck." He said

Stopped in his tracks Tom bumped into Dan's back, craned his neck around to see what was happening and likewise said "Fuck".

I motioned them both over.

"Ever spit roasted a milf?" I asked but got no reply.

Paul removed his fingers noisily from Karen's pussy leaving her knickers still partially imbedded.

Tom looked down at her squirming as Paul wiped his fingers on her stockinged leg.

"I don't know." he said nervously.

"She's out of it, pissed, You're always saying how you would like to fuck the arse off her given the chance. Well this is the chance you ain't ever going to get a again." John stared into Tom's face and nodded.

He didn't need any further convincing and unbuckled his jeans and pulled at the zipper. Dan didn't need encouragement and was already freeing his cock from his jeans.

"We better turn her over then." I suggested giving instructions to Karen, "so you can take her from both ends."

Both guys took hold of her arms, Paul still between her legs, seemed reluctant to move from between them and as she lifted Dan grabbed a swinging tit, pulled hard on a nipple.

"Fuck I am gonna enjoy fucking this." He said.

Tom's cock was massive; 19 year massive cock.

"I bet Karen is gonna enjoy this as well, shame she's so far gone."

And I added, in a whisper as she was pulled past my face. "That is one fucking huge cock you're going to be taking Karen".

She made some play of not being able to get into position for them and they both took the opportunity to fondle every inch of her. Dan sliding a finger up her as he bent her over on the sofa, Tom got behind her, on his knees, straight away aiming his cock for her wet hole. Dan at the other end of the sofa offering his cock to her mouth with a hand under her chin.

They both thrust forward. Dan sliding into her mouth, she gulped loudly and he slipped out.

Tom forced into her, his enormous cock finding its way easily into the wet hole. She let out a very loud shriek. "Oh Fuck Tom, Oh Fuck yes."

That was the first she'd said so far this evening, Then "oh" again and Dan took the opportunity to get his cock back into her mouth and she gagged a little on it.

They both thrust hard and she made more noise than I have ever heard while being fucked. Moaning loudly, muffled cries as she encouraged them both to fuck her harder.

"Spitroast milf." I said and I slipped my hand beneath her swinging tit's and pulled hard as I found a nipple.

"I knew she'd be to fuck ." said Tom.

Dan was too busy cuming to talk.

A few hard thrusts and a stifled scream told all five of us that Karen had cum, and how.

Tom shot his load and Karen stretched a hand back to keep him as deep up her as she could.

"What a slut." I said.

Both guys knelt at either end of her, cocks still engaged as deep as they could manage.

"Maybe she could suck you hard again Tom." I said and he slid out and moved to Dan's side. Dan pulled out, not quite up to seconds.

Tom took her face in his hand as he fed his still stiff cock into her mouth

Karen shot a glance over at me.

"Well you started this." I said, not caring if the guys were listening, which apparently they weren't.

I moved in behind her, parted her cheeks and plugged my re-hardening cock back into her.

"Who did you say this slut was? " I asked as Tom's cock forced her back onto me.

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