
Porn wives - sex story

Porn wives

Behind the outward serenity and closed doors of middle-class suburban homes, we find people are tormented by the same problems that have afflicted men and women throughout the ages.

While Americans today are leading "the good life", enjoying material comforts unheard of in other countries, people may still find themselves it an emotional turmoil, reinforced by the increasing alienation of our life-style.

The young women in this story are desperate housewives -- their husbands are away from home frequently and they are left to find solace in what material comforts they may have. Yet boredom and increasing neglect lead them into acts which they would never dream themselves capable of.

HOT PIECE WIVES -- a novel about women set out on a path from which there is no turning back. A novel about the problems that may confront any woman when she makes the fateful decision to ignore society's prohibitions.

The Publisher


Stella was standing at the kitchen stove, thinking about her husband's long, thick cock when she felt his hands circle around her and squeeze her tits. "That's what I had in mind for breakfast," Hank chuckled, massaging the mounds of Stella's throbbing titties. "I can always stop for food on the road, but have to store up enough pussy to last me for a week, this time."

Stella giggled like a young girl. Even though she and Hank had been married for ten years, he hadn't lost the trick of setting her knees shaking and her cunt throbbing. Stella had a quick fuse when it came to her husband. All he had to do was touch her and her pussy got wet and hot.

"Are you sure we have time?" Stella giggled, glancing at the clock. She knew that they did, but it would mean that Hank would have to eat his breakfast on the run.

"I'd rather have pussy than breakfast," the trucker said, picking Stella up in his strong arms and heading for the bedroom.

Stella felt her pussy cream as Hank dropped her on the unmade bed. It was still mussed from their fucking the night before. Stella glanced at the rumpled bed and resisted the impulse to straighten it. She'd have plenty of time to make beds after Hank was gone. Right now she had to get enough cock to last her for a week.

"Mmmmmmm, you sure are hot," Hank gasped, reaching through the front of Stella's robe and pinching her nipples. "You sure are something honey. After ten years you're just, as hot as you were the night I married you."

Stella threw her arms around Hank's neck and clamped her lips to his. Her tongue poked between his lips and she groaned in lust.

Hank grabbed Stella's robe. He rolled her out of it and laughed at her startled expression. "I think I'd better bring you back a new robe," he teased. "The buttons on that one don't seem to hold anymore. Every time I look at you, something yummy is poking out at me."

Stella laughed. Her tits were always popping out of the thin robe. She liked it that way though. When Hank caught a glimpse of her lush body it never failed to make his cock hard. Stella took pride in the fact that she could still excite Hank. Most wives of ten years couldn't do that. Stella heard lots of complaints about the truckers who came into their restaurant. At least she wasn't dumpy and straight the way they complained their wives were.

"You're still the hottest piece of tail around, honey," Hank said, stroking Stella's rounded thighs. "And you've got the hottest pussy I've ever felt."

For a moment Stella felt like making an angry reply. How did Hank know that her pussy was so hot if he wasn't fooling around on the mad? She suppressed her anger though. This wasn't the time to fight. She knew that Hank had girls on the road. That was natural for a trucker. He had even told her that he'd understand if she got horny when he was gone and had a casual fuck with someone on the side. Hank was very understanding about sex.

Stella blushed a little. She hadn't ever had to take Hank up on his offer. At least not yet. She had always been able to wait till he got home for her fucking. He'd never been gone as long as two weeks, though. It would be hard this time.

Stella pushed the thought of fucking another man firmly out of her mind. Hank was still here and she intended to stock up on his good fucking before he left. There was time to think about the other after he left. Right now her pussy was twitching and creaming as she anticipated Hank's big cock.

Hank nibbled down the side of Stella's neck. His mouth opened and his hot tongue flicked across her nipple.

"Ahhhhh," Stella sighed. She loved it when Hank sucked and licked her hard nipples. It made her pussy throb even harder and scalding cream flooded her tingling cunt.

"Ohhhh, yes," Stella moaned. "Bite my nipple, honey... bite both of them. Suck my whole tit into your mouth."

Hank's tongue flickered wildly. He ran his hot tongue around and around Stella's quivering nipples. Then be clamped his lips around her hard nipple tightly, chewing and sucking like a baby with a bottle.

"Oooooh, so good!" Stella moaned. "Harder, honey... really chew on it!"

Hank scraped his teeth against the rubbery nub of Stella's hot nipple. He could feel how hot and stiff the rosy nub was getting. He knew that the longer he sucked and chewed on Stella's rock-hard nipples, the more creamy and scalding her pussy would get. Sucking Stella's nipples really turned her on. It was one of the quickest ways to get her pussy hot.

Hank grinned as he worked on Stella's full, hot tits. He had a surprise for Stella this morning. He had picked up a little gift in Phoenix, his last time through. He wasn't going to give it to her until he left, though. He could hardly wait to see the expression on her face when she unwrapped the box.

Hank was thinking of Stella as he stopped in Phoenix on his last run. He knew that he'd be home the next night, so he wasn't going to bother fucking someone else. He wanted to save up his full load of cum for Stella. He had wandered into one of the little book stores on a side street looking for a gift for Stella. He didn't realize what kind of a store it was until he saw the display in the glass counter in the back. It was one of those sex stores and the showcase was packed with all sorts of dildoes. Hank picked out a nice big one for Stella. It was going to be his going away present for her when he left this morning.

Stella moaned as Hank's lips spread out around her tit. He opened his mouth wide and sucked at her quivering mound, drawing it into his mouth as far as he could. Stella felt the burning wetness of Hank's mouth and her pussy trembled lustily. She was so hot already, she didn't think that she could get any hotter.

"Oh, honey," Stella groaned. She reached down and touched his hard cockshaft, feeling it jerk in her fingers. Hank's cock was harder and bigger than it had been a moment before. Stella knew that sucking her titties was turning Hank on, too.

"Hold still, honey," Hank murmured, letting Stella's tit slip out of his mouth. His lips nibbled down her body, across the quivering skin of her tummy, right down to the crisp nest of her curly pussyhair on her cuntal mound.

Stella held her breath. She knew what Hank was going to do next. Her pussy creamed and jerked in anticipation. Hank was going to lick her cunt. Stella could feel his tongue brushing through the glossy hair of her beaver, diving down deeper and deeper toward her bloated hot pussylips.

"Ooooh, yes!" Stella moaned. She spread her legs open wide so that Hank could lower his head right between her legs. She loved it when Hank slipped his wet, hot tongue in her pussy. He knew just where to lick to make her pussy pulse and quiver.

Hank's tongue slipped right in between Stella's soft pussylips. He wiggled it up the satiny groove of her cunt, right up to the little straining button of her clit. Then he gave the erect button a little flick with the tip of his tongue.

"Aaaaagh!" Stella squealed. She could never hold back that loud cry of delight when Hank flicked his tongue over her love button. It felt like her pussy was getting an electric shock. It made her whole body tremble and her legs spread apart even wider.

Stella reached out to grab a pillow. She didn't want to make too much noise. There was no holding back the lusty squeals that came pouring out of her throat when Hank licked her pussy. She would have to use a pillow to stifle them somehow so the neighbors wouldn't bear.

"Mmmmmmph!" Stella shrieked. Hank's tongue batted her straining clit bump back and forth. Stella could feel the hot cream squeeze from her trembling pussywalls. She knew that she was soaking Hank's face with her hot juices. She couldn't help it, though. Her pussy always gushed out hoods of cream when Hank twirled her clit with his tongue.

Stella groaned as Hank's tongue left her clit. She could hardly wait for what was coming next. Hank liked to get her nice and hot before he stuck his tongue all the way in her cunt. She wiggled her hips in excitement as she felt the hot length of Hank's wet tongue lick right down her pussy to the nipping, snapping hole of her cunt.

"Hold still, honey," Hank gasped. "I'm going to lick out all that good cream. I'm going to ream my tongue right in your pussy and taste every inch of your hot cunt."

Stella trembled in lusty delight. Hank's tongue was swirling around her spuming cunt now. She could feel it twist into a tight circle like the bit on a drill. Then Hank lunged. His tongue swirled right up the hot tunnel of her cunt, drilling for the very back of her pussy.

Stella stifled a scream with the pillow. She felt her pussy start to spasm. Cream oozed out of her trembling pussywalls and coated Hank's swirling tongue. Little currents of electric shocks radiated from Hank's thrusting tongue and filled her pussy with blazing heat.

Stella gasped and moaned as her pussy ignited. She could feel it grow hotter and hotter as Hank's tongue dug in deeper. She felt like her pussy was a hot volcano and Hank was thrusting his tongue right into her erupting, steaming depths.

"Mmmmmmph!" Stella squealed. Her pussywalls nipped and squeezed at the sides of Hank's big tongue. They snapped in and out, squeezing and pulling. Hank's tongue flew to the back of her vibrating pussy and Stella almost passed out as the rippling, crashing thrills of orgasm raced through her body.

Hank felt Stella's pussy start to squeeze and spasm. He knew that this was the moment he was waiting for. He loved to shove his cock into Stella's pussy when she was coming. Her pussy was hot and creamy then. It fucked at the tip of his cock and made him catch his breath with its incredible heat.

"Here it comes, baby," Hank growled. He aimed his cock right at the spasming mouth of Stella's cunt and shoved it forward. Then his face turned red with lust as he felt Stella's pussy squeeze his wide prick.

"Jesus!" Hank gasped. "It's hot, baby... it's even hotter than it was last night. You're burning up, honey... you're catching on fire!"

Stella shoved the pillow from her face. She didn't give a damn about the noise they made now. She grabbed Hank tightly and opened her eyes wide, tipping her head so she could see his beautiful hard cock jamming into her tight cunt.

"Harder!" Stella gasped. "Oh, Hank... I'm coming all around your cock. Shove it all the way to the back, honey... fuck me hard! I want your big cock to rip my pussy to pieces!"

Hank felt his balls start to tighten. When Stella got this hot, her excitement was contagious. There was no way that Hank could stay calm with Stella's pussy hosing like a fire engine. It was like being sucked into a whirlpool of hot, silky oil. Stella's pussy seemed to grab at his cock and urge it to stretch deeper until he was battering against the soft wall of her womb.

Stella threw her legs around Hank's back. She lifted them up so high that she felt like his cock was going to split her in two. Her cunt was wide open now... helpless and open to Hank's searing thrusts.

Stella wrapped her arms around Hank's back. She held on with her legs, too. Every time Hank raised himself up to thrust forward, Stella clung to his body. Her asscheeks lifted right off the bed and then slammed down again as Hank lunged.

"Uhhhhhgh." Hank grunted. He was fucking Stella's hot pussy so hard that he was knocking the breath out of both of them. Stella gasped for air and clung to Hank even harder. It was impossible for Hank to move. He was pinned by the weight of Stella's body.

Hank rolled his legs from side to side. Stella continued to hold on to him. He rolled so hard, trying to get his prick to thrust deeper, that he rolled both of them fight over. Now Stella was on top.

Stella squealed lustily. She pound her hips against the pole of Hank's stiff cock and humped her ass up and down. She loved being on top. Now she could move just as fast as she liked. Her pussyhole nipped and squeezed in the delightful contractions of orgasm that seemed to go on and on. Stella's pussy had been coming ever since Hank had first entered her, and Stella could feel that it wasn't going to stop until Hank began to come, too.

Hank reached out for Stella's firm asscheeks. He ran his finger up the deft of Stella's swelling buttcheeks and found the little puckered hole of her shitter. Then he reamed his finger in a little bit, feeling Stella's pussy nip harder and harder. Whenever Hank lunged forward with his finger in Stella's ass, her pussy squeezed. Stella hollered and moaned. She wished that she had the nerve to try Hank's big cock up her steamy little shitchute.

Hank tried to pin Stella down with his finger in her ass. He held her body against his and felt her pussy twitch and cream around his stiff cock. He knew that it wouldn't take much for him to come. He could even come this way. Stella didn't have to wiggle her hips and thrust her pussy down on his cock. Her pussy was twitching so hard all by itself that Hank knew he could came even if Stella didn't move at all.

Stella felt what Hank was doing. She knew her pussy was squeezing hard enough to make him come. She wanted more fucking, though. This was going to have to last her a long time. Stella wanted to feel Hank's cock pounding in her pussy for a while longer.

"Mmmmmph!" Stella groaned. She twisted her hips violently and she and Hank rolled over on their sides. That was better. Now Hank could whip his cock back and forth in her pussy again. Both of them could move this way. Stella liked to fuck in this position. It was great for both of them.

Hank began to move his cock in Stella's pussy again. He thrust forward and back, getting into a nice easy fuck rhythm.

Stella held still for a moment. Then she thrust her pussy forward just as Hank's cock thrust, driving it even deeper into her shuddering pussy tunnel. Stella spread her pussy out with her fingers and held her leg straight up. Now Hank could really fuck the deepest part of her pussy.

"I can feel your fingers holding your pussy open," Hank gasped. "Jesus! That's a real kick, honey. Why don't you play with your clit a little bit while I fuck you? I want to feel what that does to your pussy."

Stella blushed a little. That was a real kinky thing to do. She'd never played with her pussy before, while Hank was fucking her. She'd never even done it in front of him. She felt naughty thrills race up and down her slippery pussy chute as her finger began to press up against her straining clit. She felt her pussy twitch convulsively and Hank hollered in excitement.

"I can feel it!" he yelped. "It feels like your whole pussy's shaking my cock."

Stella touched her clit again. She whirled her fingertip over the erect little button again and again. She could feel it, too. Her pussy was nipping and snapping at Hank's cock, even harder than before. It was hotter, too.

Hank hollered. Stella's pussy was contracting harder and harder.

"It feels like my wok's going to snap right off," Hank yelped. "Your pussy's shaking it up and down, just like fingers. It's going to make me to me, honey. If your pussy keeps snapping like that I can't help but come."

Stella smiled wickedly. She could feel Hank's cock swelling up and stretching for the back of her pussy. She was almost ready for his big load of cum. She wanted to feel his big cock explode in her tight, shuddering pussychannel.

Stella's fingers reached down. She kept one hand playing with her clit but the other hand headed straight toward the tight sac of Hank's balls.

"Awww!" Hank bawled as he felt his wife's fingers squeezing his heavy nut sacs. "Jesus! You know what that makes me do!"

Stella just grinned. Stella knew what her fingers were cousins. She could feel Hank's balls swell up and start to shudder. Her squeezing fingers would make his balls pump. Stella wanted that to happen. She was ready for a nice hot load of cum in her nipping, squeezing pussy.

"AWWWWW!" Hank yowled. He threw back his head and thrust forward with his cock, plunging it into Stella's flooding curd. The cum raced out of the swollen glanshole at the tip of Hank's cockhead and splattered right up Stella's pussychannel.

"Aaaaaagh, yes!" Stella hollered, squeezing her fingers harder and twirling her clit with her other hand. This was the perfect way to come. Her pussy was sucking and nipping and Hank's cum was flying up her cunt. She was sure that this fuck was going to last her a long time... maybe even for two whole weeks.

Hank's cock hosed and pumped. His cum shot up Stella's pussychute until it was full, it oozed out of her nipping cuntmouth and fell in sticky puddles on the bed. Stella didn't even notice. She was too interested in storing up the good feelings happening in her pussy to notice things like cum stains on the sheets.

"Jesus!" Hank gasped, when his cock stopped coming at last. He pulled his cock out of Stella's pussy and stood up. Then he looked around the bedroom and pinned.

"It's a damn good thing I'm going for two weeks," he chuckled. "I think it's going to take you that long to clean up this bedroom. We really made a mess in here."

Stella grinned but her heart wasn't in her feeble attempt at laughter. She couldn't help but notice the clock. In ten minutes Hank would be leaving. She didn't know what she was going to do when he was gone. Her pussy was starting to cream already and they didn't have time to fuck again.


Vicki woke up long before the alarm dock went off. The sheet was twisted between her legs and she rubbed her swollen tits and moaned sleepily. She knew why she had awakened so early. The nearness of Pete's body was making her pussy twitch again and causing the dull ache in her pussy.

Vicki snuggled up closer to Pete. She remembered what day it was and she shivered a little. Today was the day that Pete left on the two-week run with Hank.

"Mmmmmm," Vicki protested, not wanting to wake up all the way. It felt wonderful to rub her tits against her husband's strong arm. If only Pete would wake up in a good mood... a sexy mood. Vicki was just dying for a fuck.

Pete grumbled sleepily. He felt Vicki's body press up against his and he rolled away from the heat of her body. Even though he was still half asleep, he knew what she wanted. That was all Vicki ever seemed to want. Pete just wasn't in the mood for fucking. He rolled to the far side of the bed and tried to drift back off to sleep. He didn't see how Vicki could want more fucking again this morning. They'd just done it last night. Once a week ought to be enough for any woman. Pete was beginning to think that there was something wrong with Vicki. She never seemed to be satisfied.

Vicki felt Pete draw away from her. She sighed out of frustration. There was no use trying to wake Pete up and get him to fuck her. That would only make him mad. Pete had definite notions on what a new wife should need. Vicki had found that out. Pete thought that fucking more than once a week was a sign of sinfulness. Pete thought a lot of things were sinful, including wives working. Vicki was beginning to wonder why she had ever married Pete. He didn't seem so straight where they were going together. He didn't mind her working then. Their marriage had changed all that though. Now Pete seemed to think that Vicki should stay home and spend her days doing housework and sewing. She was permitted to do volunteer work at the church too.

Vicki sighed again as she thought of her dreams before she had married Pete. She was planning on going to school at night and taking a course in how to be a legal secretary. The job sounded fascinating. Vicki loved to be in the middle of things, busy and on her own. Married to Pete had put a definite crimp in her plans. Pete had positively forbidden her going to school. He said it wasn't proper for a married woman to seek a career.

Vicki tried to think of something more pleasant. She supposed site ought to be happy. Pete was a good husband in most ways. He didn't drink and he didn't fool around with other women. He brought home all his paycheck too. Somehow though, that didn't help Vicki's uneasiness about her marriage. She knew that there was something wrong but she wasn't quite sure what it was. Maybe Pete was right. Perhaps she was expecting too much of marriage.

Vicki grimaced as she thought about that other problem that was bothering her more and more lately. She was convinced that she was a nympho. Fucking with Pete once a week just didn't seem to be enough for her. It wasn't that she didn't like fucking with Pete. It was fine, she guessed. But she never felt those wild thrills the other married women talked about. The sky didn't brighten and she didn't hear rockets or see colon dancing in front of her eyes. Maybe that was why her pussy was so demanding all the time. She warded to feel those marvelous feelings that everyone else talked about. Vicki thought that if she kept trying, she might have an orgasm with Pete.

Vicki's face burned as she thought about sex. She guessed it was wicked of her to keep asking Pete for it. She should be content and satisfied with what he gave her. She wasn't though. Vicki wasn't satisfied at all. Maybe she expected too much from fucking. She had been a virgin when Pete married her. She didn't really have any idea of what fucking was supposed to be like. Maybe what she'd heard about tingles and thrills and ecstasy had been just talk.

"Ooooh, darn!" Vicki breathed softly. She could feel her tits throbbing again. Her nipples were swollen where they were rubbing against the sheet and her pussy itched something awful. She wished that she could talk Pete into fucking her again before he left. That was impossible though. Pete had made that clear last night.

Vicki's finger plucked at the rosy nubs of her tits. They stood straight up and quivered, pulsing and throbbing. She had the terribly naughty desire to press them to Pete's face and make him suck them. That was terrible! She knew that nice girls didn't do things like that.

Pete mumbled something in his sleep and Vicki's body tensed. She hoped he wasn't awake. It would be terrible if he caught her pinching her own nipples. Pete wasn't awake though. His eyes were closed and he was sound asleep. He was only dreaming.

Vicki's slim fingers trailed down her body. She knew it was sinful, touching herself right in front of Pete. It was sinful to do it at all, but doing it in the same bed with her husband was doubly sinful. The ache in her pussy was too strong to ignore though. Vicki just had to stroke her quivering pussyflesh with her fingers.

Vicki thought about her wedding night. She had been so excited. She was sure that fucking with Pete was going to be wonderful. She shivered as she remembered her lusty feelings as she waited in her new nightgown. Pete was in the bathroom when she undressed for bed. Vicki knew that she looked sexy. Her nightgown was filmy and it was the kind that you could sec right through. She trembled as she waited for Pete to finish his shower. She could hardly wait to lose her cherry.

When Pete came into the room, she was ready for him. She hugged him tightly when he crawled under the sheets and pressed her body up against his. Then she kissed him eagerly, expecting him to rip the nightgown from her body and fuck her.

When Pete didn't take off her nightgown, Vicki pulled it off herself. She snuggled right up against him and nuzzled the side of his neck. At first she was a little worried about Pete's lack of interest in her. Then she realized that he must be holding back, trying to be considerate of her feelings.

"Let's do it," she giggled, grabbing his hand and putting it right on her tit. "I want you to fuck me, Pete. I can hardly wait."

Pete had rolled her over almost dutifully. He spread his legs and sighed as his cock pressed up against her moist, quivering pussymound.

"We... we could wait until tomorrow," he suggested. "I know you're probably nervous and everything, honey."

"Oh, no!" Vicki exclaimed. "I want to do it now. I'm not nervous, honey... really! I can hardly wait to try it."

Pete sighed. He held his cock in his hand and aimed it right at her cunt. When he started to shove it forward, Vicki held her breath. Dizzying waves of sensation rippled through her body. Pete's cock was so hard and big. Her little pussy flooded as it bumped up against her cuntmouth and tried to go in.

"Shove it in, Pete!" Vicki insisted. "Just do it... I don't, care if it hurts. I want to do it anyway."

Where Pete's dock pressed against her pussy, there was a spot of heat. It felt like his cock was burning her pussy. It wasn't an unpleasant sensation though. It was exciting to Vicki. She could hardly wait to feel that long hard thing in her cunt. She just knew she was going to love it. She knew that sex was supposed to be lots of fun.

Vicki held her breath as Pete plunged harder. There was a faint pop deep in her pussy and his cock slid all the way in. Her virgin pussy hurt a little as it stretched out to accommodate his big cock. There was a feeling of tightness coupled with an excited yearning deep in her cunt.

Pete seemed surprised that his cock had gone in so easily. He was pleased though. Vicki saw his grin of pleasure. Then Pete grabbed her tightly and started to work his cock in and out of her tiny pulsing hole.

"Oooooh," Vicki moaned. It was beginning to feel just fine now that her pussy had stretched out.

Pete stopped suddenly. "Am I honing you?" he asked, his voice low and strained.

"Nooooo," Vicki moaned. "You're not hurting me at all, honey. It feels just fine. I really like it."

Pete went back to pulling his cock in and out. He did it four or five times quickly and then he let out a strange sounding yelp.

"What happened?" Vicki asked, feeling a throbbing sensation in her pussy and a wet warmth spreading out at the back of her trembling cuntchannel. "Is there something wrong, Pete?"

Pete took a long time about answering. He was breathing hard and it took him a moment to catch his breath.

"There's nothing wrong," he said at last. "How did you like it, honey? Was that good?"

Vicki gasped suddenly. Now she understood why her pussy was so wet and warm. Pete had come already. His cock had hosed right up her pussy and it was all over. Nothing had happened to her though. She hadn't felt any of the thrills that she'd heard about.

"That was... just wonderful, honey!" Vicki said, crossing her fingers for lying. "It... it's really fun, isn't it?"

Pete chuckled. "You'll like it better once you get used to it," he said proudly. "It's never as much fun the first time for a girl. You just wait until the next time we do it. You'll like it even more then."

Vicki had smiled. That sounded like a reasonable explanation. She fell asleep holding Pete's hand dreaming of the time that she would feel all those wonderful thrills.

Vicki still felt disappointed when she remembered her expectations. It never had gotten much better. She got better at pretending to be satisfied, but those thrills never came. Vicki tried to fuck with Pete every chance she got. She read somewhere that a woman had to get used to her lover before she had orgasms. That didn't seem to work in her case though. The more she tried, the more frustrated she got. She finally had to go back to playing with her clit the way she used to do when she was in school.

Vicki shivered in the early morning light. She almost wished that Pete would wake up and find her using her fingers on her pussy. Maybe he'd be tempted to slap her hand away and do it to her himself.

Vicki's fingers twirled over her straining clitty. She flicked the erect button back and forth and her pussy flashed heatedly. Maybe she was a wicked girl for feeling her pussy with her fingers but she had to do something. The ache in Vicki's pussy got so bad sometimes, she thought she'd go crazy if she didn't have some way of taking care of it.

"Mmmmmmm," Vicki groaned. She spread her legs out widely so that her fingers would have plenty of room to work. She wanted to give her pussy a good come before Pete woke up. Maybe then she could be in a good mood to say goodbye to him.

Vicki's fingers swirled faster and faster. Her breath sputtered out in little hot gasps and the bed began to shake a little as her fingers picked up speed.

"Fuck me!" Vicki gasped. "Fuck me hard!"

Vicki didn't know what she was saying. She just knew that she wanted someone to fuck her. It didn't do any good to plead with Pete. She tried to imagine another man fucking her. A man like Hank, Stella's husband. Hank would be a good lover, Vicki was sure of that. Stella always looked very happy when Hank was home. Vicki was sure that Stella didn't have the problem she had with Pete. Vicki wished she knew Stella a little better. Then she could ask Stella some of the questions that were bothering her. She could ask her if it was normal to want as much fucking as she did.

Vicki thought about a nice stiff cock sliding into her nipping pussy. She rimmed the mouth of her pussy with one slim finger. Then she held her breath and plunged it in. It felt so wonderful that Vicki added another finger. Now there were two fingers squishing and thrusting into her creamy cunt. Still that wasn't as big as a cock. Vicki added a third finger and plunged that in too. That felt just right. With three fingers thrusting into her quivering cunt, Vicki could pretend that a nice big, stiff cock was fucking her to orgasm.

The straining bump of Vicki's clit tingled demandingly. Vicki reached down with her other hand and flicked her clitty. That made her fingers feel even better in her moist pussy. The harder she jiggled her clit, the harder her pussy nipped at the plunging fingers. Vicki closed her eyes and imagined that Pete was fucking her this way. If she had even half this much fun in bed with Pete, Vicki figured that she wouldn't be craving to fuck all the time.

Vicki rolled all the way on her back and tilted her pelvis up. She spread her knees and fucked her fingers all the way up her flooding cunt. Her clit pulsed and strained under her other hand.

Vicki's arms squeezed in against her tits. Her arms pressed up against the quivering mounds of flesh and made them thrust out in high cones. Her nipples swelled out as she watched, and jutted from the ends of her titties, red and pulsing.

"Aaaahhhhh!" Vicki moaned. Her asscheeks ground against the mattress as she moved her hips in tight little circles. That made her fingers plunge in even farther.

Vicki was so hot that juice squirted out around her deeply imbedded fingers. Her clitty felt like it was ready to explode and bunt into flame. She had never felt like this before. Maybe it was imagining what fucking could be like if Pete were another man. Maybe it was her thoughts of Hank that were making her so excited. Vicki knew that she had to get her hot pussy to come. She wouldn't be satisfied until the sweet waves tingled through her body.

Vicki felt the bed shake as her fingers twirled and fucked in her spasming cunt. Her ass rolled against the sheets and her other hand rolled and pinched at her clit with wild abandon. Vicki was going to come hard this time. She could feel the hot waves of pleasure building up in her pussy. She just hoped that she would have time before the alarm clock went off. She didn't want Pete to catch her with her fingers in her pussy. He would never understand something like this. Vicki could never, in a million years, explain the urges that filled her lusty cunt.

Vicki's knees started to tremble. They spread out wider and wider until they were almost horizontal with the bed. She felt like she was doing the splits when she was a cheerleader in highschool. It made her pussy easier to reach though. Vicki needed to have lots of room to sink her plunging fingers in her hot cunt.

Vicki's cuntmouth gaped open wide. She could see how pink and wet her pussy was getting. That bearing the sounds she made, caused Vicki to shudder in passion. Her fingers were making shameful sounds of sucking and squishing as they dove into her moist pussy.

Suddenly Vicki's legs tensed. She moaned softly and plunged her fingers iii even harder. Dizzying waves of orgasm tore through her lusty pussy and made her shudder wildly. It felt like her pussy was turning inside out the way it was clinging to her fingers.

Vicki tossed her head back and forth on the pillow and her titties jiggled wildly. She was so excited that she never even noticed Pete's eyes flicker open.

Pete had been sleeping peacefully when the bed started shaking. He thought it was part of his dream at first. He was dreaming about driving the truck and it fit perfectly with his dream.

Pete wasn't sure when he had really awakened. He just knew that suddenly he had become aware of a raspy breathing sound next to him. He opened his eyes quickly, thinking that Vicki was probably having a nightmare.

Pete blinked rapidly. He pinched himself to make sure that he was really awake. Then his eyes focused on the sight next to him and his breath caught in his throat. He just couldn't believe what Vicki was doing. It was absolutely disgraceful. He could hardly stand to think about the sinful thing his own, sweet wife was doing.

Pete felt a shudder of revulsion run through his body. He couldn't stop watching, though. He just had to see everything that Vicki was doing. He could see her fingers bunched together, jamming into the pink mouth of her pussy. He watched her other hand do something to the top of her pussyslit. She was jiggling her fingers and moaning at the same time. At first Pete was sure that his wife was possessed.

Suddenly Vicki smiled widely. She closed her eyes and whispered something. Pete couldn't hear her the first time but she said it again more clearly.

"Fuck me!" Vicki hissed. "Please fuck me! I want your big cock to make my pussy come!"

Pete held his breath. He wondered if he should say something to Vicki. He didn't know if he had the nerve. If Vicki really woke up and realized what she was doing, kite would probably never get over being embarrassed. Maybe it would be better to just lie there and see what she was going to do. She wouldn't be able to keep this up for long. Her fingers must be getting tired, jamming them in and out of her pussy that way.

Vicki groaned again. Her pussy spasmed wildly and she plunged her finger in, all the way to the knuckles. It felt so good that she could hardly keep from yelling right out loud.

"Yessss," she hissed. "Oh, yes Pete... that's so wonderful. So much better than before."

Vicki's head jolted back on the pillow. She pulled her fingers from her pussy with a quick snap and jerked the sheet up around her shoulders. Now that it was over she was embarrassed. She never should have taken the chance on being caught by Pete. Playing with her pussy was one thing, but doing it in front of her husband was even worse. Vicki was almost certain that Pete never guessed she played with her pussy after they fucked.

Vicki tried to stay calm. She peeked out at her husband and sighed gratefully as she saw his eyes were closed. Thank God Pete didn't know about her lewd little vice. He'd never understand... never!


Stella giggled as Hank presented her with the box that contained his going-away present. She was just about to unwrap it when they heard a knock on the front door.

"That must be Pete," Hank said, jerking the box out of Stella's hands and putting it under a pillow on the couch. "Don't open that now, Stella... I don't want you to open it in front of Pete. That's all I'd hear about for the next two days if he saw what was in that package. Pete'd be convinced that both of us were going to hell in a handbasket."

"I'll go let Pete in," Stella said, hurrying to the door. "You get your suitcase and I'll drive you both down to the truck."

Stella's mind wasn't exactly on her good-byes when she waved the two men off in the truck. She was in a real hurry to get back home and open the present. She couldn't imagine why Hank hadn't wanted her to open it in front of Pete. It must be something really personal for him to act that way.

When Stella pulled into the driveway she saw Vicki's battered VW there ahead of her. Vicki was sitting in the car waiting for her. Stella frowned slightly. That was odd. Vicki usually had some sort of church thing to go to on Monday mornings. There must be something wrong or she wouldn't be here this early.

"Have... have you got time for a cup of coffee?" Vicki called out, getting out of the car. Her voice sounded kind of strange and Stella noticed that her eyes were red, as if she'd been crying.

"Sure," Stella agreed quickly. "Come on in, Vicki. It's always good to see you."

"I... I would never have bothered you this early," Vicki said as she sat down at the kitchen table. "This is sort of an emergency though. I... I just couldn't stand to stay home another second!"

"Sounds like you need a good shoulder to cry on," Stella murmured, patting the young girl on the shoulder. "I ought to kidnap you for the day and take you down to the truckstop. I could sure use an extra pair of hands right now. I'm short a waitress on the night shift."

Vicki's hands stopped trembling. "Gosh! Do you think I could help you out?" she asked. Her voice sounded excited and a little smile flickered across her face.

"I think that's part of my problem," she confessed. "I'm bored at home. There's nothing to do except that stupid church work and I just hate it!"

Stella didn't remember the box waiting for her in the living room until she and Vicki had arranged for a uniform and discussed the shift that Vicki would work. Then she started giggling when she remembered.

"Hank gave me a present before he left," Stella said, running to the living mom and coming back with the box. "He said I couldn't open it in front of Pete. You won't tell if I open it now, will you?"

"No," Vicki promised. "I wonder what it is. Hurry and open it Stella. It sounds mysterious."

Stella untied the ribbon and loosened the paper on the package. Both of them stared at the long box for a moment.

"Hurry up," Vicki urged. "The suspense is killing me. I want to see why Hank wouldn't let you open it in front of Pete."

Stella lifted the lid on the box. Her eyes opened wide and she blinked, in astonishment. Then she howled with laughter and held out the box so Vicki could see.

Vicki stared at the plastic thing in the box for a long time. She didn't know what to say. She couldn't figure out what it was but it must be something funny because Stella was laughing so hard she was almost crying.

"Uh... what is it?" Vicki asked, blushing a little. "I don't get it, Stella. What's it for anyway?"

Stella put her hands to her face. She was laughing so hard she couldn't even talk.

"You... You don't know what that is?" she gasped. "Oh, Vicki! It's funny! That's a dildo and Hank must have figured I needed it while he was gone!"

Vicki's face turned red. She knew what a dildo was but she'd never seen one before. She stared at the object in the box with amazement and then she giggled slightly.

"I never thought they'd look like that," she blurted out. "It looks pretty big, doesn't it?"

Stella laughed even harder. She pulled a paper out of the bottom of the box and read it silently. Then she howled with laughter again.

"It says this is the super-deluxe model," she chortled. "It's supposed to satisfy every urge. It's battery powered. Look!"

Stella grabbed the bright pink shaft and turned the end of it. The obscene thing started to whirl away vibrating and buzzing.

"You're supposed to put that in... oooooh." Vicki wailed, beginning to laugh just as hard as Stella. "Maybe that's what I need. Then my fingers wouldn't get tired."

Vicki's laughter stopped abruptly. She looked embarrassed.

"I... I didn't mean to say that!" she gasped, putting her hand over her mouth. "I... I'm sorry, Stella. I just didn't think."

Stella giggled harder. "I know just what you mean," she said. "My fingers get pretty tired when Hank's gone, too. I sure miss his big cock when he goes on these long trips."

Vicki seemed to rein suddenly Stella hadn't acted shocked at all when she said that terrible thing. Not only that, Stella had admitted that she played with her own pussy too. Maybe she could talk to Stella and ask her some of the questions that were driving her crazy.

"Uh... can I ask you something, Stella?" Vicki pleaded. "I don't have anyone to talk to and I've just got to know something."

"Ask away," Stella urged. She was still giggling about the dildo and Vicki's comment. She tried to calm down a little though. She sensed that Vicki had a problem she wanted to talk about.

"Uh... is it normal, for a woman to want to... to fuck more than once a week?" Vicki asked, turning red with embarrassment. "Pete says it's sinful to want more than that."

Stella's eyes opened wide. She looked shocked and then she nodded.

"No wonder Hank didn't want me to open this present in front of Pete," she said. "Pete sounds like he's as straight as a damn board. He doesn't know what he's talking about either. There's nothing wrong with fucking every night if you want to. Even more if you like. You can't put a limit on fucking. You just do it when you want to."

Vicki's eyes opened wide. "I... I'd be a nympho if I wanted it all the time though, wouldn't I?" she asked.

Stella began to see the light. "You want it more often than Pete does, right?" she asked. "Then he tells you you're sinful for wanting more fucking than he does."

"Uh... yes," Vicki admitted. "That's how it happens."

"I think I'd better have Hank talk to your husband a little," Stella suggested. "He sounds like he doesn't know anything about sex. Is he good in a bed, Vicki?"

Vicki blushed beet-red... I don't know, she murmured. "I think it's my fault that I don't like it that much. It's just not as much fun as I thought it would be."

"Good God," Stella sighed. "Don't you ever come when Pete fucks you?"

"Noooo," Vicki admitted in a small voice. "I... I never have. Pete doesn't know it though. He... he thinks everything is just fine."

"Here," Stella said, pushing the box into Vicki's hands. "Take this home with you. It sounds like you need it worse than I do. Now run and pick up your uniform and I'll meet you at the restaurant at five."

Vicki stuffed the box in her big purse. She didn't look at it again until she got home. Then she pulled the dildo out of the box and grinned at it.

"Maybe I should try it out," she mused. "It's sure to be more fun than fucking with Pete."

Vicki undressed quickly and stretched out on the bed. She felt a lot better after talking to Stella. Just telling someone else about her problem had helped.

Vicki started to laugh as she thought how shocked Pete would be to see her with the plastic pink dildo. He would really think she was sinful if he could see her now. She turned the little knob at the end and the plastic cock started whirring lewdly. Vicki giggled. This was going to be fun.

Vicki probed the tight little ring of her cuntmouth with the plastic cock. It tickled. She liked the feeling. It made her pussy quiver and tingle. It might just feel good if she ran the tip of the vibrator over her clit. She liked that when she did it with her fingers. It would be fun to try it with the plastic prick.

"Ooooooh," Vicki squealed as the plastic vibrator slipped through her juicy pussytissues. It tickled and whirred, making her giggle with delight. She nosed it up her wet pussygroove and held her breath as she neared the quivering nub of her clit. Then she pressed the vibrator down so that it pushed right against her throbbing love button.

"Ahhhh!" Vicki sighed. That felt great. Her whole pussy was shaking now and funny little tickly sensations made her clit quiver with lust.

Vicki spread her legs wide. She pressed the pink cock back down again. It whirled tight down her slippery pussygap until it came to the mouth of her cunt. It nestled right down and whirled at the tight ring of flesh.

Vicki's pussy contracted. She could feel it spasming wildly. She pressed the vibrator down with her fingers so it nosed right into her shuddering pussychannel. Then she groaned in bliss.

The plastic cock felt much better than a real one. It wouldn't come too soon and shrink up like Pete's cock did. She could press it into her slippery pussytunnel for just as long as she wanted and it wouldn't wilt. She wished that Pete's cock would be as hard as the plastic one. Then maybe she'd enjoy fucking more.

Vicki pressed the vibrator in farther. It slid up her pussychannel and made her whole body shake.

It was nice and long. She pushed it in farther and farther until only the knob on the end was sticking out.

"Aaaaaah!" Vicki sighed. She pressed her legs together tightly to hold the plastic cock in place and her hands flew to her titties. This was wonderful. Now she could play with her nipples while the plastic cock vibrated her pussy. She knew she could come this way.

Vicki's mouth opened. She licked her lips wetly. She wished that there was some way she could suck her own titties. Her neck wouldn't bend that far, though. She would have to be content with pulling and pinching her nipples with her fingers.

Vicki licked her fingers. She touched her nipples and got them all wet and slippery. That felt almost like someone was sucking them. Her fingers plucked and rolled the hard little nubs of her nipples between them. Every time her fingers pulled at her nipples, lift le ripples of excitement washed over her pussy. It felt so good that Vicki could hardly stand it. She knew that something was going to happen soon. Her excitement was growing so strong she could hardly breathe.

The whirring vibrator made a throbbing start at the very back of Vicki's cunt. Her pussy walls squeezed and nipped around the stiff plastic shaft. Her fingers plucked at her nipples harder and harder as her pussy creamed wildly.

As the sensations in Vicki's hot pussy got more and more intense, she twisted her nipples desperately. The hard little marbles of pink flesh were bright red now and they were swollen and throbbing. Vicki felt her nipples get hatter and hotter until they felt like they were going to burst into flame.

Vicki's tits were swelling now. Vicki's eyes closed in passion. The waves of pleasure sweeping through her pussy were getting better and bigger each second.

Suddenly Vicki thought of Hank. Her pussy contracted wildly. Stella had said that Hank was a good lover. Vicki wondered what it would be like to fuck with Hank. She bet he had a big cock, probably as big as the dildo he bought for Stella.

Then Vicki had another thought that made her blush crimson. She wondered if Stella would tell Hank that she had loaned Vicki the dildo. Vicki would just die of embarrassment if Hank found out. He would think she was terrible, using Stella's dildo and acting like a sex-crazy woman. He wouldn't tell Pete though. Vicki was sure of that. After all, Hank had told Stella not to open the package in front of Pete. That meant he already knew how straight Pete was.

Vicki's mind whirled right along with the plastic cock in her pussy. Maybe Stella could get Hank to talk to Pete. It might do some good. Vicki didn't dare hope for much though. Hank started talking about sex with Pete, Pete would probably refuse to listen. Pete had definite ideas of right and wrong. Talking about sex was definitely wrong.

Vicki felt her pussy spin higher and higher toward orgasm. She thought about Stella and Hank. She wondered if Stella would use the dildo right in front of Hank for kicks. She probably would. Hank and Stella didn't seem embarrassed about sex the way she and Pete were. They'd probably talk about the plastic cock and Hank would ask Stella to show him how it worked. Then watching Stella use the pink plastic prick would make Hank get excited and he would fuck her.

Vicki's pussy contracted harder and harder. She thought about Hank fucking Stella and she drew in her breath sharply. She wished that she could try Hank's prick instead of the artificial one he had given Stella. Maybe, if she and Stella got to be really good friends, Stella would let Hank fuck her. Then she would know what it was like to fuck with someone really good. Maybe Hank would do all sorts of exciting things in bed.

Vicki's fantasy got more and more real as the plastic cock whirled and churned in her wet pussy. She'd read about some of the kinky things people did in a book she'd gotten from one of the girls in school once. Maybe Hank did things like that. Maybe he would lick her pussy and chew on her titties. Vicki couldn't even imagine what it would feel like to have a long, hot tongue in her pussyhole. She wished she knew what it was like though. She wanted to try everything there was to try. She wanted to feel a cock slide up her steamy little shitter. She wanted to suck a mans cock. She wanted to have two men fuck her at once, one in her cunt and another in her mouth or maybe even her asshole. The plastic cock was making Vicki's mind turn positively lewd and it was fun for a change.

"Aaaagh!" Vicki gasped. She felt like she was climbing a mountain of lust. She was almost at the top flaw. The back of her pussy was sucking at the plastic cock and she could feel the tremors of orgasm start sweeping through her body.

"Aaaagh!" Vicki squealed. "Oh, yes! YES! AAAAAAGH!"

Vicki's pussy snapped wildly. It snapped so hard that she was afraid the plastic cock would slip all the way in her pussy and she'd never get it out. She held on to the end of it tightly with her fingers and sobbed as the tide of passion rushed through her whole body.

"Ooooooh," Vicki sighed when her pussy stopped coming at last. She drew the plastic vibrator out of her trembling pussy and snapped it off. Then she laughed wildly.

"I'm sick of being a good girl!" she announced to the empty apartment. "If you can't take care of my pussy, Pete, I'm just going to have to find someone that can!"


Hank sat in the booth at the bar and sipped a drink. She didn't know what was wrong with Pete.

Pete had been silent all day and he was really guzzling the liquor tonight. Hank hoped that Pete wouldn't pass out on his feet. He didn't want to get stuck with taking care of a drunken relief-driver. Hank had something else planned for himself tonight. He was supposed to meet Mary, the truckstop waitress, in just five minutes.

"I don't see how you get away with seeing all these girls on the wad," Pete said drunkenly. "Don't you even feel guilty about going out on Stella?"

Hank grinned. So that was it. Pete was going to give him another lecture on being faithful to Stella.

"Nope," Hank replied. "Stella can go out on me when I'm on the road. We've got an understanding. You ought to try it with Vicki sometime. It's not normal for a guy to go without sex for two weeks."

"It's not?" Pete asked. "I thought once a week was pretty good. That's what the Reverend said when I asked him."

Hank chuckled. That damn church Pete belonged to was going to be the death of him.

"I suppose the Reverend's married," Hank said, knowing full well that he wasn't.

"Uh... no," Pete said, taking another swig of his drink. "The Reverend doesn't believe that men of God should be married."

"See?" Hank chuckled. "Your Reverend doesn't know a damn thing about fucking. I bet he's never even seen a naked woman."

Pete looked a little confused. Then he laughed. "Maybe you're right, good buddy," he said. "Just maybe you're right!"

"Hi there, Hank," a woman's voice called out. Hank looked up to see Mary and another girl grinning at them.

"This is my cousin, Betty," Mary said, sliding into the booth beside Hank. "She's down from Memphis visiting. I told her maybe we all could go out and have some fun."

Hank glanced uneasily at Pete. Pete wasn't watching Hank though. He was too busy staring at Betty's big tits, juggling provocatively as she slid into the booth beside him.

"Are those real?" Pete gasped. Then he gasped as he realized what he'd said.

Betty giggled. "Everybody always asks me that," she said with a sexy drawl. "They sure are, honey. Here... give me your hand and I'll show you."

Before Pete could do anything but stare, Betty grabbed his hand and shoved it down the front of her blouse. She pressed his fingers right over her nipple and wiggled a little.

"Just squeeze, honey," she drawled. "Then you can tell for yourself."

Pete had the impulse to snatch his hand back out of Betty's blouse. His mind was whirling from the drinks though. He wasn't used to drinking and it was making him feel pretty worldly. He grabbed Betty's tit firmly and squeezed her nipple with his fingers.

"It's real, all right!" he commented, reaching for the other one. "I think I should check them both out though. Don't you think so, good buddy?"

Hank grinned. He couldn't believe the change in Pete. It was fine with him though. Maybe Pete was too drunk to realize what he was doing but Betty seemed to think he was acting just fine. She giggled as Pete squeezed her other tit and she leaned close to him and whispered something in his ear.

Pete grinned foolishly and reached across the table to nudge Hank's arm. "We're going out to the truck," he said loudly. "Betty's never seen the inside of a sleeper before."

Hank shook his head as Pete and Betty left the bar. Pete was staggering a little and, if Betty hadn't been right beside him, Hank was sure his buddy would have fallen.

"I thought you said Pete was straight." Mary giggled. "He sure didn't look alright to me."

Hank grinned. "I think Pete's just turned over a new leaf. I'd like to see what happens out at the truck."

"Let's go out and peek at them," Mary said, her eyes sparkling. "Pete'd never know the difference. We could get in the cab so quiet they'd never even notice."

Hank chuckled. "That's the best idea I've heard all night," he said. "Let's give them a little head start. It's going to take Pete a couple of minutes to unlock the cab in his condition."

Mary and Hank approached the truck about ten minutes later. They could see the light on in the deeper. Hank almost laughed right out loud as he crawled up into the cab. He picked up a pair of lacy blue panties and held them out to Mary.

"It didn't take your cousin long to get out of these," he whispered.

"Ooooooh, that feels wonderful, honey," Betty's voice called from the depths of the sleeper. "Do it again. I just love it."

Hank pulled the curtain back just a little. He and Mary leaned lick so the could peer into the deeper. When Hank saw what Pete was doing he had all he could do to keep from laughing.

"I think that's the first time Pete's ever done anything like this," Betty whispered. "He sure acts like he's enjoying it, though."

Pete's face was pressed right up to Betty's big, soft tits. His mouth was open and his eyes were closed. He was sucking and nuzzling at her nipples like a happy baby, chewing blissfully. He didn't even open his eyes when Mary rolled the curtain back farther. Pete was so intent on sucking Betty's titties that they could have hollered right out loud and he probably wouldn't have even noticed.

"Mmmmmmm," Betty moaned. She opened her eyes and stared straight at Mary and Hank. Then her long, thick eyelashes lowered in a sexy wink.

"Lick me all over, lover," Betty moaned. She wiggled down a little farther so Pete's head was right next to the curve of her belly. "I want to feel that nice hot tongue of yours slide over my wet pussy."

Hank grinned. He figured that Pete would back out when it came to licking pussies. He was sure that Pete hadn't done that before. Pete just kept on licking though. He didn't even seem to realize that Betty had slid down on the mattress.

"Mmmmm, tickles," Pete growled, rubbing his face against Betty's nest of pussyhair.

"It's not a kitty," Betty giggled. She was getting a real kick out of Pete's drunken comments. "It's a pussy. Lick my nice hot pussy, honey. I just love that."

Pete stuck his tongue out. He lapped over the furry mound of Betty's pussy and stuck his tongue right down between her pink cuntlips. He acted surprised for a moment, but he kept right on licking.

"Good!" he groaned. "Nice pussy... tastes really good!"

Betty moaned loudly. She spread her pussy open wide with her fingertips and stretched her legs apart. Both Hank and Mary could see that she was enjoying Pete's wet tongue.

"My clit," Betty urged. "Lick all the way to the top and find that little bump with your tongue."

Pete shook his head, dazed. He looked down and grinned. Then he licked right up the satiny hot groove of Betty's pussy until his tongue slid over the erect bump of her clitty.

"Oooooooh!" Betty gurgled. "That's it! Lick it right there. That's what I like. Bat my clit back and forth with your tongue."

Mary squeezed Hank's hand tightly. Watching her cousin get her pussy licked was making tingles of excitement ripple through Mary's hot pussy. She wished that she and Hank were doing it too. She just loved the way Hank licked her pussy. He made her come that way every time.

"Let's get back there with them," Mary suggested. "I can't stand to watch anymore. My pussy's hot, too. How about it, Hank? Can both of us fit back there?"

"Sure," Hank said, beginning to get turned on by the whole thing too. "Let's just crawl back there and join them. I don't think it'll bother Pete any. He's so drunk hell probably never remember what happened when he wakes up tomorrow."

Betty grinned when Hank and Mary climbed back into the sleeper. "Mow over, lover," she urged, sliding Pete over with her hands. "We've got company."

"That's nice," Pete said, not opening his eyes. His tongue kept sweeping over the surface of Betty's glistening pink pussy. Pete was really drunk. He wouldn't have noticed if a whole army had climbed beck in the sleeper.

"He's sure not straight now," Mary whispered, pointing to Pete. "Why don't you do the same thins Hank. My pussy could stand a good tongue-fucking."

Hank helped Mary slip out of her dress and panties. He tossed them into the cab and shook his head a little. He never would have believed that Pete would act like this when he had a few drinks. He'd have to make sure that Pete had a couple of drinks every place they stopped. This was more like it. It was a real drag being stuck with a straight relief driver. He liked things a lot better this way.

Mary giggled as she leaned back against the pillow. "Suck my titties first," she insisted. "Suck them just as good as Pete sucked Betty's."

Hank's lips closed around the perky nub of Mary's brown nipple. Her titties weren't as big as Betty's, but that didn't make any difference to Hank. Mary's tits still turned him on. He wasn't fucking her for her tits. He liked the way her hot pussy snapped. That was why he kept calling Mary every time he was in town.

Mary moaned as Hank nibbled at her round, perky tits. She loved it when he nipped at her tits with his lips. It made her pussy spasm wetly. She could hear the sound of her pussymouth snapping even now. She was really hot. Watching Betty and Pete had made her pussy snap almost shamefully.

"Mmmmm, get my pussy now, honey," Mary groaned, wiggling her hips and spreading her legs out to give Hank room. "Lick my pussy all over!"

Hank licked all the way down Mary's lush body.

He left a wet trail of hot saliva as his tongue traveled over her rounded tummy and down to her silky beaver. Then his tongue darted right in between the two petals of her pink cuntlips and lapped a wide path up her shivering pussygap.

"Oooooooh," Mary moaned. She reached out to grab Hank's head but she missed. Her hand felt something soft and hot. She squeezed it and heard Betty moan. Then she opened her eyes and looked down. Her fingers were squeezing the ripe mounds of Betty's tits.

"Ooooh, yes!" Betty squealed. "You squeeze my titties and I'll squeeze yours. That way the men can work on licking our pussies and we can take care of our tits."

Mary's mind whirled. She'd never done anything like that before. She'd never even been this close to another couple fucking. It was kind of exciting though. There was no reason not to try it. It might make Hank and Pete even more excited if they saw what was happening.

"Yes," Mary agreed. "Play with my nipples, Betty. That's what I like. Squeeze them between your fingers."

"You do it to me, too," Betty urged. "I like that, too."

Betty's pussy gave a sharp spasm of excitement. "Ooooh, this is going to be super!" she squealed, tugging at Mary's nipples.

At first Mary was a little embarrassed by Betty's lusty squeal. She didn't know how Hank would take the news that she was playing with her cousin's tits. She relaxed as soon as she saw Hank's expression though. He looked up and watched for a second. Then he went back to driving his tongue over her juicy cunt with renewed vigor. He lapped so deliciously that Mary couldn't hold back her own lusty squeal of delight.

"Poke your tongue in my pussyhole!" Betty urged, pushing Pete's head down lower. "Poke it right in and fuck me with your hot tongue."

Pete tried to do it. He slipped his tongue forward and fumbled around. There was a buzzing in his head, though. He felt like the whole truck was spinning around. The noise in Pete's ears got louder and louder. His head cleared for just an instant and he looked down right at Betty's open, flooding pussy.

"Jesus!" he gasped. Then he passed out cold.

"Oooooooh!" Betty wailed. She shoved and pulled at Pete's body but nothing was going to wake him up.

"Hey! Help me will you?" she wailed, grabbing Hank's head and pulling him up. "Pete just passed out and he's lying right on top of me!"

Mary looked over at her cousin. Then she started giggling. "Come on, Hank," she said. "Let's roll Pete into the cab. Then well have more room back here."

Hank lifted Pete's lax body and rolled him into the driver's seat of the cab. He laughed as he crawled back in the sleeper again.

"I'm really sorry about that, Betty," he said, still chuckling. "I knew Pete was drunk, but I didn't think he was that bad off."

Mary giggled. "I bet you didn't know that Pete was straight, did you Betty?"

Betty's mouth opened in amazement. Then she started laughing, too. "Straight? He didn't act straight to me."

"I bet he doesn't remember anything he did tonight when he comes to," Hank agreed. "I'd be willing to bet that Pete's never licked a pussy before. I don't know how you got him to do it."

Betty grinned. "I just wiggled until his face was right down there," she said. "The rest was easy. He's never licked pussy before, hub?"

"I don't think so," Hank said. "He's always been perfectly straight every other trip. I guess he just fell for those big tits of yours, Betty."

Betty looked down at her tits. Then she smiled and licked her lips. "How about a three-way fuck?" she suggested. "Pete got me all worked up and I've got to do something."

Mary laughed. "It's fine with me," she agreed. "How about it, Hank? You want to try both of us tonight?"

"Boy!" Hank grinned. "How lucky can a guy get?"

"Why don't you just stretch out and let Betty ride your cock?" Mary suggested. "Then I can sit on your face and you can fuck me with your big tongue. Doesn't that sound like fun?"

Hank turned over on his back before the girls could change their minds. His cock was hard and aching already. He'd never been in a three-way fuck before. This really was his lucky night.

"I'm all yours," Hank breathed, glancing down at his stiff cock. "Come on, Betty... get on and take a ride."

"Help me get up, honey," Betty urged straddling Hank's body clumsily. There wasn't much room to move in the sleeper. It was crowded with three people. The sleeper was designed to sleep one or two not to accommodate a three-way fuck.

Hank grabbed Betty's hips. His fingers dug into the soft flesh on her thighs and his cock started to jerk in readiness. Betty's tits were so big that they jutted right out toward his face. Hank couldn't resist leaning forward and lashing out at her big hard nipple with his tongue.

"Mmmmmm." Betty groaned. "I have a feeling this is going to be a real ball."

Betty braced herself against Hank's arms. She positioned her creamy pussy until it was right over the head of Hank's engorged cock.

"Are you ready, lover?" she gasped. "Do you want me t

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Big clited teacher

It was an early spring day in Vermont. I had turned 14 a few months ago and my voice had finally dropped down and stopped squeaking. I had only recently discovered that my penis would suddenly grow and stiffen when I sat in the sun and its warmth stu ..continue reading

Grandma Madeline

Let me start by telling you a little about myself. During the time of events, I had just turned 18, I was your typical teen. A bit shy, kind of a loner, grew up in shitty lifestyle. My dad was out of the picture and my mom, well my mom, let’s just ..continue reading

Shemale step sister

Someone was watching me. It was my 18 year old step-brother Ethan. He was standing right outside my door, peeking in though the almost imperceptible gap where the door handle was too small for the hole it was in. It was a defect born of my dad's dete ..continue reading

My own sexrobot

I had been working for a major robotic industry, not only designing them, but helping build many of them. Everything was perfect, I had obtained the position right out of college, advanced quickly up through the company, until finally I was in charge ..continue reading

Bag Boy Sex Toy

I was a bag boy at my local super market when I was in High School. It was a pretty good deal since I made decent money for a kid my age and I got to carry groceries for all the hot moms in the neighbor hood. My favorite was Ms. Garcia. I thought she ..continue reading

The Secret Life of Michelle

If anyone had ever looked at Michelle, while passing her on the street, you'd never guess how interesting this girl was. She was a long haired brunette, with a fairly athletic build, and a great smile. Michelle was well liked among her friends at the ..continue reading