
Scat service - sex story

Scat service

I hurry home after work. It's Friday, rent day. I pay
my rent twice a week to my landlord. His name is Jerry,
and he collects rent on Tuesday and Friday. I made the
deal and I keep it every time. I enjoy rent day. And
besides I really need to pay the rent today. By the way
my name is Karen and I'm a blonde BBW. I'm 5 foot 6
inches 160 lbs with 38-D tits and a beautiful wide ass.

I used to pay cash once a month and I noticed how Jerry
would stare at my ass when he came over to fix things
and get his money. But then one day about 6 months ago
I had to leave as he was there fixing my shower. When I
came home he was gone. I went in the bathroom and I
noticed that my hamper lid was up.

I always left it down. I went over and noticed 2 pair
of underwear on the top. I picked them up and they were
damp. They were the ones that I had left streaks on and
they were damp! Jerry had licked the streaks off! At
first I was upset that he would do something like that,
but then I got to thinking. The thought of a man
licking my stained underwear turned me on and I decided
to lay a trap.

I deliberately left a pair of very streaked panties in
the hamper. I left my ass dirty and sat and rubbed it
against them. I had already set up a small video camera
on the towel across from my hamper and toilet. I
covered it with towels and you wouldn't notice it
unless you really looked for it. I loosened the nuts
under the sink and the water started to drip.

I called Jerry and told him to come down right away. He
agreed quickly and said he would be right down. I
turned on the camera when he pulled up and walked out.
I told him that I would be back in about 2 hours and to
please lock up when he left. He smiled and told me
sure, no problem.

I came back and he was gone. I went upstairs and
grabbed the camera. I went into my bedroom and started
to change as my VCR rewound the tape. The tape ran on
just the room for a few minutes then he walked in. He
went to the sink and checked the pipes. I heard him
whistle as he tightened the nuts and the drip stopped.

He called out my name and walked to the window looking
out at the driveway. He then went to my hamper and
opened it. He started to pull out my underwear (I had
put them under a few things) checking the ass panels on
them. He found the dirty ones and stopped. He put them
to his face and sniffed them.

I started to get wet as I watched him drop his pants
and his cock popped out, man was he hung! He started to
lick the streaks moaning to himself as he jerked his
meat. I watched him, my pussy getting wetter as he
cleaned my underwear with his tongue.

He groaned saying that he wished my wide ass was there
for him to clean and came into my toilet, his cum
spurting out of him as he sucked on my shit stains. He
buried them down and cleaned up and left licking his
lips as he walked out. My box was dripping wet when it
was over. I came 3 times as I watched it that night
imagining he was licking my ass clean.

I called him later that month and said that he had to
come down and fix my toilet. It was leaking and
running. He was to come down Friday and I left my
camera in place again. I had done something different
this time. I left a big smear of shit on the toilet
seat and left some in the toilet.

I called him and said that I had to leave again and
that he should let himself in. I came back just as he
was leaving. He turned his head and said that he had to
buy some parts for the toilet. He would bring the parts
next Monday when he came down for rent. He drove away
and I ran upstairs to my camera.

I undressed and started the tape as I lay on the bed.
He walked in the bathroom and went to the toilet. He
saw the seat smear and stared at it. He dropped to his
knees and sniffed at the smear, groaning to himself. He
took out his cock and started to lick the seat, jerking
himself off as he licked. His was looking towards the
garbage can and he stopped.

He reached over and took out one of my used pads; I had
started my period that day. I groaned as I watched him
start to lick my used pad. He wiped the pad over the
seat and started to suck on it, groaning with pleasure.
He shot his wad all over himself and I watched as he
licked his hand clean. He stood up and put the pad in
the garbage. He heard me pull up and yanked his pants
up and left. I came over and over that night watching
him. I decided to use the tape and make him my toilet

He came down for the rent 3 days later and I invited
him in. The tape was already in the VCR and I pushed
the play button as he sat down to write out my receipt.

"This is a good movie Jerry, look."

He looked up and saw himself on the tape.

"Oh no. Uhhhh... Listen Karen I'm really sorry

"Interesting. Isn't it? I wonder if your friends and
parents would like a copy? What do you think? Does they
know you�re a shit eater? Hmmm? Well! Do they?"

"Nnnnooo... They don't know. Please don't tell them!!
I'll do anything you ask. Please Karen! I'll give you
free rent!"

"Oh no!! I'll still pay the rent...don't you worry
about that! As a matter of fact I'm going to pay you at
least twice a week now. But... It won't be money. I'm
going to give you something else. Can you think of what
it might be? As a matter of fact lets pay some right
now. Undress and get on the floor on your back, NOW!"

He started to undress as I watched. He was shaking as
his pants came off but I could see him getting hard. He
was getting turned on by this!! I couldn't believe my
luck. Oh the plans I had for him. He laid down on the
floor his cock standing up. I stood over him placing my
foot in his crotch and pushing down.

"Look at you! Did I say you could get hard?" I asked as
I increased the pressure on his balls. He groaned and
squirmed under my foot. I lifted my skirt as I
straddled his face and lowered my ass down above it. I
sat on my knees over his face spreading my ass cheeks.
I could hardly wait! My belly was full; I hadn't moved
my bowels since the taping.

"Lick it Jerry! Get it wet! MMMMMmmmmm," I groaned as
his tongue moved over my ass.

"Yeah! Do it! You like licking my shit off my panties!?
Well no longer baby! Now you'll get it right from my
ass! Fresh and hot! You�re my toilet now!! And don't
waste none of it! Here you go shit eater! Eat this!"

He groaned as I settled onto his open mouth relaxing my
ass and my shit pushed out of me. I covered his face
with my ass cutting off his air, shitting into his
mouth as he chewed and swallowed desperately. Trying to
keep up with 3 days worth of it. I could hear him
choking and I lifted up giving him a breath. He gasped
and swallowed down my shit.

"Oh no... You're not done yet! I got lots more rent for
you." I said as my ass covered his face again. I pushed
more out into his mouth, watching his flat belly
getting bigger as he ate it. He grunted and groaned but
I stayed were I was, feeding him my hot brown shit and
smothering him with my ass. I kept him under my cheeks
for about 30 minutes feeding and smothering him.

I must have fed him 5 pounds of shit that night and he
chewed it all down. I even gave him a hot drink to wash
it down with. His belly was big when I finished and
straddled his cock, riding him to 3 orgasms till he
blew in me. I was smiling as I straddled his face.

"Clean me toilet!! Lick it clean and suck it all out of
my box!"

He just groaned and did as he was told..such a good
boy!! As he cleaned me I laid down the rules. He would
come every Tuesday and Friday for his rent, which I
would save for him. If it couldn't wait he was to come
when I called. I was to be called Miss and he was just
"toilet". Before each meal he was to beg and after he
would thank me for feeding him. I would also use his
mouth for any other purpose I desired. To my surprise
he agreed quietly calling me Miss as he thanked me. I
groaned and came as he thanked me for his feeding.

That was 6 months ago. I'm glad works over, it's been a
long day and I'm grouchy. I think I'll spank him before
we start today. Having my period always makes me this
way. I stained my panties it came early. Oh well... I
have a good cleaning service...

Keys: human toilet scat shit pee wc

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