
The Dress Shoppe - Lesbian sex - sex story

The Dress Shoppe - Lesbian sex

I was visiting Montreal, Canada for the first time in a long time
and decided to do some window shopping on St. Catharine Street,
before I headed back to the hotel. Walking and looking in the
store windows I saw this quaint little shop with some Summer
prints in the window. Now usually I can't buy anything off the
rack because it always needs to be let out in the bust, so I
usually wear just tops and pants, but I decided to give it a try.

Opening the door I was greeted by a little bell announcing my
arrival and welcomed by a striking lady, who I assumed to be the
owner, while another lady sat in a chair nearby. With a smile she
welcomed me in French, and I replied in English that I was
interested in the prints in the window.

Looking me up and down, she asked "a size 4?" "No" I replied,
"I'm a size 6". "Follow me" she said, as we headed to the back
and the changing rooms. Upon entering the room I noticed it was
nothing like the changing rooms I was used to. It had lamps and a
small sofa, which gave it a continental touch.

She motioned to me to remove my clothes so that she could get the
correct measurements, and when she saw that I was braless, she
remarked "no bra? Oh but you need the support. That is a D cup,
no?" "No" I replied "a C cup", as I tried to explain that I had
been hours on a flight and the straps were hurting my shoulders.
As she proceeded to take my hip and waist measurements, I
couldn't help notice that her eyes kept returning to my breasts,
but my gaydar radar didn't tell me she was a lesbian, and I can
usually tell because I'm a lesbian.

As she stood behind me to measure my bust she took the
measurements, and then cupped my breasts to show me, or so I
thought, how I needed support. I felt the slightest pressure
between her thumb and forefinger on my nipples, and instantly
they got rock hard. I could see our reflection in the huge
mirror. There she was standing behind me with her hands on my
breasts and I was loving it.

As she moved her head closer to my ear, she whispered in her cute
French accent, "you like that, no, Cheri?" I whispered back "yes"
but looking toward the door, I started to question about her
friend, to which she whispered "no fear", and dropped one hand to
creep under the elastic of my bikini panties to feel my soaking

As I parted my legs I felt her finger explore the very core of my
womanhood, as her other fingers continued to roll and pull my
rockhard nipple, and her mouth was on my ear. Her tongue licking
every crevice, as she finger fucked me in front of that huge
mirror. "Cum for me Cheri, and then I want to taste you" she

My mind was a flurry of thoughts. Here I was in an almost strange
city. In a dress shop I had never been in and with a woman I had
only met minutes before, who was finger fucking me in front of a
huge mirror, but my thoughts were interrupted as I felt the
tingle build until there was no turning back, and the floodgates
opened with a massive orgasm.

She could feel my pussy contract and my body going stiff as my
pussy honey poured out, and I moaned, biting my lip to try and
not make noise.

Whispering in my ear she said "yes Cheri, good Cheri, and now I
taste you Cheri." With the quickest of movements she pulled down
my panties and stepping out of them she led me to the sofa.

Kneeling in front me she lifted my legs over her shoulders, and
took a deep breath of my fragrance, before touching my pussy with
her tongue, and softly licked like a kitten. Exploring my
delicate folds with her tongue, and pulling my pussy lips with
her lips, before parting my pussy lips with her thumbs so she
could lick my inner lips.

Watching her with her mouth on my pussy was the hottest thing I
think I've ever experienced and I cupped my breasts with my hands
and pulled and pinched my nipples, as I squirmed on the sofa. Her
kittenish tongue plunged deep in my pussy and she licked and
probed my pussy walls.

I noticed her taking one hand and putting it between her legs so
she could finger her own hot pussy, and with her other hand she
patted my swollen clit as she tongue fucked me.

It was as if I was having an out of body experience, as I saw
these two women enjoying each other, when I noticed the door open
just a crack, and then close again. Moments later the door opened
again and the lady that was sitting in the chair was standing
there totally naked with a huge black strappon protruding out in
front of her.

Giving me a smile, as if to question if it was alright, I smiled
back to signal it was, and she knelt behind the shop owner who
was busily licking my hot pussy. Hiking up the woman's skirt from
behind she did something I assumed was lubing up the dildoe, then
I saw her hips push forward abruptly and the dildoe disappeared.

I was having unadulterated sex with 2 total strangers and loving
every minute. Little orgasms were happening to me, almost one
after the other, but I knew it wouldn't take much to have the big
one. The tingle was building stronger, from the tip of my toes up
towards my hot wet pussy, and I tried lifting my hips to get my
pussy closer to her mouth.

I had brief thoughts that I was going to ruin this lady's sofa
because I gush when I cum strong, but my thoughts went away as
the lady who was licking me moaned loudly into my pussy as she
came, and that was all it took. Screaming "I'm cumming", my body
tensed up as the most wonderful feeling in the world swept over
me. Wave after wave it hit me, until I collapsed in a heap on the
sofa, watching the woman with the dildoe fucking until she had

"Ze dress will be ready tomorrow Cheri" the lady said as I
prepared to leave, and with the little French I knew I said

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