
The Submission of Liu - sex story

The Submission of Liu

Judy Liu was the happiest newlywed in the world! She
and her husband had just purchased this beautiful home
in the heart of suburbia. No more city commute, or
large shopping malls. Most of all, she would not have
to put up with being pinched, mauled, and leered at by
the black gangs on the crowded subways and sidewalks.

Her husband had sent his resume to this small
Midwestern college, and by some miracle had been
accepted! Best of all, he had received a sizable
increase in salary. With his savings and her small
inheritance from her parents, they had been able to
give a large down payment on this two bedroom home.
There was a backyard and plenty of space for her
flowers. Their neighbors on one side, were an elderly
couple and seemed very nice and friendly.

The woman had offered her cuttings from her garden to
get her started on her own. She was told the couple on
the other side were on an extended vacation to the
man's home in Jamaica and were due back next week.
That's when the conversation got strange. The woman
said, "Be careful of those people. There's something
frightening about him. I believe they are why the last
couple moved out. That young girl was pregnant, and she
had told me her husband wasn't able to get her with

"Come on Martha. It's none of our business and you may
have misunderstood what she said."

"I know what I heard and I know what I saw. I saw him
going in their back door many times when the young
husband was at work. You've seen him with his
overbearing attitude and lording it over everybody that
will talk to him. People are scared of him and avoid
him whenever possible. That young husband was scared of
him, too." Saying this, she let herself be led back
into their home.

Judy was puzzled at her statement and a little
uncomfortable at the old lady's attitude. Oh, Well!
Nothing was going to ruin her day. Most certainly, no
man was coming in her back door. She had too much to
do, to worry about what might have been. She almost had
everything put away, and should start dinner. Dave
would be home in another hour and he was always

Over dinner, Dave made a statement that began her
wondering if maybe the lady was right. He said the head
of his department was on vacation and would return next
week. Judy asked, "Did anyone say where he was from?"

"He's from Jamaica and behind his back, they call him
Jamal, the jaguar. When I asked why that name, I was
told it was because he would go for the throat of
anyone disagreeing with him. He destroyed anyone
perceived as an enemy."

"Our neighbor is from Jamaica and will return next
week. Did we purchase our home next to your boss?"

"I have no idea, but, God, I hope not!"

Judy had forgotten all about the neighbors being gone,
and had finished getting her home in order. She had
finally found time to relax, and was sprawled on the
sofa watching television. There was a knock on the
door, and before she could get up to answer, it opened
to admit a tall, dark bronze woman. The woman was
smiling as she came into the room. She acted as if they
had known each for years and were the best of friends.

"Hi neighbor, my names Patricia, but everyone calls me
Pat. Don't get up. I'll just set down here at your
feet. Lets get acquainted while Jamal is getting the
utilities turned back on. Our house is too hot, until
we get the electricity. I knew you were going to be
young, but, I didn't know how beautiful you would be.
Jamal is going to be happy about that! He just loves
beautiful, young women. You're Asian! What an extra
added bonus that is! You must tell me all about

"Why would Jamal care whether I was young and
beautiful, or not? I'm married. So, it doesn't make any

"Oh, but, it does. Wait and see. When he received your
husband's resume and saw the age of his wife, he threw
the rest of the applications in the trash. So you see,
your age got your husband hired at the college. We
didn't know you were Asian, though. So small, too! You
can't weigh a hundred pounds. How old are you?"

"I'm twenty-four and I'm Chinese. You're right. I only
weigh 97 pounds. Is Jamal my husband's boss at school?

"Oh yes. I thought you knew that already. He pretty
much does the hiring and firing in his department. He's
very strict at work and the same in his personal life,
too. He doesn't like anyone to disagree with him. I do
whatever he says and no questions asked. That's why we
have been together for six years. That, and the size of
his equipment, if you know what I mean." Pat said, with
a dreamy smile on her face.

Judy was so shocked at these revelations, she didn't
know what to say. What kind of people were these two?
She was at a loss of what to say, until Pat told her to
begin at the beginning, and tell her about herself.

"Well, I was born and raised in China. I came to the
United States four years ago on a student Visa. Dave
was teaching at the college when we met. He's ten years
older than me, but that is no problem. We're very much
in love. We got married when he found out he got this
job. I had finished school and was going to have to
return to China. Everything worked out perfect. I'm
very happy in our marriage."

"Is Dave Chinese, too?"

"He's Chinese, but, he was born in the USA."

"You speak perfect English for someone that has only
been here for four years. Have you ever had an American

"I have studied English since I was in the first grade.
No, I have never had an American boyfriend and frankly,
I never wanted one."

"Never, say never. You don't know what tomorrow may
bring. Well, I must be running along. Jamal should have
the electric on by now. I can't wait to tell him the
good news. He's going to be so happy, I'll be fucked
extra hard tonight!" With that, she jumped up and
headed for the door. At the door, she turned and asked,
"I almost forgot. Do you shave your bush?"

"My bush? What are you talking about?"

"Your pussy! Do you shave your pussy?"

"MY GOD! How can you ask a stranger something like
that? It's none of your business!

"Okay, if that's the way you are going to be. I'll tell
you now, so you know. Dave is going to be in for a very
rough day tomorrow. Every-time something unpleasant
happens at home, Dave will pay for it. I want us to be
good friends and Jamal wants the same thing. He doesn't
like an independent, stubborn woman." She closed the
door behind her as she left.

Judy was so upset the rest of the day, she couldn't
think straight. She hadn't been friendly with many
American girls, but was sure they were not like Pat.
What was she going to do? They had invested all their
money in this house. Dave had left his old job and had
no place to go. How could she be the cause of him being
tormented day after day? Was she going to have to
apologize to Pat and answer her personal questions? How
much more personal would they get? Would she have to be
friendly with the overbearing Jamal?

She hadn't even met him, and already hated him. She
couldn't tell Dave! Given time, she would work
something out, so Dave didn't suffer. For now, she
would just see what happened next.

The next day, Pat burst inside the door and plopped
down on the sofa, as if nothing had ever happened. Judy
had just showered and was in her robe. She just had it
wrapped around her, and not buttoned.

"Hi Judy! We are going to be best friends. I just know
it! We only need you to get over some slight hang-ups
and everything will be wonderful from then on. I must
tell you, Jamal was very unhappy you had been impolite
and not answered my question. He wanted to come over
and give you a good spanking, but I talked him out of
it. I told him you would be more co-operative today.
Today, you don't need to answer. Just open your robe
and I can see for myself."

"Spanking? He can't spank me! No man is ever going to
spank me!"

"There you go again, saying never. What do you think is
happening to your dear husband today? Think he is
having a good day?"

Judy was silent for a moment, not knowing what to do or
say. She slowly stood up and opened her robe, letting
Pat see her most private parts. She just stood there,
holding her robe open and embarrassed to death.

"My God! You have a beautiful body. Except for the
small tuft of hairs around your pussy, there's not a
hair on your body. Your breasts are like two ripe
oranges. Jamal doesn't like a shaved pussy, but he does
like it closely trimmed. You don't even have to trim
yours. I have to do that tedious job every week. Jamal
is going to love your body! I know it! He is already
getting impatient for you to be gotten ready."

"What do you mean? What does it matter what I do, or
don't do? Get ready? For what? You sound as if I have
no choice in anything. Are you and him out of your

"Why, get you ready to fuck him. He likes his women to
be willing and eager for his long fuck pole. It doesn't
matter what you say, you will still end up getting
fucked. You can deny all you want, but sooner or later,
you are going to be a slave to his giant, black cock.
Why be stubborn about it?"

Judy couldn't believe what she was hearing! Who were
these people that couldn't take no for an answer? Could
she call the police? They hadn't actually done
anything, yet. She would have to tell Dave. She
couldn't handle this by herself.

"Pat reached out and touched Judy's pussy mound. Before
she could jump back, Pat was clenching the short hairs.
She was pulling Judy toward her mouth. Judy tried
resisting, but it hurt too bad. When her pussy was only
inches from her mouth, Pat released the hair and
grabbed her around her firm ass. She pulled Judy
forward, as she fell over backwards. Judy had no choice
but go with her. A leg was on each side of Pat's head,
and this gave her the opportunity to get her tongue
inside Judy's small cunt. Judy couldn't get any
leverage to get away, and all the time Pat was licking
and sucking her pussy. Judy knew she was getting wet.
As sudden and embarrassing as it was, it did feel good.

With Pat holding her, she really had no choice, but, to
enjoy. She was beginning to moan from the feelings
shooting through her young body. Pat was sucking on her
clit as if it was a small dick. Judy was going crazy
with no other thought but the orgasm building in her
belly! She was there! "Oh God! Oh God! I'm cumming! I'm
cumming! Keep licking! Don't stop yet!" Judy saw stars
as her orgasm shot through her from head to toe. She
collapsed on the sofa and Pat slid from under her.

"You see? Yesterday, you would have said that would
never happen. Never, say never. Next time, maybe, you
will lick my pussy. Who knows what tomorrow may bring?
I'll see you. I'll tell Jamal what a hot little slut
you really are. After today, Dave will have a much
better day tomorrow. Your training is going along just
fine. Right on schedule, if I do say so myself. You do
know, I have to tell Jamal everything we say or do,
don't you?"

"You mean you are going to tell your husband what you
just did?"

"Or course, and also how hot you were for my tongue.
He'll love it. But, you did say some pretty nasty
things before that. He doesn't like to be called crazy.
Don't bother getting up, I'll let myself out. See you

Judy couldn't believe what had happened. What had come
over her? Had she been raped by another woman? Was that
even possible? There was nobody to talk to, except her
husband, and she certainly couldn't tell him about
this. She needed advice and nowhere to get it. She
showered again and waited for Dave to get home. She
didn't even feel like preparing dinner. They would have
to be satisfied with cold cuts. When Dave walked
through the door, she knew something very bad had
happened today. He was so dejected, he was almost
crying. "My God Honey! What's wrong? What has happened
to you?"

"I have been humiliated by Jamal all day. He called me
to his office several times, telling me what a
worthless teacher I am, and how sorry he is for hiring
me. He used much stronger language than that, but, I
don't feel like repeating all he said. This has been
the worst day of my life, and all I want to do is
shower and go to bed. I'm totally exhausted."

After hearing this, Judy couldn't say anything about
her problems. All she could do was try and reassure her
loving husband. "Tomorrow will be better. I know it
will! Yesterday, his wife and I had words and she told
Jamal. I saw her today and apologized. I think he was
taking his anger at me, out on you. I'll make certain
not to anger her again. Honey, please forgive me. I
didn't know what happened at home would carry over into
your work."

"It couldn't be all your fault. Let's just forget it,
and see what happens tomorrow. I can always quit and
look for another job."

"All our money is tied up in this place. It would take
months to sell. You must believe things will be better.
Go lie down and relax. I'll be up later."


The next day, Judy was puttering around in the kitchen,
when she heard the front door open. Her first thought
was that Pat sure never knocked. Her next thought was
to start locking the door. She went into the living
room and met a large black man coming toward the
kitchen. Just as she started to scream, he said, "Shut
Up! I'm Jamal from next door! You don't say I'm crazy!
You treat my wife with respect! I'm here to teach you a
lesson in manners!"

He grabbed her by the arm and practically threw her to
the floor. He straddled her shoulders, facing her feet.
He pulled her skirt above her waist and jerked her
panties down around her ankles. "You scream all you
want, but you are going to get the ass spanking of your
life!" As he said this, he brought his palm down on her
naked ass.

It had happened so fast, Judy didn't know what was
going on, until the pain in her butt, registered on her
brain. Then, she screamed! Again and again! He was
going to kill her! He was never going to stop! He kept
slapping her ass, over and over! The pain was on her
ass, but, also reaching up into her pussy and into her
belly! She was going to die! She couldn't scream
anymore. Nothing came out but sobbing whimpers.

Jamal finally got off her, and pulled her to the sofa.
"That was a sample of what will happen, if you don't do
like my wife says. You're lucky you let her eat your
pussy, or it would be much worse. Tell that wimp
husband of yours, and I'll do the same to him." With
this, he stalked out the door.

Judy lay on the sofa as if she was dead. She couldn't
move a muscle. She must have dozed off, for when she
awoke, there was a soothing lotion being applied to her
butt. She looked behind her and there was Pat, smiling,
as usual.

"Never say never. That's my motto. You'll be sore for a
day or two, but okay. It could have been worse. Think
of what it would feel like, if he had been hitting
those beautiful breasts. That would be real pain."

"Please, help me upstairs to bed. I don't think I can
walk by myself."

After putting Judy to bed, Pat got her assurance she
would use the lotion again whenever the pain began. It
had a painkiller in it and would work wonders on a sore
ass. By the time Dave was due home, Judy was able to
get around without limping. She didn't want to cause
more trouble than they already had. Dave never noticed
anything wrong, and was in a much better state of mind.
They ordered pizza, and set talking in front of the
television. She still needed a soft place to sit.

Dave said, "Jamal never came to school until late
morning. He acted as if yesterday never happened. He
was friendly and complimented me on the job I was
doing. I can't believe the difference in the man. Try
and stay away from his wife as much as possible, if she
makes you angry."

"Everything will be okay now. She and I have come to an
understanding and are becoming friends. I'll make sure
to watch what I say or do. There will be no more
trouble from me."

Like clockwork the next day, the door opened, and in
bounced Pat. Judy had given up on the idea of locking
the door. Judy's ass was barely sore this morning, but
Pat insisted on seeing for herself. Judy lay on her
stomach while Pat applied a body lotion. Several times,
Pat inserted her fingers into Judy's pussy. Judy was
getting wet and Pat knew it. Pat said, "Let's go to
your bed. Today is lesson two."

Without a word, Judy let her lead them to bed that had
only been shared with her husband. Judy removed her
robe and lay down, not knowing what was going to happen
next. Pat stood next to the bed and removed her
clothes. She was taller than Judy and her breasts
bigger. She had a body like an amazon goddess. It never
excited Judy, but it never repelled her, either. She
just didn't know what to expect.

She found out in the next moment, when pat said, "Now,
it's your turn to eat my pussy. I know you have never
done this before, so we'll do a 69. You eat me at the
same time I'm eating you. Just do to me what I'm doing
to you. Understand? Lay on your back and I will
straddle your face. That way, I can bend my back and
reach your pussy at the same time."

Judy said, "Please don't make me do this. I know what
will happen if I don't, but, please don't make me."

Pat whispered, "Believe me, if I had any choice, I
wouldn't. I have no more choice than you do. I have to
do what Jamal says." Saying this, she lowered her pussy
over Judy's face. She reached for Judy's thighs and
lifted the small pussy to her mouth and experienced
tongue. At the first touch, Judy groaned with pleasure.
Pat lowered her pussy until it was touching Judy's

When Pat's tongue licked Judy's clit, Judy did the same
thing to Pat. She was expecting a revolting smell or
taste, but there was neither. She was trying to
remember what she was supposed to do, but the feelings
coursing through her body, made it hard to remember.
She began licking and sucking on Pat's pussy, as if she
had been doing it all her life. The better Pat made her
feel, the more animated she became. Pat was grinding
her pussy into Judy's face, and moaning into her own

Judy felt her body getting hotter and hotter. It seemed
to be traveling up her legs and toward the tongue in
her pussy. She felt as if she was going to explode.
When she did, the explosion was centered in her pussy.
She screamed into Pat's pussy, but, at the same time,
her tongue was going like a piston. Pat began screaming
herself and almost smothered Judy by pressing her pussy
into her face.

Pat squirmed around, until they were face to face. She
took Judy's face in her hands, and licked the juice
from around her mouth. Judy was so overcome with
feelings, she did the same for Pat. There were no
feelings of revulsion, just contentment and
satisfaction. They lay cuddled against each other for
several minutes, until Pat stirred and said, "That was
lesson two. Tomorrow, Jamal will be home and we will
have lesson three."

"Please, have mercy on me. I have done what you wanted,
but don't let him enter our relationship. I love my
husband. He's all I have in the world. Please, don't
take my life away from me."

"But, honey, you must understand something. Jamal is my
life. Everything I have done was at his instruction. I
can no more say no to him, than I can stop breathing.
You were his before we even met you for the first time.
Can't you understand that? Do you believe in fate?
Believe that you are fated to become Jamal's Asian,
fuck slave. He has the biggest cock I have ever seen on
a man. Once you get a taste, you'll want more. After he
has fucked you, you won't be able to sleep for thinking
about the next time. In a while, you will do anything
and everything he says. You will live and breathe only
to be with him and worship his black cock.

"Now, tomorrow, come to our place at ten a.m. He wants
you to do that, so later you cannot say you were raped.
You can never say afterward, you were forced. Don't
worry. Tomorrow, you will only kiss and lick his
monster. You must get comfortable with the size of it,
so you won't be so scared and tighten up when you are
finally fucked. You could be seriously injured, if you
are not ready. Well, I've given you enough to think
about. See yah tomorrow."

Somehow, Judy got through the evening. Dave was excited
about an upcoming seminar in another State. The one
chosen would get a raise in pay and a commendation in
his records. He didn't think he had a chance, but it
was nice to think about. Judy listened with half her
mind and was happy her husband was feeling so much
better. The other half was in turmoil about tomorrow.
If she didn't do as instructed, what would happen?
Worse yet, could she go through with touching another
man's penis?

No way was she going to kiss or suck it! In a perverted
way, she was curious to see what Pat kept raving about.
How could anything make you a slave? Dave had a
respectable size dick. Of course, she had seen no other
to compare it with. There were times when she had been
left wanting more, but she realized she could not be
satisfied every time they made love. She really had no
choice, but to get through this as painless as
possible. After the spanking, she truly hated Jamal and
nothing was going to change that!

Promptly at ten, she was at their door. It opened
before she could knock. Pat must have been watching
through the window. Their living room was dimly lit,
and Pat ushered her in to stand in front of Jamal. He
was sprawled in a large chair. My God! He was stark
naked! She couldn't help but see the monster Pat had
been telling about. That didn't belong on a man! How
could a woman take something like that into her body?
Why would she even want to try?

Jamal growled, "You've looked long enough. Now, get
those clothes off and kneel between my legs! It's time
to begin your training in earnest. I've been easy on
you and that wimp you are married to long enough!"

No! I can't go through with this! I'm leaving!" As she
turned, Pat slapped her face! She was so stunned and
hurt, she was paralyzed for a moment. Pat grabbed the
front of her blouse and ripped it down the front and
off her shoulders! At the same time, Jamal had hooked
her skirt and panties in one hand and jerked them down
her legs! Pat slapped her again and spun her around to
face Jamal. Pat unhooked her bra and let it fall to the

"Now, I will say it for the last time. On your knees!
Never make me repeat myself again!" With Pat pushing on
her shoulders, Judy slowly knelt between his legs.
There were tears running down her cheeks and a helpless
feeling in her stomach. She had thought she could
handle the situation, but she could only do what they
wished. She resigned herself to what was coming next.

"Reach out and touch him. Feel out soft he is. He won't
be that way long. You are going to make him a shooting

Judy timidly put her fingers on the shaft. Her small
fingers couldn't touch each other. She knew he wanted
her to do more than that, so she rubbed back and forth.

"Use both hands and apply more pressure! Haven't you
ever masturbated a man before? What kind of man are you
married to anyway?"

Judy was trying to please as best she could. She had
masturbated Dave, but his dick was nothing compared to
this thing! She could feel it getting firm.My God! It
was getting bigger! It was beginning to stand upright,
instead of lying on his thigh!

"Kiss the head and lick the shaft! Open your mouth and
take as much inside as possible! Haven't you ever
sucked a cock before? I'm losing my patience with your
ignorance! You are very close to getting another
spanking! Get with the program and make love to my
black cock, or you are going to have the beating of
your life!

Fear made Judy become more energetic. She didn't know
what to do. There was so much dick, she didn't know
where to begin. Once, she had taken Dave into her
mouth. He loved for her to twirl her tongue around the
head of his penis. She had already accepted the fact
she was going to have to take this thing into her
mouth! She opened her mouth as much as possible, and
took the head inside. Her jaws were strained from being
so wide open.

She licked the head as best as she could. It was so
velvety smooth, it was almost like French-kissing.
There was not the smell she expected. If it hadn't been
so big, it would have been almost pleasant. She could
feel it continuing to grow! She must be doing something
right! She was using both hands to masturbate the
shaft, while sucking and licking the head faster and
faster! All of a sudden, there was a pungent taste in
her throat! Was he cumming in her mouth! He couldn't do
that! It couldn't be his climax, it must be pre cum.
Dave did that, but only a little.

"Okay! You can stop now! Pat has the tape measure. She
will help you measure and see what you are going to
receive. You're not the best cocksucker in the world,
so Pat will show you how it's done. I expect you to
watch closely and learn. You will be given a test!"

Pat knelt next to her and placed the tape around the
head of his cock, Around the head measured five and one
half inches. Sliding the tape down the length of his
cock, the tape was measuring six and a half at three
inches. Then, at seven inches, it went up to seven and
a quarter! My God! How long was this giant?

"Now for the best part. Pat, measure the length, and be
sure you measure from the top, not the bottom like you
tried to do once before." Pat put one end of the tape
against his pubic bone and stretched out the
measurement. There was eleven and a half inches of
raging, black cock!

"Since this is your first time, and I am a reasonable
man, I am going to let Pat suck while you masturbate
me. When I am ready to cum, you will replace her mouth
with yours. You are going to drink every drop of my
potent jism. You will remember the taste until out next
session. One more thing, you will swallow every drop!
Things will get very ugly if you refuse! Understand?"

Pat was already kneeling next to her. She immediately
took his dick into her mouth. It kept disappearing,
until almost seven inches were in her throat! I
couldn't believe it! She was fucking his cock with her
mouth! She would breathe on the out-stroke, and ram it
back down her throat! Was I supposed to learn how to do
this? Oh, My God!! I still had the presence of mind to
be masturbating him while I watched in amazement!

After only a few minutes of her expert sucking, I could
feel his body begin to stiffen. He grabbed Pat by the
hair and pulled her mouth off his cock. He grabbed my
hair and placed my mouth against the pulsing head. I
knew there was no choice as I opened my mouth and took
the head inside! He pushed the back of my head until I
was fully impaled on his cock! It was lodged against
the back of my throat when he started to shoot! I was
drowning! I was fighting to breathe, but couldn't!

His cum was spurting straight down my throat! I
swallowed as fast as I could, but my mouth was still
filling up with cum! Between squirts, I was able to
swallow the extra before it could run out of my mouth!
Then, more squirts! He was never going to stop!
Finally, he was slowing down, but still cumming. I was
able to gulp and swallow with ease now. I hadn't lost a
drop! I was proud of myself! I had taken all he could
give, and was now sucking out anything left in the
head! His large cock had lost some of its hardness, but
was still firm. Judy didn't want to let it go! She
wanted to swallow more of his delicious cum!

Jamal lifted her off his manhood and looked her in the
eyes. "You loved the taste, didn't you? You want more
and more, don't you?" She could only lower her eyes,
and nod her head yes. She was so ashamed that she had
actually enjoyed being dominated and made to perform
such a perverted act. She had been unfaithful to her
husband, but didn't regret it for a second.

What was she going to do now? Was she going to become
an expert cocksucker, like Pat? Is that what they had
in store for her? But no, Pat talked about her being
fucked with that black sausage. That's what she had
been trying to think of! It looked like a large summer
sausage she had seen in the supermarket. It had been
down her throat and hadn't killed her, maybe, it
wouldn't split her pussy wide open, either. What was
she thinking? She wasn't going to let him fuck her!
What a crazy thought! She had to get out of here! She
couldn't think straight with that black monster staring
her in the face!

She slowly got to her feet, and put on her panties and
skirt. She could tell her pussy was soaking wet! Pat
handed her the ripped blouse and she wrapped it around
her shoulders. She had the bra in her hand. Nobody said
a word, as she went out the door and ran for her house.
All afternoon and evening, she could taste his cum in
her mouth. She didn't want to brush and get rid of the
taste. She had kissed Dave on the cheek because she was
afraid he could smell or taste Jamal's juice. Dave was
happy and relaxed, but, also busy. He seemed to have a
great many papers to grade and correct each evening.
She usually went to bed before him, and got up after he

For several days, she hadn't seen Pat or Jamal and kept
looking out the window in anticipation of Pat coming to
visit. She knew Pat was home and Dave talked about how
nice Jamal had been each evening. What had happened?
She would know from Dave, if Jamal was angry. Was Pat
angry because she had drank a gallon of Jamal's juice?
She was becoming a nervous wreck!

She finally admitted to herself what was wrong. She
wanted more! She wanted to be dominated by Jamal and
his giant cock! She missed the feel and taste of it! As
long as he gave her more, he could do whatever he
wanted! Even fuck her! There! She had admitted the
truth to herself! She wanted to suck and fuck him, even
if it would be impossible to get all of him inside her
small pussy. After reaching this conclusion, she wasn't
so nervous, but still looked out the window for a
glimpse of Pat. She wanted to admit the truth to her!

It was two days more before Pat came bouncing thru her
front door. She was so happy to see Pat, she gave her a
big hug and kiss on the lips!

"Whoa, girl! I can see you are ready for the big event.
Your husband is going to have big news when he comes
home tonight. He's going on a month long trip, and you
are going to get everything you have been thinking
about. A whole month of fucking and sucking! Think you
can handle that? I don't have time to chat now. I've
got shopping to do."

Dave was proud as a peacock when he came home. He was
going to the month long seminar. One thing, he was
worried about leaving her alone. After assurances that
she would be just fine, he was relaxed and eager to get
ready for the trip. One part of her was scared to death
of what was going to happen. Another part, was looking
forward to it. She may as well be excited, for it was
going to happen regardless of how she felt! She was on
her period and they couldn't make love before he left.
She stopped the day before he caught his flight, but
never told him. They made plans for a long love making
session, as soon as he returned.

That same evening, Pat was at the door. "Tomorrow
morning, Jamal is moving in here with you for the next
month. He has taken a leave of absence, and the two of
you are going to spend every minute together. By the
time Dave comes home, your pussy will be stretched so
big, he will never fuck you again! You will also be
pregnant with a black baby! I am going to visit my
family, so I will be out of the picture. Do you
understand what I am saying?

"You are going to be his fuck slut and carry his child!
Half the women in this town are the mothers of his
children. Their husbands say nothing because of fear.
If not physical fear, then fear of losing their income.
Jamal is very powerful and controls most of the
businesses around the college. If you don't want this
to happen to you, then go out that door and don't look

"Why are you telling me this? Wouldn't Jamal punish you
if he heard what you said?"

"He might even kill me. But, you are young and
beautiful, also very innocent. I just wanted you to
have one last chance. After tomorrow morning, your life
will never be the same again. I've said too much. I
just have a soft spot for you. Well, if you're still
here, I'll see you in a month." Saying, "Good Luck!"
Pat waved as she went out the door.

Judy kept thinking of what Pat had said. She knew she
should just leave. The car was in the driveway, but
where would she go? She had no relatives and Dave's
were also dead. She had no friends to turn to. Could
she go to Dave? What would she tell him? If she stayed,
what would she tell him when he returned home? Would
she be pregnant? She wasn't on birth control and
Jamal's long, thick cock would certainly get her that

Was he really going to fuck her everyday? She was still
trying to make up her mind, when she fell asleep. She
awoke with the sun shining in her face and someone
knocking at the door. It was too late! Jamal was here!
The decision had been made and her body had no choice,
but, to comply with whatever happened. She went to
answer the door and greet her fate!

Jamal closed the door behind himself and began
undressing. In seconds, he was stark naked, with his
giant manhood at half mast.

"Well, don't just stand there. Get those clothes off!
First rule of the house, no clothes inside the doors."

He was so huge and intimidating! He was more than twice
the weight of the small Judy. His giant frame and her
small one, scared and excited her at the same time. She
was too scared not to obey, and this eased her
conscience of what was going to happen. No matter how
much she enjoyed and desired the events to take place,
she could always believe it was pure force.

Without a word, Judy licked her lips then reached
behind her neck to unclasp the hook of her dress.
Drawing the zipper down, a moment later, her pink dress
lay upon the carpet. Reaching behind her, she unclasped
her back and undid her bra clip, then peeled the lacy
garment from her body. Thumbs in the waistband of her
panties, she bared her black mound for her Master,
letting the lacy garment fall to her heels. Stepping
forward with her white panties tangled on a heel, Lisa
knelt down onto the carpet, reaching up gingerly to
touch the stiff black muscle that throbbed in front of

Judy nervously stuck her pointed tongue out to taste
him. He moaned softly as he felt her soft hand squeeze
him and her wet tongue gave his pulsing cock-head a
swipe. She placed her hands on his muscular thighs to
keep her balance and her sexual instincts were taking
control. He wanted to let her do whatever she felt
capable of doing, not wanting to force her to do
something that would repulse her. For now, he wanted
her compliant and eager to please him. Later, she would
find her true place in the scheme of things.

Judy was trying to get more of Jamal's cock inside her
mouth. She wanted it down her throat and in her
stomach! Her mouth would go no wider, and still, only
about four inches were inside. She tried raising
herself to get a better angle. Now, she could swallow
more! She began a fucking motion, and each time his
cock would hit the back of her throat with a 'thump.'
For only a heartbeat, it crossed her mind that she was
willingly sucking a giant black cock! What was she
becoming? The heartbeat passed and so did the thought.
Judy gave herself to satisfying this powerful, black

Jamal placed his big hand on her head and began
controlling her movements. After all, he knew what felt
good and what didn't. He had her head going like a
jackhammer. The feeling started deep in his stomach and
exploded toward the opening of his cock. It shot into
her throat like a machine gun on full automatic.

Judy felt his prick stiffen and get bigger! Before she
could swallow, she was being drowned in cum juice! It
shot down her throat, out her nose, and some probably
went into her lungs! She was swallowing as fast as
possible, and it was still flooding her mouth! He
pulled out an inch or two and this gave her a chance to
swallow the extra in her mouth.

Now, she could keep up with the steady flow of juice.
That wonderful tasting, black cum juice! Still on her
knees, licking the cum from her lips, Judy felt her
stomach feel a bit queasy but she was proud of herself
at what she had done. Still on her knees, cum began
escaping from the corners of her mouth as the cock
started to deflate in size.

Jamal pulled her to her feet and pushed her toward the
bedroom. She was staggering from the exertion of
sucking him to climax. She was physically and mentally
exhausted. She couldn't get her thoughts in order. She
knew she had crossed a bridge and could never go back.
At the moment, she wasn't sure she wanted to. Entering
the bedroom, she collapsed on the bed. She was flat on
her back, legs spread.

Without saying a word, Jamal dived between her spread
legs. In an instant, Her pussy mound was covered by his
big mouth. He was flicking his tongue against her
sensitive clitoris, while lapping up and down, tasting
her sweet wetness. He twisted his tongue around Judy's
throbbing clit, then closed his lips on it, sucking
hard. Groaning, Judy pressed her cunt into his face.

Then, Jamal's tongue shot into Judy's passage, feeling
the honeyed cunt lips tighten around his thrusting
tongue. He was plunging his tongue in and out like a
cock, fucking her sweet pussy with his long, thick
tongue. There were sweet, slippery juices seeping from
her pussy, and he swallowed every drop! Judy was
moaning, while tossing her crotch up and down. She
didn't seem to know whether to fuck his tongue, or
grind her cunt against his face, so, she did both!

"Oh, My God! Lick me, Jamal. Eat me! Eat my pussy!"
Judy was sobbing and groaning. Her body was like a
steel spring ready to break.

Jamal put his hands under her ass and lifted it into
the air, while he buried his face tightly into her
crotch. He dug his fingers into the firm cheek's of
Judy's ass, and shoved his face and tongue as tightly
as he could into her steaming cunt. Each time his
tongue withdrew, it would flick her swollen, throbbing

Judy couldn't stand it much longer! The session with
Peg had been nothing like this! She could hear the wet
sounds of his tongue lapping her pussy. Jamal's tongue
was longer and bigger than Dave's dick. No wonder she
had felt she was missing something. The feeling had
been building in her belly and was entering the walls
of her pussy. "Oh, God!" Judy began to whimper. "Oh,
God... Oh, God! I'm cumming, Jamal, I'm cumming! "Oh
God, so good, so good... so beautiful!

Jamal felt her ass cheeks tighten and her pussy spasm
time after time. He could hear her whimpering and
sobbing about how good it was. Feeling her starting to
relax, he gently let her ass down and took his hands
away. He slid up her body and gave her their first

She parted her lips to take the tongue, that had just
left her sweet pussy, into her mouth. She pulled her
head back and licked around his mouth, getting all her
juices from his face. She pressed her body against his,
and he gave her another long, probing kiss. She moaned
softly into his mouth.

Jamal looked her in the eyes, and asked, "Are you ready
for the final lesson?"

"Judy gave him a tender smile, and answered, "As ready
as I'll ever be." She reached down and took his big
cock in her hand. It was already as hard as a ball bat.
Her stomach began doing flip flops from fear and

Jamal folded the pillow under her head so she could see
what was happening between her legs. He wanted her to
know what her tiny pussy could accept. She would be
stretched to the limit, but he believed her pussy would
finally surrender to his giant cock. He spread her legs
wider and firmly rubbed his cock head against Judy's
clit. Judy was watching every movement, and couldn't
believe in his size, but she was in love with it. "I
can't believe I'm going to do this. What has happened
in the short time since we moved here? How did I go
from being a loving wife to sucking and fucking a man I

She was wide-eyed, looking at the size of him as he
began pressing into her, beginning to open her,
beginning to stretch her. She was spreading her thighs
more, trying to relieve the pressure of his advancing
cock. She was groaning loudly as she felt herself
stretching to accommodate his size, then a cry as the
head of his cock entered her, penetrating her,
stretching her to the maximum. When Judy watched its
plump purple head disappear into her tiny pussy, she
pulled her head back and screamed.

Jamal pushed deeper and deeper. Judy clenched her fist
in celebration! She had done it! She had taken all that
massive cock into her body! Then she looked between her
legs. Oh, My God! Jamal had only forced about four of
his inches in, before stopping. He pulled back until
just the fat cock-head was inside her lips and began
fucking her with the same four inches.

She was getting FUCKED! Not fully yet, but still
FUCKED! Judy gave a deep moan, knowing there was no
going back. She had to continue having sex with this
powerful, demanding black man. She had never believed
her pussy could be so tightly filled, rightly fucked.
She could feel her pussy lips stretch open and her clit
swelling with bright fire. Judy groaned with each
painful thrust between her widespread legs.

Jamal began to push more strongly, and his cock began
invading her as he slowly pushed deeper into her. He
was pushing it in ever so slowly, and then pulling out,
going just a little bit deeper that the last thrust.
Judy was groaning continuously, her thighs fully open.
Moving back and forth, wetting his
cock in her slick pussy, as he pushed into her, Judy
gave a hoarse cry as he impaled her on his cock. He
held his cock fully into her until she got used to his
size, and he began to fuck her with slow deep strokes,
till Judy was moaning, her legs lifting up, her body
jerking with each thrust.

God it was wonderful! My pussy was beginning to stretch
deeper and wider to allow more of him in, and I was
juicing like I’ve never been wet before. With each of
his powerful thrusts he was getting deeper and deeper
in my pussy, until his huge cum filled balls were
slapping home. My body began to feel a funny tingle, a
shivering experience never felt before, a burning itch
was spreading between my legs.

Judy's cunt muscles would have squeezed the thick shaft
had they not been stretched to the limit. His cock was
so much thicker and longer than any she had ever
imagined. Her body convulsed uncontrollably, needing to
put out the hot burning itch between her thighs.

Jamal began to speed up the fuck, bringing squeals and
moans of pleasure from the beautiful Asian bitch,
squeals of delight that were like all the girls who had
sampled his big black boner. He felt her legs wrap
themselves around him as she arched up to capture more
of his cock. He then began pounding her harder and
harder, slamming into her, giving her the fucking that
she deserved.

Judy felt her body convulse and shudder, spasm after
spasm coursing through her body for the first time,
causing her to cry out "Jamal... Oh, God, Jamal... YES!
Fuck me! Fuck me! I'm cummingggggggg!"

The burning sensation had become a raging inferno that
was threatening to destroy her! She lost control of her
body, arching up into the air, taking that long black
shaft deep into her clasping hot pit. Judy felt her
black lover thrust harder and faster into her, burying
his thick cock deep into her womb. She felt his body
quiver upon her, then she clasped her legs tightly
around him, just as spurt after spurt of his hot seed
began filling her womb. She could feel his huge, hard,
fat head piercing her cervix, going all the way into
her uterus. Shooting load after load of his potent seed
into her body. She knew she had just finished her
period and wouldn't get pregnant this time, but she
couldn't help but cry, "Cum in me! Give me a black

Judy passed out at this point and didn't wake up for
several hours. When she awoke, she had to be helped to
the bathroom and a tub of hot water. She was so sore
she could barely stand. Her pussy couldn't bear being
touched for the next three days, but that didn't stop
her from becoming a proficient cocksucker. She had
discovered different angles that allowed her to
actually take some of his big cock down her throat. She
was as impatient as he to get that monster cock back
inside her hungry pussy.

On the evening of the third day, there was repeat of
her being conquered by his long, black dick. Now, it
was nothing but pleasure, and raw fucking. The month
passed much too soon, but what a month it had been! Not
a day passed that she wasn't fucked and filled with his
baby making seed! She knew she was pregnant and
carrying his child. Maybe, twins or triplets!

She lived for his cock and would have done anything for
him. All he need do was ask and she instantly obeyed.
Home, husband, or reputation were no longer important.
At first, she had been ashamed how her body had
betrayed her entire being, but, no longer.

She picked up Dave at the airport and drove him home.
She expected a confrontation between Jamal and Dave,
but, Jamal was not there. Dave wanted sex immediately,
and she felt it her wifely duty to do as he wished. As
soon as he penetrated her, she knew it was useless and
so did he. His puny dick wouldn't even touch the sides
of her pussy. She had been ruined for any cock smaller
than Jamal's.

Dave looked into her eyes with a searching stare. She
said one word. "Jamal." Dave never said another word.
He packed his clothes, got into the car and left. That
was the last she ever saw or heard of the husband she
had loved so much.

Jamal continued to come over and give her a weekly
fucking, but as her belly got bigger, he seemed to lose
interest. He had been paying the mortgage and giving
her living expenses, but, he had something else in
store for her. One evening, he showed up at the door
with a black friend named Sam. Sam was about Jamal's
size in stature, but more her own age.

"I brought you a gift." These were his first words.
Then, he continued explaining, "Sam is single and will
take care of you. You now belong to him. Treat him with
the same love and respect you have showed me. He will
take care of your financial and physical needs. If
anything, he is bigger than me. You won't be
disappointed. Sometimes, we will get together for a
threesome, but otherwise, you are his, to do with as he
sees fit." Saying this, he closed the door behind
himself as he left.

Sam began throwing his clothes on the floor as he
undressed. Judy saw the large piece of black meat
swinging between his legs, and dropped to her knees in

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