
Why I love Phone Sex - sex story

Why I love Phone Sex

I was talking to someone and the subject of phone sex
came up and they said they couldn't understand why
anyone would want to do it. I didn't go into it with
them but thought it would make a good story.

To ask why have phone sex is like asking why have sex
at all. One does it because it's fun and it get you
off. It takes masturbating to a whole new level so it's
also like asking why masturbate at all and I guess
somewhere in the world there are a few people who does
not masturbate but I hope I never meet them.

I started my first phone sex when I was 22. I was
fucking a neighbor's wife who lived across the street.
She was only about 20 but had a young daughter. She
came over one day on some pretense and I wound up
fucking her. She was an incredible fuck even though she
pretended not to really get into it. The reason was she
had no pubic hair, didn't shave, just had never had
any. They didn't even have to shave her when she had
the baby. This was about 25 years ago and almost no
women I knew shaved. So to see that perfectly shaped,
bald pussy was a big turn on for me. In fact it was so
much so that I could hardly get my cock in before I

I had to call her and make sure it was all right to
slip over to see her so I got this idea. I would call
her and tell her I was going to come over and start
talking about what I was going to do to her. She would
agree and I would cum right there about a few strokes.
Then I would slip over to her house and start playing
around with her breast and rubbing her slick hairless
pussy until I was hard again. But that first ever that
would not slow me down much. As I slipped my cock in I
would think about how it looked and felt and cum hard
just as if I had not just done it 30 or so minutes

So I tried my next plan. I would call her and talk
dirty hot sex with her and get off. Then I would wait
about an hour and call her back and start talking to
her about what I was going to do to her little ass when
I got there. I learned to develop good talking
techniques in so far as getting me off at least. After
I would get off the second time I would go over and
start fucking her. I got to the point I could keep it
in for five or ten minutes at a time before Cumming.

Before long she moved out of town with her husband and
I lost touch. But I can still get hard thinking about
that pussy. It was not that she was a great fuck, in
fact she was like a 4 on the 10 scale but she did have
the most exciting cunt I ever saw and she got me
started on phone sex.

It was several years before I tried phone sex again. It
just never came up. But one night when I was home alone
the phone rang and it was a young man on the phone. I
didn't know what he wanted at first but found that he
had phoned me by mistake trying to call some number he
had found in a toilet left someone wanting a blow job.
After I found out what it was I played along with him
and soon he was telling me what he wanted to do which
was to suck my cock.

To my surprise I got rock hard and really wanted my
cock sucked. But I knew I couldn't have him come to me
and I didn't want to go to him so I had him describe in
detail what he was going to do. He started off by
telling me he was going to get down on his knees and
pull my cock out and slowly start licking the head,
then he was going to take more and more into his mouth
until he had it all the way down his throat to my balls
and if possible was going to try to shallow them too.

As he described this I got harder and harder and
started talking all kind of shit to him to prolong my
pleasure. But at last I let go with a tremendous orgasm
and I pumped out what seemed a pint of cum. I had
enjoyed many blowjobs but this was fantastic. I told
him that I would have to call him in the future and ask
him what number he had called but he had misdialed and
didn't have my correct number any way. He gave me his
number and I call him a couple more times and got off
on the phone but had to keep making excuses why he was
not getting the meat. So I dropped out of that but
learned that sex with a man on the phone can be just as
great as with a woman.

Nowadays I have learned to be more careful and also
enjoy a lot more that I did when I was young. I can
have phone sex with a man and suck him off on the
phone, or in real sex also. I found out I am a cum
freak by eating out my wife after she has taken a
strange cock with me watching. I got to liking cum so
much that now I don't mind getting it from the source
pumped right down my throat.

So now I can have hot phone sex with anybody and get

But the main attraction in phone sex is that you and
your partner can explore things by role playing that is
taboo in real life. It's like the ultimate sexual

As long as you have a willing partner you can do
anything you can imagine, safely, where as if you tried
it in real life you may wind up in jail for life.

It takes some practice to get good at phone sex but it
is also fun while you learn. There is not any bad way
to do it but there are superior ways.

As I stated I get off watching my wife get fucked. I
have even found a way to do that by phone. She was
going to Las Vegas many years ago with an older woman
business acquaintance. They were to have separate rooms
so I told Ashley she should get some nice cock while
she was there and then call me and tell me all about
it. She did several times that trip and as soon as the
guy left she would call me and describe in detail just
how they had fucked and sucked. We both got off several
times just by talking about it on the phone. It was
very exciting even if I did miss the strange cum I
would have sucked out of her vagina had I been there.

Then we figured out how to make it even better. She
would tell the guy up front that I was going to be on
the phone while he fucked her. She would call me after
she had picked up somebody and got him to the room. She
would call me and put it on speakerphone. We would all
introduce ourselves and then they would proceed to fuck
or suck.

Ashley would keep up talk with the guy so I could hear
what was going on. She also kept it close to the action
so I could hear then sucking each other and could hear
the slap of his cock as he rammed it all the way to the
hilt in Ashley's pussy. It is an unreal pleasure to
hear your wife getting the goody fucked out of her
while you are over a thousand miles away.

I have also had phone sex many times with couples I
have meet through my stories. It is thrilling to be
talking to a stranger while you fuck, describing what
you are doing and having him tell you something special
he wants the two of you to do

I can go on and on about this subject but I will stop
for now. I hope you have gotten a little better
understanding about how good phone sex can really be.

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