
You read my mind, big sister - sex story

You read my mind, big sister

The early years of my adolescence had been painfully and
regrettably uneventful. My natural curiosity, combined with raging
hormones, had led me to learn everything I could about female anatomy
and human sexuality. By the time I was 15, I considered myself a mini
expert on the subject. Unfortunately, this expertise had come only from
what I could read in boks and see in magazines. To this point, the only
experience my cock had seen was from my right hand. I wanted more, but
really didn't know how to get it.

It was about this time, I suppose, that I started to take a
different kind of notice of my older sister. Monica is three years
older than me, making her 18 at this time. The difference in our ages
was not so big that we totally ignored each other, but we had never been
what you would call, "close," either. We acknowledged each other, but
pretty much existed in seperate worlds. Now, however, I had more reason
to become more interested (those damn hormones!).

Let me describe Monica at 18 to you. With a father well over 6 feet
tall and a mother 5'11", it was inevitable they would have tall
children. This genetic fact wasn't lost on Monica. By her 18th year,
she was 5' 10" and well into the latter stages of adult physical
development. She wore her medium brown hair long, the full tresses
flowing down to the middle of her back. She got her stature from both
our parents, but the body she got from Mom. There was hardly an ounce
of fat on her frame, but she wasn't "skinny." Having seen her bras in
the laundry, I knew she was a 36B. Her breasts were full and round, with
nipples that reacted openly to drops in temperature. Her height
provided a pair of long legs that were usually nicely expposed by the
mini-skirts of the early 70's, and these were topped off by an ass that
was definitely to die for. All in all, Monica was quite a looker. I
wondered why I hadn't noticed before.

As for me, I guess you could say I was pretty average. I also
got my share of the family height. At 15, I was already 6' tall, with 2
more inches to come before I stopped. I'm not going to embellish this by
telling you that I was some kind of god in development. The description
of my lack of experience should prove that to you, any way. I did cut a
rather athletic figure, though. I was always training for one sport or
another and kept myself in good shape.

Well, this all started in earnest in the Spring of the year.
After a typically shitty northeastern winter, the air was fresh and the
temperature was on the rise. I guess that's what led to my new
appreciation of Monica's physical attributes. The long pants and full
skirts of winter were now replaced by shorts and shorter skirts. The
baggy sweaters werein storage for another year, now replaced by tee
shirts, tank tops, and light blouses. I was convinced. This girl was a
babe! At the moment of this discovery, I was not particlarly happy.
Remember, I was so horny the crack of dawn wasn't safe and now I had
this walking fantasy living in the same house. There had never been
even a hint of sexual interest or play between us and I don't think I
was even considering this as a possibility. All I knew was, Monica was
gorgeous and I saw her every day.

We weren't particularly open about sex in our family, but there
was no strong prohibition laid out either. The same was true of our
bodies. We didn't frolic about the house nude, but coming and going
from bedroom to bath in underware was not unheard of. That was the
beginning of it, you could say. One morning, I was heading to the
shower before school. I was half way down the hall, when Monica came
out of her room in just a bra and panties. We surprised each other, and
stood frozen for a few seconds. It was long enough for me to get a full
few of my sexy sister. I now had a new hobby. I would endeavor,
whenever possible, to get a glimpse of Monica in her skivvies as often
as I could. I got pretty good at timing our departures for the bathroom
in the morning. Each time, I would stare for as long as I could until
she would either go back to her room or try to beat me to the bath. I
usually let her win, because the sight of her body always left me with a
raging hardon and I would head for my room for some quick relief.

This little game went on for a couple months as Spring became
Summer. In June, the folks had planned a vacation. For the last couple
of years, Monica and I were relieved of the obligation of the family
trip, and stayed home for the week while Mom and Dad got a break. They
left on Saturday morning and would be gone until the following Sunday.

The first two days of the week went by as normal. I kept up my
game of trying to sneak a peek and then heading to my room to indulge
in my favorite fantasy. Monday was gray, rainy day and Monica and I
stayed around the house, just being bored. About 10:00 that evening, an
early Summer thunder storm came up. I should tell you here that Monica
has one great fear in life: lightning. Well, this was storm was
particularly vivid. One of the big flashes hit a power transformer down
the street and POW! out went the lights. Monica had been braving the
storm in her room, but the darkness broke what was left of her resolve
and she came out to look for me.

"Michael, where are you?"

"In the living room. What's wrong?"

"I hate these goddamn storms!"

"OK, come in here and let your baby brother protect you!"

"Smart Ass! I don't need protection, I just don't want to be alone."

"OK, I'm sorry. I know these things bug you. Come on in here and we'll
see if we can get anything on the radio."

Monica came in and sat on the couch with me. I tried to tune
something in on my little transistor radio. The storm was interfereing,
however, and all I could find was an easy listening station. Monica
said this was better than just listening to the thunder, so Frank
Sinatra and Tony Bennett it was. We sat there for a while listening to
the music and then struck up a conversation. I had lit some candles and
couldn't help notice how good she looked in the dim light. My cock was
noticing, too. Suddenly, there was huge flash of lightning followed by
a deafening thunder clap. I'm not bothered by storms, but even I jumped
at that. Monica just about came out of her skin. The suddenness of her
shock was a little too much for her and she started to cry. I guess
seeing my sister so freaked touched something in me. Instead of teasing
her, I moved closer on the couch.

"Hey, sis, it's OK. The thunder can't hurt you."

"OH, Michael, I get so scared!"

I put my arm around her. She wasn't kidding. Monica was
shaking all over and her sobs were coming harder. I pulled her close
and hugged her. She responded by hugging back, hard. I guess the
closeness helped, because her crying slowed to a whimper and she stopped
shaking. With the crisis past, I began to take notice of the
situation. I had never hugged my sister for this long before. She had
snuggled into me and didn't seem to want to end the contact. The feeling
was quite mutual. I just lightly stroked her back, trying to calm her
fright. Just then, BANG! another round of hard thunder. Monica jumped
into my arms and hung for dear life. She didn't start crying, though,
just hugged harder.

Next, something happened that I never expected. Monica pulled
her face out of my chest and looked up at me. This image will be
burned in my brain as long as I live. Her face, wet with tears, was
extremely inviting. She smiled, and, almost imperceptably, nodded. I
lowered my face to her and we kissed as more than brother and sister for
the first time. It was a long, slow kiss. Our tongues just naturally
found each other. I felt like I was in heaven.

The kiss broke, and we looked at each other. I thought maybe
this would be the end of things, but I was wrong. Monica reached up
with her mouth and the kiss was renewed. At this point, my brain was on
automatic. As our kiss continued, I slid my hand up and lightly
caressed her breast. That which I had been looking at almost daily now
was in my hand.

Part 2

This was more than I could have ever dreamed! For months now I
had lusted after and fantasized about my older sister, Monica. Now,
the combination of my parents' vacation and a violent thunder storm was
making these fantasies come true. Now, don't ever let anyone tell you
that a fantasy come true is not as good as the fantasy. I know

Monica and I continued kissing. Our tongues were battling for
pleasure. I moved my hand fully over her breast and cupped this perfect
mound. I could feel her nipple harden through the thin material of her
blouse. I pinched it to full erection between my thumb and forefinger.
Monica moaned into my mouth, and my voice joined in. Monica's nipples
weren't the only things getting erect. From the moment we shared the
first kiss, my cock sprang to life and was threatening to ruin a
perfectly good pair of jeans. This became more critical when I felt
Monica's hand move up the inside of my thigh and over the bulge in my
crotch. She gripped my rigid shaft and stroked it through the denim
fabric. It took every ounce of control to keep from cumming right then.
But I wanted this to last.

Breaking the kiss, I pulled back and began to unbutton her
blouse. Yes, I'd seen her breasts encased in a bra many times over the
past few months, but this was different. Now, I had permission, I had
encouragement. And I had never been this close. I slowly undid each
button on her blouse, kissing down Monica's neck and across her chest.
I slid my hands inside her shirt and felt the lacy material of her bra.
Now, believe me, I'd always loved my sister. But as these events were
unfolding, I was falling "in love" with her. As I made love to her
breasts, Monica continued to lightly stroke cock. She moved her hand up
and opened my belt and unsnapped the top of my jeans. I lifted my ass up
and helped her pull them off, along with my briefs. Finally released
from its' confinement, my rigid tool stood up proudly. Monica gasped,

"Oh, Michael, it's beautiful. I always knew it would be!"

"You mean.....?"

"Yes, darling. I've had thoughts about this ever since you started your
little game in the morning!"

"I didn't know you noticed!"

"I noticed as much as you did. I liked knowing that I could turn you

"God, Mon, you have no idea how much you turn me on!"

"I'm getting the idea, stud! Do I always get you this hard?"

"Every time I see you."

"What do you do, then?"

"Usually, I go back to my room and just imagine what it would be like to
be with you like this."

"Do you touch yourself? Do you cum thinking about me?"

"Yeah, babe, every time. How about you? What ddo you do with your

"The other night, after I went to bed, I started thinking about you. I
imagined what it would feel like to have you touch my breasts. I got so
wet and so hot I came right away. It was so good!"

As we talked, I had continued to stroke and fondle Monica's
breasts and she had begun to stroke the length of my shaft. I slid the
blouse from her shoulders and reached in back to un-do her bra. At last,
I had a view of my big sister's breasts completely uncovered. They were
as perfect as i had imagined. Even at their size, she really didn't a
bra for support. They stood up firm on her chest. The nipples were fully
erect. Without any hesitation, I bent forward and took one in my mouth,
sucking gently. Monica drew in a quick breath and pressed my head closer
to her body. I opened my mouth wide and took in as much of her globe as
I could. Monica moaned loudly.

"YEEESSSSS!!!! Oh, God, baby brother, suck it. Oh, jesus, yes, so good,
so good!"

Her hand tightened her grip on my cock and stroked faster.
Monica pulled my head up. This time she bent forward and planted a kiss
on the tip and then licked around the head and along the underside of
the shaft.

"Mon, if you keep that up, I'm gonna cum!"

"Go ahead, darling. Cum for me. I want to see what you look like when
you cum. Give it to me. I wanna make you cum all night long."

This was more than I could take. With a loud moan, I let loose
a stream of cum heavier than ever i had seen come from my cock. Monica
continued to stroke me and aimed the head at her breasts. Stream after
stream coated her beautiful chest, running over her breasts and dripping
off both nipples. I collapsed back on the couch. I really thought I was
going to pass out. I had never cum so hard in my life. Looking up, I
watched as Monica rubbed my cum into her flesh, teasing her nipples as
she did. I pulled my self up and took this beautiful young woman in my
arms and we kissed again. Impossibly, this kiss was even more
passionate. My hands again roamed across her breasts. I just couldn't
get enough.

But I knew Monica wanted and needed more. I put my hands on her
shorts and pulled them down. If I was stunned by my first view of
Monica's breasts, the first look I got of her pussy was indescribeable.
It was full and dark, but not overly so. I lightly ran my hands up the
inside of her thighs, until I reached the prize. Monica gasped when she
felt my fingers on her pussy.

"Ummmm. God, that feels so good!"

"Lay back, Mon. It's your turn."

I slid my finger through her slit. I was amazed at how wet and
hot she was. I felt her squirm under my touch. I guess all my reading
had paid off. I seemed to be doing it right! I ran my finger up and
found her clitoris, focusing my attention there.

"OOOOHHHH!!! Michael, oh baby. God, why did I wait so long! Oh, you
bastard, make me cum. PLEASE!!!"

This encouragement was all I needed. I increased the pressure
on her clit and stroked faster. Monica's breathing came faster and more
ragged. Her hips were bucking off the couch as she neared her climax.
Suddenly, I felt her body tense and she let out a long, low growl.


My fall was now complete. Knowing that I could bring my sister
this much pleasure gave me a deep feeling of satisfaction. I wanted to
make her feel this way. I wanted to take her higher than anyone, before
or after, could. As the spasms of her orgasm subsided, I laid down next
to Monica and held her close, kissing her neck and stroking her
magnificent breasts.

"I hope you're OK with this, Mon." I mean, you know what we're doing."

"Michael, we're making love. There's nothing wrong with any of this.
No matter what anyone else says or thinks."

"I love you, Monica. I'm in love with you."

"Sweetheart, I feel the same way. Now, don't you think we'd be more
comfortable in my bed?"

"You read my mind, big sister!"

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