
Mom and son sex sex stories

Mama's Gigolo

I know a bunch of this stuff, probably 98 percent of it, is false about incest. But in email chats with this guy Long Boy Slim, he convinced me to let him post this story I forwarded to him, word for word. It's true. It's what happened between me ..continue reading

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Carrie the young lady

I dragged my tired ass out onto the large sunning area of the hotel by the pool. Third day of vacation, and I was up practically all night, but not by my choice. I finally left my room at about seven, and went and had breakfast, before heading over a ..continue reading

Milk Maid Lover

Darla my wife and I was expecting our first child at any moment. The nervous energy between the two of us was almost palpable. I loaded her packed bags into the car and pulled around to the front of the house to shorten her walking distance. Throwing ..continue reading

Alan syn's sex story

Doing something you know is just dead wrong but did because, at the time, in that mood, it felt so right. A story about ignoring the existence of consequences entirely and embrace the moment completely. So there I am, stoned and drunk. In the wrong ..continue reading

Whore Mom

I came from the City College extremely exhausted. After all, there are four two-hour classes and three of them are in the specialty, and one is in oral sex. For an hour and a half on the last lesson, my lips and tongue were so tired that I could hard ..continue reading

Mom's Slut Phase

My mom's name is Sally. I had gone off to college and returned home afterwards and planned on being there for a short time thinking I would get a good paying job and move out. Sally is my mom, around fifty years of age. Very normal woman, not ugly or ..continue reading

Lust For Mother In Law (Mother in a law is all he wants)

I’ve always loved my wife but she’s a bit of a prude. I met her in high school and back then her innocence was sweet. It was a turn on too because she was willing to be taught. Yeah, I taught Stacy everything from how to move her hips when I was ..continue reading