
porn sex stories

Sub / Slut Vacation

I met them through the internet. One of those adult friend finder sites. By all accounts they were your typical American suburbanites. She was an elementary school teacher, he was a fairly successful businessman. But they had some secrets... ..continue reading

The lady of my dreams, now my wife

She first visited me in a dream when I was in my teens. I don't recall exactly when, as it was many years ago. I remember catching just a glimpse of this beautiful naked woman with piles of long hair. The image was in shades of purple and was still w ..continue reading

Monsters in my bed

I'm an anarchist personally...A real one too. I don't have any dreams of utopia or even friendly campfire songs after all the governments collapse. I think it'll be pretty crazy, real hectic, so I'm stocking up on stuff now. I'm Amerasian, female, w ..continue reading

Double penetration with Kathy

Vin almost turned away, there were hundreds, if not thousands, of ladies doing the missionary position, scattered about the vast room, this one had a longer than average line. A line much too long for Vin to consider standing in, he had to find sex ..continue reading

Batman forever xxx parody

Back in the warehouse, Two-Face had finished his meal and was standing next to the seated Spice. "Time for dessert my dear." He said smiling. Without another word, Spice unzipped his trousers and fished his growing cock out with her fingers. "Mak ..continue reading

Dental Assistant by Sex Addict

I am a married woman who has worked for a dentist for 10 years. During those 10 years he has been divorced twice while I have remained married. On occassion when a patient cancels, we will sit and talk. He always tells me about the women he dates and ..continue reading

Sunday night: Dear Diary

This story is based on people that I may have known, but the story is totally fiction and the diary does not exist. If this type of story upsets you or offends you than please ignore it, and if you are under the legal age where ever you live than als ..continue reading

A Teenage Tranny's First Time

Friday had rolled around the family was out of town and I was wondering how to pass the time. Cruising the computer porn sights didn't do much but bore me. I looked up the local escort sight to see if my favorite t-girl was in town working. Yes s ..continue reading

I help my Aunt Violet, and she deepthroats my husband

"I saw you, Callie." Aunt Violet said. "Last Tuesday night. And I saw what you were doing." I paused with a mug of hot tea halfway to my mouth, and a half-chewed bite of cookie in my mouth. The question hadn't sounded conversational. In fact, I had ..continue reading

A white family travels to Uganda for work and find much more

She was rather plain looking. Or at least I thought so from afar until I saw her deep green almond shaped eyes. As she came closer I could see her slightly upturned bow shaped lips. Her hair was as black as raven's feathers. She walked right past me ..continue reading

Milking Aunt Julie

My story took place couple of decades ago, in summer of 1991 to be exact. I had just celebrated my 15th birthday before the summer recess, just around the time when Aunt Julie giving birth to her first baby. Aunt Julie is my mother’s youngest sist ..continue reading

Backwoods family 2.

Because there were no other kids to play with, little Jody and Joy were much closer than most brothers and sisters. With the lake and the mountains as their playground, the redheaded twins spent most of their time in the majestic outdoors. Coming ..continue reading

The new dawn

It was obvious from the moment they walked into the pub that they were mother and daughter. A further brief look at the two, and it was apparent that the older woman once had all the sexual allure that her offspring now half- innocently exuded. It wa ..continue reading

My sister is humiliated as a counselor at summer camp

It was a Sunday morning. My parents had gone off to church, as they did every weekend. I was enjoying some alone time, making my own offering on the altar of the porn gods, when I heard a timid knock at the door. Shit, I'd forgotten Kim was still ho ..continue reading

The Outsiders

Jackie Thomas was an outsider just about from the day that she was born in Washington. Almost as soon as the little black girl could stand up and walk, she stuck out from the other children, and not only because she was taller than many of them. She ..continue reading

Mother's Day (slut wife, FMMM, humor)

It was a picturebook Mother's Day dawn. My angelic sons tottering into our bedroom at 6 am: one clutching a card he made in pre-school, the other carrying a breakfast tray with a worrying sort of wobble. Their father tiptoed behind them, encouraging ..continue reading

The Queen of Tease

As always, Susana spent a great deal of time and thought on getting ready. As always, Neil became impatient as she tried first one outfit, then another, then different combinations while he lay on the bed watching her. "I like that," he'd say, or ..continue reading

A mom with extras

Barbara moved her cheeks between the slender, smooth, ever-so-hot thighs. It was a moment she had long anticipated, yet dreaded at the same time. A girl was sprawled on the couch, her legs very wide, the tight crotch band of her panties molding ..continue reading

Tricked teen trolloped

There are some lovely beaches down in the south west corner of Western Australia. Long stretches of pristine sand dividing the Indian Ocean from the dense forests of tall karri trees. Hundreds of kilometres of unpolluted and mostly unpopulated coastl ..continue reading

My mature sexfriend Ester

It was a warm summer day: lots of people were wearing shorts and some women were looking really good. I was in line at a local discount department store, and couldn't help noticing one particular woman: she must have been about twenty, was thin, ..continue reading

Threesome pussy contact

"Oh God, that was great." Michelle panted as the two woman laid side by side. The two spent long minutes just silently kissing and licking each other clean. No further words were shared, just an occasional shared laughter. Finally, l ..continue reading

On Further Examination

Robert Ames was growing concerned. Angelica Lopez had disappeared behind the inner office door of the clinic over an hour ago. With perfect hindsight he realized they could have left some notes back at the offices of Post outlining the story they w ..continue reading

Stepmom Tender Loving Care

"My goodness, Davey, what are you doing home on Friday evening watching TV instead of out on a date? This is the second weekend in a row you've stayed home." Alice Renfrow, Davey's mother, stood in front of her son seated on the couch, and smilin ..continue reading

StepMom wants needs filled

I froze in my tracks as my sister's face burned red, mortified to learn our mother had caught us having sex. Mom looked up at me with a look that was beyond comprehension: not angry, not happy... amused perhaps. She walked away from Kristen and said ..continue reading

Ginger learn her lesson

Ginger Collins had been going around teasing all the older single men in the apartment complex. This smart assed little fifteen year old girl had been watching all kinds of internet porn, and she figured she knew how far she could push it without ge ..continue reading

Candy the cock lover whore

Hello all, this is Candy. Well, quite a lot has happened since I have last uploaded a "real" text file so lets see..........where to begin. Well, my roomies and I have still been "getting together" for some fun. This summer, unlike the last one, t ..continue reading

Me and my younger mother-in-law at home during daytime

Whenever I had any minor aches and pains, it was my mother-in-law, Mae, to whom I, and the whole family, turned to: she was an ex-nurse after all. We all lived in the one house (the one I had bought as part of my wedding payment): me, my wife, Mae an ..continue reading

Linda's Lust for boys

I looked around the Hotel pool and enjoyed the sights of summer play and of course the numerous boys tanning and playing. I loved watching boys at play and loved enjoying the sight of them diving or running or just fooling around - all that energy an ..continue reading

Oh please, Max, just a little more

Running padded fingers through my luxurious belly fur, I peer into the tall mirror tacked to the closet door across from my bed. My purple eyes sweep my body. Pulling at the scrunchie, purple hair tumbles around my shoulders. Damn, I'm so hot, I tur ..continue reading

Diary of a teen sex slave whore

I took my horse, she is a filly, a female horse named Kira back to her stall, while my mommy stayed outside grooming her horse. Then mommy and me took her horse into the stable. "Bridgette Michelle, you know mommy's horse is a male stallion, don't ..continue reading

Date Night

I never thought the day was going to end. Friday's always drug on, but today seemed exceptionally long. Nikki and I were going out tonight! I napped restlessly after school, tossing and turning with anticipation of what hopefully would be a repeat ..continue reading

Husband promises

"Honey what's wrong? Why don't you want to have sex with me anymore?" "It's not that I don't want to have sex with you, I'm just not in the mood when you are. I feel like you chase me around the house sometimes and it just adds pressure. It becom ..continue reading

The school of sex

Patty McRae sat beside me in history class. I was in love with her. For fifty minutes each day, I'd watch her out of the corner of my eye. I'd see the profile of her beautiful face, watch the gentle rise and fall of her breasts, see the sunlight h ..continue reading

Two taboo lovers

I spent 30 minutes in the shower but still did not feel clean. I couldn't believe that I had molested my own daughter. It was only a matter of time before she told a teacher or friend. The girls would be taken from me. I would be jailed. I would c ..continue reading

Headmistress Thorpe's exclusive private school

Headmistress Thorpe walked briskly, with young Julie in tow, to her husband's office. No doubt the students in class exchanged knowing looks as they recognized the loud paces of their stern and determined Headmistress. Approaching the beautiful corne ..continue reading

Trance Utilisation

She found herself there as well, wanting to be anywhere else, but right there, and right then. She was through with men of all types. They were pricks, the lot of them, put on the earth to make women miserable by causing themselves to be wanted. A ..continue reading

Gawkers Night out

Pet I watch the gawkers at the club while I have you tied to the cross or strapped to the horse. I don't blame them. As they trickle in alone and creep into the corners, they seek sights and sounds only found in videos and fantasies. The stories y ..continue reading

Pervert schoolgirl xxx

Jane woke me with a freshly lit Marlboro the next morning, I felt sore all over and was still laying I on the examination table. Jane unstrapped my legs and after a couple of attempts managed to get upright. My legs acted and my feet were sore fro ..continue reading

Slut Barbie adventures

One last check in my mirror to make sure I looked my best and in I went, straight to my desk and sat down as if nothing had changed. I saw the other girls just staring at me, watching every move as I lit a cigarette and started to file and neaten up ..continue reading

This wife is a dream, just what you always wanted

Jim had been married to the woman of his dreams for nearly five years now. She was ten years younger than his 38 years but they were nicely compatible at just about everything it seemed..... especially sex. After a great first couple of years thing ..continue reading

Dealing in Dallas

David knew he was going to be late again, it seemed like every time he was going to meet his fiance, Allison, for a drink after work, something happened at his law office to delay him. David was a junior partner in a very well known, prestigious la ..continue reading

Slut wife carreer boost

I couldn't believe it when I got the phone call from Don Peterson of Jacobs and Associates early that Monday morning. He wanted to know if I would be interested in talking to them about joining their firm as Vice-President of Sales. I was blown ..continue reading

Marie's training intensifies

Lora opened the lid of the can of protein drink. She scooped one full tablespoon and dumped it into a tall glass. She looked down at her friend, kneeling on the hard tiles just a few feet away to her left. Marie's eyes were red and tears dripped down ..continue reading

A wild college frat party

The Hell Week Party of 2001 kicked off when trainer Andy Lee called pledge Gabe Smith to the stairs at the center of the frat house. The music was cut and Gabe stood their, buck naked with every eye in the house on him. Everyone laughed, and the poor ..continue reading

The first time my sister-in-law flirted with me

The first time my sister-in-law Eva flirted with me was when she was helping me straighten up a recently vacated apartment in a building my elderly mother owned. Eva had trudged down the street bundled up in winter clothes on a bitterly cold day in o ..continue reading

Fucking great chicks Tim

Tim sat back and watched the crowd of men cheering on the three lady entertainers. He smiled enjoying the sight of guys whom he knew, and their reaction to the show the three young women put on. Two of them were rubbing each oth ..continue reading

My husband and i have an argument

Hi, my name is Megan. For those of you who stay in correspondence, I apologize for my absence and this story should explain why; I've been very busy. A few weeks ago, my husband and I had a huge argument. I grabbed some clothes and have not been ..continue reading

I had always fantasized about getting caught masturbating

I had always fantasized about getting caught masturbating. Something about it really turns me on. A few times I know of, I have been watched, but never straight up caught, until now. Tonight my fantasy was to come true, but a little differently ..continue reading

The Submission of Liu

Judy Liu was the happiest newlywed in the world! She and her husband had just purchased this beautiful home in the heart of suburbia. No more city commute, or large shopping malls. Most of all, she would not have to put up with being pinched, mau ..continue reading

Kelly's Sacrifice

Kelly was one of six white women whose pussy would be sacrificed, on stage, in front of a large wild audience. It was to be done at a once a year event, one that had become very famous in the sexual underground. It was all done to demonstrate the ..continue reading

Why I love Phone Sex

I was talking to someone and the subject of phone sex came up and they said they couldn't understand why anyone would want to do it. I didn't go into it with them but thought it would make a good story. To ask why have phone sex is like asking wh ..continue reading

Spicing up ones sex life goes a little wrong

As she came down the lawn she was giggling like a schoolgirl, her husband heard her and turned his head to watch her. His lovely wife headed his way; in each hand she held a glass of orange. He looked at her as she skipped over the grass, she was ..continue reading

A frustrated husband controls his wife 2.

He pulled off her cardigan and undid her blouse; then sat her up with cushions wedged behind her. After reaching around and undoing her bra, he stood back to admire his handiwork. Her tender white breasts, now exposed, were two perfect mounds, on ..continue reading

A frustrated husband controls his wife

After three years of marriage, Dave and Julia's sex life had started out great, but now whittled down to a bit of fondling as foreplay followed by a quick romp- missionary style three times a month. This satisfied Julia, but Dave was growing more ..continue reading

One Black Night

One night I took my wife Debby to a local highway rest stop and fucked her in one of the stalls in the ladies room. It was pretty cool, especially with other women coming in and out of the restroom the whole time. We could hear them doing their b ..continue reading

A cheating wife has a weekly rendezvous with a well hung black stud

It was lunch time when the phone rang. The caller ID showed it was from out of area. Normally I never answer a call like that but my hand suddenly picked it up. In a quiet voice spoke, "You don't know me, I work with your wife and I'm calling to ..continue reading

A true story of how my wife was gangbanged

In the mid 1980's I was in the military and stationed in North Carolina along with my wife and young son. We had been married about ten years and were in our early forties. My wife is Thai, 5'2" with a stunning figure and long waist length black ..continue reading

Under The Bell Curve

I was taking Peg to Rita's Roadhouse for dinner. Peg was my date for about the fourth or fifth time this semester, and we'd had some pretty good times -- movies, concerts, that sort of thing. She was a chatty and ebullient brunette, and filled ou ..continue reading

Girlfriend Becomes Obeying Slave

Margot started making much louder breathing sound as Reinhardt slowly moved his cock into her asshole. Reinhardt put his hands over her wrists as her hands were by the side of her head. Reinhardt made his first cock movement inside her ass. "Ple ..continue reading

Submission in the Sky

As we step onto the small, 20 seat, business express airplane, I feel your hand on the small of my back, as if gently guiding me. I continue to my seat ahead of you. I am really not thinking about anything other than the trip in general, but you c ..continue reading

Away From Home Fun

Let me give you a little bit of history concerning these events. My name is Rob. I'm 5' 5", 120 pounds or something like that. A good looking guy with blonde hair and blue eyes, but nothing amazing. My dick is about 6" to 6½" long, average once ..continue reading

A Passion For My Own

My introduction to the love of another woman came on a warm spring evening very recently. I find myself confused about what it means, afraid of the emotions the experience has unleashed. And yet I cannot rid myself of the glow of that one breatht ..continue reading

A Snob Goes Down

Ann arrived home on a four-day study break from college to celebrate her 21st birthday. Her snobbish superior attitude was more evident then ever before. She was an overachiever who held a 4.0 average with ease. Her academic achievements were far ..continue reading

Interracial desires

For the last three years, I have been teaching English as a Second Language. I have had several students at various levels and for various lengths of time. Two years ago I had started working with Wu. He was Chinese and a project manager at a loc ..continue reading

Fucking bitch!

Simply put, Virginia wanted to fuck. She didn't care who or where just as long as she got some hot male sausage to stuff into her aching pussy. "A girl can only go so long without riding the big shaft," she thought, "and I've gone about as far as ..continue reading

A dominant ladyboy

My trips to any club begin following prior consumption of copious amounts of alcohol and tonight was no different. My mates were similarly constrained when sober so when we staggered into the club our heads were far from clear. We ordered another ..continue reading

Older Women Make Wonderful Sex Teachers

When it comes to sex, we all need someone to teach us and we eventually find that we have certain things that really turn us on sexually. No doubt, you have something that really makes you horny. For me, it's a pussy that has all of its hair on i ..continue reading

Aunt Teaches Me Respect

It was the summer of my eighteenth year, I was out of high school and heading to college in the fall, and I wanted this summer to be one I would never forget. Oh, I will never forget it but not because it was fun. The first weekend I went to a pa ..continue reading

I find my girlfriend fucking

I went over to my friends place and her mother told me she was down in the garage doing something or other. I walked in through a side door as the main door was closed. There is a sleep out in the back of the garage and the door was open and I could ..continue reading

Tommy and Amanda: The Story Continues

“Mmmmmmm. Yes Tommy right there. Oh yes lick my clit, lick it hard. Make your naughty little wife cum all over your face. You know you want it. That’s it Tommy, that it. Oh yes.” That was about all Amanda could say when Tommy started licking he ..continue reading

Quickie at wedding

A friend of my wife's was getting married for the second time, so she decided to have a small wedding at home, inviting about 60 people. Flo, another friend of my wife's was there alone. Flo had had been involved in a few bad relationships and didn ..continue reading

The Fetish Series

Cheesy music pumped through the air, vibrating the walls of the small apartment. Then, as the credits faded away, the boom chicka boom boom of the theme music disappeared. Silence. A beer can ricocheted off the wall, flew through the air, bounced ..continue reading

Big clited teacher

It was an early spring day in Vermont. I had turned 14 a few months ago and my voice had finally dropped down and stopped squeaking. I had only recently discovered that my penis would suddenly grow and stiffen when I sat in the sun and its warmth stu ..continue reading

The Fisherman

It was early October and the woods were ablaze with autumn color. As we walked around the lake, we could see the red, yellow, and orange trees reflected in it's smooth surface. It was very quiet up here on the mountainside. We hadn't seen another hum ..continue reading

The xmas fake taxi

Christmas. At least that's my excuse. Party season, networking season. A client's PR company threw a big thrash in some cool Covent Garden bar. "Cool" was funny, because cool was the *last* word you'd choose to describe that crowded, clattering caver ..continue reading

Ex cock deep into her throat

"Hey Stevenson!" Called out the booming voice of Roger Craig, the Captain of the Football Team. "Heads up!" Scott Stevenson looked up to see a spinning football hurling through the air, heading right for him. Dropping his books, the sandy haired t ..continue reading

Hidden journal porn

I awoke to strangeness: warm bodies, girlish whispers, giggles and very dim gray light. The warmth touching me and the sounds seemed only a continuation of what had lulled me to sleep, but the light surprised me: clearly it derived from no candle. ..continue reading

The xxx game

We had met for a couple of drinks, then after talking, headed back to your place. Although excited, we were also both a little nervous, but laughed and chatted a bit more until we felt a little more comfortable being together. Finally, we de ..continue reading

Getting His Trophy Wife

This little incident started at a party where there were a lot of good people. And then there was the host and hostess: Brad, the quintessential jerk and his wife, the trophy wife, who was really okay - when she wasn't being the complete screaming bi ..continue reading

Kinky passions 2.

Standing still, Katt listened as Ted spoke with Sandor. The Indian smiled and nodded, his head turned as his coffee brown eyes sought hers. Unless Katt was mistaken, they were discussing her. What the hell? Was Ted telling Sandor he knew he'd f ..continue reading

Lisa's Career Move

My wife ,Lisa , recently changed jobs and this led to a great new aspect in our sex life . Lisa had graduated from college with a marketing degree just over 3 years ago and had been working in sales since then . First real estate then cars and las ..continue reading


Monica hesitated outside the front door of Alison's home late the next afternoon, working her beautiful face into its sternest frown. It was a hot day, and for that reason she couldn't wear the modest, bulky clothes she would ordinarily have consi ..continue reading

A trial by sexual fire

The following evening, Marissa and Bob met outside the building where the film was to be shown. Marissa had had a difficult day dealing with her sexuality. This was her ninth day without an orgasm, and her urge to have one was overpowering. ..continue reading

Birthday bath

It was the largest bathroom Marie Clair had ever seen. Ruffled white curtains, several furry, white area rugs, and a big tub, almost full of scented bubbles. Marie Clair had never had help undressing before, but thought she’d better cooperate. ..continue reading

I made her cum before seeing her boyfriend

I've really been going on a sexual revelation and not caring too much about relationships. And that continues with this story about a friend of mine who's had a dry spell with her bf. He's really devoted to his work and often is boring and lazy when ..continue reading

The Sculptor

We stood in front of apartment 2906 and Amanda pressed the buzzer. A moment later, the door opened and the three of us were shocked, our eyes going bug-eyed wide. Charlene was stunningly beautiful. Almost six feet tall, she had the luscious curves ..continue reading

Bisex adventures of Pauline

Sarah has a magnificent ass with thighs to match. She is of French descent, bilingual, fluent in both French and English and as I recently discovered with a little prompting from me, bi-sexual, though she didn’t need a great deal of prompting. She ..continue reading

Dancing and fucking

Csabuel looked around the nightclub, He loved hunting here, the men and women were all beautiful, available, and usually had been drinking or taking drugs. They were also usually horny as well, so he didn’t have to work so hard to get them worked u ..continue reading

A Little Bondage

I've been married now for 2 years to a nice enough guy named Dan, he's a carpenter with a local contractor, building a small residential subdivision on the edge of town. He's a good looking hunk, 5' 10", 165 lbs, 27 years old, nice build, dark hair a ..continue reading

Whore for a Night

I was in a bind and couldn't think of a way out. The little company that I had set up to manufacture my invention had struggled for three years and was just beginning to turn a profit. Jack Wagner, my biggest distributor, was coming for his annual vi ..continue reading

Date with Mom

My friend Tamara had told me that the only people who took out personal ads in our local weekly were "horny yuppies with more money than brains." However, I had recently finalized my divorce after twenty-seven years of marriage, and I simply didn ..continue reading

Video Desires

It had been a long drive and Travis sighed with relief as he pulled into the driveway. Thankful that the summer season was upon him and his studies at college would wait for a couple of months, he smiled as he once again pondered how he was going ..continue reading

Mom gets drunk and fucks all my friends

It was my 19th birthday, I had invited 5 of my friends over for a barbeque. My dad was supposed to be there to deal with the cooking on the grill but he'd been asked to go on some conference somewhere and had been away for a week already, he was due ..continue reading

Up on the Roof

"Oh, God... you feel so good," she whispered into the night breeze. He was standing behind her, fully clothed. His hands were up under her sweater, holding her breasts firmly through her lacy, white bra, thumbs working her nipples with the ..continue reading

Barbara the slut

The ride to Cheryl's apartment seemed to take much longer than normal. The usual 45 minute trip had seemed, to Barbara, to take days. She and John had not really discussed the events of their last evening with Cheryl and Barbara still felt knots in ..continue reading

The Boss' daughter

My bossused tohold a party every summer, to which I would always go. About 8 or 10years ago, uponarriving there,and walking through thekitchendoor, I was greeted very nicely by the first person Isaw, his beautiful young daughter. In the past, I had s ..continue reading

Dungeon of Desire

Jasmine had told me to meet him. Or had she ordered me? I liked to think she’d ordered me, now that I reflected upon it. Yes, she’d ordered me. I’d had no choice. But of course I’d had, hadn’t I? I didn’t anymore. She’d t ..continue reading

Suck Princess

I am 23 years old, 5'2 105 lbs and have auburn hair with green eyes, 34c 22 32. This is the story of how I came to love sucking cock. It was a warm, rainy summer evening in 1990. And as I said goodbye to my Mother and Father, I was as excited as a k ..continue reading

My Virgin Sister

I've been spying on my sister for about two months; watching her change her clothes through her bedroom window. I never thought I'd take it any farther than just spying. She is my sister, after all. To me it's just a good way to see some tits, ass an ..continue reading

Pussy playland

When I was 18 I had an older boyfriend. His name was Alex. One day I was in his bedroom, going through his things on top of his dresser. Just nosing around, wearing my cuffed jeans and my concert t-shirt. He’d bought it for me last week after I ..continue reading

Your search to porn stories is over here.

New girl in town

"No, please don't," Little Ashley folded her hands in a begging position as she pleaded, "Please!" "Then you better do it, or David is going to take that knife and gut that thing like a fish." Ashley looked over at her new puppy being held in the ..continue reading

Steal Away

We walked into the lobby of the huge hotel. We walked up to the counter and you asked for the honeymoon suite. You told the man to have a bottle of honey, and a bottle of whipped cream sent to our room. After that you asked that we not be disturb ..continue reading

My husband fucked his mother

Ricks mother Helen called and said she was coming to visit for a few days. She has been single since Ricks dad ran of with another woman 5 years ago. She arrived Friday morning while Rick was at work. Helen is 44 years old with big breast and a plump ..continue reading

Boss sex, anal sex

I’d been nuptially entwined with Greg for just over five years. It had been a good marriage in many ways but our matrimonial union wasn’t all eggplants and tube socks, if you know what I mean. As our years wedded bliss traipsed on, Gregory got p ..continue reading

Honey, The beginning

I have a talent. I can tinker with people's minds. Women seem to be the most susceptible, although each individual is different. I don't know why; maybe it has to do with gender, but I can't make men do my bidding as easily, nor with as few after-eff ..continue reading

Family orgy

Bobby Mitchell ducked down quickly in the driver's seat as twin beams of bright light shone suddenly into the rear-view mirror. The sound of the approaching car got louder, and the boy prayed that it would go straight past. The last thing he needed r ..continue reading