
taboo sex stories

I help my Aunt Violet, and she deepthroats my husband

"I saw you, Callie." Aunt Violet said. "Last Tuesday night. And I saw what you were doing." I paused with a mug of hot tea halfway to my mouth, and a half-chewed bite of cookie in my mouth. The question hadn't sounded conversational. In fact, I had ..continue reading

3 way French kiss

The following is a story, and not even really a fantasy, although I might enjoy some of the things described. There is very little if any basis in reality for this story, and any resemblance to anyone is an accident. You should ignore this story if ..continue reading

Backwoods family 2.

Because there were no other kids to play with, little Jody and Joy were much closer than most brothers and sisters. With the lake and the mountains as their playground, the redheaded twins spent most of their time in the majestic outdoors. Coming ..continue reading

The Backwoods family

The lake was high in the Canadian Rockies and, except for Dave Atwood and his family who lived in the government house on the edge of the water, there wasn't another living soul within hundreds of miles. Living here with his family, Dave was the sole ..continue reading

A mom with extras

Barbara moved her cheeks between the slender, smooth, ever-so-hot thighs. It was a moment she had long anticipated, yet dreaded at the same time. A girl was sprawled on the couch, her legs very wide, the tight crotch band of her panties molding ..continue reading

Stepmom Tender Loving Care

"My goodness, Davey, what are you doing home on Friday evening watching TV instead of out on a date? This is the second weekend in a row you've stayed home." Alice Renfrow, Davey's mother, stood in front of her son seated on the couch, and smilin ..continue reading

StepMom wants needs filled

I froze in my tracks as my sister's face burned red, mortified to learn our mother had caught us having sex. Mom looked up at me with a look that was beyond comprehension: not angry, not happy... amused perhaps. She walked away from Kristen and said ..continue reading

The princess runs away to the forest, and is taken by a pack of wolves

Kyrene stared at her reflection in the ornate golden mirror, wrinkling her nose in disgust at the way the lacey white fabric hung on her thin frame. Granted, white looked wonderful against her deep mahogany skin tones and her long, wavy black hair, b ..continue reading

Oh please, Max, just a little more

Running padded fingers through my luxurious belly fur, I peer into the tall mirror tacked to the closet door across from my bed. My purple eyes sweep my body. Pulling at the scrunchie, purple hair tumbles around my shoulders. Damn, I'm so hot, I tur ..continue reading

Two taboo lovers

I spent 30 minutes in the shower but still did not feel clean. I couldn't believe that I had molested my own daughter. It was only a matter of time before she told a teacher or friend. The girls would be taken from me. I would be jailed. I would c ..continue reading

The Horse Club 2.

Patsy rode her bike along the road and smiled when she spotted the barn and the clubhouse. Her long slender legs pedaled faster. Leaving her bike, she ran into the clubhouse. It was empty. "The barn," she said, remembering Ellen's words. She rushed ..continue reading

The Horse Club

Patsy Sloane caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. Excitement flashed back from her pretty reflection. She was fifteen, blonde, with wide innocent blue eyes and big overripe tits that made all the boys in school drool. She paced the small room, ..continue reading

Jan's Lactation leads to a new Taboo

Her master led her to the hotel room after a ride from the airport. It was an overnight flight and the lobby milled with early morning checkouts. He led her up to his room where he had checked in the night before. He drew the curtains closed and latc ..continue reading

The first time my sister-in-law flirted with me

The first time my sister-in-law Eva flirted with me was when she was helping me straighten up a recently vacated apartment in a building my elderly mother owned. Eva had trudged down the street bundled up in winter clothes on a bitterly cold day in o ..continue reading

Taboo story of Tim

Mrs. Leveque passed the legal documents across her desk to Tim Wilson. He smiled at the handsome woman and then placed his signature upon several of the documents. Taking a breather to calm his excitement, Tim looked up into the ..continue reading

I had always fantasized about getting caught masturbating

I had always fantasized about getting caught masturbating. Something about it really turns me on. A few times I know of, I have been watched, but never straight up caught, until now. Tonight my fantasy was to come true, but a little differently ..continue reading

Why I love Phone Sex

I was talking to someone and the subject of phone sex came up and they said they couldn't understand why anyone would want to do it. I didn't go into it with them but thought it would make a good story. To ask why have phone sex is like asking wh ..continue reading

A brother and sister discover the joys of sex

Nothing can replace the fond memories of the love I shared with my sibling from the time we were youngsters. Our relationship wasn't the romantic love one shares when they are teens or married. Rather it was tender and held a loving, albeit inces ..continue reading

A mature social worker

After I read some of the stories posted here, I felt that I'd found some kindred spirits in people I'd never met. I'm a forty-one year old white wife and mother who recently decided to move close to the university where my youngest son attends, s ..continue reading

The Naturist Holiday

I hope you have read the account I gave of the first time I made love to my sweet stepdaughter, Wendy. That happened when I made a sexy video of her. Then Wendy wrote about the time she bought us a visit to a rather special health club. I think yo ..continue reading

Home taboo

The "Deal" with dad about me studying for finals took more than a few strange turns the next two weeks. First of all, mom and him moved me out of the motel office apartment into a room in the back of the motel -- in the old section. Dad removed the ..continue reading

Hidden journal porn

I awoke to strangeness: warm bodies, girlish whispers, giggles and very dim gray light. The warmth touching me and the sounds seemed only a continuation of what had lulled me to sleep, but the light surprised me: clearly it derived from no candle. ..continue reading

The Sculptor

We stood in front of apartment 2906 and Amanda pressed the buzzer. A moment later, the door opened and the three of us were shocked, our eyes going bug-eyed wide. Charlene was stunningly beautiful. Almost six feet tall, she had the luscious curves ..continue reading

You read my mind, big sister

The early years of my adolescence had been painfully and regrettably uneventful. My natural curiosity, combined with raging hormones, had led me to learn everything I could about female anatomy and human sexuality. By the time I was 15, I considered ..continue reading

A Needful Mother

Melissa smoothed her hands down over the blue summer dress covering her hips and smiled softly at the reflection in the mirror. She applied a thin coat of lipstick to her full, luscious lips and quietly wondered to herself why she was taking so much ..continue reading

My Virgin Sister

I've been spying on my sister for about two months; watching her change her clothes through her bedroom window. I never thought I'd take it any farther than just spying. She is my sister, after all. To me it's just a good way to see some tits, ass an ..continue reading

Sister in law

The next morning was crazy as to be expected. I left to get our boys from my parents. When I back, our boys and their cousin went into the playroom to play video games. My wife called me from the spare room. She and her sister were hooking up our old ..continue reading

Anal orgy

This is a story about what happened to me last night. It was just so hot I had to write it down. Not that I'd ever forget it. No way. I just want to let everyone know about it, and gather their opinions on what exactly they themselves think happe ..continue reading

The Dildo in Mom

A crime show played quietly in the background, as I softly dozed in my mom's bed. "Sweetheart," Mom said to me, gently shaking my shoulder, "if you fall asleep now I'll never get you to your own bed." Yawning I replied, "Your right, your right, give ..continue reading

Shy Young Wife Revisited

Call me paranoid, or whatever you please, but my wife's "volunteer work" was really about sex all along, and I knew it from the beginning. She went on about self- actualization and needing to "discover herself" and to do something about society's ..continue reading

Welcome to Congress

Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene had barely settled into her new Congressional office. She was testing out her comfy chair, shoes off with her bare feet digging into the plush carpet when there was a knock on her door. "Come." The door opened ..continue reading

New Mother, New Lawn Boy

Sarita Collins drove slowly down the street, watching for #1121. Could hardly miss it, however, as when she got there the boy was in the driveway, kneeling beside his mower, fiddling with the engine. She stopped, rolling down the window. "John?" He ..continue reading

Blacked Uk wife

I'm happy to say my wife Kathy took her first extra-marital cock in August of 2003. We had been wed 5 years at the time and although a regular fantasy for us we'd never taken it any further. I was very keen too. Maybe I'd felt undeserving for a long ..continue reading

Our fuck community

Today was a big day for me, the biggest of my life so far, I thought to myself as I opened one eye and looked at the morning sunshine filtering into the hut. Today I not only turned adult but was also getting married. “Get up, Orion,” my mother ..continue reading

The Wedding Conception

My story happened almost three years ago this month. My name is Lisa and my husband's name is Bob. I'm considered to be attractive and have always taken good care of myself. I'm proud to say my husband's friends have always told him they were e ..continue reading

Mom Caught Skimming

Work was not easy to come by in our small town. Dad lost his engineering job when his firm closed down and, although he was not a natural salesman, he was lucky to get a job selling office furniture. This meant that he was away from home Monday throu ..continue reading

Life in My Little Hometown

In my last chapter I left you with Kim having moved in with John and I. DeRonda, Gina had met Kim, and they both instantly liked her. The four of us had so much fun during the rest of the summer. Gina had to return to Italy near the end of August. Ho ..continue reading

Fucking and sucking Elizabeth

I was at home on a Saturday relaxing after a long week at work, I was finally slipping into a nice sleep when a piercing ring sounded in my ears, I was jerked out of my sleep by my bitch of a wife calling me, “Yes hello Janice what’s up” he sai ..continue reading

Sister's plan

I woke up with my head pounding, my own fault I might add, drinking was not something I was very good at and by the feeling that even the dim light of the room I was in was giving me, I'd do my usual vow of never drinking again after about 10 aspirin ..continue reading

David, My Wife's Bi-Cuckold

This is a true story of what happened to us about three years ago, and continues today. During our 15 years of marriage, we've been very open with each other sexually. We watch porn movies, pictures, erotic stories and telling each other our fan ..continue reading

Two women's vaginas and anuses and the pleasure they offer

Friday evening, the first week of June and I was totally relaxed. I’d met a friend for dinner and a drink or two and had gotten home around nine. Now, I was sipping a bit of Maker’s Mark, rocks with just a splash of water while I enjoyed the quie ..continue reading

Mom’s Journal

1-18 Sunday was another typical morning in the house, Robert was working on spreadsheets and emails and I had a massive headache from drinking too much the night before. The painkillers hadn’t kicked in yet so I decided to lie on the couch and wat ..continue reading

Naughty Selfies with Mom

I walked down the stairs early morning to the sound of my mother arguing with someone over the phone. She was sitting by the dining room table wearing her robe and she slammed her phone down after she gave the last word. "Ugghhh... what an asshole," ..continue reading

Mall Matchup

On Saturday, we went to the mall. Her birthday was soon approaching, and I made it a point to try to bring her to some of her favorite stores, to "scope things out" so to speak. She would pick things out, make some comment. And I, stealthily, would m ..continue reading

The Taboo Coffee Shop

“You’ve got to be kidding me mother! I’m 18, I have a boyfriend, its not some strange thing!” I yell back at my mom. “Yeah, well I was 18, had a boyfriend, steamed up a car, and now I’m 34 with a high strung 18 year old daughter and work ..continue reading

My Stepsis my lover

I woke up with Lindsey's nursing on my cock. I looked into her twinkling eyes and moaned. I never exchanged sex stories with my ex-brother-in-law as I had with other male members of the family. Clint was a dud who felt talking about anything sexual w ..continue reading

Seduction of the new teacher

I had just graduated college with a teaching degree in English and I was burdened with debt that would be with me for decades. I decided to accept a position at a title one inner city high school in hopes of making a difference in my soon to be stude ..continue reading

Grandma Madeline

Let me start by telling you a little about myself. During the time of events, I had just turned 18, I was your typical teen. A bit shy, kind of a loner, grew up in shitty lifestyle. My dad was out of the picture and my mom, well my mom, let’s just ..continue reading

Awesome Mother-in-law

Let me start by saying I am 35 my wife is 24 and her mom is 45. There has always been a running joke that I had a choice between them and would have been blessed either way. The two of them mre resemble sister rather than mom and daughter. My wife i ..continue reading

In Your Sister

Brother and sister are caught making out by their single parent mom and are taught a lesson they won't soon forget. "ALL the way up in your little sister," Momma insisted. Momma had caught the two of us "making out." We weren't really fucking or ..continue reading

Tea with a fuck friend

Sarah opened the door to her good friend Jane and let her in. “Hello Jane, it’s been too long since we last got together” Sarah told Jane as she entered and the two walked into the living room. Sarah already had a pot of tea out for them. “S ..continue reading

Cuckold My Wife

I would like to begin this story by telling you a little about my wife and I. I believe people hear or read stories similar to this and think that we are some type of outlier or different sort. In reality we are normal people and no one would expect ..continue reading

New girl in town

"No, please don't," Little Ashley folded her hands in a begging position as she pleaded, "Please!" "Then you better do it, or David is going to take that knife and gut that thing like a fish." Ashley looked over at her new puppy being held in the ..continue reading

Free sex story

There are moments in life that define you, and this was one of them. I could feel the dog's slobber drip onto my back, it's hot breath panting in my ear, it's slippery cock jabbing wildly leaving wet trails across my ass. It was at that moment that I ..continue reading

Upsetting the apple cart

Steve woke up and remembering where he was grinned smugly. Jane was asleep cuddling him, Lynn had her back to him asleep on her side. The clock on Lynn's bedside table read just after eight and with Sandra coming at ten Steve decided to get things mo ..continue reading

Ass to mouth

My brother is shy. Shyness is endearing up to a point, but at eighteen years old, it goes from cute, to pathetic. You think he’d get out of his fucking shell by now, but nope; Tom is still the awkward, apprehensive boy he’s been his entire life. ..continue reading

Dirty wife fucked

Me and my wife have been married 5 years, been together for 11 years total. We have 2 daughters, one is almost 3 and the other is only 5 months old. Enough with the boring stuff. We’ve always had such passionate sex that I think it’s worth s ..continue reading

My husband fucked his mother

Ricks mother Helen called and said she was coming to visit for a few days. She has been single since Ricks dad ran of with another woman 5 years ago. She arrived Friday morning while Rick was at work. Helen is 44 years old with big breast and a plump ..continue reading

Gangbang, interracial sex

Continuing from part one: “Oh, by the way, did I mention that I had invited the three Swazi boys around to the cottage for drinks tonight? They asked if they could bring three of their well hung friends. I said sure, I look forward to a fresh fucki ..continue reading

My husband fucked his mother hard

I fixed us both a strong drink and we began loosning up and she said she has been so lonely lately. I asked when was the last time she went out on a date. She said all the men where she lives ar all married or bums. She asked how me and Rick was doin ..continue reading

Cheating, consensual sex

I loved playing X-Box, and was pretty good at it. I could play three sports with relative skill. I did so-so in school, and could have done much better if I'd really tried. I had over thirty sexual fantasies per day. I dreamed about owning a car, but ..continue reading

Bi Bdsm

They say hindsight is 20/20, and I found out the hard way that they (whoever ‘they’ are) are one hundred percent correct. If only I knew what kind of a person my neighbor was before I became friendly with her, I could have saved myself a whole lo ..continue reading

Bisex dicksucking on high school

I was reminiscing today. I was eighteen and it was my senior year in high school and I was going home from school on the bus. A guy sitting next to me was listening to some pretty cool music that I recognized but I couldn't remember the name of the b ..continue reading

Me and My Cousins (family,taboo stories)

Well it was in my cousins house. One day she started talking sex with me in her room. I noticed my dick was getting larger and larger. Her curves were as sexy as ever. She said “My pussies getting wet” and she took off her top, her breasts dancin ..continue reading

Anal twins (taboo sex stories)

"So remember, the trash will need taken out, the dog will need walked, don't forget your senior projects are due Monday, you're 18, I shouldn't have to remind you, don't forget to call every night, we'll be back late Sunday, don't wait up, bye honey, ..continue reading

Dirty Panties (taboo,cum,xxx)

I pulled up at my parents house a little bit down. After 4 years of college, I was finally done with school and had my degree in hand, but hadn't landed that first job yet. I'd finally resolved myself to waiting it out for a bit at home; maybe workin ..continue reading

Family, and Fetish

I was nearly done fixing my neighbor's broken dryer, sweaty as could be, as it was already unseasonably warm for an afternoon in April, Saturday to be precise, when the door to the laundry room opened behind me. I wrapped up the last of the repairs b ..continue reading

Cum fiesta

I wrote this story years ago but it got deleted due to the age restriction. Supposedly it's been lifted so I'm posting this again to test the waters and make sure. Enjoy! Everyone has a weird family, but mine is just strange. My name is Alex, I ha ..continue reading

A lonely mother is seduced by her twins

Shauna was your typical housewife. She prepared the meals, made sure the house ran like a well-oiled machine, raised two great kids, and was devoted to her husband. So what if she ended up having sex with her son and her daughter? Shauna met her hus ..continue reading

My Affair With Hope

I didn’t join the community center to troll for pussy, after all, I was 64 and most of the women there were in their 80s and 90s. No, I joined for the art classes, as I always wanted to know how to paint. It was just good fortune that Hope Cur…. ..continue reading

Anal Education

Unfortunately, for longer than I care to remember there has been no intimacy between me and my wife. Thankfully, the remedy for this problem came last night when I did my best to make her feel special. I've learned through the years from my massage t ..continue reading

Bestiality story

Honi (pronounced like 'honey') rocked on her wide spread knees, her shoulders pressed against the base of a reinforced icy cold transparent glass revolving dais. The pose flattened her normally perky breasts against the glass. Subtle, muted light sho ..continue reading

Mom and son xxx

Diana Hughes had a big problem. And her problem's name was Matthew. Most normal eighteen-year-old boys were chasing girls and preparing to go to college. Oh no, not her son. He proudly announced during breakfast that he was perfectly happy working fo ..continue reading

Swinger stories, like fater, like son

I thought I would share a very unique experience that me and my husband recently experienced. My name is Linda and I have been married to my husband Paul for about ten years. We are both in out mid forties and have been swinging ever since we met. Sw ..continue reading

Happy Mother's Day

Mother's Day ( . Y . ) "Hey Captain!" I said into my phone. "Hey Sailor!" my dad said. "How are they hanging?" I queried. "One in front of the other, for speed!" He's a fighter pilot, that's the standard reply. "And yourself?" "I'm high speed, ..continue reading

Taboo sex story

I was meeting Anne for a drink to celebrate the end of the week. Like every Friday afternoon, we met in the bar across the street for margaritas and salted pretzels. I had already ordered cocktails for two and was waiting for my friend to arrive. I h ..continue reading

The taboo challenge

I was meeting Anne for a drink to celebrate the end of the week. Like every Friday afternoon, we met in the bar across the street for margaritas and salted pretzels. I had already ordered cocktails for two and was waiting for my friend to arrive. I h ..continue reading

Sex holiday

We were sitting in the gymnasium stands watching the girl’s volleyball team practice. I don’t think there is a prettier natural attraction than watching eleven teen girls in body hugging shirts and painted on mid-thigh length shorts. Even their t ..continue reading

A crutch for my pregnant sister

I fucked my heavily pregnant big sister. At the time she was twenty six and I was a shy pimply faced twenty year old more comfortable handling books than girls. I was forever horny and spent a lot of time jerking off after or while reading sex novels ..continue reading

Taboo sex stories : Ebony porn

If you’re a fairly good-looking guy with a pleasing personality, good at chatting up ladies and move around a lot, finding yourself in the right places at the right times you will have your instances of sex when least expected; that is expected. Bu ..continue reading

Rough sex in the dark

Mainly out of boredom a woman decides to explore her submissive side and soon finds herself bewildered and enthralled by her new Dom. It wasn't a dark and stormy night, it was a boring night and Clara did what one does to relieve boredom which is f ..continue reading

DD sex day, mf sex stories

You get by being a war veteran in this country. For four years I flew airplanes for the US Army air corps in the European Theater of World War II. I laid my life on the line time and time again and was even shot down once over the coast of France jus ..continue reading

Gangbang sisters

The process of growing up, of passing through the age of adolescence has, through the ages, been marked by great inner turmoil, uncertainty and tremendous pressures from family and peer group alike. Certainly, in our society today, the problems of yo ..continue reading

The family saga

Many things were now extremely clear to Gabriel Scott. He settled back in his favorite chair nursing his gin tonic, promising himself that, tonight, he wouldn't get sloppy drunk. Hell! He had waited too damned long! After having read the note his wif ..continue reading

Daddy has a very big penis

RWS-244 DADDY'S DELIGHT by Richard Van Dorne CHAPTER ONE The brilliant spring sunshine streamed in through the large open bay window. A soft, pleasant breeze was rustling the trees, most of them tall oaks in this part of Evanston, and their shadows ..continue reading

Marriage with my son, indian sex story

Now to coming to the story, which is a true story I hope you all will enjoy it. My husband died 10 years back in an accident leaving behind me and my only my son Jaydeep who was a 10 year old then. My husband’s family did not like me because ours w ..continue reading

Seduced sister

This is a very personal document. It is an autobiography. Maryon Swelt is a very real person, and she has written her very own very real story, just as it happened to her. This is not a work of fiction. In the several letters we have exchanged with ..continue reading

Ball in the family

Incest is a peculiar aspect of human sexuality, that it is so stigmatized and tabooed, there is very little data -- especially well documented data -- available on its occurrence and frequency. That it does exist is undeniable, but the facts surround ..continue reading

Large, protruding breasts

Susie felt it happen as she slipped off her dress, sheer magic warmly enveloping her flesh, softening it to the bone. Her movements slowed. She dropped the dress on the bathroom laundry hamper and felt her face, her throat, her bra stretched by sudde ..continue reading

Juicy like Mom

The younger generation's going to pot. A statement heard in Roman times; a maxim that's been labeled by many Americans as simply "the Generation Gap", a phrase that makes many of today's youth even more suspicious of the older generation. Today, hun ..continue reading

Sucker for mom

Sheila Davis smoothed her hands down over her silken sides and rested them on her naked hips, smiling seductively and admiring herself in her full-length mirror. She felt silly standing there all alone in her bedroom and practicing the comely smile t ..continue reading

Sister was best

"Normal" is a frequently used word, yet a word whose exact meaning is as elusive as the term "perverse". What those two words imply seems to vary from nation to nation, from community to community, from person to person. Beth Morgan and her brother, ..continue reading

Mother's problem

Patricia was admiring her body. The mirror reflected a bombshell beauty. She was thirty-eight, but she still had it where it counted. At five feet and six inches, Patricia was a woman who had taken care of her body. After only one child, she still ha ..continue reading


His hands trembled slightly. Yet his appearance was one of outward calm, a methodical thoroughness that obliterated emotional reactions. There was no room here for the indistinct grey region of emotions, of moods, of feelings. No. Here, there could ..continue reading

Zach manages to bring mother and daughter together

The following days blended together into a nonstop sex romp. If I wasn’t having sex with Ashley, I was sodomizing Jill. We always fucked in Ashley’s bed, Jill getting off on her daughter’s scent with Ashley’s panties stuffed into her mouth as ..continue reading

Sex with Mom

There is no doubt that my mother was beautiful, she was 41, looked at least 8 or 10 years younger, with almost the same body she had when she was a high school cheer leader. My father had died in an auto accident when I was 6 and she had not remarrie ..continue reading

Drunken sex story

Abby swirled the amber liquid in her glass. It was a fine scotch, full of aroma and spice. A nice finish, not much kick on the back end - overall very smooth. She always felt sexy drinking it. It made her very aware of the way the silky, navy blue fa ..continue reading

Incest twins

Beneath the outward serenity of small country towns run the same passions that we find in big cities and sprawling suburbia. Criminal acts are more apparent in the cities, but the same forces that drive urban man to crime are at work in our rural are ..continue reading


"Here, let me do it." "Yeah, you know how to get a cock hard, just rub it over that honey hole of yours, baby, and I'll ream it out good for you!" Eileen Tremaine reached down to grasp Hank Barstow's flaccid cock as he knelt between her widespread ..continue reading

Mom teaching teens

Sex between adults and children is a long-standing taboo which has abhorred decent people while secretly fascinating many of them. Certainly, the thought of an adult forcing himself or herself on an infant of very tender years is an abhorrent one. B ..continue reading

Your search to taboo stories is over here.

Wife succumbs to husband's desire to show her off and then some

The event took place while Megan and I were spending a Saturday at my friend's house on a beautiful summer day. We had been married seven years. Over the years we discovered that both Meg and I have two quirks which I believe made the event that ..continue reading

Sex workout

Trying to lose weight, I decided to join a gym. Which one to join was going to be a tough one. Took recommendations from friends. Checked online and read the reviews. Finally decided, Pete’s Gym got the best reviews. And it was not as expensive as ..continue reading

Pissing in the wood (pissing,urine,xxx,fetish)

I went into a deep sleep of which I have no recollection. The first thing that I became aware of was dreaming that Susan was fondling my still raging erection. I remember feeling so happy that I was going to get my wet dream about Susan. I dreamed th ..continue reading

Short sex story, cuckold

I got thrown a jaw dropping "fantasy" from my wife about two weeks ago, and she seems really into wanting me to do this. My wife and I are married 7 years. Shes 39 Im 43. She’s 5’7”, 165 lbs, long brown hair, and has big natural breasts. Attra ..continue reading

The Perversion of Lady Jane Grey

Burgabiter lent forward, ready to throw the master switch. The twist of his wrist was never made, he was thrown sideways away from the switch by the arrival of a bullish Brighton. Alphonso struggled against his assailant, while trying to regain his b ..continue reading


Ella slid the card into the slot and pulled down on the door handle. "I can't believe we're finally here!" Lana squealed. "Let's bring all the stuff in and put it in the kitchen and then we can take a look around," Kacie suggested. When Lana had g ..continue reading